How to make an Easter egg from threads? DIY Easter eggs: step-by-step master classes with photos Easter craft from a ball.

Useful tips

Crafts for Easter from different materials

Easter is one of the most important and beautiful church holidays, which is loved not only by believers. This year Orthodox Easter is celebrated quite late - 5 May. This means you will have more time to prepare for it, to do interesting crafts, gifts and decorations for family and friends.

Most popular the symbol of Easter and the rebirth of new life is the egg. Chicken eggs are painted in all sorts of colors, decorated with designs and patterns, and given to each other as edible gifts. You can read more about Easter eggs and how to paint them. But you can make eggs with your own hands.

DIY Easter eggs

Making a DIY Easter egg is not that difficult. To do this, you don’t need to be a famous Faberge master or have unique artistic abilities. All you have to do is attach a little patience and imagination.

For work we will need:

Construction plaster (alabaster)

A saucepan for diluting the solution

Measuring cup


Spoon and knife

Plastic egg, consisting of 2 halves, or regular chicken eggs

Let's get started:

1) Make a hole on the blunt side of the egg for pouring plaster using knife or scissors. If your plastic egg has holes on the sharp side, cover them with tape. You can also use it as a form regular egg shell, from which the contents should be poured.

2) Dilute gypsum with water at the rate 5 heaped tablespoons of gypsum per 180 ml of water. You should have the consistency of liquid sour cream without lumps so that the liquid can be poured into the egg.

3) Pour plaster into the hole of the egg and leave it to dry for an hour, then remove the plastic halves or clean the shell.

4) As a result, you should have perfectly shaped plaster egg, which is ready for further processing and any possible decorations.

DIY Easter eggs (Video)

How to make Easter eggs from threads?

One of the easiest ways to get an original Easter egg craft is braid the shape with threads and glue. Typically used as a form balloon, which can be easily removed, leaving a wicker frame. You can also vary the size of the egg itself by inflating the balloon more or less.

For work we will need:


PVA glue or starch with water

Drying rack

Details for decorations

Let's get started:

1) Inflate a balloon of the desired size and tighten it well with a thread so that no air passes through.

2) Wet the threads with glue and wrap them around the ball so that holes remain.

3) When the ball is completely wrapped, place it on the stand and let the glue dry within 24 hours.

4) After drying, pierce the ball with a needle and pull it out through the holes. The thread frame will retain its shape.

5) To decorate the resulting string egg, you can use colorful ribbons, buttons, beads, toys and much more.

6) Using your imagination, you can get these original Easter crafts:

Easter eggs made of beads

Beading For some, this may seem like a rather difficult task, requiring a lot of time and patience. But with the help of small beads you can decorate an artificial or natural Easter egg in just a couple of minutes without complex techniques.

For work we will need:

Beads or decorative sprinkles in the form of balls

Glue and brush


Drying rack

Details for decorations

Let's get started:

Coat natural or artificial eggs with glue and roll well in beads or sprinkles.

Sprinkles can usually be found in stores, baking decorations, and are often used to decorate Easter cakes and other sweets.

If you have very small beads, you can roll the egg in them, however, for this purpose you are better off using artificial eggs – wooden or plaster so that they serve as decoration for a long time.

If you still want to learn how to weave beaded jewelry, you can use the following video tutorials on beading:

Easter eggs made of beads master classes (video):

Easter eggs made from pasta

There are a great variety of Easter egg decorations, but we would like to offer the most simple and original decorations that are easy to make at home.

For work we will need:

Wooden eggs or shells without contents

PVA glue and brush

Drying rack

Small star pasta

Dry glitter

Let's get started:

1) Apply glue to the wooden egg and glue it to it in even rows raw star pasta. However, they can be arranged in any order you wish. Let the glue dry well.

2) Paint the eggs along with the stars with paint, decorate with glitter. In order for the glitter to stick well, apply glue to the egg in the right places, sprinkle with glitter, and after 15 minutes shake off any excess.

3) As a result, you should get an original, bright craft:

4) Eggs can be placed in an Easter basket decorated with feathers.

Easter egg stand

You can make the simplest Easter egg stand with your children from the simplest materials: cardboard, lace, corrugated paper.

For work we will need:

Not too thick cardboard or toilet paper roll base

PVA glue and brush


Needle and thread


Details for decoration

Let's get started:

To make the first version of the stand, take toilet paper roll base and cut it into several pieces so that the stand is not too high.

From corrugated paper cut a wide strip and paste it onto cardboard in the form of a skirt.

Decorate on top soft wire or pieces of organza. You can also add bright details in the form of artificial paper flowers. You can read about how to make corrugated flowers.

In the second option, you replace corrugated paper lace, which with the help of a thread and a needle needs to be decorated in the form of the same skirt. Used as additional decoration string of pearl beads.

Easter wreath

You can make a simple Easter wreath with your own hands from egg cartons, as well as corrugated paper, ribbons, artificial flowers and other decorations.

For work we will need:

Empty egg cartons

PVA glue and brush


Details for decoration

Let's get started:

1) Carefully cut out the core from the cardboard packaging and process it with scissors so that it turns out something like flowers with petals.

2) You should have enough of these “flowers” ​​to put them one inside the other and get a wreath.

3) Use crepe paper string to make leaves and stems. Also use ready-made paper flowers. You can easily make flowers yourself or buy ready-made ones. Place the cardboard “flowers” ​​one inside the other, interlacing them with paper flowers and leaves, fixes well with glue.

Easter wreath It will look great on a holiday table, or it can be hung on a door or wall as a decoration.

Easter egg or Easter napkin for the holiday table

This original napkin not only serves as a decoration for the holiday, it can be presented as a gift to loved ones, filled with Easter eggs and sweets.

For work we will need:

Colored cotton fabric



Ruler and chalk

Sewing machine



Let's get started:

1) Prepare 6 identical circles made of fabric with a diameter 40 centimeters. Each circle needs to be glued with non-woven fabric so that the resulting product keeps its shape well even after you wash it. If you can't find interlining, you can do without it, but use thicker fabric.

2) Fold two circles with the wrong sides facing each other and trim the edges with lace. In the end you should be able to three rather dense rag round blanks.

3) Fold the three pieces together and secure them with pins. Then, using a ruler and chalk, draw four even lines, thus dividing the circle into 8 equal parts. Using a saucer, trace the center with chalk.

4) Stitch along the chalk lines, stitching all three circles together.

5) Using a needle and thread, make wide stitches around the core, capturing the top two layers. Then pull the thread and tie it with a knot. In the diagram it will look like this:

You need to tighten the thread so that the upper layers straighten out a little and rise:

6) Place in the egg wells painted eggs, and on top you can put Easter cakes, cookies, candies or any other sweets. You can add a couple of details from lace scraps.

DIY Easter basket for eggs

This simple basket can be made using scraps of construction paper. Even children will help you with this.

For work we will need:

Colored paper (thick)



Ruler and pencil

Let's get started:

1) For the base of the basket, cut 5 strips of paper length 25 and width 3 centimeters. Fold them side by side vertically, and in the upper part, using glue and a stapler, attach a horizontal strip-rim of a different color, the size of which should be 30 by 2 centimeters. There should be 2 more strips like this.

2) Fold the headband into a circle and secure it with a stapler on the opposite side.

Multi-colored eggs are a mandatory attribute of the bright Easter holiday. It is celebrated everywhere, but the treat is decorated in different ways: painted, covered with stickers, sprinkles, and put on cardboard “hats.” An interesting version of Easter crafts is an egg made of thread, glue and a ball. You can also make original blanks using a regular chicken egg or polystyrene foam.

DIY Easter eggs

Easter is one of the most beautiful holidays for believers. To celebrate it in an original way, you can make a symbol of Easter with your own hands - a decorative egg. It will be an ideal gift for loved ones and friends, especially since the process of creating it is completely simple.

Glue is poured into a glass. The thread is threaded through a needle, the cup is pierced so that it is pulled through the glue and lubricated with it. This thread is used to wrap the ball in a dense layer, the thickness of which is determined independently.

When the workpiece reaches sufficient density, it is left to dry, placed on a stand. As the ball dries, pierce it and carefully pull it out through the hole at the bottom. Next, they begin to decorate the blank as their imagination suggests, using beads, ribbons, bows, stickers, lace, and rags. You can also cut a larger hole and place a stuffed chicken toy inside.

The second option is with foam plastic

Easter crafts can be made using foam plastic, from which an egg is cut out according to the desired size. Also for work you will need:

  • threads;
  • PVA glue;
  • safety pins;
  • cellophane;
  • any decorations for decoration.

The foam blank is sanded well so that it becomes smooth. The top is covered with cellophane or cling film - this way the threads will be easily removed.

Needles are stuck around the perimeter in random order in several rows: this is necessary for a beautiful arrangement of threads. At first, it is enough to insert pins only on one side, because the workpiece will need to be carefully removed.

Afterwards the order of work is as follows:

  • moisten the threads with PVA glue;
  • wrap the workpiece with pins in a zigzag pattern, starting from the outer edge to the inner;
  • after filling one side, coat the threads with glue again;
  • leave the craft to dry;
  • remove pins;
  • free the future “shell” from the foam blank;
  • repeat all steps for the other side;
  • Glue the finished thread halves together;
  • cover the junction with a beautiful ribbon, placing it on PVA;
  • use various decor, lace to decorate the craft, glue a ribbon loop to the top.

Craft-egg with knitting threads

For this craft you will need threads for knitting in different colors - as desired. Also, creating an Easter egg will not be complete without the following devices and materials:

  • PVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • colored paper;
  • plastic egg.

It is most convenient to work with a plastic egg, but if you don’t have one, you can use a regular chicken egg, although due to its fragility you will have to work more carefully. The egg must be pierced on both sides, the contents blown out, then the workpiece should be washed and dried. The entire egg needs to be greased with PVA, take the thread by the tip and, pressing with your fingers, wind it onto the workpiece. You can use threads of different colors, so the finished product will be more interesting.

Periodically, you need to lubricate the threads with glue so that they are securely held on the egg. After filling the entire blank, it is left to dry. Then you can cut out a muzzle, arms and legs, and other decor for the egg from colored paper to create a unique craft. When making Easter eggs, you need to give free rein to your imagination, and then they will come out original and very funny!

Tatiana Voronina

Necessary material:

PVA glue or stationery glue in a plastic bottle.

Floss threads.

Inflatable ball.


Thick needle for the teacher.

Order work:

1. Inflate a balloon the size of egg.

2. The teacher pierces the plastic bottle with glue through and removes the needle; in this case, the thread should be easily pulled out of the bottle and well lubricated with glue.

3. The child holds a ball in his left hand, and winds a thread around it with his right hand. Each turn is made in a different direction.

4. Dry the wet cocoon. The finished cocoon should be hard.

5. Pierce the dried cocoon and remove the deflated ball.

Decorate ready crafts with ribbons.

Easter. Poems for children

Only in Easter sun plays like that!

The bells bring good news.

Let everything from small to large know:

Christ is risen! Truly risen!

Miracle! Easter has arrived,

Gave people joy.

I tell my mom, lovingly:

May the Lord protect you!

Publications on the topic:

Look, what kind of miracle did mom put in the dish? There is an egg, but not a simple one: Golden painted, Like a bright toy! There are stripes, curls,...

The holiday of Easter is approaching! Easter is a great holiday, which is celebrated not only by believers, but also by those who go to church once or twice.

For work you will need: Corrugated cardboard Colored paper Sequins of different colors PVA glue Scissors Sequence of work:.

With the advent of the bright holiday of Easter, spring comes to our home. Today there are many techniques with which you can decorate eggs.

Master class Easter egg" To make such an egg we need: plaster, mold, gouache paints, brush, glass of water.

Good afternoon, dear colleagues! On the eve of the Great Easter holiday, I bring to your attention a master class on decorating wood.

My “Easter Egg” craft is made using the cutting method. To make it work we use: blue, white napkins, you can.

Easter is the largest and brightest holiday of the Christian church. People prepare for Easter for a very long time - they fast, paint eggs, and bake.

The bright and great holiday of Easter evokes feelings of purity, prosperity and something extraordinary in many of us. The constant and main attribute of this pure Orthodox holiday, of course, are Easter colorful eggs. In almost every family, for the Easter holiday it is customary to make beautiful and unusual Easter eggs quickly and easily with your own hands.

Without a doubt, the most important and important craft for the Easter holiday is an egg. Festive eggs are used not so much for consumption as for decoration and play. Since ancient times, there has been a tradition of exchanging Easter eggs and wishing each other goodness and prosperity.

You can decorate Easter eggs in a huge variety of ways: painted, pasted over, made from beads, threads, papier-mâché and even ribbons. Many of these decorating techniques are very easy and can be used as craft projects with your kids.

Decorating eggs for Easter from threads Option 1: do-it-yourself whole eggs

Thanks to this method, whole Easter eggs are obtained. To work you will need balloons, multi-colored threads, PVA glue and scissors.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Decide on the desired size of your future Easter eggs. Inflate the balloons to the selected size.
  2. Pour PVA glue into a convenient container (for example, a bowl) and thoroughly moisten the egg threads in it.
  3. Very carefully wind the threads soaked in glue onto the inflated balloons.
  4. Leave the resulting blanks to dry thoroughly. It will be best if you tie the balls to a clothesline and leave them in the air for several hours.
  5. After the workpiece is completely dry, pierce the balloon with a needle and pull it out.
  6. You can hang ready-made decorative Easter eggs made from thread anywhere in your apartment using a beautiful ribbon or thread.

Let's analyze the second option from threads: “broken” eggs

This method allows you to get a very interesting version of eggs - the appearance of a broken shell with a chicken inside.

You will need:

  • Threads
  • A piece of foam
  • Small cloves or toothpicks
  • Cling film
  • PVA glue
  • Scissors

Egg making process:

  1. Take a piece of foam and cut out the shape of your future egg. Choose the size as you wish. Then wrap the resulting form with cling film.
  2. Next, start sticking toothpicks or cloves into the foam mold so that an oval, circle, triangle or any other shape is formed. This is exactly what the hole of your future Easter egg will be.
  3. Soak the threads in a container of PVA glue and wrap the finished foam mold. Wrap the threads around nails or toothpicks.
  4. Let the workpiece dry completely and begin to remove the foam mold from the already hardened threads.
  5. As a result, you should get an openwork volumetric egg. You can put chicken, sweets, Easter cakes, and so on inside this craft.

If you couldn’t find foam for this craft option, you can safely use a balloon instead. Just at the end of the work, cut out the hole with scissors.

Learning to decorate Easter eggs with threads: ideas and photos

If you don't want to make decorative Easter eggs from scratch, you can simply decorate boiled eggs with colorful threads.

It's very easy to do. Wrap the boiled eggs with bright multi-colored threads. To secure the material to the shell, use PVA glue. If you wish, you can add decorative elements: glitter, beads, rhinestones and so on.

Another popular and unusually beautiful way to decorate Easter eggs is decorating with beads.

A very simple option for this decoration: generously coat your workpiece with PVA glue and carefully roll it in beads. Small beads will stick to the egg and after drying will remain on its surface.

If you have a lot of patience and perseverance, then you can not just cover the egg with beads, but lay out a certain design on the shell. For this type of work, it is best to use tweezers and Moment glue.

The third option for working with beads is as follows:

  • beads are strung on a thin wire and wrapped around an egg, previously coated with glue. In this case, you can also reproduce patterns and weaves.

Crafts and decorations for the Easter holiday are a wonderful option for family leisure. Everyone can try the beauty of creating their own small masterpiece!

Video on the topic of the article

We offer you several videos on how to create Easter eggs with your own hands.

From our article you will learn how to make an Easter egg with your own hands.

In our country, Easter is loved just like New Year and Christmas. That is why most people begin to prepare for this bright day prematurely. And the first thing they do is start preparing pleasant surprises for their nearest and dearest.

Most people simply go to the nearest shopping center and buy the right amount of Easter souvenirs there. Of course, you can do the same. But if you want your family to really like your present, then try making it yourself.

DIY Easter egg made of beads: diagrams

Easter egg made of beads

Scheme No. 1

Scheme No. 2

Scheme No. 3

Some beginning needlewomen think that decorating an egg with beads is impossible without special skills. In fact, beads are exactly the kind of decorative material that even a small child can handle. If you have no idea what beadwork is, then use the simplest method of decorating an Easter egg with beads.

To begin, mix beads of different colors in a small bowl, and then take a plaster egg pre-lubricated with glue and roll it as thoroughly as possible in bright beads. After they completely cover the entire surface, carefully set it to dry. After 6 hours, the Easter egg can be beautifully packaged and presented to your sister or close friend.

Master class on gluing eggs with bead thread:

  • To begin, take a natural or artificial egg (it can be made of wood or plaster), degrease it as thoroughly as possible and let it dry.
  • While this is happening, start making a thread of beads. Take an ordinary fishing line or thin wire and start stringing bright beads on it. Since you will subsequently wrap the egg with this workpiece, you can immediately gain greater length.
  • Next, take the egg in your hands, grease its widest part with glue and carefully form the first circle of beads. We wait until it sets a little, again grease the surface of the Easter egg with glue and screw another row onto it.
  • We continue these actions until the entire surface of our gift is covered with a thread of beads. After this, we leave it alone for at least 10 hours and only after this time we attach a thread to it, by which it can be hung.

If desired, you can replace a simple thread of beads with some beautiful pattern. Above we have offered you several interesting patterns that will make your gift truly original.

DIY Easter egg made from paper from origami modules: instructions

Figure No. 1 Figure No. 2

Figure No. 3

To make an Easter egg using the modular origami technique, you only need colored paper, scissors and a little patience. If you wish, you can also additionally coat the fastening parts with PVA glue, in which case the finished product will be stronger.


  • First of all, take colored paper and fold it as shown in Figure No. 1. Don’t be lazy and make the right amount of blanks at once. If you want to create an interesting pattern, then make blanks in 2 or 3 different colors.
  • At the next stage, you can start connecting the finished modules to each other. How to do this correctly is shown in Figure No. 2. Try to do everything as correctly as possible, because if at least one model does not fit correctly, the holiday craft may not work out.
  • After the models form several full-fledged circles, proceed directly to creating an Easter egg. Recommendations for assembling origami models can be found in Figure 3. In order for your craft to acquire the desired shape, gradually reduce the number of models that you use to create the next row.

DIY Easter egg made from paper using applique technique

Easter egg applique

Template #1 Template No. 2 Template No. 3

Since the appliqué technique does not require any special skills, you can make such an Easter egg even with a small child.

To create it you will need:

  • Colored cardboard
  • Colored paper
  • Satin ribbons
  • Scissors
  • The simplest template


  • Take a cardboard of a suitable color, attach a template to it and trace it with a simple pencil
  • Next, take scissors and carefully cut out the design along the resulting outline
  • Put it aside for a while and start making decor
  • Cut out several flowers, green leaves, willow branches or a small chicken from colored paper
  • Glue the resulting blanks onto a cardboard egg so that you end up with an interesting plot.
  • If you wish, decorate the Easter applique with small satin bows

Crochet Easter egg: diagram, description

Scheme No. 1

Scheme No. 2

Scheme No. 3

Of course, you can’t eat a knitted Easter egg, but such a souvenir will definitely be a wonderful gift. And if you also try to make it exclusively from threads and cotton or padding polyester filler, then in the end you will get a pretty cute toy for a child.

Also, such knitted gifts can be used to decorate your home. Since they turn out to be practically weightless, you can decorate a window with them by simply hanging them chaotically on wooden branches.

Process description:

  • So, cast on the required number of air loops and connect them into a circle. This will be the wider part of the egg.
  • At the next stage, we begin to knit two loops from each
  • Next, we knit a row with simple chain stitches
  • Then we knit a row, making an increase through one loop
  • After this, we knit a row again with ordinary knitting
  • Next, we again make an increase on every second stitch.
  • After this we knit 4-6 rows with a regular stitch
  • If you did everything correctly, you will get half an egg
  • Next, begin alternating simple rows with rows in which you will decrease in every second stitch
  • Continue knitting in this manner until the hole in the piece is closed.

Easter egg made from pasta and balloon

Easter egg made from pasta: recommendations for making

Easter eggs made from pasta always turn out very beautiful. Such decorative material can be painted with any coloring agents available to you, these can be either ordinary painting paints or aerosol paints. Also in this case, you will have the opportunity to choose the size of your future Easter present.

If you wish, you can make it as large as possible. Yes, and if you want to end up with a very beautiful thing, then use pasta in the form of butterflies, feathers, circles, shells and flowers to create it.

  • First of all, think about how big you want the egg to be, and then inflate the ball to the desired size (preferably, it should be oval).
  • To make it more stable, place it in a porcelain bowl. If you are making an Easter egg in which you can put candy or cookies, then use a felt-tip pen to mark the location of the intended slot.
  • Next, wet the brush with glue and coat a small area of ​​the balloon with it. Carefully fill this part with pasta and let it firm up a little.
  • Continue these steps until the entire space of the ball is filled with pasta. At this stage, the workpiece is simply set aside until completely dry.
  • As soon as you see that the glue has completely dried, you can pop the ball and carefully remove it from the resulting shell.
  • Basically, if you like what you get, you can simply paint the egg the desired color and attach a loop to it.
  • If you want something more original, you can try decorating the Easter egg with additional pasta patterns, ribbons and large beads.

DIY Easter eggs made from thread

Manufacturing recommendations

Ideas for needlewomen

An Easter egg made from threads is made according to the same principle as the previous craft. In this case, you will also need to inflate the balloon to the desired size, and then wrap it as tightly as possible with threads of the selected color. If you want your egg to be more colorful, then you can try adding threads of a different color periodically.

When you see that the entire surface of the ball is covered with threads, take a brush and use it to generously coat the workpiece with glue. Do everything as carefully as possible, without missing the smallest area. When this process is finished, place the ball in a bowl and wait until the glue dries completely. As soon as this happens, you will need to burst the ball and carefully remove it through some hole.

But still remember that in this case there are some nuances of making an Easter egg. If you want it to be as light and delicate as possible, then wrap the ball in such a way that its color is clearly visible through the gaps between the threads. If in the end you want to get a product that looks as much like an egg as possible, then try to wrap the ball without the slightest gap.

DIY Easter eggs made from papier-mâché

Bright Easter eggs

Papier-mâché eggs

Using the papier-mâché technique, you can also create a custom Easter egg; if you wish, you can cut out a circle of the desired size in it and your product will turn out hollow. This will make it possible to further decorate the Easter craft from the inside. As for the form that will be covered with paper, then in this case you will have a choice.

Depending on what you want to get in the end, you can use the same balloon or a plaster blank. You can buy the latter at a craft store or make it yourself by simply pouring the gypsum solution into a Kinder mold.


  • Chop bright napkins and white paper into small pieces in advance.
  • Lubricate the ball with a thick layer of glue and begin laying out the first layer of napkins.
  • When finished, coat it with glue again and repeat the procedure.
  • Next, we line the napkins with plain white paper, coat it with glue, and then again put 2-3 layers of napkins.
  • If you are making a non-hollow egg, then it is not necessary to use white paper.
  • In order for the Easter craft to withstand additional decor, you must have at least 8 layers of paper on the ball.
  • Next, we wait until all the layers dry, take out a ball from the resulting egg and decorate it with ribbons, beads and sequins.

Easter eggs from newspaper tubes

Eggs from newspaper tubes

Weaving pattern No. 1

Weaving pattern No. 2

Weaving pattern No. 3

Weaving pattern No. 4

If you really want to surprise your household, then try making an Easter egg from newspaper tubes. This product is woven quite easily, so if you wish, you can quickly make a large number of holiday gifts of different sizes. If you do not plan to paint them in the future, then use newspapers with colored designs to make the tubes.

Yes, and remember, in order for the egg to weave well, the tubes must be the same size and in no case should they be very thick. For those who will be making such a craft for the first time, we present an interesting master class.

DIY Easter eggs made from salt dough

Easter egg made using the first method

Easter eggs made using the second method

You need to start making this Easter craft by preparing the dough. In order for it to turn out right, you will need to take equal parts of salt and flour, mix it all with a small amount of ordinary water and knead a stiff dough.

To make it more pliable, you can add 2-3 tablespoons of PVA glue to it. Once the dough is ready, you can start shaping the eggs. They can be done in two ways.

First way:

  • Roll out the dough into a thin layer and use a cookie cutter to cut out the required number of eggs.
  • Take a pencil or stick and punch holes in the resulting blanks
  • Dry the blanks in the oven, let them cool, and then paint them as you please

Second way:

  • Make an oval shape from food foil
  • Place it in the pre-rolled dough and dry it a little at room temperature
  • After that, put it in the oven for 3-4 hours, and then take it out and start decorating

Craft: Easter egg made from ribbons using the kanzashi technique: instructions, photos

Easter egg made from ribbons using the kanzashi technique

Rainbow Egg

The kanzashi technique involves the use of satin ribbons for decoration. And since you won’t be able to glue them together, you will use sewing pins to fasten them together. For this reason, it will be better if you buy or make the required foam mold. Since this material has a soft structure, you can stick the required number of pins into it without much effort.

To make Easter crafts using the kanzanshi technique you will need:

  • High quality satin ribbon
  • Sharp scissors
  • Sewing pins
  • Foam mold
  • Lighter


  • First of all, cut the satin ribbon into pieces and singe their edges using a lighter (if you want, you can replace the lighter with a candle).
  • Next, fold each square so that it forms a triangle, and then bend its edges towards the middle, burn them with a flame and press them well together.
  • As a result, you should end up with blanks that visually resemble small flower petals.
  • The petals prepared in this way must be taken one at a time, placed on a foam mold and secured with a pin.
  • It is best to start forming an Easter egg from the narrowest part of the craft. The petals should be laid in rows, carefully securing them with pins.

Craft: Easter egg made from ribbons using the artichoke technique: instructions, photos

Easter egg made from ribbons using the artichoke technique

Easter egg made from ribbons

Egg using artichoke technique

The artichoke technique is somewhat similar to the kanzansha technique. In this case, you will also need to use satin ribbons, although they will be cut into longer pieces. They will need to be folded in a special way, directly on the foam blank and secured with sewing pins.


Figure No. 1
  • To begin, take a satin ribbon and cut it into pieces. Depending on the size of the finished product, their length can range from 8 to 15 centimeters. After this, take a piece of satin ribbon, place it on a foam mold, bend it as shown in Figure No. 1 and secure with a pin.
Figure No. 2
  • Having formed the first petal and secured it, begin to make the next one. To do this, place the ribbon as close as possible near the first petal and secure it with pins. How this is done correctly is shown in Figure 2.
Figure No. 3
  • Form such petals, lay them in rows until you completely cover the entire area of ​​the workpiece. When you reach the top, make a buttonhole from pieces of satin ribbon and sew it to the upper petal with ordinary threads (Figure No. 3).

Craft: Easter egg made from ribbons using quilling technique

Idea for Easter quilling

Figure No. 2

There are several ways to make an Easter egg using the quilling technique. The first one is suitable even for those people who have never done needlework in their lives. In this case, you will need to make a circle of multi-colored ribbons of the required diameter, and then carefully form one half of an egg from the resulting blank. To do this, you will need to press your finger on the center of the circle and gently bend it outward.

After this, you will need to make the other half of the holiday product in the same way, and then use glue to fasten them together. The second method is more complicated, but the result will be more interesting. In this case, you will first need to make a plaster blank, prepare a three-dimensional decor from paper, and then fix it with glue.

Decoupage and decorate Easter wooden eggs

Pink Easter egg

Easter egg in vintage style

Rustic ornament on an Easter egg

The decoupage technique is more suitable than others for decorating wooden Easter eggs. Thanks to the fact that the paper almost instantly sticks to the wood, you can quickly create a real masterpiece. But remember, before you start directly decorating, the wooden blank must be sanded with the finest sandpaper and then degreased.

Only in this case will you be able to place the drawing on the surface as evenly and correctly as possible. When it comes to decorating such holiday items, you definitely won’t be limited in choice. If you wish, you can decorate the finished egg with beads, rhinestones, sequins, multi-colored ribbons, bright feathers and even dried flowers

Video: Plastic Easter eggs
