How to make your wish come true in a short time. How to make your wish come true: The surest way What you need to do to make it appear

How to do the most for a relationship if there is no relationship at the moment? What should I do to make them appear? Weekly column “Reader Questions” - I answer:

Olya, Moscow

In today's article (material P Rome. auto) there was a phrase: “It’s the same in relationships. And in money. And in action. In anything. Where the key is “do the maximum in the chosen direction, and you will not suffer.” How to do the most for a relationship if there is no relationship at the moment? I re-read your article “Man and Woman. How to create yourself anew in a relationship,” the conclusion from this article is to do yourself and what you love. What then is the maximum for relationships in their absence?

Olya, let's reason together. What kind of relationship do you want to have and with what kind of man?

Tell me, are you ready for a relationship where you and only you will always make decisions? Are you ready for a relationship where you will “drag” a man and bear responsibility? In a relationship where you will dominate? In different aspects, sometimes financial?

A simple question: are you ready for a relationship with a man who will be weaker than you?

It is clear that the moment of “strength and weakness” is relative, and I do not want to enter into polemics here, because what is an inaccessible good for one is already a boring norm for another.

But can you agree that there are people who are weaker than you personally, and people who are stronger (both internally and externally)?

Can you honestly admit that there are men who are weaker than you? Not because you are such a strong woman (we are not talking about this strength at all), but because people are actually not equal in their spiritual and social manifestations - one way or another, we are at different stages not only of our careers, but also personal awakening and constantly continue to move at different speeds: some up, some down.

There are weak-willed men, there are alcoholics, and there are many of them, there are dependents, there are lazy and inert, eternal whiners, and just cowards. These are all manifestations of weakness. There are those who try to break out of this, and they succeed. In the end:

You are not born strong, you become strong.

But there are those who do nothing, and, at a minimum, it is stupid not to notice.

I will repeat my question again. Are you ready to be with a man who will obviously weaker you?

If yes, then it’s easier for you - go and get yourself a man. That is, work intensively in the area of ​​improving your personal life in all the ways that exist. A couple of recipes:

  • You are constantly in active search
  • Shoot with your eyes
  • First call men
  • First invite you to meet
  • Write a lot of SMS

As soon as an interesting man appears in your field of vision, do not leave him for a minute. Praise him, make him fall in love, even flatter him, give him expensive gifts for the holidays, be available 24 hours a day, even for a meeting, even for SMS, forgive his forgetfulness, pretend not to notice if words differ from deeds, pay for yourself everywhere , it will be generally great if sometimes you pay for him, and, God forbid, you do not immediately answer his phone call or message.

In short, quickly take this man so that he doesn’t have time to come to his senses, because “no one else will love him the way you do.”

This works great. With one caveat:

By active actions you can only take a man who is weaker than you.

A strong man takes it himself. This is its fundamental difference. A strong man, a real man if you will, is disgusted by being “taken” - after all, he is a male with all the ensuing instincts and self-identification.

What if you suddenly want to see a strong man next to you?

The stupidest advice I heard on this matter sounded like: “Stop being strong, you need to become a weak woman.” How weak? To live with an alcoholic or a man who doesn’t need anything from this life (which for me, for example, is the same thing)?

Let's continue to reason together.

How to please a man if you do not take active aggressive actions described above? How to interest a man if you don’t shoot with your eyes, don’t run to talk to him first, don’t call first, don’t offer to meet under any “reasonable” pretexts, don’t praise him endlessly and for no reason, don’t be available at any of his wishes and don’t constantly send sms?

How to interest a man if you “don’t take him”?

The answer exists. I hope you feel it before you read my lines.

For this you need be so charming both externally and internally, so that a man can give birth an irresistible desire to do it all yourself: look at you, call, invite, give, please, wait until you have time to meet, and make sure that you are with him all your life.

He may be worried, shy, even afraid (all these emotions are characteristic of strong men), but if you are beautiful in every sense: beautiful, light, playful, friendly, friendly and passionate about your work, without a neurotic desire to urgently get married and shift the burden of your life and responsibility on his shoulders, he will find the courage to take the first step and do it until you become his beloved woman.

With each such step, he will feel stronger, even if in fact nothing works out for you, because only by taking an active position as a person of action in a relationship, a man will be able to get closer to his center of power.

Women's strength lies in in this state when a man simply cannot help but act.

Such a girl does not shoot her eyes, does not run to a man first, does not agree to a meeting if she has other things to do that day (even if they can be moved), is not afraid of missing a call, does not sleep with her phone and does not answer SMS at night, yes and early in the morning she has other things to do - get herself in order, tune in to the world, do exercises, have breakfast...

A woman who is not afraid to be alone and loves the world in all its manifestations is very attractive and desirable.

Answering your question: “What then is the maximum for a relationship in the absence of one?”, I will say this - if there is no relationship, then you cannot do the maximum for them(When they do, that’s a different matter). Zero multiplied by any other digit will always remain zero.

But you can do the maximum for yourself to become a woman, at the sight of whom a man cannot help but act - the attraction is so strong.

Outer beauty

A woman must be beautiful. Men love with their eyes, and that's normal. This is not about glamorous templates, but about reaching your maximum within the framework of your natural potential. .

Inner beauty

It's getting along with yourself. Fullness as a consequence of being engrossed in this world. Anything that doesn’t let you get bored and stay in the phase of actively waiting for a “miracle.”

Inner beauty is the absence of hysteria. This is the ability to wait for both his call and the next man, if necessary.

You need to occupy yourself with an interesting activity, but not according to the principle “I’ll find a hobby to meet a man, to get married, to finally become happy,” but “I’ll find a business that will captivate me.”

Happy and busy is a state that attracts.

The only way to meet a prince is to become a princess yourself

Recipe for those interested:

Be joyful internally (through the development of your business), be beautiful externally and go to places where like-minded people gather. That is, do not sit at home or in the office, go to meetings, events, and in the company of interesting people more often. This is not a story about “I’ll go once and try,” it’s “I’ll go a hundred times and will go again if necessary.” Allow yourself to be “taken” if you are interested in a man, but don’t take him yourself.

Being open to relationships and seeking them are diametrically opposed stories.

I once received advice from a wise adult woman. I asked something in the style of: “And if I actively develop, then I can scare off a man? There are those who are afraid of such women.” To which she answered me uncompromisingly:

- Baby, you don’t need a man who’s afraid of you. For what? Don't be shy about your strength.

Thanks her.

I often encounter this phenomenon: I see that men are afraid to take the first step or are thinking up some moments for themselves, before I “helped” them and took the steering wheel into my own hands, today it is obvious to me that a strong man will find the courage to make a romantic assault if he really needs it. Moreover, we are talking about real actions in the physical world, and not long treatises via SMS or social networks, which I personally do not perceive as reality at all. In other cases, it’s a waste of time for both of us to suddenly realize after N amount of time that we are different... and this was obvious from the very beginning.

To be loved! And be together!

Olesya Vlasova

P.S. Friends, this is Final Call! The annual Reinvent Yourself challenge will begin in just a few days - May 14, 2019. I conduct this program only once a year and my goal is to accumulate as efficiently as possible the entire array of information under the heading “recreate yourself” for practical use. The group is already fully assembled. But it's still possible

Life situations are different and in some of them a person is forced to play a “role” that is unusual for him, that is, to simulate. It’s just awkward for you to refuse a trip or presence in any place for no apparent reason, or perhaps you have planned a surprise for your other half and you need to be alone with yourself for a while, but there is no plausible excuse - you need to get sick, or rather , imitate illness.

You can cause a runny nose, as well as other symptoms of acute respiratory infections, at home using available means. Symptoms after such manipulations pass quickly, and you will have enough time to implement your plans.

How to provoke

The first sign of a cold is a runny nose, and this is where we will begin to imitate the disease. It is as easy as shelling pears to cause rhinitis for people suffering from allergies; it is enough to stop taking medications for a while and stay in close proximity to the allergen. Running and redness of the nose due to allergies are identical to the symptoms of a cold.

What should those who do not suffer from allergic manifestations do? There is a way out. There are several ways to cause a runny nose in a healthy person:

Red or black pepper

It is better to use fresh pods, since dry pepper may leave traces, then the whole plan will go down the drain. After cutting the fruit, take a little juice on a cotton swab and lubricate the nasal passages with it, but not too deep, otherwise you can burn the mucous membrane. If you don’t have fresh pepper in your arsenal, inhale a little dry crushed product, the main thing is not to overdo it. Do not count on long-term results; the symptom will disappear in about 20-30 minutes.


You can simply breathe in fresh onion vapor for several minutes in a row, which will provoke not only nasal congestion, but also redness of the eyes and lacrimation. However, the effect of this is short-lived; it is better to extract the juice from the fruit and lubricate the nasal passages with it.

Aloe kalanchoe

You will need the juice of these plants; you will need to drop it into your nose (1-2 drops). The procedure is harmless, and in addition to a runny nose, it provokes active sneezing.

Let's add some more symptoms

In addition to rhinitis, a cold is characterized by a cough, lacrimation, and an increase in temperature; it is also possible to provoke these symptoms artificially. To make a false cold look more believable, let’s add a few more symptoms to a runny nose.


Increased body temperature - to provoke a symptom, it’s quite simple to rub your armpit with onion or garlic, then put on a thermometer; the bar will show at least 37.5°C. If you have an electric thermometer in your home medicine cabinet, use iodine - drop a couple of drops on a piece of sugar and eat it, the dial will read 38°C.

Red eyes

You can make your eyes red and cause watery eyes using mint toothpaste - apply it (only a small amount) to the lower eyelid, resulting in redness and swelling. You can use laundry soap in the same way.


To provoke an artificial cough or sneezing, just sniff tobacco, inhale dust, and ground pepper and household chemicals can come to the rescue. These are excellent irritants for the nasal mucosa (provoking a runny nose) and the lower respiratory tract (causing a cough).

Having completed all the necessary manipulations and achieved the desired symptoms, you should also not forget about your appearance. After all, the image of a patient is somewhat different from the appearance of a healthy person.

Don't forget about appearance

In order for your appearance to correspond to the stated symptoms, you need to transform yourself a little, and ordinary cosmetics will help with this.

Women can cope with this most easily. All they need to do is give up decorative makeup, apply powder a couple of shades lighter than their facial skin, and apply shadow to the dark circles under their eyes. The main thing is that the shadows are matte; shiny cosmetics will immediately give away the deception.

It’s more difficult for men in terms of makeup; of course, you can ask for help from your spouse or a trusted friend, but if you don’t have them, you can probably do it on your own. To create a sick look, you will need green concealer and a sense of moderation. Apply a little product to your face, mainly the forehead and cheeks, blend thoroughly. The color should not be green; the job of the concealer is to make the face look pale.

The downside of this type of makeup is that it wipes off easily, so be careful not to touch your face with your hands and don’t let others do it.

So, the symptoms are there, the appearance is ready, the only thing that remains is behavior, sick people are less active and talkative, so “turn on” the artistry.

A little artistry

If tomorrow or the day after tomorrow you decide to get sick, you need to prepare your environment for this. Start complaining in advance about feeling unwell; this could be a mild headache, aching joints, chills, or a sore throat. You can also simulate loss of appetite, drowsiness and fatigue. Thus, if you come the next day with obvious symptoms of a false cold, you will not surprise your surroundings at all.

With this, you will also need to control your behavior and behavior as it happens when you are really sick.

Playfulness and activity are inappropriate here - be lethargic, somewhat irritable, slow, answer questions reluctantly, even the funniest jokes should not cause a violent reaction in you (after all, a sick person has no time for laughter). Don’t forget to breathe through your mouth, periodically sniffle, cough, keep a handkerchief in a visible place all the time and don’t try to recover the next day, they won’t believe you.

Deceiving and abusing trust is, of course, not good, but sometimes, unfortunately, it is impossible without it.

Why does one person succeed and another doesn’t? Sometimes chronically. What is this? Fate, a joke of nature, a pattern?

Those who are familiar with life will immediately answer that everything is simple here - one does it, the other doesn’t, one keeps the rhythm, the other abandons it. But if you take a closer look, this is just the tip of the iceberg, which, by the way, is clearly visible at the first signs of awareness, including by those who fail, but this does not change the meaning. What lies at the basis of this phenomenon?

There are even more interesting situations when they do both. But again, one succeeds, and the other does not. What's the point here?

Just don’t say that in the recipe, someone does it right, but another doesn’t. We live in an enchanting time where tasks without clear recipes simply no longer exist. Absolutely any question has a fixed answer, broken down in parts, and not just one, but tailored to different people and situations: Google, Yandex, YouTube help us all, not to mention traditional methods of education, advice from friends and observing the world. So why are there so many people around who cannot cope with banal life issues such as getting their appearance in order, making money doing what they love, communicating with like-minded people, and financial independence? And what is the difference between those who manage to solve the tasks they set for themselves?

Previously, I would have said that it is a matter of intention - that is, a deep desire without an admixture of lust and requests, bordering on the willingness to accept a new situation into your life.

But today I found a more accurate and capacious definition, which is on the verge of real change on any of the issues:

Sincere spiritual effort

Here every word plunges into the abyss of universal meaning:

Sincerely, a deep, real, living, strong desire to change in the issue that you are deciding. Not so that others will be jealous, and not because you are jealous. Not in order to stop feeling worthless, but then to begin your ascent to the light and draw strength from this world through the endless process of development. Sincerely.

Spiritual understanding the essence of change and the implementation of certain goals in life, where the only path involves both contribution and return. Giving is as spiritual as the effort we put into receiving it.

An effort primary, since this is our contribution, from which the return grows. Any attempt to reverse the process - first harvest, and only then work in the garden beds - is ridiculous and sad. No, it's just funny. Effort is the seed of change.

Here's what one of my favorite authors, Paramahansa Yogananda, says about this:

Sincere spiritual effort (regardless of internal struggle) produces positive spiritual vibrations.

The internal struggle with the serious opposition between bright goals and doubts, fears, demotivating thoughts and destructive habits will not be able to hinder you and will not lead you off course, if at the same time, somewhere in the very depths, you make a sincere spiritual effort to change in the issue you want to solve.

I went into my problems, which came out in a variety of masks, almost blindly, without the slightest idea whether I could stand it or not, armed only with a very, very, very strong desire to change and firmly deciding that there was no turning back.

Now I know that my sword was called “sincere spiritual effort”, and it cuts through any ignorance, which is mental pain, and the intention not to turn around under any conditions, it turns out, has also long been described as an axiom of spiritual physics, and, in fact, this the only way to move forward in the maturation spiral. When there is no effort from the very depths, and in reality there are only superficial “I want” and “give”, a person remains in the role of an ignorant and can live like this all his life.

The very fact of being born in a physical body is a hint that a person is in spiritual ignorance.


We are all born unconscious, these are the rules of the game. But to begin your conscious ascent along the facets of existence or not is already the free choice of each person and at the same time the line after which he ceases to be a child. He stops searching, asking and demanding, and begins to create and apply sincere spiritual effort to everything he does.

How to make it work for you?

1. The basis of fundamentals is sincere spiritual effort

I've said it many times and I want to say it again: the people who have truly changed and managed to achieve seemingly very difficult goals are not stronger, smarter or more fearless than you - what really sets them apart is the fact that that they feared the LACK OF CHANGE more than the change itself. That is, they were so embarrassed by what was that they overcame the fear that appears when moving towards any drastic changes.

“How am I s-a-d-o-l-b-a-l-s-y.”

Words from a famous movie.

They really wanted financial and work independence, so much that they were ready to work 12 hours for this, not go on vacation for a couple of years, forget about May, New Year and other gingerbread.

I started with the fact that I was tired of being internally dissatisfied. I'm very tired of it. Of course, I also had questions about the work. I was pretty tired of making money for someone (and I always worked directly or indirectly in sales and directly influenced the company’s income), but this bothered me less than my constant unhappiness, which was already creeping out of my ears, although I tried my best to shut it up with the help travels, relocations, updates of companies with whom I communicated, and new novels.

My first decision was the intention to become happy. From here I began to unravel this knot, came to creating myself anew as the only way to cleanse myself from ignorance and to many, many other things where my path was and continues to be illuminated by the effort to move forward to be who I want to see myself.

2. Meaningful action

Spiritual effort differs from dreams and fantasies in that it is transformed into action. Moreover, what is important is not the action itself, but rather the meaningful action - that is, the ability to adjust the route as much as necessary, without going off course.

Don't understand what to do? Find the answer. Is a recipe not working? Take the next one. Study the ingredients and try mixing them yourself. In general, this is the thing with recipes - they rarely work the first time for beginners, only for those who are in the know. It seems that sometimes it is useful for a person to get burned a couple of times, so that then everything goes like clockwork in this matter. Maybe this is how the sincerity of his spiritual efforts is tested?

3. Ability to keep rhythm

The most important skill in any process is called “Don’t stop,” because nature does not understand another language. A tree cannot stop developing, why did a person think that he could?

One day, a heavy smoker with 30 years of experience, and part-time my mother, showed me an illustration of how to learn to keep a rhythm through her history of quitting cigarettes.

She decided to quit smoking, lasted a day, and the next day she was going to the store for cigarettes, as happens to many of us, but she got into a conversation with the saleswoman. And she cuts her off:

I won't sell. You lasted one day, so you can do another.

And this became the basis for progress along the path of abandoning such a corrosive habit. Don’t give up completely, but stand for just one day – just today. The next day, the same thing, plus constantly notice what good is happening to your body, if you haven’t smoked for 3 days, 4 days, and so on. And so on step by step, so that after 30 days you don’t even think about cigarettes.

When you start something, don’t strive for “forever” and “for good,” don’t make loud statements, don’t rush into quick changes. Try it today. And so every day, because in fact, no other state exists - every time we wake up in the same thing today. This is the fastest way to ensure that you personally get what you have in mind.

How to make your wish come true? This simple and very effective wish fulfillment technique will not take much of your time and is suitable for daily use!

To make your wish come true one hundred percent, follow 3 simple steps

1. Formulation

First of all, before performing the wish fulfillment technique itself, you should come up with a formulation of the desired result. No visual representation, just wording!

First there was the word, right? It should be one sentence, no more. If you want something else, repeat the wish fulfillment technique the next day, or, alternatively, create more succinct statements. For example: “May my family and I have a wonderful day tomorrow,” “Tomorrow I will pass the exam with flying colors.”

As you can see, the wording can be precise or general - it should reflect what you want. But let me remind you that by formulating more precise “orders”, it will be easier for you to notice the result. Close your eyes and think about what you really want.

2. Vacuum

The second step to make your wish come true is to create a vacuum¹ in your head. Try to completely get rid of thoughts for a few seconds. Focusing on some horizontal line will help you with this (I often use the top border of the window).

A horizontal line is needed in order to disperse your attention along it without concentrating on any point. Your gaze should be scattered along the line, and your head should be empty. Keep your head empty until you hear a slight “whistle” in your ears.

This is the state we need! Even a few seconds are enough, two, three, five – great! Even a couple of moments in the first stages is enough.

3. Request

Immediately after the whistle in your ears (or after achieving complete silence), holding this state for a couple of seconds, mentally pronounce your wording from the first step. Ready!

Important clarification

To make your wish come true, it is best to perform the wish fulfillment technique before bed, but if you suddenly fall asleep, do it immediately after waking up.

However, it is still better to practice this before going to bed so that the Universe has more time to prepare events. If you remember, even Vasilisa the Wise worked miracles at night.

This method of fulfilling desires is extremely simple and always works. I often share it with friends and always use it before exams. As a result, there is not a single B in my diploma, but only an A!

A lucky chance, a lucky ticket, a teacher came out, a sudden machine gun, or an insight when answering a ticket. The fulfillment of desires always happened in different ways.

Later I began to use this method for any of my desires. Even “celebrating a birthday in Paris” turned out to be subject to this method! The main thing is to clearly formulate what you want!

Let's summarize - a brief algorithm of actions

To make your wish come true, you:

  • Formulate the desired result in advance in one sentence.
  • You create a vacuum in the mind.
  • Immediately pronounce your wording in your mind.

That's all! Wish you luck!

We are used to making a wish for the New Year and on our birthday. It is believed that these days your most cherished dream can come true. Each of us wishes ourselves all the best, drinking champagne during the chimes or blowing out the candles on the cake. But there are techniques that allow you to resort to the help of Higher Powers at any time. Experts in the field of esotericism assure that anyone can make their dreams come true.

Proven techniques for making wishes come true

It is naive to believe that by performing one magical ritual, you can immediately get what you want. This process can take a long time and require a lot of effort from a person. But with the right approach, the result is always the same: the wish comes true exactly.

Where to begin?

  1. For all techniques and rituals, there is one general rule: the desire must be formulated correctly and unambiguously. There is no need to make the message too specific, but there should be no ambiguity.
  2. Learn to visualize the end result. In this case, you can be as detailed as possible about what you want. It would be useful to learn to simulate situations in which a dream could come true.
  3. The desire must be positive. Formulations containing wishes of harm to another person or infringing on his interests are prohibited.

Wish Card or Wish Book

The first way of fulfilling desires is associated with the belief that all thoughts have the ability to materialize. The essence of the technique is to write down a desire in the present tense or select suitable pictures for a collage. By making each entry, a person gives his subconscious a powerful installation. As a result, he unconsciously begins to act in such a way that his intention is realized.

Strong technique "Glass of water"

This technique was described in detail by V. Zeland in one of his books on transurfing. The method is based on the unique ability of water molecules to “remember” information. It is this property that is associated with the widespread use of liquid in magical rituals.

This method is very simple but effective. To begin, take a regular glass (transparent, without a pattern) and fill it with water. Formulate your desire and write it down on a small piece of paper. Then place the piece of paper on the table and place a glass on top. Now comes the most difficult part of the technique: form an energy ball between your palms that symbolizes your intention. Once you have done this, place your palms on the sides of the glass, a few centimeters apart. Transfer your energy to the water and drink it. Repeat the exercise morning and evening.

Ritual with a magic candle

Fire accumulates energy and directs it in the right direction. Candle rituals are considered very powerful and effective. To make your cherished dream come true, esotericists recommend performing the ritual on the new moon.

For the ritual, take a candle that will burn out completely in 30-40 minutes. Around midnight, write your wish on a strip of paper. Wrap the piece around the candle, and then secure the structure with a light thread. At midnight, light a candle and wait until it burns out. All this time, visualize your desire in every detail. After the ritual, scatter the ashes from the burnt paper on the street with the words: “So be it!” Thank the Higher Powers in your own words and go to bed.
