What are the best makeup brushes to buy? Makeup Brushes Professional and Natural: What's What, Basic Eye Set, How to Choose, Use, and Clean Artificial Oval, Round, or Fan Tools (33 pics) - FotoJoin

Creating high-quality makeup is a creative process that requires skill and a sense of taste. Girls apply some cosmetics with a sponge or fingers, but you can purchase special tools to help turn the makeup process into a pleasure. These include various brushes for applying cosmetics.

What aspects should be taken into account.

  • Type. All of them are conditionally divided into: synthetic, with natural fiber. Got the tools professional use as well as personal use;
  • By appointment. For eyelids and eyebrows, light brushes with a thin handle are needed; when applying blush or powder, a more massive one with a thick round brush is needed;
  • The preferred handle material is wood. Synthetic for pile is high-quality nylon. This brush is good for applying liquid texture cosmetics. They are evenly distributed on the surface. Natural fibers are well suited for dry types of cosmetics. Raccoon, sable - the material from the wool of these animals is considered the most suitable for natural brushes;
  • The shape of the hairy part may be different, depending on the applied cosmetic product. When applying the tone is most convenient round form, for powder - oval, flat - ideal for applying shadows;
  • Manufacturer. At the end of the 18th century, the Japanese were the first to come up with make-up brushes when applying makeup to kabuki theater artists. Under this name, many people know a brush on a short thick leg for make-up. The tools of the famous MAC cosmetics company are used not only by professionals, but also by ordinary users. The German company Zoeva produces tools for various purposes with natural and synthetic materials at affordable prices;
  • The quality of the pile. It should not crumble, fall out and take its original state after work. Natural is made from pony hair, column, squirrels, goats;
  • The size. When applying cosmetics to the eyebrows and eyelids, the brush should be thin, about 6 mm. For other purposes, the most convenient handle is thicker, tapering downwards, or kabuki.

Natural or synthetic hair

First, you need to decide what material the brush should be filled with. Synthetic fibers are designed for cream and liquid textures. With their help, you can apply several layers, even out the tone. Natural hairs are covered with scales, so the cosmetic product lingers on them, and it can be unevenly distributed on the skin. For such purposes, hairs of sable, column, goat, lynx, pony are used.

Natural fibers are suitable for applying dry shadows, blush and other products. High-quality nylon, which does not cause allergies, is used as a synthetic material.

What should be the minimum set

When creating a make-up, the following tools are needed:

  1. Synthetic nylon brush, flat, for applying tone. It has an oval shape. Designed for applying a creamy base structure and blush. The agent is driven into the skin;
  2. Natural pile is perfect for applying powder, blush, shadows of a crumbly structure. To do this, pour a small amount of the product into a container in order to dip the brush there and apply it on the face with sweeping movements. Can be used for pressed cosmetics;
  3. The brush for applying blush has smooth shapes, so the borders of the transition become invisible. The size of the blush depends on the volume of the pile;
  4. An oval shape is recommended for applying shadows. You need to apply the product on the eyelid with an artificial pile, the color will be as indicated on the package, but for shading you need a natural material;
  5. A flat brush is needed for lips, it is also used as eyeliner. In this case, the brush must be washed after each use. The foldable brush is very convenient, it can be carried in a small cosmetic bag.

More about what brushes a beginner needs:

Eye shadow brush MAC 217

MAC brushes are handmade, with a wooden base and a nickel-plated brass rim. Professional makeup artists believe that the length of the fibers directly depends on the depth of the crease of the eyelid, the longer the pile, the larger it is. MAC 217 has tightly packed goat hairs. It can be used for any shadow texture. It blends very well and uses the product sparingly. Customer reviews are only positive, the price of the brush is high (manufactured in Japan), but it is justified by excellent quality. The South Korean-made Just tool can serve as an analogue. The pile is also from a goat, and the price is 2.5 times lower. But, according to reviews, the Japanese version is of better quality, which is determined by the high price.


  • high quality, durable;
  • the pile is soft, elastic;
  • fibers quickly regain their shape after washing.


  • after drying, the brush may fluff;
  • high price.

The price is 1800 rubles.

Parisa Cosmetics P03.

Brushes of this brand belong to the budget line. P-03 is intended for applying blush, bronzer, powder on the cheekbones during correction. The pile is dense, has a rounded shape. According to reviews, a slight loss of fibers is possible, the pile is harsh. There is also a smell that disappears if washed several times.


  • quality fibers;
  • comfortable handle;
  • low price.


  • an odor is possible, which subsequently disappears;
  • hard pile.

The cost is 160 rubles.

EVA Mosaic Powder Brush

The brush for applying powder should be voluminous, the quality of the coating depends on it. Kabuki is the best. It has a spherical shape on a thick small leg. The Russian EVA Mosaic, according to most users, produces high-quality kabuki brushes with artificial bristles. They can be used for products of any texture, the pile is soft, pleasant.


  • the fibers are densely packed;
  • keeps its shape well, even after washing;
  • comfortable handle;
  • odorless pile, does not cause an allergic reaction;
  • democratic price;
  • there is a case included.


  • needs to be washed more often.

Average price: 300 rubles.

Kabuki brush RG Professional

The kabuki brush of this domestic brand from Rive Gauche also deserves attention. Made from goat fibers and high quality nylon. Picks up the product well, lays down tightly. It works effectively with mineral makeup.


  • dense padding - this allows you to keep the shape;
  • does not cause an allergic reaction;
  • case included;
  • compact form;
  • affordable price.


  • fibers sometimes fall out and prick;
  • very short handle.

Average cost: 360 rubles.

Vivienne Sabo blush brush

For applying blush, the shape should be pointed, and for adjusting the contours of the face, beveled is ideal. Pile synthetic, soft does not cause an allergy. Most buyers find this brush to be perfect for applying and blending blush.


  • interesting design;
  • dense pile does not change its state after washing;
  • the shape does not change after washing;
  • nylon pile does not cause allergies;
  • small price.


  • open case.

Price from 150 rubles.

One of the best brushes made from natural raccoon fiber is the Shik 50E eyelash brush. The fan shape allows you to paint over them at the base, especially the small lower ones - this is one of the advantages of the tool. The hairs are covered with a thin layer of mascara and do not stick together. Pile of medium hardness.


  • natural raccoon fibers;
  • densely stuffed pile;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • stylish design;


  • after application, the pile fluffs up;
  • difficult to wash.

Average cost: 660 rubles.

Real Techniques Bold Metals Brush 200 Oval Shadow.

stylish tool, excellent tool for applying shadows and shading. The oval shape applies shadows precisely, while the soft base allows for perfect blending. It can be used as day makeup in nude style, and for a chic evening or holiday make-up.

The brush takes the product well evenly and smoothly applies to the eyelids. The shadows are tight. The silver-plated handle adds style.


  • gentle pile;
  • easy to clean;
  • fibers densely gain shadows;
  • stylish design.


  • High price.

The cost is about 2000 rubles

Double ended brush QVS.

The tool is designed to apply liquid and loose eyeshadows on the eyelids, while the other side is used to care for the eyebrows. Tightly stuffed nylon synthetic fiber does not cause allergies. The hairs of medium hardness have a beveled edge, which allows you to apply the product in all the folds of the eyelid. The brush is durable, the villi do not fall out after washing.


  • convenient use of two brushes;
  • thick nylon padding;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • after washing does not lose its original state;
  • convenient case included.


  • the roughly beveled edge does not completely blend the shadows with sparkles.

Average price: 200 rubles.

A brush in the form of a spatula from the famous Zinger company. With its help, cream and powder shadows are evenly applied. rounded shape allows you to blend the shadows from the eyelashes to the crease of the eyelid. The working part is made of synthetic fiber, up to 12 mm long. Zinger products are famous for their quality and affordable price. The Zinger SB1004 brush is also reliable and affordable, made in South Korea.


  • quality nylon fibers;
  • low price;


  • unprofessional.

Average price: 180 rubles.

According to user reviews, this brush, of the famous brand, is one of the best for applying lipstick. Synthetic fiber perfectly retains its original state after application. You can apply any lipstick and gloss.


  • convenient form with a closing cap;
  • the handle is made of high quality plastic;
  • the pile is densely packed and keeps its shape perfectly;
  • allows you to draw a thin line;
  • perfectly blends lipstick on the lips;
  • economical consumption of lipstick;
  • does not cause allergies.


  • high price.

Price: 1500 rubles.

Best brush set

To create high-quality makeup, you need to have several brushes. A set of such necessary tools will help to solve this. The German brand Zoeva, according to most users, is the most attractive. The range includes sets with a different number of brushes. The most budget option is a set of 8 pieces. Comes with a cosmetic bag with a zipper. The brushes have a bristle of goat fibers and high-quality synthetics. Recently, another variant of 8 brushes has appeared in interesting design: handles are made of bamboo with a gold-plated metal rim.


  • the fibers are soft, densely packed;
  • cosmetic bag included;
  • high quality;
  • the set allows you to perform a flawless make-up;
  • the product is well recruited and applied;
  • good condition after washing;
  • affordable price compared to other kits for professionals;
  • stylish design.


Cost from 5000 to 8500 rubles (depending on discounts, promotions and supplier)

Video comparison of different sets of brushes from Zoeva:

What to choose anyway?

In any case, all makeup products and tools should be fun and uplifting. And design, in this case, plays an important role.

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Sponges were previously used exclusively for applying foundation, shadows and blush, but with their help it is not always possible to blend cosmetics correctly. In this case, it is much more convenient to use makeup brushes.

Types of brushes

All professional makeup brushes are classified according to the area of ​​use.

Makeup artists distinguish the following types:

  1. For applying shadows;
  2. For foundation, corrector;
  3. For dry powder and blush;
  4. For lipstick, gloss;
  5. For eyeliner.

Also, the purpose depends on their shape. For example, diagonal ones are used to correct the shape of the nose, and fan-shaped ones are used for the cheeks and forehead. Visually, they can not only differ in shape, but also in the material from which they are made.

The shape of the contour of the hair bundle of a makeup brush is:

  • Smooth;
  • Petal;
  • Oblique or diagonal;
  • Beam-like (long and short);
  • Fan;
  • Barrel-shaped.

In addition, brushes are both cosmetic and for applying masks. In medical cosmetology, they are widely used due to their ability to increase the effectiveness of cosmeceuticals.

The following materials are used as a pile for brushes:

  1. Natural wool (squirrel, pony, goat, marten, measles and others);
  2. Hard bristles (pork, badger, buffalo);
  3. Synthetic fibers (nylon and rigid nylon).

Traditionally, eyeshadow tools are made from synthetic bristles. They shade cosmetics well and can “collect” a large amount of funds at once. To apply powder, blush and foundation, soft natural brushes are more often used. With their help, you can easily blend a small amount of the product on the skin, creating a thin corrective veil on the face.

For convenient application some brands label their products by color. For example this Real Techniques and Chanel. The base tools are presented with a beige palette, and the additional ones are brighter.

In order to make it most convenient to use the model, the main part of which is synthetic fibers. She must be flat shape with a rounded contour of the hair bundle. In this case, it will be possible to blend the shadows much faster than if it were even.

A brush for applying eye makeup in shape can be:

  • Smooth (flat);
  • Round or barrel;
  • Beveled for eyeliner;
  • Eyebrow brush.

For shading it is better to use a round one - it evenly spreads the color, maintaining the intensity of the shade, it is easy to highlight the depressions above the eyelid with it. And for placing accents - flat. The best option would be to buy a brush with a makeup applicator, reviews say that this is the most appropriate option. Then you can do any kind of make-up without acquiring a lot of tools.

The variety of eye makeup brushes also includes a brush for eyeliner. This is a round, thin brush that is needed for accurately applying eyeliner or liquid liner. It is advisable to purchase several pieces at once with different thicknesses and stiffness. To draw curly arrows, it is better to take a tool with natural synthetic bristles of medium or low hardness. To create perfect fine lines, it is recommended to store brushes of high rigidity in cosmetics.

The purpose of the beveled brush– stretch the liner to create perfect shape shooter. Depending on what consistency the chosen makeup product has - liquid or dense, the rigidity of the tool varies.

Foundation brushes

The makeup brush set includes the following types:

  • contour. Outwardly, it resembles a trimmed barrel. Her hair bun shape is straight, and she herself is thick enough to draw wide lines. Used for facial contouring;
  • flat long. Its fleecy part is rounded. It is made exclusively from synthetic pile, due to which it does not absorb foundation and minimizes its consumption. Relatively small so that you can work out thin areas - eyes, lips; Foundation brush pattern
  • flat short. Necessary for spot shading, ideal for applying liquid correctors or shading problem areas;
  • Fine for bronzers and concealers. Also, like a flat long one, it is made of synthetic pile. Allows you to gently blend makeup without smearing it beyond the selected limits;
  • Putty knife. This is a dense round oblique model that can drive even the most naughty foundation into pores and wrinkles. It includes almost every review of cosmetics by popular makeup artists.

Powder and blush brushes

A novice makeup artist needs only these types - they are the main ones for creating proper makeup. They are made exclusively from natural material, because their main purpose is to blend powder and blush with the thinnest layer.

Types of brushes for powder:

  • kabuki. Designed to work with compressed cosmetics: powder, blush and others. They are a dense ball of pile, where the hairs are very densely adjacent to each other;
  • Oval dense. This is an enlarged version of the classic powder brush. Needed for stretching blush, for greater convenience it is made with a broken handle. So it is more convenient to process depressions at the cheekbones;
  • fan. The name speaks for itself. It has a wide shape resembling a fan. At the same time, the villi are not very dense. Needed for accurate application of powder or removal of its excess. A little less commonly used for bronzers or blush.

How to use

Before deciding which makeup brushes to use, it's important to understand what exactly you want to achieve with your makeup application. If you are not a professional make-up artist who needs to create a lot of different images, five basic tools will suffice.

Commonly used brushes:

  • Putty knife;
  • Kabuki;
  • Fan;
  • beveled;
  • Barrel for shadows.

Description of how to use brushes correctly:

  1. For problem skin types or prone to dryness, be sure to use an oval for makeup. They will allow you to gently drive the cream and foundation into the skin without lifting the flaky epidermis;
  2. The movement should be made towards the hair or the lower part of the face - depending on the area being treated;
  3. It is important not to use the same tool for different cosmetics. For example, if you need to apply powder and then blush, it is important to use two different brushes. And better - three, in order to remove excess crumbly products from the skin with one;
  4. To draw thin lines, it is important to use thin tools, and for large planes- wide or voluminous. When painting, do not press on the fleecy part, but lightly run it over your face.

Which brushes to choose

It is difficult to determine which makeup brushes are best: each manufacturer uses different materials, and some work only with tools for a specific purpose.

Makeup brush sets:

  • Set Bobbi Brown (Bobby Brown). Includes a basic set, suitable for all beginner makeup artists. Includes brushes for foundation, blush, powder, eyeshadow and brows. Differ natural pile(except for the tonalka tool) and wooden handles. Its cheaper counterpart is Manly PRO Magic Moments;
  • Japanese Hakuhodo. It is believed that these are the best brushes in the world. They are made from natural hair and assembled by hand. You can only buy them in official store. The available Naked 3 Urban Dekay or UBU are very similar to them;
  • Professional NYX not sold in a set. You will need to choose the necessary ones yourself. They showed themselves excellently in durability and work, although they are made of synthetic fibers. Slightly more affordable, no less high-quality - SHIK (Chic);
  • Brand tools Sigma (Sigma) are divided into visual and classic. The original organizer is also sold with them. A little more expensive, but much better network products from Oriflame and Avon;
  • Products Roubloff (Rubleff), Da Vinci (Da Vinci) Sephora (Sephora), designed for makeup artists. They will help to draw complex art on the face, create soft, but clear lines shade transitions;
  • Clarins Brush (Clarins) and Inglot. Their main use is to blend foundation and contouring products. Included in the ranking of the best brushes. They are made from high-quality natural pile, in some cases combined;
  • Essence Brush (Essence). it budget options Polish production for makeup, but still worthy of attention. They are made of nylon and are classified according to stiffness. They are of fairly good quality, they are stored for a long time, but they do not always shade cosmetics well;
  • Valerie-D, Mirage, Limoni and Iris Professional. Cheap products that are sold in Fix Price, Rive Gauche and the Podruzhka chain. They are synthetic, plastic handles. Not suitable for long-term use even with the condition of daily washing;
  • Just & Jean's (Just Jeans)– high-quality professional brushes for decorative cosmetics. This brand also produces organizers for storing them. You can buy a set, and immediately a suitable case for them;
  • Mermaid Multipurpose Brush (Mermend Multipurpos)- the most trendy, now they are in the top desired by all beauty bloggers. They are created only from natural pile, but the main difference from other brands is in the form of tools. If other brands are not much different from each other, then the Mermaid brushes have a curved shape that allows you to treat any parts of the face with high quality; Drawing Mermaid Multipurpose Brush
  • Foundation and eye makeup brushes Zoeva included in a set of several pieces. These are the main tools (classic) and professional. They are the most famous in the CIS. Even Gohar Avetisyan uses them. They are quite expensive, so they can be replaced by more affordable MAC (MAK) or even Mary Kay.

Instruments made of natural bristles should be disinfected once a week, and those made of synthetic fibers - every other day. If you have problem skin, then it is better to treat them daily. To clean the brushes from the foundation and powder, you can use a makeup remover gel, a special cleaner or ordinary laundry soap.

How to wash makeup brushes using the Anastasia brand as an example:

  1. It is important to use cool water for washing. This is especially important for instruments natural wool. Otherwise, the villi will begin to fall off and break;
  2. To make a professional brush cleaner with your own hands, you need to take a glass of water, a teaspoon of foam or gel for washing and two tablespoons of alcohol. With sensitive skin, it is better to take alcohol, too, 1 spoon and two baby shampoos;
  3. Brushes should be gently soaked in liquid and left for a few minutes. After using your fingers, lightly knead the fleecy part and lather the foam. Soak again for a few minutes, and then rinse under running water;
  4. The most important thing is to dry the tools properly. To do this, they need to be placed at a slight angle on a stand or tube, after covering it with a towel. Keep brushes as far away from heat and drafts as possible.

In order for the tools to serve properly, they need to be properly looked after. For storage, use only a special case or a case for makeup brushes (JAF, Tom Ford, Mary Kay, others). It will not allow the villi to tangle and roll, and will retain their shape. Six months later, whatever good care, they are replaced. Natural pile wears out even earlier - after a few months, especially in conditions of constant cleaning.

Refined sophisticated makeup is difficult to reproduce without a set of brushes that will evenly and correctly blend all the colors, like artists. Very often, girls save on good brushes, limiting themselves to the use of applicators that are attached to various sets of cosmetics. But the “morning masterpiece” can be performed not only by makeup artists, but also by ordinary beauties, having quality cosmetics and brushes.

"Golden" rules of choice

The beauty supplies market offers a legion trademarks of this type of product and a lot of different brushes, each of which is used to apply only one type of cosmetics.

  1. For powder. This category includes large round and very soft natural bristle brushes for mineral loose powder. Bigger size The brushes are for bronzer. Small round brushes - for blending blush. Brushes with two-color bristles (artificial and natural) are used for cosmetics with a liquid consistency. A brush-whisk well removes excess powder from the face.
  2. For the base. These are brushes with synthetic bristles, which are easy to apply foundation. Round, short handle, shaped like a heel, ideal for loose mineral powder.
  3. For shadows. This kind of brushes is divided into 3 subspecies: large base is applied under the shadows, with a pile of different lengths - for decorative shadows with different shades, which are applied to the corners of the eyes. For shading, brushes with short soft bristles are used. The crease of the eyelid is easiest to draw with a small brush, and to blend the borders between different shades - dense.
  4. For blush. These brushes can be rounded or cut at an angle. Their flatness helps to beautifully blend the blush to emphasize the cheekbones most naturally.
  5. For eyeliner. Brushes with stiff synthetic bristles and a curved thin tip. They are easy to "stuff" neat dots into the eyeliner.
  6. For eyebrow make-up. Brushes made of hard natural or synthetic bristles, similar to eyeliner brushes. They can color eyebrows or cover them with wax.
  7. Small corrector brushes made of synthetic materials easily mask skin imperfections with a “tonal”.
  8. For lips. These brushes are shaped like a cat's tongue to apply lipstick neatly. They can also create a smooth lip contour.

This necessary minimum a must-buy to make your makeup look as good as Hollywood make-up artists!

And now you need to choose the right material for the bristles ... How to determine which brushes are better for makeup: artificial or natural? What should be their size and relative rigidity of the product?

Depending on the composition of the cosmetics you use, makeup artists advise choosing natural hairs for dry and loose cosmetics (powder, blush or dry shadows), and artificial hairs for liquid types of decorative cosmetics (base, foundation), since synthetics do not absorb product.

From natural materials For make-up, the following types of pile are used:

  • Sable and kolonok - elastic hairs of a golden brown hue. When applied, the shadows perfectly draw the eyelids, while being very soft and delicate to the touch.
  • Squirrel - squirrel brushes are soft and smooth, do not scratch delicate skin century and perfectly shade the borders of the shadows.
  • Pony - dense and smooth fur Brown color. Good for applying make-up on the eyes and face.
  • Goat - slightly wavy, voluminous and slightly harsh black fur. Well and evenly masks the face with powder.

Brush size and hardness

For any part of the face on which we will apply makeup, you can choose the right size brush. The brush should lie freely in the hand, the bristles must certainly be chosen flexible, but not rough or hard, so as not to injure the skin. According to the above recommendations and our contours of the eyes and face, we will determine the sizes and types of brushes.

Choosing brushes

  • For shadows, this is the main brush that allows you to create even a multi-layered exquisite make-up.
  • Feathering - masterfully performs high-quality color transitions of shadows. If your makeup requires a lot of shades and play of color, then you need to purchase several pieces of such "masters".
  • Combined brushes for eyebrows and eyelashes. They visually make these contours thicker and more voluminous.
  • The brow brush helps you to gently apply smoothing agents for “feeling touches”.
  • The "heels" brush applies and smoothly blends highlighter - sparkling powder, shimmer with sparkles on the cheekbones for evening make-up or bronzer. The pile of such a brush is like a puff: it can only be surprisingly soft!
  • Even experienced makeup artists argue about sponges. Some are categorically against their use, while others consider it appropriate to apply liquid cosmetics with them.
  • For lip makeup, a brush is used while applying lipstick, gloss and creating a smooth contour.

Makeup artists advise using at least seven professional tools even when applying everyday makeup, since, firstly, they absorb the absolute minimum of cosmetics; and secondly, it is not only more convenient to work with them, but also faster. If you need to apply make-up with ordinary brushes for five or ten minutes, then master brushes will do it in a couple of seconds! Moreover, the quality of this makeup will be several orders of magnitude higher! Isn't this what every beauty wants when she goes out into the street?


The following video will tell you about the most necessary makeup brushes and how to use them:

Universal application 2 3 Doesn't stick eyelashes

Sometimes, in the process of creating makeup, even with the use of expensive professional cosmetics, there are shortcomings: either the foundation rolls up, or the powder falls unevenly. Makeup brushes can help to avoid such annoyances. In addition, be that as it may, you cannot do without a minimum set of brushes when creating a more complex make-up than daytime. For example, the same contouring, which has been relevant for several years in a row, is recommended by professional makeup artists to be performed with brushes, since the pads of the fingers or the sponge will not be able to shade the applied products so delicately.

There are a lot of types of brushes, all of them are from different materials, differ from each other in form and, accordingly, in purpose. When choosing, it is important to pay attention to the following aspects:

  • Quality. The handle of the brush should fit comfortably in the hand, its coating should not peel off, and the pile should not climb and scratch the skin in work;
  • Purpose. If big brush you can still use it for powder and blush at the same time, then the rest will have to be purchased. The basic set for a beginner is: a flat brush for shadows, shading, beveled for liquid eyeliner and the same brush for powder;
  • Pile type. Brushes with natural bristles ideally pick up dry product like powder, shadows, blush. Artificial pile is optimal for creamy textures, especially for tonal means.

The Best Artificial Makeup Brushes


High quality materials
Country: Germany
Average price: 950 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.8

The Zoeva Petit Stippling brush will be useful for all those who want to hide minor skin imperfections behind foundation or liquid powder. Users say that it fits very comfortably in the hand due to middle length and small diameter. Another advantage lies in its short and dense pile, which is characterized by increased density and stable shape even after a year of constant use. With its help, cosmetics are used carefully, since the taklon, from which the soft part is made, does not absorb the composition.


  • Good pile density;
  • Convenient handle;
  • Easy to clean;
  • The villi do not crumble.
  • The brush does not change color.


  • Case not provided;
  • Slightly sticky after washing.

2 NYX Makeup Pro Kabuki

Convenient non-standard shape, thick pile
Country: USA (made in China)
Average price: 1200 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.9

miniature, non-standard shape, the kabuki brush from the best-selling cosmetics company NYX is realized using both artificial bristles and natural. It is the synthetic brush that is most common, which is quite justified, since such a pile is less whimsical in care and less often causes allergic reaction. The hallmark of the NYX Makeup Pro Kabuki brush is its very thick pile, which does not crumble. Despite the small size of the pen, it fits comfortably in the hand. Also, thanks to the flat base, it can be placed in vertical position. In the reviews, they remark that the brush takes a dry product so well that you can take an excess of a cosmetic product, so you need to constantly shake it off slightly.


  • Soft pile;
  • sustainability;
  • Unusual design;
  • Doesn't lose hair.


  • No cover.


The softest pile
Country: USA
Average price: 1450 rubles.
Rating (2018): 5.0

The Sigma F65 Premium Large Synthetic Concealer Brush is the highest quality among the competition. It allows you to apply cream products evenly over the entire face. Buyers are satisfied with the double pile, which helps to create an airbrush effect. Despite the synthetic origin, the product does not cause allergies and is pleasant to the skin. The advantage of this option is the soft bristles of medium size, which can be conveniently used to cover all areas of the face with cosmetics. In addition, the cost of a brush, as for a professional one, is very budgetary.


  • Long service life;
  • The brush does not stretch;
  • The villi do not fall out;
  • Dries quickly after washing;
  • Light.


  • The body scratches easily.

The best inexpensive makeup brushes: budget up to 300 rubles.


Best price
Country: Germany
Average price: 120 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.7

Inexpensive dual-ended brush Zinger SB1004 will be a reliable assistant in applying powder and cream structures on the eyelids. Since the pile is made of soft nylon fiber up to 12 mm long, its shape is spatulate and the handle is very thin, it is very convenient to use it for its intended purpose. It does not slip out of the hands, distributes the composition well over the surface and, as users note in the reviews, provides the effect of polishing the face. This product is completely safe for the skin.


  • Nice shape;
  • Convenient size;
  • quality fiber;
  • The softness of the pile;
  • Low price;
  • Double-sided.


  • Poor washing;
  • Dries for a long time.


Eco materials
Country: France (made in China)
Average price: 206 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.8

Affordable Flat Eyeliner Brush from a cruelty-free firm, EcoTools helps you define your eyes. This is a super-thin and flat eyeliner brush with evenly cut bristles. It will help you confidently straight line and create flawless arrows. For drawing lines, in addition to cream or gel eyeliner, even shadows can be used with this brush, since the pile also picks up a dry product perfectly. Traditionally, the manufacturer made the handle from bamboo, the pile from smooth artificial material, and a cover made of exclusively natural materials (cotton and hemp). In the reviews, many share that it is also very convenient to draw eyebrows with shadows with a brush.


  • Holds its shape while drawing lines;
  • Not tested on animals;
  • Easy to clean;
  • The pile does not fall out;
  • Long service life.


  • May scratch skin.

Since there are natural and artificial makeup brushes, it would be logical to compare them by this property, which we did in the table below:

pile type




Allows for even application.

Does not absorb ingredients.

Helps save money on cosmetics.

Large selection of brushes.

Polishes the skin.

Can be used for wool allergies.

May irritate the skin.

Only suitable for applying dry cosmetics.

Unnatural composition.

Particles of cosmetics stick to such a pile.

Difficult to clean.


Pleasant to the skin.

Easy to clean.

Does not irritate the skin.


Wears out slowly.

Absorbs too much makeup.

Suitable for liquid products only.

High price.

Often the villi stick together due to glue.


Optimal for beginners
Country: Australia
Average price: 180 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.9

The QVS Double Ended Brush is the ultimate eyelid tool. Thanks to him, you can perfectly evenly distribute both liquid and crumbly shadows over the eyelids. Of great importance is the possibility of its use for eyebrow care. Despite the low cost, reviews show that the fiber here is quite soft and dense, and does not stick together over time. Allergy sufferers will not have to worry, because it is made of nylon. For convenience, the brush has two working sides. It often gets into the ratings of the best brushes for makeup beginners. But there are also disadvantages - the bristles are too rough, and because of the uneven edges, the cosmetics are not shaded well enough.


  • The presence of two working parties;
  • Fiber is safe;
  • Suitable for both eyelids and eyebrows.


  • Does not completely blend the shadows;
  • Over time, the pile can "go astray";
  • Uncomfortable handle.

The Best Natural Makeup Brushes

3 SHIK 50E

Doesn't stick eyelashes
Country Russia
Average price: 650 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.7

Being in the rating of not the most popular brush - Shik 50E for eyelashes - is no coincidence, and the reason for this is the fan shape, thanks to which the eyelashes are stained from the beginning to the very end. A huge advantage is that they do not stick together. Leaving reviews, users focus on the wear resistance of the bristles, which is made from raccoon wool. Thanks to this, it has optimal rigidity and is not rough on the skin. All this makes it possible to justify the price above the average.


  • The bristles are soft but dense;
  • Does not "pull out" eyelashes;
  • Good length;
  • Convenient form.


  • The price is above average;
  • The bristles are too fluffy when using the product;
  • Difficult to wash.

2 Parisa Cosmetics P14

The best ratio of price and quality
Country: South Korea
Average price: 150 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.8

Unlike other brushes, Parisa Cosmetics P14 is suitable for blending both dry and liquid shadows. It has a fairly long and thin handle of light weight, so the process of applying cosmetics is simple. As the reviews show, with its help you can avoid sharp transitions and smooth out the boundaries when working with the eyelids. The buyer will not be disappointed by the high quality of pony hair, which almost never causes allergies and is gentle on the skin. Speaking of shortcomings, it is impossible not to mention small size bristles, which slightly increases the time for creating makeup.


  • Famous brand;
  • naturalness;
  • Good density;
  • The villi quickly dry out;
  • The bristle does not wrinkle.


  • Rarely found on sale;
  • The bristles are too pointed at the bottom.

1 Zoeva 101 Luxe Face Definer

Universal application
Country: Germany
Average price: 2320 rubles.
Rating (2018): 5.0

If you don't like to carry a whole set of brushes with you or your budget does not allow you to purchase several brushes for different purposes, then this tool will become the best option! The brush is supplied in a practical case with a zip fastener and a brush guard, which will protect the pile from dust and dirt, as well as retain its shape. A brush of incredibly soft pile, as long as 5 cm, not only picks up loose products well, but also gives them to the skin; not a single gram of product remains on the villi. With the Zoeva 101 Luxe Face Definer brush, spreading the powder evenly in a neat layer is not a problem. It filigree blends with the side part and competes thanks to the pointed tip. The pile is tightly fixed in the rim, which in turn is firmly attached to a comfortable long handle (17.5 cm) made of real wood.


  • Easy to clean;
  • Does not crumble;
  • Delicate pile;
  • Multifunctionality.


  • High price.

The best professional makeup brushes


Made by hand
Country: China
Average price: 257 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.6

The undisputed leader in the category of the best professional brushes for makeup - Dewal BR-508 for powder. Such place of honor given to her because of the possibility of using for delicate skin, long term service and economical consumption of cosmetics due to the high-quality "sticking" of the powder. In the reviews there are positive statements about the size of the soft part and the density of the bristles. But there are also complaints that the product is uncomfortable to hold in your hand.


  • Made by hand;
  • natural materials;
  • Evenly applies powder;
  • Large and soft bristles.


  • Thick handle;
  • Smooth bristles, made without taking into account the relief of the face;
  • Difficult to wash;
  • Picks up a small amount of powder.

2 Real Techniques Bold Metals Brush 200 Oval Shadow

Country: UK
Average price: 350 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.7

The Bold Metals Brush 200 Oval Shadow by Real Techniques is one of the best selling tools among professional makeup artists. This is due to the fact that the bristles here are made of high-quality soft pile based on taklon. In spite of synthetic material, the skin does not suffer from it. This oval brush is used only for applying blush. According to the reviews, it can be seen that it allows you to create a natural blush without noticeable color boundaries. A huge advantage of the brush in soft bristles, which is convenient to pick up cosmetics. It lies securely in the hand due to the aluminum handle and rubberized base.


  • Non-slip handle;
  • Big bristle;
  • Thin villi;
  • The softness of the bristles;
  • Convenient form.


  • With frequent use, the bristles quickly fray.

1 Christian Dior Backstage Powder Foundation

For several years in a row, she has been participating in the creation of catwalk images.
Country: France
Average price: 3400 rubles.
Rating (2018): 5.0

Professional Brush Backstage Powder Foundation from the famous fashion houses Dior created for perfect application powders and powder foundations. Supplied with a black velvet case. It will be easy to work with a brush thanks to a comfortable oblong handle and thick and elastic natural bristles (the length of the handle is 12 cm, and the bristles are 2.5 cm). The brush has been involved in the creation of catwalk images of models for more than a year. It perfectly grinds the powder, as it has an even cut; gives the entire product to the skin, which coloring pigments it becomes matte and almost invisible. The reviews complain that it is almost impossible to find a brush in stores, but it will not be difficult to find it in online stores.


  • Well picks up and gives the product;
  • Elastic.


  • When removing the brush from the case, you can damage the outer villi, it is better to purchase another more comfortable case;
  • Weighty.

Best Makeup Brush Sets

3 Limoni Smoky Eyes

Best for eye makeup
Country: Korea
Average price: 1060 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.8

Limoni Smoky Eyes are 5 natural bristle brushes housed in a compact eco-leather case. Although the brushes were originally positioned as a set of tools for creating a daring smoky eye, reviews note that Limoni Smoky Eyes is perfect for all types of eye shadow work, since the set has everything you need for applying simple daily makeup, as well as for more complex shading shadows. Small flat - transfers shadows to the eyelid; medium cropped semicircle - suitable for shading shadows of any texture; a round barrel brush with an elastic short pile - for working out areas that are difficult to apply shadows; flat with a wide cut - for liquid eyeliner; there is also a brush with a brush for eyebrows and a comb for eyelashes.


  • Compactness (can easily fit even in a small handbag);
  • Gift box and case.


  • Pile tends to fall out when improperly washed.

2 Zoeva Rose Golden Luxury Set Vol.2

Best Design
Country: Germany
Average price: 8000 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.9

Professional set rose gold Luxury Set Vol.2 by Zoeva is the choice of professionals who care about quality and convenience. In total, the set includes eight brushes: three for the skin of the face, and five for the eyes. They are delivered in a cosmetic bag made of leatherette. Brushes with polished soft beige handles, with numbering and the company logo, with a rose gold base, look very expensive. The pile is made from a mixture of high quality synthetic and natural fibres. Brushes have repeatedly found themselves in the ratings of the most popular sets, thanks to the quality of the materials, as well as their unique design. Each tool is individually packaged so that the pile does not lose its shape.


  • Recruiting required amount product;
  • Light pile soft, skin-friendly;
  • The pile does not fall out;
  • The paint on the handles keeps well, and the rims do not loosen.


  • High price;
  • It's hard to find in stores, it's easier to buy a set on the Internet.

1 Bobbi Brown Caviar&Oyster Travel Brush Set

Long service life
Country: USA
Average price: 13,000 rubles.
Rating (2018): 5.0

Professional set from the famous company Bobbi Brown - best helper travel for any girl. It includes all the brushes you need for a flawless make-up: for eyeliner; for lips; for applying blush and powder; 2 for shadows. The brushes are housed in a handy black eco-leather case lined with powdery pink satin. In the reviews of beginners, as one of the main advantages of the set, it is noted that on the handles of the brushes it is indicated for which area they are. But the main advantage that brought the set to the world rankings of the best brushes was the durability of the tools; even with everyday use, the brushes retain their original shape, texture and do not lose volume.


  • Versatility (will help create both light and festive “heavy” makeup);
  • Compactness;
  • The pile does not fall out at all;
  • Do not lose their shape;
  • Easily washed off from coloring pigments.
  • High price.
