How to understand that a child wants to crawl. Six month old baby crawls on his stomach in a circle

Often parents want their baby to grow up as quickly as possible - to roll over, sit up, crawl, stand up and finally walk. However, is it worth considering the fact that the child began to walk independently at six months as a source of pride?

Necessity of the crawling stage

In modern pediatrics, it is believed that it is extremely undesirable for children to skip the crawling stage, because upright posture creates a strong load on the baby’s spine. When crawling, the back muscles are actively developed, which are responsible for maintaining the spine in an upright position.

In addition, when a child begins to crawl, at the same time he develops thinking, since complex brain work is required to coordinate the alternation of arms and legs.

The baby begins to crawl

The age at which babies begin to crawl

  • gymnastics for the arms

The purpose of gymnastics is to strengthen the muscles of the arms and back. The mother takes the child lying on his back by the hands, having first ensured that the baby has a good grip on the mother’s thumb. Then the mother smoothly raises the baby’s hands up and lowers them. You can also spread the child's arms to the sides, and then cross them on the baby's chest. After this, you can try to slowly lift the child by the arms (up to an angle of 45 degrees), and then lower him.

  • flip exercises

If the baby is not quite confident in mastering flips, then this exercise will help speed up the process a little. The mother places her thumb in the child’s palm and holds his hand tightly. Then the mother begins to direct the baby’s body to turn over. At the same time, the mother holds the baby’s left leg with her right hand, helping him to rotate the pelvis.

  • exercise "frog"
massage to get baby to crawl

The mother takes the legs of the child, who is lying on his back, by the shins and smoothly begins to bend them into a frog pose, and then just as smoothly straighten them. Having turned the baby onto his tummy, it is useful to give him the opportunity to push off with his bent legs several times from his mother’s folded palms and move forward.

When performing the exercises, you need to calmly and affectionately communicate with the baby, creating a favorable emotional background in him and forming a positive attitude towards the exercises.

How to teach a child to crawl. The most useful!

Watch the video: how to teach a child to crawl

Firming massage

Of course, a special therapeutic massage prescribed by a doctor can only be performed by a medical professional. At the same time, mom and dad can give a simple restorative massage to the child so that he begins to crawl more actively at home. The main thing is to remember that the skin of a small child is very delicate, and at home it is best to limit yourself to such a technique as stroking. You cannot perform a massage earlier than half an hour before or after feeding, limit yourself to once a day. There should be no rings or other jewelry on the mother’s hands during the procedure. The duration of the massage can be about 5-10 minutes, but if the baby does not like it and tears begin, then it is better to postpone this matter for now.

Stroking arms, legs, back

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

It is most convenient to carry out this procedure on a special changing table. The mother strokes the child's hands both inside and outside from the hand to the forearm. Leg massage is carried out in sequence from the feet to the thigh, bypassing the knee joints. We turn the baby onto his tummy and begin stroking the back up and down. After light and pleasant stroking to strengthen the muscles of the arms, legs and back, you can stretch them a little in the sequence described above.

Getting your baby to crawl

It happens that the baby is already good at crawling around the crib on his belly or like a frog on all fours, but does not want to crawl on the floor. How then can you help your child start crawling?

  • We teach and help

After making sure that the child is developing correctly, from five months you can prepare the baby for crawling. The best place is a clean floor covered with a rug or blanket. Having laid the child on the floor and placed a cushion under his chest, you need to show him his favorite toy and place it at a short distance from him so that he wants to reach it. The baby's heels should rest against the wall or against the mother's arms, helping him push forward.

You can place favorite toys or new objects in front of the baby, close enough that the baby wants to take them, but far enough that he has to crawl to them rather than reach them. Be sure to praise your child if he manages to crawl a little. The baby may not understand your words very well yet, but he very accurately feels the intonation of approval.

  • A good example

Crawling adults or other crawling babies nearby will serve as an excellent role model for the child. This action will help identify all dangerous places and objects in space and prevent unexpected precedents. Parental encouragement and a friendly atmosphere will encourage the baby to make more active efforts to crawl. After some success, the tasks need to be made more difficult by creating obstacles in the child’s path.

Small children, who have learned to crawl at least a little, love to overcome various obstacles: low barriers, passages under chairs, etc. Use this to make crawling more active. You can buy a special path with small obstacles in the store, or you can make it yourself or use simple means that are always at hand, for example, towel rolls, as such “obstacles.”


  • On the stomach on the belly:

A child begins to crawl on his stomach after six months, depending on the development and readiness of the body. If the baby does not show any attempts to crawl after 8 months, you should consult a specialist. The efforts of patient and smart parents will help prevent many diseases and poor development of the baby. To activate muscles, doctors recommend practicing professional massage and exercises to master the skill of crawling.

Some children, having learned to roll over onto their stomach, begin to try to move with their arms and legs, spin in a circle or back away. Statistics show that children usually begin to crawl on their bellies at 8 months. Raising the torso, the baby rests on his hands and moves, pulling up the body.

Children crawl on their bellies

  • On knees:

From 9 months, the baby can stand on all fours and rock, preparing himself for further crawling. Timely crawling on all fours will develop the baby's back muscles, preparing him for walking skills. A child can crawl fully from 10 months, when arms and legs move synchronously and confidently. Cross crawling is the pinnacle of toddler skill.

Girls are ahead of boys in development, which is why they start crawling earlier.

Olga Petrovna Tselekhovich, a pediatrician of the highest category, advises: at what months do children begin to crawl?

Union of Pediatricians of Russia: How to teach a child to crawl? Crawl. Motor skills and exercises. Tips for parents

The importance of crawling

The ability to crawl has a beneficial effect on a child’s development, strengthens motor skills, affects speech formation and brain function. Trains perseverance, determination and endurance. Therefore, parents should take part in the desire to teach their child to crawl, without skipping this stage of development.

On the topic of development:

  • (up to a year)

Video: Teaching a baby to crawl

Baby doesn't want to crawl? Get him interested!

The baby crawls a little, but this is really important for the full development of the child. Watch him and you will see that there are things to which he is not indifferent. Stimulate your baby with objects that interest him, but don’t give them to him. Place them not far from the child, and as soon as he crawls up and is delighted with his prey, take the things away and place them even further away. We do this using the TV remote control; my daughter never gets tired of crawling behind it and, accordingly, this is an additional development for the baby. The child is more tired and sleeps better. We wish you success in this difficult task - the care and development of your child!

P.S. When the child begins to crawl on his own, indoor floor plants should be put up, the trash can and household chemicals should be hidden, and low-lying sockets should be covered with special lids.

Crawling is a very important stage in a baby's development. How to make learning the world in a new way comfortable and safe for the baby?

When will the baby crawl?

Most babies make their first attempts to crawl around 6-7 months and master this skill well by 8-10 months. Before starting to crawl correctly, many babies first crawl on their bellies - leaning on their elbows and pulling their body pressed to the floor, and also try to crawl back and rotate around their axis while lying on their stomach. This is how they get ready to learn how to crawl for real.

One of the main signs that the baby will soon crawl is the moment when he gets on all fours and rocks back and forth. This suggests that his arms and legs are already quite strong.

How to prepare for the crawling stage?

It is very important to create all the necessary conditions for the baby to develop a new motor skill.

Firstly, the floor of the nursery or other room where the baby is most often awake should be clean, warm and even. You can cover it with puzzle rugs. They are not slippery, moderately soft - that is, they will protect the baby from possible injuries - and keep the optimal room temperature, which means that the child will not catch a cold from crawling on cold parquet or linoleum.

Secondly, you need to remove everything dangerous from your reach. There is even such funny advice for young parents: crawl through the entire apartment yourself and understand what the baby can potentially reach. Remove anything fragile or breakable from the floor and lower shelves of cabinets, as well as electrical appliances and various small objects that the baby could swallow. If the apartment has low-lying sockets, they need to be closed with special plugs.

Thirdly, to make it comfortable for your baby to explore the world, dress him in comfortable clothes that do not hinder his movements. In addition, at this time it is worth switching to diapers designed specifically for older babies, who no longer lie in the crib most of the day, but are constantly turning over and learning to crawl.

How to help a child start crawling?

To encourage your baby to crawl, leave him awake on the floor (clean and warm, of course) as often as possible, where he can move freely. In addition to the fact that this will encourage the baby to actively move, it will also protect him from possible falls. An excellent incentive will be bright toys located so that the baby can see them, but cannot simply reach them with his hand.

What should you pay attention to?

Around 10-11 months, most babies are already crawling freely. Take a closer look at how your baby does this: it is important that the crawling is coordinated, according to the pattern “left leg - right hand, right leg - left hand.”

Why does it need to crawl?

With the help of crawling, the baby strengthens his muscles, learns to control his body and develops the most important nervous reactions. Thus, while crawling, various fields of vision are activated - for example, the habit of being careful and always “looking under your feet” is developed (and for now, at this stage, “under your hands”). In addition, the coordinated movements of the arms and legs when crawling are the result of complex brain work and indicate the full development of the baby.

Features of child development from birth to one year.

The life of a child up to one year of age is the most active period when he develops rapidly: he learns to hold his head and roll over, walk, sit, crawl, walk, speak some words... All this must be treated with a high level of responsibility, since the correct formation of skills and further adaptation to the conditions of the modern world will depend.

Based on the fact that each baby develops according to an individual plan (ahead of development or behind it), a young mother must know the approximate age when new skills should appear, so as not to miss the appearance of possible deviations in the development of the baby.

Baby development at 1 month

This is the most difficult time for a young mother, as she needs to get used to a new life in which there is a little person who requires care and attention. During this period, the baby sleeps almost constantly, so he adapts to new living conditions, actively grows and gains weight.

Breastfeeding for the first month

Breast milk is the best food for a baby. With it, the child receives all the necessary vitamins and nutrients that are needed for full development. During the first month, the baby gains an average of 600-700 g.

IMPORTANT: If a mother cannot feed her baby breast milk, it must be replaced with a special adapted formula!

When does a child begin to hold his head up and recognize his mother's voice?

If during the first weeks of life, during active wakefulness, he can randomly wave his arms with clenched fists, and also tuck his legs towards his tummy, then at the age of one month the child begins to develop new skills.

At one month of age, the baby is able to:

  • hold the head for a few seconds;
  • focus your gaze on the faces of your parents or bright objects;
  • make some sounds;
  • listen to different sounds and voices of people;
  • recognize mom's voice and smell;
  • crying indicates discomfort (colic, hunger).

Video: What can a 1 month old baby do? Baby development

Baby development at 2 months

This is an active period in the child’s development, his height increases by 2-3 cm, and his weight increases by 700-800 g. He begins to sleep a little less, eat more, and examine surrounding objects.

Young parents often ask the question - when will the baby start holding his head up and walking?! So, a two-month-old baby is already able to lift and hold his head for a short time due to the strengthened neck muscles, and also make humming sounds.

When does a child begin to walk, smile, pull hands, and distinguish colors?

Features of child development at 2 months of age:

  • starts to roar;
  • raises his head, holds it for a few seconds;
  • can smile;
  • reacts to parents' grimaces;
  • tries to pull hands towards an object of interest;
  • calms down while breastfeeding;
  • begins to distinguish colors that did not exist for him before.

Baby development at 3 months

The third month is characterized by the development of new skills that did not exist before. The baby is more interested in surrounding things and objects and sleeps less during the day. Able to hold his head, lying on his tummy, rises to his forearms, coos and babbles.

When does a child hold a rattle, take a pacifier out of his mouth, or reach for toys?

Baby skills at 3 months:

  • holds the head;
  • makes various sounds, reacts to mother’s words, hums;
  • can rest on the forearms;
  • takes the pacifier out of the mouth, inserts it back;
  • turns the head;
  • smiles;
  • reaches for objects with hands;
  • reacts to sounds and extraneous noises;
  • can hold a rattle.

Video: Child development at 3 months

Baby development at 4 months

At the end of this period, the child becomes heavier by another 700-800 g, and his height increases by 2-3 cm.

When does a child rise on his arms, pick up toys, recognize his mother, and respond to his name?

When a child is four months old, he is already able to:

  • hold the head independently;
  • climb onto handles;
  • react to sounds, turn your head, look for the source of the sound;
  • take toys in your hands, look at them, pull them into your mouth;
  • recognize mom;
  • hold your breasts with your hands during feeding;
  • rise to sit;
  • respond to your name;
  • laugh, pronounce syllables.

With each subsequent month, weight gain will decrease as the child begins to lead a more active lifestyle.

Baby development at 5 months

This period marks the beginning of a new stage in the child’s development. He is already actively turning over from his tummy to his back, and vice versa, he learns the world around him faster.

When does a child begin to roll over independently, sit with support, pronounce syllables, laugh?

At this age, the baby also knows how to:

  • sit with support;
  • confidently pronounce sounds and syllables;
  • laugh;
  • distinguish relatives from strangers;
  • cry when he lacks attention;
  • sucking fingers and toes.

Every day the child becomes more interesting and mature, the mother needs to pay as much attention to the baby as possible so as not to miss important moments of its development.

Baby development at 6 months

At six months of age, the baby's movements become even more confident. He begins to show his character more actively and persistently.

When does a child begin to sit, get on all fours, distinguish names, pronounce syllables?

He can:

  • sit down without assistance;
  • sit with support;
  • transfer objects from one hand to another;
  • get on all fours when lying on your tummy;
  • pronounce the syllables “ma”, “pa”, “ba”;
  • reach out to parents and things of interest;
  • distinguishes names, turns his head when you say his name.

Video: What can a 6 month old baby do? Baby development calendar

Baby development at 7 months

During this period, the baby begins to show even more activity and interest in the world around him. Every day he acquires new skills. The little fidget can no longer lie in one place, he quickly turns over from his back to his tummy, and back.

At this age, new products appear in the baby’s diet - cottage cheese and meat, which are so important for the development of the whole organism and the formation of teeth.

When does a child begin to sit, stand on his feet, and look at books?

At 7 months, the child already leads an active lifestyle. He moves more, tries to learn something new and interesting.

At this age, the baby can:

  • sit on your butt independently, sit without support;
  • stand on your feet (holding a support);
  • walk with mother's support;
  • crawl, most often in the opposite direction;
  • actively play games to develop hand motor skills (for example, “Magpie”);
  • pronounce different sounds;
  • remember parts of your body, show where your nose, mouth, eyes, etc. are;
  • hold the mug while drinking;
  • look at bright pictures and illustrations for a long time.

Baby development at 8 months

From this time on, the child should not be left unattended to prevent possible injury due to his active movements.

When does a child begin to speak his first words, try to eat on his own, walk around the crib, dance to music?

The eighth month differs from all previous months in that the baby can speak the first words - “mom”, “dad”, “baba”, “give”. In addition to this, the baby also knows how to:

  • move around the crib, along walls and pieces of furniture, holding on to them;
  • sit independently, stand on your feet, stand for a long time;
  • crawl quickly;
  • take food in your hands, put it in your mouth;
  • squat or dance to the music.

Baby development at 9 months

Very soon the baby will take his first steps, as he becomes more and more confident on his feet and walks with support. Perseverance begins to appear in his actions: falling, after an unsuccessful attempt to take a step, he rises again to repeat it.

When does a child begin to manipulate adults, understand simple words, and repeat the movements of adults?

At 9 months of age, new ones are added to the baby’s general knowledge and skills. The baby can:

  • manipulate adults using your crying;
  • show your negative attitude towards bathing, cleaning your ears, cutting your nails;
  • repeat the movements of adults;
  • say some words, the meaning of which is understandable only to family and friends;
  • drink from a cup or glass;
  • change direction of movement while crawling around the room.

Video: Child development at 9 months. How to teach a child to speak?

Child development at 10 months

This age is characterized by the beginning of “communication” with children. The child becomes interested in their toys, strollers or things. He examines them closely - to get acquainted. With the help of his mother, he can already play.

When a child begins to walk, play with toys independently, cannot understand words, name toy animals?

You can see your baby's first steps as early as 10 months of age. First, he will break away from the support, take a few steps and fall on his butt, then he will rise again, fall again...

After several unsuccessful attempts to take a step, confident steps will begin to appear, after which the baby will not fall on his butt.

  • At 10 months a child can:
  • take the first steps and walk;
  • quickly crawl, squat, dance;
  • play with toys: throw a ball, roll cars, pick up dolls, etc.;
  • remembers the names of animals, tries to repeat them;
  • understands the meaning of the word “impossible”;
  • shows parts of the body, name them.

Child development at 11 months

There is very little time left until your first birthday. The baby grows up every day, shows his character, tries to do something on his own (repeat the movements after his mother).

When does a child start pointing and waving his hand?

At 11 months of age, a child can already:

  • sit, crawl, walk, jump, squat;
  • wear socks, a hat;
  • show emotions when seeing familiar people, favorite toys;
  • enjoy new toys;
  • eat and drink independently;
  • waves his head - “yes” and “no”;
  • plays with small objects (sorts through cereals, peas, beans).

Child development at 1 year

At this age, almost all children already walk confidently without support or support. They become adults and try to explore the world on their own.

When does a child begin to chew, drink from a mug, eat with a spoon, care for toys, take them apart and put them back together?

At one year of age the child is already:

  • walks, jumps, runs, squats;
  • helps get dressed, comb your hair, brush your teeth, wash your face;
  • tries to chew solid food independently, cuckoos with a spoon;
  • shows his care for dolls;
  • plays with a constructor: collects parts, disassembles them;
  • speaks easy words;
  • remembers the position of objects and things;
  • eats only the food that he likes.

The first year of a child’s life was marked by the emergence of new skills, abilities and knowledge. During this time, the baby became much more independent, mature and confident in his actions. There is still a lot of interesting things ahead, the main thing is not to miss all this due to constant busyness and various problems!!! Pay more attention to your children, this is very important for them!!!

Video: Child development at 1 year old Family from A to Z

Is it true that girls and boys develop differently? Yes, it's true, and the female sex develops faster than the male sex. According to statistics, girls begin to sit, crawl, and walk faster. But still, gender does not play a special role in physical development, and doctors do not pay attention to whether the person in front of them is a boy or a girl, but are guided by general data. The ability to crawl and sit independently also depends on the weight and development of the baby! For example, a skinny girl will crawl faster than a skinny boy, but a well-fed baby will be lazy, and the skinny boy will beat her to it! Another factor is activities with the baby. If parents, by their own example, show a boy how to crawl, conduct classes, exercises, and do gymnastics to strengthen his muscles, then this child will crawl faster than a girl. Today we’ll talk about what time boys start sitting and crawling, and for this we’ll use the average standards from the child development table. You will learn the established norms, why the baby did not crawl on time, and how to help him.

Is it necessary for a child to crawl: role in development

Children try to reach their cherished goal for the first time from the age of 5-6 months, even if they do not yet know how to sit. Kids see a toy, some thing that attracts their attention, get down on all fours or on their knees, and rest their hands on the sides of the crib or sofa (chair) and try to get the thing they like (usually this is something that they have never touched before, even what they are not allowed to do).

At what age do boys begin to crawl consciously? This usually occurs at the age of 8-10 months, it depends on the body type and the readiness of the muscles for stress. If you look at the statistics of reviews, girls begin to crawl confidently and coordinated from 7-9 months, it turns out that boys a little later.

How does this stage affect the baby’s development?

  • when crawling, the muscles that will soon be needed for walking begin to be loaded;
  • the back muscles and spine are strengthened, and this leads to correct posture;
  • different parts of the baby’s body begin to work synchronously;
  • crawling helps connect both hemispheres of the brain to the work;
  • children learn to navigate in space;
  • balance develops.

If a child crawls early, this indicates his good heredity, physical and mental activity. When boys begin to crawl later than 11 months or do not want to do this at all, it is worth consulting with a pediatrician and other specialists. After all, this may indicate a delay in development or health problems.

What does skill depend on?

Dr. Komarovsky answers the question of what time boys start crawling this way: it is impossible to definitely name the age, it all depends on the child’s readiness. He will crawl as soon as he is ready both physically and mentally.

At what time does a child (boy) begin to crawl on his own? This depends on the following factors:

  • baby’s weight (the larger the baby, the later he will crawl);
  • time of birth: premature babies are often slightly behind in development;
  • the presence of past diseases: children weakened by diseases physically develop more slowly.

How do babies learn to crawl?

  1. At the age of 3-4 months, babies begin to confidently hold their head when lying on their tummy. They lean on their arms, turn their heads to the sides, examining the area.
  2. From 4-5 months, babies can already lift themselves up on their arms when lying on their stomachs. They independently roll over from their back to their stomach. If you place the baby upright, holding him with his hands, he will begin to lean on his legs.
  3. From 5 months or six months, children begin to try to sit independently. To help, it is recommended to cover the child with pillows, this will strengthen the back. Children begin to sit independently in different ways; some confidently hold their back from six months, others from 8-9 months.
  4. From the age of six months, babies try to crawl on their bellies, grunt funny, raise the back of their body high, straighten their legs, and rest their faces on the floor!
  5. From six months onwards, you need to closely monitor your babies, ensure complete safety in the house (hide all sharp, cutting, flammable things, block sockets, cabinet doors where you can press your hands. Some babies start crawling early!

By 7-8 months the baby can crawl on his belly; by 9-10 months the child should be able to sit up independently. At the same time, he easily turns over on all fours, although hesitantly, he tries to crawl.

The main stages of development of the ability to crawl

We figured out what time a boy starts crawling on his own. We invite you to find out what stages precede the development of a skill and what you need to pay attention to:

  1. From the age of three months, it can be noted that the baby, lying on his stomach, actively rows with his arms and legs, rests his face on the surface, as if something is bothering him. It may move a little back or to the side, this is how a child learns to crawl, still unconsciously, without even seeing the goal.
  2. Gradually, children begin to control the handles; they rest first on the elbows, then on the palms. Notice how the baby begins to sway, leaning on his arms - this is how coordination improves.
  3. Next, the child begins to slowly try to crawl; for some reason, many can crawl backwards at first! The first crawl is cross. That is, the left hand moves synchronously with the right leg and the right hand moves with the left leg.

It happens that babies skip the stage of crawling on their bellies. There's no need to worry about this. This is considered normal if the child crawls on time. Many people immediately get on all fours.

Should I worry if my baby doesn't crawl on time?

We understand at what months a baby boy begins to crawl. What good reasons can there be if a child does not crawl on his own by 10 months?

  • Excessive fatness.
  • Weak muscles.
  • Injuries suffered during childbirth.
  • Prolonged stay of the child in stirrups or in a cast.
  • Just temperament.

The doctor will prescribe a diet, physical therapy, massage, physiotherapy and other measures to eliminate the causes, and the baby will soon crawl. If there are no such reasons, but by 10 months the baby has not crawled, you should consult a doctor about undergoing an examination.

Why do boys start crawling later than girls?

Neuropsychologists have been studying this phenomenon for a long time, and they have discovered that from birth boys’ brains work differently, hence the difference in development by age. For example, up to 8 months, girls have less acute hearing, but noise irritates them more. Boys are less demanding of tactile contact; they do not need affection and stroking as much as girls.

Girls need less space to develop: they play with dolls and build houses for them in one corner. Little boys need space; if there is not enough vertical space, they strive to conquer the horizontal: they hang on doors, climb on wardrobes (they immediately fall off them), conquer the backs of sofas and other furniture.

Why do boys develop physically slower? Perhaps the fact is that at this time the development of mental ability is intense. It has long been proven that from childhood, boys think more broadly, solve more non-standard problems, they have many interesting ideas, their horizons are broader and more developed than those of girls.

If the neighbor's girl is the same age as your boy, she is already crawling, but your son is not, this is not a reason for frustration! Girls develop faster, write more beautifully, read faster, boys solve geometric and mathematical problems better, understand physics and chemistry better, they are always driven to adventures, new discoveries (remember, there was not a single woman who discovered new islands and continents). All this is a plan of nature that is not yet known to us.

So, we figured out what time boys start crawling, how they learn it, and why they lag behind girls. The reasons for late crawling are clear. How can you help your child learn to crawl? There are special exercises.

Gymnastics for arms

Exercises will help strengthen the muscles of the baby’s arms and back:

  1. Place the child on his back, let him grab your thumbs with his hands. Use the rest of your hand to clasp your baby's wrists. Start pulling your arms towards you, the baby will begin to strain them and try to raise his back. Relax your hands, do not pull the baby towards you. Repeat 10-15 times.
  2. The position is the same as for the first exercise. Do not pull the arms towards you, but spread them to the sides, pull them a little to the sides, then lift them up (above the child’s head), pull them again a little, fold them on the chest. Repeat 10 times.

Exercises are done several times a day.


What time do boys start crawling? It also depends on whether his parents work with him or not! If at 4-5 months the baby has not yet mastered rollovers, help him learn:

  1. Hold your baby's right arm with one hand while he is lying on his back. With your other hand, place your right leg on top of your left, push the pelvis so that the child begins to roll over, help him.
  2. As soon as the baby manages to roll over onto his stomach, begin to help him roll over back onto his back. Repeat the exercises 5-7 times.

You need to do this every day until your child pleases you by turning over on his own.


Their further physical development does not depend on how many months boys begin to crawl. They may start crawling later than girls their age, but they will walk earlier, or run faster later! And yet, every parent wants to boast to their friends that the baby started crawling early! To speed up the process, do the “Frog” exercise every day, which will help your baby quickly learn to crawl and understand how it’s done:

  1. The child is on all fours or on his tummy, place your palm under the heels, push a little, the child will begin to lean and push off, push, but not too much, otherwise the baby may fall face down from a sudden movement.
  2. The legs will be bent, the baby will raise his pelvis and begin to crawl forward with his body, straightening his legs.
  3. Repeat several times.

Other exercises, massage

  1. Place your baby on his back, twist and turn his legs like a bicycle, and play with his hands (helps develop coordination).
  2. Massage your arms, legs and back.
  3. Place the baby vertically, he should rest his feet on the floor.

Arouse interest

What time do boys start crawling? Some earlier, some later, but still no later than 10 months the baby should crawl independently and confidently. Arouse his interest in this activity:

  1. Place toys on the floor (preferably new ones, not boring ones), but away from the baby. He himself must crawl to them.
  2. Sit down away from the child, call him to you (a grandmother who came to visit, a dad from work, an older brother or sister who came from school can help with this). Don't approach yourself, let the baby crawl! You can take something in your hand that interests him.

All parents are concerned about the question of what time their children begin to crawl. Boys and girls develop slightly differently, but there is still a certain standard criterion, and if the baby does not fall within this framework, regardless of gender, you need to consult a specialist.

Each new skill of a baby plays a big role for his future adult life. One of the most important moments is the period when the child begins to crawl. It is this action that prepares him for upright walking. There are certain stages, the timely overcoming of which is necessary for the proper development of the musculoskeletal system and the human brain.

When a child sees interesting objects around him, he tries to reach them, thereby strengthening the necessary muscles

Parents sometimes rush their children and are very happy if the child turns over early, sits up, crawls, or walks. This is not always correct. Nature has everything figured out, and sometimes it’s worth trusting in the development of a fragile organism. If the baby began to walk early and practically did not crawl, this threatens with very unpleasant consequences:

  • The rapid transition to upright posture affects the spine. When a baby begins to crawl, the back muscles are strengthened, which in the future will take on the difficult function of maintaining the spinal column. If this period is missed, the load may be too strong, which can lead to the development of a number of pathologies;
  • Crawling involves complex brain work, because... You need control over the alternation of arms and legs. If the baby does not have the opportunity to learn this, problems with coordination and thinking are guaranteed in the future.

It is difficult to name the specific age when a toddler should crawl. It all depends on how he handled the mandatory exercise program before. When a child sees interesting objects around him, he tries to reach them, thereby strengthening the necessary muscles. If the baby turns over early and is active and inquisitive, he can crawl at 5-6 months. Chubby and lazy toddlers who don’t need to try to get something can wait up to 8 months. True, at this time pediatricians already allow you to help the baby and recommend massage to strengthen muscles or special exercises.

Crawling on his stomach is one of the stages of a baby’s physical development, which prepares him for more active movement.

There are three main stages that a child goes through before it can be said that he has learned to crawl:

  1. Stomach crawling. The easiest type of movement that requires minimal effort and energy. It doesn’t matter in which direction the baby starts crawling: backwards, sideways or forwards. The main thing is that he already feels comfortable being on his stomach and is ready for new achievements;
  2. The second stage can be represented by several options. The child puts his arms forward and pulls his legs towards them; it may even look like a jump. Or the baby gets on all fours, throws his arms forward, and pulls his legs up one at a time. These are already bold attempts, but not yet full-fledged crawling;
  3. The final stage is cross crawling. Arms and legs alternate in a clear order, the baby tries to crawl all the time, because he understands that this is the fastest and most convenient way to get what he wants, the muscles quickly become stronger, and the speed of movement increases.

A light massage with your mother’s hands can work wonders - you will be surprised how your little one’s muscles will become stronger after this

Even if your baby's development is going according to plan, muscle strengthening exercises never hurt. When the inversions are completed and lifting on the forearms is mastered, you can begin gymnastics designed to help the baby begin to crawl.

  • Exercises using a fitball. The baby is placed with his stomach on the ball, his head away from the supporter, and is fixed in the armpit area. The ball must be gently rocked back and forth, which will force the baby’s back to bend in the right places, thereby strengthening the muscles.
  • Gymnastics to strengthen arm muscles. The child lies on his back and clasps his mother’s thumbs with his hands. The mother begins to raise and lower the baby’s arms, spreading them apart. You can even lift the little one by the arms until an acute angle is formed between the surface and the back.
  • "Frog" . If the child begins to lie quietly on his stomach and be held in his arms, you can take him by the legs and smoothly bend him into the “frog” position, gradually returning him to his original state. If the baby is not fussy, this is a sure sign that he is almost ready to crawl.

In addition to exercises, you can do a strengthening massage. A special health or treatment program can only be carried out by a medical professional. But everyone can learn general strengthening techniques. Before carrying out manipulations, you should consult a doctor. And if there are no contraindications, then every day you can do light stroking and patting of the back and limbs for 5-10 minutes.

It is important to remember that if the baby is active, but has not learned to crawl at 7-8 months, this is not a pathology - there is no need to panic. Perhaps he just doesn’t want to crawl somewhere yet or is not confident in his abilities. Before taking any steps, you should express your concerns to an experienced professional and follow his instructions strictly.

Hello, dear parents! Today we will talk about one of the important stages in your baby’s life. We will talk about at what age a child begins to crawl. Many mothers and fathers are interested in this issue and we, naturally, could not help but touch upon it on our website.

At what months do babies start crawling?

If the neighbor's child is already crawling with all his might, and yours is still lying peacefully on his tummy. There is no need to despair and sound the alarm. In this regard, each child is individual. Moreover, very often a situation arises when the child practically does not crawl at all, but immediately begins to walk.

Therefore, to give an unambiguous answer here: “At this number of months, all children should already be able to crawl. If this doesn’t happen, then that’s it, guard duty.” No, it's okay if one starts crawling earlier and the other later.

If we take the average statistics, then according to them, babies are already crawling with all their might on all fours at 7-8 months. They start trying at 4-5. There are cases when children generally begin to crawl very early, from 3-4 months. And sometimes they start walking right away, skipping the crawling stage.

Boys start crawling later than girls. They do everything later, as a rule, you probably already know this.

So what can I recommend here? Start preparing after 5 months, and one day a miracle will happen, your baby will crawl.

All the benefits of crawling

Now let's figure out why it is so important that your baby finally starts crawling and does not miss this stage of development.

1. Development of coordination of movements. The child learns to maintain balance and also begins to navigate in space.

2. Independence, freedom of action. When a baby begins to crawl, this is a very big feat for him. He finally started doing something on his own, with virtually no outside help. He can now crawl to the toy or other object he needs.

3. Strengthens muscles. It is clear that when a child crawls, most of the muscles are in good shape. I hope there is no need to explain that this is very useful for a healthy child.

4. Formation of the spine. As the baby crawls, its natural curves (of the spine) are formed. Later, when the baby walks, the vertebrae will be able to withstand more load.

Methods and stages of crawling

If you think that a child crawls on all fours and that’s it, then you are mistaken, he will learn several more ways and will amuse you with his movement around the house.

On the tummy. This is the very first stage of the baby's movement. He cannot yet lean heavily on his arms and, therefore, cannot move on all fours, so he tries to achieve his goal while lying on his stomach.

Back away. This is one of the varieties of baby crawling on his stomach. The baby may begin to try so hard that he will confuse the direction and crawl not forward, but backward.

In Plastun style. The child rows with his arms and legs, lying almost on his stomach.

Crawling with flips. To be honest, these movements can hardly even be called crawling. The baby simply spins on his side in the direction he needs. By the way, with the help of such coups, he can very easily roll off the crib, so be very careful.

Classic crawling on all fours. This is exactly the method that will satisfy all parents. The baby will stand on his knees and hands and rearrange them in turn.

Helping a child begin to crawl

As I wrote above, the child himself will decide when to start crawling, but our task is to help him with this. I emphasize help, not force. What is the help? As always, in games with the baby and some exercises.

1. In the last article we discussed it with you. . So, laying on the tummy is just one of the first exercises, which will then help the baby begin to crawl.

2. Tease your baby a little. Lay the baby on his tummy and place some favorite toy not far from him, just so that he can’t reach it, so that he has to crawl at least a little to get to this toy.

3. Do simple gymnastics. When your child is lying on his back, take turns bending his legs and arms.

4. It will be good if the baby sees with his own eyes what crawling is. That is, you will either have to show yourself how it’s done (it looks very funny, but it’s okay), or find a peer who is already crawling. It’s easier in a family where there is already one child. The older one will show the younger one how to crawl, and both will be interested and the parents will have a rest.

If this is your first-born, then you can look for friends with the same baby or a little older and come to visit them or invite them to yours. Let the kids gain experience from each other.

Safety precautions

It's no secret that a child must learn to crawl on a hard surface. Beds and sofas are not suitable for this. Well, there is too little space on the table for a child to crawl on it. In addition, you can easily fall off the table this way.

Because of this, most parents teach their children to crawl on the floor. It follows from this that the floor surface should be clean and without any unnecessary objects on it. No extension cords. It is also better to remove all irons, vacuum cleaners and other equipment that the baby can crawl to.

If you still decide to teach your child to crawl on the bed, then don’t take your eyes off him, because he can safely fall to the floor, and this is very dangerous.

Remember that the child must perform any exercises in a good mood. This also applies to crawling. Also, the baby must be absolutely healthy. There is no need to force a crying child who is worried about something to crawl.

The baby shouldn't be hungry either. So wait. Until an hour or an hour and a half passes after feeding, and only then begin to prepare the child for exercises.

Well, that's all I have for today. I hope that your baby will soon not only crawl, but also walk with small but confident steps.

Good afternoon, dear readers! Crawling is a natural stage in the development of babies. But for parents, it is evidence of the growth and maturation of their beloved baby. That is why impatient mothers often rush the onset of this period and worry when their baby does not begin to move on all fours. So that you, dear readers, don’t have any unnecessary questions, we’ll figure out when babies start crawling.

When talking with each other on forums, parents often mention the figure 6 months. Many people believe that at six months a baby should learn to move on his own four feet.

In fact, this figure is abstract and not confirmed by research. The famous doctor Dr. Komarovsky, when asked at how many months a child usually begins to crawl, answers that the baby himself will begin to perform the necessary actions when he is ready for this.

How can adults help him? Prepare the muscles with the help of exercises, harden them, ensure the supply of calcium and vitamin D to the body (for prevention), so that crawling does not turn into hard work. The formation of crawling skills is influenced by four factors:

  • health status;
  • physical development (weight, muscles);
  • characteristics of temperament (active children begin to move earlier);
  • psychological climate in the family.

The higher the indicators in all respects, the sooner the baby will begin to take his first steps on all fours.

By the way, this rarely happens, but some babies skip this stage of development altogether and get up right away. So the question at what age do children begin to crawl actively cannot always be considered correct.

The first indicator that the baby will soon get on all fours is skill. Half the job is done. Now you need to strengthen your muscles and hit the road.

Benjamin Spock, author of the book “Child and Child Care,” provides the following average figures: 5-6 months – training in crawling; by 7 months, children are already moving well. Neurologists focus on a fairly wide time period - from 5 to 9 months. If at this stage there is no crawling, and the baby makes no attempts to move, we can talk about the presence of pathology.

Parents also need to take into account the fact that there are different types of crawling. On forums you can find statements from hectic mothers who claim that their children began crawling at 3-4 months. If you are one of them, then most likely you mistake the floundering and attempts of babies to move from their place while lying on their stomachs for full-fledged crawling. Alas, this is not yet a full-fledged skill.

Types of transportation

Children do not start crawling “suddenly,” “at one moment.” They go through several stages during which they demonstrate different types of movement:

Baby crawling on his belly

It may seem to parents that the baby is moving like a caterpillar on its stomach, moving its whole body. Children begin to crawl on their bellies at 4-5 months. The direction of movement can be different: forward, sideways, backward. Adults should be patient: the baby will soon walk confidently on all fours.

Baby crawling on his stomach

At the next stage, the baby pulls his legs under him, pushes off with them and makes a kind of jump. It is more convenient for him to crawl on his stomach, since his arms are not yet strong enough to support his body weight.

Rocking back and forth

My child began his crawling by rocking. It was a very funny process, because my son could do this for an hour without stopping. Just stand on all fours and rock back and forth.

We crawl on all fours and sit

After long training, the baby begins to crawl on all fours and sit. This is the so-called cross crawling, when the baby coordinates the movements of his arms and legs. Crawling is a great development activity; babies are delighted with their own speed and agility. Parents can only support them in this endeavor and rejoice at new successes.

Unusual ways of crawling

Sometimes children choose non-standard types of crawling: on their backs, on their butts, or bending one of their legs. The baby doesn’t know what it’s like to crawl correctly, so he prefers the best way for him. Parents are worried about this situation. How to get out of it?

How to crawl correctly for a child?

You can show your baby how to move correctly on all fours. Guide his arms and legs if necessary. Perhaps after a while he will please you.

Correct crawling involves moving one arm and the opposite leg forward. Then they change. One-sided movement (when the right leg and arm are extended, or vice versa, only the left limbs) is considered incorrect.

Anxiety of parents may also arise about the fact that the baby is already walking on all fours, but not yet sitting. This is a normal situation. The child begins to crawl earlier, and when he masters the style in a plastunsky style, he usually tries to sit down.

But doctors recommend: you shouldn’t force things. Sitting creates a strong load on the spine, for which the body may not yet be ready. Develop crawling: it strengthens bones and muscles. When the time comes, the baby will definitely sit down.

If the child does not crawl...

At 10 months, babies usually have developed crawling skills. The question of when children begin to actively crawl on all fours fades into the background for parents. But this doesn't always happen.

If the baby does not try to crawl, it is worth showing the baby to a neurologist. There are pathologies in which movement on all fours becomes impossible:

  • underdevelopment of the ligamentous-muscular system;
  • overweight;
  • chronic or congenital diseases that weaken the body;
  • injuries, dislocations of limbs;
  • swaddling too tight;
  • heredity.

Sometimes the reason is laziness, lack of motivation, or simply a balanced character, when the child directs his efforts to the development of speech, fine motor skills, and large motor skills remain out of his attention.

In this case, it is worth increasing motivation. For example, show the baby a new beautiful object and put it at a distance. Don't give the toy into your hands! Encourage your baby to take a few steps on all fours.

But before you start acting, make sure with the help of a doctor that the child does not have serious pathologies, and he is ready for stress. Now you can crawl!

Perhaps all moms and dads are looking forward to the moment when their baby starts to crawl. After all, with the acquisition of this skill, the child turns from an attentive observer into an active researcher of the world around him.

In this article, you will learn about when exactly to expect the beginning of this important stage in development.

Should you help your baby crawl? How does this skill manifest itself at first?

At what months does a baby begin to crawl?

According to many studies, the crawling reflex appears in children already in the first minutes after birth. When the baby is turned over on his tummy and palms are placed under his heels as a support, the child tries to push off and thus move forward. True, such movements cannot yet be called conscious. They are produced reflexively, without the involvement of brain activity.

Such manifestations of the innate reflex disappear by 3-4 months of the baby’s life. At this age, the back muscles begin to actively develop, which is the next stage of preparation for crawling.

The kid acquires a new ability - now he easily rolls over from his back to his tummy, and some children even begin to hold their heads on their own.

The development of the crawling skill directly depends on the age at which the child begins to roll over. Without this ability, the baby will only be able to crawl on his butt. But the first attempts at full crawling appear in children mainly at 5-6 months. It is worth understanding that this figure is nothing more than a very generalized statistic.

The development of each child is so individual that it is simply impossible to predict its possible outcome.

There are simply no exact age criteria required for every child. Various factors can influence the formation of active motor activity of a baby, namely:

  • the child’s health status, the presence of congenital or past diseases;
  • the baby’s personal qualities, his temperament (active or calm);
  • psychological environment surrounding the child.

Due to the huge number of individual characteristics, the crawling stage can occur either earlier than the stated period or much later. By the way, some children themselves skip this stage of development, immediately getting on their feet.

There is also an opinion that girls begin to crawl somewhat earlier than boys, since they are initially ahead of them in development. Modern pediatricians have come to the conclusion that this concept is nothing more than a myth. The onset of crawling can be influenced by many things, but not by gender.

How can you tell if your baby is starting to crawl?

Parents may notice the first “bells” indicating that the child will soon attempt to crawl. Active crawling is preceded by the development of synchronized movements, the manifestation of interest in the surrounding world, and the general development of motor skills. It becomes clear that the baby’s movements acquire a conscious character, randomness and randomness disappear.

The child's need for knowledge is growing, which means that the space limited by the crib becomes small for him. This makes the baby finally crawl.

Sometimes the baby begins to show motor activity at night. Why does a child crawl in his sleep?

The answer is simple: in children at this age, the nervous system develops very quickly. In fact, the nervous system is in constant tension, and the baby feels the need to train new skills almost around the clock.

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Some children wake up at night and crawl around literally half asleep. Don’t worry, these are not signs of sleepwalking, but an age-related feature. As soon as the movement becomes habitual for the child, his restful sleep will be restored.

What are the stages of crawling?

Of course, the baby is unlikely to be able to immediately move on four points of support. Full crawling is usually preceded by several stages:

1 Crawling on your stomach (on your belly). The baby moves on his stomach, using his elbows to pull him forward. In this case, the maximum load falls on the muscles of the shoulder girdle, arms and elbow joints. These movements are somewhat similar to how a caterpillar moves. At first, it will be difficult for the child to direct his strength to move forward. If the baby crawls this way to the sides or even backwards, there is nothing to worry about.

2 Crawling on the belly, pushing off with the legs. If previously only the upper limbs and shoulder girdle took part in attempts at active movement, now the baby is also trying to use his legs in crawling.

The child may pull his legs forward one at a time, which will be similar to trying to get on all fours.

The baby can also perform similar manipulations while lying on his back, as if honing his manner of movements. Instead of support, some children begin to use their palms rather than their elbows. During this period, you can notice that the baby moves backwards - this also does not at all contradict the correct course of development of coordination of movements.

3 Crawling on all fours. After all the training, the child has enough practical knowledge and skills to truly crawl forward on all fours. Now the baby can place his arms and legs in the correct sequence (crosswise, the way most mammals walk).

Realizing that now the movements are smooth, dexterous and clear, the baby simply cannot help but be inspired to crawl long distances. You will be incredibly surprised at how quickly a child manages to cover the distance to an object of interest!

Usually every child goes through all these stages. But different babies interpret them differently: some begin to crawl on their bellies, as if spinning around their axis, others move sideways. For some reason, some children leave their legs straight without bending their knees. Or only one leg is involved in the movements, while the child tucks the other under his tummy.

Stranger things also happen - sometimes babies crawl while lying on their backs.

Undoubtedly, this method of teaching crawling is somewhat extraordinary, but it does not go beyond the norm. For a child there is no concept of “normal” or “abnormal” - he simply chooses the most convenient method of movement for himself. Over time, the baby will learn to use these skills while lying on his stomach.

Crawling exercises

The desire for movement is inherent in people by nature, but this does not mean that in matters of a child’s development one should rely only on the natural course of events. It is necessary to help the baby overcome difficulties, forget about the first failures and finally learn to crawl correctly. For this, there is a set of special exercises aimed at strengthening the musculoskeletal system and improving coordination of movements.

1 Exercises to strengthen arm muscles

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Walking on your hands. A very useful exercise for the muscles of the arms and shoulders. To do this, carefully place the child tummy down on the inside of your forearm, holding him behind his back with the other hand. We hold the baby over the table with a slight forward tilt. The child will look for support with his hands, thereby moving forward on his palms.

Hand pull-ups. The baby is lying on his stomach. A rattle is hung at a short distance from him, so that it is slightly above his horizon line. The child will try to strain his shoulder girdle to pull himself closer to her.

2 Exercises on fitball

We place the child on the fitball with his tummy down. At the same time, we carefully hold him by the armpits. We can easily swing the ball back and forth. The baby will strain a little, arching his back.

This exercise helps strengthen the back muscles, which are also very important for crawling.

The position remains the same. With one hand we continue to hold the child by the armpits, with the other we hold the heels so that the legs are in a horizontal position. A bright toy is placed on the floor, not far from the fitball. The child will try to reach it by moving his palms.

3 Exercise with walkers

This exercise is best performed when the baby has already acquired basic crawling skills. It will help your child learn to move more confidently using his knees.

A pillow or soft cushion is laid out on the laid floor. Carefully place the baby on the pillow with his chest, bend his legs at the knees; We place our knees on the floor. We stand face to face with the child, on the back side of the pillow, and begin to pull it towards us. The child will gradually move his knees to move in time with you.

What should you not do when your baby starts crawling?

Some parents underestimate the importance of this stage, citing the fact that crawling can delay the start of independent walking.

Hello dear readers! With the birth of a baby, every mother meticulously monitors its development day by day. What is it, by the hour! One of the long-awaited moments is when the child begins to crawl. Is this really necessary?

After all, there are children who immediately begin to sit, stand up and walk, bypassing the crawling period. Let's figure it out together.

My daughter crawled on her belly until she reached the sitting stage. And after she began to sit down confidently, she learned to crawl on all fours. Everything happened by itself. But I know a lot of children who passed this wonderful stage without having time to please their parents. Is this good?

Here's what the crawling stage does:

  • Development of movement coordination. It is not for nothing that it has always been believed that crawling toddlers have a better developed vestibular apparatus.
  • Strengthening muscles.
  • Development of thinking and intellectual abilities.
  • The freedom of action. Wow, there are so many interesting things all around! Let your child study this! Well, within reasonable limits, of course. So that you don’t turn anything over on yourself and pinch your fingers.

Modern pediatrics believes that this is necessary to prepare the muscles before the child gets up and walks. This strengthens muscle groups better. Therefore, if your little one starts out and then goes, it’s better to consult a pediatrician. I'm not talking about developmental delays now. In no case. The doctor will simply be able to tell how well the baby’s muscle corset is developed. And is this correct in your case?

If the baby still does not crawl, and the muscles are not ready for walking, you will not force him in any way. But you also cannot stop his walking. And there's no point. In such cases, massage is often prescribed. Professional for muscle training. But if you still have time, the baby has not started walking yet, you can try to encourage the baby to crawl on his own.

How to teach to crawl?

So, are there really such methods? Eat. And not alone. I’ll just tell you a secret, if the child himself is not ready for this, it’s unlikely that anything will come of it. But you will pump up your muscles)).

So, there are a number of methods that are quite effective on how to help a little heir.

  1. The first and important condition is to place the baby on its stomach from a very early stage. According to statistics, babies who are laid out more often begin to crawl earlier.
  2. Place the cushion under the breast. This will give a certain impetus so that the baby begins to move in space.
  3. With your baby lying on his back, bend his legs into a frog position. Then place the baby on his tummy and place your hands under the heels. While pushing the little one slightly, give him the opportunity to push off on his own.
  4. Don't forget to place an interesting toy at a distance. It helped us. Perhaps this simple maneuver will come in handy for you too.
  5. Fitball exercise. Place the baby on the ball with his stomach down and rock him from side to side. This will develop a sense of coordination and tell the child that he can move through space on his own.
  6. Do exercises. It would seem, but ordinary raises of arms and legs to the sides help strengthen muscles.
  7. Place your child on the floor covered with a blanket more often. It is unlikely that he will crawl in a crib or playpen. Let's have some space!
  8. If possible, purchase a special inclined slide. Place the little one there, head down. Naturally, with insurance! Although the height is small, the baby may be scared for the first time. But if you teach it, you will receive a pleasant bonus: this way your child will develop coordination faster and better. By the way, you don’t have to spend money. An ordinary wide board at an angle, covered with a blanket, will be enough.

Such simple actions will help the child master a much-needed skill. But everyone does this procedure differently. What methods are there?


From the age of 3 months, babies begin to spin clockwise or counterclockwise. Delighted mothers rush to mistake this maneuver for attempts to crawl. But that's not true. This is simply a method of moving in space, rather unsubstantiated by anything.

In general, these manipulations do not mean that the baby will crawl. Perhaps he is one of those kids who immediately got up and went. As for those who did crawl first, there are several methods that children love:

  • Plastun style. At the same time, the butt rises up, the knees tuck under themselves, the child pushes off and moves forward. I don’t know about you, but personally it reminds me of a caterpillar. This is where my daughter started.
  • Back. Yes, don’t be surprised if the child suddenly starts moving backwards and not forwards. This is fine. And what difference does it make how to develop muscles?
  • I'm sitting on my ass. Does your baby already know how to sit? Then don't be surprised if you see him tuck one leg in and push off with the other. It doesn’t matter to the child how to achieve the goal.
  • On knees. This skill does not always appear immediately. The push is the baby getting on all fours and swinging. The skill of crawling on knees is improved by 10 months. So stock up on those sliders in the meantime!

There are other types of transportation. For example, rolling from one side to the other, around its axis and other variations. This is the ingenuity of a child. But if the baby has started such actions, soon he will still get on all fours and crawl in the right direction.


We figured out that crawling is a very useful moment. But what is considered the norm? As a mother, I understand you. With what trepidation you wait for each stage. And if he is late, the parent thinks, is everything okay with the baby?

Babies begin to crawl from 7 to 9 months. For some it is earlier, for others it is later. And I hasten to reassure you that if your baby passes this stage, this does not mean that he is behind in development. The main thing is that the muscle corset is ready for more complex actions.

In this case, the child can use each of the above methods. In any case, these are actions aimed at development. If anything bothers you, consult your doctors. They will examine and make recommendations that you, as a responsible parent, will follow.


Is your baby crawling? Congratulations! I hope this is one less thing to worry about? Yes, but another problem has been added - security. There may be many dangerous objects on the way. How can I protect my child? There are several ways:

    Clean floors. I’m not a fan of cleaning with chemicals, but I tried to brush off the dust every day with regular water and a mop. Today the child crawls strictly on the blanket. And tomorrow he will want to wander further away. You won't stop the little one! Vacuum and wipe, keep it clean!

    No small objects in the way! You’ll put it in your mouth and before you know it!

    Protection on cabinet doors is a must! I don’t know children who wouldn’t try to lift the veil of secrecy and check what’s in the boxes!

    Sharp corners. Try to protect your baby from encountering these unpleasant surprises. How? I collected blankets and laid them near the legs of the table, bed and closet. What can you come up with?

    Ladder. This is a very dangerous obstacle. If there are stairs in the house, be sure to install gates to avoid rapid falls.

    Temperature in the house. Important addition. After all, the little one should be comfortable. Protect from drafts and cold floors. Be sure to lay down a blanket.

    Wires, sockets. I don’t know why, but these items are among the favorites for little researchers. In fact, this is very serious. Be sure to insert protective caps into outlets. And hide the wires in boxes.

    Animals. I have always believed that children should communicate with four-legged friends. And, as a rule, they get along with each other. But, let's better play it safe and control this communication. Even for hygiene purposes, especially at first. I think nothing good will happen if the baby swallows fur from Murzik or Sharik. So there must be moderation everywhere, dear readers!

It seems that’s all I wanted to tell you today. Perhaps you have questions? Feel free to ask them in the comments! And also share your experience. What time did your baby start crawling? How? How did you train and help him? Share. And don't forget to become blog subscribers! Until next time. Bye!
