How to make bright ash hair color. Technique for turning blonde hair into ashen hair

In the last two years, ash hair has become very popular among girls. Although it does not exist in nature, many fashionistas stubbornly achieve their goal.

The only problem is that over time it loses expressiveness. Therefore, it must always be supported. If you want to change your hair color to ash blonde, you should listen to our advice.

What type of hair color suits ashy?

light brown ash color

Yes, this color is very fashionable lately, but this does not mean that it suits everyone. Like any other shade, this one requires a careful approach and selection of all the details in a girl’s appearance.

Ash blonde hair color can either brighten up your face or make it look sallow. You should be careful when painting. Moreover, achieving the ideal result is not so easy.

For whom does ash blonde suit immediately:

  • Girls with a summer appearance. Blonde hair combined with gray or blue eyes, light skin.
  • For girls who do not have any defects, pimples or moles on their facial skin. The ashy shade will only highlight them, making them conspicuous flaws. Therefore, to choose this hair shade, the skin must be ideal and smooth.
  • Girls who do not have red or red pigment in their hair. It is simply impossible to dye chestnut curls or light reddish hair into ashen hair. You shouldn’t try this; you can ruin the entire hair structure.
  • Girls with white faces. The ash color is not suitable for dark-skinned people; it gets lost against the background of a tanned body.

Come out so that the ash-blond color of your curls is suitable only for a narrow circle of the fair sex. Not everyone can become the happy owner of silver curls. But those who suit this color can transform into such a popular trend with ease. Suitable for girls with autumn color type.

How to achieve an ashy tone

dark blond ash hair color

It is worth noting again that getting a beautiful ash blonde will be very, very difficult. Most likely, you won’t be able to do this at home. It would be best to contact a professional stylist. If you still decide to experiment at home, then remember our tips:

  1. From this coloring, the curls suffer greatly and break. It will be easier for them if they apply nourishing masks and compresses to their heads a month before and a month after. Then, perhaps, the color will fit better on healthy hair.
  2. In any case, the strands must first be lightened, whether dark or already light.
  3. It is better to select ash-blond paint with a special consultant in the store.
  4. To avoid unnecessary color throughout your entire locks, try applying color to an individual strand first. If you are happy with the color, you can process the entire head.
  5. To make the ash look more natural on light curls, add 2 times more hydrogen oxide 3%. It will additionally lighten your hair and absorb the dye into the structure.
  6. If you dye your hair too dark, bleaching alone will not help you. First you need to wash it, and only then bleach it. And at the end apply ash color.
  7. If after dyeing you notice that your hair begins to have a green tint, it means that there was not enough purple pigment in the composition. You can buy a tinted shampoo with a purple tint and use it 2 times a week. This will make the ash-blond color look more expressive. You can find out how to make a shatush on dark hair.

It is under no circumstances recommended to dye curls that were previously dyed with henna ash-blond! The color will stain and ruin your appearance.

“Scorched strands” are no longer so popular. Now the new blonde trend is an ashy tint. This means that you can use .

curls with an ashy tint

It is most suitable for naturally fair-haired girls, and it will be easier for them to achieve it. To play it safe and remove the red pigment, you can simply add a little purple to the diluted paint. It is better, of course, if this is done by a specialist in the salon. If you paint at home, then the purple pigment should be included in the composition 1:3. If you don't know, contact the salon.

To constantly maintain color, it is better to use tinted shampoos 2 times a week. They will keep the color fresh and vibrant.

You will learn how to achieve the perfect ash color without a hint of green in our video.

Staining algorithm

Choose only a proven brand of paint so as not to harm your curls. On our website you can see photos of ombre dyeing for brown hair.

In order to achieve the ashen color you want, you need to take:

  • means for lightening curls,
  • hair dye of the desired shade,
  • gloves,
  • tassel,
  • comb-comb.

How to lighten your curls

To obtain an ashy shade, dark oxen must be bleached

It is necessary to apply the lightening agent to unwashed curls, so the structure will not be damaged too much. First, 2/3 of the part is applied to the entire length of the hair, except for the roots. You need to wait 30 minutes. Then the remaining part is smeared on the roots. Walk like this for another 20 minutes. Afterwards everything is washed off with shampoo. If you like the result of the lightening, you can start painting. If not, repeat the procedure every other day. looks especially impressive.

How to apply the coloring agent

Apply the diluted dye to all hair according to the instructions. After rinsing, rinse your hair additionally with a tinted shampoo that matches the color tone.

Don't wait too long, your hair may become damaged and break.

Popular ash-colored paints

Almost every brand of paint has this shade, but not everyone can use it on their hair. Here is a list of time-tested and girl-tested brands:

  • Light brown ash tone L`Oreal
  • Ash Blonde Revlon
  • Natural ash blonde Casting Creme Gloss L`Oreal

These brands are responsible for the durability of hair coloring. (shatush, ombre, coloring) allow you to always stay on trend.

How to complement the image

ashy color on long curls

If a girl has such a catchy hair color, she should be able to correctly select the entire image. Only proper makeup will highlight your new ashen look.

If you choose this color of strands, your image is “snow queen”.

First, remember - all makeup should be cold.

For lips, choose pale coral or pinkish colors so they don't stand out too much.

As for eye shadow, you should choose cool gray and blue shades. Purple and blue will do. But not warm brown or pink.

But you need to use blush or powder with a pink tint, this color will set off the pallor that your hair gives to your face.

Mascara and eyeliner are classic black or silver. But just don’t go overboard with them, it will look provocative.

You need to carefully select your wardrobe to match this color of curls. Pastel colors are suitable: pink, blue, mint. Black should be avoided, it will lighten the skin even more.

Fashion is constantly changing, so girls either buy different clothes, then lose weight, then go to the gym, or change their hair color. But no matter what, the color that will never lose its popularity is black.

And recently, ash shades have also become fashionable. Therefore, we will combine two current topics and answer the main question that worries most modern girls - how to make ash-black hair color? Attention to the photo:

Who suits dark ash hair?

Sizzling brunettes always attract the gaze of millions of men. Sexuality, independence, determination, self-confidence - these are what come to mind when you see black-haired beauties.

But does this color suit everyone? The main thing to be guided by is the eyes and skin.

  • Firstly, black will suit either those with dark skin or, conversely, pale skin.
  • Secondly, it is desirable that there are no problem areas on the face, because... this shade of hair will only highlight it.
  • Thirdly, with green and brown eyes, obviously black will look much more advantageous.
  • And fourthly, the dark color will make the curls visually more voluminous.

He will look incredible with gray-blue, marsh and brown eyes.

The main thing to remember when choosing such shades is that girls with a cold color type of appearance clearly win.

By combining black and ash, you get a rather interesting play of colors. Photo:

Ash ombre for dark hair (with photo)

Those brunettes who are afraid to dye their entire locks an ash shade, but still want to experiment a little, can consider ombre - a gradual transition from one color to another. In this case, by the way, slightly less damage will be caused to the hair.

Ombre on black hair with an ash color is suitable for girls whose hair length is below the shoulders.

This technique has a number of advantages:

  • With its help, you can hide the emerging gray hair; this problem often occurs in young girls who, due to heredity or some other reason, have turned gray early.
  • The second reason is that ombre will help disguise the yellowish strands that may appear as a result of bleaching your hair.

This coloring technique is perfect for ladies with cool skin tones and gray-blue eyes, as well as girls with pale skin and green eyes. Photo:

Ash hair color with black roots is, of course, a great option, but the most adventurous dark-haired ladies can try to completely change the color of their hair.

Getting out of black will undoubtedly take a lot of effort and time. It’s better to go to a salon, because... professionals will do this work much more efficiently than amateurs. After all, no one needs unexpectedly appeared green or blue shades, much less spoiled curls in the form of a washcloth.

The main thing that is required is patience and a certain amount of money (especially if the hair is long enough). Nowadays, qualified specialists do not come cheap.

Step-by-step instructions for ash painting

No matter how difficult it may be to get out of dark hair color, it is still possible, especially if you have basic dyeing skills.

First, you should bleach your hair, 20 percent peroxide will help with this, and then the usual bleaching color.

  1. Mix peroxide and bleach powder in a 1:1 ratio.
  2. The mass is mixed thoroughly to avoid the formation of lumps.

  1. Next, apply evenly to hair.

  1. A cap is put on the head.
  2. After an hour, the hair is washed and dried.

Then, after lightening, you need to use a level 10 dye of the desired color.

  1. Now the same peroxide is mixed, but with paint in a 2:1 ratio.

  1. Everything is stirred.
  2. Next, repeat steps 3-5 from the previous paragraph.

To achieve a more pronounced ash color, you can use a purple semi-permanent dye. It is mixed with conditioner to avoid creating an unwanted purple tint.

Having completed all the steps, a beautiful ash color as in the photo is clearly guaranteed.

Proper hair care with ashy effect

In order for the color to remain as long as possible, and also so that the condition of the hair after the stress of dyeing does not deteriorate significantly, you need to properly care for your hair.

  • It is advisable to give preference to sulfate-free shampoos.
  • Regular nourishing masks will return your hair to its previous appearance.
  • The use of tint products: shampoos, balms, tonics.
  • It is better, of course, to reduce the use of all kinds of hair dryers and straightening irons, at least for the first time, because... They dry out your hair a lot.

Don't be afraid of experiments (within reason, of course), there is only one life!

Photo selection:

Ombre coloring opens up enormous opportunities for experimentation for dark-haired girls. For example, the ends of your hair can be dyed in shades of ash and silver, which will look very interesting and unusual. Increasingly, fashionistas are choosing the mysterious and trendy ash ombre.

Who is it suitable for?

This coloring is best suited for dark-haired ladies. with a cold appearance, namely a bluish tint to the skin, blue or gray eyes.

But, since natural dark hair is often found on ladies with dark skin and brown eyes, they can also experiment with this coloring.

The only thing is that if you have a warm color type, you should choose not cold ash-blond options, but softer ash-brown ones. They will ideally complement the chestnut or chocolate tone of the curls..

The ideal length for a silver ombre is below the shoulders. It will help reveal all the beauty of such painting to the fullest. You can also try this solution at medium length.

Please note that a gray ombre will focus attention on your face shape and skin condition, so think about whether you are ready for this.

Who should not resort to this coloring?

Cold tones of gray should not be used by girls of a warm color type, and vice versa. Also, carefully assess the condition of your skin. If she has a lot of pimples, scars and other imperfections, such a color scheme will make them much more noticeable.

We associate gray and ashy tones with gray hair, so visually they can age. Therefore, ladies who have already begun to show age-related changes should not experiment with such shades, otherwise they will visually add several more years.

Ash ombre on dark hair tends to focus attention on all the flaws, so it is suitable only for ladies with good skin condition and a beautiful oval face.

Choice of colors and successful combinations, photo

There are several options for ash gradient coloring, and you need to decide which ones are suitable for dark hair. You can choose either a very light silvery blonde or a dark gray one. The following options will look good on brunettes:

  • Ash-white transition. A very good option if your hair is long enough, otherwise smooth transitions will not work. The idea is that the black at the roots gradually becomes ashy, and towards the tips it turns into snow-white. This coloring looks very beautiful, but sometimes it can be quite difficult to lighten the strands so much.
  • Ash brown ombre. A fairly common option, since it does not require such strict requirements as in the previous option. Dark roots and ends in an ash-brown color look very harmonious if the transition is smooth enough.
  • Rich gray gradient. One of the best options for women with rich dark hair color. The ends can simply be made gray. For those who love experiments, the idea of ​​​​a color transition from black to silver, and from there to blue or lilac, is suitable.

Features of coloring depending on length

When choosing a color option, consider your hair length:

  • Ash ombre – great solution for long curls.

    On them you can create beautiful transitions of two or more colors.

    So, you may prefer the combination of black-ash-white.

    If you want to create brighter options, pay attention to painting the tips in light blue, dark blue or another cool color that harmonizes with the ashy one.

  • Gray tips can decorate medium-length hairstyles, for example, the current elongated bob. Coloring with the beginning of the transition approximately in the chin area will look harmonious.
  • It’s quite difficult to implement the idea on short curls smooth transition from dark to silver.

But if you prefer creative haircuts, you can try diluting them with an ashy shine.

Execution technique

For those whose hair is blond or gray, it is much easier to achieve such an ombre than for brunettes.

Dark-haired ladies will have to try hard, because to get ashy from black you will need to lighten your hair well.

The sequence of actions in this case will be as follows:

  • First, the curl needs to be prepared for coloring, since a large load will be placed on them.

    Therefore, you should first use restorative hair products.

    On the eve of painting, make a nourishing mask, which can be based, for example, on natural oils.

  • Bleaching will be required first..

    It can be done in several stages, since it is impossible to keep the bleach on the strands for more than half an hour, and during this time the strands may not lighten enough.

    Apply the bleaching agent only to the areas that will be painted.

  • Afterwards, dye is applied to the bleached curls.. It can also be used in several stages. First, it is applied to the entire clarified surface, then kept in foil. After this, the tips are re-painted.

If you need to adjust the color, you can use a silver or ash toner, which will give you the desired shade.

How to make at home

Ombre dyeing for dark hair with ashy color - a very complex and time-consuming process which requires time and money.

You can do it at home, but the result in this case may not turn out at all the way you want, and the risk of ruining your curls is very high.

If you decide to do this, Try to minimize the damage by taking into account the following tips:

  • It is not recommended to paint for several months before ombre.

    If your curls have been dyed, let them grow out as long as possible.

    This way, after lightening, you can get an even tone that will be easy to work with further.

  • Even the most gentle lightening still dries out your hair, so 1-2 weeks before coloring you should start actively and regularly moisturizing it.
  • Apply coloring to dirty curls. Do not wash them for two days before the procedure. Natural oil will help prevent scalp irritation.
  • Be prepared for the fact that the ends damaged by bleaching may have to be cut off.
  • After lightening, some experts advise using a purple toner. It is needed to hide the yellowness and give the strands a white-gray tone, onto which the desired shade of ashy will fit well.
  • Keep in mind that it may take at least 6-7 hours to create an ash-colored ombre on dark hair, so do it when you have enough time.
In our next material you will find detailed video tutorials on the technique of dyeing balayage on dark hair.

How to care for strands after dyeing

To ensure the durability of the result and maintain the beauty and health of the hair, it is necessary to update the paint in a timely manner and provide the strands with proper care. It will include the following measures:

  • Pick up sulfate-free shampoo for regular hair care and air conditioning.

    Products containing sulfates quickly wash out the color and do not have the best effect on the condition of the strands.

  • Periodically pamper your hair with restorative and nourishing masks.

    You can use ready-made products, or prepare formulations according to homemade folk recipes.

  • Silver colors tend to wash out quickly, so you can use tint balms or tonics that will help update the shade.
  • If you dyed the ends, and the color on the roots is your own, you won’t have to constantly visit the salon and update the coloring.

    It will be enough to go to the hairdresser no more often than once every three months as the color is washed out and the split ends are cut off.

    If there is paint on the roots, they need to be touched up approximately once every 6-8 weeks.

In this video you can see how the ombre dyeing technique is performed on dark hair in a beauty salon:

Ash ombre – a good way to diversify your hairstyle and refresh the dark shade of your strands. If the tone was chosen correctly, and the coloring itself was done at a professional level, it will look simply gorgeous. Therefore, decide what is better: dye your hair yourself or immediately leave it in the hands of professionals.

Every modern woman dreams of looking stylish and charming and becoming an object of admiration from the male half of the population. Hair, especially its healthy condition and color, plays an important role in this. The ash shade of curls appeared in fashion not so long ago, but has already established itself as an excellent option to radically change your appearance and become more impressive. Read on to learn how to dye bleached hair in chestnut, chocolate, and wheat colors, as well as how to choose a dye and dyeing method.

Initially, you should figure out whether this palette is suitable for external data. Please note the following:

  • Silver and ash suit only those who have beautiful, perfect porcelain facial skin, without various imperfections, since the shade tends to focus attention on these details.
  • For those who have blond blonde or platinum brown blonde, a cool shade of blonde, and eye color blue, gray, green and light blue, you can safely choose the ashen palette.
  • Dark-skinned blonde girls with bright eye colors can also experiment.
  • Blondes with light brown roots and blue eyes can tint their hair with a light brown tonic and achieve an interesting effect.

It is definitely important to remember that when changing your image, you need to think about your future clothing style, choosing a fashionable style. You will constantly have to do beautiful, sophisticated makeup that emphasizes the dignity of your face. Remove all unnecessary details and decorations, leave a few accentuating elements, for example, star-shaped earrings or bright roses on a jacket. Particular attention should be paid to hairstyle and styling, choosing fashionable and interesting options.

In what cases should you abandon the ash tone?

You should avoid these shades if your facial skin is prone to rashes, uneven tone, age spots and other imperfections. For those with a warm skin tone, it will create a sharp contrast with ashy hair, so it’s better to avoid it. Also, girls with large facial features will focus on this even more.

The too obvious presence of red hair requires careful choice of tone. In this case, you can go light brown for a brown-haired woman and use cool shades of brown-haired women. If the transition from red to light brown is undesirable for you, it is better to abandon the idea of ​​ash color.

For mature women, it is better to use dark blond ash paint, which looks a little stricter, adding presentability and usefulness to the appearance. In this case, it is better to make the light brown or blond darker.

Common ash shades for curls with photos

The trendy hair color is widely popular among celebrities, bloggers and fashionistas. Consider the most successful options to turn into a real beauty:

  1. Light brown with a golden honey tint - softens facial features, adds femininity and naturalness. Keep in mind that there is a big difference between brown and light brown, so be careful when choosing the tone.
  2. A beautiful dark blonde with cool platinum accents looks fresh and luxurious. Suitable for women who prefer classics.
  3. Blonde with a purple tint is a bold decision that requires a suitable style of clothing and beautiful, neat styling.
  4. Light brown with a pink tint looks playful, flirty, and is more relevant for young girls.
  5. Smooth transition from dark to light brown. First, the stretch marks are lightened, then you need to paint the blond light brown. You can use dark chocolate at the roots. Such a blonde with black roots will not be conspicuous and will look harmonious.

Both fair-haired and brunette, as well as women with a copper color, can try themselves in a pearl-ash look. To choose the option that will provide the right level of saturation, ideally highlight all the advantages of the face, and make bright accents on the curls - there is a little secret. You should select several pieces of fabric with the color that you think will suit you best. Place the cloth near your face, looking at yourself in the mirror and thus analyze all the pros and cons.

If you are a blondie, then before deciding to dye your hair gray, ash-blonde, beige or pastel milky, tint your bleached hair with the color you like. Tinting will allow you to achieve a platinum or caramel blonde for a while. In addition, it does not damage the hair so much.

Popular ash blonde hair

This cool steel shade has a silver tint, without gold flecks. Popular among girls due to its chic coloring, beautiful and expensive-looking, presentable. It will look good in combination with both dark and snow-white skin. The length of the hair does not matter, since such a bright accent of appearance will fit perfectly into any hairstyle and haircut.

Light ash hair color for a stylish look

Dyeing light brown with hints of ash, the color is fashionable and elegant, as evidenced by pictures of gray hair color. For brunettes with oriental appearance, it is better to avoid such trends, since it is difficult to achieve light brown hair. But blondes with light brown roots and blue eyes are simply created for this option. You can achieve a beige blonde with paint.

Aristocratic dark ash hair color

Such a noble tone is appropriate for classic clothing, as well as for women over 30. Appropriate for those whose dark brown natural color seems not bright enough. The way out of the situation is to add a shiny and original dark steel tone.

Doll-like ash-pink and bright curls for young girls

Young girls with pink locks on their heads will never go unnoticed. This trend can be worn with a sporty style, or you can create a unique romantic, elegant style. Bright notes can be achieved by using light brown with a brown-violet combination. The hair in the pictures with a blue tint may also appeal to lovers of an extraordinary style.

Ash brown hair color

Light brown shades are always in trend, as they look natural and calm. The cool light brown color adds femininity and naturalness. Guarantees excellent taste, but does not look boring and ordinary if dyed beige blond. You can also tint the highlights light brown to diversify the chosen image.

Ashy brown shade

Brown tones in combination with ash are suitable for owners of a warm color type of appearance. The main thing is to avoid the presence of yellowness and gold inclusions so as not to create contrast. By the way, brown-violet blonde will make you a chic girl, brave and decisive, challenging dullness and routine.

What is dark brown ash hair color?

The dark palette is considered the most popular, as it will never remain unnoticed by others. A great result is guaranteed if you first consult with a stylist and choose exactly your option, which is in harmony with your appearance, eye color, and complexion.

Ash highlighting: who is suitable and its types

For those who are not ready to completely change their hair color, but want to refresh the shade a little, you can dye individual strands in a gentle mode.

  • Highlighting with a pink tint is suitable for bold, fashionable young ladies. Allows you to achieve a gentle and romantic effect. Especially if the girls are into anime and wear appropriate clothes.
  • Highlighting with gray color looks creative and unusual. Highlighting with a gray tint is suitable for those who want to be fashionable and extraordinary.
  • Platinum blonde highlights will allow you to look younger and refresh your monotonous color with bright, shining splashes.
  • Violet highlights, as well as lilac, red, lilac, and lavender are chosen by daring, creative girls who have long locks and are not afraid of increased attention.
  • Cold blonde highlighting is suitable for girls with cold skin types, it will emphasize well-groomed hair and allow you to create original hairstyles.
  • Highlighting for dark skin should be chosen with caution so as not to create an incongruous contrast. In this case, you can color it with the inclusion of honey shades or walnut color.
  • Highlighting under brown eyes looks harmonious if you use brown-ashy tones or other warm ones.

Pictures of girls with highlights perfectly demonstrate the luxury and elegance of the color, which looks different on different hairstyles.

Fashionable balayage coloring technique + pictures

In order for the hairstyle to look harmonious and natural, it must be done with special skill. This is especially true for ombre coloring, when it is important to create a visual smooth transition from one tone to another. Ombre with gray color looks bright and attractive, especially for women with cool skin tones and gray or blue eyes. Making a gray ombre is a multifaceted process that requires knowledge about color, so it’s difficult to do at home; it’s better to trust a master. This will eliminate the appearance of unwanted yellowness and mouse tail.

Ombre light brown with white involves a process where the tips have a Scandinavian white tone. The transition from light brown to blond closer to the roots implies a light blond blond, or a dark blond with a brown chocolate color stretch tone.

Cold ombre blonde is a blonde with a silvery tint. Gray balayage can be done by blondes with cool shades and ladies with dark shades of blonde.

How to paint with an ashy shade correctly?

Those with black hair will initially have to resort to bleaching. With the help of highlighting, those who want to change their color from black to gray can switch to light brown, while the hair is not as damaged as with bleaching. The process of turning from black to dark blond is quite labor-intensive. A quick and unsuccessful dyeing of hair blonde can lead to disastrous results, and your hair will begin to resemble straw. It will be difficult to correct the situation.

It’s a little easier to make light brown from red hair, but it’s important to avoid unwanted yellowness. How does a brown-haired man differ from a brunette? Red hair includes a brown tone. To achieve a dark blond tone, use a dark blond tonic.

Dyeing your hair in an ashy tone is done independently in several stages:

  • Purchase the necessary tools and materials with which the procedures will be carried out, namely: lightener, paint or tonic of the desired shade, gloves, a brush for applying the composition, a comb with fine teeth.
  • Bleaching dark hair. To do this, apply 2/3 of the product to unwashed hair, without touching the roots. After half an hour, distribute the remaining clarifier onto the roots. Next, after 20 minutes, rinse thoroughly with water and shampoo.
  • After successful bleaching, coloring is carried out. Apply the dye to dirty hair with a brush, carefully working each strand. After this, wrap your hair in polyethylene and wait 30-40 minutes, according to the instructions. Rinse your entire head well with shampoo.
  • Be sure to apply a moisturizing and restoring mask for colored hair to your hair after the procedure.

The modern beauty industry offers a huge number of hair dyes - natural, containing ammonia and tonics. Dyes radically change the appearance, and tinting gives a short-term effect. The best paint should be of high quality and have positive reviews from experts. In salon procedures, professional Estelle paint is used; Garnier, Ash, has proven itself well. They can be purchased for independent procedures to get a steely shade of curls.

Mist spray will add shine and vitality, and walnut shampoo will restore hair structure after damage.

Keep in mind that it is quite difficult to obtain guaranteed gray ash on your own; in many cases, a transfer of money and product may occur. To get an ashy hair color, it is better to contact a master colorist who knows the formulas of the ingredients and will create for you the look you have always dreamed of.

Today, ash blonde is the most popular and does not lose its relevance. It gives the image nobility and elegance.

If you are a blonde, then a variety of shades of blonde will suit your hair, from light brown to dark ash blonde. In general, light hair color can suit almost every woman if you choose the right shade. In addition, light hair color always refreshes the face.

Is ash blonde the most fashionable hair color in 2018?

Naturalness, natural hair color and fresh makeup are in fashion. Shades of ash blonde are also restrained and calm, close to natural. Ash blonde is the coolest shade. Well suited for girls with fair skin.

Also, the advantage of ash blonde is that it does not leave a yellowish effect, and the cool tone emphasizes the beauty of the skin and eyes.

Blonde girls have always been popular and attracted attention to their person. And there is hardly a man whose gaze would not stop at a beautiful blonde.

Latest photos - ash blonde (crystal pearl, violet ash, platinum, cold blonde)

Ash blondes will suit calm, pastel makeup. For eyes you should choose golden brown, warm shades. To give your face freshness and radiance, it is better to use pink or light pink blush. As for lips, pink shades of lipstick are more suitable for ash blondes. You can, of course, use dark lipstick, but if you choose bright or dark lipstick, you need to take into account your complexion - it should be perfectly even and fresh.

Ash blonde- a very light color with a grayish tint, natural and luxurious. This pastel, soft shade suits almost all girls (see photo below). You can do the ombre technique or highlighting, which is based on platinum color.

Cool ash blonde Looks perfect on both long curls and short haircuts. This is a mesmerizing magnetic color that is impossible to resist. But achieving this color at home is very difficult, so it would be better to trust a professional.

Platinum blonde shade- deep, vibrant and alluring color. It looks very impressive and beautiful. Suitable for women with pale or light pink skin.

Crystal pearl shade- light, gentle and soft tone. This is a beautiful, expensive color. The shades of this color are completely different from light gold to golden pearlescent. The pearl shade makes the hair color sparkle and shine in a new way, as if it revives it. Hair dyed in a pearl shade looks simply gorgeous.

Purple ash blonde- a beautiful, delicate color with a light silver tint. This is a fashionable youth color, bright and individual.

Ash blonde hair dye - which one to choose?

Today there is a large selection of hair coloring products, from simple dyes to professional ones, varied in structure and components. It is best to use cream dye, because it is they that gently color the hair, giving it the desired shade. Let's look at a few of the best ones.

For example, professional paint Schwarzkopf Perfect Mousse (Schwarzkopf Mousse) with a high concentration of color pigments. This is ammonia-free paint, with a convenient configuration and smell.

Wella Wellaton (Vella) - permanent cream paint. The elements included in the composition protect hair from external factors and ultraviolet rays. Guarantees uniform and gentle coloring.

Garnier Olia (Garnier) is a long-lasting ammonia-free cream paint with a high content of nutrients. It colors well, while nourishing and protecting from damage. High-quality care plus moisturizing.

Garnier Color Naturals is a long-lasting, nourishing color whose unique formula softens and nourishes hair. Copes well with coloring gray hair.

How to dye your hair ash blonde at home?

  1. First you need to buy ashy dye or purple tonic and the most gentle, gentle oxidizer with powder in order to bleach your hair.

(If you want to test the dye, you need to apply a small amount of the product to a separate strand of hair and the skin behind the ear).

2. Dilute the powder with an oxidizing agent and apply to the curls, starting from the ends. We wash it off and proceed to the next stage.

3. The next step is to apply the dye to the roots of the hair, smoothly moving towards the ends (to do this, divide the strands into partings). It is advisable to apply the dye to dry, unwashed hair, because if you dye clean, washed hair, you can burn your scalp, especially for those who have sensitive skin or skin prone to allergies. If you chose a tonic rather than a dye, simply after washing your hair, apply a tint tonic and hold for a couple of minutes.

4. After dyeing your hair, we recommend using shampoo specifically for colored hair, because regular shampoo washes away the dye and the vitamins contained in the dye. (This applies to the first wash after coloring.)
Well, to maintain the shine of your hair, you can use a balm or conditioner after coloring.

Girls who are afraid to experiment with dyes and dye their hair blonde, but want to change something about themselves, can first try a tint hair balm (tonic).

Video on how to dye your hair ash blonde

Ash blonde hair dyeing: reviews

Review from Irishka 29 years old
«… I really love the color ash blonde, and in general all shades of blonde. I have been using Estel High Blond de luxe /101 for two years now. The paint itself is very delicate and has a pleasant aroma. (This dye is sold in special stores for hairdressing salons. I think that girls who want an ash blonde will not regret it. The color turns out so neutral and cool, and by the way the hair is not dry and shiny. Quite an affordable price and good quality…»
