How does fetal rejection occur? Detachment of the ovum during pregnancy - causes, consequences and treatment of partial detachment of the ovum

Unfortunately, the sad outcome of pregnancy does not always depend on the woman. As a rule, the reaction of her body to the “new resident” plays a primary role. This is how most often experts explain the detachment of the fetal egg. Currently, many representatives of the fair half have to hear such a diagnosis. This definition should not be confused with the so-called low-attached ovum. The thing is that these are two completely different concepts. It is important to note that the latter diagnosis still suggests more chances for the survival of the baby inside the mother's womb.

general information

Treatment usually lasts at least one week. However, even after discharge, the expectant mother should be under constant medical supervision. At this time, it is better to limit physical activity, observe bed rest, try to relax more.


According to experts, timely and competent treatment makes it possible to give birth to a healthy baby. Unfortunately, most often, miscarriage and detachment of the fetal egg become inseparable concepts, since the baby in the womb does not have normal constant nutrition, as a result, placental insufficiency develops. In this kind of situation, the woman, together with the doctor, decides on further bearing. There can be only two options here - either save the fetus, or clean it.


According to available statistics, recently, detachment of the fetal egg, an ultrasound photo of which can be found in medical journals and books on gynecology, has become quite common. Some explain this fact by bad ecology, frequent stress, unhealthy diet. Others see the reasons in the wrong structure of the uterus. In any case, every woman should understand that the successful outcome of her pregnancy depends on a number of factors that only she can influence.

The beginning of pregnancy is the most dangerous period. The largest number of miscarriages occurs in the first months. And this means that expectant mothers need to start taking care of themselves from the very beginning of pregnancy.

In contact with

The most common variant of the occurrence of abortion is the detachment of the fetal egg in the early stages. The fetal egg is detached from the uterus, and a hematoma begins to form in the fetal egg due to vascular injury. If the hematoma continues to grow, then there will be a complete detachment of the fetal egg and its subsequent death. If you do not pay due attention to the signals of the body, then in most cases the result of detachment of the fetal egg will be the death of the fetus. However, timely treatment can completely prevent this process.

According to doctors, this situation is purely individual. In one woman, rejection may occur due to nervous strain, while the cause of detachment in another will be the presence of bad habits. At the moment, it is impossible to determine the exact reason why such a deviation occurs. But the doctors made a list of factors that can affect the development of the fetal egg:

  • Deviations in the work of hormones (lack of progesterone);
  • The presence of stressful situations;
  • Exceeding the norms of physical activity:
  • emotional deviations;
  • Various pathologies in the gynecological part;
  • The presence of tumors;
  • The presence of viral or infectious diseases;
  • The conflict of the Rh factor of the mother and fetus;
  • Deviations in the development of the child;
  • Having a woman in the past.

These are the most common causes that cause this ailment. This can even happen due to the large tone of the walls of the uterus. That is why at the beginning of pregnancy, you should try to avoid stressful situations, as well as exceeding the permissible level of physical activity.

Unfortunately, it is very difficult to calculate the detachment that has begun, the problem can happen to absolutely any pregnant woman. Therefore, if any deviations from the norm appear, the pregnant woman must urgently undergo an examination.

The most common symptom of detachment of the ovum is the presence. With the onset of detachment, the blood will have a coffee or blood color. In this case, you must immediately go to the doctor. If they appear, then this means that the resulting hematoma has already begun to resolve. However, this is not a reason to lose vigilance, the possibility of repeated detachment is not ruled out.

If the color of the released blood began to acquire a scarlet hue, then this serves as a signal of the onset of a miscarriage and requires immediate hospitalization.

It is worth mentioning that it is widely believed that at an early stage of pregnancy, the fetal egg undergoes the so-called natural selection. And if the fetus is strong and has no malformations, then it will survive without outside help. Therefore, some women in this case prefer to refuse the preservation and assistance of doctors. It is worth knowing that such stories do not have any scientific justification, and egg detachment is usually followed by termination of pregnancy.

Also, a sharp discomfort in the lower abdomen and in the lower back, which, according to symptoms, resembles menstrual pain, can also indicate the beginning of this deviation, and sensations of increased tone in the uterus are not excluded: at the moment of rejection of the embryo, it contracts, which provokes rejection of the fetus.

The presence of all these signs will allow even an inexperienced doctor to begin to suspect that the pregnant woman has an egg rejection. It is possible to accurately determine the presence and size of the detachment of the fetal egg only on ultrasound. The devices currently available make it possible to see the beginning of the process, starting from the first days of pregnancy.

Partial detachment of the fetal egg in the early stages

With detachment of the fetal egg, the prognosis of a subsequent miscarriage or the preservation of pregnancy can only be made depending on the stage of development of the pathology. If the detachment becomes more than 40% of the size of the fetus, then there is a great threat to the further development of the child. As a rule, with timely diagnosis, the development of a hematoma formed due to detachment is minimal and still treatable. In this case, the pregnant woman is diagnosed, which sounds like a partial detachment of the fetal egg. Doctors will prescribe a comprehensive treatment that will help stabilize blood circulation and stop the subsequent development of pathology. In the case of partial detachment, the risk of abortion, if all the recommendations of specialists are followed, approaches a minimum.

This phenomenon may occur repeatedly. When making a diagnosis, hospitalization is mandatory, as doctors will be able to provide a full range of measures aimed at maintaining pregnancy:

  • Physical and emotional peace;
  • Taking drugs that will help feed the embryo in the uterus;
  • The introduction of drugs that stop bleeding;
  • vitamin therapy;
  • Treatment with sedatives.

Although in any case the decision remains with the woman and the hospital can be abandoned, but this does not eliminate the need to constantly be observed by the attending physician. This will help to avoid the possibility of abortion.

As noted above, one of the methods for treating a detachment of the fetal egg is to ensure the rest of the woman.

During this period, it is recommended to observe in order to avoid unnecessary intestinal tension. It is necessary to avoid the formation of gases and not to abuse tonic drinks. Also, with this diagnosis of the expectant mother, it is worth excluding emotional upheavals and sexual contacts from your everyday life.

In addition to these simple recommendations, medication is also needed. Only a qualified specialist can write them out. Even those who avoid taking medications need to be clearly aware that it is unlikely that they will be able to maintain a pregnancy without their help. When detaching a fetal egg at an early stage of pregnancy, it is necessary to have on hand hemostatic drugs (such as Etamzipat), antispasmodics (for example, No-shpa,), sedatives (among them, Valerian Extract is possible) and hormonal agents (Dufaston, Utrozhestan). It is also recommended to take additional vitamins. Often they are prescribed even at the stage of pregnancy planning, however, if a woman avoided taking them, then with such a deviation, preparations containing vitamin E and multivitamin complexes are recommended.

On average, treatment lasts about 14 days, but still this time is purely individual. In the event that the pregnant woman carefully follows all the recommendations, recovery may come faster. It is also necessary to know that the possibility of repeating the detachment of the fetal egg exists until the placenta is completely created in the body.

Even after a completely cured detachment of the fetal egg, until the end of pregnancy, a woman must be constantly monitored by a doctor and follow all his instructions in order to avoid the development of pathologies in the fetus.


According to available statistics, this problem has become widespread in recent years. Some doctors attribute this to environmental degradation, as well as unhealthy diets. The rest attribute this to deviations in the structure of the uterus. Regardless of everything, any expectant mother should be aware that the end of her pregnancy depends on causes that only she herself can influence.

Is there a threat? What do experienced mothers think about this:

In contact with

This uncomplicated complication is one of the most common causes of miscarriage occurring in the early stages of pregnancy in women. It most often occurs soon after conception. Its essence lies in the fact that the fetal egg lags behind the chorion. This phenomenon occurs quite traumatically and is accompanied by the separation of blood, which accumulates in the uterine cavity. Its reservoir is formed, the presence of which further exacerbates the trouble. In the absence of timely medical care, the process ends with a spontaneous abortion. Therefore, it is necessary to very accurately imagine its main essence in order to turn to a specialist in time.

Causes of detachment of the ovum in early pregnancy

It is difficult to dwell on any one specific reason for the occurrence of such a phenomenon. The main factors that serve as prerequisites for the development of complications most often become:

  • pronounced deficiency of progesterone in the body of a woman;
  • severe nervous strain;
  • weight lifting;
  • anatomical features of the structure of the uterus;
  • various anomalies in the development of the fetus;
  • the presence of Rhesus conflict;
  • uterine hypertonicity;
  • infection;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • recent artificial termination of pregnancy;
  • the implementation of traumatic medical manipulations in the pelvic area;
  • development of cancer;
  • smoking during gestation;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • excessive passion for coffee;
  • professional hazards;
  • the influence of the external environment, etc.

In each case, the cause of detachment of the fetal egg in the early stages of gestation becomes special. It is very difficult to single out the only factor that is most dangerous in the first trimester of pregnancy.

However, every woman needs to have a good idea of ​​the reasons why a miscarriage can happen. Of course, they cannot be used to judge the essence of the process, since the final conclusion is made only after a thorough ultrasound scan. However, knowledge of the main harmful factors can prevent the threat of spontaneous abortion.

Symptoms of detachment of the ovum

The pathological process is accompanied by certain manifestations, according to which it becomes clear what exactly is happening to a woman.

It usually starts with discomfort in the lower abdomen. Pain often also extends to the area of ​​the sacrum.

At the same time, a pregnant woman has spotting from the genitals.

In cases where they have a brown tint, it can be said that the hemorrhage occurred much earlier and at present the blood is simply leaving the uterine cavity.

If its color is no longer so pronounced and has signs of an ichor, then a similar sign indicates the onset of healing of the wound surface. However, an urgent appeal to a gynecologist is also required in this case, since a repeated development of the phenomenon is possible.

When spotting has acquired a rich scarlet color, they are considered a critical signal. Then urgent hospitalization of a woman in a hospital is necessary.

Treatment of detachment of the fetal egg

In situations where ultrasound has accurately recorded the fact of the development of pathology, the patient needs to be hospitalized.

In the conditions of admission to the hospital, she is usually assigned:

  • antispasmodics;
  • drugs aimed at reducing the tone of the uterus;
  • tranquilizers;
  • hemostatic agents;
  • vitamins;
  • immunostimulants;
  • folic acid;
  • hormones;
  • progesterone, etc.

The patient usually requires strict bed rest for at least seven to ten days. It is advisable to lie down without movement, completely relaxing all the muscles. A similar need arises in connection with the fact that to stabilize the tone of the uterus and try to reduce intra-abdominal pressure.

A small pillow should be placed under the sacrum to remove accumulated blood from the uterine cavity.

A woman needs to completely avoid any nervous overload, sleep more and try to tune in an optimistic mood.

With strict observance of all the main doctor's prescriptions, detachment of the fetal egg can usually be prevented.

After returning home, the patient must carefully observe the daily regimen, avoid any nervous and physical exertion, and completely refrain from sexual contact. Professional activity is also better to temporarily suspend.

You should take the prescribed drugs and take all measures to prevent the recurrence of pathology.

Even when the detachment of the ovum by a third has already occurred, specialists are quite capable of stopping the process, subject to the strictest compliance with all requirements.

In cases where the patient goes to the doctor on time, only ten percent of early pregnancy is interrupted for this reason. Moreover, under the supervision of a doctor, gestation ends with a successful birth.


In order to finally confirm the fact of detachment of the fetal egg, it is required to carry out an ultrasound examination of the uterus.

It is also necessary to obtain data on the processes occurring in a woman's body, so the doctor examines her on a gynecological chair using mirrors.

Of no small importance is the analysis of complaints presented by the patient and a detailed history taking.

After the complete picture of what is happening becomes clear to the specialist, he will not only make a confident diagnosis, but also prescribe a specific treatment. It has a multi-stage nature and includes both the use of symptomatic and hormonal drugs.

Photo ultrasound

The doctor makes the final conclusion only after receiving images taken by an ultrasound machine. They clearly show a retrochorial hematoma.

The fertilized egg is in the process of separating from the chorion. You can also distinguish between torn vessels and blood accumulating in the uterine cavity. The outpouring usually increases gradually. If treatment is not started on time, then the fetal egg can be completely rejected.


The most common complications of pathology:

  • Risk of spontaneous abortion;
  • a miscarriage that has begun;
  • abortion in progress;
  • partial termination of pregnancy, when part of the fetal egg departs;
  • sepsis.


Already when planning conception, you need to take a responsible attitude to the state of your health. It is required to carry out all the necessary laboratory and instrumental studies. If any diseases or dysfunctions are detected, it is necessary to undergo a full course of treatment.

You also need to completely adjust your lifestyle.

The best way to avoid detachment of the ovum in the early stages of pregnancy is to carefully follow the precautions.

You should completely get rid of the habit of smoking, as well as any use of alcohol.

Under no circumstances should you lift heavy things or engage in active sports.

It is necessary to regularly take the vitamin-mineral complexes prescribed by the doctor.

It is necessary to monitor the timely emptying of the intestines. An increased process of gas formation or an increase in the contractile movements of the digestive tract can increase the manifestations of pathology.

Intimate life for a dangerous period should be completely abandoned. Until the permission of the gynecologist is obtained, she is under the strictest ban.

It is desirable to eat in small portions several times a day. Should be abandoned:

  • sweets;
  • muffins;
  • acute;
  • foods rich in fiber;
  • bread with bran;
  • legumes;
  • peas, etc.

It is also worth temporarily limiting the use of strong brewed tea or coffee.

Such measures will largely avoid the threat of detachment of the fetal egg in the early stages of pregnancy.

The course of therapy is usually about fifteen days. Under the condition of carefully following all the instructions of the doctor, a complete recovery occurs.

But with an existing or continuing risk of miscarriage or a history of spontaneous abortion, it is required to constantly take the drugs prescribed by the doctor.

It is necessary to monitor your condition and at the slightest threat of pregnancy or if you feel worse, seek medical help.

When referring for treatment to a hospital, you must fully follow all the recommendations of the gynecologist.

In the future, the woman remains under the special supervision of the doctors of the antenatal clinic until the very birth. All screenings and scheduled and additional examinations recommended by the doctor should be completed in a timely manner. It must be remembered that the risk of spontaneous abortion persists until the very end of gestation.

Every pregnant woman needs to know that for any uncharacteristic discharge from the genital tract, you should immediately consult a doctor. They are the first to indicate the threat of a miscarriage.

Cramps in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lumbar region, should be especially alarming. The feeling of fullness in the abdomen or increased muscular rigidity of the abdominal cavity should not be ignored.

In case of any pain sensations or the presence of severe discomfort, increased attention to the woman's well-being and urgent consultation with a specialist is also necessary.

At the initial stages, pregnancy is very susceptible to possible risks. It is in the first weeks that miscarriages most often occur, therefore, as soon as a woman finds out that she is expecting a baby, it is important for her to begin to constantly control her well-being. Very often, a detachment of the fetal egg is capable of provoking a spontaneous abortion in the early stages of pregnancy. Read on about the features of this pathology, as well as how to prevent its occurrence.

A fertilized egg is an egg that is fertilized by a sperm and attaches to the walls of the uterus. In another way, the fetal egg is the primary environment in which the embryo resides at the very beginning of its development.

Also, the fetal egg is the 1st structure, distinguished by ultrasound and helping to confirm the presence of pregnancy. It has the shape of an oval or circle, increases in size over time.

Around the fifth week, the presence of a yolk sac is clearly visible inside the fetal egg. Its appearance indicates the normal course of pregnancy and means that the embryo has enough of all the necessary substances. Based on the diameter of the fetal egg, it seems possible to establish the exact term of pregnancy, as well as its possible violations (the doctor evaluates the shape and, thanks to the information received, reveals the state of the uterine tone).

What happens when the ovum is detached

Under the medical term "detachment" they understand two types of conditions at once: critical (occurring in the middle and end of pregnancy) and directly detachment of the fetal egg (typical for the initial stages). The latter option can provoke various injuries, as well as toxicosis.

The establishment of such a diagnosis in the initial terms of pregnancy is a very alarming signal and may be a harbinger of miscarriage. Fortunately, this phenomenon occurs quite infrequently (only from 0.5 to 1.7 percent of all pregnancies).

Detachment of the fetal egg can be mild, moderate and severe. In the case of the middle stage, there are strong pain sensations in the lower abdomen, the uterus tenses up, and bloody discharge is characteristic.

In a severe stage of detachment (it is a critical condition), the presence of dizziness, nausea with vomiting, palpitations is characteristic, the patient may lose consciousness, the fetus does not have enough oxygen, the heart rhythm is disturbed, uterine asymmetry and hypertonicity are typical, bleeding (can be external and internal).

Important! If a pregnant woman has signs indicating a possible detachment of the fetal egg, you should immediately go to the hospital for medical help. In mild to moderate severity, you can still cope with this condition with the help of special medicines.

Now let's take a closer look at the detachment that occurs in the early stages. Let's start with some anatomical data. So, the uterus is a muscular organ, which is characterized by periodic contractions (mostly minor). When pregnancy occurs, the fetal egg, as already indicated above, is attached to the uterine cavity, where the process of its further development takes place.

At the same time, the formation of the placenta begins, which at the beginning of pregnancy is called the chorion. Chorion is a villous membrane of the embryo that covers the entire surface of the fetal egg. The embryo can be introduced into the uterine mucosa precisely because of the villi.

The chorion occupies a very important place in the process of fetal development, because it is through it that the embryo can receive the necessary nutrients, as well as oxygen. From the child to the mother, metabolic products leave along with carbon dioxide. Of course, it is very important that the placenta develops normally, because it is it that is able to replace the fetus with both the lungs, and the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, and the skin and kidneys at the same time. The formation of a full-fledged placenta occurs at the end of the 1st month of pregnancy.

At the same time, characteristic changes are observed in the uterus, there is an even greater growth of chorionic villi. As mentioned above, the uterus contracts periodically. But this applies only to her, the placenta does not have such a function, which is why, in the case of a strong contraction of the uterus in the initial stages of pregnancy, partial or even complete detachment of the fetal egg can occur. There are cases when this pathological process occurred due to poor blood supply or features of the immune reactions of the body of a pregnant woman.

The causes of this pathology

Because of what, a fetal egg, normally developing, can begin to be rejected? It is rather difficult to answer this question. A whole set of factors can lead to such a pathological condition, the following stand out among them:

  • the presence of hormonal disorders;
  • abortions performed by a woman earlier;
  • the presence of violations in the reproductive sphere;
  • the presence of various formations;
  • inflammatory phenomena occurring in the pelvic organs;
  • features of the anatomy of the gynecological organs of a woman;
  • infections and viruses that a pregnant woman has contracted;
  • the presence of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • the presence of arterial hypertension;
  • various negative environmental factors that a woman in a position has been exposed to;
  • the presence of unhealthy habits (smoking, drinking alcohol, drugs);
  • physical overload;
  • significant emotional upheaval;
  • the presence of genetic pathologies;
  • Rhesus conflict between mother and fetus;
  • abnormal development of the embryo or placenta.

Despite such an extensive list of factors that can provoke detachment, the most important of them is progesterone deficiency. With her, the female body does not produce enough progesterone, and it is this hormone that is responsible for the normal process of bearing a baby.

Symptoms of this condition

It is rational to talk about detachment when the process of premature rejection of the fetal egg from the uterus has begun. This is a real threat to the life of the fetus. The embryo is not able to exist outside the uterine cavity, therefore, a complete detachment will invariably provoke its death and end in a miscarriage. In fact, detachment is the very first stage of spontaneous abortion.

Together with the detachment of the chorion, the vessels begin to rupture, due to which it has penetrated into the uterus, a hematoma forms in this area. This is exactly what will be the very first symptom of detachment, which is found on ultrasound diagnostics. In the case of a partial or not very pronounced detachment, a hematoma may be the only manifestation of this pathological condition.

But for the most part, women are able to independently identify pathology by deteriorating general well-being and the appearance of blood from the vagina.

Blood discharge is a typical symptom of the onset of detachment. The presence of brown gore confirms the fact that the formation of a hematoma occurred earlier, and the discharge is its contents that are brought out.

In the event that an ichor appears from the genital tract, the tear begins to “overgrow”, but this in no way means that you need to do nothing! On the contrary, it is important to consult a doctor who will monitor your condition.

Bright red discharge is a critical sign of an incipient miscarriage and requires an immediate emergency call and the woman's hospitalization. In addition, you should be wary if you notice the appearance of cramping or pulling pain in the lower abdomen or lower back (which are very similar in nature to menstruation), and also feel that the uterus has become hard: due to hypertonicity, it spasms and rejection begins fetus. This process can be felt as a petrification of the lower abdomen.

How is detachment treated?

If the diagnosis is confirmed, the woman must be hospitalized. The process of treatment of this condition takes place only in a hospital, under the close supervision of physicians. Of course, you have the right to refuse hospitalization and insist on treatment at home, but in this case, doctors will not give you a guarantee that such a condition will not recur and then it will end in a miscarriage.

The most important point that must be observed in case of detachment of the fetal egg is a state of absolute rest. Not just physical activity is forbidden, but even ordinary walking (even light walking contributes to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure and, as a result, the appearance of uterine hypertonicity, which will accelerate the process of detachment).

It is important to completely relax the muscles of the abdominal wall, and to achieve such a state is really only when lying down. If a woman begins to perform even minimal actions, the abdominal wall will tense up.

Often, doctors advise placing a special roller or pillow under the buttocks area. It promotes the outflow of blood from the pelvis. With increased intestinal peristalsis, there is a risk of re-exfoliation, so a woman should follow a special diet. It is important to abandon products that have a laxative effect, as well as fastening and gas-forming. Eliminate tea and coffee from your diet as well.

Of course, in such a situation, intimacy will have to be abandoned, while in the normal course of pregnancy, sex is allowed. It is important not only to eliminate physical risk factors, but also to monitor your psycho-emotional state. Eliminate any stressful situations and possible experiences.

A specialist can prescribe medications that help maintain pregnancy. Among them:

  • antispasmodics (using No-shpu, Papaverine, magne B6);
  • hemostatic drugs (for example, Etamzilat);
  • soothing (usually valerian);
  • hormonal agents (Dufaston, Utrozhestan);
  • vitamins (usually these are preparations with folic acid and vitamin E); other medicines.

Of course, only the doctor is involved in the choice of the necessary funds, as well as their dosage. Eliminate any attempts at self-treatment, because they can bring great harm, especially in this position.

The duration of treatment is set purely on an individual basis. In most cases, treatment lasts about 14 days. This indicator directly depends on how clearly the woman follows all the doctor's instructions. Therefore, if you wish to leave the hospital as soon as possible, strictly adhere to all appointments and prescriptions.

If a pregnant woman is faced with such a phenomenon as exfoliation at the initial stage of an “interesting situation”, in the future she will have to be constantly checked by a doctor to prevent a recurrence of the situation. Remember that routine checkups are not a whim, but a necessity. Gynecologists believe that if the process of placental formation has not completed, the risks of recurrence remain extremely high.

Possible risks

Do not forget that with a partial detachment of the fetal egg, there is a likely threat of miscarriage, and in the case of a complete one, a spontaneous abortion has already taken place. Since very often this pathological process does not make itself felt and is detected exclusively on ultrasound, you need to be systematically examined and monitor your health.

At the initial stage of detachment, even if there is minor bleeding, it is still possible to keep the pregnancy if you go to the hospital in time.

It is important, as soon as you notice the first manifestations of detachment, to take a horizontal position and in no case start drinking any medications on your own. The use of medications can only "lubricate" the clinical picture and significantly complicate the process of diagnosis and subsequent treatment of pathology.

Video - behavior in case of threatened miscarriage

Preventive measures

The first thing a young couple planning a baby to start with is planning for conception. Before this, it is recommended to conduct a complete examination of the health status of both the future mother and father. This will help identify possible pathologies that may adversely affect the condition of the fetus in the future.

Particular attention is paid to inflammatory processes - before getting pregnant, it is important to make sure that you are completely healthy. If the results of the examination show the presence of any pathologies, be sure to undergo the necessary treatment. Of course, the doctor should prescribe it, not you yourself.

When the “preparatory” stage is left behind and you see two long-awaited stripes on the test, start carefully monitoring your health. Eliminate any bad habits, refuse to take medication, reduce physical activity. Stress is one of the main enemies of the fetus, it is highly undesirable for the expectant mother to experience strong emotional upheavals. The only exception is positive emotions, but they must also be dosed.

Healthy and full sleep, proper balanced nutrition, moderate walks in the fresh air, control of blood pressure, and avoidance of possible injuries are important.

If you follow all these rules, do not violate them and regularly see a doctor, you can save yourself from such an unpleasant phenomenon as detachment of the fetal egg. Any pathology is much easier to prevent than to treat, and this condition is by no means an exception to the rule.

The first trimester is the time when the risk of complications is greatest. Detachment of the ovum in early pregnancy is a dangerous condition that can lead to the death of the embryo. The main cause of the pathology are genetic abnormalities of the embryo. Symptoms in the form of pulling pains and spotting can be a sign of detachment and require immediate medical attention.

The concept of detachment of the fetal egg and its possible consequences

The fetal egg is a rounded formation, inside which are the embryo and the yolk sac - an organ that provides it with the necessary nutrients. The internal contents are protected by a water shell, amnion. The chorion is the outer layer that directly borders the wall of the uterus. At a later date, the placenta is formed from it.

Sometimes, under the influence of adverse factors, the fetal egg begins to spontaneously exfoliate from the mucous membrane of the uterus. This phenomenon is called detachment of the fetal egg and is considered the initial stage of a miscarriage. Due to the rupture of blood vessels in the place of detachment, blood accumulates, and a hematoma occurs.

A small detachment, subject to a gradual decrease in bruising, is not dangerous for the development of the fetus, but requires treatment and constant monitoring, since there is a risk of relapse. A woman who has a partial detachment is placed in a hospital to prevent spontaneous abortion.

The most dangerous consequences are the situation when the size of the bruise reaches 40% of the fetal egg. It is very difficult to prevent a miscarriage in this case, and pathology can cause undesirable consequences for the fetus. Complete detachment is characterized by the departure of the embryo from the uterine wall and its death. The organ comes into tone, and the process of rejection of the fetus begins.

Causes of detachment in early gestation

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It is impossible to find out what exactly caused the detachment in the early stages in one case or another. In 4 out of 5 cases, the cause of the pathology is chromosomal abnormalities of the embryo. Other provoking factors:

  • hormonal imbalance (lack of progesterone);
  • harmful working conditions;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • violations of the development of the embryo or placenta;
  • Rhesus conflict;
  • artificial termination of pregnancy in history;
  • smoking, drug and alcohol abuse;
  • infectious diseases;
  • diseases, anomalies in the structure of the reproductive organs;
  • neuropsychic and physical overload;
  • unfavorable external factors;
  • age over 35 years.

Associated symptoms

In some women, the onset of detachment of the fetal egg is not accompanied by any symptoms. As a rule, this occurs in cases where the size of the hematoma formed at the site of the tear is very small and does not exceed a few millimeters. Often, detachment makes itself felt with pulling or cramping pains that radiate to the back, and spotting. Their color can vary from cream to bright red. The latter are a dangerous symptom that speaks of a miscarriage that has begun.

The condition requires immediate medical attention and hospitalization. An unfavorable concomitant symptom is uterine hypertonicity. At the same time, the contractility of the muscle layer of the organ increases, which can lead to spontaneous abortion. A decrease in basal body temperature below 37 ° C also indicates pathologies: detachment of the fetal egg and the threat of miscarriage, regressing pregnancy. Indirect symptoms also include a decrease in the level of hCG in the blood.

Diagnostic studies

The earlier the diagnosis and treatment are carried out, the more favorable the prognosis. In the presence of suspicious symptoms, it is urgent to see a specialist. When a pregnant patient complains of nagging pain or uncharacteristic discharge, the doctor prescribes diagnostic measures to identify the cause of the pathology. First of all, a woman is sent for an ultrasound.

The detachment is visualized as an anechoic structure (not reflecting ultrasound) around the ovum. A change in its shape from round to oval upon detection of a hematoma indicates a threat of miscarriage.

Other diagnostic studies:

  • Clinical blood and urine tests. Helps to detect the presence of inflammatory processes in the body.
  • Coagulogram. Allows you to establish blood clotting disorders, incl. thrombosis.
  • Blood test for hormones. It is necessary to detect a lack or excess of hormones that affect pregnancy (progesterone, human chorionic gonadotropin, androgen metabolic products).
  • Gynecological smear. Helps to identify the presence of pathogenic microflora.

Early treatment strategy

Detection of detachment of the fetal egg is the basis for hospitalization of the pregnant woman. A woman with a threatened miscarriage must be completely calm, excluding any physical activity and intimate contact. Even walking can do harm - vibration and tension of the abdominal wall can cause uterine hypertonicity, which aggravates the situation. To avoid complications, a pregnant woman is shown bed rest. To improve the outflow of blood from the pelvic area, it is recommended to put a pillow under the buttocks. A woman needs a good sleep and a calm environment. It is useful to listen to pleasant music and read books.

Even disturbances in the functioning of the intestines can provoke a deterioration, so a pregnant woman must adhere to a diet. Foods that can cause increased gas formation are excluded: carbonated drinks, legumes, white cabbage, grapes, mushrooms, apples, milk. Strong tea and coffee, persimmons, chocolate, pastries (cause stool fixation), as well as prunes, tomatoes, melons and apricots (weaken) are not recommended.

To provide the necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals, you need to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits (with the exception of prohibited ones). The diet should include fish, meat, greens, nuts and dairy products. Compotes, fruit drinks, rosehip broth are useful from drinks.

Detachment of the fetal egg requires medical treatment, which involves taking the following drugs:

  • Utrozhestan and Duphaston. Medicines contain progesterone, a hormone that is responsible for maintaining pregnancy. It is he who suppresses the contractile activity of the uterus and does not allow the fetus to be rejected. Drugs reduce the tone of the muscular organ, preventing miscarriage.
  • No-shpy, Drotaverine, Papaverine. They have an antispasmodic effect, relax the uterine muscles.
  • Motherwort, valerian. They are used as sedatives.
  • Dicinona, Vikasola. They belong to hemostatics - drugs that are used to stop bleeding. They increase blood clotting and strengthen the vascular walls.
  • vitamins. Necessary for the prevention of fetal developmental disorders.

Preventive measures to prevent pathology

Prevention of pathology must begin at the stage of pregnancy planning. It is possible to reduce the risk of rejection of the fetal egg if at least 3 months before the onset of pregnancy to eliminate bad habits, start taking folic acid, and make a routine vaccination. It is necessary to be examined for the presence of inflammatory diseases and genital infections. Detected pathologies should be completely cured.

The risk of detachment of the ovum during early pregnancy can be reduced if:

  • Avoid smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs;
  • if pregnancy is suspected, contact a gynecologist as soon as possible and register;
  • avoid sudden changes in the situation, climate, time zone;
  • any medications should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor;
  • reduce physical activity, exclude traumatic sports;
  • get enough sleep, walk a lot;
  • follow the principles of a healthy diet, do not eat fast food, foods with harmful additives, abandon diets for weight loss;
  • stay physically active - walk, swim, do yoga, special gymnastics for pregnant women.
