How to remove white stains on black clothes. How to remove deodorant stains under the arms - recipes for products and rules for their use How to get rid of white spots on black

White marks on clothing look sloppy and in most cases cause confusion among others. The problem puts a person in an awkward position, especially for people who wear dark T-shirts or shirts. When the need arises to raise their hands or extend their palm to say hello, the owner involuntarily feels embarrassed, and this is not surprising. It takes some knowledge to remove white deodorant stains at home.

Vinegar solution

Vinegar is used to dye fabrics, so there is no danger to the product. To remove traces of deodorant, use a 9% solution, not an essence; the concentration of the active substance in it is too high (70-95%). Fold the gauze into 4-5 layers, moisten it with a generous amount of vinegar and apply it to the stains. Pour a little more solution on top so that the fabric is well saturated.

Wait about half an hour, rinse the shirt and see the result. If you are not satisfied with the effect, soak the armpit area again and leave for 1 hour. Complete the procedure by washing in a machine with the addition of conditioner. Dry on the balcony, avoiding direct exposure to the sun.

Tar soap

Wet the T-shirt/shirt with plenty of warm water. Rub it with tar soap so that the stain acquires a characteristic brown tint. Carefully roll up the product and place it in a plastic bag, then tie it to prevent oxygen from entering. Wait 2 hours.

At this time, begin preparing the rinse solution. Grate a quarter of a bar of tar soap on a coarse grater. Fill it with 3 liters of hot water, stir and wait until the composition becomes homogeneous. Remove the product from the bag, dip it in the pre-cooled solution, and rinse thoroughly. Pay due attention to the stains and rub them with your hands. Complete the procedure by machine washing, setting the temperature appropriate for the type of fabric.


Cut the peel from two citrus fruits, pass the fruits through a meat grinder or use a blender. The output should be a liquid porridge. Place the product on a flat surface so that traces of deodorant are clearly visible.

Apply the mixture to the stains, rub in thoroughly, place cling film on top and press. Leave the composition for 1-3 hours depending on the degree of contamination. At the end of the period, remove the lemon mixture and evaluate your efforts. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

Soda and salt

Prepare a pre-soak solution. To do this, pour 2.5 liters of hot water into a basin, add 250 g. salt, wait until dissolved. Place the product in the container and wait at least half an hour. At this time, start preparing the main mixture. Take 70 gr. soda, 10 ml. vinegar and 60 gr. salt without flavorings. Mix them together, add a small amount of filtered water to make the mixture viscous.

Lay the item out on a flat surface and spread the mixture over the stains. Make a dense layer through which air will not pass. Wait 25 minutes. After the time has passed, rinse the product with warm water and evaluate the result. If there are stains left, rub them with laundry soap and leave for half an hour. After this, wash the shirt by hand or load the machine.


To prepare the mixture, purchase borax powder. Mix 35 gr. borax with 45 ml. kefir, pour in 30 ml. table vinegar (concentration 9%), add 50 ml. lemon juice. Apply the product to the deodorant stains and wait 35 minutes. Remove the composition with a paper napkin, wash the product in warm water, paying attention to the armpit area. In cases where the traces are not completely removed, repeat the steps, but increase the amount of borax powder to 60 g. If the mixture turns out dry, dilute it with kefir until you obtain a viscous consistency.

Dishwashing liquid

Spread the item on a flat surface, take a thick consistency dishwashing liquid (“Fairy”). Apply it evenly to the stains and leave for 10 minutes. Wash the product by hand, if necessary, repeat the procedure 1-2 more times. To avoid discoloration of clothing in the area where the product is used, dry the product in the fresh air, but not in direct sunlight.


Before you begin removing deodorant stains, do a test on a small area of ​​fabric. Soak a cosmetic disc in ammonia, wait 15-25 minutes, rinse and look at the result. If the fabric has not changed color, feel free to proceed with further manipulations. Moisten the area of ​​contamination with ammonia and leave for a quarter of an hour. Wash the item by hand. If the result does not please you, repeat the procedure again. Complete stain removal by machine washing, otherwise the alcohol will remain in the fabric structure.

Professional stain remover

Stop by the household chemicals department and check out the range of stain removers for all types of fabrics. The product is useful not only for removing ingrained deodorant, but with its help you can remove traces of wine, marker, rust, etc. There are no universal instructions for use, you will find out by reading the back of the bottle. Professional stain removers are available in liquid, spray and powder form.

We list the most effective products:

  • "Antipyatin";
  • "Udalix Ultra";
  • "Edelstar"
  • "Vanish OXI Action";
  • "Just a minute";
  • "Astonish Oxy Plus";
  • "Ace OXI Magic";
  • "Faberlic Edelstar)";
  • "Ecover"
  • "Frau Schmidt";
  • "Sarma Active";
  • Amway Pre Wash.

Don’t rush to throw away your favorite item, try washing it with laundry or tar soap. Does not help? Use a vinegar solution (9%), a mixture of soda and salt, ammonia, dishwashing liquid or stain removers. Dry clothes away from direct sunlight.

Video: how to remove deodorant stains

For any housewife who carefully monitors the neat appearance of things, the real “stumbling block” is white spots on black clothes. You can remove stains from worn things. It is important to know the nature of their origin and the type of black clothing fabric. This will provide the best option for selecting cleaning agents that can eliminate the problem that has arisen, and to the point that it looks as if the black linen had never been soiled.

The most common white stains include the following:

  • stains after washing;
  • sweat stains that appear in the armpits and back of clothing;
  • white stripes from heavy application of deodorants and antiperspirants.

It happens that the housewife washed black clothes, and powder stripes appeared on the fabric. This happens when an excessive amount of powder is used during washing. How to wash characteristic stripes?

In this case, an additional rinse will help. If there are few stains, and their presence is indicated by a slight powdery coating, the item can be rinsed with your hands in a basin of cool water. Clothes with visible powder stains should be rinsed in the washing machine using the extra rinse function.

To avoid encountering a similar problem in the future, do not load a large amount of dirty laundry into the drum of the washing machine. In addition, place the minimum amount of detergent recommended in the instructions for the household appliance into the powder tray of the washing machine.

White stripes on washable items appear due to the characteristics of certain types of fabrics. In this case, stains on black fabric can be guaranteed to be avoided if you use a special washing gel instead of powder. In addition, specialized rinses are also relevant. The concentration of these products should be strictly maintained, based on the information on use on their packaging.

Removing antiperspirant stains

Deodorants and antiperspirants have a negative effect, expressed in stains on black shirts and blouses. How to remove such stains and stripes? To solve the problem, housewives use the following tools that can always be found at home:

  • vinegar;
  • lemon juice;
  • table salt.

A white antiperspirant stain with a characteristic stain can be removed by using vinegar. How to remove such contaminants? To do this, the stained area of ​​clothing is moistened with this product and left for 5-6 hours. After this, you should wash the item as usual in an automatic washing machine.

Another option is table salt. A solution is prepared at the rate of 150 g of salt per 1 liter of water. The item is soaked for 5 hours and then undergoes the main washing process.

White and black laundry with fresh stains can be removed with lemon juice. Apply the product pointwise to the white spots using a swab. 5 minutes after applying the juice, clothes should be washed.

Washing off the sweat

Is it possible to wash, completely removing stains from black items, without damaging the structure of the fabric and its original color? Absolutely yes! For this, ordinary detergents are used: laundry soap and dishwashing detergent.

Laundry soap contains alkali, which can remove sweat stains. The soiled part of the clothing is soaped on the hands with laundry soap and left for 10 minutes in the basin. Afterwards, you need to rinse by hand in cool water.

An effective dishwasher for sweat stains. It is applied to a white stain. The item is left for 2 hours so that the product saturates the structure of the fabric. After waiting the specified time, the clothes are rinsed in clean water, without powder.

You don't have to have it at all, if it's right for them. Any aerosols are applied at a distance of 15 to 20 cm from the surface of dry and clean skin. You should not smear this product over your body; It is better to give it a couple of minutes to dry naturally. Roll-on deodorant is used in the same way. Solid products, creams and gels need more time - about 5 minutes - to be completely absorbed. Lubricate yourself with cream and do something else, and then get dressed. But if you use powder, powder or talc, then the matter is more complicated. They must be applied after a shower with a special puff, but in any case they will stain clothes, this can be especially noticeable on dark ones.

If it so happens that you do get stains from the deodorant, when searching for a suitable stain remover, you will first have to determine the material from which your stain is made. If the fabric is artificial, you can safely soak it in warm water with one or another detergent. And if it’s natural, then it’s important to find out what you can use and what you can’t. For example, wool and silk fabrics do not tolerate any powders with enzymes or, in general, any products containing alkali.

You can read about the possibility of washing and stain removal on the label sewn into the side seam of the product. Also read the instructions for use of your stain remover or washing powder - they also contain instructions for use with different fabrics. Before using any soap or detergent (especially if the item is painted), first test it on the inside out in an inconspicuous place.

Often white spots can be washed off well with regular baby soap or glycerin soap. For this purpose, a special soap “Antipyatin” is produced, which is used to rub stains for 20 minutes.

You can use other well-known methods for getting rid of stains of this kind:

Soak the clothes for one hour in a table solution (a tablespoon per liter of water), then rinse in clean water;
- an old stain should be treated with a weak solution of acetic acid, and a fresh one with ammonia. Wet the swab and rub gently. A newly appeared stain can also be removed with fresh lemon juice;
- drop pure glycerin onto the stain, and then wipe with a cloth soaked in acetone;
- mix vodka with water and apply to the item for half an hour, then wash as usual. You can also try using pure alcohol: wet the stain and leave the item in the open air so that the alcohol vapors evaporate;
- Many housewives have tested various dishwashing detergents on stains. If they are concentrated, keep them on the cloth for a few seconds and then wash off with plenty of water.

To avoid halos and streaks on the fabric around the stains, when removing them, try, firstly, to clean them first with a brush, secondly, moisten the fabric around the damaged area with water at room temperature and, thirdly, when cleaning, move from the edges of the stain to center.

The eternal problem of any active woman (and not only women) is white spots on clothes after washing. This “disease” occurs with the active use of deodorants, as well as after unsuccessful use of bleach and other bleaches.

Often, after several unsuccessful attempts to wash clothes with such a stain, housewives give up and the item moves to the household category or to a landfill.

But don’t despair if such stains appear on your clothes! Today we will tell you how to deal with this problem.

Due to its chemical composition, deodorant perfectly resists alkaline compounds, which are precisely the active substance of washing powders. Therefore, before washing it is necessary to “break through the defenses” of the deodorant film. You can do this in the following ways:


Before washing, scrub the dry item well with a stiff brush in areas of contamination. Dry microparticles of deodorant will fall off, and subsequently there will be less worries with the item.

Warm water

Wet the stain with warm water and gently wipe off the deodorant from the edges to the center, then wash the item as usual. This method perfectly answers the question: “How to remove stains.” If you are in no hurry, you can mix the powder, salt and warm water, and place clothes in the solution overnight.

Lemon acid

If you remember from chemistry lessons, acid and alkali neutralize each other. If the stain is fresh, just pour freshly squeezed lemon on it before washing and leave it for 60 minutes. This will remove a deodorant stain that is no more than a day old.

Interesting methods for removing deodorant stains Attention, before using the methods described below, check the reaction of the fabric to the substance used. To do this, apply it to an inconspicuous small area of ​​clothing and leave for 2 hours, then rinse. If the color has not changed, you can apply.


The process should be carried out in a ventilated area, since ammonia has a strong, unpleasant odor. Soak a cotton swab in alcohol and rub the stain. Then leave the item, for example, on the balcony for a while.

Dishwashing detergents

Dishwashing detergents are great helpers not only in the kitchen. It turned out that they easily and quickly wash stubborn stains from carpets and sofa upholstery. In addition, they can remove deodorant stains in a short time. To do this, pour undiluted product onto the stain and leave for a time not exceeding 20 minutes. If the stain is not completely removed, rinse the item and repeat the procedure.


Salt is known for its cleaning properties when washing tulle. It can also remove deodorant stains. Prepare salt powder (a few drops of water per teaspoon of salt) and rub it on the stain. After this, scrub the stain as if washing and rinse. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

Baby soap

It can be combined, for example, with salt to enhance the effect.

Table vinegar

Helps with old stains. It is used before all other methods (except lemon) to soak the stain. Wet the stain with vinegar and rub. Then try either baby soap or dish soap and so on. Don't forget to wash the item thoroughly.

Laundry soap

Grate a sufficient amount of laundry soap, fill it with water and place the item in a basin with the solution overnight. This solution allows you to cope with a huge number of different stains. After this, it is better to wash the item in powder, soak in conditioner and rinse well. Laundry soap has a characteristic heavy smell that is not so easy to overcome.


An ideal assistant when dealing with stains on cotton fabrics.

Medical alcohol

It will help remove stains from your favorite silk dress.

How to remove a white stain. Very often, after washing, white spots remain on things after using bleach and other bleaches. Moreover, we are talking not only about white clothes, for washing which bleach is used, but also about colored things. It happens that in the process of adding whiteness, a small drop falls on your favorite T-shirt or even into a nearby basin with colored things.

Such an accident does not pass without consequences - an uneven white or yellowish stain remains on the clothing. “My favorite blouse is ruined,” you might think. However, there are ways to hide the stain.

Since whiteness is an aggressive substance that completely eats away the dye particles from the fabric, it will not be possible to remove the whiteness stain. However, it can be disguised.

Disguise methods - embroidery

If you like to do handicrafts, an excellent solution would be to embroider some kind of design on the damaged area. Moreover, there are many embroidery methods: cross stitch, satin stitch, beads. If you knit, you can knit “flowers” ​​and sew on top. With this method you will not only hide the stain from your eyes, but also make the item original.


Now in stores you can find an indescribable amount of a wide variety of brooches from classic colors to youth badges and emoticons. Using an accessory for disguise, you will make your look more stylish.


For this method, you need to use materials that match your color. Eyeliner, mascara, drawing mascara, special paints for fabrics - this and much more will be an excellent stain camouflage.

In order for the pencil to “catch” on the fabric, it is necessary to iron this place from the inside after painting.
When using clothing dye, remember that the shade of the entire item will change. Be sure to follow the instructions on the package. When dyeing, add salt to the solution, and when rinsing, add vinegar. These substances help the paint adhere to the fabric.

Patches and applications

If possible, you can sew a pocket or applique onto the damaged area. If you don't like to sew, you can buy iron-on appliqué that is attached with an iron. If a separate element (pocket, collar, cuff) is damaged, it can also be replaced.


Before you start using various products on the stain, thoroughly clean the fabric with a brush. This way you will avoid the possibility of a border appearing that separates the cleaned area from the rest of the product. For the same purpose, you can moisten the cloth around the stain with warm water before cleaning.

To remove the stain, you need to move from the edges to its center.

A good remedy for such stains is fresh lemon juice. If the stains have appeared recently and have not yet become embedded in the structure of the fabric, then this method will work.

You can use ammonia: gently moisten the stains with alcohol applied to a cotton swab, leave the item in the open air so that the alcohol vapors evaporate faster.

When using any product to remove a white spot, first test its effect on a small piece of fabric to determine its resistance to this product.

Many stains can be removed with dishwashing detergent. The higher the concentration of the substance, the more accurate the result will be. Keep the solution on the fabric for no more than 2-3 seconds, and immediately rinse with plenty of water. If you achieve the desired effect and the spots decrease, the procedure can be repeated.

Regular baby soap can help remove white antiperspirant stains.

An old stain should be soaked in vinegar and then washed in regular washing powder.

Before washing, try simply soaking your clothes briefly in warm water with the addition of washing powder and table salt. Leave overnight and rinse in plenty of water in the morning.

Regular laundry soap will be effective against old white spots. Use a knife to make soap shavings and dissolve in warm water. Place the item in this solution for half an hour, then rinse in plenty of warm water.

Wine vinegar will help remove stains from cotton fabric, and medical alcohol from silk fabric. You can use a hyposulfite solution for cleaning (less than a teaspoon per glass of warm water).

To remove such stains, it is suitable to use washing powders with a preliminary enzyme soaking phase of the wash - this is indicated on the packaging.


In general, deodorant stains on clothes can be removed by pre-soaking in cold water and using ordinary powder. Dilute the powder in cold water in a ratio of 1:2. Treat the stain with the resulting mixture and leave overnight. We've figured out how to properly remove deodorant stains. Finally, let us draw your attention to how to prevent the formation of unwanted stains

Helpful advice

The use of deodorants causes white spots and streaks to appear on clothes. Traces of deodorant are especially noticeable on black clothes. There is a simple method to remove deodorant stains from clothes. If deodorant stains appear regularly, then the contaminated area of ​​clothing must be treated with the following mixture: dilute 2 tablespoons of powder with one tablespoon of water. This porridge should be applied to the stain and left for 6 hours.


  • how to remove deodorant stains

In the warm season, sweating increases, and any woman who wants to feel confident in society uses antiperspirant deodorants. Some deodorants are completely invisible on the skin and on fabric, and some leave unpleasant stains on clothes after drying. What should you do if you find white deodorant stains on your dress, blouse or T-shirt that cannot be washed off with simple washing powder?


Turn the item inside out, soak a cotton swab in ammonia, and then dampen the stains with alcohol.

Use ammonia in a well-ventilated area and do not inhale it. After drying, wash the item with warm water and soap and check if the stain has disappeared. If the stain doesn't go away, you can use an expensive stain remover - these stain removers work well on a wide variety of stains, as long as you follow the instructions.

If the stain cannot be removed by any means, use the most radical method, which may have a negative effect on the fabric, but will help get rid of the stain. Apply a concentrated grease-dissolving dishwashing detergent (such as Fairy) to the stain.

Carefully monitor how the fabric and its color react to household chemicals - keep the product on the fabric for no longer than a few seconds, then rinse the item thoroughly under water, rubbing the stained area. Deodorant marks should be reduced.

If necessary, re-treat the item with dishwashing detergent to completely remove the stain.


  • how to remove traces of dry deodorant

Low-quality deodorant leaves white marks on clothes that are not always easy to wash off. It is especially difficult to remove old stains, but not everything is as bad as it seems. There are several ways to get rid of white spots on clothes. But be careful, otherwise you may ruin the thing.

You will need

  • -powder;
  • - laundry or baby soap;
  • - stain remover or bleach;
  • - ammonia or vinegar.


Try soaking your clothes in warm, soapy water for a few hours. Then thoroughly rub the problem areas (where the stains were) and put the items back in water for 2-3 hours, then wash in a washing machine or by hand. Usually, stains can be washed off without any problems the first time, especially if they were placed quite recently.

If you have laundry soap at home, use it. Wet the item and rub the stains thoroughly with a bar of soap. After 1-2 hours, hand wash the treated areas. To eliminate the specific smell of soap, wash your clothes with any powder and rinse well in clean water. Instead of laundry soap, it will do, but toilet soap with various oils and softening additives will have no effect.

Stain remover can also solve your problem. In addition, with its help you will not damage the material, even the most delicate. Just choose a remedy. For example, for colored fabrics a product marked “Color” is suitable, and for white things you can use any stain remover or bleach. True, the stains usually have a yellow tint, but the principle of getting rid of them is the same.

Stains can also be removed with ammonia. Soak it up white traces of deodorant on clothes, then wash them in a way convenient for you. To remove stains on light-colored clothes, moisten them with a 7% acetic acid solution. But it cannot be guaranteed that the color will not fade. It all depends on the type of fabric and quality of clothing.

If all your efforts have not brought a positive result, contact any dry cleaner. Your clothes will be cleaned to remove deodorant stains and other types of dirt.

Helpful advice

Try to wash clothes that have stains from deodorant immediately - this way you will get rid of the contamination without using additional methods of processing the product.

Traces from deodorants and antiperspirants containing active substances often damage clothing. White and yellow stains can be stubborn, so you should try several removal options to remove them. Available home remedies can help get rid of deodorant stains.

You will need

  • - vodka or alcohol
  • - vinegar and salt
  • - dishwashing liquid
  • - laundry or baby soap


Soak your clothes in water. Pour warm water into a small basin and place the item there for a while. Try soaking without powders and soap solutions - if after this the stains are difficult to remove, then soak the clothes again, but with detergent. The method is suitable for plain light-colored fabrics. Wash the item again and rinse well.

Remove stains with alcohol. Deodorant leaves stains on black – it is better to remove them immediately. Moisten the marks with vodka or alcohol, leave for a few minutes - for fresh stains, a two-minute exposure is enough, leave old stains for about an hour. Wash your clothes and rinse them well, getting rid of any traces of alcohol.

Use vinegar and salt to remove stains on colored clothing. Moisten the underarm area with vinegar and leave for 8-9 hours (depending on the persistence of the stain). Rub the salt into a damp cloth for a few minutes and leave for a while. Treat contaminated areas with soapy water, or use a brush with soft bristles. Wash your clothes well and rinse them several times.

Use dishwashing liquid. This method is not suitable for use on delicate or thin fabrics, so only use it if you want to get rid of deodorant stains on durable fabrics. Drop a little dishwashing liquid onto the stains, lightly rub the stained areas and rinse in cold water.

Get rid of stains with soap. Laundry or baby soap is suitable for removing stains on clothes. Lightly dampen the cloth, rub the dirty areas with a bar of soap, and leave for a few minutes. Then scrub the stains again and wash the clothes.

Use stain removers. Apply stain removers according to instructions. Universal compositions are suitable for any type of fabric, but it is better to start processing from the wrong side.

Video on the topic

Deodorants work well to control sweating, but some of them leave stains on clothes. To remove white and yellow stains, sometimes simple washing is not enough, especially if the stains are old. There are several ways to save your favorite blouse.


Ammonia will help remove stains. Apply it to the wrong side of the item using a cotton swab. After 1-2 hours, wash and rinse the clothes thoroughly. When working with ammonia, be careful, as the strong smell of this product can cause dizziness and even loss of consciousness. Open the window to ventilate the room faster.

You can remove stains using baby, laundry or glycerin soap. Wet the item with warm water and thoroughly rub soap on the areas that need to be washed. Wait 30-40 minutes, then rub the cloth. Then you can wash the item as usual.

Mix a few spoons of washing powder with 1 tsp. warm water. Place the resulting slurry on a cloth and leave for 6-8 hours. Rinse clothes thoroughly with cool water and wash as usual.

If the stains are fresh, then to remove them, simply soak the item in soapy water. Pour some warm water into a basin, add a handful of washing powder and stir until foam forms. Place the items in the basin for 1-2 hours, then wash them. Use hand washing powder.

Bleach will help fight stains. Read the packaging on how to properly use a particular bleach and follow the instructions carefully. If the item is colored, then buy special bleaches for colored laundry. Any bleach will do.

Clean clothes with alcohol. Take some pure alcohol or vodka and wet the contaminated areas. If the stains are fresh, then it is enough to wait 5-10 minutes, and if they are old, then 1-3 hours. Instead of vodka, you can use acetic acid.

Deodorant stains on durable fabrics can be removed with dishwashing detergent. Apply a little product to the armpit area and wait 30-40 minutes. Wash with warm water and rinse. Do not use this method if the item is made of delicate, thin fabric.

The deodorants you use every day are great at protecting against sweat odor, but they often leave unsightly stains on your clothes. It happens that regular washing does not bring the desired results and the stains become larger and more intense. After a while, you have to throw away your favorite thing.
