How to style bangs: the golden rules of professionals. How to style bangs

The first way to realize such aspiration is a new haircut.

But what if tomorrow you want to return everything to the way it was?

Let's experiment with long bangs?

Suddenly the desire to cut your hair will disappear and you will be satisfied with the styling option.

A woman is an unpredictable phenomenon.

A banal truth that every representative of the fair sex wants to live up to.

A young girl or an adult lady was faced with a burning, irresistible desire to urgently change something in her appearance.

The first way to realize such aspiration is a new haircut. But what if tomorrow you want to return everything to the way it was?

Find out even more ways. This article provides instructions in photos and videos for styling bangs using unusual methods that are rarely used.

It's a pity, they are not deservedly forgotten.

Those who want to have long bangs and experiment with different styling.

You can avoid rash hairdressing decisions and add an unusual note to your usual hairstyle by experimenting with bangs. In this sense, those with long bangs are the luckiest ones - they have a huge area for creative flight.

Long bangs come in different types:

  • thick or thinned with thinning scissors;
  • straight or oblique;
  • whole, consisting of one strand;
  • cascade

Despite this variety of shapes, most options for styling long bangs are universal, which greatly simplifies the issue of hairstyle design.

A prerequisite for successful modeling is the preparation of bangs, including:

  1. Hair washing: stale hair cannot be styled;
  2. Applying modeling mousse or foam;
  3. Drying with a hairdryer: in this case, the bangs should be dried separately from the rest of the hair, lifting the strands from the roots upward with a comb to give volume;
  4. Fix at the roots with low-hold hairspray.

So, let's look at various options for styling long bangs.

Side bangs

Secret: If you don’t like styling products and prefer only folk remedies, then use egg white. It gives a similar effect, the application process is the same.

Parted bangs

Even parting

This styling method is optimal both in terms of the amount of time and effort required to create the image, and in its versatility in terms of application. It will suit any wardrobe and will be appropriate in any setting.

An even parting can be made either in the center or offset relative to the line of the nose to the right or left. In one case or another, the bangs are laid in an even layer on both sides of the parting. We fix the curls in two ways:

  • on the back of the head under the rest of the hairstyle, creating the effect of a hoop of hair
  • connect with the help of a bobby pin to the main mass of strands near the base, leaving the edges of the curls “in free flight.”

In both cases, you should not narrow the bangs at the point of attachment. Therefore, it is better to use elongated invisible ones.

Side parting

The options for styling bangs given above for an even parting are no less relevant for an oblique parting. The created slight asymmetry will add a playful touch to strict forms.

With a side parting, styling your bangs in the form of strands will look very good.

On opposite sides of the parting, the strand must be tightly twisted around its axis. Fasten both strands together at the back of the head or secure them independently above the ear with a hairpin or hairpin, and curl the end of the curl with a curling iron. In this case, the hair should be twisted in the direction from the forehead to the back of the head - this will add Greek nobility to the image. After fastening, the strands should be slightly “fluffed”, pulling small strands up at the base.


Parting in the form of a zigzag or snake becomes a hit every summer. But the rest of the year it will fit perfectly into a festive hairstyle for going to a disco or a high-tech themed party.

Complete the curly parting with strands of small strands, twisted in different directions, and then woven together in pairs and secured to the back of the head.
Pigtail braids braided from bangs on both sides of the parting will look no less original. In this case, the bangs can be woven into the overall hairstyle.

Secret: A zigzag parting allows you to hide overgrown roots. Choose a deep zigzag so that the strands at the roots resemble arcs.

Laying with an iron

Those with curly hair will definitely need a hair straightener to create a new look. With its help, “stretch out” the strands of bangs, making them completely smooth and even. But whether to pull out the rest of the hair or limit it to bangs is up to every fashionista.

Those who naturally have absolutely straight hair can also use a straightening iron when styling. Modern hair devices are equipped with a set of different curly attachments. Moreover, the relief on the curls of the bangs can be created both along the entire length from the roots, and occasionally, without observing any symmetries. All the secrets of creating waves using an iron are discussed.

Complex styling options or How to style long bangs beautifully?

This group includes those styling methods that are unusually sophisticated, but require special skills to create. We are talking about numerous ways to weave braids.

Bangs are a very important element of any hairstyle. She can either transform a haircut or ruin it. If you learn how to properly style your bangs yourself, you are guaranteed a beautiful hairstyle at any time.

Preparing for an important event without the help of a professional will also become much easier. To style bangs you will need a set of necessary styling products and devices that are available on any girl’s dressing table.

As a rule, we choose a haircut and hairstyle taking into account the shape of the face, features of the figure and height. The choice of bangs primarily depends on your hair type. For example, coarse hair requires bangs of medium thickness; you should also not make them too voluminous. Sparse, naturally thin hair - on the contrary, will be decorated with thick bangs from the crown. On straight curls, both classic straight and asymmetrical bangs, as well as oblique bangs, will look beneficial. But for curly hair, the last option will not work.

So let’s figure out how to style bangs at home, and let’s start by understanding the types of bangs, what they are, what face shape they are, and how to choose them.

Well-chosen bangs will help hide some skin imperfections (acne, moles, scars, scars), as well as correct the shape of the face. It is not at all necessary to make drastic changes in your haircut or hairstyle. It is enough to make some changes in the length, shape and structure of the bangs.

So, depending on the shape of the bangs it can be:

  • Straight.
    In this case, you can choose any length. Short bangs, reaching to the middle of the forehead, will add enthusiasm and stylish playfulness to the image. The average length to the eyebrows will bring you closer to classic and sophistication. Elongated bangs below the eyebrow line will complement the image of a vamp and add extravagance and mystery to the hairstyle.
  • Oblique.
    This type of bangs looks great on straight hair and is not suitable for those with curly hair. The main requirements when choosing this model are ideal smoothness and integrity (the bangs should not break up into separate strands)
  • Asymmetrical.
    This bangs is also suitable only for straight hair. To make your hair look perfect, styling will need to be done daily using styling products and a hair dryer. Otherwise, it will look sloppy.

The ends of the bangs also play an important role. Using a hairdryer or curlers, they can be curled downwards or remain perfectly straight. The ends can also be thinned with special scissors or cut in one even cut. “Ragged” bangs are easier to style and look more voluminous. To give shape, you can use any styling products.

Depending on the model, styling may or may not be required at all. Sometimes a flat, wide-toothed comb and fixing varnish are enough. Let's take a closer look at all the possible options for styling bangs.

Hairdryer and curlers

With these simple tools you can curl your bangs and make them fuller and more voluminous. A round comb-brush is used in conjunction with a hairdryer. Curlers should be large in diameter. You can use them to shape your bangs while blow-drying the entire volume of your hair. The result must be fixed with varnish or spray.

Hairdryer and comb

In order to straighten curly bangs, lay them straight, parted or to one side, you need a hairdryer and a round comb-brush, preferably with a maximum diameter. Pulling strand by strand with a comb, direct the air flow first from bottom to top to add volume, and then from roots to ends. After finishing styling, change the “hot” mode of the hair dryer to cold. In this case, the shape of the bangs will last longer.

Ironing bangs

Using an electric straightener, you can not only straighten your bangs, but also curl their ends inward. It is important to remember one thing: only dry hair can be straightened. And don’t overdo it: this drastic method can easily dry out your bangs. To straighten it, it is enough to “pass” the iron through your hair only two or three times, no more, otherwise it will look like straw.

Hairpins and bobby pins

To style your bangs to the side or back, you can use various options for hairpins and bobby pins. You can make a special accent in your hair by choosing an accessory in a bright color. Gather your bangs into a bun, lightly combing them and smoothing them on top with a massage comb, fold them back and secure with a bobby pin.

Hoops, ribbons, headbands

To open your forehead, bangs of any length can be hidden under a hoop, bandage or ribbon. The accessory is usually matched to clothing, a handbag or gloves. It can be a bright satin ribbon, with or without a bow, a motley or classic black hoop.

Lay your bangs to one side

Long or short bangs can be laid to one side, slightly covering the forehead. This styling option is suitable for almost any face shape. After treating damp hair with a little foam or mousse, smooth it with a comb in the desired direction, while directing the air flow of the hair dryer from the roots to the ends. Be sure to secure the result with a strong hold varnish.

Lay your bangs up

Using a hairdryer and a comb, you can style your bangs in a variety of ways, even up. To do this, dry your hair with a towel, then dry it with a hairdryer using a comb-brush in the direction from bottom to top. Then lightly comb them using a flat comb. Use gel or wax as a styling product. Secure the result with a strong hold varnish.

Curl your bangs

Beautiful curls framing the face will create a light romantic look. It is better to curl your hair with curlers at night. In the morning, spray each curl with a light or medium hold hairspray. You can also curl your bangs using an electric curling iron. It will help out at a time when there is almost no time left to prepare for the event.

Bangs with a hoop

To create a retro-style hairstyle, you can simply secure your bangs by first combing them and throwing them back using a hoop. To be safe, use bobby pins that will be invisible underneath. A headband can also complement a soft, romantic look by supporting your hairstyle over side-swept bangs.

Bangs with backcomb

Using a flat comb, you can make your bangs look fuller and more voluminous by combing them towards the roots. To prevent the hairstyle from looking sloppy, the top layer, barely touching the hair, should be smoothed with a massage comb. With the help of a comb, you can lay your bangs back, to the side and even up. It is recommended to fix the result with varnish.

Flagella from bangs

If the bangs are of sufficient length, you can braid them into flagella. To do this, part clean, dry hair into several strands. Braid each of them into a tight strand (but not the entire length) and secure with a bobby pin. Curl the remaining ends of the curls with a curling iron and distribute evenly.

Braid your bangs

Bangs braided into pigtails look unusual and romantic. You can secure them with bobby pins on one or both sides of your face. You can braid your hair either wet or dry.

Styling options for different types of bangs

Depending on the shape and length of the bangs, as well as the structure of the hair, styling requires different tools, styling products and varying amounts of time. In order to get the desired effect and maintain it throughout the day, you will need a pair of deft hands and a little patience.

How to style side bangs?

For oblique bangs you will need a flat comb, a hair dryer and strong hold hairspray. Hair for styling should be damp, slightly dried with a towel. Using your fingers, distribute a small amount of foam onto the strands. Use a comb to smooth your bangs in the desired direction. The flow of hot air should go from roots to tips, from top to bottom. If the hairstyle is being prepared for an event, the bangs can be secured with an invisible bobby pin. For a daily option, just spray it with varnish.

How to style straight bangs?

It is quite difficult to lay straight thick bangs perfectly evenly. For convenience, divide it into two parts. First, dry the lower part by gently curling it inward with a round brush. Then work on the top part. The air flow of the hair dryer should be directed strictly vertically, from top to bottom. The result must be secured with a strong hold varnish.

How to style overgrown bangs?

I want my hairstyle to retain its original appearance for as long as possible. And the first changes begin with bangs. Many girls don’t know how best to style their overgrown bangs. In fact, there are a lot of options! You can use various accessories: hairpins, bobby pins, as well as hoops and headbands. The bangs can be laid to one side, braided into pigtails or into buns. Use your imagination, and you won’t have to run to the hairdresser two weeks after your haircut!

How to style short bangs?

There are also many options for styling short bangs. Styling products will help fix it to one side, while highlighting individual strands. An informal and at the same time very stylish option is styling your bangs in the form of a “mohawk”. By spreading a little gel or wax on your hair and lightly combing it with a flat comb, you can easily achieve results without the help of a hairdresser.

How to style a bob with bangs?

A bob haircut involves both the presence and absence of bangs. The styling of the bangs will depend on the overall styling of the hairstyle. Curled bangs look best on curly hair. A perfectly smooth bob requires the same perfectly smooth bangs.

How to put bangs back?

To style your bangs back, you will need a hair dryer, a flat comb and hair foam. Distribute a little fixative on your hair, use a hairdryer to dry it, directing the air flow from bottom to top. Lightly comb the dried bangs with a flat comb, throw them back and secure with a bobby pin or hairpin. Comb your hair on top with a massage comb so that the backcomb does not catch your eye.

Secrets of success

  • For ideal hair styling, especially bangs, the hair dryer must be powerful enough, with a slot-shaped tip. A professional hair dryer, like no other, will help you achieve the desired effect and secure the result for a long time.
  • To keep your bangs in shape longer, you need to dry them with hot air. After “hot” styling, cold air will help fix the shape.
  • Do not use excessive amounts of styling products to style your bangs. If you “overdo it” with gel or foam, after a few hours your hair will look stale and sticky. This rule especially applies to long bangs.

If you want to make some changes to your hairstyle or, conversely, radically change your look, you don’t have to go to the hairdresser. It’s enough to style your bangs differently. By following our advice, you can cope with the task yourself without the help of a specialist!

Fashion does not stand still. Every season new trends appear in hairstyles, makeup, manicure, and clothing. But there are trends that do not lose their relevance over time. One of them is bangs. Today we will show you how to style your bangs in 8 different ways. Try it and you will update your image, adding zest and originality to it.

Blow-drying wavy bangs

If you have naturally wavy hair, styling your bangs can be a big challenge. With short, curly bangs, it's easy to look like a poodle. And a perfectly straightened one can greatly contrast with the rest of the hairstyle. But nothing is impossible. See how to style your bangs so that they blend perfectly with your loose curls.

  1. First of all, separate your bangs from the rest of your hair. Then moisten it with water and divide it into five equal parts. Apply texturizing cream to each of them and twist them into a flagellum with your fingers.
  2. Secure each flagellum with clamps and dry with a hairdryer.
  3. Then remove the clamps and lightly massage the flagella at the roots with your fingers. At the same time, separate your hair. Apply curl shaping cream to create perfectly sleek waves.
  4. If desired, comb your bangs and you're done. You will get the desired wavy texture that looks natural and fits perfectly with your hairstyle.

Fake bangs

If you are hesitant to get bangs, but still want to change your image a little, then we will tell you how to do it.

  1. Pull your hair into a ponytail at the top of your head as close to your forehead as possible. Tie it so that the loose hair thrown forward creates bangs.
  2. Tie your favorite scarf around your hairline.
  3. Then straighten the created bangs using a curling iron to make it look natural.

Bohemian bangs are ready!

Laying bangs straight: punk rock style

Straight long bangs always look chic. But sometimes you want to make a bolder option. In this case, it is absolutely not necessary to contact a hairdresser. Using special scissors, you can create strands of different lengths at home (see how to cut your own bangs). These bangs will add a touch of punk rock to your look. And if you are afraid to do such experiments yourself, contact a stylist and he will help you create the desired haircut.

Laying bangs to one side

It is not easy to create side bangs from medium length straight bangs. However, nothing is impossible. With a little trick you can style your bangs to the side. Let's look at how to do this at home step by step.

  1. Part your hair with a deep side part. Comb your hair behind your ear on one side and leave it loose on the other.
  2. Apply some extra-strong hold texturizing powder (such as Big Sexy Hair Powder Play Volumizing & Texturizing Powder) to your hair. Pin the bobby pin in such a way as to separate the side bangs from the rest of the hair.
  3. Bring all hair to one side. Secure them at the back with bobby pins. Long strands can be curled using a curling iron, and then the resulting curls can be separated. This way you will add elegance to your look.

Styling long side bangs

If you have long side bangs, we offer custom styling. It is very easy to make at home.

  1. Apply a little texturizing powder to your bangs to help your hair style and maintain its desired shape.
  2. Move your bangs to the other side to make them even more original. On the opposite side, press the hair behind your ear with your hand.
  3. Gather your bangs and wrap them around a thin round brush towards your face. Blow dry your hair to set the shape. Remove the comb.
  4. Place the ends of your bangs back or down (as in the photo). Spray your hair with hairspray to add durability.

Probably every girl has faced the problem of styling overgrown bangs. We offer you three ways to solve it.

1st method:

  1. Separate part of the bangs, taking the hair a little further from the center.
  2. Take the front strands of your bangs and comb them. This will add visual volume and durability to the styling.
  3. Using a comb, smooth the top strands, lay the bangs back and secure to the side with two bobby pins.
  4. Take a strand of hair above the ear on the same side and fix it next to the bobby pins.
  5. Repeat the same on the other side.

The styling of the bangs a la the “Malvina” hairstyle is ready.


To change your hairstyle, just go to the salon. Not daring to go for extreme styling, girls choose haircuts with long bangs. At the hairdresser, the hairdresser will style your hair beautifully and show you how to handle your bangs in the future. But, upon arriving home, knowledge is forgotten, and you want to periodically change your image. Therefore, you will need ideas and tips. We'll tell you how to style long bangs.

How to style overgrown bangs?

Long bangs are not always the result of a well-thought-out haircut. Wanting to remove it, girls grow bangs. As a result, the hairstyle looks unattractive and disheveled. To remedy the situation, learn how to style overgrown bangs. Use these methods:

Make an even parting. This method does not require time and is suitable for everyday use. Divide the bangs into two parts and connect them with the rest of your curls. Part your hair in the center, or move it to the right or left. Then secure the strands at the back of the head, as if creating a hoop effect. Or secure it on the sides with bobby pins.
Lay out the curls asymmetrically. If you want to add playfulness to a strict look, then twist the strands into strands. Then make a side parting and secure the strands made from the bangs at the back or side of the head. To create a noble look, twist the strands following the hair growth.
Make a parting in the form of a snake or zigzag. Divide your curls into several strands and add bangs to them. Do styling on damp hair. those accustomed to the standard parting will not listen. Create a design using a fine-toothed comb. A parting is suitable for visiting discos and is appropriate for a beach holiday.

If the hair roots have grown back and dyeing is in a couple of days, then part your hair in a zigzag pattern. This way you will hide your bangs and take others’ eyes away from your roots.

Hide your bangs under a headband or headband. Comb your hair back along with your bangs. If desired, do a light backcombing. Then choose a hair hoop, headband, or voluminous hair clip. Choose jewelry that matches your image, clothes, bag. This way the hairstyle will look harmonious. It is better not to use this method if you have noticeable.

The styling process depends on the type of bangs. For each type of master, they offer several options. Among them there are simple methods for every day or complex methods for special occasions. In any case, long bangs are an opportunity to experiment and be creative.

How to style long side bangs?

Backcomb it. Take a strand of hair that is located from the crown to the forehead. Next, using , make a backcomb. Then lay the curl on its side, pointing the ends of the hair back. You will get a small wave. Secure the strand with a ribbon or bobby pin. You can simply let a strand follow the hair growth, securing it with a wide hairpin, hair hoop or satin ribbon.
Use the criss-cross technique. Take your bangs and divide them into two parts. Then direct the strands to the side, laying one curl on top of the other. Secure the resulting styling with thin bobby pins. Hairpins with stones or other decorations are suitable. Plain bobby pins laid out in a special way look impressive: in the form of a bow, a Christmas tree, or a cage. To prevent your hair from looking slick, tighten your curls, shaping.
Apply a wet effect. This method involves influencing all curls. Otherwise, the hairstyle will look ridiculous: straight hair and curly bangs. To style, apply mousse or foam to clean and damp strands. Then blow dry your hair, using your hands to form uneven curls. The bangs also come under styling. At the final stage, take your bangs and move them to the side. Secure your hair with hairspray or a bobby pin.
Curl your bangs. Take electric curlers and fix the strand. Direct your curls towards the inside or outside. After 15 min. remove the curlers and comb your bangs in the desired direction. Use larger diameter coils to get larger curls.

Before proceeding with installation, complete the required steps. They include applying styling products and drying the curls with a hairdryer. To fix the hairstyle in one position, spray the finished style with hairspray.

How to style long bangs beautifully?

Create a retro style. Separate your bangs from the rest of your hair. Then make a high ponytail, secure it with a wide elastic band or wrap it with a scarf. Comb your bangs and point them back, laying them out in a mound. Secure it to the top of your head with invisible pins. If the bangs are very long, then first backcomb and fix. Then make a ponytail. Another option for decorating your hair is to use thin hoops.
Do a French or Dutch braid. First, make a parting, then divide the bangs into two parts. Now weave along the front edge of the curls. The type of French braiding is similar to the spikelet technique. The difference is that you capture part of the curls along one edge. The main difference between a Dutch braid is the direction of the strands inward, and not upward. Braid one braid or two, give them different directions: straight, on the side, the opposite side.
Get a Venetian hairstyle. To do this, divide your bangs into equal parts. Then take the curls located in the temporal region and attach them to the bangs. You will get two bunches on both sides. Take a small strand at a time and twist it back, securing it with hairpins at the back of your head.

For dinner in a restaurant or a special event, the following option is suitable. Apply gel to damp curls. The styling product should completely cover the hair. Then divide your bangs into strands and arrange them in various shapes. The classic version is a wave-shaped curl located on one side. Make sure that the rest of your hairstyle does not deviate from the chosen style. For this method, it is appropriate to make a strict bun at the back of the head, decorating it with hairpins with stones.

Girls with curly hair can easily create a new look. All you have to do is take a straightening iron and straighten your bangs. But straight strands can also be styled using an iron, hair dryer, combs and other devices. To do this, nozzles and fixing agents are used.

How to style long bangs with a hairdryer and straightener?

Take a comb-brush, then dampen your bangs. Next, apply a hairdryer to the strands. Use a comb to style your hair in the desired direction. If you have curly strands, then in this way you can straighten your bangs by combing them straight or to the side. To secure the styling result and not be left without your hair at the first gust of wind, spray your bangs with hairspray. During styling, change the blow dryer. First, treat your hair with warm air, and in the final minutes with cold air.
To blow-dry your bangs straight and thick, divide them into two sections horizontally. Then secure the upper part with a hairpin, connecting it with the rest of the strands. Next, turn on the hair dryer at minimum speed and dry your bangs, exposing them to air from the inside. Use a comb to straighten or curl your curls. Next, move on to the second part. Remove the hairpin and direct warm air from top to bottom.
To use a flat iron, dry your curls. Do not use the device on wet hair. The iron will not only straighten the bangs, but also curl them. Don't forget that the device is harmful to your hair. Therefore, before use, apply to your bangs. After ironing, the bangs become smooth and manageable. Lay the strands in any direction and secure with styling product.

How to style long side bangs?

There are few options for styling side-swept bangs. So that it does not stand out from the general style, use a hairdryer. How to style long side bangs?

Take a fine-tooth comb and separate your bangs into sections. Apply hair foam to each curl. The next step is uniform exposure to warm air from roots to ends. At the same time, use a comb to guide the position of each strand. At the end of styling, fix the bangs with hairspray. Do not direct excessively hot air onto your hair. This will cause the side bangs to break into pieces and twist on their own in other directions.

The following method is suitable for tinted or. Apply hair wax to dry bangs. Then divide your bangs into strands of different thicknesses and lengths. Place them on your side or on your forehead. No additional fixation is required. If necessary, adjust your hair throughout the day. Wax does not stick curls together, so it allows you to style your hair without additional application of product.

Angled bangs require styling. Otherwise, it takes up a lot of space on the face, blocks the view, and interferes with tilting the head. If you don’t have time for long styling, then weave your bangs into a braid, or wrap them up with a wave and pin them with a bobby pin.

When choosing a styling method for long bangs, consider the shape of your face. Stylists know what methods to hide imperfections or emphasize facial features. Therefore, consult with your hairdresser about what type of styling is suitable for your haircut. A professional will give recommendations on how to emphasize the shape of the eyes, hide a high forehead, and visually give a youthful appearance to the face.

18 April 2014, 18:30
