How to care for white adidas superstar sneakers. How to care for white sneakers at home

Now, as inexpensive labels continue to leave Russia, and remaining stores raise prices for new collections, it's time to cut costs and rethink your wardrobe. Often, in order to prolong the life of a cashmere coat or a silk top, it is enough just to properly store and wash your favorite item.

The Village is launching a new column in which every week we will ask experts how to care for a particular piece of clothing. The new issue contains ten tips on how to care for sneakers from Tatiana Bodanova, product manager for the Reebok Classic footwear category.

Each of us has heard more than once that any shoes should be treated with protective equipment before going out. Unfortunately, sometimes this is not so easy to do with sneakers: the outer surface of the model can be made from several materials at once - leather, nubuck, textiles - each of which requires special care. Surely there are real aesthetes who will scrupulously rub wax into the rubber sole and oil the suede inserts - we will limit ourselves to the general advice: a universal water-repellent spray will never hurt. In any case, any new pair, even before the first “publication”, should be treated with a special spray that protects shoes from moisture and dust (this product is easy to find in any shoe store).

The same pair of sneakers should not be worn for several days in a row: even in dry weather, moisture accumulates inside, which must be disposed of. The best option is to alternate at least two pairs to allow each to dry thoroughly, rest and come back to full combat readiness.

Washing sneakers is a thankless task: as a rule, after a couple of days, street dirt returns. However, this occupation cannot be neglected, since pieces of earth can be absorbed into the material and then it will be almost impossible to return the original appearance of the shoes. In most cases, you will need a soft cloth, running water, and a regular bar of soap for washing. The exception is suede and nubuck: dry cleaning is preferable for them. If sneakers made of suede and nubuck are slightly dirty, you can limit yourself to a shoe brush. You can remove an already ingrained stain from a suede surface with a special eraser that looks like a hard sponge. Such an eraser gently erases the topmost layer of the material, and at the same time removes dirt. Recently, in almost any store that sells sneakers, there are products that are designed to clean shoes from different materials. So, for example, Reebok stores have special products for cleaning sneakers, but you can find universal products in other stores, just consult the seller.

White outsole needs special attention, which adorns the vast majority of everyday sneakers today. We want her to always remain clean and radiant, but the circumstances over and over again are not in our favor. The surest remedy is a toothbrush and soapy water. The procedure requires some effort and skill, but the result may even exceed your expectations.

Many claim that they are accustomed to washing sneakers in a washing machine. It is unlikely that they can be called true connoisseurs of sports shoes, and such advice automatically falls into the category of particularly harmful. Washing in the machine can damage both the construction of the shoe and the material of the upper, especially if it is leather. Shoes can even "sit down". But the laces and insoles, on the contrary, are recommended to be washed regularly, and if necessary, replaced with new ones.

In order for the sneakers to dry well after washing, just leave them for a day in a ventilated area. Inside, you can stuff parchment paper or yesterday's newspapers: this will help the shoes retain their original shape and speed up the drying process. But it’s better not to try to put sneakers on or under the battery, if you don’t want to get a curled sole and cracked skin at the exit.

Five simple rules for caring for sneakers - and they will serve you forever (of course, if they are of high quality). Bonus to the article: common mistakes that you should not make, and four cleaning rules.

No. 1. Relaxation

With sneakers, as with shoes - you can’t wear them all the time, you need to give them at least a day of rest. The reason is that soft fabrics are even better than skin at absorbing the moisture that your feet release during heat transfer. And this “day off” is just an opportunity for shoes to dry out normally.

No. 2. wear them

And now the rule that contradicts the previous one: sneakers need to be worn regularly. It's like with a car - if you don't use it, it can crumble. It's not like you came home one day, lifted the lid of the box, and there, instead of a pair of brand new Snickers, a pile of mangled fabric was already waiting for you. But if you don’t wear it regularly, there is a risk that the shoes will fall apart in a few socks.

No. 3. No experiments

You are already an adult and wealthy man. So do not repeat the feats of the 9th grade: in the same sneakers to walk non-stop all summer and winter. So the shoes will last longer, and you are less likely to catch a cold.

No. 4. How do you keep your shoes in shape?

The most ideal option is wooden blocks. But no one forbade stuffing sneakers with crumpled newspapers either.

No. 5. Daily care

And after every wear, don't forget to take care of your sneakers:

  • clean them;
  • ventilate;
  • treat with dirt-repellent sprays.

We guarantee: this will help extend the life of your shoes for more than one season.

Attached to the article is a video with the top ten sneakers of 2015. Do you already have these?

Common Mistakes

No. 1. washing machine

No. 2. Bathing in a basin

Some experts say that it is also forbidden to drown sneakers in a basin. Like, the main rule is water on sneakers, not sneakers in water. You can, of course, "drown". But then there is no guarantee that the shoes will last a long time.

No. 3. Do not wear when wet

Do you think they will dry on the go? Is not a fact. But the fact, and iron-concrete: sneakers are guaranteed to acquire a signature unforgettable flavor.

Looking for sneakers for spring? Choose from the following stylish offerings:

Cleaning rules


This is the only part of the shoe that can and should be machine washed. Do not forget to put them in a special bag for delicate washing, so as not to look for them in the folds of the duvet cover.

Main body made of synthetic materials

When buying new shoes, everyone wants them to last a long time, while maintaining their pleasant appearance. But in practice, after a while you notice that your new sneakers lose their appeal and you have to resort to various tricks to return them to their original form. To prevent this from happening, you need to know how to care for sneakers, which methods will help you with this, and which will only aggravate the situation.

Immediately after purchase

Immediately after buying shoes, it is desirable to give it additional protection. To do this, apply a protective water-repellent agent. It is most often sold as a spray. This spray repels water and dirt. If you step into the water, your sneakers will stay dry and clean. With this tool, your shoes will look clean and your feet will be dry.

The tool you need to choose depending on the material from which your pair of sneakers is made. After the first treatment after purchase, it is necessary to periodically treat your shoes with this product. Especially when it's raining or snowing outside.

Important! Spray should be dry and previously cleaned of dirt and dust shoes.

Shoe cleaning

Such a matter cannot be neglected, since the more dust and dirt accumulates, the more difficult it is to wipe it off later. To take care of your sneakers properly at home, take note of these tips:

  • In most cases, you can get by with a soft cloth, water, and regular soap. This method is quite suitable for leather and rubber products.
  • Shoes made of suede and nubuck are more capricious in care, dry cleaning is preferable for them. If sneakers made of nubuck or suede are not very dirty, then you can get by with a special brush for cleaning these materials. To clean such capricious materials, it is better to use special tools. A stubborn stain can be removed with an eraser.
  • For textile sneakers, a dry brush is suitable. If it was not at hand, an old toothbrush may well replace it.
  • Nylon sneakers can be wiped with a damp cloth.
  • Sneakers made of artificial material are washed with soap and cold water.
  • Most sneakers are decorated with a white sole, which requires special attention and care. Otherwise, it will not be white for long. Here the surest remedy is an old toothbrush and soapy water. You can also try rubbing it with toothpaste.
  • Laces that have lost their whiteness can simply be washed with a washing powder with a bleaching effect. If they are very dirty and did not return to their original appearance the first time, do not be discouraged, washing can be repeated. Another good option is to rub generously with laundry soap, leave for 30-60 minutes, then wash by hand.

Can you wash sneakers in a washing machine?

If your shoes are heavily soiled, then in some cases they can be washed in an automatic machine. But you can only wash high-quality shoes and you need to follow certain rules:

  • detergent - liquid;
  • mode - “sports shoes” or “delicate”, no spin;
  • be sure to put the shoes in a special laundry bag or at least a pillowcase.

Important! You can additionally throw 1-2 oversized items into the drum, for example, towels. So washing sneakers will be much softer and more delicate both for the shoes themselves and for your equipment.

Washing in the machine can damage your shoes, they can become deformed or the material from which they are made can lose their properties, especially leather. So before you take care of your sneakers in this way, check the manufacturer's recommendations for your preferred cleaning method. Another nuance is the manufacturer: the better and better the model, the less the risk of spoiling it.

Important! It is strongly not recommended to wash shoes made of suede and nubuck. But the laces and insoles - on the contrary, it is better to wash more often.

Drying shoes:

  • To dry your sneakers, you just need to leave them in a well-ventilated area for a day.
  • Remove the tongue as much as possible, fill the laces only after complete drying.
  • Inside it is desirable to stuff old newspapers or paper. This helps to keep the shape of the product and dry it faster from the inside. But you can’t put them on a battery or on another heating device. Everything here is fraught with big troubles. And the sole can deteriorate, and the skin can crack. So no batteries, hair dryers and sunlight.

What else needs to be considered in the question of how to care for sneakers?

  • When cleaning shoes, do not use strong chemicals such as Domestos.
  • Do not use nail polish remover - this way you can get rid of not only dust and dirt, but also paint.
  • Be sure to wear socks, even if it's hot. If this is not done, then soon your sneakers will acquire a scent that will be difficult to get rid of.
  • Use a spoon to avoid wrinkling your heels when putting on your shoes.
  • Do not store socks in sneakers, especially worn ones.
  • Make it a habit to wash and clean your shoes as soon as they get dirty. If you pull with cleaning, then the dirt is deeply absorbed into the material and it is difficult to remove it.
  • Use special shoe deodorants. In addition to the aroma, they have antibacterial properties and take care of the health of your feet.
  • Do not wear the same pair of shoes for several days in a row. Even in dry weather, moisture accumulates inside the shoes and you need to give the shoes time to dry.

Important! To protect sneakers from deformation, you need to use wooden form holders - blocks. You can also store them stuffed with paper or old newspapers. In addition to keeping them in shape, these measures will also absorb excess moisture.

Helpful Hints

White sneakers are a staple in everyone's wardrobe. Without them, it is already difficult to imagine the image of modern man.

Whether it's classic Converse or athletic sneakers, white shoes always require careful and gentle care.

Here are 10 simple but very useful tips that will keep your sneakers always clean, fresh and… truly WHITE.

How to care for white sneakers

1. Anti-scratch white varnish

To repair scratches on sneakers, use white nail polish.

This simple trick really works, as long as you choose the right shade of polish to match the color of your shoes. Otherwise, the correction will be visible and it will look sloppy.

So, if you see a small scratch or blemish on your new white sneakers, just take out your favorite white nail polish and gently dab the scratch in with a swipe of the brush.

A simple nail polish really works wonders.

2. Use a sponge dipped in vinegar to remove stains

Today in any supermarket you can buy special cleaning sponges for shoes. You can choose the right one based on the material and color of the shoes.

But if suddenly it so happened that there is no special sponge at hand, just take a clean rag that does not shed, dip it in a solution with vinegar and carefully remove stains from the surface of the sneaker.

3. Do not wash white sneakers in the washing machine

Remember: never throw white sneakers into the washing machine!

If you don't want to ruin your shoes, say a firm word: NO to washing in the washing machine. Even if you put it on the delicate cycle, this wash can be devastating to sneakers.

It's best to stick with hand washing if you want to keep your shoes looking their best for longer.

So it will last you much longer.

4. Use a toothbrush

To remove stains from hard-to-reach places, use an ordinary toothbrush with medium-hard bristles.

Use an old toothbrush, warm water, and a mild soapy solution if your shoes have dirt stains in hard to reach areas.

Soak the brush in the solution, then scrub gently and gently place of pollution.

Caring for white sneakers

5. Use of white dry wipes

Your shoes may be slightly damp after you clean them; to help it dry faster, use ordinary paper napkins.

Please note that they must be white. Crumple some tissues into balls and place them inside your shoes.

They will absorb excess moisture and help the shoes dry faster.

6. Wash shoelaces in warm water

The easiest way is to throw the shoelaces into the washing machine and not suffer.

Many people have this temptation. But don't do it! Instead, wash the laces separately from the sneakers by hand in warm, soapy water.

Soak the laces in water with a mild detergent. Wash the laces in such water, then rinse in clean water. Then let them dry.

7. Oil stain shampoo

Deal with a grease stain on a white sneaker Regular hair shampoo will help.

If, for example, you drop a cream cake on your shoes or knock over a roast on yourself, this can be a real test for your shoes.

To solve this problem, use a mild alkaline shampoo, warm water, and a toothbrush or cloth to gently rub the area. This should work.

8. Store white sneakers indoors or in a closet

Don't leave your white sneakers in plain sight outside the closet.

First, exposure to ultraviolet radiation will cause loss of brightness, fading and unwanted discoloration. Try to store your white shoes in a cool, dark place when you are not wearing them.

Secondly, dust on white shoes is also undesirable. After eating into the fabric, it contributes to the fact that the material loses its color and presentable appearance.

Thus, if your shoes will be stored in a closet or other closed plane, they will be better preserved, which will allow you to wear them for a single season.

9. Use bleach in a weak consistency and diluted form

The main question is: can you use bleach on white sneakers or sneakers?

Yes, you can, but you need to dilute it.

Most shoe care manuals suggest mixing one part bleach with five parts water; nothing more, otherwise you risk ruining your shoes by turning the white color of the fabric into a strange yellowish tone.

For these purposes, use the same old toothbrush.

Dip it in the diluted bleach solution and gently clean the shoes. Then rinse your shoes with warm water.

10. Don't forget about the inside of your shoes.

Do not forget that not only the outer surface of white sneakers needs cleaning and careful care.

The inside of the shoe also needs careful care. To avoid the occurrence of an unpleasant odor, in closed shoes it is necessary to clean the lining at least once a week.

This is also worth doing in order to avoid the spread of bacteria that can lead to various diseases.

Today on the shelves of stores you can find a lot of tools that can help care for the internal state of shoes.

For example, a special deodorant based on menthol oil will be very good. It will help in the fight against unpleasant odors.

* The sole of sneakers also needs proper and thorough care.

It is not advisable to clean it with ordinary household detergents and rub it with rough and hard sponges that can cause scratches.

Forget about the metal laundry sponge, otherwise you risk ruining your shoes.

Opt for a special mildly alkaline shampoo that gently cleans white rubber soles without harming either the color or the material they are made of.

And remember: shoes are the first thing that catches your eye when you meet, when applying for a job or on a date.

White shoes look nice and showy and add points to any look.

If you want to be at your best, make sure your sneakers are always snow-white and clean.

Sneakers made of genuine leather look presentable, have good protective properties against moisture and cold, provide natural air exchange, and are also wear-resistant and durable..

Leather sneakers can last for many years if you know the basic rules for caring for such shoes. We will analyze in detail how to care for leather sneakers.

Leather is one of the most durable and beautiful materials.. Products made from this material are of high quality and better performance. But even leather shoes need to be looked after, because it is an organic material that first of all needs nutrition and care.

In the absence of proper attention, leather sneakers will begin to lose their appearance (crack, thinner), which in turn will affect the quality of the product (water and cold transmission). In order to preserve the original appearance of the product as long as possible and extend its service life, care for leather sneakers should include the necessary minimum:

  • shoe cleaning after each use;
  • regular drying and deodorization of the inside with special means;
  • the use of special nourishing and protective agents (creams, sprays, waxes, etc.).

The presence of brushes of different hardness, soft sponges or cloths made of natural fabrics will not only significantly facilitate the process of cleaning and polishing, but also increase the effectiveness of shoe products. For example, polishing leather sneakers is best done with a soft woolen cloth. Shoes after that acquire a beautiful light gloss.

What not to do when cleaning sneakers?

Caring for things is a frequent matter and requires a certain amount of time and money. Often people, due to their laziness or ignorance, try to reduce costs and time, thereby harming their belongings.

Important! Washing sneakers in a washing machine is, of course, fast, but the manufacturers themselves do not recommend doing this.. Do not dry wet leather sneakers on or near heating appliances (radiators, fireplaces), as well as in dryers and with electric shoe dryers.

The drying process should occur naturally. You can speed up this process with the help of paper, loosely stuffing the inside of the shoe with it.

Advice! Do not rely entirely on folk remedies for caring for leather sneakers using vinegar, soda, acids, gasoline, or other abrasive products. Using such substances, there is a risk not only not to achieve the desired result, but also to significantly spoil the appearance of the products.

Modern shoe care products are quite capable of cleaning and protecting sneakers from dirt and moisture.

Protecting sneakers from deformation

The first rule was described above - avoid machine washing.

The second rule is the use of shoe mold holders that stretch the material of the sneakers, hold and retain their shape like a framework.

They are plastic and wooden. The latter, although they are more expensive, they cope with their function better, thanks to their large size, moisture-absorbing and deodorizing properties of natural wood.

How to return the laces to their former whiteness?

The easiest way - wash with bleach powder or bleach.

Heavily soiled laces
can be soaked in a solution of water and ammonia - 20 ml of alcohol per 3 liters of water. Or in a solution of acetylsalicylic acid - 5 aspirin tablets per 3 liters of water, soak for about an hour. Then rinse the laces in clean water.

How to clean leather sneakers?

Regularity is the main rule in the care of leather sneakers. Every time you come home and take off your shoes, clean them first. Manual cleaning is the best way to get rid of dirt and keep the product looking good. You need to start by removing dirt with a brush and a damp cloth.

Clean the sole with a soft sponge, if necessary, use shoe shampoo or special foam.

White soles are best cleaned with a toothbrush dipped in soapy water. After wet cleaning, wipe the sneakers with a dry cotton cloth and a soft sponge, apply a special impregnation for the skin to the surface, spread evenly until completely absorbed. After that, depending on the season, you can treat the products with a water-repellent spray or protective wax.

Don't forget the inside of your shoes, wash your insoles regularly, and use antibacterial and deodorant products. Try not to wear the same pair two days in a row. Change your shoes to allow them to dry well.

How to clean mesh on sneakers?

Sneakers made of mixed materials require more thorough and detailed care. Mesh inserts are beautiful and practical, but how do you clean such a thin material? A special brush or a regular toothbrush with soft bristles will come to the rescue.

Apply shoe shampoo or foam to the desired area and start cleaning in a circular motion, being careful not to apply pressure so as not to damage the fabric or tear it.
