How to choose compression stockings for pregnant women? Compression stockings for childbirth - are they necessary?

During pregnancy, a woman should especially carefully monitor her well-being. Often expectant mothers have to deal with diseases such as varicose veins and hemorrhoids. The reasons for this are severe hormonal changes and weight gain. Also, over time, the growing uterus and baby put pressure on neighboring organs, veins and arteries. This article will tell you about compression stockings for pregnant women. You will find out why this device is needed and what types it has. It is also worth mentioning how to choose compression stockings for pregnant women and how to put them on.

What are compression garments?

Currently, for the treatment and prevention of many pathologies, doctors prescribe the wearing of special clothing. Compression knitwear facilitates the functioning of internal organs. It also promotes proper blood and lymph circulation.

Among the large selection of such accessories you can find knee socks, tights and compression stockings for pregnant women. They should be worn on the recommendation of a specialist if there are certain indications. However, many expectant mothers independently decide to use such clothing. In this case, it is necessary to choose the right compression stockings for pregnant women. Their sizes may vary.

First degree of compression

Such compression stockings for pregnant women are suitable for those women who have not previously experienced problems with veins and leg health. The pressure of such clothing ranges from 18 to 22 millimeters of mercury.

The accessory is made of thin elastic material that helps improve the functioning of the circulatory system of the lower extremities. Thus, stockings with the first degree of compression help reduce heaviness and pain in the legs. Expectant mothers note that swelling in the foot and ankle area decreases. The accessory also becomes a good prevention of blood stagnation in the lower extremities and varicose veins.

Second degree of compression

These maternity compression stockings should only be used for specific indications. These include a pronounced venous pattern, which began to intensify over time, and varicose veins, which were discovered earlier. Also, this type of underwear is indicated for expectant mothers who have previously undergone phlebectomy or vein sclerosis. The pressure of such compression ranges from 25 to 33 millimeters of mercury.

Often this type of underwear is used in conjunction with medications. Such preventive measures can reduce the risk of new varicose veins in the legs during pregnancy and subsequent delivery. It is worth noting that every expectant mother with indications for wearing stockings with a second degree of compression is recommended to give birth in them. This is explained by the fact that in the process of pushing, the load on the lower limbs and pelvic area greatly increases.

Third degree of compression

The pressure of such knitwear is from 36 to 47 millimeters of mercury. Wearing such an accessory should only be prescribed by a specialist. Expectant mothers are strongly advised not to wear such stockings without certain indications.

Third-degree compression garments are recommended for all pregnant women after multiple vein surgeries. For thrombosis of the lower extremities and the presence of large ulcers, it will speed up the healing process and help prevent the problem from occurring during pregnancy.

Fourth grade compression stockings

Such underwear is characterized by a pressure of about 60 millimeters of mercury. It is worth noting that very rarely expectant mothers use it. In most cases, the indications for wearing such stockings are practically incompatible with the ability to bear a child.

The use of underwear with the fourth degree of compression is prescribed for the formation of blood clots, elephantiasis of the legs, severe swelling and the inability to move independently.

How to choose the size?

Compression stockings for pregnant women have positive reviews. However, this is only the case when the product is selected correctly. Contact a specialized store where they will help you decide on the type and size of knitwear.

If you plan to choose a product yourself, then you should first measure the circumference of your leg at the ankle, knee and hip. After this, refer to the table that is presented on each pack of compression stockings. With its help you can choose the right size. Don't forget to take your height into account.

How to wear compression stockings during pregnancy?

Expectant mothers need to wear the product in exactly the same way as ordinary women. Stockings must be put on carefully and in a lying position. It is worth noting that as the period increases, this becomes not very convenient. Buy medical gloves. They will allow you to put on the accessory easily.

Compression stockings for pregnant women deserve only good reviews. Knitwear allows you to alleviate your condition and improve the health of your feet. Remember that these things need to be properly cared for. Buy several pairs of products and change them periodically. When going to the maternity hospital, do not forget to take compression stockings with you. Their use will protect your legs from the appearance of varicose veins and vascular patterns during contractions and pushing.

Constantly increasing weight and load on the lower part of the body cause pregnant women a lot of trouble - pain in the legs, swelling, the appearance of vascular networks and the visual appearance of veins seriously worsen their well-being. This condition can be alleviated by compression stockings, which are specially designed to alleviate sensations, give lightness and a certain level of comfort to tired legs.

Why pregnant women need stockings: the benefits of compression hosiery

Carrying a child entails big changes in a woman’s body. Reasons to use compression stockings during pregnancy:

  • The pressure of the uterus on the large vessels of the internal organs - this complicates the outflow of blood from the lower part of the body. Wearing stockings in this condition normalizes blood circulation and prevents blood stagnation in the lower part of the body.
  • Changes in the composition and structure of the blood - this leads to disturbances in its coagulation. High coagulability can provoke the formation of blood clots, and wearing stockings, normalizing blood circulation, prevents blood stagnation and their formation.
  • Violation of venous outflow - the weight of a pregnant woman puts pressure on the lower part of the body, which leads to expansion of the venous walls and varicose veins subsequently. Stockings, squeezing the superficial veins, accelerate blood circulation and correctly distribute the load on the lower limbs, alleviating painful sensations.
The action of compression stockings is aimed at the correct distribution of loads created by the muscles during movement. In addition, the compression produced by compression hosiery leads to a decrease in the diameter of the veins, which helps the venous valves come closer together and function properly.

Did you know? The white color of compression products indicates a “hospital” status and is not used for permanent wear.

The impossibility of pregnant women using medications that alleviate and correct the manifestations of circulatory disorders creates all the conditions for the use of such compression underwear not only as a preventive measure, but also as the main means of treatment.

Harm and contraindications

Medical knitwear, in the form of compression stockings, if used incorrectly, can have undesirable consequences. To avoid such consequences, it is worth considering the existing contraindications for use:

  • severe forms of heart failure;
  • atherosclerosis of the lower extremities and other diseases that provoke a decrease in the vascular lumen;
  • diabetes;
  • skin rashes, the presence of purulent wounds and trophic ulcers on the legs.

With the diagnosed diseases mentioned above, any compression and restriction in the circulatory system can lead to complications in the course of the disease.

Harm that wearing compression garments can cause:

  • provoking edema due to incorrect choice of product size;
  • worsening congestion in the lower extremities and increased pain caused by incorrect selection of the product class.

Purchasing elastic medical knitwear does not always require a doctor's prescription. Thus, preventive-grade products can be purchased independently, but it is recommended to purchase therapeutic and hospital-grade knitwear only as prescribed by a specialist. For recommendations on the correct choice of product type, size and compression class, you should contact a vascular surgeon (phlebologist).

Important! Compression is highest in the lower leg area and lowest in the hip area. Such indicators contribute to proper blood flow and its acceleration.

How to choose the right product

The correct choice of compression hosiery depends on factors that can improve or worsen a pregnant woman’s condition, so before purchasing it is important to decide (together with a vascular surgeon) about the type of knitwear, its compression class, and the size of the product.


6 types of medical compression garments are suitable for the lower extremities of pregnant women:

Thus, the main difference between these types is the height of the product, and the choice of type is influenced by the characteristics of the problem areas. For this reason, the height of the product should be at least 5-10 centimeters higher than the beginning or end of such zones.

Important! Even in a loose and “unworn” state, compression stockings should have an anatomical shape and follow the contours of the body.


Existing compression classes allow you to choose the best product for pregnant women without the risk of aggravating their condition.

  • 1st class(preventive) - has light compression (pressure 18-22 mmHg) and is preventive. It is prescribed for pregnant women who are at “risk” for the development of varicose veins without obvious manifestations of the disease; it is indicated only by the appearance of vascular networks. Recommended from the early stages of pregnancy.
  • 2nd class(therapeutic) - has an average level of compression (pressure 23-32 mmHg) and is prescribed for complications during pregnancy. Such complications include swelling, painful manifestations, and sclerotherapy procedures.
  • 3rd grade(therapeutic) - a high level of compression (pressure 34-44 mmHg) has a therapeutic effect for pregnant women with diagnosed chronic diseases of the veins of the lower extremities in severe forms (varicose veins, thrombophlebitis).
  • 4th grade(hospital) - the highest level of compression (pressure more than 50 mmHg) is prescribed for pathological pregnancy, accompanied by prolonged limitation of motor activity, as well as during labor to relieve the increasing load on the vessels.

The condition of the veins of the lower extremities determines the compression class of the stockings, which, in turn, determines the period of time for using the worn underwear.


All types of medical compression hosiery require special selection of product sizes according to the size chart indicated on the manufacturer’s packaging. There is no universal size chart for products of this kind.

To indicate the size according to the manufacturer’s table, you must first take measurements from the following body circumferences:

  • for golfs and leggings - from the circumference of the narrow part of the ankle joint area, from the wide part of the lower leg and the narrow part of the popliteal joint area;
  • for stockings - from the circumference of the narrow part of the ankle joint area, the wide part of the lower leg, the narrow part of the popliteal joint area; you also need to measure the circumference of the thigh below the groin area by 5 centimeters and the height from the heel to the crotch;
  • for tights and leggings - from the circumference of the narrow part of the ankle joint area, the wide part of the lower leg, the narrow part of the popliteal joint area; You also need to measure the hip circumference below the groin area by 5 centimeters, the hip circumference in the widest part, the waist circumference and the height from the heel to the crotch.

Important! For compression garments of high compression classes (3 and 4), additional individual measurements are required, since they will have to be specially ordered from an orthopedic store and individually manufactured.

All measurements are taken only in the morning, immediately after waking up. At this time, the presence of swelling is minimized, which allows for objective measurements.

Popular manufacturers

There is a wide selection of products from different manufacturers on the orthopedic underwear market. The most popular and in demand:

The choice of manufacturers depends on the preferences of the pregnant woman and her financial capabilities. It should be borne in mind that good compression hosiery cannot have a low cost. The production of such products requires the use of certified high quality material.

Did you know? The creator of the first compression hosiery is Morris Ganzoni (Switzerland). In 1894, he founded the sought-after trademark “Sigvaris”, which today is a leader in sales.

How to put on compression stockings correctly

Medical elastic stockings are produced to create a certain degree of compression (squeezing), which significantly distinguishes them from other types of underwear. This feature makes them difficult to put on, since the products do not have high stretchability. The process of putting it on is not complicated and, if done correctly, will not be difficult.

Basic Rules

In order for underwear to bring maximum benefit, when putting it on you need to adhere to certain rules:

  • The underwear should be dry, the body should also not be wet. Humidity makes the process much more difficult.
  • In order not to damage the material of the product, there should be no jewelry (rings) on your hands.
  • After waking up, you need to keep your legs upright for 5-10 minutes to reduce blood circulation and venous pressure.
  • Stockings are worn only in the morning, immediately after waking up. At this time, the manifestations of swelling are minimal.
  • You should not get up after the completed donning process. To adapt and normalize blood circulation and venous pressure, it is recommended to maintain a horizontal body position for several minutes. A feeling of “coldness” and tightness at this time is normal.

Step-by-step instruction

Although the donning process is not complicated, following the step-by-step instructions will help reduce the time spent on the daily “ritual”:

  • Turn the stocking inside out to the level of the heel, including this area.
  • Put the product on the toe part of the foot with precise placement of the heel area strictly along the heel.
  • Using small finger grips, pull the inverted part completely onto the foot.
  • Pull the remaining inverted part with small finger grips onto the remaining part of the leg to the desired height (for example: to the ankles, to the knee joint, to the thigh).
  • Run your palms firmly over your stocking-clad leg to smooth out any wrinkles.
If a stocking with a “cut off” toe is used, then a special sock that comes with the product is initially put on.

Important! Unstraightened folds in compression stockings, as well as their prolonged use, threaten the formation of bedsores on the skin.

How to wear compression stockings correctly

The wearing time of elastic underwear is limited and depends on the class of products and their intended purpose.

  • Products belonging to the preventive type (classes 1 and 2) are worn only for a few hours a day and as needed. It is acceptable to wear throughout the day - it is harmless, but it is still necessary to give “rest” to the venous system. Therefore, it is recommended to remove stockings in the evening or before going to bed.
  • Medical-type products (classes 3 and 4) are worn in strict accordance with the doctor’s recommendations. The wearing time is the entire period of “wakefulness”, but depending on the severity of the disease, it can be around the clock.
In cases where the leak is not severe, it is recommended to remove the stockings before going to bed.

The period of use of such stockings is determined by the doctor’s recommendations or your own feelings. Constantly wearing such underwear does not cause harm to the body, and in case of severe disease it is inevitable.

Did you know? The use of medical elastic underwear reduces the risk of injury when playing sports.

Proper care of stockings

Proper care of compression stockings will preserve their quality and durability. Products of this kind require delicate care; washing together with other things is unacceptable.

Delicate washing means hand washing in warm water not exceeding 40ºС. It is better to use a non-aggressive detergent, marked “for delicate washing”. In the absence of such household chemicals, you can use liquid soap or shampoo. It is not recommended to wet silicone rubber during washing, as it will lose its properties when exposed to water. You can clean it with a cotton pad soaked in medical alcohol.

There is no need to finish washing by thoroughly twisting, otherwise the product will not last long. It is also not recommended to dry stockings in a dryer, hot air, or in direct sunlight.

Medical compression hosiery is an indispensable preventive measure during pregnancy, relieving the symptoms of venous insufficiency with constantly increasing weight. Its main function is to distribute loads on the lower limbs. However, it should be remembered that the use of compression stockings, despite all the advantages, has some contraindications, and also requires compliance with the rules when putting on and wearing.

Most women during pregnancy suffer from swelling of the legs and complain of heaviness in the legs. The body of the expectant mother withstands enormous stress due to the growth of the fetus.

Weight increases, hormonal fluctuations occur, the growing uterus puts pressure on large vessels of the internal organs, and because of the pressure, the flow of blood from the legs to the heart becomes difficult. At the same time, when walking, a woman gets tired faster, her legs hurt and ache, as if after a long run. In addition, the expectant mother may be concerned about varicose veins, which worsens during pregnancy and can appear even if varicose veins did not bother her before conception.

Such symptoms should be a signal for a visit to a general practitioner, who most often refers the pregnant woman to a phlebologist. Often, experts, along with drug treatment, recommend that expectant mothers wear special tights - compression underwear for pregnant women.

Benefits of compression garments

Swelling and fatigue in the legs were fought back in Ancient Egypt. It was there that the prerequisites for the production of compression tights and stockings appeared. The Egyptians used scraps of fabric and leather to wrap their legs and thus try to get rid of swelling. Special underwear also helped in military affairs - it was easier for ancient warriors to walk, and their legs did not get tired so quickly. Since then, compression knitwear manufacturing technologies have advanced significantly, and now such underwear is made from modern and high-quality materials.

Women, first of all, appreciated the effect of wearing compression underwear for pregnant women, which saves them from fatigue and swelling in the legs and prevents varicose veins. Unlike the usual nylon tights, compression tights are made of dense, elastic fabric, which helps to properly distribute pressure on the body. Under normal conditions, pressure should be distributed from bottom to top, that is, from the ankles (where it is strongest) to the hips, gradually decreasing. Compression hosiery helps to adhere to this principle, which ensures good circulation of venous blood, thereby improving the outflow of blood from the legs to the heart. Wearing compression underwear normalizes the process of blood flow, since the underwear is designed in a special way, so that the degree of compression to the groin is 20%, on the ankle 100%, closer to the knee 70%, on the thigh 50%. Thus, stagnation in the veins and swelling will not threaten your legs.

Why do you need compression garments for pregnant women?

In addition to the therapeutic effect that compression underwear has, it also supports the abdomen well. Therefore, compression hosiery is indicated for use by all pregnant women, especially in the last stages. In the absence of signs of venous stasis or spider veins, compression garments for pregnant women can be worn for preventive purposes. For example, wear tights or stockings during long walks or while playing sports.

Around the middle of pregnancy, women purchase a prenatal bandage, which is also a type of compression garment. The bandage reduces the load on the back and is also used to prevent unwanted formations such as hernia.

How to choose compression garments for pregnant women

For pregnant women, manufacturers produce special underwear that has some differences. Maternity tights equipped with an elastic bandage to support the abdomen. Thanks to this property, a woman does not experience discomfort or pressure on her stomach. In addition, the fabric for compression underwear provides good breathability, which is also important when wearing it.

By the way, most often at the beginning of pregnancy women prefer to wear compression stockings, not tights. When choosing such stockings, you should pay attention to their varieties. They are: 1) traditional model; 2) with a corset belt and Velcro fastener; 3) with an open toe or heel; 4) with silicone insert and openwork top.

In addition, compression garments have different compression classes depending on their purpose. Only a doctor can select the class of underwear you need, so before going to the pharmacy, make an appointment with a phlebologist. Depending on the condition of your veins, the doctor will recommend what type and class of underwear you should purchase. Remember that properly selected underwear will not cause you discomfort when wearing and will last longer.

If you do not need to wear compression garments all the time, but, for example, only when walking or traveling, then preventive knitwear is suitable for you. In general, wear underwear with light compression necessary for all pregnant women already in the early stages. The body of the expectant mother undergoes changes, and under the influence of hormones the venous network becomes more elastic, and due to the growth of the fetus, the pressure on the vessels and veins also increases. Therefore, it is necessary to take preventive measures to avoid stagnation of blood in the veins.

Tights with first compression class are prescribed to pregnant women who experience stress on their veins, have a hereditary predisposition (that is, are at risk) to varicose veins, if there are spider veins or red capillaries on their legs.

Second compression class is prescribed for complications during pregnancy, when a woman regularly experiences pain in her legs and suffers from swelling. Compression garments for pregnant women with third classification must be worn by women with chronic venous diseases, with diagnoses such as thrombophlebitis, etc. There is also a type of therapeutic knitwear such as antiembolic . It is used during childbirth, replacing elastic bandages.

Also, the price of compression underwear for pregnant women depends on the degree of compression and the manufacturer.

It is important to consider that even compression garments have contraindications, which should also be discussed with your doctor. Therapeutic knitwear is not used for diabetes, ischemia, some skin diseases, etc.

How to properly wear compression garments for pregnant women

In order for the effect of wearing compression underwear for pregnant women to be justified, you need to learn how to put it on and wear it correctly.

If you have decided on the compression class of your underwear and purchased it, then start wearing it the next morning. Therapeutic tights, shorts or stockings should be put on first thing in the morning, before you even get out of bed. Under the influence of compression, you may feel a slight coldness and constriction, but this is normal, as the outflow of venous blood increases.
Also, to achieve effective results, do not take off your underwear throughout the day.

You may have difficulty putting on compression stockings in the last months of pregnancy when your big belly makes it difficult to reach your feet, but you can always ask someone close to you to help you. The same applies to the maternity hospital, where midwives will help you. If you wore maternity compression garments, don’t forget to wear your stockings during labor and delivery.

Wear compression garments after childbirth, at least in the first month. It will help restore your figure, contract the uterus, and the scars after a difficult birth will heal faster.

Therapeutic stockings and tights are allowed and even recommended to be washed; they do not lose their properties and shape after washing. However, for washing it is better to use baby soap to avoid allergies, and dry on a horizontal surface so as not to deform the knitwear threads.

Some women neglect their doctor’s recommendations regarding compression garments, citing the fact that they look “like grandma’s tights” or are simply not attractive. But while wearing therapeutic stockings, you can remain a beautiful woman and, most importantly, healthy. After all, now manufacturers of compression underwear for pregnant women make their range as diverse that they are not inferior in color, patterns and originality to ordinary women's tights. Compression garments for pregnant women will not only help you feel better and reduce stress on your legs, but will also preserve the beauty of your legs after the birth of your baby.

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes a real restructuring. Many organs have difficulty coping with the increased load. The vascular system is no exception.

They are due to increasing weight and hormonal imbalances The vessels of the lower extremities experience special problems. Impaired blood flow provokes varicose veins, blood clots, and severe swelling.

Avoid problems A proper daily routine, a balanced diet and additional support will help, which include compression stockings. They normalize blood flow, creating increased pressure in the lower legs and causing blood to move faster through the veins towards the heart.

Correctly selected stockings can:

  • improve blood supply to the legs;
  • relieve swelling;
  • prevent varicose veins, thrombophlebitis;
  • relieve pain, heaviness, burning;
  • prevent the formation of stretch marks, venous stars, sagging skin;
  • give your legs a more attractive, toned look.

Compression hosiery is indicated for various forms of varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, and venous insufficiency. It is also useful for the prevention of vascular diseases. Anti-varicose stockings for pregnant women with a low degree of compression have a good supportive effect and successfully replace regular tights.

Stockings or tights: what to prefer?

Consumers are offered a variety of hosiery options with compression properties. Depending on your needs you can choose leggings, breeches, tights, knee socks. But stockings are ideal for pregnant women.

  1. They distribute pressure evenly from the ankles to the thigh, regulating the proper functioning of the veins.
  2. Unlike tights, stockings against varicose veins for pregnant women do not compress the abdominal area. A wide soft elastic band securely fixes the product in the upper thighs without squeezing your legs or causing discomfort.
  3. There are products on sale in various densities, suitable for all seasons. They can be worn with trousers, skirts or dresses; the stockings are invisible under clothes.
  4. The products not only prevent varicose veins, but also tighten skin and muscles, preventing the appearance of stretch marks. Short socks will not cope with this task.

Indications and contraindications

Medicinal products are prescribed by a phlebologist. Self-medication is unacceptable, incorrectly selected compression hosiery is dangerous for pregnant women.

Products are prescribed for:

  • pronounced or periodic swelling of the lower extremities;
  • fatigue and leg pain;
  • the appearance of bulging veins on the surface of the skin;
  • bluish and red spots indicating internal micro-tears;
  • increased load on the legs;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • sudden weight gain.

Therapeutic stockings can significantly improve the quality of life and increase physical activity. However, they also have contraindications. These include:

  • severe forms of diabetes and heart failure;
  • expressed dermatitis and skin damage;
  • malignant tumors;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • allergic reactions.

Selection rules

On sale you can find products of different densities, colors, patterns. For winter, insulated models are offered; in summer, you can wear thin, breathable stockings that do not cause discomfort. But the main selection criterion is compression pressure. Depending on it, products are divided into 4 classes.

  1. Pressure up to 23 mmHg. Stockings are suitable for the first months of pregnancy, when the first swelling, heaviness and pain in the legs appear.
  2. . Used for incipient varicose veins and the first signs of thrombophlebitis.
  3. Pressure does not exceed 45 mmHg. The products are prescribed by a phlebologist for severe varicose veins and persistent swelling.
  4. . Stockings of this type are recommended by a doctor; they are needed for severe swelling caused by stagnation of lymph.

It is important to choose the right size. Ill-fitting stockings can cause a lot of problems by squeezing veins, slipping down your legs, or bunching up. To determine the right size, you need to take measurements. The girth of the upper and middle part of the thigh, knee, calf and ankle is taken into account, as well as the length from foot to knee and from foot to upper thigh. The measurements are taken by a doctor, who also determines the size and class of stockings.

You can buy compression stockings in pharmacies or orthopedic salons. Products of non-standard sizes can be ordered from the catalogue. Correctly selected stockings can be worn for at least 6 months; they do not lose their supporting properties and attractive appearance.

Watch a short video on how to take correct measurements to select stockings:

How to put on and wear hosiery?

Tight-fitting leg stockings require special attention when putting on. If your legs are prone to swelling, it is recommended to lie down with your limbs elevated on a pillow.

You can make several movements that simulate riding a bicycle. This preparation will reduce swelling and normalize blood flow.

Product needed assemble in the form of an accordion, carefully straightening the sock. To avoid tearing your stockings, do a pedicure in advance, trim your toenails short and remove flaky skin with a file.

Hands should also be in order; special care should be taken by owners of long, sharp nails. Very thin models comfortable to wear with cotton gloves.

Put on the stocking carefully and slowly, carefully straightening out all the folds. First, the foot is put on, then the part up to the knee is distributed with both hands.

Do not pull on the edges of the stocking, it may tear or become deformed. Lastly, the elastic band on the hips is straightened. A correctly worn product does not cause discomfort, does not slip or wrinkle.

You need to remove the stocking starting from the top, as if rolling up knitwear with both hands. This technique will avoid delays. To ensure that products last as long as possible, they need to be washed daily with mild baby soap or powder and then rinse thoroughly.

Compression jersey should be dried flat out and away from heating appliances. Products cannot be ironed, it is better to store them in plastic bags.

There are special creams to make putting it on easier., moisturizing the skin of the feet and making it smoother. You can use any baby oil instead. It softens the skin, creating the thinnest film and leaving no stains on the knitwear.

Women who are unable to bend freely can use special devices for putting on and taking off stockings.

They are indispensable for multiple pregnancies, which significantly limit mobility. Devices made of durable plastic can be ordered at orthopedic stores.

Compression jersey recommended to wear daily, always removing at night. If the product becomes too loose, it must be replaced with a new one.

With daily wear, one pair lasts for 5-6 months; thinner models fail earlier than thick insulated stockings.

Anti-varicose stockings for pregnant women – an excellent prophylactic for pregnant women. In order for these products to bring only benefits, it is important to choose the right type and size, as well as take into account contraindications. It is necessary to follow the rules for wearing stockings and caring for them.

Useful video

Visual instructions on how to put on a compression stocking correctly:

In accordance with the instructions of doctors, women are recommended to use compression stockings for childbirth during pregnancy and childbirth, which prevent the risk of developing varicose veins. This underwear also helps treat vascular diseases, prevents the formation of blood clots and significantly reduces the enormous load on the legs.

Under the influence of increased intra-abdominal pressure, which is formed during the birth of a baby, characteristic stagnation phenomena develop in the area of ​​the pelvic organs and legs, which can lead to the formation of blood clots. Therapeutic stockings distribute the load in the legs so that maximum pressure falls on the shins, which prevents the appearance of pain.

Unfortunately, not every woman in labor knows that during the delivery process there is always a risk of developing diseases of the veins and blood vessels of the legs. Pregnancy is always associated with severe stress for the body.

During this period, pinching of large blood vessels and arteries occurs, which is caused by the pressure of the growing uterus. Taken together, this leads to the development of stagnant phenomena in the legs and pelvis.

