Calcium during pregnancy - how and when to take. calcium deficiency during pregnancy

What do we know about calcium for pregnant women? Is it really necessary to take it in the form of drugs, as advertising on radio and television convinces us? Is there a need for this during pregnancy? what is calcium for? After all, you are probably haunted by a phrase dropped by one of your friends: “How my teeth have deteriorated after childbirth! So, there was not enough calcium during pregnancy, but no one suggested it!” I would like to answer this and other questions.

Calcium accounts for 2% of a person's weight. It forms the basis of bone tissue, is part of enzymes, is involved in the transmission of nerve impulses and muscle contraction. Calcium is an important component of the blood coagulation system. This element is present in the human body in the greatest quantity. Of the total "reserve" of calcium (1-1.5 kg in an adult - about 20 g per kilogram of body weight), approximately 98-99% falls on bone and cartilage tissue. As old bone cells decay, new ones are formed, so a constant replenishment of this element is necessary.

Calcium for pregnant women: what is calcium for?

The calcium requirement is 1000 mg per day for non-pregnant women aged 19 to 50 years and 1300 mg for those under 18 years of age. During pregnancy and lactation, this number increases to 1500 mg. A growing fetus needs calcium in excess for the growth of bones and teeth, as well as for the formation of the nervous system, heart and muscles. It is difficult to overestimate the role of calcium in the regulation of heart rate and blood coagulation. Calcium is essential for the development of all tissues of the child, including nerve cells, internal organs, skeleton, tissues of the eyes, ears, skin, hair and nails. Studies show that approximately 250-300 mg of calcium per day enters the fetus through the placenta.

The increase in circulating calcium in the mother, normal for pregnancy, and the increase in urinary calcium excretion, which are also noted with good nutrition, further increase the woman's need for calcium. These needs are usually offset by increased absorption of calcium from food, which is due to the action of pregnancy hormones.

What to eat during pregnancy

A lot of calcium in milk and dairy products (especially low-fat ones). Also in some vegetables - cabbage, cauliflower, garlic, celery, parsley, fruits and berry crops. For example, in gooseberries, currants, strawberries, cherries. A lot of calcium is found in the cartilage of animals (how can you not remember the jelly here!) And fish.

Some foods, such as cereals, sorrel, currants, gooseberries, spinach, slow down the absorption of dietary calcium. These products contain phytic or oxalic acids, which, as a result of interaction with calcium, form insoluble salts - phytates and oxalates, and calcium absorption is difficult. Therefore, food compatibility must be taken into account. Excess consumption of products containing caffeine: cola, coffee, tea - can also disrupt calcium metabolism, so it is not recommended to abuse them, especially during pregnancy.

Among the diseases of a pregnant woman, in which absorption or absorption of calcium is impaired, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should be mentioned: peptic ulcer and cholelithiasis, chronic colitis - inflammation of the large intestine, accompanied by diarrhea (diarrhea), chronic hepatitis (inflammation of the liver). Of the endocrine diseases, it is worth mentioning diabetes mellitus, hyperparathyroidism (parathyroid gland disease), thyrotoxicosis (thyroid disease), as well as bronchial asthma and other diseases that require the use of glucorticoids - hormonal drugs normally produced by the adrenal glands.

Calcium deficiency: what to eat during pregnancy

Studies show that in 17% of cases with uncomplicated pregnancy, 2-3 months before delivery, symptoms of calcium deficiency appear in the form of paresthesia (a feeling of "crawling"), convulsive twitching, muscle contraction, bone pain, etc. In pregnant women with preeclampsia (complications of pregnancy, manifested by an increase in blood pressure, the appearance of protein in the urine, edema) these symptoms are more common - in about half of the cases. The situation worsens with irrational nutrition, adverse climatic conditions (in the spring-winter period, lower concentrations of vitamin D and calcium in the blood are observed than in the summer-autumn).

Consequences calcium deficiency in the body are caries, osteoporosis (increased fragility of the bones), osteomalacia (softening of the bones and their deformation). The lack of calcium in the body also contributes to the development of toxicosis of the first half of pregnancy, preeclampsia. Calcium eliminates the discomfort of a pregnant woman: muscle pain, cramps in the lower extremities, palpitations.

calcium deficiency may result in fetal growth retardation; it is also one of the causes of rickets in children, tk. in the prenatal period, conditions are formed for normal bone growth. An obvious marker of trouble in this area is the number of teeth that a woman has lost during pregnancy and lactation. As mentioned above, a change in mineral metabolism during pregnancy with calcium deficiency affects the bone tissue and dental tissue of a woman. The situation is aggravated if the mother breastfeeds the child. It is known that in nursing mothers during the first 6 months after childbirth, the content of mineral components in the spine decreases compared with 2 days after childbirth.

It has also been proven that calcium deficiency during pregnancy and lactation increases the incidence of osteoporosis during menopause, which increases the likelihood of fractures.

Recently, researchers have found a link between hypertension (high blood pressure) in pregnancy and calcium deficiency. Pregnancy-associated hypertension (AHOH) complicates approximately one in ten pregnancies and is a major risk factor for infant and maternal mortality and severe complications. There is evidence to support the positive effect of calcium supplementation in the diet for the prevention and treatment of AHOB. The mechanisms through which calcium is able to lower blood pressure are not yet known, but there is evidence of the effectiveness of calcium supplements in the treatment of these conditions.

What to eat during pregnancy: diet

If you are healthy, do not have chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or any of the other problems mentioned above, you can limit yourself to eating an increased amount of calcium-rich foods.

Based on the norm of 1300-1500 mg per day, it can be:

  • 200 g of medium fat cottage cheese (4%) - 300 mg of calcium,
  • 200 ml of low-fat kefir (1-1.5%) - 240 mg of calcium,
  • 200 ml of milk (the milk on which the porridge was cooked is also taken into account) - 240 mg of calcium,
  • 50 g of cheese, such as cheddar - 500 mg of calcium.

Total: 1280 mg of calcium.

In addition to these products, include walnuts, cabbage, fish, berries, such as cherries, raisins, in the menu. You can bring the amount of calcium to 1500 mg only if you consume 3-4 dairy products per day, which will “cover” the minimum daily allowance.

In addition, the expectant mother needs walks, always in the daytime (only in the sun do we get vitamin D). Their duration should be at least 45 minutes a day. If you do not like or tolerate dairy products, do not spend the required time on the street, drink a lot of coffee, tea or smoke, and if the last 2-3 months of your pregnancy fall in the winter-spring period, then without additional non-food sources of calcium you not enough.


processed cheese

hard cheese

Goat cheese


Rye bread

wheat bread

Fruits and nuts:


dried apples

Pumpkin seeds

Sunflower seeds

Fish and meat:

Dried fish with bones

Canned sardines with bones

boiled fish


It should be noted that calcium gluconate, which is widespread in Russia, contains the least amount of calcium, and carbonate contains the largest amount. All preparations containing calcium salts can be divided into three groups:

  • monopreparations containing only calcium salt;
  • combined preparations, which include calcium salts, vitamin D
  • or vitamin C, and in some - such mineral elements as magnesium, zinc, boron;
  • multivitamin preparations, which include calcium salts. Among the first group, CALCIUM D3 NIKOMED has proven itself well, containing 1250 mg of calcium carbonate (500 mg of calcium element) and 200 IU of cholecalciferol (vitamin D) in one tablet. It belongs to the group of combined preparations of calcium and vitamin D. Recent studies have shown the effectiveness of a combination of calcium salts and vitamin D in the prevention and treatment of disorders of calcium-phosphorus metabolism. The use of this drug ensures sufficient intake of calcium and vitamin D in the body, helps to prevent bone loss. Against the background of its use in pregnant women, the symptoms of calcium deficiency decrease or disappear. The therapeutic dose of the drug for pregnant women with manifestations of calcium deficiency is 2 tablets per day, the prophylactic dose is 1 tablet per day. The drug does not cause side effects, it is safe for pregnant women. Taking calcium supplements in combination with vitamin D in the last 2 months of pregnancy is justified, it has a beneficial effect on the indicators of calcium-phosphorus metabolism in the mother, fetus and newborn, and helps prevent rickets in children of the first year of life. Multivitamins or vitamin complexes for pregnant women contain at least 150-200 mg of calcium (VITRUM PRENATAL WITH CALCIUM, MATERNA, etc.), which can be recommended for prophylactic purposes to almost all healthy pregnant women as an additional source of calcium.

In conclusion, I would like to add: learn to listen to your body! He will always tell you what he is missing and. So, with calcium deficiency, there is a desire to eat chalk or plaster, an addiction to cheese and milk appears.

Dear future mothers! You will need a lot of strength to carry your long-awaited babies in your arms, which means you need strong bones and muscles. It is good if your teeth remain snow-white and strong so that you can smile at your kids without hesitation. So be healthy and happy and do not forget about such a useful substance as calcium!

Pregnancy does calcium especially important for the body. It is not uncommon for an expectant mother to be deficient in calcium during pregnancy. Why, when and how to get calcium - now you will know it!

calcium during pregnancy. daily intake of calcium

An expectant mother should consume about 1,300 mg of calcium per day. That is, the usual dose due to pregnancy is increased by 300 mg.

There is evidence that in our body about 1.5 kg of calcium. Calcium in the largest volume is in the teeth, bones and a little - in the blood. Calcium during pregnancy ensures its successful course. A sufficient level of calcium in the body practically guarantees the normalization of pressure, preventing hypertension. Also, calcium contributes to the timely onset of childbirth. Calcium will protect the expectant mother from osteoporosis.

13 mg of calcium passes through the placenta every hour. Calcium is involved in the formation of bones and tissues of the fetus. Muscles, blood vessels, nerve cells, hair, skin, internal organs of the unborn child will not be able to fully form without calcium.

If the expectant mother does not consume enough calcium necessary for the development of the child, then it begins to be replenished from the reserves of the pregnant woman's body. Therefore, problems with the teeth may appear, the bones will become brittle. Insomnia, convulsions, anxiety may occur.

The assimilation of the calcium we consume is possible only with the support of vitamin D 3 . And generally speaking calcium works best in partnership with other vitamins. Calcium works together with phosphorus for dental health. Calcium itself is an assistant for the exchange of iron in our body. Blood clotting, full-fledged work of the nervous system, cardiovascular system are impossible without it.

Doctors warn that an excessive amount of calcium in the body is also harmful.

Products with calcium

Nutrition during pregnancy should regularly include the following foods with calcium:

  • hard cheese (1,000 mg of calcium per 100 g of product);
  • yogurt (450 mg per 100 g);
  • hazelnuts (170 mg per 100 g);
  • cottage cheese (150 mg per 100 g);
  • milk (120 mg per 100 g);
  • spinach (106 mg per 100 g), etc.

Broccoli, white cabbage, lettuce, kohlrabi, green onions, and tuna are also rich in calcium. Cream and butter could be added to the list. But they contain too many fats, which neutralize all their benefits from calcium. Parsley, sorrel, peanuts, chocolate, rhubarb, cereals, black tea prevent the absorption of calcium. It's better not to get involved with them.

You may need to take calcium supplements. But this should only happen with a doctor's prescription.

Have a healthy pregnancy and happy motherhood!

A woman during pregnancy needs nutrients, vitamins and trace elements. They go not only to ensure the normal functioning of the body of the expectant mother, but also to the development of the fetus. Calcium is one of the most important elements.

With its deficiency, doctors may prescribe special drugs. For example, many women are prescribed calcium gluconate during pregnancy, which makes up for the deficiency of the element in the body.

Why do expectant mothers need calcium?

Expectant mothers need to constantly replenish the reserves of this element, because thanks to calcium, tooth and bone tissues are formed. It is required by the baby for the proper development of the skeleton. Also, the element plays a very important role in the formation of the nervous system.

Calcium ions regulate various intracellular processes - secretion of hormones, exocytosis, muscle contraction. The amount of this element absorbed by the baby in the womb depends on his mental and physical development after birth.

calcium deficiency during pregnancy

With calcium deficiency, many of the fair sex in position experience the following symptoms: paresthesia (feeling of "crawling" over the body); muscle contraction; convulsive twitches; bone pain.

Both the expectant mother herself and her unborn baby suffer from a lack of calcium during pregnancy.

Women in position may experience the following consequences:

  • deterioration of the condition of teeth, hair, nail plates;
  • increased fragility of bones, their softening and deformation;
  • severe toxicosis in the first half of pregnancy;
  • the occurrence of gestosis;
  • miscarriage;
  • early childbirth;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • weakening of labor activity during contractions;
  • excessive excitability, nervousness, the occurrence of anxiety.

A child due to a lack of calcium during pregnancy may experience the following problems:

  • inadequate development of systems and organs;
  • weakened skeleton;
  • rickets.

Daily intake of calcium during pregnancy

The daily requirement of calcium during pregnancy is about 1500 mg. The fetus in the first trimester receives 2-3 mg per day. This number is gradually growing. In the third trimester, the baby already needs more - 250-300 mg. Women after childbirth during the feeding period require about 2000 mg of calcium.

Taking calcium gluconate during pregnancy

You can compensate for calcium deficiency with the help of a drug such as calcium gluconate, which is available in solution, powder and tablets. Pregnant women should only take it as directed by a doctor. It is the specialist who determines the dosage of calcium gluconate during pregnancy.

The drug is contraindicated in hypersensitivity, severe hypercalciuria, sarcoidosis. It is forbidden to take calcium gluconate simultaneously with cardiac glycosides, as arrhythmia may occur.

The drug should be used with caution in women in a position with dehydration, diarrhea, electrolyte disturbances, malabsorption syndrome, slight hypercoagulability, moderate renal failure.

Thus, you cannot prescribe the drug yourself. An excess of an element can also harm.

If you exceed the norm of calcium during pregnancy, taking the drug can lead to the fact that:

  • the bones of the fetus will lose elasticity (this will complicate its passage through the birth canal);
  • the fontanel will overgrow for a long time;
  • the load on the kidneys will increase, because their task is to remove excess calcium;
  • there is a possibility of ossification of the placenta.

The drug has side effects. Due to the intake of calcium gluconate during pregnancy in the form of tablets, irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa and constipation may occur. With intravenous or intramuscular administration of the drug, there is a small chance of a burning sensation in the mouth, a sensation of heat. In addition, injections of calcium gluconate during pregnancy may lower blood pressure or develop arrhythmia.

calcium in natural foods

Pregnant women should remember that it is possible to satisfy the body's needs for calcium not only with the help of preparations containing it. Proper nutrition and a balanced diet play an important role. By eating foods rich in calcium during pregnancy, you can avoid a deficiency or excess of this element.

One of the main sources of calcium are dairy. You can safely include milk, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, sour cream, cheese in your diet.

Excellent source of calcium legumes. Especially among them are beans, soybeans, peas, green peas.

You can avoid taking calcium supplements during pregnancy if you include in your daily diet fish products(e.g. salmon, sardine). Also, this element is found in almonds, pistachios, hazelnuts, barley groats, oatmeal, eggs, sea kale.

However, it is worth remembering that calcium from foods is not fully absorbed. Better absorption can be achieved thanks to vitamin D. It is found in dairy products, fatty fish, egg yolk, butter. It can also be synthesized in the body under the influence of sunlight.

When a woman is carrying a baby, her body acts as a supplier of all building materials for the full development of the child's body. Calcium occupies a special place in this process. It not only forms the entire musculoskeletal system of the fetus, but also ensures the smooth operation of the mother's nervous system. If calcium is sorely lacking, the body begins to take this mineral from the bones and teeth and gives it to the baby. Subsequently, the condition of the woman's bone tissue worsens, muscle tone is disturbed, and teeth deteriorate. How important is calcium during pregnancy? How to recognize a pathological condition in a timely manner? And where to look for the source of this mineral? Let's put everything in its place to get rid of unnecessary worries and prevent possible health problems.

Being "in position", a woman begins to instinctively consume more wholesome food in order to provide the baby with the complex of substances necessary for development. The need for calcium increases two or even three times. If the diet is balanced, and the woman has no contraindications to the use of dairy products, then this mineral is enough for two. But bad ecology, the lack of natural cow's milk in stores and health problems do a disservice to pregnant ladies. And often there is a question about the additional intake of calcium tablets during pregnancy.

Calcium requirement of pregnant women

The daily intake of calcium during pregnancy ranges from 1500 to 2000 mg. At the same time, the baby in the early stages of pregnancy takes no more than 10 mg, but starting from the second trimester, he needs at least 300 mg of calcium ions per day.
Calcium during pregnancy, like a conductor, controls the most important organs and systems. It is part of all the bones and cartilage of the fetus, forms the skin, eyes and nerve cells. A sufficient amount of calcium contributes to the normal mental development of the child after childbirth.

On a note! The rate of calcium in the blood of a pregnant woman is 2.15-2.5 mmol / l.

But for the mother, it is no less important. Calcium has a good effect on the nervous state of a woman, prevents uterine hypertonicity and night cramps in the limbs, and also supports blood clotting to avoid postpartum hemorrhage. Calcium is involved in carbohydrate metabolism. It reduces the amount of "bad" cholesterol and provides a sufficient amount of glucose.
After childbirth, a sufficient amount of calcium allows you to keep the teeth and hair of a woman safe and sound. And milk rich in this element serves as a prevention of childhood rickets.

Important! An excess of calcium is also dangerous. Only a gynecologist can make a decision regarding the intake of calcium supplements.

Symptoms of calcium deficiency in women

Calcium deficiency occurs gradually and is not always accompanied by vivid symptoms. It is possible to unambiguously confirm the deficiency of this substance only by a clinical blood test. But this condition can be suspected by a sharp deterioration in the appearance of a woman: the hair becomes dull and “lifeless”, the skin peels off and seems to tighten, the nails exfoliate and crack, and at night severe cramps in the calf muscles disturb.
More than 20% of women "in an interesting" position become hostages of hypocalcemia. This is facilitated by a deficiency of foods rich in calcium, the abuse of caffeinated drinks (tea, coffee), bakery products, pasta and salty foods. In addition, calcium absorption is affected by low activity, passive smoking and intestinal dysbacteriosis.

On a note! Severe calcium deficiency is indicated by sensitive tooth enamel, bleeding gums, bone pain, and nervousness.

What is the danger of calcium deficiency during pregnancy

A sharp calcium deficiency ensures the decline of the mother's immune system. A woman has allergic reactions, viral infections and inflammatory processes often develop. Sharp jumps in blood pressure can be observed, and the condition of the skin also worsens. In general, a woman notes a bad mood and a breakdown.
If calcium was not enough during the period of bearing a child, then difficulties also arise in the process of delivery. There is poor labor activity with a more pronounced pain syndrome, bleeding is possible due to a violation of blood clotting.
For a baby, calcium deficiency means problems with the functionality of the cerebral cortex, poor circulation, pathologies of the nervous system and rickets. In the first months of life, the baby will not gain weight well, teeth will begin to erupt much later, the hormonal system will function worse.
It is also worth considering that excess calcium is no less dangerous. Excessive intake of this mineral contributes to the compaction of the cranial bones with subsequent birth injuries, calcification of the placenta and impaired blood flow, premature overgrowth of the fontanel in an infant. A woman, in turn, may suffer from the occurrence of gallstone disease.

On a note! Women who have experienced hypocalcemia during pregnancy are more prone to osteoporosis during menopause and the development of endocrinological diseases after 35 years.

Food as a source of calcium during pregnancy

A properly adjusted diet can protect a woman from taking oral calcium supplements. This option is more desirable, since calcium from the products is completely absorbed and does not leave "surprises" in the form of kidney stones or intoxication from an overdose of drugs.
Where can you find the right amount of calcium to help maintain your health and provide for your baby? A favorite among calcium-rich foods is hard cheese. The average concentration of this element in cheese is 1000 mg, while a glass of cow's milk supplies only 200-240 mg. There is a little more calcium in goat milk - about 400 mg per glass, but this product is quite rare and definitely not to be found in the supermarket. An additional 300 mg of calcium can be obtained from a glass of natural yogurt or a serving of cottage cheese (homemade!).
An alternative source of calcium ions is fish and other seafood. It is especially useful to feast on sardine (240 mg / 100 g) or cod (20 mg / 100 g). For a variety of dishes, brown seaweed (170 mg/100 g) and shrimp (47 mg/100 g) are suitable.
It is imperative to consume fresh herbs, which also contain enough calcium in combination with vegetable mixes. Among vegetables, broccoli, celery, cucumbers and carrots lead in the amount of calcium, and among fruits - figs, currants, strawberries, peaches and oranges. Make small snacks with dried fruits, seeds and nuts. Instead of a side dish, choose beans and peas, because they have no less calcium than milk.
For proper nutrition to give a positive result, avoid excessive consumption of tea, cocoa and oatmeal. These products “wash out” calcium from the stomach, preventing it from being fully absorbed.

Advice! Calcium prefers the neighborhood with vitamin D and phosphorus. Walk under sunny skies more often so that vitamin D is regularly synthesized in your body and have fish meals two to three times a week to replenish phosphorus levels.

There is a short list of foods that are best avoided at the stage of eliminating calcium deficiency. During pregnancy, calcium and foods that contain it cannot fully “take root” in the body in combination with such food:

  1. Vegetables rich in oxalic acid: spinach, sorrel, rhubarb, cauliflower, beets.
  2. Porridges, which contain phytin: oatmeal, semolina.
  3. Products with xanthines: cocoa, black and green tea, chocolate (any).
  4. Smoked meats, fatty or too salty dishes.
  5. White bread.
  6. Carbonated sweet waters.

Do you know...
An additional source of vitamin D are egg yolks, cod liver oil and traditional fish oil.

The use of calcium during pregnancy: types and dosage

Not every pregnant woman can drink liters of milk and eat 600-700 cottage cheese daily. Not to mention a history of lactose intolerance or a period of pregnancy in the autumn-winter period, when the sun is sorely lacking for the production of vitamin D. There is only one way out - to take calcium tablets. It will not be superfluous to recall that these are not vitamins and you cannot prescribe this drug on your own. And what kind of calcium to drink during pregnancy and whether it is needed at all, only the gynecologist who leads the pregnancy decides.

On a note! Calcium medications are prescribed after the 12th week of pregnancy and can be taken until the end of the period of feeding the baby, with the exception of the third trimester of gestation. If you need calcium supplements during pregnancy and do not know what to take, it is better to contact a competent specialist.

Calcium D3 Nycomed

Calcium D3 during pregnancy is completely harmless and approved for use. It is available in the form of combined chewable tablets with different flavors (orange, mint, lemon). The composition includes calcium carbonate, vitamin D3 and cholecalciferol.
The drug completely eliminates the imbalance between calcium and phosphorus, restores the mineralization of tooth enamel and is absorbed by bone tissue by 99%. Nervous excitability and sharp muscle contractions pass.
As part of the additional substances, aspartame is present in this preparation. Under the influence of enzymes, it is transformed into phenylalanine, so women with phenylketonuria should not take Nycomed calcium during pregnancy. Lactose is also used as adjuvants, so this remedy is undesirable for women with hypolactasia.
Dosage of calcium during pregnancy: for pregnant women, the optimal amount of calcium is 1500 mg, that is, 1 tablet per day. The duration of therapy is adjusted by the doctor, referring to the results of the tests and the general well-being of the woman. The tablet can be sucked or chewed.

Calcium gluconate

The drug is produced in the form of monocomponent tablets (500 mg) or 10% solution for injection. The active substance is calcium gluconate, additional components are starch, silicon dioxide.
Tablets should be taken orally before meals in the amount of 3-6 tablets. The duration of treatment is selected individually. Injections are administered intravenously or intramuscularly at 5-10 mg per day. Calcium gluconate during pregnancy in the form of injections is prescribed only in severe cases of hypocalcemia with a sharp deterioration in the woman's condition and only in a hospital.

Advice! Calcium gluconate is best combined with an additional intake of an aqueous solution of vitamin D.


One of the approved calcium preparations during pregnancy with positive reviews can be called the drug Calcid of domestic production. In addition to calcium and D3, it contains vitamins of groups B, C, H, E, PP, folic and pantothenic acid, eggshells. The course of admission is at least 1 month, three capsules per day.
This drug increases the level of calcium salts during pregnancy or lactation, also eliminates beriberi, allergic pathologies, and improves immunity.


Combined drug with calcium and minerals. The composition includes: calcium carbonate, calcium citrate, zinc, copper, boron, manganese, vitamin D3. Soy polysaccharide, cellulose, silicon are used as the basis. An additional mineral complex prevents demineralization of bone tissue and promotes the complete absorption of calcium salts. The daily norm for women in an "interesting" position is 2 tablets per day.

Interesting! Calcemin cannot be combined with other calcium antagonists or vitamin complexes. Parallel intake can cause intoxication from an overdose of calcium salts.

It is impossible to unequivocally state which is the best calcium during pregnancy. The purpose of the drug depends on the clinical picture of hypocalcemia and the sensitivity of the female body to the components of the drug. Most doctors in winter prefer combined types of calcium with vitamin D3, but in hot weather it is better to use regular calcium gluconate.

Calcium preparations during pregnancy: indications for use and contraindications

There must be a good reason to get a prescription for calcium supplements. Just like that, for prevention, this medicine should not be taken, because the consequences can be very not rosy. In order not to bite your elbows, as they say, take note of when you need to take calcium tablets and what this treatment can leave as a gift.

Indications for use:

  • Risk of occurrence and treatment of osteoporosis.
  • Lack of calcium or vitamin D3.
  • Diseases accompanied by hypocalcemia.
  • Excessive permeability of cell membranes.
  • Violation of the conduction of nerve impulses.
  • Hyperphosphatemia in renal failure.
  • Rickets.
  • Spasmophilia.
  • Osteomalacia.
  • Calcium deficiency in food during pregnancy and lactation.
  • Postmenopausal period.
  • Bleeding of various origins.
  • allergic conditions.
  • Intoxication with magnesium salts.
  • Prolonged bed rest.
  • Frequently recurring diarrhea.
  • Bone fractures.

When calcium intake is contraindicated:

  • Component intolerance.
  • Hypercalcemia.
  • Tendency to thrombosis.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Violation of blood clotting.
  • Severe kidney dysfunction.
  • Prescribing medicines based on foxglove.
  • Calcium nephrourolithiasis.
  • Hypervitaminosis of vitamin D3.

Under the condition of long-term calcium intake, it is necessary to regularly monitor the level of creatinine and calcium in the blood. Monitoring of the work of the kidneys and liver is also shown. In case of violations of clinical indicators, the drug is canceled. If a pregnant woman takes iron supplements, a three-hour pause should be maintained between the use of calcium and iron tablets.

What complications can cause calcium in tablets:

  • Bradycardia (abnormal heart rhythm).
  • Hypercalciuria (excessive excretion of calcium salts in the urine).
  • Nausea, diarrhea, stomach pain, constipation, vomiting, bloating, calcification of stones.
  • Swelling of the legs, frequent urination.
  • Deposits of stones on the teeth.
  • Cholelithiasis.
  • Rash, itching, redness on the skin.

Sufficient intake of calcium during pregnancy is simply necessary for mother and child to be healthy. But often doctors play it safe and advise taking pills just for prevention. This is an absolutely illiterate approach to women in such a delicate state. Therefore, whether to drink calcium during pregnancy or just fully eat is up to you.

Video "Why calcium is needed during pregnancy"

As you probably understand, pregnancy is not only the birth and further development of a completely new little life, but also its active construction. And this, in turn, means that no future mother can do without the kind of “building materials” so necessary for this. And, of course, only such an element as calcium will help to make the bones and cartilage of the baby as strong and reliable as possible. Calcium is generally considered the most basic of the "building materials" for the normally developing musculoskeletal system of the future baby. Calcium, moreover, in its prevalence in the earth's crust is the fifth element in a row.

Moreover, this element does two incredibly useful things at once. He is able to protect an unborn baby from such a disease as rickets, and is able to save a future mother from various stresses and allergic reactions, and in addition, at the same time, he is able to neutralize the consequences of a not too healthy environment. And even more than that, it is calcium that can help the expectant mother after pregnancy to keep her teeth healthy, to avoid the strongest. And besides, it is calcium that really reduces the risks of spontaneous or, it also dramatically reduces the loss of a woman's blood directly during childbirth.

After all, it is such an element as calcium that is considered to be the most important element for the work of all human muscles and even muscle organs - and this is the heart or, for example, the uterus. If the female body lacked such an element as calcium, childbirth simply can never be painless or normal. Since it is calcium that can contribute to the normal functioning and development of the blood coagulation system, and the normal full-fledged work of such an organ as the kidneys. It is calcium that helps normal digestion and proper kidney function. And also calcium is able to influence cell division and fertilization processes, which, of course, is of great importance in embryonic development.

How can you understand that there is not enough calcium in the body?

The very first and even the main symptoms of calcium deficiency could be called frequent, nails in an ugly and brittle state, slightly lively hair, constant peeling of the skin, as well as its dryness. However, it should be noted that all this can by no means indicate the inattention or lack of concern for the health of the future mother. I must say that in fact, literally one in five of all pregnant women in the very last stages of pregnancy may experience the above symptoms of calcium deficiency. In children born to mothers with calcium deficiency, rickets can indeed be much more common - this is a disease that somewhat disrupts the growth, as well as the development of the bones of the child, which can subsequently lead to pathological deformities of the entire skeleton.

Such an incredibly valuable element for normal life may be lacking, as a rule, for those women who usually sin with food, which frankly prevents the absorption of calcium and even contributes to its constant loss. This, of course, is various sweets, fresh white bread, also semolina porridge, or pasta. Of course, this list is far from complete, you can still bring here our favorite coffee, or cocoa, as well as bran, and even spinach, and of course all fatty, spicy and salty dishes. It is impossible not to say about various carbonated drinks, which also actively remove calcium from the body.

Calcium hunger is most often found in blondes, as well as in women who smoke and in those who move very little (after all, in order for calcium to be actively absorbed by the human skeletal system, you need to work your muscles as actively as possible!). However, one cannot fail to say that - on the contrary - those who overdo it with constant physical exertion can also expect a calcium deficiency.

How much is needed anyway?

Medical science claims that the daily requirement of a normal adult woman for calcium during pregnancy is the norm of 1500 mg. But the fruit itself is able to "take on" this element, depending on its degree of maturation. So it is in the first trimester of the current pregnancy that the embryo should receive 2 maximum 3 mg per day. And already by the third trimester - this is the period of formation of the future skeleton of the child - already 100, or even 150 times more, namely up to 250 and even up to 300 mg per day. It should be noted that calcium is able to help not only the bone system and teeth, it is also able to support the formation of all tissues of the human body. Moreover, including all nerve cells, as well as internal organs, and even connective tissue, calcium has a positive effect on the eyes, skin, and, of course, hair or nails.

What do we have to do?

Of course, there is, there is, and as they say, once again ... there is! However, not everything that comes to your hand is indiscriminate. Of course, without proper medical advice, as well as the advice of your family doctor treating you, you can’t do it. How to take this element so that it can remain in your body and bring benefits - only a doctor will agree, and he can tell you. After all, it is precisely in order for the calcium that comes with food to be reliably retained in the bones that certain accompanying minerals will definitely be needed - these are magnesium, and zinc, and manganese, as well as copper, and even boron.

As we have already said, the most important sources of calcium are healthy foods on your table. So the main "suppliers" of calcium can be called - milk and all dairy products, this is cheese, and, and even green vegetables. The most important thing is to use more "milk" - say yogurt, curdled milk, low-fat cheeses. By the way, in terms of calcium content, the fattest cottage cheese is not at all better than the most skimmed milk. Foods such as cabbage, broccoli and, of course, our brother nuts do not suffer from calcium deficiency at all: namely, almonds, all legumes, and, of course, greens (or tops) of root crops. Almost all vegetables are rich in calcium - after all, they do an excellent job of their task and actively supply the missing calcium to the human body, however, it should be noted that vegetables are usually good exactly those that have a minimum of oxalic acid (and these are sorrel, spinach, and beets). Sometimes some of the cereals can also fail: and the worst of the cereals is, of course, oatmeal.

In addition, in the pursuit of calcium, of course, you should not forget about such products as cheese, feta cheese, green onions, spinach, you can even enjoy ice cream, or click or say hazelnuts. It is advisable to drink milk or kefir daily, or acidophilus.

It will be better in general from the very first days, when you learn about pregnancy, to try to accustom your body to the fact that you will drink one or even two glasses of milk every day, perhaps kefir or yogurt. And also accustom yourself to eat daily and a few pieces of cheese, as well as 100 or 150 grams of fresh cottage cheese. In addition, you will need to eat exactly rye bread, maximum fruit, and more beans. Thus, you can easily create the necessary supply of calcium, which in the future will be able to help you in the last trimester of pregnancy. In addition, doctors strongly recommend taking exactly half of the recommended dose of such a drug as natural calcium for a whole month for the entire period of pregnancy.

You can't overdo it!

However, as in everything else, you can not overdo it. More precisely, one should not forget that excessive reserves of such an element as calcium in a woman’s body cannot bring good. Often, expectant mothers literally from the very first days of pregnancy literally try to drink milk in liters, and eating it with literally kilograms of cottage cheese or cheese. And in the event that we still think, we will understand that in fact, no one in nature at all, none of our smaller brothers - the same mammals - in their natural and natural conditions usually add calcium to their food. Moreover, none of the mammals drinks liters of milk and generally does not eat dairy products that are so rich in calcium, in fact, during the gestation of their offspring as well.

Therefore, as you understand, if you overdo it with calcium, then you can invite trouble. So one of the first serious dangers is just a huge load on your urinary system. In addition, excess calcium is the easiest and most direct way to the active formation of stones directly in the kidneys, as well as in the gallbladder and even in the bladder. In addition, the entire cardiovascular system can often limp from excess calcium. You need to know that too much calcium actively interferes with the absorption of such an element as magnesium. And as you heard, it is very important directly for the healthy work of both the muscular and cardiovascular and even nervous systems.

By the way, to say...

The old grandmother's method - it is also the very first and main drug that can compensate for the existing lack of calcium during pregnancy - is just crushed eggshells. Probably, we can all remember the old mortars created in the Soviet era, in which this shell can be finely ground literally into powder. Then such a powder was added to one's food or even simply drunk diluted in plain water. Until now, modern experts are actively arguing: how useless or effective this method is.

Some say with confidence that the structure of calcium in the eggshell simply does not allow it to be actively absorbed in the way that is so necessary for a person. Other specialists are categorically contradicted by them. And the third - that is, it is we - often continue to add ground shells to ourselves and to our children in the plates.
