The crisis of seven years: the behavior of the child and the actions of parents. Make your own model of the solar system

At 7 years old, the child knows the first name, patronymic and last name, not only his own, but also his parents, as well as where they work and by whom. He knows what country he lives in, what the name of the capital is, he remembers his detailed home address and telephone number.

Distinguishes wild flowers from garden flowers, names several species of insects, birds, wild and domestic animals. Familiar with natural phenomena, seasonal changes in the weather. He has a good memory: he remembers about 10 words he heard. Ready to repeat sentences close to the text, which consist of 8-10 words. He remembers simple quatrains on the go.

The hand of a seven-year-old child has grown stronger, he confidently holds a pencil, drawing various lines, making strokes, decorating. His drawing, consisting of several objects, is united by a single plot. The depicted objects convey the exact form, while maintaining proportions. He can draw people, animals, vehicles, trees, flowers, birds.

The child easily ties or unties shoelaces, ribbons, knots on a rope. It can fasten and unfasten buttons, buttons, hooks, put on and take off loops. Unscrews and tightens lids and stoppers on jars or bottles. He can thread a needle and sew on a button.

The child can already determine the time by the clock. By the age of seven, he should know how to count to 10 and back. Some children count more. He correctly correlates numbers with the required number of items, composes and solves problems in one action for addition and subtraction. Knows how to navigate - to the right, to the left, above, below, behind, between, in front - both in space and on a piece of paper. Compares the magnitude of numbers. It will not be difficult for him to determine which of them is larger and which is smaller.

The child solves quite complex logical puzzles. He knows how to single out a logical series from a group of different objects or pictures, cutting off the excess that is not suitable in meaning or topic. Can combine objects according to certain characteristics. And also to compose a coherent story from the pictures, lining them up in a sequential chain. Not only knows the verses by heart, but also knows how to tell them expressively, with intonation.

Nutrition for a 7 year old

Proper nutrition of a seven-year-old child means, first of all, providing the diet with all useful substances and microelements, and not just a set of high-calorie foods. Often, during intensive growth, the child's body experiences a lack of certain substances. Sometimes children have a desire to chew on a piece of chalk. So the body signals that it is deficient in calcium.

Therefore, if parents notice strange taste preferences in their daughter or son, they should adjust their diet by increasing certain foods in order to fully satisfy their internal needs. It is necessary to ensure that a sufficient amount of mineral salts, especially calcium and phosphorus, enter the child's body with food. It is in them that the body in a period of intensive growth experiences a great deficit.

The physiological need per day for a child of seven years is: fats - 70-80g (of which vegetable - 10-15g, the rest are animal fats), carbohydrates - 320g (they are found in potatoes, legumes, sugar, honey, bread, cereals). Proteins are the most important part of food, as they are an important building material for all organs and tissues. In the diet, more than half of all fats should contain fats of animal origin, because it is in them (milk, eggs, cheese, cottage cheese) that all the essential amino acids are contained.

If a child has lunch in a school cafeteria, you need to ask him what they feed there in order to diversify his diet. The daily menu of a younger student must necessarily include meat, fish, dairy dishes, vegetables and fruits. The child needs to develop the habit of eating at certain hours. Then, over time, the body will produce gastric juice by this period, causing appetite.

The daily routine of a child at 7 years old

In order for the student to have enough time for entertainment, and for rest, and for study, it is necessary to properly organize his day. Then the child will be distinguished by good working capacity, appetite, health, and will not overwork. You should set certain hours for hanging up and getting up, doing homework, and eating regularly. In the daily routine, you need to find time to help adults, and to visit creative or sports clubs.

Afternoon time should be distributed so that the interval between classes at school and the preparation of lessons is approximately 3 hours. The younger the student, the more his body needs rest. Therefore, it is advisable for students of the first and second grades to leave daytime sleep in the daily routine. And after that, you can start doing homework. For the implementation of which the student must have a specially allocated place. On the desktop, the light should fall on the left if the child is right-handed, and on the right if the child is left-handed.

Classes with a child at 7 years old (how to develop)

Some students experience learning difficulties. Therefore, they can be helped by presenting the material that needs to be learned in a playful way. For example, using a homemade loto. A rectangular paper sheet is drawn into 6 equal parts. A task is entered in each cell. It can be a word, a part of speech, a part of a poem, a mathematical task. For example, write 5 * 6 in one cell, 12: 3, 24 + 9 in another, etc. And on separate squares write out the correct answers (30, 4, 33, etc.). Children like that when they cover the whole card, the small squares form a whole picture when they are turned over. From the picture you will immediately see where the answer is correct and where it is not. This is obtained if some whole picture is cut into squares of the required sizes. When the learning material is mastered, the tasks change.

If the child is behind the class, he has problems with counting, addition, subtraction, he can be offered to play in the store. In the course of the game, he will be forced to count "money", take change, ask prices, i.e. in a playful way, the student gets acquainted with numbers and mathematical operations.

Some children find it very difficult to understand how sounds are extracted from a word. The child simply does not hear individual sounds in familiar words. Try to play with it. Namely, to make substitutions of letters in words. For example, whale-cat, poppy-lak-rak-tank, etc. So the child will learn the material much faster and learn to hear the sounds that distinguish the words he has chosen.

Games and toys for children at the age of 7

One of the most favorite children's activities are role-playing games. They help the child to master social roles, defining him in various life situations, teach communication skills. Most often, children play school, hospital, shop, daughter-mother. It is advisable to look after them during the game, so that if necessary, direct them in the right direction. For example, if children start playing and start trying on the roles of negative characters - robbers, bandits, etc.

Seven-year-old children, as before, love to draw, sculpt, cut, assemble constructor, puzzles. At this time, girls can buy a children's sewing machine, knitting needles or a hook and teach the basics of sewing and knitting. Boys, along with their dads, can go fishing or play ball with their peers in the yard. Many children at this age attend sports activities.

Thirty, even twenty years ago there were not so many different toys as now. However, the children had an interesting time. Let mothers remember the games from their childhood. For example, "Cities". It is easy and fun to play. Someone first starts with the name of any city. The next player must name the city where the word ends. For example, Kyiv - Voronezh - Zhytomyr - Riga - Anapa, etc. You can stipulate the rules of the game, and instead of cities, name any other words, professions, products or plants. Such a game will help not only to captivate the child, but also to increase his vocabulary.

Raising a child at age 7

When raising a seven-year-old child, one should not miss the development in a small personality of such qualities as conscientiousness, a sense of duty, responsibility, which will be very useful to him in his distant life. Let your daughter or son have their own household chores - water the flowers, wipe the dust, vacuum the room. Give him a separate area of ​​work. If the child worked conscientiously, he must be praised. If he tried to cheat, you should not scold him. It is necessary to explain in a calm voice that poor-quality work should be redone.

The child must be taught to foresee the results of his actions. If he does not want to help, you can offer him a choice: either he cleans with his mother, and then goes for a walk. Or she waits for her mother to put things in order alone, but then there will be much less time for a walk.

It is good to teach discipline to the rules established in the family, which cannot be violated. For example, explain to a child that turning on a computer or TV is only possible with the permission of an adult. And in order to maintain order in the apartment, it is forbidden to scatter toys or things (this rule also applies to adults).

Many seven-year-old schoolchildren, once in a new environment, feel insecure. Shy, quiet children are especially affected. They do not participate in common games, they cannot fight back and stand up for themselves. Often these children have low self-esteem, they are distracted, they may burst into tears. How to help the child in this case to become more courageous? First of all, the parents themselves should try to instill confidence in him. You need to identify the strengths of your son or daughter, and focus on them daily.

To emphasize the exclusivity of the child in the family, you need to constantly repeat that no one can assemble a designer better than him, bake pancakes, sew clothes for a doll, tell an interesting story. You should also recommend it to your peers. In order for them to pay attention to him, let him have some interesting thing for personal use - an unusual toy, telephone, doll, car, etc. Both boys and girls can be given to sports. Sports harden the character, make it stronger. Watch your child for a while. If the situation does not improve, then it is recommended to seek advice from a child psychologist.

Seven years is a special age, kindergarten is behind and the child goes to school, becomes more independent. It seems that parents can relax a little.

However, right now they are waiting for the crisis of seven years - one of the most important stages of growing up. This transitional period opens the child a new view of the world, allows him to move to a different level of development.

Often these positive changes are accompanied by negative changes in character: a surge of stubbornness, irritability,. A well-known psychologist explains that by this age the child has formed an “inner parent”: this is the “imprint” of you in the mind of the child, which tells him how to behave in different life circumstances. This means that the child no longer needs to constantly hear the external voice of the parent, he remembers all your settings and can model your reaction to his own behavior or the behavior of others.

But not all of us are perfect parents, and sometimes it is difficult for us to behave correctly with a child. Crises arise, and in certain periods they become aggravated. How to survive the crisis of seven years with the least losses?

Child development at 7 years old

A child at the age of seven is already a mature personality. He goes to the first grade and is already able to systematically receive and assimilate a significant amount of knowledge. At the same time, he is still a child and needs free time to play. He also needs the love and recognition of his parents, by the age of seven the baby becomes very vulnerable, he painfully perceives his failures and disapproval from adults.

Usually by the age of seven, a child already knows how to:

  • retelling or telling long connected stories;
  • divide words into syllables;
  • correctly draw geometric shapes, carefully paint over them, be able to handle scissors;
  • count up to 20, and vice versa;
  • memorize up to ten named words;
  • draw plot drawings;
  • dress;
  • solve logical problems.

Causes of the crisis of seven years

From the works of well-known Western and domestic, we know that the crisis of seven years is associated with the transition from direct "childish" behavior to a conscious "adult". The kid begins to copy the adults around him. It is from here that the “mannering”, “antics”, “mocking” that irritates parents so much arises: the child tries new social roles for himself. Therefore, he suffers from mood swings and frequent bouts of irritation. From the crisis of three years, this behavior differs in the “intellectual” component: the baby already wants not just autonomy and independence, but an equal position with an adult, the opportunity to make important decisions for him. And in view of the fact that seven years is still a very young age, parents continue to act according to the old scheme. This is where conflicts arise.

How to cope with the crisis 7 years: 8 rules

1. Set rules for everyone in the family, involving the child in the formation of the final list

7. Be an example for the child and watch the environment

Inspire your child with your behavior, not just words. At seven years old, babies “mirror” your behavior, so a positive example from parents or other adults is important at this age. For example, if mom or dad themselves sit at the computer for hours, and the child is not allowed to do this, it is unlikely that he will listen to their arguments. Also make sure that there are no "negative" examples of behavior in the environment of the child.

8. Play with your child

The game is the natural language of the child, says Elena Piotrovskaya, an expert on the site “I am a Parent”, a game psychotherapist. Pay attention to those who are relaxed, because now the baby really lacks them. The child will "lose" some crisis scenarios in life, and the problems will go away by themselves.

Competent behavior of parents in a crisis period plays a very important role - it contributes to the formation of correct self-esteem, as well as attitudes towards learning. The healthy psychological development of a young student depends on how attentive adults will be.

Do you devote enough time to the seven-year period?

Ekaterina Kushnir

Crossing the threshold of the school, a seven-year-old child receives a new social status, and his development is proceeding at a rapid pace. Without exaggeration, this is an important stage in the life of a small person, and he must be ready for the increased load.

The developmental norms of a child at 7 years old

The body of seven-year-old children undergoes a lot of transformations: proportions change, the main systems of the body (musculoskeletal, nervous, immune, respiratory, cardiovascular) actively grow and develop. The muscles of the hands have not yet fully strengthened, so the child does not hold the pen firmly and often complains of fatigue in the hand. The spine is subjected to static loads for a long time, so it is important to monitor the baby's posture. The main changes concern the nervous system - the brain increases in size, the reactions inside it become more complex.
Indicators of the normal development of a child at 7 years old:

  • average height - from 115.4 cm to 126.9 cm;
  • foot size - for boys 34, for girls 32;
  • clothing size - 32/34;
  • average weight - from 20.1 kg to 26.5 kg.

What should a child know at 7 years old

The requirements for a newly minted first grader depend on the school to which he enters. But there is also a basic list that defines what a child should know at 7 years old:

  • your full name, age, date of birth, address, city, country, planet;
  • full names of parents, close relatives, their birthdays and professions;
  • days of the week, months, seasons;
  • wild and domestic animals, insects, birds, aquatic life;
  • vegetables, fruits, berries, plants, trees, flowers;
  • fairy tales, songs, poems by heart;
  • geometric figures;
  • numbers up to 10;
  • plus and minus signs, how to use them;
  • Russian alphabet;
  • direct and reverse counting;
  • colors and shades;
  • designation of directions and sides;
  • Traffic Laws.
  • If your baby has not yet mastered everything, work with him additionally.
  • Regular classes and a positive attitude will help your child come to school with a good knowledge base.

What should a child be able to do at 7 years old?

It is not at all necessary to teach the baby to all possible activities and drive to a thousand circles. The main thing is to give the child the basic skills and abilities that by the age of seven he will successfully use on his own:

  • count to at least 10, count backwards;
  • read in syllables;
  • retell the text in the correct order;
  • make stories from several sentences, including the picture;
  • distinguish between vowels and consonants;
  • determine the stress and number of letters in words;
  • concentrate for 30-40 minutes;
  • find differences and similarities in objects, pictures;
  • copy drawing, movement;
  • memorize up to 10 items or pictures;
  • put together puzzles, create figures from the constructor in accordance with the sample;
  • draw in such a way that it is clearly clear what is depicted;
  • neatly color and hatch;
  • sculpt from plasticine, create applications, use scissors.

Your child will learn a lot at school, but it will be easier for him if he masters most of the skills in advance. The home environment is more relaxed, comfortable and conducive to leisurely learning. At the desk, the child will be forced to obey the time frame, rush or fall behind if something does not have time. All this, most likely, will be associated with anxiety, nervous tension, and a decrease in self-esteem. The extreme manifestation is the refusal of lessons, the unwillingness to attend school. Be attentive to your child and be sure to check the level of his preparedness before the interview in the first grade.
It often happens that boys find it more difficult to maintain their neatness and appearance than girls. Therefore, when figuring out what a boy should be able to do at 7 years old, put these skills on your list. Of course, the son will come home more than once in torn pants and a soiled jacket, the main thing is that he maintains a decent appearance within the walls of the educational institution. In addition, the growing gentleman should be instilled with the rules of male behavior: protect the weak, help the girls, give way to the elderly and women. Ideally, the child should have before his eyes an appropriate image that meets these requirements. Of course, this is the figure of the father. It is he who forms in the mind of the son of the attitude, "what is good and what is bad."

The crisis of 7 years is an integral part of the formation of a small personality. Most children face the challenges of growing up at this age. Discipline leaves much to be desired, the baby becomes capricious, and the parents do not know where their laughing baby has gone. This means that a "childish" crisis has come into the house. This phenomenon has long been studied and even received its own name in child psychology. How to recognize changes and what to do with them, the article will tell.

What is a crisis

The situation when the baby abruptly changes behavior , called the "crisis of 7 years" in a child. Age psychology describes the main features of this period: mood swings, problems with the daily routine and discipline, changes in behavior in society.

Parents understand that changes are taking place with the baby, however, they are not always ready to help the child survive the crisis period. The task of loved ones is a patient attitude towards the baby, all kinds of help and maximum understanding on their part.

How to recognize the crisis of seven years

Take a look at your child. To recognize the crisis of seven years, it is enough to compare the behavior of the baby in the earlier stages and the current situation. If you have found at least a few of the signs described below, this means that your child is going through a crisis period. Manifestations:


The crisis of seven years is characterized by the following behavior of the child:

The presence of the described symptoms means that parents need to correct their behavior, showing a softer trusting attitude towards the baby. Any reaction, whether it be ignoring or overprotectiveness, affects the behavior of the child in the future.

In any case, with the onset of the "seven-year" crisis, the methodology of education needs to be changed. A kid who has begun to realize a personality in himself requires a different approach to himself than a baby who does not understand his own and other people's desires, as it was before the start of the crisis period.

Causes of the Crisis

The impetus for the beginning of the crisis, as a rule, becomes sudden change in lifestyle: for example, the transition from kindergarten to school.

A change of scenery leads to the fact that, getting to know children of different ages, the child tries to find the ideal model of behavior for himself. Not having enough experience for this, the baby tries to be equal to others. So there is a search for an authoritative person in a new environment. Parents may notice that their toddler has made friends with older kids who often turn out to be "ringleaders" and "bullies".

Constantly comparing yourself with "stronger" leads to the fact that the child is an underestimation of their own strengths and capabilities. Self-doubt appears, and with it isolation and irascibility.

An adult becomes the “highest authority” in the formation of a personality and the search for authority, therefore a crisis of 7 years in a child is often accompanied by snitching on peers and attempts to rise in the eyes of adults.

How to behave as an adult

"New" child behavior complicates his relationship with his parents. Previously calm and patient mom and dad are increasingly unable to stand it and break into a scream. Trying to "return" the old baby, parents only exacerbate the situation, because the child now needs a radically new approach.

Comparing himself with older and authoritative ones, the child questions the rules that previously satisfied him. The roles accepted in the family are under threat: what does the mother do, what responsibilities lie with older and younger children. Looking at the older brother, the child tries to imitate him, for example, not wearing a hat or secretly using his sister's lipstick.

Tips on how to behave to parents, according to age psychology:

What not to do

Do not forbid the child to know the world. If he is trying to learn new activities, help him. A child of 7 years old is a creator. His occupations consist in creating something new: sewing, modeling, building figures.

Praise your child for any appropriate reason. Even if a random blot flaunts in the picture, do not focus on the mistake, it is better to notice a bright cloud or a perky dog. Criticism at this age can cause immeasurable harm to a child, because the feelings of the child are now aggravated, he is looking for his place in life and needs praise, not condemnation.

If a 7-year-old tries to delay the completion of any task, don't pressure him. Thus, the child tries new types of relationships with others, trying to dictate his own rules. Consider his wishes, but do not forget to express your own. "We'll sit down to dinner when you've completed your home building" instead of "You won't eat until you've completed the task."

Help from a psychologist

It happens that the behavior of a son or daughter defies explanation. Parents are trying to behave correctly, but the baby continues to "build" the whole family. In this case, it is recommended to visit a child psychologist. The specialist will help to understand the situation and give advice regarding a particular child.

You should not make a problem out of a crisis for 7 years. This is a natural period, and it is necessary for all children and their parents to go through it.

The kid begins to realize himself as a person, and in this he needs help. It is important for parents to remember that from now on, it is not “we” who are sick, but “he”. It is not "you", but "he" who needs to go to school. Let the child be Human.

The second pitfall, oddly enough, is permissiveness. Some parents, having read the recommendations, allow their child to make decisions in all areas of activity.

Remember - this is just a child, he does not yet have a clear understanding of good and evil. Give him carte blanche - he will find himself another authority.

How to help your child overcome a crisis

Separate areas of activity six-year-olds. Determine what is dangerous for him.

This is a taboo area. Here prohibitions and restrictions are not discussed. In all other respects, a small person can have his own opinion.

For example, strangers should not open the door. But to congratulate your grandmother on her birthday is not “necessary”, but “let's congratulate, because she will be pleased.”

And do not insist if the child refuses to do this, no matter how shocking the decision may be for you.

Give him freedom of choice where he already has some experience: choose clothes for a trip to the park, come up with a menu for dinner from his favorite dishes.

But if you take him to the mall and offer him to choose a wardrobe, the child, on the contrary, will feel small and insecure, since the difference between the task and his experience is significant.

Remember: the ability to make independent decisions is being laid now. Do you want him to be afraid to take on new things in the future? Set him impossible tasks for a six-year-old.

Your ally is the school

A great help in overcoming the crisis is the school. In it, the child realizes his craving for knowledge.

He receives a lot of new information and greedily absorbs it. This is why children learn better in elementary grades than in subsequent ones.
