Where to put bangs when growing them out. Should I grow bangs? How to grow bangs correctly? Pin up long bangs: quick recipes

“If you can’t change the world, change yourself.” Many girls who decide to change something in their lives start with the simplest and most accessible thing - changing their external image. Moreover, they often resort to drastic decisions. Some change their hair color, some shave their heads, and some change their haircut by cutting off their bangs. And here it is! A feeling of newness, freshness. And it seems that the world has become different and everything around has changed.

But time passes, the new look becomes boring again and you want to return to your old curls. Having made such a decision, you need to be patient and not give in to the frequent temptation to cut your bangs almost to the root. After all, as it grows, it gets in the way, gets into your eyes, becomes greasy when touched by your hands, and frankly begins to irritate. Fortunately, modern fashion offers different options. How to grow bangs so that they don’t get in the way and look quite pretty?

Mechanical devices

Having asked yourself the question of how to grow bangs without getting in the way, you need, first of all, to purchase auxiliary products. Firstly, until it grows just below the eyebrow line, you can still somehow deal with it. For example, lift it a little higher with a hairdryer or slightly curl it at the roots with a wide curling iron. But when it stubbornly gets into your eyes, all kinds of hairpins and hairpins come to the rescue, which can be purchased in any jewelry department. Fortunately, there are now a great many of them.

When choosing a hairpin, do not forget about the age range. So, a young lady may be suitable for various bright colored plastic “crabs”, while older ladies should opt for something more conservative. But even here everything depends on the general style of clothing, place and even time of year.

For example, in spring and summer, fashionable hoops or special headbands will be very helpful. They can even be replaced with a neck scarf folded several times, or a daughter’s bow - it will look original and uncluttered. All this will perfectly complement the romantic image and give it lightness and airiness.

How to grow bangs? To prevent it from interfering, you should use invisible ones. They will help you out in any situation. It’s not for nothing that they received such a name.

They really are practically invisible if you use them skillfully. For example, pin up your bangs near your ear and hide them under the main head of hair, and no one around you will even guess about its existence.

For an evening look, one beautiful, expensive small hairpin will do. It can become a bright accent and replace all other jewelry.

How to style bangs that you are growing out?

There are many options for styling regrown hair. If the bangs are already long enough, but not yet held behind the ear, then they can be woven into a braid that is fashionable this season along the edge of the forehead and secured above the ear with a hairpin. The remaining hair should be left loose or woven into the main braid. This is a simplified version of the braid. It is made according to the same principle, only from two rows of hair.

A ponytail with high bangs combed up looks no less interesting. In this case, the bangs are lifted up, lightly combed on the inside for volume, secured at the base with bobby pins crosswise and, as it were, merged with the main hair into an elastic band.

For those with manageable hair, this simple technique is suitable: after washing your hair, apply styling product to your bangs and blow dry them to the side.

For those who love curly hair, you will need an iron or curlers. It's very simple: the bangs are curled in the same way as the rest of the hair, only on the side, so that the whole hairstyle looks harmonious.


5. Liver, butter and curd products. The vitamin A contained will eliminate split ends.

6. Citrus fruits, currants, quince, kiwi, sea buckthorn - all these are sources of vitamin C, which promotes accelerated hair growth.

By following this diet, you can easily figure out how to grow bangs in one week.

Excessive intake of sugar, salt, caffeine and carbonated drinks should be avoided. Fast food and processed foods will not improve your health. All these products negatively affect hair growth and the general condition of the body.

Hair masks

How to grow bangs without them getting in the way using masks made from natural ingredients? Here are some examples of masks that promote increased hair growth when used regularly:

  • You need to mix a teaspoon of cinnamon with 5 drops of cinnamon essential oil. Add a tablespoon of honey, macadamia and coconut oil to this. The mask is prepared as follows: you need to heat the honey in a water bath and then mix it with all the other ingredients. Apply to damp hair and cover with a towel for 40 minutes. Rinse off.
  • Mix two tablespoons of dry mustard with one yolk. Add 2 teaspoons of sugar and two tablespoons of any oil. Rub into hair and wrap for an hour. Afterwards wash with shampoo. This mask gives your hair volume and thickness. Hair becomes less oily.

Now all the secrets about how you can grow bangs so that they don’t get in the way have been revealed.

Bangs are part of many women's hairstyles, but what to do if you're tired of bangs? In the process of growing the bangs, they get boring, get in the eyes, get tangled and spoil your image, and we go to the hairdresser again to cut the bangs without ever growing them. And it seems like a vicious circle.

How to facilitate the process of growing bangs without experiencing any inconvenience, because bangs grow on average in 4-6 months. The answer is simple - you need to learn pin up bangs correctly, and then you will not only not experience discomfort, but you will also be able to change your image every day. Even if you don't plan to grow your bangs, these methods will help you create a new hairstyle.

There are many options how to pin bangs using various hairpins, bobby pins and braids. This will allow you to open your forehead, change the shape of your face, remove disturbing bangs from your eyes, draw attention to your makeup and eyes, and open up your facial features.

How to beautifully pin up bangs:

1. The easiest way is to pin your bangs back using bobby pins or bobby pins. It can be made more voluminous or flatter, it depends on your face type.

Apply a little foam or styling mousse to your bangs and comb them back, then secure the bangs in the desired position. If desired, the bangs can be sprayed with varnish. If you want a more voluminous option, then before pinning your bangs, comb it and secure it in this position. The rest of your hair will look good loose. This method is great if you are short on time or as an option for everyday hairstyles (1 and 2).

2. The second method is also quite simple, and is a variation of the first. In this case, the bangs need to be pinned back and slightly to the side (3 and 4).

3. If the bangs are long enough, you can part them on the side and lay the bangs on one side (5). Another great option is to braid your bangs into a reverse French braid (also called a Dutch braid). Long strands of hair are also woven into such a braid of bangs to make the braid look beautiful. The tip of the braid can be hidden behind the ear (6).

4. Having combed your bangs to one side, you can secure them with a bobby pin or another beautiful hairpin (7).
5. One of the most popular methods for removing bangs is a headband. Now on sale there is a huge variety of bright and beautiful headbands with which you can hide your annoying bangs. This method is very fast and convenient if you are in a hurry (8).

6. You can braid your bangs into a thin braid and secure it to the side. This can be a braid (9) or a classic braid (10). This method looks very interesting.

7. Using braids, you can remove your bangs in different ways, for example, you can braid the bangs along the hair growth (11) or move it further (12).

8. It will look interesting if you twist your bangs into a braid. You can twist a rope from the bangs starting from the very base and frame your face with it (13) or leaving some loose hair, twist only the tip of the bangs into a rope and pin it on the side (14).

9. And finally, you can make a French braid from your bangs, pointing it towards the back of your head (15).

These easy ways will help you grow bangs without the hassle or just change up your look every day! Imagine, try and you will find a suitable way to pin your bangs.

Bangs are undoubtedly the most important attribute of the style; they decorate the haircut. But it happens that it has been cut too short or unevenly, so it can be styled or pinned. So, how to pin short bangs is discussed below.


Through accessories

  • There are many devices for styling bangs, but the most effective are hairpins, bobby pins, “crabs”. They can stab her in completely different ways: on the side, with flagella, back.
  • In addition, you can transform your haircut with a scarf by tying it to unruly bangs and thereby hiding imperfections.
  • Another good way to style your bangs is with a headband. Not only is it good in action, but it can also emphasize style and image.

Before styling your bangs, you can treat them with mousse or gel and dry them with a hairdryer, directing the air in the direction of pinning.

The most popular methods of piercing

The bangs are a very problematic part, so you have to resort to bobby pins or bobby pins. Below are the most common types of styling and pinning.

This bangs styling is not only simple, but also effectively changes the look, especially if it is long. After all, sometimes you want something new, namely a change of image. So, below are some parting words that will help everyone.

Choosing the right product for long bangs

Best fit modeling spray, which will retain the effect for a long time. In second place are foam, mousse, hairspray, gel, but they can make your hair greasy, which is not very neat. But everyone has their own method for making the bangs look excellent.

The main rules for parting on the side

After you have applied your favorite product to slightly wet hair, let’s proceed. bangs modeling.

This is where a hair dryer and straightener come to the rescue. It should be remembered that frequent use of devices can end in failure (cut ends).
Comb on the side, parting and length of bangs to suit every taste.
If we dry the side of the bangs, then lift it with a round comb, directing the air from top to bottom for some volume.
If you use an iron, then simply pull it to the side without holding it for more than 5 seconds.
After these steps, you can fix the finish using any method that will last the whole day.

Graceful pinning with tourniquets

This option is very simple, but quite stylish and graceful.

In order to pin bangs using this method, you need to divide the bangs into strands, twist each one into a flagellum and pin it with a crab. The hairstyle is suitable for both daytime and evening time in a restaurant. Harnesses complement the image, making it more romantic and mysterious.

Quite popular and easy way. You can use it every day and achieve stunning hairstyles without much effort. You need to comb your bangs well and pin them up with a hairpin or tie a ponytail. You can also do a little backcombing to add volume, this will enhance the effect.

How to style bangs beautifully

In addition to pinning, there are many styling options with their own peculiar twists and little tricks.

Comb and curl

To backcomb, you need to separate the top strand and use a fine-toothed comb to start the procedure on the bottom strand.

Do not comb with sudden movements, as there is a high probability of damage to the hair.

Using careful, calm movements, we run the comb along the strand, then record the result and cover it with the top smooth strand.

Perm is usually done on short hair and then the same procedure is carried out with backcombing.

Parting and French braiding

Everyone's parting can be different and unusual. There are straight partings, oblique, zigzag, and side partings. Today it is popular parting in the middle in the center. Just by dividing your hair into two equal parts, you can see yourself with a new hairstyle that gives freshness and shine to your eyes.

I would like to dedicate this article to girls with bangs. If you have bangs, it means that sometimes you need to pin them up. You can easily pin up your hair, but how to pin up your bangs beautifully is another area of ​​science.

I offer you different options for solving this problem for hair of different lengths.

So, there are many options " How to pin up bangs beautifully».

Hair band. We divide the bangs into two parts, lay them out on the sides and secure them with a headband (elastic band, ribbon).

A hoop or, again, it is called a hairband. They can immediately lift your entire bangs.

You can step back a little from the hairline and insert the hoop as if from above. In this case, the folded bangs are fixed in the temple area.

If the bangs are removed immediately from the hairline, then the strands can be licked very smoothly with a hoop; for this, headbands with teeth are better suited. This looks beautiful on curly hair.

Or, if you have straight hair, then you can make a mound out of your bangs by pulling the hoop through your hair, first towards the back of your head, and then moving it back a couple of centimeters.

Another option for accessories for pinning bangs is a scarf or textile bandage. In this case, you can pick up absolutely all the hair up.

Or leave the bangs peeking out.

One of the easiest ways is to put the top part of your hair in a high ponytail. Looks impressive on long hair.

A rather interesting hairstyle is obtained if the bangs are divided into 3-5 equal parts, and then each of the curls is twisted with a flagellum towards the back of the head and secured with small crab hairpins. Typically, this hairstyle is made from flower-shaped hairpins, creating something similar to a wreath. Here's an example on curly hair.

And this is on straight but voluminous hair.

Or everything ingenious is simple - pinned to one side with a beautiful hairpin.

Or even an ordinary invisible one.

Or use one hairpin to pick up bangs close to the hairline.

If you know how to French braid, you can braid it from the bangs along the hair growth.

Or a French braid back.

You can also simply pull your bangs back and secure them with any hairpin. Either without volume or with volume. You can let out a couple of strands on the sides.

Here is a simple photo reminder on the topic “what should you show off today?” It also presents options such as braiding your bangs into a simple braid and pinning them to the side or back.

It is also possible to divide the bangs into two equal parts. Braid each of them into a thin braid and place it behind your ear.

Or the simplest option is to make a flagellum from the bangs along the forehead and secure it near the temple with an invisible one. This method is good because it picks up even the shortest hair on the shortest bangs.

And finally, Captain Obvious speaks!

I understand that these methods are elementary, but I still advise you to look through them, in case you forget about something?

Make a parting in the center, divide the bangs in half and lay them on the sides.

Tuck your bangs behind your ears and cover with loose strands on top.

Comb your bangs to one side and curl the ends outward.

Pull your bangs back and secure with styling products. It looks like a rather self-confident and daring hairstyle to me.

Or just lift your bangs up.

Video about how else you can pin your bangs.
I hope that I have answered at least a little the questions “how to remove bangs?”, “where to remove them?”. “how to pin up bangs?” and “what should I stab her with?”

Which option do you like best?

Zaitseva Natalia

Bangs are a striking element of a hairstyle that can radically change a woman’s appearance. But even the most stylish bangs can quickly get boring, because every woman has a constant passion for change. Do you really have to spend months growing bangs? Of course not! Knowing how to beautifully remove bangs, you can very quickly begin new fashion experiments.

Pros and cons of bangs


  1. Masking effect. If you have a high forehead, problem skin, or any other imperfections in the area, then bangs will help hide them from the eyes of others.
  2. Corrective effect. Straight, long bangs visually elongate the face, so they are usually used to appear younger and slimmer. It will hide bald patches in the area of ​​the temples and crown. Bangs can focus attention on the sensual look of expressive eyes. By the way, in a search engine you can ask questions “how to grow bangs” and “how to quickly grow bangs” and read many recommendations and photos on this matter.


  1. Extra time for styling. In order for the hairstyle to look beautiful and the strands not sticking out in different directions, it takes time to style it. Remember, the shorter the bangs, the more difficult it is to remove the bangs.
  1. Frequent trips to the hairdresser. If the bangs have grown below the required level, they look careless and disturb the owner. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly adjust its length.

How to style short bangs

As a rule, it is difficult to experiment with short hair; it is better to grow bangs, but it is still possible. Here are some recommendations:

Accessories. Using a variety of accessories, you can create a beautiful look for any occasion: a romantic weekend, a walk with friends or a business meeting. In addition, provide yourself with convenience and comfort.

To style your bangs as you grow them out, you will need a clip, headband, headband, or silk scarf. Match them to the color of your hair or clothes, or neutral colors. Let these be bright accessories, with an ornament or pattern that can attract and focus attention on the bangs.

Let's look at some simple, quick and easy ways to pin up bangs.


The hairpin will be a wonderful decoration for your hair and elegant look. It looks best with bangs combed to one side. First we make a side parting. Apply a little fixative, comb it in the desired direction and secure the hair with a hairpin. All is ready! How to pin? Another one of the simplest and most common ways is to pull your bangs back and secure them with bobby pins or a hairpin.


Separate the bangs, twist them into a braid, interweaving the strands together in a chaotic manner. Then secure it at the base of the forehead or on either side. How to pin? Double strands will add elegance to a simple hairstyle. Several strands will add playfulness and romance to your hair. To do this, divide your bangs into three to five strands, twist them into bundles and secure them with small hairpins or crabs on the top of your head. The rest of the hair can be curled a little.


You can carefully remove bangs from your hair using a headband placed over combed-back hair. How to put on a headband correctly? It is necessary to grab the hair not immediately above the ears, but slightly higher. How to pin up bangs in this case? It is much easier to use headbands with teeth. Sometimes you need to use a fixing agent so that it does not get out of the general mass. Although, even if this happens, it will only add to your charm.


This will work if you pull your bangs back with a hoop or scarf and move them forward a little. You can remove bangs by carefully braiding them into a braid or spikelet.

"Greek braid"

On one side of your head, divide your hair into three parts, grabbing strands and braiding them. This way you will achieve a beautiful romantic look.

"Pigtail on bangs"

It differs from the previous one in that the bangs remain on the forehead, but at the same time they are edged with a pigtail. For this method you need to grow bangs.

"Bangs on the side"

How to pin and style such bangs? You can comb it on the side and fix it with varnish. For an evening walk, romantic curls are suitable, which should be curled on the side using curlers or a curling iron. You can also style it in a wave or crescent. This will correct the oval of the face and hide imperfections. If your hair is unruly, use a curling iron.

"Punk style"

You can put your bangs up by first applying a large amount of wax or gel to the strands. This styling is suitable for those with short hair and bangs; for long hair – regular straight bangs, straightened with an iron.


You can remove bangs in hair pulled tightly into a ponytail. To do this, we comb the strands of the side parts of the head, bangs and secure them on the top of the head. With this method, the face is visually younger.

Simple ways to style bangs

Method No. 1

  1. We apply gel or mousse to the bangs - they will not allow the hairstyle to fall apart.
  2. Comb your bangs back or lift them up.
  3. Secure the tip with bobby pins crosswise. If desired, use a decorative hairpin or crab.
  4. Spray the strands with hairspray or fix with gel.

This method will help both those who want to completely open their forehead, and those who just need to reduce the thickness of their bangs. In the latter case, it is enough to separate the upper section of the bangs and comb it back, securing it with a bobby pin or a hairpin.

Method No. 2

  1. Lubricate the strands with wax or gel.
  2. We divide the bangs along a straight parting.
  3. We fix the bobby pins on both sides of the parting.
  4. We hide the ends of the bangs under the bulk of the hair.

This is a simple option for every day, but it only looks good with loose strands. If you want to wear your hair in a ponytail or any other hairstyle, your secret will be immediately revealed.

Method No. 3

  1. We moisten the bangs with water and apply gel or mousse to it.
  2. Divide the hair into two parts using a side parting.
  3. We attach the tip with an invisible hairpin to the main hair, hiding it under the hair or leaving it on top.

In the first case, you can use a couple of invisible ones. For the second one, a beautiful decorative hairpin with a flower would be more suitable.


A good old headband is the most convenient and reliable way to pin up your bangs when they fall over your face and spoil the overall picture of your hairstyle. And the girl who considers it an option for schoolgirls is wrong. Today, a headband is not just an accessory for fixing unruly hair, but a fashionable element of the image. Designers have introduced options for all occasions: casual and dressy, Greek, decorated with beads, crystals, pearls, feathers. In this case, the bangs can be laid perfectly smooth or with the effect of slight negligence.


Scarves with beautiful patterns or polka dots will not only remove bangs, but also create a piquant retro look. With their help, you can comb the strand back, create a voluminous tuft, or completely disguise it. For a business look, accessories in dark colors without prints are suitable, and for everyday and romantic occasions - bright scarves with rhinestones or beads.


All kinds of bobby pins, crabs, and hair clips will help you pin up your overgrown bangs beautifully. In this case, the strands can be pulled back, having previously been combed, or combed to one side, sprinkled with varnish and secured with a bobby pin. A regular hairpin will become an element of a strict look, while a brighter and more elegant one will complement an evening hairstyle. When combing back, you can additionally experiment with the location of the hairpin: place it near the hairline, or on the top of the head.


An option that looks no less impressive is when the bangs are evenly parted into two parts, securing each section with hairpins. The short variation is simply secured with bobby pins, while the long variation is twisted with flagella, braided or tucked behind the ears. True, this hairstyle will not suit everyone - only those with oval faces.


Overgrown bangs can be temporarily and reliably “liquidated” by braiding hair. To do this, make a side parting, grab a small strand from most of the hair, divide it into three sections and begin to form a French braid, weaving strands into it from the right and left. Secure the braid with a thin elastic band. There are many options for braiding bangs: the braid can be lowered over the forehead, braided along the face, on both sides of the parting, or several thin braids can be made, running from the forehead towards the back of the head.


One of the interesting ways to thoroughly pin up an unruly strand is to form flagella. To do this, divide your bangs into several identical sections (3-6), twist each part in the form of a tourniquet and secure it with a hairpin, elastic band or crab. Hairpins in the shape of tiny flowers will create something like a wreath, creating an elegant look.


The easiest way to get rid of bangs for a while is to gather the top strands into a half-tail, and then secure it with a hairpin, lacy ribbon or elastic band. In this case, those with long hair and long bangs win. The hairstyle brings freshness and slight playfulness to the image.


A classic bouffant will help you not only remove annoying strands from your face and open your forehead, but also give your hair a luxurious volume. The combed strands are sprayed with varnish and pinned up or to the side using a hairpin or bobby pin. At the same time, it is allowed to comb the bangs to the side at any angle, thus masking some errors in appearance (for example, a scar) from prying eyes.


A stylish, creative, wildly original tuft will suit bold, theatrical personalities with very short bangs, clearly expressing their position in life. Tufts, mohawks, punk bouffants and other masterpieces of rock culture are created using strong hold styling products. Treat your hair with gel, foam or wax, comb it towards the back of your head, and then give it the desired shape. Secure with varnish for safety.


This simplest way to pin up bangs will take you no more than a minute. Gather the top strands together with the bangs, twist them into a voluminous rope and secure them at the side with a bobby pin. The resulting twist will become a natural decoration of the hairstyle.


Try to style your overgrown strands beautifully. To do this, divide your hair into a side parting, straighten your bangs with an iron and twist its ends outward, directing the strands to the side. You will get a spectacular evening hairstyle. If you have short bangs, try curling them with the rest of your hair and lowering them onto your forehead. It will look very perky and unusual.

How to style bangs when growing them out

It is much easier to pin up long bangs than short ones:


Apply a fixative to your hair. You need to curl your bangs into small or large curls using curlers or a curling iron. Decorate the finished bangs with a hairpin and spray with hairspray. This style goes well with a cascading haircut; photos of it can be found on the Internet.


Separate the bangs, comb them in the direction from the crown to the forehead using a comb. Then pull your hair back at the roots and pin it with a brooch.

Side bouffant

Repeat the previous option, but not too voluminous and lush. Secure your bangs to the side with bobby pins.


This could be a French braid from the forehead to the back of the head; a regular braid of long bangs pinned to the side and many others.

Ways to pin bangs

Based on the type of bangs and how long they are, you can pin them in different ways:

High half tail, is a good option for women who want to slightly rejuvenate or refresh their face.

You need to take the bangs and the adjacent hair, pull them tightly and fix them on the top of the head using hairpins, forming a half-tail;

Pinning back, using a regular comb, you can style your hair back and secure it with hairpins. In the same way you can put it on its side;

Many small flagella, e If the thickness of the bangs allows, it can be divided into three to five parts. Small flagella are made from each of them and the top is pinned using small crabs.

The remaining hair can be curled a little. This hairstyle will add a little romance and playfulness to your face.

You can pin up long bangs in the following ways:

- If you have long bangs, then you can curl them in the form of large or small curls.

To do this, you can use curlers, wrap your hair in them in the evening and leave them in that position until the morning, or use a curling iron.

First, the hair is covered with mousse, and after that the finished bangs are fixed with varnish and pinned with a hairpin. This styling option is combined with a cascade haircut.

— One of the most common styling methods is backcombing. It resembles pinning bangs back.

First you need to separate the bangs from the rest of the hair using a comb and comb in the direction from the crown to the forehead.

Another option for backcombing is side combing. Try to comb your bangs a little so that they do not gain additional volume, otherwise you may lose their attractive appearance.

After this, pin it to the side and secure with a hair accessory.

When pinning or styling, you need to focus not only on how to pin your bangs, but also on the correct use of suitable jewelry, which must be chosen according to your hair color and clothing.

You can also give preference to accessories made in neutral and bright colors, with printed patterns and ornaments.

In most cases, short bangs are pinned to the side. It is laid in a wave or crescent.

This pinning method will allow you to correct the shape of your face and hide existing imperfections. You can create waves using a curling iron and fix the result with hairspray.

A straight, short bang will look good. After you have washed your hair and dried your hair, use special curling irons to straighten your bangs.

In this case, you need to remember that it is not advisable to dry it using a comb, as it will gain volume and will have an ugly appearance.

Bangs are not only part of the hairstyle, but also part of the future original image. It is located very close to the face and attracts the attention of others.

Experiment, show your imagination in how to pin your bangs, and thus try to emphasize your own uniqueness.

The simplest options for pinning bangs

  1. The easiest option is to take a beautiful hairpin and pin your bangs to one side. To do this, make a side parting and comb your hair, securing it with a hairpin. If desired, the bangs can even be rolled into an original plait. In this case, using fixing foam or varnish will not hurt. Read more:
  2. Using the same hairpin, you can pin your bangs at the top, carefully combing them towards the top of the hairstyle. This option will be ideal for voluminous and voluminous hairstyles.
  3. By combing your bangs up and securing them with strong hold styling, you can create a high ponytail. This option may be acceptable even for short bangs.
  4. Long bangs can be pulled up by discreetly pinning them back with bobby pins. If its length allows, then you can comb it in such a way that the hair creates a slight wave. Or - slightly removing the entire volume of the bangs to one side.
  5. A half-tail is an option that will help you create a unique evening look and at the same time remove your bangs. To create it, you need to comb your bangs up, while also capturing the hair on the sides of your head. The tail is fixed in the area of ​​the crown with a tight elastic band, and the flowing hair will effectively connect with the rest of the hairstyle.
  6. Short bangs, just like long ones, can be removed from the face by creating several separate strands of them. Each of them is fixed with a separate invisible.
  7. The Greek hairstyle will also help remove unwanted bangs. To do this, you will need to make an even parting in the center of the head, and, starting right from the parting, twist the hair into a flagellum. Or - braiding them into a braid or spikelet. Both strands can be secured on the sides with hairpins, or gathered into a braid or ponytail at the back of the head.
  8. The Greek hairstyle can be replaced with a braid that goes around the forehead. That is, the braid will go from the side and go over the forehead. If desired, it can go at any angle.
  9. From bangs you can create a romantic spikelet located above the forehead. This option is much simpler than the previous one.

Video: how to pin bangs
