What is blood during early pregnancy? Uterine bleeding during pregnancy

In the article we will consider the factors that provoke bleeding in the early stages of pregnancy, which are accompanied by various symptoms and those that are asymptomatic.

Causes of bleeding

In the early stages of pregnancy, bleeding can be caused due to the following circumstances:

An ectopic pregnancy is a condition when a fertilized egg is implanted not in the uterus, but in another place (in the abdominal cavity, fallopian tubes, cervix, ovaries). At the earliest stage, symptoms are similar to intrauterine pregnancy: nausea, drowsiness, breast enlargement, positive pregnancy test, etc.

Primary symptoms begin to appear in the period from 3 to 8 weeks after the last menstruation: abdominal pain, spotting. If a pipe ruptures, severe bleeding occurs (internal and external), which is sometimes accompanied by loss of consciousness and a weak pulse. Surgical medical intervention is required, as the condition is extremely dangerous for the health and life of the woman.

To detect an ectopic pregnancy in a timely manner, you should regularly visit your doctor: undergo a gynecological examination and ultrasound.

  • Spontaneous abortion (miscarriage)

This is a condition in which the cervix opens and partial or complete release of the fertilized egg occurs. Spontaneous abortion occurs before 28 weeks. Factors that can provoke a miscarriage are the following: Rh conflict between mother and child; development of infection; any kind of injury or fall; severe stress, etc.

Symptoms of bleeding

Aching or dull pain in the lower abdomen; spotting, which is replaced by bleeding.

Spontaneous abortion occurs in stages:

  • threat of miscarriage - the appearance of barely noticeable bleeding, accompanied by aching pain in the lower abdomen;
  • beginning - slight bleeding, cramping pain in the lower abdomen;
  • in use - heavy bleeding, abdominal cramps;
  • incomplete - clots of a dark shade appear in the discharge, profuseness may be observed; accompanied by painful sensations.
  • complete abortion - at this stage the uterus is completely freed from the fertilized egg, which is accompanied by moderate bleeding. After this, the bleeding stops on its own. Scraping is still done to ensure that no particles remain.

The less blood a woman loses, the more likely she is to continue the pregnancy. As a rule, this is possible in the first two stages.

  • Blistering skid

After conception, the development of the embryo is disrupted, and bubbles filled with liquid appear on the outer villi of its shell (chorion). Subsequently, an increase in the size of the villi is observed. Symptoms of hydatidiform mole: absence of menstruation for up to 4 months; bloody issues; toxicosis.

This pathology can be identified during a gynecological examination - the size of the uterus does not correspond to the expected period of pregnancy, and during an ultrasound, the fetus will not be visualized in the uterus (at 20 weeks).

Hydatidiform mole occurs extremely rarely, but regular examinations will not be superfluous. If a woman has had a hydatidiform mole, the next pregnancy is not recommended earlier than 2 years later (this time must be under medical supervision).

  • Frozen pregnancy

Pregnancy miscarriage occurs before the 12th week. The reason for the fading of fetal development can be found out diagnostically. Some of them may be: a genetic disorder, infectious pathologies or hormonal deficiency.

Symptoms: slight bleeding, pain in the lower abdomen (maybe without pain), signs of pregnancy disappear, swelling in the breast subsides, ultrasound shows no signs of embryonic activity.

  • Placenta previa

Sometimes it happens that the placenta is placed too low on the uterine wall, which causes bleeding (after the 20th week). For a woman, it passes without pain and other symptoms. It is necessary to undergo several ultrasound examinations to accurately identify this pathology.

  • Implantation bleeding

The cause may be a damaged vessel during implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterus. This may cause minor bleeding and does not pose any danger to the embryo.

It will be characteristic: the appearance of slight discharge around the start of menstruation and the woman will not suspect pregnancy; can last from several hours to 2 days; bleeding does not increase; not accompanied by pain.

Bleeding with clots

If, during bleeding, a woman detects clots (from scarlet to dark brown), there is a high probability that these are particles of embryonic tissue. At the same time, the woman feels cramps and pain in the abdomen. Such bleeding occurs in the early stages (up to 12 weeks). As a rule, such a pregnancy is not saved.

What to do?

With the slightest bloody discharge, and even more so if it is accompanied by abdominal pain and there is a deterioration in health, you must immediately consult a doctor or call an ambulance.

  • If the leading doctor is located near your location, you can get there yourself.
  • If the blood is scarlet and there is copious discharge, call an ambulance.
  • It is not recommended to use tampons; use pads.
  • While waiting for a doctor or ambulance, lie down with your feet on an elevated surface.
  • Do not take any medications to maintain symptoms so that your doctor can properly diagnose the condition.
  • If, during bleeding, a woman loses consciousness, shudders and complains of severe abdominal pain, this may be due to a ruptured tube (with an ectopic pregnancy). Every minute will count. Call an ambulance immediately.

Be healthy!

See you in the next article.

Bloody vaginal discharge during pregnancy, especially in the early stages, always worries women very much. And this, in general, is correct. Bleeding in such a situation can be a symptom of quite serious diseases and pathologies. However, is bleeding in early pregnancy always dangerous?

Of course not. Bloody discharge can be caused by a number of reasons, some of which are not dangerous at all. Below we detail all the reasons that can cause bleeding during pregnancy.

Implantation bleeding is considered by some experts to be one of the first signs of pregnancy. In any case, before implantation occurs, there cannot be any other signs, since the fertilized egg has not previously been in contact with the mother’s body and is, as it were, suspended in the uterus.

During implantation, the fertilized egg, which penetrates the uterine mucosa, can damage a small blood vessel, resulting in minor bleeding in the first month of pregnancy.

Usually implantation occurs around the 25-28th day of the cycle, that is, approximately when the next period should begin. It is with menstrual bleeding that implantation bleeding is most often confused, because a woman usually simply has no idea about pregnancy during this period.

However, the nature of the discharge during this period differs significantly from menstruation. The discharge is much less abundant and usually lasts 1-2 days. There is no increase in bleeding, as during menstruation.

Breakthrough bleeding

Breakthrough bleeding is bleeding that occurs as a result of a hormonal breakthrough in the menstrual cycle. Due to a sharp change in hormonal levels at the beginning of pregnancy, coupled with minor hormonal disturbances, in some cases bleeding occurs, coinciding with menstruation, but much less heavy than menstrual bleeding.

Such bleeding can be repeated not only in the first month, but also several more times. Because of this, some women do not even realize they are pregnant until 3-4 months. Actually, this explains why you can’t rely only on late periods when diagnosing pregnancy; you always need to pay attention to several signs.

Breakthrough bleeding is also not particularly dangerous and is not a symptom of the disease.

Infections and erosion as causes of bleeding in the early stages

Infectious and inflammatory processes in the cervix and cervical canal can also cause bleeding in early pregnancy. In this case, spotting will appear after any traumatic actions: sex, examination by a gynecologist, physical activity, and so on.

This group of causes of bleeding during pregnancy includes, for example, cervical erosion. This phrase hides damage to the mucous membrane of the cervix, which can be either congenital or acquired as a result of various diseases and injuries.

In most cases, the disease is asymptomatic and does not cause any inconvenience to the patient. However, in some cases, bleeding and pain occur.

Erosion does not in any way affect pregnancy, fetal development or the birth process. Therefore, some doctors argue that there is no need to treat it during pregnancy. Other experts insist that it is still worth treating erosion. Of course, the woman herself will still decide. Study the information, weigh the pros and cons, and make a decision: whether to treat erosion immediately or wait until after pregnancy.

With an infection there is no choice. If bleeding is caused by an infectious disease, it must be treated. Moreover, as quickly as possible. Almost all infections have a negative impact on fetal development. In the worst cases, changes can make the fetus nonviable and cause miscarriage.

It is usually recommended to treat infections before the start of pregnancy, but this is not always done. And no one is safe from infection after conception.

Risk of miscarriage

The most serious and unpleasant cause of bleeding, and at the same time, unfortunately, far from the rarest, is. Behind this phrase lies a whole galaxy of reasons and diagnoses, some of which leave expectant parents at least a ghostly hope of maintaining the pregnancy, some of which are a death sentence.

Unfortunately, or fortunately, it depends on which side you look at: most early miscarriages occur in the first 4 weeks, when the woman simply does not know about her pregnancy. On the one hand, in this case, hope for maintaining the pregnancy drops, and on the other, the woman has not yet gotten used to, and has not even begun to get used to, the idea that she will become a mother.

The chances of fetal survival are minimal even if the cause of the miscarriage is genetic abnormalities. In such a situation, the mother’s body rejects the non-viable fetus. Often, miscarriage begins after the death of the fetus.

The cause of the threat of miscarriage can be various chronic and infectious diseases of the mother, abnormalities in the structure of the uterus, hormonal imbalances, Rh conflict, and so on. The risk of facing a miscarriage increases with age, as well as with multiple pregnancies. Women who smoke, drink and use drugs are also at risk.

What to do if there is bleeding?

As you can see, bleeding does not always indicate some serious threats and diseases. However, this does not mean that when spotting appears, you can relax and not worry.

You should consult a doctor in any case. It is unlikely that a woman will be able to diagnose herself without making a mistake. Is it worth risking your child, and your health, and sometimes your life?

If it turns out that there is a threat of miscarriage, then how quickly the woman gets to the doctor will determine whether she will be able to maintain the pregnancy. In addition, if bleeding is not stopped in time, not only the embryo, but also the pregnant woman can suffer.

If bleeding occurs, it is necessary call an ambulance and lie down. Peace is the most important recommendation, which should not be violated under any circumstances.

It is also not recommended to get to the hospital on your own. Walking and traveling on public transport are very serious stresses if there is a suspected risk of miscarriage.

When a woman is brought to the hospital, the first step will be to stop the bleeding. Then they will do tests and conduct the necessary research to identify the cause of the threatened miscarriage. Based on the data obtained, treatment will be prescribed.

Depending on the severity of the woman’s condition, she may be sent home for treatment, or offered to stay in hospital. There is no point in refusing. Few people manage to truly maintain peace at home. And not all procedures can be performed at home.

The main thing in this situation is not to be nervous. Excessive nervousness can make the situation worse. As a rule, if a woman consults a doctor in a timely manner, the pregnancy can be maintained.


Sometimes it happens that shortly before the end of a successful pregnancy, when the future parents are already busy decorating the nursery and buying the necessary dowry for the baby, a woman suddenly discovers bleeding.

This moment is always a shock for the expectant mother, and sometimes a big surprise for her doctor. What is the danger of this alarming symptom in late pregnancy?

If the pregnancy proceeds without complications, the woman feels well and, according to data and other basic studies, the child develops according to the deadlines, visits to the doctor are usually kept to the necessary minimum.

When there are only a few weeks left before giving birth, the bleeding that begins becomes a big surprise. What is this - a normal harbinger of childbirth or a dangerous condition that needs to be rushed to the hospital?

The opening of the uterus and the separation of the mucus plug may indeed be accompanied by discharge with copious amounts of blood. If this happens 1-2 weeks before the birth date, it means labor has begun and will end with the birth of a long-awaited healthy baby.

But there are other possible causes of bleeding associated with the pathology of pregnancy or diseases of the expectant mother.

This diagnosis is spoken about when. Its presence near or on the internal os is a serious complication of pregnancy and is diagnosed in the early stages.

But in milder situations, if the placenta has formed below the fundus of the uterus, but the distance to the internal os is 3 cm or more, alarming symptoms may not be observed at earlier stages.

However, towards the end of pregnancy, when the uterus is maximally stretched and the pressure of the fetus on the vessels increases, bleeding may occur. The source will be determined by the doctor.

Light bleeding from external vessels is usually not dangerous for the fetus and will allow the pregnancy to continue to term.

  • Premature placental abruption

Even if the placenta is positioned correctly and has performed its function properly throughout pregnancy, weakness of the mother’s blood vessels can lead to (separation of the placenta or part of it from the wall of the uterus).

This is a dangerous condition accompanied by heavy bleeding. The blood supply to the fetus is disrupted, and this is a direct threat to the baby’s life. But there are medical techniques that allow, in case of partial detachment, to stop the bleeding and carry the pregnancy to term. It all depends on the location of the placenta and the degree of abruption.

  • Rupture of the uterine body

This is a fairly rare complication. Unable to withstand the growing pressure of the fetus or under the influence of external factors, the integrity of the uterine tissue can be damaged, which is accompanied by severe pain, bleeding, and poses a threat to the life of the mother and fetus.

Depending on the size of the lesion, a “crack” (on the body of the uterus or in the lower segment), “incomplete rupture” or complete separation of the uterus from the vaginal vault is distinguished.

The cause of this complication may be concomitant diseases of the endometrium, scar changes after surgery or cesarean section, or external traumatic factors.

Uterine rupture requires urgent medical intervention.

  • Cervical rupture

Pressure (especially with a large fetus) on the cervical tissue can lead to bleeding late in pregnancy. Blood vessels are pinched, the blood supply to the tissue and its elasticity are disrupted; as pregnancy progresses, these provoking factors increase and the result may be rupture of the cervical or vaginal tissue.

This is not as dangerous as uterine rupture, but also requires urgent medical attention.

  • Uterine fibroids

Fibroids must be diagnosed in advance and the doctor takes this factor into account when managing pregnancy.

Depending on the size and location, fibroids can be an obstacle to pregnancy. but can sometimes be the main cause of persistent bleeding during pregnancy.

When pregnancy has already begun and is proceeding well, many myomatous nodes shrink (and some disappear) due to poor blood supply.

However, for some types of nodes, the degenerative changes that occur mean the formation of cavities with hemorrhagic contents. When such a bubble ruptures, the bloody contents come out. If the integrity of the vessels is preserved, the phenomenon is not dangerous.

  • Cervical erosion

Erosion of the cervix means that the mucous membrane is looser, the vessels are dilated, and against this background wounds or ulcerations may appear. And even if a woman did not have such a diagnosis before pregnancy, during the process of bearing a child under the influence of hormonal changes and a decrease in immunity, it can manifest itself.

Loose mucous membrane and dilated vessels, experiencing pressure from the growing uterus, can be a source of bleeding. As a rule, it is not abundant, but it is dangerous due to secondary complications: infection, pain or discomfort in the genitals, which can reflexively affect.

How to behave if bleeding is detected?

If a pregnant woman detects bleeding or mucous discharge mixed with blood, this is a reason to consult a doctor, regardless of the stage of pregnancy. And the danger to the life of the fetus in the later stages may be no less than in the beginning.

When calling an ambulance, be sure to inform about the stage of pregnancy.

While waiting for help, it is necessary to provide the woman with peace. She should not pack her things for the hospital herself, as movements may increase bleeding.

Is bleeding dangerous for the unborn baby?

Pregnancy is coming to an end, the fetus is fully formed, and the organ systems have begun to function. Some mothers are confident that there is no longer a threat to the baby’s health.

However, the risk remains. It is much smaller than at the beginning of pregnancy, and even after rapid pregnancy, the baby will have a better chance of surviving and staying healthy.

Heavy bleeding can also lead to hemorrhagic shock, which is dangerous for the woman and her baby. In addition, violation of tissue integrity threatens sepsis, and this is also a risk to the life of both the woman and the child.

How will they help in the hospital?

A doctor in a hospital can determine the cause and amount of bleeding, and the tactics of treatment will depend on this.

In some pathologies, urgent surgical intervention is necessary, in others, it is possible to maintain the pregnancy and prepare the baby’s lungs for premature birth.

  • Depending on the cause of bleeding and the location of the pathology, techniques such as suturing, drug treatment (vitamins, antispasmodics, etc.) can be used.
  • Strict bed rest helps control bleeding and prevent relapses.
  • With partial placental abruption, especially if it is low localized, such an unexpected measure as opening the amniotic sac helps: the baby’s head lowers, pressing the detached fragment of the placenta.

This allows you to gain days to carry out the necessary strengthening therapy for the mother and prepare the baby for birth.

  • Medical measures can stop fairly heavy bleeding.

In this case, immediately after the cessation of blood loss, therapy against hemorrhagic shock is carried out (blood transfusion or blood substitutes, anti-inflammatory drugs, administration of saline)

In cases where the bleeding cannot be stopped, or the lesions are large and make it impossible to maintain the pregnancy, premature birth is performed. Usually this is a caesarean section, but other options are possible, depending on the condition of the mother, the position of the baby, and the degree of dilatation of the cervix.

A baby born prematurely will be examined by neonatologists and placed under observation in the pediatric intensive care unit, and, if necessary, sent for nursing.

Bleeding in the last weeks of pregnancy can be caused by a number of factors. Its cause and the degree of threat to the health of a woman or her unborn child can be accurately determined only after examination in a hospital setting.

Depending on the situation, doctors will find an opportunity to continue the pregnancy or an emergency birth will be carried out, and the baby will be placed in the premature ward. Timely contact with a doctor will save the life of the mother and newborn.
