What is the most famous cat? Complete collection: For the first time! Almost an encyclopedia and rating of the most famous cats on the Internet.

Chief Mouser of the Government House

The residence of the British Prime Minister at 10 Downing Street is home to a cat whose status sounds like the head mouser of the government residence. Only two cats - Humphrey and Larry, this title was officially assigned, and all other cats are called so unofficially.

A similar court position of a cat, a former mouser and, at the same time, a court pet, existed even in the time of King Henry VIII.

The British prime minister's mouser costs the treasury £100 a year

From June 3, 1929, the British treasury began to allocate 1 penny a day for the maintenance of a cat in the position of chief mouser. In April 1932 the allowance increased to 1 shilling and 6 pence a week. Now the chief mouser costs the treasury already 100 pounds a year.


This black cat was owned by the 43rd US President George W. Bush and First Lady Laura Bush.

In India, the name of Bush Jr's cat was considered an insult

In India, the name of a cat is considered by many to be an insult. In 2001, activists from the ruling BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party) rallied outside the American consulate in Mumbai with a banner reading “Mr. President, make no mistake. Indians are not cats, Indians are lions,” demanding that the cat be removed from the official website of the White House. Bajrang Dal Nationalist Party activists protested by naming a puppy George Bush in a special naming ceremony and urging others to also call the dogs Bush. In Calcutta, members of the Indian Students' Federation rallied in front of the American consulate, displaying a white cat with a "Bush" sign. In July 2004, demonstrators declared the cat's name an insult to the nation and burned an effigy of Bush in front of the Kerala Legislative Assembly in protest.

According to the official website of the White House, the cat was not named after the country, but after baseball player Ruben Sierra "El Indio", while he played in the Bush-owned Texas Rangers team. The cat's name was chosen by Bush's daughter Barbara.

Despite living in the White House with a presidential family, India was always in the shadow of the more famous Scottish terriers Barney and Miss Beasley. Representatives of the press service of the White House explained the relatively small number of photographs of India by the fact that it is very difficult to catch it.


That was the name of the cat of the Prophet Muhammad. According to legends, if a cat slept on clothes, Muhammad did not wake her up, but chose something else from his wardrobe. Once, when she fell asleep on the sleeve of a robe folded next to her, the prophet chose to cut off a piece from the sleeve so as not to disturb her sleep. During Muhammad's sermons, Mu'izza often lay on his lap.

In memory of Muizza, all cats are allowed to enter the mosque

One of the legends testifies that Muhammad's cat was an Abyssinian breed, white in color, with eyes of different colors. In memory of Muizza, all cats were allowed free entry to the mosque.

Unsinkable Sam

The ship's cat served during the Second World War on a German battleship, a British destroyer, and later on an aircraft carrier, survived the sinking of all three ships and died ashore in 1955.

A black and white cat was carried by an unknown sailor aboard the German battleship Bismarck. On May 18, 1941, the ship set out from Gotenhafen with orders to sink British merchant ships. Nine days later, the battleship was sunk by a British squadron. The cat, floating on the wreckage, was spotted by British sailors from the destroyer Cossack returning to base and taken on board. At the same time, the crew of the destroyer failed to save a single person. Not knowing the real name of the cat, the English sailors gave him the nickname Oscar.

The cat spent the next few months aboard the destroyer. On October 24, 1941, the Cossack, being in the escort of the HG-75 convoy en route from Gibraltar to Liverpool, was torpedoed by the German submarine U-563. The ship's crew transferred to the destroyer Legion, and attempts to tow the heavily damaged ship back to Gibraltar were unsuccessful due to deteriorating weather conditions. On October 27, the destroyer sank. A German torpedo that hit the bow of the ship caused the death of 159 English sailors, but Oscar survived this time.

Unsinkable Sam survived three shipwrecks

After the death of the Cossack, the cat received the nickname "Unsinkable Sam" from the British and was transferred to the aircraft carrier Ark Royal, whose aircraft greatly contributed to the death of his first ship, the Bismarck. Sam, however, did not stay long on the new ship. Already on November 14, the aircraft carrier, returning from Malta, was torpedoed by the German submarine U-81. Attempts to take the sinking ship in tow again proved fruitless, and the Ark Royal sank 30 miles east of Gibraltar. However, every single sailor and pilot, and Sam with them, were saved by ships that came to the rescue.

After the death of the aircraft carrier, it was decided to leave the cat on the shore. Sam lived for some time in the office of the Governor General of Gibraltar, but was soon sent to the UK, where he met the end of the war in Belfast. Unsinkable Sam died ashore in 1955.

In memory of him, according to the International Code of Signals, the raised flag "O" ("Oscar") means "Man overboard".


This ginger cat was a movie star in the 1950s and 1960s. His trainer was Frank Inn. The most famous of the films with the participation of Orange was "Breakfast at Tiffany's" (1961), in which he played the nameless cat Holly Golightly, the heroine of Audrey Hepburn. Orange is the only cat to have won two Patsy Awards (the American equivalent of the Oscars for animals).

It all started in 1951, when Paramount announced the start of the selection of a cat "with a vile character and with scars on the face" for the role of Rubarba in the film of the same name. The producers spent six months, hundreds of cats passed the casting, until the homeless Oranji was found. Frank Inn was taken as a trainer, who immediately bought the rights to the cat. Paramount renamed the cat Rubarba, although he had already become known to the public by his original name, which was even used in advertising.

Cat Orange has starred in over 500 films

In addition to Orange, 22 more cats were hired as stand-ins for the filming of the film "Rubarb". Cats are difficult to train, and Inn was afraid that he could not teach all the tricks to one cat, so he used many cats, each of which he taught one or two tricks. Orange himself was used only for close-ups. For his role in the film, Orange was awarded the Petsy Award. The second "Oscar" for animals the cat received for his role in the film "Breakfast at Tiffany's".

During his film career, Rubarbe earned $250,000 for his trainer. In total, according to Frank Inn, Rubarbe has appeared in over 500 films and television programs.


The cat was the favorite family pet of US President Bill Clinton during his presidency. Sox was adopted into the Clinton family in 1991 after he jumped into the arms of Chelsea Clinton as she left her music teacher's home in Little Rock.

When Bill Clinton became president, Sox moved his family from the governor's mansion to the White House and became the First Family's favorite. But he soon lost the title of the first cat with the advent of the "first dog" of the state, a Labrador named "Buddy", which Clinton brought in 1997. Sox couldn't stand life with Buddy. He despised Buddy in every possible way, to which Clinton once said: “It’s easier for me to reconcile the Israelis with the Palestinians than to make these two friends…”. When Clinton left the White House with his family in 2001, they moved into a new home, but first left Sox in the care of Clinton's secretary, Betty Carey, in order to resolve the conflict between the pets.


The cat is... the stationmaster and chief executive of Kishi Station! In April 2006, the Wakayama Railway Company laid off all station employees in an attempt to cut costs. The caretakers were recruited for a small salary from employees of local enterprises near each station, who did this in parallel with their main work. For Kishi Station, Toshiko Koyama, a local grocer, was chosen as the stationmaster. Koyama took care of Tama and other stray cats and fed them at the station.

In January 2007, railroad officials decided to officially name Tama as the stationmaster. As a stationmaster, her main duty was to greet passengers. The position involved wearing a caretaker's cap; "working day" lasted from 9 to 17 hours; instead of a salary, the railroad provided Tama with free cat food.

Studies have shown that the publicity of Tama's appointment contributed to the influx of 1.1 billion yen into the local economy. In January 2008, Tama was promoted to "senior station attendant": the ceremony was attended by the company's president and the mayor; as a result of her promotion, she became "the only woman in a management position" in the company.


The cat became famous for working in the New York Police Department and helping to expose several criminals.

In February 2006, Fred joined the Brooklyn District Attorney's office as an undercover agent. The police passed off Fred as a sick cat in order to expose one veterinarian who was suspected of fraud, work without a license, disorderly conduct and animal abuse. Thanks to Fred's work, the veterinarian was exposed and prosecuted.

For participation in a successful special operation, Fred was presented with an award from the mayor of the city himself.

Hermitage cats

These cats have been officially kept on the territory of the museum since its construction in order to prevent intensive breeding of rats and mice.

The first Hermitage cat was brought by Peter I from Holland

It is believed that the history of the Hermitage cats begins with a cat brought from Holland by Peter the Great, who was settled in the wooden Winter Palace. According to legend, the cat's name was Vasily. The decree of the emperor commanded "to have cats at the barns, for the protection of such, and mice and rats of intimidation."

In the 18th century, mice and rats bred heavily in the Winter Palace and spoiled the building, gnawing holes in the walls. According to legend, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna received information about Kazan cats, thanks to which there are no rodents in the city. In 1745, she issued a "Decree on the deportation of cats to the court." The decree was carried out, the cats did their job, and almost all the rodents in the palace disappeared.

The founder of the Hermitage, Empress Catherine II, did not like cats, but she left them in the palace and gave them the status of "guards of art galleries."

Each Hermitage cat has its own passport

From the moment of settling in the Winter Palace, cats have been constantly performing the tasks of cleaning the premises from rodents. Each cat has its own passport, veterinary card and is officially listed as a qualified specialist in cleaning museum cellars from rats. Cats are free to roam around the Hermitage, but they are not allowed to enter the museum halls. The very network of cellars (almost two dozen kilometers), where cats live and hunt, is called the "big cat cellar."

The State Hermitage annually hosts the Hermitage Cat Day event in the spring.

The popularity of cats does not subside, the Internet is filled with their photos and videos, and we do not get tired of looking at them and being touched. But what do we know about them? But almost every cat star on the Web has its own story.
1. Representatives of the Guinness Book of Records officially recognized the cat Maru as the most popular on the planet. The striped fat Maru is a resident of Japan. The curious Scottish cat has fun with paper bags, boxes, yogurt bags and desk drawers. With pleasure he climbs on a swing and rides down a hill.

Have you seen anything like this anywhere else? It is always clear from his tail whether he is satisfied with the size of his new box or the basin in which he has settled so comfortably.

Maru the cat - lord of the boxes

Putting a bag on his head, Maru usually walks around the apartment, bumping into various obstacles along the way. His popularity is enormous. This cute Scottish straight has his own YouTube channel. By May 2018, Maru's videos had amassed over 360 million views, with each video individually averaging up to half a million views.

Its owner, who does not show her face in the frame and does not voice the video, is registered on YouTube under the nickname Magemog. This word is not translated into Russian. Google and Yandex translators at least did not master this word.

2. In second place in terms of fame, perhaps, is the Grumpy Cat (Grumpy cat), which has won worldwide fame due to its special expression of the "muzzle". In fact, this is not a cat at all, but a cat, and her name is Tardar Sauce. After animal owner Tabatha Bundesen created a website about her pet, her phone kept ringing. The cat was invited to appear in commercials, TV shows, use his photo on souvenirs.

As a result, in two years the housewife earned $100 million. According to the owner, the angry appearance of her pet is associated with congenital dwarfism and malocclusion. By the end of 2014, a cat with an eternally dissatisfied face turned into a multi-million dollar brand: becoming the heroine of books, films, souvenirs and other products with her images.

3. An amazing cat named Lil Bub is another Internet sensation, her star rose in May 2012. She looks original - she looks constantly surprised. This effect is caused by genetic disorders. Lil Bub was born in a litter of ordinary stray cats, but the dwarfism gene caused a number of bone anomalies - the cat has short, like munchkins, paws.

There are no teeth, the lower jaw is underdeveloped, it cannot meow, it cannot jump. It's good that she doesn't realize that she doesn't look like a million healthy cats. Actually, thanks to the love of the owners, she lives a full-fledged rich life. In the video, you can see how she eats in a peculiar way - she rakes food with her lower jaw, like with an excavator bucket. Her special love is yogurt.

4. Surely many people know the Chinese cat Snoopy - the cutest cat on the Internet. However, even those who are not particularly interested in cats have seen a photo of Snoopy's cat, since this plush creature is quite popular. Exotic Snoopy is not some glamorous predator. He wins hearts with his surprised and slightly sad look. Look - is it possible to resist such eyes?

Snoopy was born in May 2011. The Chinese cat managed to conquer the world in record time. The owner of the exotic, a girl named Ning, started sharing photos of the funny pet without any ulterior motive. And now millions of fans from all over the world follow the life of the cat on his pages in social networks.

5. Shironeko is a cat that lives in Japan and is considered one of the laziest in the world. He became a celebrity on the network thanks to a blog in which the owner posted his photos, in which Shironeko sleeps very artistically. He is a worthy competitor in popularity to the box cat Maru.

He earned his popularity thanks to the ability to look amazingly cute in the photo. Most of the time, the cat prefers to sleep or rest, however, like all cats. Because of his half-closed eyes, he always looks half asleep.

Living space with Shironeko is shared by four more of his brothers, who also constantly participate in photo shoots, but are somewhat less popular than their sleepy relative.

6. Cats, which nature has endowed with an unusual appearance, quickly become stars of the local, and sometimes even international scale. They are written about on the Internet, they are shown on TV and printed on T-shirts. Cat Hamilton is known for his "mustache" in the style of English gentlemen.

The cat's owner is San Francisco comedian Jay Stow. He found a cat in a shelter, fell in love with him and immediately took him to him. The stylish cat was even ranked among the hipsters - a youth trend in which it is customary to wear a beautiful mustache. Thanks to the antennae, the cat resembles the artist Salvador Dali, who was famous for his penchant for outrageousness and always wore a mustache curled up. You can follow Hamilton's life on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

7. The popularity of affectionate cutie kittens is high, but as it turned out, angry cats also have their own charm. Persian cat Garfi lives in Turkey, he comes from Istanbul. His owner, photographer Julia Ozkok, enjoys photographing "the most angry cat in the world.

It is hard to imagine that a cat that looks at people with an evil look is actually a sweet and affectionate creature. However, this is exactly the case: Garfi, like all ordinary cats, also likes to climb into boxes and boxes, run after the “mouse” and purr on his mistress’s lap. His frown is misleading, but in fact, Garfi also knows how to enjoy life and the people around him.


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There are more than 250 breeds of cats in the world: bald and fluffy, wayward and friendly, affectionate and freedom-loving. But there is something that unites them all: they are incredibly beautiful. Anyone who wants to make a meowing friend can take a kitten from a shelter, or buy one from an elite cattery.

We are in website got interested in how much the rarest breeds of cats cost, and, frankly, were surprised. We invite you to find out the prices for the most exotic representatives of the cat world.

norwegian forest cat

The ancestors of this cat were bred by the Vikings 2,000 years ago. Cute and fluffy, this cat can withstand severe cold and is an excellent hunter. The price of a kitten varies from $600 to $3,000.

Himalayan cat

This breed is very similar to the Persian, but differs in blue eyes and color-point color (light body with a dark muzzle, paws, ears and tail). This breed was bred in 1950 in the USA. Himalayans are affectionate, obedient and friendly cats with a calm disposition. A kitten of this breed will cost $500-1,300.

Scottish lop-eared

The visiting card of this breed is cute ears that do not stick up like ordinary cats, but hang. Such an unusual detail of their appearance is the result of a gene mutation. These are smart cats that get along with all family members and are never averse to playing. Another distinctive feature of this breed is that they can stand on their hind legs and look at what interested them. A kitten costs from $200 to $1,500.


Peterbald, or St. Petersburg Sphynx, was bred in Russia in 1994. These elegant cats have a slender body, long head shape and large ears set apart. The body may be bald or covered with down. The nature of cats is affectionate and sociable, they are easy to train. Such a kitten will cost $400-1200.

Egyptian mau

The appearance of these cats has changed little over 3,000 years - since ancient Egypt. The spotted color of this breed is manifested not only on the coat, but also on the skin. To become the owner of an ancient Egyptian cat, you need to spend $500–$1,500.

Maine Coon

This is one of the largest cat breeds. Representatives of this breed can weigh from 5 to 15 kg, and the body length of an adult Maine Coon can reach 1.23 m. But despite their formidable appearance, they are affectionate, gentle and playful animals. The price of a giant kitten varies between $600-$1,500.


This is one of the most unusual breeds that appeared in 1980 in the USA. In addition to curly hair, cats of this breed have another feature: they are hypoallergenic, so they are perfect for families with allergies. A kitten of this breed costs $200–$2,000.

Russian blue


This breed was bred in 1994 in California. It belongs to large cats: the weight of an adult Serengeti is 8–12 kg. They have a strong build, large ears, spotted coloration and very long legs. You can buy such a cat for $600-2000.


This young cat breed was bred in the USA in 2006. Elves are very friendly, intelligent, mischievous, sociable, inquisitive and loyal creatures. Those who wish to purchase such a unique pet will have to pay a rather large amount - $ 2,000.


This large cat breed resembles a tiger in color, which is why it got its name. The creator of the breed claims that the toyger was bred in order to inspire people to care about the conservation of tigers in the wild. You can get inspired to save tigers for $500-$3,000.

american curl

This breed originated in California in 1981. Newborn kittens are difficult to distinguish from ordinary cats, but by the 10th day of life, their ears turn back like small horns. This feature touches hundreds of thousands of people around the world. You can join curl fans for $1,000-$3,000.


This breed was developed by crossing an Asian leopard cat with a domestic cat. These cats are very fond of swimming, and, despite their impressive size (4–8 kg), they often climb onto the shoulders of their owner. You can buy a mini leopard for $1,000–$4,000.


This rare breed was created by crossing an ordinary domestic cat and the South American wild cat Geoffroy. The first representatives of the breed were bred in the United States in the 1970s to study leukemia. The weight of an adult cat is an average of 11 kg. You can become the owner of a domestic predator for $4,000–8,000.

It is these ten charismatic cats that are to blame for the millions of “reposts” and the sighs of billions of fans on social networks. Thanks to their popularity, they have even earned millions of dollars for their happy and adventurous owners!

Unfortunately, some of these famous pets are no longer with us, because they went to their cat paradise, but with the help of the Internet, memories of these beauties can be stored forever. Especially when it comes to funny pictures with original captions.

10. Persian cat Garfi (Garfi)

In appearance, this is a very sinister cat, and just looking at it makes you feel uncomfortable. But in reality, he is a very sweet and friendly pet. Most often, his photos on the network appear against the background of festive food, which he seems to protect from the encroachments of other people's paws and even hands. If you often surf the Internet, then you have definitely seen a lot of funny pictures starring Garfi.

9. Sam (Khao Mani)

This cat has more than 221 thousand followers on Instagram. It's no secret that its owners made a lot of money from it. This is evidenced even by his surprised muzzle, on which black spots of unusual shape flaunt in the form of eyebrows. And in the photographs, where Sam is also with his mouth open, he does look like he was stunned to the core. It seems that somewhere behind these eyebrows a real person is hiding ...

8. Maru (Maru), Scottish Fold

All cats love to play with boxes, but Maru has become especially famous for this addiction. Perhaps this photo of a “cat plane” has circled the Internet more times than rumors of government conspiracies.

7. Venus, a chimera cat

At one time, Venus was the real queen of the Internet. And many believed that the color of her coat was a fake, and that the owners themselves repainted the cat in red and black. But those who understand the rocks, of course, understand that this is a natural beauty. And better than nature, man has not yet come up with anything himself.

6. Street cat Bob (Bob), red tabby breed

Some people find their best friends in cats, and for James Bowen, street cat Bob has become a real savior. You can learn more about this touching story in the book by Bowen himself or by watching the movie. But in short, a street musician suffering from drug addiction, at one fine moment realized that his desire to help a sick animal became stronger than his unhealthy craving for chemicals. Since then, the cat and James have not parted.

5. Hamilton (Hamilton), a hipster cat, a Maine Coon breed, a cross with a Norwegian Forest cat

Obviously, Hamilton's mustache is his most noticeable external feature. Photographed from the right angle, he even looks like a person of noble blood, just like a cat from the highest circles of society!

4. Colonel Meow (Meow), a mixed breed of Persian and Himalayan cat

Of course, it is clear that before the photo of this miracle cat, they fluffed it up well. But you must admit, the animal looks like a giant and a real wild beast. His fame is well-deserved!

3. Lil Bub (Munchkin breed)

Unfortunately for Lil Baba, he was born the smallest among his siblings, but soon outgrew the entire litter. If not in height, then at least in terms of online fame. This famous photo still puts a smile on the faces of millions of animal lovers!

2. Cat Snoopy (Snoopy), breed - exotic shorthair

This flat-faced cat has an incredible amount of followers on Instagram - 361 thousand! And do not look at his stupid face with condemnation, because his owners claim that Snoopy actually has a very deep inner world. No wonder his photographs are so successfully scattered around the world.

1. Cat Grumpy (Grumpy), Siamese snowshoe

His real name is Tardar Sauce, and this cat is rightfully one of the most famous pets in the world! Grumpy will definitely never be forgotten thanks to his unique expression of the muzzle, as if telling everyone around him that they are unworthy of the tip of his tail.

Many perceive cats as domestic affectionate animals, from which there is little use. After all, not every domestic murka can catch mice, and even those in our apartments cannot be found. But some cats with their exploits are not much inferior to people. It turns out that these beasts are at the head of governments, play jazz and even run railway stations. Cats were even awarded medals and film awards. We will tell below about the most famous such animals.

Mrs Chippy. This cat is famous for its travels. And his name is female, because he was first mistaken for a cat. The history of the famous traveler began in 1914. Then his owner, carpenter Henry McNeish, decided to earn extra money on a transantarctic expedition. To do this, he got a job on the ship Ernest Shackleton. It was planned that the expedition would reach Antarctica, after which the journey across the continent would continue on dogs. While the ship was sailing out to sea, the crew befriended the cat. After all, he proved to be an excellent rat catcher, and once even jumped overboard. But Chippy made not only friends, but also enemies. They were husky sled dogs and their owner, the boatswain. However, the expedition's plans went awry. Before reaching the coast of Antarctica only a few tens of kilometers, the ship got stuck in the ice. I had to wait for the icebreaker. In the process of liberation from the ice floes, one of them broke through the hull of the court. The traveler's ship began to sink. Then the head of the expedition was forced to resort to extreme measures. The crew began throwing personal belongings overboard, and the cat was shot personally by the captain. But the carpenter saved the whole team by building rafts. On them, travelers reached the shore. But after those events, Henry forever became the enemy of the captain who killed his pet.

Simon's cat. This cat also went down in history with his ship adventures. In April 1949, the Chinese Civil War was in full swing. Communist troops were preparing to cross the giant Yangtze River, the longest in Eurasia. This was the only way to capture the city of Nanjing, the southern capital of China and the nationalists from the Kuomintang party. Then the English combat sailing ship "Amethyst" was going up the river. He was supposed to take over the patrol instead of the ship "Consort". But the sailboat was attacked from the shore. The ship's captain, Bernard Skinner, was killed instantly. On the ship was Simon the cat, which the sailors picked up at the shipyards in Hong Kong. The animal was also seriously injured. When Simon crawled out onto the deck, the sailors saw that his whole body was covered with burns and wounds. The brave cat was sent to the hospital for treatment. There he was operated on and four bullets were removed from his body at once. Despite the gloomy forecasts, Simon still managed to recover. The cat was awarded the medals of Maria Deakin, Blue Cross, for the Amethyst campaign and was awarded the title of "Excellence in Naval Service".

Humphrey, head mouser. Cats have been accompanying the Prime Ministers of England for a long time. At the same time, they occupy an important place in the cabinet of ministers. Back in 1924, the country's government introduced the official position of the country's chief cat. He also has his own responsibilities. The mustachioed official is obliged to catch mice in the Prime Minister's residence, located in London at 10 Downing Street. Since then, many prime ministers and their cats have changed, but Humphrey's cat has become the most famous pet. He lived in the residence from 1989 to 1997. Humphrey guarded not only Conservatives Margaret Thatcher and John Major, but also Laborist Tony Blair. It is said that Humphrey's predecessor had a bad attitude to his duties, fattening on taxpayers' money. But this cat "rolled up his sleeves" set to work - to catch mice. Humphrey even found himself sometimes at the center of political scandals. So, in 1994, the cat became the main suspect in the murder of four birds. The following year, Humphrey disappeared from his workplace. He was soon found at the Royal Army Medical College. In 1997, the cat also had conflicts with representatives of the Conservative Party. As a result, Humphrey was dismissed for health reasons.

Savior Scarlett. This ordinary street cat lived in one of the abandoned buildings in Brooklyn. This area is the most populated in New York. On March 30, 1996, a severe fire broke out in the house. By the time firefighters arrived, the fire had already engulfed the entire building. The fire was still put out. One of the rescuers heard a strange squeak. He decided to look into its cause and found a completely burned cat with two kittens. There were three more kittens on the other side of the street. It turned out that during the fire, Scarlett pulled her kids out of the burning house one by one until she saved everyone. The burns made it difficult for her to see, the cat just poked her nose into her children, checking if they were in place. Firefighters took the brave animal and kittens to the veterinary clinic. There Scarlett went through a long recovery course, she was able to survive. And the story of the cat-savior has spread all over the world. In honor of Scarlett, a special award for animal heroism was founded, which is awarded to those creatures who have performed a feat for the benefit of people or their relatives.

Tama, stationmaster. The crisis also affected the railroad. In April 2006, Japan's Wakayama Prefecture held a reduction in the number of employees. The administration decided to abandon the stationmasters. Employees were fired, and their duties were given to representatives of small businesses from the nearest railway station institutions. In Kinokawa City, at Kishi Station, a grocer from a nearby shop became the boss. He also took care of several stray cats. In January 2007, the man agreed to transfer his stationmaster duties to Tama the cat. After all, she already got the hang of greeting all newly arrived passengers. The cat was given a special uniform and even a small salary. Such an unusual railway employee greatly increased the passenger flow through the Kishi station. After all, everyone wanted to look at an unusual boss. This contributed to the growth of the region's economy by as much as $12 million.

Cat-musician Nora. This cat started her way to fame straight from a cat shelter in the American village of Cherry Hill, New Jersey. It's hard to describe her performance style. Journalists say that the cat's work resembles the manner of performing music by the American minimalist composer Philip Glass. There is something from the style of free jazz in this. Other critics believe that Nora's piano playing is comparable to the work of famous Austrian atonal expressionists. We are talking about Anton Webern, Arnold Schoenberg and Alban Berg. Nora's musical abilities opened up when she was one year old. One night the cat decided to walk on the piano keys. Since then, the animal has performed solo parts daily. Even her owner considers it an honor to perform a duet with her. The unusual manner of performing music by Nora puzzled not only musicians, but also scientists. They managed to find out that the cat likes to play music alone, loves Bach and prefers the octaves D-E-F.

Librarian Cat Dewey. The story of this cute animal formed the basis of a whole book. Dewey's biography turned out to be very interesting, bringing the author $1.25 million. In fact, all his life the cat lived in the library of the town of Spencer, in the US state of Iowa. The story of the cat began in January 1988. Then the ginger kitten was found in the library cart along with some returned books. His appearance was similar to the Norwegian forest cat. The new occupant of the library has received the complex name "Dewey Readmore Books", which means "Read more books". And it was abbreviated as Dewey. Soon the cat became not only a symbol of the library, but also the main celebrity of the whole city. The image of the animal was placed on postcards, articles were not written about and documentaries were shot. After Dewey's death, librarian Vicky Myron published a book about him, Dewey, the Town, the Library, and the Favorite Cat in the World.

All Ball, pet gorilla. Gorilla Koko became known to the whole world. After all, this is a rare case when an animal was able to learn the language of people. Scientists at Stanford University have been working with the gorilla for quite some time. As a result, the animal was able to learn more than a thousand signs from the language of the deaf and dumb. The animal also learned to understand about 2 thousand English words. With signs, Koko can describe her feelings, expressing sadness or discontent. The monkey understands the terms "past" and "future", she even learned to joke. Once Koko admitted that she could fly, then confiding that she was doing it for fun. IQ tests of the animal showed that the intelligence corresponds to the parameters of an ordinary adult. When Koko was twelve years old, she asked scientists to give her a kitten. People gave her a toy pet. But the gorilla said she would like to have a real kitten. Her wish was granted. Koko herself did not leave a single step from the baby, named All Ball. The book Coco the Kitten was written about the relationship between a gorilla and a kitten, by the head of the research, Francine Patterson. And over time, the monkey got another kitten, Alex.

"Unsinkable Sam". This black and white cat began his service in the Navy in 1941 aboard the German battleship Bismarck. Some unknown sailor carried the animal onto the ship. But in May the battleship was sunk by the British. Only 115 out of 2,200 crew members survived. Among the lucky ones was a cat that floated on the wreckage and was spotted by the British. The British sailors of the destroyer Cossack accepted Sam into their crew. But in the fall of 1941, the ship was torpedoed by the Germans and soon sank. The cat survived this time too, having spent some time on the shore. The Navy learned about the unique animal, giving it the nickname "Unsinkable Sam". The cat has found a new home - the aircraft carrier Ark Royal. But even here he did not stay long. In November 1941, the ship sank, the entire crew escaped, including Sam. On the way home, the cat visited two more ships, which later also sank. As a result, the animal was decided not to be allowed on board again. He lived with the governor of Gibraltar, then moved to the UK. The heroic cat died in 1955.

Selima. Cases when real cats become the prototypes of literary characters are not so rare. The owner of this cat was the English writer Horace Walpole. In 1747 he made a great journey through Europe with his friend, the poet Thomas Grey. He went down in history with his poem "Elegy". This work was written in a rural cemetery. During the trip, Walpole's beloved cat unfortunately drowned in a goldfish tank. This sad event prompted Gray to create the poem "Ode on the death of a beloved cat drowned in a tub of goldfish." From that work, the catchphrase was born: "Not all that glitters is gold." Only the poet was so confused in the chanting of grief that he described Selima as both a motley and a tortoiseshell cat.

Pillsbury Traveler. The ability of cats to return to their former habitats has long been known. But the story of this cat shocked everyone. In 1998, Pillsbury's cat traveled 40 miles 40 times to return to his old home. The animal's owner, Sarah French, has moved from Backwell to a new home. She took her beloved cat with her. However, the animal did not like the new habitat. After the move, he returned every week. But the road was not easy. The cat overcame busy roads, streams, forests and pastures. The owner was already so accustomed to her pet's travels that after his next disappearance, she contacted her former neighbor. She caught Pillsbury and returned it back. This case showed how cats are attached to their home.

Little Nikki. This animal was born on October 17, 2004. The fact that this is the first cloned cat created for commercial purposes brought him fame. The animal was created using the DNA of a 17-year-old Maine Coon named Nikki. In 2003, he died, and the inconsolable mistress decided to clone her pet. A Texas woman paid $50,000 for the operation. She claims that Little Nikki bears a strong resemblance to the late Nikki. This applies to behavior and unusual love for water. The cat does not suffer in any way from her unusual birth, she is healthy. The cloning was done by a California company, Genetic Preservation and Cloning, which was later closed in 2006. This story caused outrage in animal conservation societies. After all, money could be spent for the benefit of millions of other living beings.

Bionic Oscar. People and advances in technology helped this robot get new legs. In 2009, a harvester cut off Oscar's hind legs. The cat was immediately taken to the vets. They found that the young animal was an excellent fit for the new operation. As a result, for the first time in the world, implants were implanted directly into the bone. The cat got new legs, though not as comfortable as before. Oscar's story was featured in a BBC documentary.

Mike. This cat has been called the most famous English cat of the 20th century. And this famous cat lived in 1909-1929 in the British Museum, guarding its gates. Mike began his career under the supervision of a former resident of the museum. She taught the kitten how to hunt pigeons, saying that dogs are the main enemy. For 20 years Mike served in the museum. In addition to hatred of dogs, the cat also became famous for its strange dislike of women. Mike allowed himself to be fed only by the elect, those who treated him like a brother and a man. After the death of the cat, Time magazine devoted a couple of articles to him, and even his monograph was published. A tombstone was erected on Mike's grave, on which his merits are described.

Deadly Oscar. This animal was born in 2005. Oscar lives in a rehabilitation center in Rhode Island, USA. The public learned about the amazing cat in 2007 from an article by one of the doctors. According to her, Oscar can predict the imminent death of patients. Perhaps the animal can smell the dying cells. Oscar came here from an animal shelter along with five other cats. It was believed that these animals can help the terminally ill, who understand little about the world around them. Six months later, employees noticed that Oscar, like doctors, makes his rounds. He looks after patients, sniffing them. Near some of the sick, Oskar went to bed. Then the doctors noticed that these people were dying within a few hours. The cat's prediction accuracy is quite high - more than 25 such cases have already been described. Usually the Oscar does not interfere with the patient's family. If he is taken away from the dying, then the cat begins to meow plaintively under the door and demand to be let in. Scientists put forward different versions, trying to explain the behavior of Oscar.
