How to make a husband respect and appreciate his wife? How to bring back the old passion. What to do in order not to turn into the one that is NOT valued

Having lived together for many years, people get used to each other very much. No, the state of comfort and stability is, of course, good. It’s bad when a spouse stops appreciating a woman and taking her presence nearby for granted. How to make a husband afraid of losing his wife? The answer to this question is rather complicated, since everything is individual in each individual case. Despite this, there are some simple general tips that are suitable for almost every couple.

Love yourself

Dear women, remember: self-sacrifice has long been out of fashion, especially in the love sphere. The more you protect your spouse from everyday life, shouldering all the responsibilities on your fragile shoulders, the more he will move away from you. Think for yourself: is it really pleasant for him to come home and see a tired, half-asleep wife with a drooping look? Of course not. If you don't know and are afraid of losing your wife, the first thing you must do. so this is And as a result - devote more time to yourself - charming and attractive.

The husband will immediately pay attention when the wife begins to dress beautifully, do new hairstyles, visit a manicure salon. To warm up his interest, in the evening often spin in front of the mirror, smiling mysteriously. In the morning, getting dressed for work, also spend a lot of time admiring your reflection. Do not forget to ask your spouse if you look good today, how does your appearance look to him. Believe me, this is one of the most effective ways to make a husband afraid of losing his wife.


Men like to repeat that they are alpha males, hunters, conquerors and masters of this life. There is some truth in this. Therefore, play this entertaining game with him: arrange something like a hunt for him, where the trophy is you. Your actions are simple: flirt in front of his eyes with other members of the stronger sex, talk about them, admire other people's achievements and appearance. Believe me, even the coldest spouse will wake up. He will look at you with different eyes, afraid that he might lose forever.

And vice versa. Remain indifferent to his flirting - this will hurt the man and give him reason to think. Thinking about what to do to make a husband afraid of losing his wife, remember: when was the last time you read a book? Self-development is the strong point that you should bet on. Perhaps the husband stopped paying attention due to a banal reason: he is not interested in you. Therefore, become new - find unusual activities to your liking, entertaining hobbies, read a lot, be knowledgeable in various issues and learn to speak on any topic.


Why not. Take and come home with a gorgeous bouquet. When asked about who gave it, smile mysteriously and answer: a fan. Or just brush it off by arranging flowers in the best possible vase. This will not only make him jealous. Such an act will cause a flurry of emotions. A man, feeling an opponent, even a conditional one, will try to force him out, so he will begin to pay more attention to his wife, spend time with her. And that's exactly what we need.

How to make a husband afraid of losing his wife? Keep intriguing. For example, often "dig" in your mobile phone, as if rereading other people's messages. And do not forget to smirk mysteriously - this is the main weapon. When watching a movie, pay your spouse's attention to the main character: how handsome, well-groomed, athletic, fit, and so on. In the end, summarize that these are the men you like, excite your fantasy and cause sexual desire. The last saying about physical attraction will be the control shot.

Experts are sure that even if the spouse has completely devalued the relationship, he will try to avoid situations that threaten divorce. But there is one “but”: he does it on a subconscious level, unconsciously. Therefore, when a professional is asked how to make a husband afraid of losing his wife, the psychologist's advice is: tell him straight about it. Do not put any ultimatums at the same time - men do not like them. Just say that your feelings begin to cool down when they are not warmed up. This will hit his ego and the man will be scared.

Psychologists also give two more important tips. First, give him the right to your territory. Let him meet friends, go to football and go fishing. No need to intrusively control and poke your nose into all men's affairs. Second, share his passions. No, it is not necessary to go to the stadium. But you need to give him the opportunity to watch the match at home, giving up his favorite series. A man will appreciate this and be afraid to lose such a smart and understanding wife.

Help magic

Often women turn to otherworldly forces, not knowing how to make a husband afraid of losing his wife. Magic, they believe, will help to consolidate the result obtained after using the other methods mentioned above. I present a popular rite that is easy to use and does not require large expenses. It is called "Candle for a Beloved". To do this, buy a white candle in the temple, lubricate it with any aromatic oil, while thinking about your spouse. Write a wish on paper: “I want my husband to be jealous and afraid to lose me.” Put a candle in a candlestick on a written piece of paper.

Looking at the flame, scroll through your dream in your head, imagine how it comes true. Whisper the appropriate words. What exactly these phrases will be - decide for yourself. The main thing is that they be sincere, heartfelt and come from the heart. After burning a piece of paper with a desire over a candle, you wave the ashes in the wind. This is one of the options for a strategy - how to make a husband afraid of losing his wife. A conspiracy can be carried out for another purpose, only candles are used for this differently: yellow - to calm jealousy, red - to cause love, blue - to get rid of problems, green - to gain well-being.

What do men themselves think?

The representatives of the stronger sex have their own answer to the question of how to make a husband jealous and afraid of losing his wife. It is worth listening to them, because who, if not the men themselves, know the psychology of their own kind. First, according to their advice, you need to spend a certain amount of time separately, pursuing your own personal interests. This buffer time zone is a great break from each other, a period when you can get bored. Secondly, you do not need to pester your spouse with questions about where he was and with whom. He will tell you if he needs to. Being tactful, you will become the most desirable for your husband. After all, men love it so much when they are understood.

Thirdly, the spouse will be afraid of losing you if he feels a certain freedom of desire in the relationship. That is, if he doesn’t want to go to the store today, don’t force him. Coercion is a direct way to make your loved one get angry and move away from you. And fourthly, do not be jealous yourself. Trust your partner and do not make loud scenes just because he was staring at a young waitress. For your husband to appreciate, love and cherish you, do not be selfish, subordinating him only to your own interests and desires.

How to make a husband afraid of losing his wife, you are now aware. Finally, it does not hurt you to know those negative points that, on the contrary, can destroy even the strongest relationship. Remember: men lose interest in a girl who puts him on top of a pedestal, becoming a submissive slave. They quickly cool down if they constantly arrange scandalous scenes with tears and screams. They also do not forgive violations of their personal space, treating themselves like a child, lack of passion and love, neglect, betrayal and disrespect. To save the relationship, the wife also needs to take care of her appearance, take care of herself and smile more often.

Do not forget: some men are not jealous, not because they are not interested in you. But only because it is their strategy, behavior model or life principle. Remember the terrible jealous ones who go into a rage just because a woman looked at another man. Therefore, the complete absence of jealousy is better than its constant dominance in relationships.

In this article:

Happy newlyweds love each other and do not always think about the future. There are many temptations and temptations in the world. So that your husband does not want another woman, does not get himself a mistress, you need to become the most desirable. It might not just be the other woman. Often, over the years, the novelty of marriage passes, the spouse ceases to be interested in his wife as a woman. Stormy nights are ending, passion is leaving, there is less and less sex. In order for the spouse to want his wife, and even regularly, it is necessary to make a village conspiracy. He will awaken passion, return your relationship to its former degree.

Village conspiracies for sex

In the villages, ancient conspiracies are not forgotten. They are actively used, passed down from generation to generation. While ignorant women gnaw their elbows because their husband goes to the left, those who know make a simple conspiracy. After him, your man, husband, boyfriend, will be only yours.

But, the main condition is that you must also be a faithful wife from now on.

Applying it is easy, because you don't need anything special. This is white magic, worldly and simple. Any woman can thus throw thoughts of others out of her lover's head.

If you are together for a long time, understandable satiety sets in. The fire of passion can be rekindled. The spouse will look at you with different eyes. It is very important that your husband does not know anything about the ceremony. You will need some of his personal items and underwear. Be sure to try this method if you have been married for a long time. The conspiracy works quickly. This is a special sexual love spell that helps if you are married or just in a relationship. A man ceases to notice others, and looks with desire only at his wife.

Sad marriage statistics

Already at 2-3 years of marriage, interest in the wife begins to fade. Such fickle men were created by nature. He begins to literally look for a partner for a friend. Some are stopped by spiritual intimacy with their wife, some are simply lazy. And someone goes "to the left." Women put in a lot of effort to keep their spouse attracted. Sports, beautician, cosmetics, sexy lingerie. But that can get boring too. A conspiracy will come to your aid. Sexual prisushki - a special section of love magic. By this method, you can permanently inspire your spouse with a passionate desire for you. Happy couples meet. They live soul to soul for many years. What is their secret? Everyone has their own, and for many it is a sexual prisushka.

Simple home spell

For this conspiracy, you will need to cook your husband’s favorite meat dish. As much delicious spicy meat as possible. It is him that you will speak so that your husband only wants you. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach - this wife does not need to be taught.

It is important to consider:

  • Buy good fresh meat from the market. Can't bargain;
  • During plotting, the woman must be naked;
  • This ritual is performed on a full moon on Friday.

They talk about raw meat. It must be applied to the bare chest and say a conspiracy three times:

“Under the gravestone is a domina, and there is an old devil. I am not afraid of the devil, I will not bow before him. I will stand straight, glow with righteous heat. So the husband is not afraid of me, he does not bend before my flesh. Key. Lock".

Cook the meat of your choice. This evening, see that your husband or boyfriend eats as much of this meat as possible. It cannot be left for another time - all the half-eaten food will have to be thrown away.

Such rituals do not bring any harm to either side.

Speak the marriage bed

So that the husband does not lie on the bed with his mistress, you need to speak your marriage bed. If you have good reason to think that a rival has appeared, do everything necessary faster. This method is fast. So that the husband does not want other women and forgets the lovebird forever, this method fits perfectly.
Undress, lie down on the bed, spread your arms to the sides. Clap your hands three times on the bed, say:

“So that the legs of the servant of God (name) tremble, the lips dry, and the hands only reach for the servant of God (name).”

Now for your faithful trip to his mistress is closed. He can only make love to you. To make it work, speak the bed on Wednesday evening to the growing moon. Do not wash this linen on which you have been lying for as long as possible. So that the spouse wants you after many years, periodically repeat the ceremony. Practitioners recommend doing this every year.

Dryer for underwear

This dryer needs to be done on your husband's underwear. You will need his underpants, which he will wear on this day. Pants must be black. You will need a church candle.

To perform the ceremony, you need to consider:

  • Day: Monday, Wednesday or Friday;
  • Moon phase: Waxing;
  • Time: Early morning, sunrise.

You can’t do prisushka if you are on your period right now! While the husband is sleeping, take his underpants, go to the window. Take a lit candle in your left hand. Say three times:

“Behind the forests, the water is thick - not earthen, but woman's interior. In the middle of that water stands an island, and on the island a pillar does not bend, it rises high to the sky. The sun came out bright. Let it warm up the vein of the Servant of God (name) as well, raise my white body on my body. Words - turnkey, lock.

Cross yourself, kiss the candle and extinguish it. Return the underwear to your husband, make sure that he wears these shorts. For strong practitioners, the effect comes very quickly - in the evening. If you are just starting magical practices, then you will have to wait 2-5 days. The husband will suddenly begin to show a very strong sexual desire for you. If he had contacts with other women, then very soon they will stop. He just can't be with another woman in bed. Someone begins to become disgusted with his mistress, others have problems with erection.

Your husband will be only yours in life and in bed. It is possible and very simple. Absolutely any woman at any age can make this conspiracy. If the guy began to look to the left, you need to urgently take action. Nobody wants to share the beloved man. A simple village plot will help you return passion, desire. Sex will be just amazing. Be sure to try this method and forget about all the rivals.

Repeatedly, I noticed women's surprise at the fact that a good woman who pays attention to a man, gives gifts, gives massages, prepares various goodies and the fifth and tenth, the man does not treat very well.

From his appearance it is clear that he does not feel unearthly gratitude to the woman for doing so much for him.

And vice versa, a woman who periodically “builds” and puts her partner in place, a man carries in his arms, treats her very respectfully.

And if this were an exception, then it could be explained somehow. For example, a man is soft caught, and a woman is a “battle woman”. But this rule is difficult to explain with exceptions.

Women who treat their men quite harshly and carry them in their arms are found both among soft men and among not at all soft men.

I repeat that this is not the exception, but the rule.

What conclusions can be drawn from this rule? And most importantly, how to become such a woman that a man appreciates, respects, gives gifts, etc.

For the first time, readers literally bombarded me with similar questions when the article was published. "The psychology of men is similar to the psychology of dogs". In this article, in one of the last paragraphs, I wrote that men and dogs need to be educated. Otherwise, they will climb onto the bed with dirty paws, bite the owner, become completely obnoxious, etc.

And the letters were just with questions about what exactly to do in order to educate a man? I couldn't bring myself to write about it. But now, in this article, I will write about how to make a man respect a woman much more, appreciate her a lot more, carry her in her arms and give gifts.

Law of life: In this life, what is publicly available is not valued at all, regardless of value..

This rule, of course, does not only apply to the topic of the article. For example, a person can live without air for only a few minutes, and even then it is not very comfortable (more precisely, without oxygen, of course). So the presence of air is a huge value. In theory, we should only do every 10 minutes to constantly thank the Universe for the fact that we have air.

But, to be honest, how many times a day do you thank life, the universe or God for the fact that you have something to breathe? If you take 99% of the population, including me, of course, then I don’t remember that I once thanked for the presence of oxygen.

It is obvious that people are, on average, extremely ungrateful creatures., since they do not even appreciate that without which their life would quickly end.

Now closer to the men. You probably think that men only do what they thank you in their thoughts for the fact that you cook something tasty for him every day, give him a massage, free him from household chores, constantly yield to him in everything, etc. ?

Of course not . Men are creatures even less grateful than women..

Then an even more obvious conclusion. If you always do something for a man in the background, every day, regardless of circumstances, whatever you do, no matter how time-consuming it may be, no matter how much time and effort you spend on it, a man will not perceive it, will not appreciate it.

After all, it is clear that all your daily efforts become “air” for a man, that is, something taken for granted. And for something taken for granted, is it really necessary to be grateful, is it really necessary to try to do something in return? I will say even more, is it necessary to notice something for granted at all? Of course not.

That is why men do not notice any of your actions, do not appreciate and are not a bit grateful.

Of course women are the same. If there were many men who every day do something in the background for a woman, regardless of her behavior (let's say gratitude), then the woman would also begin to perceive the efforts of a man as a background and stop appreciating them (with rare exceptions).

However, it is not so easy to find in a large number of men who would lay down their lives in order to please their women. Men, creatures are much more selfish than women, and if they are somehow not encouraged to do the right thing, no matter with a piece of delicious food or a club, then they are unlikely to do something constantly for a woman.

And, on the contrary, it is typical for women to behave when she does and does something for a man, expecting gratitude inside herself, but in the end, after many years, she is disappointed in life and in men in general.

Then what to do? Do nothing at all for men?

But if you do nothing at all for your man, then, of course, he will run away after a while. Therefore, doing something good for a man is a must. But you need to make sure that he appreciates your efforts and this somehow manifests itself.

The rule is. Exactly the same actions of a woman can, depending on the circumstances, lead to the fact that a man will be very grateful to a woman, or they can lead to a man not experiencing any gratitude at all.

How to do something for a man so that he appreciates?

Doing something good for a man is not always, but periodically, in bursts.

It is clear that I cited cooking and massage purely as an example. Anything valuable for a man can be anything, from your presence nearby, good mood, desire to listen to a man, etc.

The main thing to understand is the general rule, which, as I wrote above, is that the most incredibly good, whatever it is, gradually becomes boring. And when this good becomes boring, then gradually the man ceases to enjoy it. The next stage - this pleasure ceases to be appreciated.

Therefore, let us follow the advice of Socrates, who said that "Hunger is the best seasoning for food." Namely, in order for a man to realize the value of something that you do or are generally present nearby, you need to give this valuable not always, but periodically.

If you do this, then the man will have a “hunger” for your presence, delicious cooking, massage, attention, advice, support, etc., the man will understand somewhere inside that he can lose all this good.

Of course, I proceed from the assumption that you are still doing something good for your partner, and not that he is just waiting for you to leave for a couple of hours, but better for good. But even in this case, his desire to be alone may come from the fact that he has ceased to appreciate what is, and not because the woman is indifferent to him.

Doing something good for a man is not always, but to encourage his good behavior.

It is clear that the real manipulation, training, etc. Who among you is against manipulation, I recommend reading my previous article. « How to manipulate a man? Or I'm not going to adapt to anyone» , which is located .

The principle here is simple. If a man has done something good for you, achieved some success, then encourage him somehow. (Even if he did it disgustingly, but he tried). At least you can smile, tell him that he is doing well and give him a few minutes of good mood. At the very least, I don't even know. Your man can appreciate something, something that is absolutely not valuable to me. Find it valuable and make it for your loved one.

Don't let a man gorge himself on your good behavior.

This rule is, in principle, a development of the first. But I took it out in a separate one for a better understanding.

Let's say that a man appreciates that you are next to him. He achieves this, and then, when you are around, he rejoices in this. After some time, you began to live together and he is already so "full" of your presence that he does not particularly appreciate him. I would even say more, a man may even be happy when you leave on business.

The amount of intercourse that a man and a woman can endure is very different from couple to couple. Much depends on how long they lived together, how many memories they have together, how compatible the characters are, etc.

But the rule remains the same. Don't let a man gorge himself on your good behavior, your presence, your food, or whatever it is.

The maximum pleasure of communication lies in the first hour. The maximum pleasure from food lies in the first few spoons. The maximum pleasure from massage lies in the first few minutes. Examples can be continued, but I think that everything is more or less clear.

Of course, you can overeat, overdrink, spend too much time together, redo the massage, give too much good of something else. But after all this overeating, a man gets nausea in the body or in the soul. It shouldn't be allowed.

In rare cases, it may happen that a man, after “overeating” something in your behavior, may even begin to experience an “allergy” to your efforts. (As, for example, there is a part of people who in their youth drank or smoked for the first time and generally no longer smoke or drink).

And so, in order for a man to appreciate you, you first need to learn to appreciate what you can give a man, and not only in words, but also in actions. And for this, everything that you do for a good man (you need to know this) and everything that a man appreciates in you should not always be available or at the snap of your fingers and the first request.

Make everything that a man appreciates in you, firstly, not always available, secondly, available for something, thirdly, not available in too many quantities.

Of course, you need to have what men value. (And they value not what you think). But for this, not even an article is enough, but a series of articles.

You may ask, where is the rigidity towards a man on the part of a woman? Well, firstly, this is only the first part of the article. Read the second part of the article.

Yours faithfully, Kirranov Rashid.

Not every man who has entered into marriage is ready for it - this is a well-known fact. And the wife needs to work hard in order to end up with a good husband for herself. Sometimes, of course, everything goes right at once, but this is the case if in the husband’s family the mother and father trusted each other and were like one whole, their son also endured such a family model. But there are few such men, which means that the spouse needs to be “sculpted” with his own hands, but so that this does not embarrass him at all, does not resent, and does not hurt his pride.

There are also newly-made wives, and wives with a lot of experience who do not know how to behave with their husband and be a good wife for him. To do this, there are several tips, following which you will notice that peace and grace have come to your family, and the man loves and trusts you.

Simple tips for understanding with your loved one

1. Always show your loved one that you love and trust him. He will appreciate it. Do not think that men do not need sentiments and words of love. Saying them, you instill in him the confidence that he has a reliable rear, where he can come at any time and he will be welcome.

2. Try not to argue with your husband (unless, of course, the situation requires urgent correction) in front of strangers, do not try to look smarter than him. Otherwise, you undermine the authority of your husband, and he will remain resentful of you. He is a man and wants to be respected! And at home, not in front of witnesses, you can calmly point out that he is wrong.

3. More often admire his appearance, charm, professionalism; praise his golden hands, make small gifts. Give him a pleasant perfume or men's cosmetics. A large selection of gifts for men on the site It takes just one minute to get a 18% discount on all Oriflame products.
Do it sincerely, even if he has made little progress. Over time, you will see how your man will perk up and even offer his help with the housework.

4. Only you, a person close to him, can inspire confidence in his strength: diligence, nobility, generosity and love for you. And then you will feel behind your husband, like behind a stone wall. You can be proud of him and yourself, of course.

5. Do not be rude and unyielding towards your husband. This can drive him out of the house, and you will cry and get even more angry. Only tenderness and affection can hold and attract him to you.

6. Husband wanted to kiss you? Kiss for health with pleasure and joy. And he will always be drawn to you. Especially if you smell of pleasant perfume or perfumed cream. You can buy all this on the website www oriflame ru by looking Simply and buy all cosmetics 18% cheaper than in the catalog.

7. Tell him that intimacy with him is an incomparable pleasure than intimacy with other men from those who were before him (if there were such and he knows about them). The mere realization that you chose him as your husband, and not someone else, will amuse his male pride.

8. Never tell him about former lovers, even if he strongly begs you. Let him guess, and the truth will be shrouded in mystery. But do not ask him about his former mistresses either. No need to hurt yourself, because it's all in the past.

9. Let him be alone sometimes. You, too, from time to time want to go shopping alone or read a romance novel. So he needs to be alone, to gather his thoughts.

10. Do not exaggerate suspicions about his "cheating". You will harass him and yourself with this. If you do not know for sure, then do not start to understand. If he is with you and, moreover, his attitude towards you has not changed, then he loves you, adores you and you should not worry about this.

11. Be interested in your husband's affairs - what is happening at work, and he will know what you need, that you are not indifferent to his successes and troubles. Themselves ask him to explain to you incomprehensible things, ask for advice.

12. Show by all appearance that you respect his parents. Actually help them. Pay special attention to his mother. He will become your ally, and your mother will help you better understand the person with whom you live.

13. Do not show your bad mood, laugh sincerely if he joked out of place. This will boost his self-esteem.

14. Don't flirt with other men. This undermines your authority in the eyes of your husband, he will no longer trust you, and this may negatively affect your relationship.

15. If there was a conflict with your husband and not through your fault, do not run after him, begging for mercy. Maintain your self-respect!

16. Let everyone see that you are an independent person, but your man is your reliable shoulder and support in life.

17. If he gives you gifts, or just brings you a paycheck, accept it all with gratitude and a smile. Let him know that you enjoy his attention.

18. If you have not yet learned how to cook deliciously, then be sure to learn. Delicious food is one of the main guarantees of comfort and peace in the house. But never force your food to be eaten.

19. Be careful. Men don't like messy women.

20. Beware if your husband is very stingy, does not seek to find a job, consumes alcoholic beverages more than it should be, and if his reasoning does not correspond to the reasoning of an adult. No matter how you have to pull the whole seven yourself, since you will not find an assistant in the face of your husband.

21. If you feel that your husband does not love you, does not hear reasonable speeches, does not change for the better, he does not appreciate your efforts, etc., then do not waste your precious time on this insensitive blockhead.

Since ancient times, people have distributed responsibilities between a man and a woman. Men are hunters and have to earn a living as well as provide for their families.

However, the wife has much more responsibilities. For example, cook, clean, wash things, follow the children and other things.

Sometimes getting a spouse to help with something is not only difficult, but impossible. Probably a familiar situation when a husband comes home tired, demands dinner and sits down to watch TV. For all requests for help, he has one excuse: "I worked all day and made money."

Is the happiness of family life lies in money? After all, the foundation of a family is love, honesty, loyalty and devotion.

It is very important to know when to help in difficult times. Of course, without financial resources now nowhere. But we must remember that a wife is not a servant or a slave. She must be treated with respect. Many men do not take care of their wives. And when they go to the next world, the husbands begin to regret and repent. Therefore, while a person is alive, you need to protect him.

Only it is unlikely that all this can be explained to men. So in this case, women will have to go to the trick. After all, it’s not the same to do all the household chores.

So, first you need to set a clear goal: to get your husband to help. But do it in such a way that he doesn’t even guess about anything. Namely: without orders, disputes, curses and screams. Men don't like all these scandals. Therefore, you need to gain strength and patience, and then proceed with the implementation of your plan.

What will be needed for this? In general, nothing special. The main thing is kindness, affection and charm. You need to make sure that your spouse was pleased to help around the house. For example, you should definitely admire the way he wipes the dust. It is advisable to make a compliment: “How quickly and deftly you get it!” Or like this: “How well I washed the floors! Even I can't do that!"

A man will increase not only self-esteem, but also a desire to wash the floor or wipe the dust again. It is even possible that at some point he will take away all the rags and show you how to do it. You shouldn't get angry about it. On the contrary, it is good when a man begins to teach the household. Subsequently, he himself will become involved and begin to help.

When cleaning is planned again, you need to tell your husband: “After you cleaned, the apartment was clean for a week. I don't have it at all. How do you do it?" As statistics show, most spouses offer their help at these moments. Moreover, they still feel sorry for their wives. Of course, it is unpleasant for women to say that they cannot cope with the household. However, this will prevent the laziness of the husband.

The next step is to pretend to be weak. It is necessary to explain to the husband that a woman is not able to do some things. Here the spouse will feel like a real man and will do everything so that his wife considers him a hero.

Do not treat your spouse's help as a gift. It is quite common and normal that a man helps with the housework. Praise is the best option. It is necessary to say: “How quickly you managed! It's probably because you have strong hands." Psychologists are sure that this technique works. Experienced many times.

During the cleaning process, it happens that a man incorrectly wiped the dust or dropped some thing. Do not immediately shout and talk about his clumsiness. You have to come and comfort. It is advisable to say that he is not to blame for anything, and this happens. Just here you need to explain everything clearly and intelligibly, and most importantly - calmly.

It is strictly forbidden to order. It is necessary to exclude such phrases from your vocabulary: “Do that!”, “Bring it!”, “Take it away!”, “Give it”. No man would allow himself to be humiliated by a woman like that. Of course, for the first time, he may not show it. But next time, a scandal is possible. It is best to ask using the word "please".

And it is even better to make compliments and buy some gift. It could be any little thing. For example, socks, shampoo, deodorant, shirt or anything else. The main thing is not the gift itself, but care and attention.

You can pretend that you have no experience in cooking any dish and ask him to help. Well, or explain how to clean the floor. Spouses who show usually see things through to the end. So, the floor has already been washed! Here you need to use female charms as much as possible.

Of course, all men and women are different. Sometimes it is difficult to find an approach to them. But do not forget that everyone loves affection and care. It is unlikely that a person will answer rudely if he is treated with all his heart. As they say: "What a hello, such an answer." So everything can be resolved peacefully and without scandals. You just need to think a little about how to do it, and everything will work out!
