How to tell by correspondence on the Internet whether a guy likes you. The most accurate signs that a guy likes you

How do you know if a girl likes you? It's quite simple: you have to become observant. Watch how the girl behaves, what she says and how she does it. Remember all this and then draw a conclusion. If you cannot determine whether a girl is paying special attention to you, then simply compare her behavior with the behavior of any other representative of the fair sex in your company.

External signs

How do you know if a girl likes you? You need to carefully study the person who, in your opinion, pays increased attention to your person. How to do it? Look at what she does and how she treats you. Body language can say a lot about a person. Perhaps your chosen one feels uncomfortable under your gaze. She closes herself, crosses her arms, and begins to twirl a strand of hair around her finger. Why are girls so concerned about their hair when people are looking at them? Because women's hair is attractive to men, and a girl instinctively shows off, trying to make her ideal hairstyle even prettier.

Girls rarely approach first, especially to unfamiliar men. Therefore, a person who is interested in you will look at you carefully, may pass by every now and then, but will not speak. This is fine. The girl waits for the man to make the first move.


Are you wondering how to know if a girl likes you? Very simple. It’s not for nothing that they say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. This is where you should look for the answer. If a girl looks at you continuously, and when you respond to her gaze, she looks away - this is a sign of interest. But modest girls don't do that. They study their prey carefully, but hiddenly, that is, with peripheral vision or in fits and starts. If you notice that a girl is very carefully studying the interior next to you, then this may also be a sign.

It's very easy to tell if a woman likes you just by talking to her. Don't listen to the words, look into the eyes. If she doesn't look away, or quite often lowers it to your lips, that's a green light. If a girl does not concentrate her gaze on your face, but looks as if through or over your shoulder, then she is clearly not interested in you.

Increased body temperature

It is difficult to control your emotions, but you can learn it. But it is simply impossible to control your physical reactions. You can't force your pupils to shrink, you can't force yourself to calm down in a second. And if anxiety can be overcome, then it will not be possible to lower body temperature with the power of thought. How do you know if a girl likes you? Touch her. If her hand is very hot, then the probability that the girl is not indifferent to the object with whom she communicates is high. But you can understand this without touching. Become observant. If you have invited a girl on a date and are sitting in a cool cafe, and your companion keeps throwing back her hair and fanning herself with the menu, this is a sure sign of sympathy, which is given by the subconscious of the person sitting in front of you.

Body temperature rises especially strongly from prolonged touch. For example, you are holding a girl’s hand, and her palm is sweating. This is a sign that your companion is not indifferent to you.

Attention to hands

How do you know if a girl likes you? Pay attention to her hands. They can tell a lot about their owner. When a person gets excited, he involuntarily begins to twist something. This could be a ribbon on a sweater or a lock on a bag. If a girl is sitting with a glass, then she can turn it in different directions. Such actions help a person relax. This means that the girl is worried when talking to the guy. Such nervous excitement can manifest itself in other ways. If there is nothing at hand, the girl may begin to actively gesticulate. This is also a sure sign that she is not indifferent to the guy she is talking to. But be careful. If a girl crosses her arms, it means she feels insecure. In this case, you should change the topic of conversation. If the girl’s body position has not changed, then your interlocutor is simply unpleasant. Perhaps the person sitting in front of you is afraid of you. Moreover, this may be a manifestation of interest, only hidden.


You can't understand the feelings of your chosen one? How to understand that a girl is not serious about you? Listen to what she says. Girls love to rant with or without reason. They enjoy the process itself. If your chosen one talks about her problems and turns to you for help, this is a success. It means she really cares about you. But if a representative of the fair sex never asks you for anything, and generally does not talk about problems, perhaps there is no proper trust between you. Become more careful. It's simply necessary.

How do you know if a girl likes you? See how your lady behaves when you speak. Does she laugh at your jokes, does she look into your eyes? Or maybe she has her head in the clouds and only pays attention to you when you directly address her. Don't take this as a bad sign. Perhaps the sound of your voice captivates the girl and plunges her into dreams.

personal information

How to check if a girl likes you? One of the easiest ways is to listen to what questions she will ask. The girl who likes you will be interested in where you studied and what your job is. She will willingly listen to the interlocutor’s speeches and ask new questions. With the same zeal, the person answers your questions. Moreover, a girl can tell funny episodes from her childhood or her student years without hesitation. Openness and trust are what characterize sympathy. If a person is unpleasant to you, you will not share personal information with him. Therefore, appreciate what you heard from a wonderful person.

Collection of information

How to understand a girl's sympathy by her behavior? One of the best methods is to ask your friends if anyone has asked about you. If they say that a girl is interested in you, she finds out where, with whom and how you live, you can be sure that she likes you. She can make inquiries, but not openly, but collect information piece by piece from your friends. The questions will be so veiled that their meaning will not be immediately clear. And if your loved ones do not have the proper insight, then it will be quite difficult for you to find out the true motives of the young lady. After all, she could have asked for information not for herself, but, for example, for her friend.


How to do the “does a girl like you” test? It's very simple: touch it. If this action caused a strong reaction, then the answer is considered positive. The girl can quickly withdraw her hand or remove it from the table. If you hit a lady with your shoulder, she may recoil. The main thing is that the interlocutor does not remain indifferent. The touch of a pretty person is compared to a discharge of electric current, of course, in a figurative sense. He kills them both.

If you have known a girl for a long time, freely take her hand, hug her in a friendly manner, but cannot understand by her reaction whether she likes you or not, then try touching her cheek. You can veil such a gesture as if you are removing a strand of hair from her face. This gentle one cannot go unnoticed. The reaction will follow immediately. And if it is shyness or coquetry, you know that the girl is disposed towards you.

How else could touch work? You can touch a girl not by accident, but on purpose. Moreover, the person must understand this. Give a hand squeeze or a hug. If a girl does not resist, but reaches out to you, then the answer to the question of whether she likes you is quite obvious.


How to tell if a girl likes you? The signs can be different and one of them is flirting. Of course, a girl can flirt without any far-reaching intentions. But a representative of the fair sex, of her own free will, will never flirt with a person who is unpleasant to her. Flirting is a form of female entertainment. With its help, girls assert themselves and have fun. Therefore, you should not always take this form of coquetry seriously. But still, it’s worth paying attention to the girl. If a lady comes up to you, playfully looks into your eyes and twirls a strand of her hair, talk to her. And at the same time look at all her non-verbal signs. A girl can control her gestures professionally, but it is very difficult to control her voice and facial expressions. Therefore, the true reaction to your person becomes clear after 5 minutes of communication.

Can a girl flirt with a guy she's not interested in? Maybe, but it won't last long. If a person who was initially interested in you quickly loses interest, stops being sly and does not smile, it means that she is not so attractive to you up close.


How to ask a girl if she likes you? The best way is to first provoke jealousy. Find a friend of someone who seems to care about you and talk to her. You don't have to spend a lot of time communicating; five minutes is enough. The main thing is to invest in the conversation. Be interesting and smile. If your flirting is interrupted by a girl who cares about you, that will be good. Consider that you have found the right moment to find out how the girl feels about you. Do you feel like the moment is not right? It only seems so. You can achieve sincerity from a person in the most unexpected situation. The girl will be offended that you pay more attention to your friend than to her, and she can say this openly. Such a statement sometimes sounds veiled, in a humorous form. But you should remember that there is some truth in every joke.

Of course, you cannot abuse jealousy. Otherwise, the girl will decide that you don’t like her, and you are looking for a more suitable option. But from time to time, it makes sense to warm up the relationship in this way.

Social media

How do you know if a girl likes you? This is more difficult to do through correspondence than in reality. Girls show their interest in social networks by liking photos. This is how some ladies prefer to meet people. They take the first step and wait for the guy to write to them. In such a situation, you should not find out whether the girl really likes your photo. Try to be original, get to know each other and start a conversation.

A girl you know on social networks can not only like you, but also leave flattering comments. For example, speak well of your figure or appearance, or be interested in your hobbies in private messages. For example, you posted a photo of yourself skiing. The girl may ask where you skate and whether you are good at it. Does this dialogue seem like a friendly conversation? Right. Few girls can take the first step themselves. Their job is to start a conversation, but you should expect a decisive invitation to a date only from a man.

If a girl is indifferent to you, then she will not show any activity. You won't get any likes or messages from her. And in response to your attempts to start a dialogue, she will respond with monosyllabic sentences that will in no way contribute to a long-term dialogue.

Even though meeting the opposite sex is easy these days, it is still a difficult task for many. If you like a girl, don't miss your chance.

Hello friends! Many men believe that girls are unpredictable and mysterious creatures, almost like aliens. Therefore, they often think about whether the one they are in love with likes them, or whether their sympathy is not mutual. In fact, everything is much simpler than it might seem at first glance. And it doesn’t matter where you communicate with your crush - at school, at work or via correspondence on a social network. Today I will talk about how to understand that a girl likes you, 7 signs that will give away any one will become known to you. Read carefully and remember.

Language of the body

Nonverbal signs are not very noticeable, but you can learn a lot about a person from them. Therefore, carefully observe the girl to draw the first conclusions.

  • The first thing that shows a girl’s love or interest is her gaze. After all, the eyes are the mirror of the soul; they hide what a person wants to hide from everyone. If she looks at you carefully when she thinks that you don’t notice it and, blushing, looks away when you pay attention to her, the young lady is not indifferent to you. Another line of behavior is also possible: she constantly wants to meet your gaze in order to establish emotional contact and find sparks of love in your eyes. Another interesting nuance: if a girl’s pupils dilate when she looks at you, this means that she likes you. This occurs due to the release of the hormones adrenaline or endorphin into the blood, which is a sign of excitement or excitement.
  • If, when meeting you, a girl seems to imperceptibly straighten her shoulders or blow away specks of dust on her clothes, this signals that she wants to make a positive impression on you.
  • When talking to you, her intonation and voice may change, it may become quieter or louder, and words may appear that she does not usually use during a conversation. Another sign is excessive gesticulation.
  • Also watch how she sits. If during a conversation her knees and toes are pointed in your direction, this may indicate that she is interested in you. Beauties love to show off the slenderness of their legs: they throw them on top of each other or sway their shoes seductively.
  • Don't forget about your hair. Young ladies often shake their hair so that you appreciate their beauty, or tilt their heads seductively, exposing their neck and shoulders. When they see their object of desire, girls often twirl their strands around their fingers or finger them.

She tries to be there and help

If a girl attends the same events as you, takes the next seat, tries to be next to you at every opportunity, and “accidentally” ends up in the same place as you, then she is not indifferent to you. Watch further. She always laughs at your not-so-successful jokes, listens attentively and with interest to your stories about car repairs, and is she interested in fashion and painting? This is no longer simple sympathy, this is already love! If she “suddenly” became interested in cars, computer games or fishing, you can be sure that this is true love.

Does the young lady offer you her help, sparing no time or effort? She's head over heels in love with you. By the way, about help. If she asks you to fix a stuck jacket zipper, help you fix your computer, or gives you advice on choosing a new cell phone, that's a good sign. The girl sees in you not only an object of sympathy, but also a protector. She, of course, can cope with the problem herself, but she gives you the opportunity to take care of her, appreciate it.

Behavior on social networks

Has a young lady added you as a friend and “liked” almost all your photos? That says a lot. Now watch her social media page. Of course, no girl will directly write that she is in love with you, but some signs can give her away. For example, her status quote, which hints at her attitude towards you, or a romantic song on the wall. She can also add a photo where you and definitely someone else are there (for conspiracy, well, you understand).

If a girl is added to the same public pages that you subscribe to and adds the music you listen to to the playlist, it means that she is interested in you and wants to get to know your tastes, worldview, and character better. Well, if you notice that she takes your side in discussions in groups or under posts on the wall, this definitely means that she cares about you and she is not afraid for you and your mutual friends to know about it. And this is very valuable.

You can understand that a girl likes you through personal correspondence. She quickly responds to your messages, writes detailed answers, and not “clear”, “understood”, “ok”, even if she is busy, puts a lot of emoticons, is often the first to write about minor trifles, shares songs or pictures she likes, asks for advice - this all signs of her liking you.

Reaction of the girl's friends

Youth and youth are the time when a girl has many friends who know all her little secrets and big secrets. Therefore, pay attention to them when conducting a “love investigation”. If the friends of the girl you like start giggling or looking at each other when you appear in their field of vision, this means that they have already discussed and gossiped about you more than once, and this is a clear sign that she likes you or she I'm head over heels in love with you. If you are determined enough, you can directly ask her best friend about it.

Provoking jealousy

How do you know if a girl likes you? If you're asking yourself this question, try one old way. Look at other girls in her presence, give them compliments, and in the meantime, discreetly watch your passion. Most likely, she will show her dissatisfaction and annoyance in some way. Just don’t overdo it, otherwise her sympathy for you may give way to deep hostility.

A girl can act similarly. Flirt with another guy when you're around and watch your reaction.

Attempted seduction

There are many tricks and techniques, invisible at first glance, that women use to successfully seduce men. Take a closer look at the girl you like, and you will be able to understand a lot about her attitude towards you:

  • The top button of her blouse accidentally came undone, but the lady is in no hurry to button it;
  • She usually wears trousers or jeans, but today, knowing that she was going to meet you, she put on a dress or short skirt that emphasizes her slender legs;
  • If you make eye contact, a subtle flirtatious smile appears on her face;
  • Sexy walk if you are looking at a girl;
  • She bites or licks her lips in an attempt to arouse your interest in her;
  • Loud talking and sexy laughter are also clear signs of attempted seduction;
  • Touching your own body as if by chance;
  • The young lady plays with her ring, bracelet, hair clip, glass, phone or other accessory.

Ideal girl

If you notice that a girl is trying to look impeccable, trying to do everything as best as possible in your presence, doing things that are unusual for her, know that she is at least very partial to you. Often the desire for perfection becomes unnatural or even absurd, but a girl in love is ready to do anything to win the attention of her chosen one.

How do you know after a few dates if a girl likes you?

Many guys are interested in how to understand whether a girl likes you if you have just started dating and whether you can hope for a serious relationship. This is not easy to understand. But still, some tips may be useful to you:

  • She does not refuse to communicate with you and does not say that she is busy now;
  • Willingly communicates on the phone, Skype and social networks;
  • Talks about his plans for the evening or weekend;
  • When coming on a date, he tries to look good;
  • She asks and willingly talks about hobbies, past life, tastes and preferences;
  • Introduces you to your friends;
  • Doesn’t be harmful during dates, like “This cafe is bad!”, “I don’t want to go to the cinema,” “I could give you more beautiful flowers!” etc.;
  • It makes no difference to her where she spends time as long as she is with you;
  • Worried and worried about you;
  • Interested in your affairs, family;
  • Does not refuse a date at the last moment on a flimsy excuse;
  • Wants to share your hobbies with you, for example, signs up for the same gym that you visit;
  • He sincerely rejoices at even your most trifling signs of attention;
  • She is interested in your opinion on various issues that are important to her.

If you take into account all the tips outlined in this article, you will certainly understand how your girlfriend feels about you, since they are very emotional and easily show their feelings. There are, of course, very unemotional people who do not show in any way that they are in love, but this is rather an exception to the rule. I always paid attention to these signs when communicating with young ladies, and they did not let me down.

If you realize that the girl of your dreams is also not indifferent to you, do not be shy and wait for the first step from her. Real women do this extremely rarely, because this is the prerogative of real men.

Let your feelings be mutual, and let love bring exclusively positive emotions! Write the results of your observations in the comments, and we’ll discuss it together. As always, the most interesting video on the topic, watch to the end!

Always yours, old womanizer Panteley.

Margins around the form

Women are very mysterious and incomprehensible creatures, so it is not always easy to understand whether a woman likes you or not. If you can't determine how the girl you care about really feels about you, here are some useful tips:

1. Talk to the girl.
If the girl talks to you willingly, and you can hear obvious interest in her tone, then you have a chance. During a conversation, pay attention to whether the girl is shy or confident - this will help you choose the right tactics to behave with her.

Please note: the more a girl likes you, the brighter her emotions will appear during a conversation with you. If she laughs cheerfully in response to your jokes, and her gaze fixed on you radiates goodwill and sympathy, you can safely start courting this girl - most likely, she will not push you away.

2.All girls are different.
Keep in mind that all girls are different and their behavior is also different. There are girls who are very feminine, fragile and romantic, who avidly read romance novels and dream of a handsome prince. And there are girls who prefer to live with their minds rather than their hearts, and have masculine character traits - ambition, assertiveness and energy. Accordingly, the approach to different girls should be different! A romantic girl can be won over with flowers and compliments, while a realistic girl will require proof from you that you are a serious and responsible person with whom you can do business.

3. Does she flirt with you?
If a girl likes you, she will certainly flirt with you and try to please you. Learn to distinguish between friendship and flirting. If a girl treats you well, but sees you only as a friend, she will smile at you and enjoy talking to you, but she is unlikely to flirt with you. If a girl flirts with you and “makes eyes” at you, this is a clear sign that she sees you not only as a friend, but also as a handsome man.

Also pay attention to whether the girl's behavior with you is different from how she behaves with other guys. If she somehow makes you stand out, for example, talks to you more willingly and more friendly, we can conclude that she likes you more than others.

4.Notice if she tries to touch you.
If during a conversation a girl comes very close to you (enters your personal space) and, as if by the way, often touches you with her hand, this clearly indicates that the girl is attracted to you and that she is not against the prospect of having close relations with you relationship.

5.Look into the girl's eyes.
The feelings that a woman experiences for a man can always be read in her eyes. If her gaze fixed on you is calm and cold, it means that you can hardly hope for anything. If a girl seriously likes you, then in her eyes, when your eyes meet, you can read feelings such as tenderness, admiration, adoration, passion. Pay attention to the girl's pupils: if you make her nervous, her pupils should be slightly dilated.

If a girl is confident in herself and is used to taking initiative in relationships, then in her gaze you will be able to see a frank appeal. The inviting gaze is very intent and filled with passion. You simply cannot help but respond to such a look if you really like the girl.

6. Take a closer look at how her friends react to you.
Almost all women love to share their deepest secrets with their friends. And if a girl’s friends look at you with obvious interest and curiosity, this is clear evidence that your person has already been discussed in their company.

Approach the girl in front of her friends and start a conversation on a casual topic. If her friends start whispering to each other, giggling and winking at each other at this time, it will say a lot!

Don’t even think about flirting with the girlfriends of the girl you like, even if these girlfriends themselves take the initiative and flirt with you. It may very well be that your girlfriend wants to check with the help of her girlfriends how flighty you are and whether you can be trusted.

7. Carefully observe how your girlfriend behaves in different situations.
If you and the girl you like are in a large company, pay attention to which of the men she looks at most often - at you or at someone else. Also keep track of which of the men in your company she most often talks to, and who she turns to for help and advice. If this man is you, then you can congratulate yourself.

Also try to take the initiative in talking with the girl. If her attention and thoughts at this moment are occupied by some other man, you will read obvious irritation and dissatisfaction on her face. If she does not wait for the initiative from you, then her reaction will be clearly positive.

8.Smile at the girl.
Just try to make your smile look natural and not fake or forced. A girl's reaction to your smile will tell you a lot. If she smiles welcomingly back at you, and her eyes sparkle with a joyful sparkle, you can safely take further initiative in your relationship with her. If the girl does not react to your smile in any way, or if her response smile is restrained and cold, mentally put an end to it and don’t waste your time - you have no chance.

9. During a telephone conversation, pay attention to the girl’s voice and whether she is in a hurry to end the conversation with you.
If a girl answers your questions with pleasure and asks her own in return, thus supporting your conversation, it means that she is interested in communicating with you. If, after briefly answering your question, she falls silent, then most likely she can’t wait to end the conversation.

10.Listen carefully and analyze everything the girl tells you.
If a girl likes you, she will certainly try to make your conversation more intimate and sincere. If a girl suddenly starts telling you about her emotional experiences and sharing her innermost thoughts, this will be clear evidence that she expects you to respond with frankness and trust and wants your relationship to become closer. In addition, if a girl is brave, in a conversation with you she may somehow hint that she is not indifferent to you.

11. Try to start courting a girl.
If she favorably accepts your advances, you can continue further. If she doesn’t like you, she will find a way to hint to you that your advances are unnecessary and unpleasant to her.

12. Pay attention to the psychological distance at which the girl communicates with you.
If a girl behaves with you in an emphatically formal manner and avoids talking about personal topics, then it is unlikely that she is going to let you close to her. If a girl emphasizes with her behavior that you are friends - for example, she often pats you on the shoulder, winks at you, jokes with you - by this she seems to let you know that you are not a stranger to her.


* If a girl, coming to you on the first date, kisses you on the cheek or on the lips, this will be a 100% sign that you are her type, and she does not mind accelerating the development of the relationship.

* A girl's obvious nervousness is a good sign. If she speaks confusedly, often blushes, and gesticulates nervously - this is all because it is difficult for her to control her feelings when you are around.

* Even if a girl is insincere with you - she plays at love, or, on the contrary, feigns coldness - all the same, her eyes will not lie. Looking into a girl's eyes, you can easily understand what she feels for you.

* If a girl unexpectedly meets you in the city, pay attention to her facial expression. If she likes you and is glad to meet you, then her face will be joyful.

* If a girl is interested in your personal life and asks in detail about relationships with your ex-girlfriends, it means she wants to understand whether she has a chance to build a successful relationship with you.

* If you see that a girl likes you, try to behave like a gentleman with her. Do not allow yourself ridicule and jokes, so as not to hurt her feelings and push her away.

* Don't quarrel with her friends - it's better for you that the girl's friends are your allies, not enemies.

* Never flirt with a girl's friends - she may not forgive you for cheating.

* If a girl directly tells you what you mean to her brother or as a friend- she tactfully lets you know not to expect more.

* Be proactive in your relationships, do not wait for the girl to take the initiative - she may mistake your excessive restraint for indifference.

* Any girl is pleased to hear a declaration of love, so do not hesitate to open your heart and confess your love if you clearly see that the girl likes you.

* If a girl even jokingly says that she missed you or that she is in love with you, you can regard this as a veiled declaration of love.

* If a girl is very shy and unsure of herself, get ready for the fact that you will have to spend a lot of time winning her over. But if you like this girl, then that won't stop you.

* If you often meet a girl in the most unexpected places, then it may very well be that she specially arranges your meetings so that you finally start a relationship.

* Know: no matter how much a girl likes you, her patience is not unlimited. AND if you miss time In order to start courting her, she will get tired of waiting, and she will switch to someone else.

* If you just can’t understand how a girl feels about you, hint to her that you like her. If after this she begins to avoid meeting with you, this will indicate that she, to put it mildly, does not need your feelings.

* To check how you feel about her, what you think about her, and what you can expect from a relationship with you, a girl may start telling you a lot about her life. Tell a girl only good things, praise her for doing the right thing - and she will decide that you are the person who understands her and who she needs.

* To understand whether a girl wants to continue getting to know you, tell her that you want to give her an interesting book to read or let her watch an entertaining movie on disk. If she is happy to take a book or a DVD with films from you, it means that she is also not against developing a relationship. If she politely refuses, then she is not looking reason to meet with you again.

* If a girl herself asks you to give her something for temporary use, it means that she really wants your communication to continue under one pretext or another.

Don't make the mistake:

* If a girl flirts with your friends even though you've made it clear to her that you like her, don't flatter yourself that she's trying to make you jealous. Rather, she's just frivolous fidgety, and you will suffer with her if you don’t put an end to the relationship.

* Don't ask a girl a direct question whether she likes you - this can put her in a very awkward position. If she is delicate and treats you well, then she is unlikely to have the courage to honestly answer that you are not her type.

* If a girl tries to introduce you to her friends, this is a clear sign that she is tired of your advances and wants switch your attention to someone else.

* Don't overcharge a girl with too expensive gifts, if you have not yet been close to her. She may decide that you are buying her and be offended by you. On the other hand, if a girl is characterized by greed, she may start dating you solely for the sake of gifts.

* Act natural and do not inflate your worth by boasting, so that the girl does not come to the conclusion that you are a pathetic braggart and a show-off.

* If you want a girl to treat you well, don't tease her, don't tease her or make her jealous - otherwise she will answer you the same.

*Never forget that women love strong men and despise weaklings. If you constantly give in to a girl and curry favor with her, then don’t be surprised if she soon begins to, figuratively speaking, wipe her feet on you.

* When a girl talks to you and asks you questions, never hide your eyes and avoid answering. Look directly at her and answer confidently. Let her see that you are - direct and open person, not a coward and a liar.

How do you know if a girl likes you?
Margins around the form

How to find out a guy's attitude, what a guy feels? How do you know if a guy likes a girl?

Women's curiosity, as men say, practically knows no bounds. People show their curiosity especially strongly in finding out the details of the behavior and moments of the private life of persons they care about; as a rule, these persons are represented by the opposite sexes.

In principle, no one will be delighted with interference in his personal life, be it secret or overt. However, one should take into account the fact that the relationship between the strong and beautiful halves of humanity is so complex and diverse that in fact it is easy to simply get confused, and sometimes even “break the woods.” And to avoid this, it is important to receive timely, useful information

So maybe sometimes curiosity is one of the elements of defense, when in order to avoid a greater evil they resort to a lesser one? This is a very difficult question. Sometimes ignorance or simply misunderstanding can cause great harm in matters of relationships, and maybe even cause psychological trauma to one of the participants. Both weak women and seemingly undaunted and strong-willed men are afraid of this. Most of all, a feeling of insecurity appears among those who are in love, but are not sure of his chosen one’s interest in him.

Does the guy like me? How to check and find out if a guy likes you?

In fact, many articles have been written about how to try to determine the development of sympathy in your direction; you can also glean something from the numerous blogs maintained on the “world wide web.” At the same time, it may seem that, in principle, there is progress, and according to a number of indicators, everything converges on the fact that the soul mate chosen by your heart is interested in you and is ready for the next transition in the relationship. But at the same time, the worm of doubt continues to gnaw at you, undermining the foundations of your self-confidence.

How to find out a guy's attitude, what a guy feels towards a girl? -If you dwell on these issues for a long time, it is not surprising that you will soon come to the need to use some kind of sedative medications. This hits the fair sex the hardest, for whom being rejected is akin to a catastrophe on a universal scale, despite all kinds of auto-training. However, if you continue to have incredible doubts about the feelings the young man has towards you, you should not give up and collapse. On the contrary, you should get together and think through a clear scheme of possible “combat” actions.

Over the millennia of its development, humanity has accumulated numerous experiences on completely different issues, including in terms of relationships. Just think about it, because doubts similar to yours were not overcome by you alone, but perhaps by the Samarkand queen or the famous Madame Pompadour. If you look up ancient sources of writing, not only Old Russian, but also on a global scale, and analyze them, then it is actually possible to glean an incredibly huge amount of useful and important information that can be successfully used not only for yourself, but also for the people around us in good. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with using this wisdom, because some advice, in principle, has not lost its relevance today.

Does the guy like me? How to check if a guy likes you? - Signs and wisdom.

IN from some of the wisdom of life.

  1. Contact him openly for help. If a young man turns to you and openly looks into your eyes, telling or explaining something, without constantly trying to look away, you can give yourself a plus, your company is not a burden to him.

  2. As a “testing material,” you can also use a banal, but practically acting as a detector, shaking hands. When it is strong, and even more so, with the use of two hands, then we can say with confidence that the person is very favorably disposed towards you. And if his hand is limp and almost weightless, then you should think about it, since he may have some unseemly thoughts about you.

    During a party, ask the guy you like to dance. If he likes you, he will not refuse and will try to talk to you while dancing. This is a signal from him, which makes it clear that you are attractive to a guy. Although, there may also be such modest “instances” who, on the contrary, shy away from your sign of attention and are more likely to refuse, for fear of showing their excitement in an awkward movement, even if inside they are even burning with impatience to dance. However, in any case, it will be noticeable and clear whether he refuses you because of his own excitement or whether you simply are not attracted to him and his heart is already occupied by someone else.

    Sometimes it also happens that you both beat around the bush, constantly looking closely at each other, but not daring to get closer to one more circle. This indecision can really drive you crazy. Looks like you liked a very indecisive guy. As the relationship progresses, prepare in principle for the fact that you will have to constantly take the initiative on various emerging issues, usually first. Although, after a certain period of time, during which he adapts to your environment, his masculine leadership qualities will awaken, and he will take the “reins of power” into his own hands. However, this will not happen immediately and you must first take the first steps yourself. So, to check, invite him to some kind of film premiere, fortunately today there is simply incredible abundance in their choice, in general, for every taste. We can only, in principle, recommend focusing your attention on some comedy, since the positive charge received while watching a film will facilitate communication after it and will leave more positive emotions in the young person’s memory.

    There is another, but much more risky way. When you can’t determine for a long time whether you like a young man or a man who, like a cat from a fairy tale, “keeps walking around in circles,” but won’t come to you with any specific proposal, then you can resort to one of the “harmful” means : Make him jealous of you. Believe me, this option is more than effective. Indeed, in fact, the male half of humanity already decides for itself in the first two minutes of communication what it wants from the representative of the opposite sex standing in front of it, but it does not immediately come to a brave confession “in vain”. When he sees a woman, in his opinion, who already belongs to him, flirting with another, then possessive notes interrupt the urges of the mind and he himself launches a counterattack. The danger lies in the fact that by outplaying you run the risk that he will mistake your feigned feelings for your opponent for real ones and generally lose interest in you. Therefore, if you have already decided to do this, exercise moderation and caution, constantly monitoring the situation.

As we see, if you set a goal, it is quite possible to find answers to such exciting questions. However, it is important to take into account individual factors that appear in each situation separately. But that's not all you need to know. . . , switch.

Natalya Luchina

Very often, men do not show their interest in a woman for various reasons: they are afraid of being rejected, seeming funny, do not want to become dependent on a woman, etc. How then, if a man does not show or directly talk about his feelings, can you find out if he likes you?

In addition to ordinary language, every person uses in communication a second, more ancient language - non-verbal - body language. In the animal world, there are vivid examples of male courtship language - they spread their tails, change their plumage, organize exhibition fights... People also use non-verbal language, but often do not pay attention to it and do not know how to understand it correctly. It is generally accepted that women, unlike men, have developed intuition, and therefore always feel if they like you. In essence, this “feeling” is the ability to capture and recognize the signals that a man’s body gives. If you don’t have this ability yet, don’t be upset, understanding body language can be learned, and no matter what exactly a man says (or is silent at all), you can find out from non-verbal manifestations how he feels. So, what postures and gestures will a man show you that he likes you?

Gestures of a man in love

This may not necessarily be love, but only its beginning. So, what body manifestations indicate sympathy and interest in you? If a man is turned towards you, his feet and knees are directed in your direction, this is a sure sign of his interest. The body itself can also be used as a barrier between you, if a man does not want to communicate (this needs to be checked, maybe he wants to, but is still afraid). The simplest way to use your body as a barrier is to turn your back to you, or turn half-turn. Often, a man can use foreign objects - a folder, laptop, backpack, etc. - as an obstacle between you and his body.

Gestures of a man in the hip area

Body poses that highlight the hip area are more sexual in nature. So, men can sit or stand with their legs spread wide apart - demonstrating their masculine strength, or taking a dominant, hanging position “above you”, resting their hands on their hips, tucking their fingers into the belt, again, emphasizing the genital area. Despite the fact that these poses carry information of a more sexual nature, they can also serve as compensation for a man’s feelings of internal insecurity, and speak of his desire to look more masculine, strong, and in a “dominant position.”


Our boundaries do not end with the boundaries of the body, but also include the space around us. The distance between you speaks about the nature of communication, and is divided into so-called. zones. Social zone (1.2 - 3 m) - for strangers, personal (46-120 cm) - for business, official dating, and intimate zone. In our culture, the zone of “intimate” contact, intended only for very personal communication, is 15-45 cm. A man who likes you will try to penetrate your intimate zone. He will either come too close to you, or begin to lean on the back of a chair or railing behind you - imitating the currently prohibited hug movement. He can give you his hand, thereby violating your boundaries, try to touch you by chance. (Depending on which side he extends his palm towards you, you will see whether he strives to take a commanding position in his relationship with you, or is completely open and trusts you (a sign of trust is open palms)).

Facial expressions of a man who likes you

Maximum emotions are revealed by the language of a man’s face, and especially by his gaze and eyes. The more time he looks at you, the more he likes you. At the same time, his pupils dilate (constriction of the pupils, on the contrary, indicates hostility, aggression), his head may be tilted to the side. His gaze is directed into your eyes and slides down, below the chin, to chest level - this is the so-called. intimate look (look at the forehead and to eye level - business, from the eyes to lip level - social, friendly). There is also a “flirting”, enticing sideways glance, while the eyebrows rise slightly upward and there is always a smile.

A smile on the face, by the way, can express different emotions, and not always positive ones. A symmetrical (the same on both sides) smile is considered sincere, which arises slowly and remains on the face for a long time; it speaks of openness and sympathy. If there is no smile on his face, then his lips are usually just relaxed. Any asymmetrical quick movements of the lips, nervous smiles, or pursing of the lips indicate that the man is experiencing discomfort. If he is busy with some thoughts of his own, he may run his tongue over his teeth, suck or curl his lips.

Gestures of a man who is embarrassed by you

But in the presence of you, a man experiences not only sympathy, interest or sexual attraction. Along with the desire to get closer to you, there is a fear of being rejected. The situation changes and he can alternately be overcome by many different emotions - uncertainty, anxiety, fear, tension, awkwardness, embarrassment, the desire to control, boasting, the desire to attract attention and even aggression. All these feelings are reflected in body language, even if a man tries to hide them from you (even if he himself is not fully aware of them).

In any case, if you are attractive to a man, in addition to sympathy, he will show uncertainty and excitement or tension in communicating with you. Usually, in order to relieve tension, people begin to finger various objects (rosary beads, for example), fidget with their clothes, buttons, etc. Touching your body and face also calms you down; to relieve anxiety and calm down, a man can use body swaying, he can stroke himself, rub his face, his mouth may become dry from excitement, and he will lick his lips, spin in a chair, etc. Often men begin to preen themselves, straighten their tie, smooth their hair - these gestures convey information about his desire to look more attractive, and at the same time help him relieve tension. Tension and excitement can look like increased energy, activity (waving hands, active gestures, increased tone of voice, verbosity), or in another way - a man will become “inhibited”, it will be difficult for him to squeeze out words, he will be very awkward, clumsy in movements.


In the first stages of dating, signals of fear and tension may be stronger than signals of desire and sympathy. Therefore, if you are in doubt, you can experiment with “speaking with your body.” Try to approach the man, and see what he will do - respond to your movement, or, on the contrary, begin to move away. Show your sympathy for him - smile, look at him with an “intimate look,” extend your hand to greet him, etc. Even if he doesn't understand non-verbal language, his body will respond to you. But do not forget that all signals should be considered not separately, but as a whole, as a single picture - taking into account all his non-verbal signals, and his words, and his behavior towards you. If, despite all his and your nonverbal signals, he does nothing to express his sympathy for you in words or actions, then there is a serious reason why he does not want to get closer to you. Whether he wants to, whether he can overcome this reason is unknown. You can choose for yourself whether you want to wait for him to continue the relationship, risking being left with nothing, or whether you just need to satisfy your pride now that he likes you and look for a more suitable partner who is not just emotionally passionate about you, but is ready and deliberately wants to win your love.

We tried to describe the most common postures and gestures of men in the presence of an attractive woman. In fact, there are more of them, but you just need to start with the main ones to answer the question “Does a guy/man like me” without any verbal clarification. This is already very, very much!

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