Do-it-yourself suits made from waste materials. A selection of dresses from non-standard materials

A fashion show that shows outfits made from junk material is a super popular entertainment event in kindergartens. We will help you to make it more vivid, spectacular, cheerful, memorable.

See what wonderful dresses, outfits, hats were created by "crazy hands" in different regions of Russia and abroad. Pay attention to the scenarios of recreational activities based on "ecological fashion" collected in this section. Take note of the original ways to create unusual outfits, presented in the form of step-by-step master classes.

Ecological fashion shows and "garbage fashion" in a striking variety.

Contained in sections:
  • Ecological holidays, scenarios, quizzes. Nature, planet earth.
  • Garbage. Classes, scenarios, crafts on an environmental theme

Showing publications 1-10 of 156 .
All sections | Waste suits. Eco fashion, outfits and dresses made from trash for kids

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MAAM Pictures Library

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PHOTO REPORT OF THE DEFILE OF OUTFITS FROM WASTE MATERIAL "ECO-FASHION" OBJECTIVES: - To form a sense of responsibility for the environment among the participants of the show. - Develop creative imagination. Participants: - All age groups of MKDOU "Nikolsky Kindergarten" Contest conditions: -...

Purpose: to give children joy and pleasure from the holiday. to form a positive, emotional attitude, self-confidence. Task and: cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other. Encourage children to show interest in peer performances. instill desire in children...

Waste suits. Eco fashion, garbage outfits and dresses for kids - ECO Fashion "Plastic Chic"

In the city of Dyatkovo, an ECO fashion competition was held. I participated in this competition with my pupil. We took 2nd place in the nomination "Plastic chic". A little about the costume. Our costume was called: "Little Red Riding Hood". It is made from plastic utensils. Fluffy skirt made of halved...

The master class is designed for children of senior preschool age, teachers and parents. Purpose of the master class: making gifts. Purpose: acquaintance with waste material as a type of visual activity. Tasks - the formation of skills in working with waste material; ...

From old unwanted bottles, plastic bags, paper or CDs, you can make countless different crafts and things. We invite you to learn all the secrets and tricks of the process of creating at home such an outfit as a dress from various materials found at hand.

Very often, themed festive evenings and events are held in kindergartens or schools. Parents are faced with the question of what to wear to their child. Every parent wants their child to be unique and unique. In order to achieve this, it is absolutely not necessary to run to the store and purchase expensive goods and outfits. There is a wide variety of ways and techniques for creating an unusual and beautiful outfit for a holiday with your own hands.

We collect a dress from improvised material: ideas for use

In addition to waste material, in absolutely any house you can find old things that no one else uses, but it's a pity to throw them away. Items such as old gloves, boots, dresses, leather belts and many other materials at hand can be easily transformed into a unique and inimitable costume for a children's competition. It is enough just to turn on your boundless imagination and surrender to creative impulses. In addition, the little heroes themselves can be involved in the process of creating a carnival festive costume. It will be very exciting and useful for children to do applied art.

Cuts of old tulle or scarves can be used as the basis for creating fairy wings. The frame for such wings for a girl can be made from durable metal wire. Also, very original and unique decorations can be made from plastic bottles. These accessories can complement the costume of a fairy fairy.

Slightly decorated old accordion boots are great shoes for a sea pirate. An old wide belt with a buckle, large buttons and a large feather in a hat are also a suitable addition to a pirate costume. Help the boy make one of the elements of a pirate costume with his own hands.

Very beautiful costumes can be made from different packaging materials, candy wrappers, napkins, newspapers, magazines, stationery. Some needlewomen can knit very fashionable dresses and stylish hats from plastic bags. From ordinary garbage bags or plastic bags from the store, you can create polyethylene yarn and use a hook to knit original clothes - both for a sophisticated fashionista and for children.

Workshop on making a dress for a party using CDs

We bring to your attention a simple and quick master class on making a bright and unusual dress for a costume party. According to this description, we offer two ways to create a dress from improvised materials:

  • Overlaying CDs on the basis of an evening dress;
  • Creating a dress from the CDs themselves.

So, the fastest and easiest way to make an unusual dress is the following. Take an old and no longer suitable dress for you and start decorating it. The method and principle of decoration can be absolutely any. You can decorate only the bottom of the dress, shoulders or waist area. The principle of fixing CDs is as follows: thread the ribbon through the hole in the disk and sew it to the base of the dress.

The second option for making a dress is a little more complicated. Here you will need to create an entire dress from old CDs.

For work you will need the following materials:

  • Lots of satin ribbon;
  • Lots of old CDs;
  • Decorative elements for the dress.

Start creating a dress from CDs. Cut off a piece of satin ribbon. The size of the piece of ribbon should correspond to the radius of the CD, multiplied by four.

Thread one end of the ribbon through the hole in one disc. And the second through the hole of the other and tie the ends. In this way, form a vertical row of your dress.

Now tie the vertical rows with other pieces of satin ribbon in a horizontal direction. Then you can tie more disks on this frame. Also, with the help of ribbons, fix the decorative elements to the base of the dress.

After such simple manipulations, you got an unusual dress made from improvised materials.

A selection of thematic video on the topic of the article

We offer a small selection of videos on the topic of creating dresses from improvised materials. You can visually see the process of creating unusual outfits for holidays and parties.

Children's carnival costumes can be made from waste material. See how to make a costume for a Christmas tree, ladybug, peacock and other characters.

Garbage bag matinee clothes

The holiday in kindergarten will be unforgettable and fun, and the costume for each child will be quite inexpensive if you make an outfit from garbage bags.

Children will be happy to turn into residents of exotic islands for a while. Now you can buy garbage bags of various colors, so the costumes for the matinee will be colorful and varied. Each parent will make an outfit for their child, having familiarized themselves with the master class on making such clothes, and thereby help the children arrange a real holiday.

To make a costume with your own hands on this topic, you will need:

  • garbage bags with a capacity of 30-35 liters. in a roll;
  • rubber;
  • scissors;
  • scotch.

Roll out the roll, find the first package in it, without tearing it off, fold it in half.

To work faster, fold 2-3 bags at a time. Then you can cut so many pieces at once.

Now you need to tear off these folded packages from the general roll and cut off their side strips on the right and left.

Further, the resulting canvas is folded in half lengthwise and cut along this fold.

Now fold the next 2-3 bags from the roll in half. Trim the sides, then fold and cut along the fold into ribbons. Stack them up.

Cut off the edge of the tapes made from bags on the side where the cellophane was folded in half.

Now glue the resulting blanks to the adhesive tape with an overlap - on one side and the other.

After all the strips are attached in this way, you need to put an elastic band in the center, glue it with tape.

It remains to throw the strips in one direction.

The skirt is ready.

To give it strength, sew at the top, below the elastic band, without touching that one. Packages are a great material for a costume for a matinee in kindergarten, both for the bottom and for the top. We sew a bodice for girls.

Use the strips cut out in the way that was described a little earlier, but you need to cut the fold from them not from one, but from two sides. Then they will be 2 times shorter than for a skirt. After that, they also need to be glued to the adhesive tape and attach the elastic band.

You have a skirt and bodice.

It remains to make decorations on the legs and arms in the same technique, and the costume for the matinee is ready.

From garbage bags you can sew a princess dress, an outfit of Scheherazade, an oriental shah, a fairy. This material is well sewn, so it is enough to cut out the details of the costume, and then sew them on a typewriter. To give greater strength to the line, you can put a braid under it.

Waste material outfit ideas

From CDs, it is quite possible to make a costume for a kindergarten or for a school party. If they are in good condition, then use whole discs. They can be sewn to the hem of the dress or decorate the swimsuit along its entire height, and for the skirt, stretch the cord through the holes. Pulling it together, fasten the decor elements of the outfit.

If the disk fragments are scratched, cut out triangles like this from good parts and glue them to the dress.

If the child no longer reads his children's books, you can sew an original dress from them. If you put each leaf in a file, and then stitch it, the new thing will be more durable and moisture resistant. Instead of books, you can use the pages of glossy magazines.

But what kind of dress made of junk material was invented by creative designers. This idea can also be taken into account.

Even ordinary toilet paper can turn into an interesting vestment. If you decide to arrange a home party for the kids, and you need children's carnival costumes, this one can be made in 10 minutes.

All you need for it is:
  • 1-2 rolls of toilet paper;
  • black cosmetic paint;
  • tassel.
To make a mummy costume, you need to wrap a child, right on top of his clothes, with toilet paper. At the same time, the head, arms, legs, body should be covered with it. The face remains free, makeup is drawn on it to make the image complete.

For greater strength, you can wrap a little white bandage on top of the paper and securely fasten its ends.

Other children's carnival costumes are quickly made. If the boy plays the role of a mummy, then the girl may well turn into a snail for this time. Her outfit is also created using paper, but more durable.

Here is what a costume outfit for a girl is made of:

  • thick paper;
  • tapes;
  • headband for hair;
  • cardboard;
  • glue gun;
  • construction tape;
  • two small Styrofoam balls or packages from Kinder Surprise.
Take a roll of thick wrapping paper or wallpaper, cut a large rectangle from it. Remember it with your hand so that it becomes more pliable, wrap it with a roll. Starting from the smaller side of the rectangle, twist the workpiece to one side. Having designed a not very large area in this way, start folding it in a circle. To fix, fasten the curls with small pieces of tape in different places.

Focusing on the size of the child's back, cut a rectangle out of cardboard. Sew or glue 2 ribbons to it, measure these straps too. Glue the cardboard onto the rolled paper, and the snail's house is ready.

To make her horns, cut out 2 smaller rectangles from paper than for a house. Roll them up the same way. Glue a ball or a Kinder Surprise package to the tops.

Work completed. Such children's carnival costumes do not require special financial costs, and children bring pleasure and good mood.

New Year's costumes for children

The child will be interested in turning into a Christmas tree for a while. Such children's carnival costumes will surely make a splash when the lights are dimmed in the midst of the holiday, and the outfit will shine with a lot of light bulbs.

To make this New Year's attire, you need the following:

  • dense green fabric;
  • light bulbs LED 10 mm;
  • AA batteries;
  • wires for light bulbs;
  • crayon;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • pearls, beads for decoration.
We start sewing a children's carnival costume for a matinee from cutting. The easiest way is to take an existing dress, sundress or T-shirt as a basis. Wrap the sleeves, collar inward, attach this fabric template to the newspaper, outline, make the desired length, cut out. Make 2 similar parts, but on the front, the neckline is deeper than on the back.

Attach the pattern to the fabric, outline, cut out, leaving a seam allowance of 2 cm, and 7 mm on the neck. Sew 2 parts on the wrong side - a shelf and a back.

The neckline should be sufficient so that the child can easily put on the costume over the head over the matinee. Otherwise, you will need to make a vertical cut from the collar of the back down and sew in a zipper or fasten it on the shoulder.

Without turning the dress inside out, draw on the inside, using a large ruler, diagonal lines. Try to make them at the same distance as the marks for the light bulbs. Turn the dress inside out, stick the latter into the fabric, bending the antennae of the lamps, and fasten them to the canvas.

Now connect the bulbs with wire, fixing it on the antennae. The scheme of this is such that short tendrils are a negative charge (–), and long ones are positive (+).

Do not stretch the wire sections so that the structure does not break and the fabric is not too stretched. Pass the wire from the front to the back, securing it at the side seams.

Process the neck of the dress, decorate it with beads, and a spectacular outfit for a matinee is ready. To prevent the robe from pricking, have the child put a tight turtleneck under it. If you can't get LED bulbs, then buy a battery-powered garland and attach it to the front of your dress.

Outfit miraculous ladybug

Children's carnival costumes may be different. There is a place for this mischievous ladybug at any holiday.

The top of the outfit is made on the basis of a red turtleneck. Here's what you need to make such a carnival costume:
  • red turtleneck or t-shirt;
  • hair rim;
  • black brushes;
  • sequins;
  • glue gun;
  • fluffy red ribbon or pompoms of this color;
  • black fabric;
  • a glass or glass for a template;
  • red tulle;
  • crayon or thin dry bar of soap;
  • rubber band black;
  • tape measure;
  • scissors;
  • tracing paper.
Let's start with the headdress. Take a hairband, attach to it 2 brushes folded with bundles and bent in half. Attach a dark fabric to the rim, cut it out according to its size. In place of the antennae, make a cut. Pass the fabric through them, secure it to the rim with the contents of the glue gun.

Cut 2 pieces from the fluffy ribbon, fold them in a circle. Glue these elements or 2 pom-poms to the tops of the brushes.

Lay the black fabric inside out, using a bar of soap or crayon, circle the glass or glass to make circles. Cut them out and glue them to the turtleneck.

To sew a skirt, first we make markings for future folds on tracing paper. Step back 2.5 cm from above, draw a line. Then measure another 2.5 cm from it, draw another segment parallel to the first. Between them, make markings every 2.5 cm.

From the red tulle, cut 2 strips - each about 60 cm (depending on the size of the skirt). First put the first red transparent fabric on the tracing paper, make cuts on it according to the markings (every 2.5 cm), then exactly the same on the second tulle sheet.

From black fabric, cut 2 pieces of 55 cm, do with them the same way as with red tulle. We collect a fluffy skirt. Put pieces of black fabric on the tulle folded together, thread the elastic band through all the aligned cuts. Try on a skirt for a girl, cut off the excess ends of the elastic, sew them. Now such a wonderful ladybug can fly, or rather, go to a fun holiday.

Beautiful long peacock tail for kids

It is enough to make only him, and an elegant costume for a matinee is ready. Here's what we'll use for it:
  • taffeta trimmings;
  • linen gum;
  • green tape;
  • blue, green, blue felt.
Attach the elastic to the girl's waist, pull it slightly, cut it off, leaving allowances on both sides in order to knit or sew the elastic. From taffeta or tulle, cut strips 10 cm wide. The more of them, the more magnificent the skirt. Tie these ribbons to the elastic in the way shown in the photo, placing them on the sides and back.

And here's how to make decorations for a skirt so that it looks like a peacock tail. Cut out crescent-shaped blanks with a sharp middle from blue fabric. To do this, it is most convenient to use a template, then all elements will be the same size and the desired shape.

From blue felt we make blanks that are acute-angled on one side and rounded on the other sides. Exactly the same, but a little larger, cut out of green fabric. From brown felt we make large oval elements, then we sew each with light threads so that they imitate feathers.

Now you need to take one finished element of each color, apply it as shown in the photo, and glue it.

Take the lengths of ribbon you want, glue the felt pieces here, and then attach these feathers to the taffeta strips.

That's what a beautiful peacock tail came out, it will become a detail or the whole carnival costume for a matinee. See what other outfits you can quickly make from simple materials with your own hands.

Do you want to make an elegant and original dress in a couple of hours from garbage bags, packages of chips, newspapers? Make sure it's possible.

Do-it-yourself bag dress

Such evening dresses are mastered very quickly. Take a black trash bag with a capacity of 120 liters. For the first sample, you need to cut the bag from the bottom and put it on yourself right like that. To make it sit snugly at the top, tie it here with lacing.

For such models, it is better to take garbage bags with ties. You can place them on top or bottom. In the second option, you will get a balloon skirt.

It remains to put on a wide belt, and the dress from the packages is ready. In this you can come to a theme party, to a school ball. Sometimes educational institutions hold competitions for dresses made with their own hands from improvised materials. This will be just a way out of the situation at the carnival, since almost nothing is needed to create it, and it is done very quickly.

For the second model, the bag is draped with adhesive tape at the top and bottom. The shoulder of the third dress is the corner of the package. It is worn asymmetrically and also draped with tape. You will create the rest of the new clothes shown in the photo in the same way from the same material.

If you only have 10 minutes of your time, plus:
  • trash bag with strings;
  • scissors;
  • desire to renovate.
Then turn the bag over with the ties down, carefully cut a larger hole in its bottom (for the head), and two smaller ones on both sides - this is for the hands. Put on a new thing, tie the lacing at the bottom, and you can flaunt in a dress made by yourself.

Lush evening dress

If you have a T-shirt that matches the cellophane, use it to create the top. Then attach an invisibility to her sleeves or sew a flower made with your own hands from the scraps of the packages. To do this, you will need a cellophane tape 8–12 cm wide, about 50 cm long. Fold it in half lengthwise so that the upper tier is shorter than the lower one, collect the tape on the thread.

Make sure that the thread does not jump out. To do this, fold it in half, make an impressive knot, thread a needle between two sections of the thread. When you have sewn the entire tape, carefully tighten, cut the thread and tie it in 2 parts with a knot.

The flower is ready. You can sew a skirt from packages of any size. If they are small, inflate each one, tie a knot on top. From a large trash bag, make a straight or slightly flared skirt. Tape each bag to it at the top. If the base of the skirt is fabric, sew with a thread and a needle.

Large trash bags will also add splendor to an extravagant outfit. Inflate the bottom of the bag first, then twist it up and tie it in a knot. Inflate the next, upper sector. Tie it too to separate it from the next, third part. Then attach the entire chain of inflated bag sectors to the base.

It doesn't have to be black. If you have blue bags, you will get an equally chic outfit.

Elegant dress for a girl from packages

For a young fashionista, you can also use this unusual material. Here are its benefits:
  • does not wrinkle (no need to iron);
  • you can use different colors;
  • drapes quickly;
  • perfectly washes (there is no need for washing);
  • economical, as it is inexpensive;
  • The update is created in minutes.
Here is such an elegant dress for a girl you can make with your own hands. For it you will need:
  • yellow and blue bags;
  • thread with a needle or tape;
  • scissors;
  • felt-tip pen.
Take a plastic bag with strings, attach it to the young model, mark with a felt-tip pen where to make a cut for an open back and where to cut the bag at the bottom so that it covers the hips.

The tie will subsequently be held on the neck, thereby securing the dress to the body. To keep it perfectly on the back as well.

Now measure the distance from the child's waist to the top of the knees. This length you will have a tiered skirt. Let this be the value "A". Fold the bags one on top of the other, measure the value "A", cut off. If the bags are long, then from one you will get several skirts.

Attach the first double-sided tape to the top so that flounces form. Glue or sew this part to the waist of the workpiece, on top - the next one. In the same way, make the entire lower part of the dress for the girl.

To make the skirt fluffy and look spectacular, make the bottom one longer. Each subsequent detail is a little shorter than the previous one. Then the skirt of the dress will look like an outfit for ballroom dancers.

Apron for girls

Finishing the topic of garbage bags, you should tell how you can build a waterproof apron from them. It is indispensable when sculpting from plasticine, polymer clay, in the kitchen. The beauty of such a product is that it is done quickly, it is inexpensive, so you can make an apron for a girl, at least every day.

The presented apron pattern clearly demonstrates how to make this irreplaceable thing with your own hands. Fold the blue bag in half lengthwise, make a cutout for the neck near the fold at the top, and on the other side for the hands. Expand the product and you can try on an apron for a girl. Here's what you get.

Please note that the side and top seams on the bag must be left, then the apron will be fused on the shoulders and sides and will hold well.

Newspaper dress

Here is another option for making an outfit from improvised means.

Such a dress made from newspapers looks great, and a girl in this attire will decorate a school ball, any other holiday. It will take a little more time to make a new thing than for previous models from cellophane, but it's worth it.
Here are the materials you will use when working:
  • newspapers;
  • thin Velcro;
  • belt;
  • pencil;
  • long line;
  • sewing accessories.
A paper dress consists of two large parts: a shelf with an overskirt and an underskirt. Let's start with the first one. For it you will need 8 newspapers. They need to be unfolded, folded in pairs to make 4 large blanks.

We take the first one and begin to make oncoming folds on it. Step back from the edge 1.5 cm, fold it over, turn the newspaper over and fold the next strip to a width of 2.5 cm.

Now turn the sheet over again and make a fold 1.25 cm wide. In this way, decorate the entire first double newspaper. Iron it with a not very hot iron or carefully with your hand to mark the folds well. Here's how to pleat on paper.

Next, attach the workpiece to yourself or to the model on which you are sewing a dress, mark the waist line, sew along this markup on a sewing machine.

In the same way, make parts from the rest of the newspapers, folded in pairs, and sew the blanks along the side seam between them.

Put on the resulting mini dress, tie it with a belt. Pin the folds at the top with a pin, outline the neckline.

Sew folds first along the top of the newspaper, then along the neckline and cut off the excess with scissors.

Now try on this part again, draw an armhole line, cut it according to the markup.

To make the dress sewn with your own hands put on well, fasten and sit firmly, sew a long velcro on the back to one half of the back and to the other too.

Make the skirt even by cutting off the excess.

Now measure the length of the straps, open them from a strip of newspaper folded across in half. At the junction, bend on each side another 5-7 mm for the seam, sew.

Sew the straps to the shelf and back, first trying on and basting with a pin.

The upper part of the outfit and the skirt are ready.

Now you need to sew a petticoat, then the paper dress will be lush and the desired length. To do this, unfold the newspapers in one layer. Sew each along the top, arbitrarily laying folds. When the first newspaper is finished, take the second newspaper, lay it on top of the previous one by 10 cm, also sew on top with folds, then use another newspaper. Take as many of them as you need to sew a petticoat.

Gently crease the newspapers stitched on top and sew again, stepping back from the seam made by 1 cm.

Sew Velcro on the top edge on one side and on the other so that the petticoat is easy to put on and take off.

Next, fold the newspaper several times over a width of 10 cm to cut out a tight belt. Stitch it along the entire length on one side and the other, sew Velcro on the ends, after which the belt is ready and the do-it-yourself newspaper dress itself, too.

Another style of outfit from newspapers

Such an extravagant outfit will be indispensable for Halloween, a theme party.

For the top, you need to cut the double newspaper so that it covers the bodice and stitch it to it, cutting off the excess. The corset will become both the belt and the upper part of the dress. To make a skirt, you will need to roll up many paper bags from newspapers, securing the corner of each with a stapler so that the paper does not unfold. Now, using the same tool, connect the bags together to make a skirt.

The base of the dress can be made from fabric, double newspaper, or a trash bag. Bags are attached to these materials with a stapler or tape, which soon turn into a fluffy long skirt.

Paper will also help to make a large collar. Lay several newspapers on top of each other, cut out a circle from them. Find its center, cut a round hole inside, slightly larger than the diameter of the neck. Now make a cut from it to the edge of the circle, unfold the blanks. Attach paper bags between them. Sew one part of the collar to the left and the other to the right cup of the bodice.

In conclusion, you need to make an original flower out of paper, nails from newspapers, and the outfit of a charming vampire or other fabulous lady is ready.

Modern outfits from packages of chips

This is also easy to do. If you have an unnecessary T-shirt, an old but favorite dress - these things will serve as the basis.

Wash the potato chips and sew them onto an old dress.

If you are using a T-shirt, first cut out the fabric petticoat, sew to it, and then attach the bags to the base.

They can be sewn inside out. Then the dress from the packages will turn out to be monochromatic shiny. If you like, match the pattern by attaching packs of the same color in rows or in a different order. Here's what you get then.

You can make the skirt more fluffy by attaching a rustling container pre-inflated and tied with rubber bands to it.

Another option: cut the bags on the side, attach them to each other on a typewriter, creating a solid canvas. Now you can create a dress from it using a pattern or drape packages at your discretion by fastening the fabric with Velcro on the back.

These original outfits can be quickly created from the material that is always at hand. Such an attire will cost a penny, but it will look extravagant and chic!

Watch a video on how to quickly create an original outfit from improvised means:

From old unwanted bottles, plastic bags, paper or CDs, you can make countless different crafts and things. We invite you to learn all the secrets and tricks of the process of creating at home such an outfit as a dress from various materials found at hand.

Very often, themed festive evenings and events are held in kindergartens or schools. Parents are faced with the question of what to wear to their child. Every parent wants their child to be unique and unique. In order to achieve this, it is absolutely not necessary to run to the store and purchase expensive goods and outfits. There is a wide variety of ways and techniques for creating an unusual and beautiful outfit for a holiday with your own hands.

We collect a dress from improvised material: ideas for use

In addition to waste material, in absolutely any house you can find old things that no one else uses, but it's a pity to throw them away. Items such as old gloves, boots, dresses, leather belts and many other materials at hand can be easily transformed into a unique and inimitable costume for a children's competition. It is enough just to turn on your boundless imagination and surrender to creative impulses. In addition, the little heroes themselves can be involved in the process of creating a carnival festive costume. It will be very exciting and useful for children to do applied art.

Cuts of old tulle or scarves can be used as the basis for creating fairy wings. The frame for such wings for a girl can be made from durable metal wire. Also, very original and unique decorations can be made from plastic bottles. These accessories can complement the costume of a fairy fairy.

Slightly decorated old accordion boots are great shoes for a sea pirate. An old wide belt with a buckle, large buttons and a large feather in a hat are also a suitable addition to a pirate costume. Help the boy make one of the elements of a pirate costume with his own hands.

Very beautiful costumes can be made from different packaging materials, candy wrappers, napkins, newspapers, magazines, stationery. Some needlewomen can knit very fashionable dresses and stylish hats from plastic bags. From ordinary garbage bags or plastic bags from the store, you can create polyethylene yarn and use a hook to knit original clothes - both for a sophisticated fashionista and for children.

Workshop on making a dress for a party using CDs

We bring to your attention a simple and quick master class on making a bright and unusual dress for a costume party. According to this description, we offer two ways to create a dress from improvised materials:

  • Overlaying CDs on the basis of an evening dress;
  • Creating a dress from the CDs themselves.

So, the fastest and easiest way to make an unusual dress is the following. Take an old and no longer suitable dress for you and start decorating it. The method and principle of decoration can be absolutely any. You can decorate only the bottom of the dress, shoulders or waist area. The principle of fixing CDs is as follows: thread the ribbon through the hole in the disk and sew it to the base of the dress.

The second option for making a dress is a little more complicated. Here you will need to create an entire dress from old CDs.

For work you will need the following materials:

  • Lots of satin ribbon;
  • Lots of old CDs;
  • Decorative elements for the dress.

Start creating a dress from CDs. Cut off a piece of satin ribbon. The size of the piece of ribbon should correspond to the radius of the CD, multiplied by four.

Thread one end of the ribbon through the hole in one disc. And the second through the hole of the other and tie the ends. In this way, form a vertical row of your dress.

Now tie the vertical rows with other pieces of satin ribbon in a horizontal direction. Then you can tie more disks on this frame. Also, with the help of ribbons, fix the decorative elements to the base of the dress.

After such simple manipulations, you got an unusual dress made from improvised materials.

A selection of thematic video on the topic of the article

We offer a small selection of videos on the topic of creating dresses from improvised materials. You can visually see the process of creating unusual outfits for holidays and parties.
