What type of nipples is the norm for women? Large areolas - the norm or deviation.

In many countries of Europe and America, the sexual education of young people is given much attention at the state level. From an early age, extracurricular classes are held in schools on human anatomy, gender differences between boys and girls, pregnancy, the birth of a new life and other topics.

We often see a very different picture. These topics are often overlooked. There were cases when in the senior classes, when studying human anatomy, the turn came to paragraphs on the differences and signs of male and female, the teacher asked to read these pages at home, without explaining anything or discussing these topics in the classroom.

This approach to these issues is fundamentally wrong. Young people should not enter adulthood mentally unprepared.

First sign of pregnancy

The current young generation is growing up quickly, it has been hit by a large flow of cognitive information, but despite this, a very large number of young girls go for abortions. In polyclinics, one can observe when a mother brings a schoolgirl for an abortion - she throws up her hands and wonders how this could happen to her child. She is unaware that most of the blame lies with her: she didn’t tell the child about it, she didn’t teach them how to use them - this topic is taboo for many parents.

Not all pregnancies end so sadly, now many have begun to understand that conception and the subsequent birth of a child is a Gift of God, but there is a time for everything.

Therefore, every woman who begins to have sex, even a very young one, should know not only about contraception, but also about the signs of pregnancy, especially you need to pay great attention to the subsequent feeding of the child.

Appearance of the chest

Usually, on a proportionally folded chest, the nipple halo is small. One of the signs of pregnancy is when the halo begins to stretch and increase in size. Not only the halos are enlarged, but also the breast itself.

The mammary gland, starting with undergoes the first changes - it becomes painful, dense, increased sensitivity of the nipples is manifested. The chest, they say in the common people, is poured - this increases blood circulation, and the milk ducts begin to increase.

A halo and can become just brown. Not only the nipple darkens, the strip in the center of the abdomen is subject to pigmentation, in some women the face, arms, and shoulders. All this is individual and not all manifest. It's not scary, after giving birth everything returns to normal.

In some expectant mothers, in whom the nipple halo quickly begins to increase in size, over several weeks, the skin of the nipples also stretches, which leads to pain and itching in the nipple area. Most women have itchy nipples.

All changes in the breast are preparation for breastfeeding. Usually no special preparation is needed, but there are cases when the nipple halo is tight and does not stretch. In this case, you need to stimulate the nipples (if there is no threat of miscarriage), pulling them out in turn and massaging them with your thumb and forefinger.

Large halo nipple

There are women in whom a large nipple halo is not associated with pregnancy - this is a gift from mother nature. He, like a hat, covers most of the chest, and women, of course, do not like it, but there's nothing to be done about it, except that surgery will help. But it is hardly worth getting hung up on this!

Women tend to look at parts of their bodies. They constantly wonder: Do their breasts look normal? Undoubtedly, this is a personal matter for everyone and, probably, it would be indecent for someone to show their breasts, or to ask someone about it. Hair growing in different places, their color, irregular shapes ... each person is arranged differently. There is no worse feeling than when, being naked, thinking to yourself “I hope I’m not so terrible there” (maybe you are a confident person who is not embarrassed by his body, but most of us suffer from such thoughts) .

If you think that your mammary glands look like some kind of space mutants, do not be afraid: it is likely that you have normal breasts. Growing up (especially in America), we do not see so many female breasts! As a rule, these are fake forms, those that we see on models of underwear, or it is absolutely perfect breasts of movie actresses. Here are a few comparison examples that allow you to critically evaluate your own bust.

Here are some signs that you have normal breasts:

Hair around the nipple

If you have two to fifteen hairs growing around your halo, that's fine! Ob/gyn Mary Jane Minkin of Haven, Connecticut, notes that about 30% of women have hair around their nipples (although none of them ever talk about it). Every woman has a certain number of hair follicles on her nipples, and if you notice that you have sprouted a few hairs, this is absolutely normal. If their number increases, this may be a sign of the development of a gynecological disease - polycystic ovary syndrome, (PCOS), if this worries you, consult your doctor!

Seals in the chest

If solid masses in the mammary gland confuse you, do not worry - this is the normal course of the process of female puberty. Sometimes you can feel a lot of lumps in your chest, before or during your period. The chest consists of glandular tissue and a small fat layer, so it is dense and this is not a reason to panic. But if you feel your breasts and find a hard spot, about three centimeters in size, see a doctor.

One breast is bigger than the other

If you notice that one breast is different in size from the other, and you are ashamed of this, you are not alone in this, believe me. According to the official figures of the British reality show “I am ashamed of my body”, about 40% of the fairer sex suffer from breast asymmetry, which differ by at least one bra cup size. Even Jennifer Lawrence admitted that there is nothing wrong with the different size of the mammary glands and that her breasts are also asymmetrical (I love her for her frankness).

Pimples on areolas

Sometimes young women notice small pimples on the surface of the areola. These are the tubercles of Montgomery. Their number in different women varies from 3-4 to 30 in the area of ​​one gland. Most often, during feeding and pregnancy, special watery substances are secreted from the glands. If you notice that you have more bumps than other girls, this is not a cause for concern. To examine your breasts, raise one hand, and lightly pressing with the fingers of the other hand, feel the mammary gland, this will reveal nodular formations.

Breasts look in different directions

According to Laurie Cases, a plastic surgeon in Chicago and an associate professor of surgery at Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine, the angle of your nipples will depend on their position on the body. Thus, if the nipple is higher on one breast, it may point upwards, while the second one will point to the side. Very rarely, the breasts are symmetrical, and therefore it is completely normal that they are directed in different directions.

The presence of stretch marks

Stretch marks are normal for most women. According to the UK National Health Service, seven out of ten girls develop stretch marks during puberty. This is due to the fact that your body is growing very fast and your skin is not keeping up with such a fast pace. There is no need to be ashamed of the stretch marks on your chest, this is most likely a sign that you are the owner of a nice chubby couple!

Tapered Breasts

Having conical breasts with pointed nipples is normal. In case you don't know, there are six different bust shapes. Some of them are more common than others. Don't worry, everything is fine!

inverted nipples

Inverted nipples look like dimples because they are flush with the areola or pushed into the chest. The interesting thing is that you weren't born with an inverted nipple - it happens during puberty when the mammary ducts don't stretch properly. According to one study, about 10% of women have this type of nipple. Even if the stats aren't that great and you have inverted nipples, you're definitely not the only one. There are many different types of nipples!

Do you think you have normal breasts? Did someone tell you that this is not so? Tell me about it in the comments below!

Large areolas are a common cosmetic defect. The area around the nipple may increase during life or be large from birth. Sometimes women are surprised to find that the areola of the breast has become larger. In most cases, girls do not attach much importance to this. In rare cases, large nipple areolas can be a cause for concern and cause considerable psychological discomfort. So why can the size of the areola change? What does it say? Do I need to see a doctor and when is treatment required? Is it possible to shrink areolas?

There can be many reasons:

  • Heredity. In this case, the defect may not appear immediately, but after some time, after exposure to various provoking factors.
  • Pregnancy and lactation contribute to swelling of the nipples and the area around them. You need to know that in fact, neither pregnancy nor lactation can seriously affect the size. But during childbearing and breastfeeding, the breasts swell, visually it seems that it has become larger.
  • Mechanical impact, allergies, diseases. It is exactly the same here - the areola does not increase, but it seems larger than usual due to swelling and inflammation.


If large areolas are due to heredity, then this will become clear only after puberty. In childhood, the chest is weakly expressed and looks the same in almost everyone. Individual features begin to appear at the moment when puberty ends and the mammary glands acquire their final shape. Interestingly, the hormonal restructuring of the body can take up to 20 years, so it is quite possible that large areolas will appear at a fairly adult age.

Pregnancy and lactation

There are two more important reasons. During the period of expectation of the child, the breast is rebuilt, and active growth of glandular tissue begins in the tissues of the mammary glands. Of course, this also affects the appearance of the breast - the areola can become darker (hyperpigmentation is a normal phenomenon during pregnancy), larger, and the nipples also increase. This is a consequence of hormonal changes. The color may remain after childbirth, but the size usually decreases after the end of lactation. Interestingly, enlargement of the nipples and the area around the nipples is considered one of the signs of pregnancy.


The areola can become larger due to various pathologies. With mechanical irritation and allergies, everything is simple - the breast swells, the nipple seems larger. If the increase is caused by diseases of the mammary glands, then other changes can be observed on the skin and in the depths of the tissues.

Among the most common pathological causes are:

  • Violation of the posture or rules of breastfeeding.
  • Wearing tight, rough underwear. Wearing bras that change the natural shape of the breasts.
  • Scars after surgery or injury.
  • Tumors, including breast cancer.
  • Complication after abscesses or mastitis.
  • Gynecomastia in men is often combined with large areolas.

If there is redness or inflammation, you should consult a doctor. Proper therapy will reduce the areola. It is important to remember that only the attending physician can make a diagnosis. Different diseases need to be treated differently, so it is unacceptable to prescribe medications on your own. An inflammatory element on the skin can be a harmless infection, or it can be the first evidence of a growing tumor. Mammologists in the medical collection have many stories about how neglect of one's health led to sad consequences.

In most cases, a large areola is just an individual feature that does not pose any harm to health. But since it causes psychological discomfort, modern plastic surgery offers such a service as surgical reduction of the areola. The areola is located around the nipple and consists of a rather delicate epithelial tissue. Therefore, operations on and around the nipples are considered procedures of increased complexity. It is important to remember that good plastic surgeons are found only in certified clinics.

Interestingly, not only women apply for size and shape correction. This problem can also bother men - however, in them it is more often combined with congenital gynecomastia.

There are clear indications for the operation:

  • Asymmetrical arrangement of areolas, a significant change in the natural shape. It can occur both after past illnesses, and in adulthood against the background of absolute breast health.
  • Irregular contours.
  • Too thick areola tissue.
  • Stretched, oval or shapeless areolas.
  • Swelling of the nipple and around it.
  • Too big areolas.
  • Various injuries resulting in loss of natural size and shape.

At first glance, these reasons may not seem serious enough. But in fact, any visible or hidden imperfections on the body can cause serious discomfort and lead to the development of complexes. Therefore, in the absence of contraindications, plastic surgeons are ready to help correct natural imperfections. The operation will raise self-esteem and get rid of psychological problems.

Correction of size and shape

Size and shape correction procedures are any surgical manipulations aimed at creating a natural shape. This includes a decrease, and an increase, and a recovery. The operation can be performed on only one breast or both.

Formation in a new place is usually carried out if there is damage after operations or injuries. Usually, such a traumatic operation is not done without the need. Sometimes the formation of an areola in a new place is offered to girls with strongly tubular breasts - and then as part of a general plastic surgery of the mammary glands.

Before the operation, the patient must attend preliminary consultations with a plastic surgeon. On them, you can find out which operation is best suited to the patient's request, clarify contraindications and mentally prepare for the intervention.

Areola correction is an extensive section of plastic surgery, which includes several fundamentally different types of operations. You can adjust the shape, size, position. The operation can be performed on the tissues of the breast and nipple, or only on the areola.

Diameter reduction

This is a fairly simple operation that can be performed both separately and when performing a mastopexy, breast augmentation or during surgery to reshape the nipple. Also combined with a breast lift. From a technical point of view, everything is simple, so the operation can be performed under local anesthesia with sedation. If desired, the patient is given intravenous anesthesia. The procedure lasts no more than an hour.

The technology is like this:

  • The surgeon makes circular incisions along the border of the areola, as well as incisions near the nipples, a little further from the pigmentation border. The first incision is made along the existing areola circumference, the second - along the new one, which will be obtained after the operation.
  • The skin between the two incisions is peeled off with a special solution and then removed. In some cases, exfoliating injections are not made, but simply cut off a flap of skin without capturing the subcutaneous tissue.
  • Then the wound is sutured. This is perhaps the most difficult stage. If you apply even seams, then folds form, because the new diameter is smaller than the previous one. And because of the folds, scars can form. In order to prevent this edge of the wound, they are sutured with separate wide sutures, which are applied at a considerable distance from each other. Usually there are 4 to 8 stitches.
  • At the last stage, sutures are applied over the previous ones so as to pull together all the edges of the wound.

If the operation is performed correctly, then the areola will retain a rounded shape, the nipple will remain in place and will be convex. And high-quality stitches will fall just on the border of pigmentation, and they will not be visible. The postoperative scar is located strictly along the edge of the areola. This operation can be performed on girls who are just planning to have a baby - the surgery is performed on the upper layers of the skin, the milk ducts are not damaged.

After the operation comes a very important period - rehabilitation. The final result depends on the observance of the recommendations of the doctor. You will have to fix the scars with special plasters or strips to prevent the edges of the wound from divergence. It is important to avoid excessive tension on the skin, otherwise scars and white marks may remain.

Mastopexy is one of the most common breast lift surgeries. During a lift, the incision is made just around the areola. The purpose of mastopexy is to remove excess skin, eliminate sagging, and return the nipple above the breast crease. Simultaneously with the mastopexy, an additional incision can be made to reduce the areola.

The same can be done with implantation. Implant placement is performed differently and does not involve the areola. But when performing surgery, you can make an incision and carry out the simplest reduction option. The only drawback is that the likelihood of damage to the milk ducts increases, plus healing will last much longer. Therefore, this operation is not recommended for those who plan to breastfeed.

Diameter increase

In addition to reduction, cosmetologists offer procedures to increase the diameter. This is not an operation, but rather a cosmetic procedure. In medical language, it is called areola micropigmentation. In fact, this is something like a tattoo or permanent makeup, but on the skin around the areola.

Micropigmentation allows:

  • Eliminate defects in the shape of areolas, form natural circles.
  • Make areolas brighter, more expressive.
  • Change the color of the pigment.
  • Correct small defects after operations and injuries.
  • Create an areola at the site of the removed nipple or breast. This is especially true for those who have had to undergo breast removal due to breast cancer.

The main advantage of micropigmentation is that no incisions are required, which means that the risk of undesirable consequences and complications is much lower. The procedure requires local anesthesia. The pigment is not clogged deeply, but the skin next to the nipples is very sensitive, so you have to use local anesthetics.

Healing is similar to the healing of a tattoo. At first, sufficient moisture is required, it is important not to peel off the crusts and not scratch. Everything heals in less than a month, and after 5-6 weeks the final result becomes visible.

There are important rules for performing micropigmentation:

  • The procedure can only be performed under conditions of sufficient sterility. All instruments and materials must be disposable or sterilized at high temperatures.
  • Pigments used for tattooing must be hypoallergenic.
  • It is important to choose the right color so that it matches the color of the nipple and the surrounding skin and does not look unnatural.

Any kind of operations must be performed in specialized centers that can provide all the necessary certificates, licenses and permits. Modern plastic surgery allows you to correct almost any cosmetic defect, it is enough to consult a doctor and outline a plan for the operation.

According to the World Health Organization, breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in women worldwide. At the same time, statistical survival rates in different countries, on different continents vary significantly - from 80 percent in more developed countries to 40 percent in countries with a low level of well-being. The reason for such a high mortality rate is the lack of necessary equipment, insufficient work to prevent a very dangerous disease, when a detected tumor is no longer treatable. That is why it is so important to detect the first signs of breast cancer in a timely manner.

Don't waste precious time

time and cancer

Cancer is insidious, and yet it can be defeated if you are attentive to your health. According to experts, the category at risk includes older women, those who have given birth after 30 years and women who have never given birth. For women, periodic self-examination can be the first and quite effective preventive measure. The fact is that the first stage of cancer is almost asymptomatic, time is running out, the disease is progressing. The first symptoms can appear only in the later stages, only constant monitoring of the state of the gland allows you to identify the symptoms of the disease. That is why the earliest diagnosis of cancer often gives hope.

Breast changes - a reason to sound the alarm

At first, the disease practically does not manifest itself, however, upon careful examination, it is already possible to detect the first alarming signs that do not cause the woman much discomfort.

We list the obvious signs of cancer of the gland, having discovered which you should hurry for a consultation at the hospital.

— It could be a small induration. Such a dense nodule is concentrated most often in the nipple area or in another part of the chest. By conducting an independent examination, the seal can be easily identified, such a nodule is referred to as the main signs of a malignant neoplasm of the mammary gland. At the initial stage, he is still mobile.

- Changes in the shape of the breast. A woman can detect changes in the contours, asymmetry of the mammary glands when examining the position of the breast, for example, to detect an extension of the gland or any of its parts, a change in one breast in size, etc.

- Intermittent discharge from the nipple. Such secretions can be different, characteristic of an oncological disease is the presence of blood in the secretions.

- Change of lymph nodes. An increase in lymph nodes in the armpit, their soreness when palpated also indicates the presence of oncology.

- Noticeable changes in the skin of the chest. Here, any changes in the skin are alert, in particular, thickening of the skin, which has characteristic lesions, sometimes resembling a lemon peel. No less worrisome is the wrinkling of any area of ​​the skin, discoloration of the skin, such as blue, redness, yellowing. The appearance of an ulcer in the area of ​​​​the halo or nipple will also be the reason for an immediate visit to the doctor.

- It is not uncommon for the appearance of symptoms of breast cancer to be classified as a completely different type of breast disease. So, the appearance of the process of redness of certain areas of the breast, inflammation of the mammary gland and the corresponding pain sensations, being a symptom of mastitis, also serve as manifestations of cancer of the gland. In the same way, the signs of breast cancer can resemble erysipelas, which is characterized by such manifestations as inflamed skin, the manifestation of pain.

It should also be noted the signs characteristic of various forms of breast cancer:


The form is nodal, which is characterized by the presence of a nodal seal. The size of the knot can vary from a minimum of 0.5 to 5 centimeters.
If the identified nodule has an even, round shape, it is mobile, when pressed, pain is felt. If these signs are observed, then most likely the tumor is benign.
With a malignant neoplasm, the signs are somewhat different. The node has an uneven surface, is dense like a stone and is inactive or motionless at all, since it is firmly embedded in the surrounding tissues, palpation does not bring pain.


The form is diffuse, subdivided into erysipelatous, mastitis-like, and shell-like. In the first two cases, characteristic signs should be noted: as a result of an inflammatory reaction caused by the rapid growth of the tumor. This is an increase in temperature to 39 degrees. Signs of shell cancer is the appearance of a tumor like a crust covering the breast, as a result of which it contracts and decreases in size.

Paget's disease

Another form of breast cancer, the area of ​​​​distribution is nipple-areola. Its signs are erosion and compaction, peeling of the nipple. Often a woman experiences discomfort: itching and burning, tingling and pain. The nipple is sensitive, purulent discharge from the nipple is possible.

Hello, today we will talk about the integral "decoration" of the female breast - the nipple and areola (NAC). Which shape is close to ideal, and which one needs correction? Women are quite often dissatisfied with the bust in general and this is part of it in particular. So, the types of female nipples, their color and configuration are normal. If this topic interests you, read our article.

NAO zone: basic parameters

The nipple-areolar complex is a sensitive, important, functional part of the breast. SAH is one of the most easily accessible erogenous zones in the female body. And one of the most sensitive. In addition to getting pleasure, with the help of a nipple, every mother feeds her child.

This set is different:

  • form;
  • color;
  • areola size;
  • thick.

The complex is represented by a pigmented circle (areola), in the center of which there are protruding natural relatively dense formations (nipples). Its color is determined by the amount of pigment (melanin):

All of these are variations of the norm. often depends on the size of the bust in general. But this is not an absolute figure. Sometimes girls with neat breasts have a large nipple-areolar complex.

The main types of areolar zone

In addition to the actual shape of the nipple in women, different areas of the SAH are distinguished:

If you suddenly start to grow hairs around the areolar area, contact your gynecologist. Perhaps your hormones have gone on a rampage.

The main types of nipples

Gynecologists distinguish 5 main types of nipples:

Type ofAppearance of the nipple
ConvexSlightly protruding above the surface of the areola
FlatPractically merging with the areola (not comfortable when breastfeeding)
Plump (conical), merging with areola
or glass cutters
Large, cylindrical, visually hard nipples. The SAH zone looks like a single whole, like a mound above the gland
Reverse convex (concave, retracted)Retracted inside and require correction, therefore making GW (breastfeeding) unlikely
AsymmetricalOne nipple has one shape (for example, convex), the other can be flat or concave

Additionally, sometimes large soft papillae are isolated, like chewing gum (Chewy nipples). Thickness:

  • thick (massive with a wide diameter equal to the diameter of a female little finger or an eraser on a pencil, Gumdrop type);
  • relatively thin with a small base.

By length they distinguish:

  • short;
  • long (with a large vertical projection).

The difference is clearly visible in the photo. All of these are considered normal. Intervention requires only the nipple of the reverse bulge (retracted). Because feeding with such anatomy is impossible.

A doctor’s consultation is needed if the shape of a woman’s nipple suddenly changes and becomes retracted (this may be a sign of oncology) or the hairs around the areola actively begin to break through. With active hair growth in the SAH area, there is a risk of hormonal imbalance. In this case, it is better to consult a doctor.

However, women can adjust the shape and color of the SAK as desired by contacting. Many do just that, "ordering" the areola in the shape of a heart or reducing the length of the nipple.
