How to make peace with your husband if he is scum. Wise women know how to make peace with their husbands

Quarrel is everyday life. So, don't worry. There are no people in the world who could live more than a few months together and without quarrels. Even if you have a big row, there is always a chance for reconciliation. How to make peace with your husband after a strong quarrel if he does not make contact? We will tell you point by point in this article.
Well, firstly, you need to realize, regardless of who first started the quarrel, a woman must be wiser and learn to smooth out conflicts. As they say, in marriage you can be right, or you can be happy. Ladies are naturally given sensitivity and tact, while a man is used to going ahead and extremely rarely admitting his mistakes. Perhaps, in order not to lose you, he will squeeze out a pathetic “sorry”, but still, deep down, he will believe that he is the one who is right.

Therefore, it is advisable to put aside phrases like: “I’m not going to put up with him, he started it first!” and take a step towards reconciliation with your loved one.
There are many ways to unobtrusively improve your relationship with your beloved man, but you will use them depending on the reasons why you quarreled. Psychologists consider two scenarios in any quarrel.

When is a woman to blame and when is a man to blame?
If a man is to blame, then the procedure is as follows:

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He needs to be given some time. It is very difficult for a man to accept his mistake; for him it is tantamount to a loss in life, and even more so, it is not as easy for him as for a woman to apologize. Therefore, he himself must come to the bright thought of reconciliation, and the fact that “Akella missed.” In a few days, your spouse will understand that communication with you is more important to him than principles, that he himself may have flared up in the wrong place and at the wrong time, and will take a step forward.

Take the first step.
Marriage is a compromise. If you always pull the blanket over yourself and strive to be right, you will most likely remain right in everything, but lonely. Make allowances for your loved one and be the first to reconcile; in the end, we are all without sin.

Make him nervous.
If your husband is jealous and an owner (and almost all men are such), you can make him a little jealous. He will want to reconcile with you if he sees increased male attention to you. An opponent must appear who looks but does not touch. And be very careful with this method. You should be given attention, but you yourself should not. Otherwise, if you start flirting with another man in front of your loved one, this may end in another scandal.

If a woman is to blame, then the procedure is as follows:

Give him an unforgettable dinner
Romantic mood, delicious meat, candles and good wine. This will be enough to soften the heart of any man. During dinner, try not to return to the topic that caused the conflict, but you can hint that you regret what you did and don’t want to quarrel with your loved one anymore.
Well, after an unforgettable dinner, it’s logical to give him an unforgettable night.

Give him a gift
Any will do. It could just be a nice little thing, or it could be the latest version of a computer game that has broken all sales records this year. The main thing is a sign that you are taking a step towards him and want to make peace. Of course, even if he has a gift in his hands, an unpleasant aftertaste may remain in his soul, so in addition to your gesture, it won’t hurt to apologize to your loved one. This will most likely eradicate all grievances.

There are also “hard cases,” so to speak, when a man does not want to make contact and put up with you.
Then the “heavy artillery” will be used:

- seduce your husband at night. A new set of underwear and gentle hugs have an almost flawless effect on men. If you don’t even talk to him, then at night, in bed, you can simply hug and caress him without words, he will understand everything himself. And then, when “the ice melts a little,” hint that you really want to make peace with your loved one;

- Prepare him a delicious dinner. During your life together, you, of course, have already managed to study the tastes of your man, and if you have really done something wrong, you will have to work to earn his forgiveness. Use the old proven method that has been passed down to us from generation to generation - “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” Prepare something very tasty, and specially dress sexier for his arrival. It will be difficult for him to resist.

- You can use the help of friends. Invite your friends to your home, in pairs, in order to defuse the situation a little. Of course, no stranger should know that you have a conflict, but as a rule, in the presence of others, men do not want to reveal their experiences, and they imitate a picture of a happy family life, without problems. Maybe your husband will do just that, and then, in a relaxed atmosphere, will gradually melt away.

At the same time, using our advice, do not forget about yourself. At the beginning of the article, we already wrote that a woman should be wise. But wise does not mean stupid. And psychologists categorically do not advise putting up with it constantly to your detriment, and even more so, regularly giving in.
Be sincere with your spouse, honestly admit that you no longer want to quarrel, do not humiliate yourself, and do not lose your dignity in front of him, use feminine cunning, and your sexuality, which nature has specially awarded you in order to seduce men and most importantly, For the future, do everything possible to prevent quarrels at the initial stage. After all, any scandal is stress for your psyche and for relationships, and it is much more effective to remain silent in time than to collect the fragments for a long time.
So, let's summarize the preliminary results.

It would seem that it might be easier to reconcile with a loved one, but as practice shows, it is with our loved ones that we find it most difficult to reconcile. How to make peace with your husband what if he is guilty? The difficulty of the situation is explained very simply - we are most susceptible to the actions and actions of our loved ones, and therefore the insults caused by them are the most difficult for us to “survive” and even more so to look at them soberly.

However, if we love, we want to live in peace and harmony, and even when a loved one has been wronged, we long for reconciliation with him.

So why not make peace and forget about the grievances? Moreover, they say so much that only the weak do not forgive.

Many psychologists advise meeting your husband and making peace first. They say that it is easier for a woman to do this, since emotions are her strong point. And this is true, but the whole problem is that it is not a matter of forgiveness, because when a woman wants to make peace with her husband, if he is wrong, when she thinks about reconciliation first, it means deep down in her heart that she has already forgiven him.

How to make peace with your husband

And here remains the most important reason that haunts and which does not allow us to go to reconciliation first - this is the fear that a similar situation will repeat itself and such behavior of the husband will become the norm. Fear that by forgiving and being the first to reconcile, she will not only forgive her husband, but will take his guilt upon herself. Thus, she will give her husband the opportunity to continue to offend her without a twinge of conscience. At the same time, she will have nothing left to do but constantly swallow grievances and go to the meeting first.

Now one could say, why do you need such a husband then? It means he doesn’t love you, it means he only thinks about himself and generally disagree with him, but this is all lyrics. People are not perfect, they are carried away, they are often wrong and do not see their mistakes - this is life and reality.

Therefore, the most effective way to show a husband and a person in general his mistakes is to rub his nose in it or make him feel it for himself.

Actually, this is what you and I will do, because it is not enough to want to make peace with your husband if he is guilty, you need to be able to do it correctly, be able to do it in such a way that the husband realizes his guilt and draws the right conclusions.

How to make peace with your husband if he is to blame

The first thing you need to understand is that the task is not to make your husband feel guilty and ask for forgiveness from you. And to make you understand and realize your mistakes so that they do not repeat again.

Thus, you will have to act very deliberately, probably stepping on your own throat. What can you do, the strength of a relationship does not come out of thin air, but through the ability to manage your emotions.

  • The husband does not know about his guilt.
    Of course, anything can happen, maybe the husband knows about his guilt, just out of pride he doesn’t come up and doesn’t ask for forgiveness. Probably you could have had a strong scandal in which you openly insulted him for the offense he had caused, and for this reason he is not suitable and will not be reconciled. But most likely the reason is that the husband is confident that he is right, without seeing what is happening in reality, he looks at the situation from only one point of view and is convinced that the truth is on his side.
  • Be that as it may, there are reasons with which he justifies himself, so there is no need to get angry and convince yourself that he is an insensitive egoist, that he is to blame and is not yet ready to reconcile. Even if this is the case, just understand that your worldview and his are at odds. There is your side, there is his, and if his guilt is obvious, you just need to show him your side.
  • Force yourself to listen.
    To do this, the beginning of your conversation should include the words: “Forgive me,” that is, you need to apologize to him.
    Even if it seems to you that you are not to blame for anything, and you don’t have to apologize, then just take this point as a cunning move - by apologizing, you automatically win the person over and don’t force him to listen to you, but he himself wants to listen and hear you . This is what you need, because your goal is for your husband to realize and accept his guilt before you.
  • In reality, of course, there is always something to apologize for: for raising your tone, for rude words, for impatience, and so on. You must understand that a quarrel is never one-sided, so think about what you could have done differently and apologize for not finding the strength to do it.
  • Get to the point.
    Having explained what you apologized for, move on to describe your point of view.
    The transition should not include conjunctions: a, but, only. Also, you should not go over to his personality, that is, to his side.
    Your task is to show your side, which means you need to talk about yourself.
  • Example “Forgive me, I was wrong for losing my temper and offending you, I shouldn’t have done that, but you .....” - this is not possible

You need to: “Forgive me, I was wrong to lose my temper and offend you, I shouldn’t have done that, it just hurt me, I’m from this situation...”. And then everything is how you saw the situation that offended you and describe in colors those feelings and your pain that you felt.
Thus, you will show him how it looked from the outside and describe that it really hurt.

  • Listen to him.
    There shouldn’t be a one-sided conversation, so he should also speak out and say what he thinks about the situation. At the same time, knowing your side, he must somehow react to it.

DO NOT expect him to apologize, but I understand the words that you were hurt, I won’t allow this to happen again, this is the ideal option.

Don’t delay the conversation, brevity is the sister of talent, so after you understand that your husband has understood everything, close the conversation by saying “I’m glad that you understood me, I love you” - something like this. Such a conversation will already be a victory for the two of you, and will give a good prospect for a peaceful solution to the difficulties that arise.

How to make peace with your husband if he is to blame. Video

They say the rules of the road are written in blood. In this case, divorce certificates are the tears and ashes of extinguished hearths. Do you know what put them out? Quarrels - large and small, domestic and love. One day the moment of the last disagreement comes: this does not mean that after it there will be peace and harmony. This means that you are no longer together and more than anything else you need an answer to the question - how to make peace with your husband after a strong quarrel if he does not make contact.

It turns out strange, right? They came up with the proverb “Dear ones scold, they only amuse themselves” - but this, it turns out, is not true. Venerable psychologists insidiously incite, they say, relationships without conflicts are dead, while sparks flare up in the living. Well, who to believe?

Calm down, there is no contradiction: you can and should quarrel, the main thing is to do it correctly - and make peace quickly.

You know, in the heat of conflict, it’s as if a demon takes over: you completely forget that in front of you, albeit annoyed by something, is still a loved one. I want to hurt him more, hurt him in a more original way, and generally knock him down with verbal arguments. But such victories are illusory, and that same possessed demon will one day remain your only companion. Therefore, no matter how emotions and other things come to your head, adhere to strict taboos - it is better if you and your husband conclude a mutual “non-aggression pact” on these points in advance.

  • No witnesses

Promise each other that even under the onslaught of emotions you will never slide into a public showdown - in front of relatives and friends. It is especially forbidden to call someone to be an arbitrator: children’s quarrels a la “he took the scoop from me in the sandbox” must remain in that same sandbox.

  • No personal attacks or insults

Slang folklore has come up with hundreds of pithy definitions, such as “mediocre”, “slob” and worse, but don’t let these words be heard in your quarrels. You can only criticize a person’s actions, for example, placing a dirty cup on a varnished table. But we don’t touch his “image of morality.”

  • No “greetings from the past”

At the peak of a scandal, you are tempted to lay out your “secret dossier” - personal secrets that your partner himself told you in a moment of frankness. For example, that he is afraid of mice. Or that in his youth he was teased as a “mini pig.” Or that his ex went to his friend... The person trusted you, and you are going to betray him. Be silent like a fish - speak only to the point of what is gnawing at you at the moment.

  • No ultimatums

How impressive loud crying looks: “I’m tired of these quarrels, one more - and we’ll break up!” Firstly, you provoke or support a good half of the scandals. Secondly, don’t make empty promises, and thirdly, don’t make threats here. You will quarrel a hundred more times and you will make up a hundred and one times. Don't make cheap scenes.

  • No analogies

“Everything like a womanizing dad!” - a great low blow. Here’s another: “You’re just like your loser friends.” Great, right? Now swear that you won’t say it out loud—and neither will your partner. Because “quarrels by analogy” are an extremely painful and stupid thing. In this world there is only you and your family, and who did what there is is the tenth matter, there is no need for sad and evil prophecies.

  • No door slamming

Walking away proudly at the climax is an effective gesture, but frankly stupid. First of all, you still have to come back. And besides, you cannot leave alone a person who is hurt, offended and annoyed. Because despair sometimes leads to tragedy.

  • No “go to someone else”

I would like to believe that there are couples in the world who, at the moment of a disagreement, do not utter the monstrous: “Oh, am I not what I should be? Well, find someone else!” Translated into human language, this means: “Yes, I’m a brat and a scoundrel, but I’m not going to change. I don’t care about your opinion, go to hell”... There are really few people in the world who, under the influence of resentment, do not say this sedition. Make a promise that you and your beloved will become one of them.

  • No "depersonalization"

There is a good tradition of giving family nicknames. All these “bunnies, kittens, raccoons” are much more intimate and tender than ordinary names. But when you are angry, “bunnies” run away from your vocabulary, and your dear “raccoon” turns into an ordinary Seryozha. And you go from “musi” to neutral Lena, as if you were just colleagues. Honestly, you cut without a knife. Promise that no matter how loud it is, not a single raccoon or bunny will be harmed. In general, continue to call him by his favorite nickname - and so will he.

  • No quarrels "under the fly"

Under no circumstances should you start a fight if one or both of you are drunk. Even if slightly and supposedly as a joke - no, that’s all.

What to do if you quarrel with your husband

"Temporary severance of diplomatic relations"

So, the storm died down. You are now in opposition, emphatically polite and cold - or completely ignoring each other. What can I say, “well done.” After a quarrel, a certain distance is natural and even necessary, but if you play with neutrality, you can lose each other. Remember how to behave during this period so as not to burn bridges.

  • Down with bravado

Some stupid people at such moments demonstrate in every possible way how happy they are with freedom - they post statuses on social networks, get involved in friendly parties, flirt (or pretend) with others. If you consider yourself smarter than single-celled animals and more merciful than white sharks, refrain from doing this.

  • Share your plans

When you live “according to the laws of war,” contact is completely or partially lost - and you can only guess what’s on the other side’s mind. Maybe he’s worried, or maybe he’s already filed for divorce. Your beloved is in exactly the same ignorance, and, believe me, this does not add optimism to either him or your future. Be wiser - make your plans known. For example, send humorous SMS: “Hello, executioner of my soul! After work, I’ll run to the store and get a haircut, if you can, walk the dog. No matter what, I kiss you." By doing this, you will calm the person down and take a step towards him. Well, test the waters to see how much he is willing to put up.

  • No third parties

Of course, you are now bitter and offended, you want to cry into a friendly vest and complain about “this adversary.” Be strong and wise, gather your will - and do without comforters, no matter who they are. And at the same time, do not discuss “this bastard”: driven by emotions, you will blurt out something that you yourself will regret later. Or your “characteristics” will reach the ears of the beloved - and then it will be much more difficult to put up with.

  • No melodrama

If you want to have a heart-to-heart talk, don’t bother your husband with calls in the middle of the working day or when he’s busy. The person won’t be able to have a full conversation, there won’t even be time to pick up the phone – but you’ll become even more angry than before, and the quarrel will take a new turn. On the other hand, do not leave his conciliatory calls and messages unanswered. You’re just pretending to be a queen, and God knows what’s already on his mind...

  • No cheating

Try to “get off topic” as much as possible during this period. We love to pick at wounds, savoring the memories of a quarrel. And the new details seem significant, and the offender seems unbearable. Stop, there is no ford in the river of offense. While you maintain cool neutrality, distract yourself with something positive, but not distracting from the family hearth. For example, watch all seasons of Desperate Housewives.

Keep in mind that according to the unwritten rule, reconciliation must occur within 24 hours. But the morals of those quarreling and the “conflict regulations” are different in each family, so a day is just a desirable standard, and not a strict one.

In order to quickly live in harmony again, follow the simple rules of reconciliation - of course, through the prism of the character of your soul mate.

  • Live up to his expectations

Remember when he likes to make peace - for example, on the second or third day of your icy silence - so follow the deadlines.

  • Admit it

If sincere repentance has not overtaken you, for your own benefit, pretend it is. For example, say that he is right about something: “something” is not a fatal concession, most importantly, do not start clarifying and do not allow him to drag you into this. After all, if you return to the cause of the conflict, instead of peace you will get a second series of war.

  • Give an emotion

You need to make peace sensually, otherwise this is not an achievement, but some kind of hopelessness that people were forced to accept, tired of puffing up and sulking. Go to your loved one with a cake, a tray of pistachio ice cream, meet them after work with balloons - it’s your holiday, you’re a “gang” again!

  • Tell me how bad you felt without him

In quarrels, what hurts people most is not the words spoken in the heat of the moment, but the indifferent attitude towards the disagreement. Only one conclusion suggests itself: if a person is not in pain, it means he doesn’t appreciate him and is ready to lose... Tell him how you missed him and how you missed him, hug him tightly, don’t be shy about tears.

  • Tell me why you want to make peace

Just don’t start the bagpipes again about the cause of the conflict. It’s better to say that you understand how golden the person next to you is, how much you value him, that you don’t need anything or anyone but him.

That's all the advice. Now you know how to quarrel correctly so that the showdown does not become the last, and how to make peace with your husband after a strong quarrel so that the disagreement does not become final. But remember: rather than looking for a way out of a crisis, it’s better not to create one at all!

Unfortunately, no marriage is immune from conflict situations, betrayal and divorce. When spouses accumulate negative emotions within themselves, sooner or later it comes to a showdown - a quarrel, scandal or even a fight. During an argument, people speak in a raised voice, do not “hear” each other, and do not follow their words. Often you have to bitterly regret what you say in the heat of the moment.

Not all married couples reconcile immediately after a quarrel. Sometimes this takes days, or even weeks. Pride gets in the way for some, while others simply don’t know what to do or what to say. Psychologists give advice on how to properly make peace with your husband after various conflict situations.

Spouses should refrain from quarreling if they do not love each other enough to make peace.
Jean Rostand

How to make peace with your husband after a serious quarrel or scandal?

Without arguments and outbursts of emotion, the relationship would not look real. Even the most well-mannered and reserved people cannot always control their feelings.

If the quarrel occurred over a trifle, it will be easiest to make peace. It’s another matter if the cause of the conflict was serious disagreements.

So, first you need to find out the reason for the quarrel. Regular clashes between spouses are most often explained by intolerance of each other's shortcomings, as well as unfulfilled hopes. Some time after the wedding, the ideal images of lovers dissolve, and real people with their imperfections remain.

The cause of conflicts is different views on life, on raising children, as well as financial problems. Spouses who have been married for a long time will always have a reason to quarrel. They know everything about each other, they have something to “remember”. It will be extremely difficult for such a couple to make peace, but resuming normal relationships is possible if you follow certain rules.

  • Remember your words spoken during the conflict and analyze them. Were they fair or out of anger and resentment? If you initiated the disagreement, you should apologize. If the husband started the quarrel and he was wrong, you need to explain to him that such conversations are unconstructive, and you should find out the truth calmly.
  • Take the first step towards reconciliation if you really value your relationship. Don't wait for your spouse to come with flowers and fall to his knees, begging for forgiveness. Men are proud creatures, they are afraid of appearing weak in such situations, and prefer to remain silent.
  • Look for a compromise. Choose an option that would satisfy both of you to some extent. Listen to your husband's opinion and show that you respect him, but in return ask him to respect your point of view. Find something common in your views and focus on that. And agree not to discuss what separates you.
  • Telephone or Internet are not suitable for reconciliation. A personal meeting is required. When people look into each other's eyes, it is easier for them to find a common language. Create a cozy atmosphere, cook dinner and talk in a relaxed atmosphere.
  • If you said a bunch of unpleasant things to your husband, tell him that you regret the hurtful words because you said them in a fit of emotion. Do not repeat the same phrases that were heard during the conflict. Do not blame or reproach your spouse, otherwise you risk quarreling again.
  • Don't sort things out in front of your children. They should not hear your quarrels or round table negotiations. If you need to talk frankly, send your children for a walk or go to a suitable place for conversation.
  • Do not involve third parties in family squabbles. Of course, you can ask relatives or friends for advice, but only advice, not interference. This will irritate the man, and the conflict itself will become more complex and deeper.

How to make peace with your husband after cheating?

. When going to cheat, a person is looking for what he could not find in his soul mate. Claims may be justified or unjustified. In any case, this is not the end of the relationship.

Cheating can be a reason to shake up a monotonous family life and rethink some values.

  • Find out what your husband is not happy with about you personally or in family life. Try to eradicate this. Do not rush to blame your spouse, first analyze your behavior and possible mistakes.
  • Start looking after yourself. Let the husband be pleased to look at a beautiful and well-groomed wife.
  • Show that you are ready to change for the sake of your husband, to become a better housewife, lover, and mother for your children.
  • Don’t start talking about everyday problems; the main task at this stage is to maintain warm feelings between you.
  • Try to bring back your former love and passion when you find yourself in bed.
  • If cheating occurred on your part, stop communicating with your lover. Don’t place all the blame on your husband; in such a situation, you are both to blame. It won't be easy to regain your husband's trust. Don't rush things, and be patient. From now on, prove your loyalty and devotion.

It's better to have a good fight than a bad reconciliation.
Mongolian proverbs and sayings

How to make peace with your husband after a fight?

Sometimes during a serious family quarrel it comes to assault. In this case, you need to clarify the circumstances under which your spouse raised his hand against you.
  • If this happened once and because of the intolerable behavior of a woman, the man can be forgiven for this incident. Indeed, under normal circumstances, such behavior is unusual for him and, perhaps, it will not happen again.
  • If your husband “extends his hands” regularly, you should think about why you need such a relationship. The sooner you break off this painful union, the better for you and your children.
  • It’s normal for him to beat his wife, especially if he feels his impunity. As soon as you notice signs of tyranny in your spouse, do not hesitate to decide on divorce.


In family life it is very important to learn restraint and diplomacy, but not every relationship is worth saving. Conflicts can arise not only because of bad character or accumulated problems. They may indicate serious psychological incompatibility between the spouses. In this case, it is better to end the relationship so as not to complicate each other’s lives.

Unfortunately, throughout the life of a family, marital quarrels often arise, and there can be many reasons for this. Quarrels over missing finances, lack of time, bad mood. The culprits come from different sides - both male and female. Some people have to adapt to the situation. Most often, in order to pacify her raging man, a woman has to do this. You need to try on, trying to direct life in its usual direction, smoothing out experiences, sometimes this is done in the most sophisticated ways.

How to make peace with your husband when he resists

In this case, it is appropriate to involve the husband’s friends in saving the situation. For example, invite everyone to the cinema, and at the end of the screening, organize a trip to a pizzeria that will not leave anyone indifferent. The plot of the film will be discussed over food; delicious pizza will most likely melt the ice in the heart of a loved one. A quarrel is not discussed in front of friends; everything will go as usual if there is a good atmosphere in the company. After the pizzeria, you can hug your husband and look into his eyes; the further development of events is decided by what feelings the woman encounters along the way. The look is warm and tender - the hugs become stronger, the same coldness in the eyes - you should wait and let the person understand what he wants.

How to make peace with your husband - jealousy

The quarrel drags on and lasts for several days, or even a week, then the women try to arouse jealousy. To do this, you need to focus on conversations with other men in the presence of your husband. When talking on the phone, you should let him know that it is a man calling, a work colleague, for example. The husband calls on his mobile phone, you can not pick up the phone for a longer time and pretend to be busy. True, accuracy with these elements will not hurt, since resentment is an unpredictable thing. For women involved in housework, there is an opportunity to find a job and be at home less often, but also do not forget to clean up after themselves, at least wash some of the dishes. Slight detachment from your loved one also gives good results. During misunderstandings, eradicate the habit of attacking your husband with hugs. Good-naturedly and a little detachedly kiss him on the cheek and continue to do important things.

How to make peace with your husband - tasty rewards

If a woman doesn’t really like to cook, she needs to remember her husband’s favorite dishes and learn how to cook them. After a quarrel, it is sometimes useful to give such gifts. A woman who works and is short on time, it is important to know that a good kitchen will help make the family atmosphere warmer. Is borscht rarely cooked on your home stove? No idea what shurpa is? The time of truce is the best moment to learn how to cook and expand your horizons. The presentation of the dish (better when there are several of them) should be special. Candles are not necessary, but hot borscht with fresh homemade sour cream and garlic croutons will not be indifferent to anyone. The setting is simple but homely, the table is clean, the kitchen shines, and with the kitchen comes a good-natured smile. After the main meal, add tea or original jelly.

How to make peace with your husband - bed reconciliation

Active games in bed are an excellent ally of any truce. The more passionate a woman is, the faster a man’s heart will melt. Perhaps there will be a desire to try something new, or something that you have always lacked time or desire for.

How to make peace with your husband - warnings

  • You should stop in time and try not to go too far. Allow your thoughts to cool and calm the surging feelings.
  • Under no circumstances should you run into a person and it is recommended to stop shouting. The scream is frightening and disorienting.
  • Women are more emotional than men, so they calm down longer. We need to wait for time for moral rest.
  • The current situation is discussed calmly at the end of a short pause.
  • During a quarrel, they do not scare the husband with divorce if the person is really close.

There are plenty of options to reconcile with your husband, the main thing is to be smart in time. A man lacks warm hugs; a woman has a reason to diversify her emotional range. Or the quarrel was because of the eternal mess, then the conflict should be resolved peacefully and, if the woman works, explain as clearly as possible why she cannot constantly clean up after everyone. A woman does housework and is tired of the monotony; it is also important to convey this idea to the offender before starting to apologize. By not solving the problem now, the family risks stumbling upon it later.
