Labrador stone properties according to the signs of the zodiac. Labradorite jewelry processing on video

Small beautiful trinkets have always been a weakness of man. Products made from natural minerals are especially valued. Why be surprised here, because nature is able to create beauty that amazes the imagination even after careful processing. Labrador is a mineral whose beauty has given rise to many legends. Aesthetes believe that labrador products bring into their lives the living charm of nature, mysticism, that this stone revives faith in oneself and allows one to foresee the future, magicians are sure that people can be influenced through this stone. What is this mysterious mineral, why is it given so much attention?

A bit of history

It is believed that the labrador is a mineral that was known even by cavemen. Fans of legends associate this stone with the ancient civilization of Hyperborea. It was they who brought pieces of Labrador to the cave dwellers after their country was destroyed by a natural cataclysm. The surviving Hyperboreans were able to give up all the blessings, but they could not forget the beauty frozen in this stone.

Officially, the history of the stone dates back to 1770. It was then in North America, in one of the deposits of the stone, which was called "Labrador", was discovered. The mineral, the description of which was made by scientists, was named according to the place of the first extraction (Labrador Peninsula).


Labrador is a representative of the group of minerals calc-sodium feldspars. These are common ones that make up about 50% of the mass of the earth's crust. Decaying, they form clays and sedimentary rocks.

Be sure to indicate that the labradorite (mineral class - silicates) has a complex chemical composition. In total, there are about 800 names of silicate class formations. They make up almost 90% of the minerals in the lithosphere.

The chemical composition of the Labrador is a continuous isomorphic series consisting of sodium-calcium aluminosilicates. The term "isomorphic" applies because elements can substitute for each other in covalent compounds.

Mineral properties

The main properties of the mineral are double cleavage and double refraction. This suggests that the labradorite is a mineral that breaks into plates according to crystallographic planes. And a beam of light falling perpendicularly on the surface of a Labrador splits into two streams.

Another property that the Labrador is especially appreciated for is bright iridescent tints with blue, blue, green, yellowish and reddish hues. This is due to the superposition of light waves on each other in the plates that make up the stone.

The mineral is considered hard, but it crumbles if it is squeezed and splits with a direct blow. Labrador can melt and dissolve in acids.


Labrador is a mineral whose origin is associated with the crystallization of the main magmas. The rock obtained as a result of natural processes is called labradorite, and it consists of labradorite and impurities of pyroxenes and other ores.

Where is it mined

Labrador deposits are being developed in Canada (Newfoundland, Labrador). The mineral was found in Mexico, the USA and Brazil, it is found on the island of Madagascar. There are deposits in the Leningrad region and Yakutia (Russia), Volyn and Zhytomyr regions (Ukraine), as well as in Finland, Australia and India.

Labrador varieties

At various times, the Labrador was called the black moonstone, bull stone, sun stone and lynx eye.

Based on crystallographic and optical indicators, the following varieties are officially distinguished:

  1. Spectrolite, that is, a Labrador that shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow. A similar mineral is most often found in Finland.
  2. Black moonstone. This is a subspecies of the Labrador with a blue and blue tint. There are unique developments of the blue Labrador in Ukraine.
  3. A sun stone, that is, a labradorite, is a mineral that shimmers with gold. The main production is carried out in Oregon (USA).

The main application of the material

Initially, the labrador was actively used as a facing material. The mineral adorned the exterior and interior decoration of rich buildings. But the labrador is not only part of the decoration of ancient buildings, it is also used to decorate more modern architectural monuments. Labrador slabs were used to decorate the Lenin Mausoleum on Red Square in Moscow, and several Moscow metro stations were also decorated with mineral.

Labrador is a mineral, the use of which is possible not only in construction. Small and large crafts were made from it. Boxes and snuff boxes made of Labrador were especially popular. Wealthy citizens could afford to order sculptures. And the stone was also used for jewelry and talismans. If we talk about jewelry, then these were pendants, earrings, brooches and rings. Each product was considered unique, since it was not possible to get exactly the same things. But the talismans should be discussed separately.

The magical properties of the Labrador

In magical circles, the Labrador is considered a special stone. It enhances the natural tendency to clairvoyance and predictions. And also the labrador is a mineral, the properties of which are aimed at increasing the potential of any sorcerer and healer. Even weak abilities are greatly increased by wearing a labradorite amulet. But there is one limitation: you can use the power of the stone only for good purposes. If the magician is going to cause harm, then the Labrador can transfer the intended damage to his master.

It is believed that the stone is able to absorb negative energy. But the main thing is that he transforms it into positive flows. Labrador charms were often placed in inconspicuous niches in the hallway of the house. Thus, the house received protection from evil people and averted troubles.

Labrador can serve as a talisman for people of art, especially for writers, poets and artists. The mineral enhances inspiration and brings glory. In addition, the stone was used to attract patrons, because in the presence of the stone, wealthy patrons always wanted to do more good.

Jewelry and amulets made of Labrador were worn by unmarried girls. They served to protect against temptations and embodied the purity and chastity of their mistresses.

Modern astrologers treat the Labrador very well. They recommend jewelry made from this material for almost all signs. The only caveat is that you should not give your amulets to outsiders. Other people's hands should not touch the talismans from the Labrador.


Doctors are very skeptical about this direction of alternative medicine. However, the number of fans of lithotherapy is quite large. The theory that minerals and stones have a number of therapeutic properties originated somewhere in India.

With regard to the Labrador, lithotherapists are sure that it has a general strengthening effect. In addition to wearing jewelry, you can carry out massages using stones and insist water on this mineral. Such an effect relieves pain in the joints and spine, eliminates inflammation of the genitourinary system, restores erectile function, and so on.

There is an opinion that figurines and crafts made from Labrador can soothe, relieve overexcitation and ward off nightmares. Lithotherapy recommends the Labrador for the treatment of depression and insomnia.

Believe it or not, everyone decides for himself. Lithotherapy has no scientific evidence, but no one really tried to refute the positive effect.

Talismans and jewelry made of Labrador have a special influence on people experiencing pathological dependence. Drug addicts, smokers and gamers are recommended to wear rings made of this stone.

The mineral labrador, the photo of which can be seen above, will not leave indifferent even the biggest skeptic. It excites the imagination and captivates with a variety of tints and shades. This is a very beautiful stone that can be used for various purposes. If you want, wear it as a talisman, if you want - decorate the interior. In any case, surrounding yourself with beautiful things is useful, remember this.

Labradorite was found for the first time at the end of the 18th century on the American continent. This event took place on the Labrador Peninsula, after which the stone got its name. Labradorite stones are an igneous rock from which the mineral labradorite is mined.

In different languages, the name of the stone sounds differently, so the mineral is very often confused with the rock. All the beauty embodied in gems of this type appears only after jewelry processing.

Mysterious Moonstone

Labrador stone is known to mankind over two thousand years. As soon as it was not called: both the black moonstone and the peacock stone. The mineral acquired its real name only in 1770, after it became widely known in Europe.

Even the ancient Greeks knew about its magical properties and revered as sacred. According to legend, Hyperboreans gave the stone to people. The Labrador brought happiness to a good person - he could kill a bad one.

In Kievan Rus, the mineral began to be used in the construction of temples, tombs of rulers. Since then, it has been used for interior decoration, mosaics and other decorative elements. In Soviet times, stone was used to decorate metro stations and mausoleums.

After the discovery of a Labrador near St. Petersburg, the stone brought a new round of fashion to everything related to it. labradorite became present everywhere where possible:

  • jewelry was made from it;
  • royal palaces were decorated with tiles and statues;
  • nobility ordered everything from small to large: snuffboxes and countertops, inkwells and vases;
  • ladies sewed dresses similar in color to the pattern of a Labrador.

It was the construction of the road to Peterhof that helped to discover the stone on the territory of our country. It was the first deposit in Europe. Later, a richer deposit was also found here. It happened in the middle of the XIX century on the territory of Ukraine.

Nowadays, labradorite mined in Yakutia, Buryatia, Krasnoyarsk and Khabarovsk regions. Apparently due to their volcanic origin, the supply of these gems is unlimited. But not everyone can afford a trinket from this mineral.

Labrador Represents variety of feldspar. It contains silicates of calcium and sodium, with an admixture of aluminum. This stone contains all the colors of the rainbow that shimmer in the light. This property is called the effect of iridescence - the "iris of the eye", inherent in some types of minerals. This property of minerals is often used in decoration to create special effects.

All known types of labradorites can be divided into:

  • Spectrolite;
  • Black Moonstone;
  • Sun stone;
  • Bulls-eye;
  • lynx eye;
  • Aventurine Labrador;
  • Tavusit.

Shared Labrador depending on the optical property and crystallography of each individual stone.

  1. Spectrolites were found in Finland before the Second World War, and mining began after it ended. This type of Labrador shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow, hence the name.
  2. Black moonstone is a dark-colored mineral with a blue or blue iris (irisation). Most of these labradorites are found in Madagascar.
  3. A mineral with a golden iridescence is called the Sun Stone.
  4. The bull's eye shimmers with bright red colors, and the stone itself is a brownish-purple color.
  5. The aventurine Labrador has a golden shimmering sheen. The presence of copper or magnetite creates a shimmering effect.
  6. If you compare tavusit with anything, then, probably, it will be reflections and overflows of peacock feathers.
  7. The lynx eye differs from the bull's eye in its characteristic green iridescence.

Not a single photo can convey the beauty of labradorites, but it is still worth looking at the stones at least in the pictures.

The magical properties of the stone

Mystical labradorite stone. He considered a strong amulet. Wearing a mineral as an amulet helps to see prophetic dreams.

The magical properties of the mineral have been attributed for a long time. It takes its power from its owner. And as the ancients said, the positive qualities of a person can improve, and the negative ones will have a bad effect on the owner.

The Labrador that was previously with a positive person takes over from him the best and passes it on to a new owner. Placed under the pillow, acts as a catalyst for prophetic dreams. Next to a stranger helps to see the future. Based on these qualities, we can conclude that the Labrador acts as an amplifier and repeater of the thoughts of one person to the entire surrounding reality.

Sorcerers and magicians of all stripes use the stone in their activities:

  • First of all, the protective properties of the Labrador are valued. The stone creates a barrier that is unable to overcome negative energies in order to break through to the aura of the individual in order to influence it. By creating harmony between the physical and etheric bodies, the Labrador strengthens their defenses and increases spiritual strength.
  • Labradorite has the ability to act soothingly on a person, smoothing out experienced fears and unpleasant memories. It reveals the abilities hidden in each of us: someone becomes a psychic, and someone becomes a great artist.
  • Labrador gives people who have lost faith in themselves the opportunity to restore and maintain it. There is an ability to better comprehend their ideas, analyze knowledge and develop an inner consciousness of what is happening.
  • The mineral gives us strength and resistance to stressful situations. Almost like in Chinese philosophy, there is a need to rethink the past and prepare the soul for further development.

Therapeutic features of the Labrador

In official medicine, there are practically no methods of treatment with minerals. But lithotherapy and folk healing widely use Labrador in the treatment of various diseases. In general, affecting the body, the mineral improves well-being and improves mood. In particular, by affecting human organs, it has a direct effect, curing multiple diseases:

  • wearing a stone helps to cure colds, viral and infectious diseases;
  • eye diseases are treated in the same way and vision improves;
  • with hypertension it must be worn, with hypotension it is best to remove it for a while;
  • influence on the mind, stimulates the brain and cures psychosis;
  • they treat infertility and increase potency;
  • in folk medicine, they try to treat rheumatism, spinal diseases, hernia, joint diseases with the help of a mineral.

Rules for wearing a mineral

The stone loves light very much - this is evidenced by the way it plays in the sun.

Therefore, it cannot be hidden and stored in the dark. The sun gives him the opportunity to gain warmth and positive energy.

To improve the qualities of the stone, it worth recharging from moonlight. The moon is associated with water, so interaction with the human body, which is 80% water, will be much more effective.

The mineral can be worn by both women and men.

Since the mineral is very strong, it can turn both positively and negatively, so you should not wear it every day.

Everyone knows precious stones: rubies, emeralds, diamonds, sapphires. However, many minerals are not inferior to the above in beauty. An example of this is the labrador stone. As we can see in the photo, its pattern, when cut correctly, shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow and is somewhat reminiscent of the pattern on the tail feathers of a peacock.

Features, history and habitats

Its appearance, however, in the natural environment is almost unremarkable: it is an ordinary black or grayish pebble lying among the rest of the rock.

It does not attract much attention, but its main property is iridescence, that is, the ability to shimmer in many shades under the rays of light. However, this phenomenon does not appear on the entire surface, but only in small patches.

That is why the cutting process is not so much about giving the stone a beautiful shape, but about finding these very inclusions of iridescence. According to the type of irisation, the types of Labradors are distinguished:

In general, about ten species are known, each of which in its normal state differs in color and shades of iridescence. However, all these are varieties of one compound, namely calcium aluminosilicate. Just depending on the natural conditions of the environment, their external image also changes.

This stone has a very rich history, which begins in the still mythical Hyperborea. Its inhabitants, so delighted with the beauty of the seemingly unpretentious mineral, considered it a stone with deep magical meaning. He could make a strong-willed person happy, but on the contrary, he could bring failure and even death to a weak person.

In Rus', he was loved since ancient times, decorating princely palaces and altars. And in the future, love for this interesting mineral did not fade away. In the USSR, metro stations were decorated with them. Even some elements of the mausoleum on Red Square are made from it. On the territory of our country, the largest mineral deposits in Europe were found. Therefore, in the eighteenth century it became fashionable to wear jewelry from it.

No matter how ridiculous it may seem, but the stone with the "dog" name received such a name in honor of the same peninsula as the animal itself. Its first large deposit was found in Canada, in Labrador. Before that, of course, it was found in other regions, but rarely and in single quantities.

For several years, the monopoly on it actually belonged to the American continent, however, in 1781, the first large deposit was found in Europe near St. Petersburg.

After some time, even larger deposits were found on the territory of modern Ukraine. However, the most valuable species are still not with us. So, the deposit of the most valuable species, spectrolites, is located on the territory of Finland. Black moonstone veins are mined in Burma and sunstone in Oregon.

Magical and healing properties

Like many precious stones, the Labrador can have a beneficial effect on the human body. Lithotherapists, just studying the healing properties of minerals, consider it very useful for mental disorders. Of course, not as serious as schizophrenia, but Labrador jewelry can relieve stress.

It is not even necessary to carry a stone with you: just looking at a photo with it significantly improves your mood. After protracted illnesses and difficult operations, he helps to return to duty. In addition, figurines made of this stone can often be found at the head of a person suffering from insomnia and nightmares.

Also, the Labrador has the ability to help with diseases of the genitourinary system. It makes it easier to get rid of kidney stones. Women wearing jewelry from this stone get rid of infertility, and men have problems with potency. Many lithotherapists advise to handle this stone more carefully.

It has a very strong energy, so it’s better for bad people and people who don’t like the mineral to stay away from the Labrador at all.

  1. Good signs for him are Virgo, Leo, Aries and Scorpio. It can be said that the Labrador is their lucky stone. It will not only protect them from trouble, but its healing properties will become stronger.
  2. But Capricorns, Aquarius and Cancers should be wary of its influence, it can adversely affect them.

All the rest of the signs can only be advised to use it more carefully so as not to accidentally invite trouble on yourself.

The magical properties of the Labrador have not yet been fully disclosed and not fully understood. However, it is considered a good helper for beginner magicians and sorcerers, helping them develop psychic abilities to the maximum. It helps to see the world better, understand it, increases the power of foresight.

He is a companion of strong, talented people, opens a second wind. Therefore, if you are far from mysticism, but close to art, it will not be superfluous either. The Labrador does not like dilettantes and fools, so it is good if it is worn by mature people over 30 years old.

The stone loves risk, so the inexperienced can easily be swept into a whirlpool of adventures and ruin life. And in this case, he obviously will not help.

Inexperience, as mentioned above, is clearly not a plus for him. It is not recommended to redistribute your jewelry from this stone. Despite his selectivity, he has the property that he is quite strongly attached to the owner, and he is unlikely to treat the new one as well. Most likely, the new owner is waiting for a lot of failures that will occur out of the blue.

Stone figurines can be good guardians of the house from strangers and negative thoughts. They protect from negativity, give comfort and warmth. It is recommended to keep them visible. In addition, it is advisable to purchase pairs of different shades: black and gold or blue.

Many experts believe that the first color is feminine, and the second is masculine. And for harmony it is better to stop at both options. The source of nutrition for the Labrador is traditionally considered to be moonlight. Therefore, it is best to put the stone on the windowsill all night during the full moon to activate its magical properties.

Faking a Labrador is quite difficult, but if you still think that you have been deceived, twist the stone in the light: a real Labrador shimmers in several shades. It is not recommended to wear it around the clock. Better to keep out of the sun. There are no more special storage conditions: it is quite clean on its own, does not absorb moisture or dust, and does not fade over time. In other words, wearing jewelry with him is a pleasure. Yes, and they are not very expensive.

Labradorite is a precious stone that is obtained from the mineral of the same name with the help of special processing. The color of Labrador Retrievers is blue, purple and dark green. The main secret of the stone is a beautiful iridescent glow in bright light (scientists call this effect iridescence).

Labrador stone goes well with almost any outfit, and some people believe that it has healing and magical properties.

According to legend, the Hyperboreans were the first to use this stone. In the era of antiquity and the Middle Ages, the stone was practically unknown (although there were many legends about the mysterious jewels of the East). However, in 1770, large deposits were discovered on the Labrador Peninsula, which is located on the territory of modern Canada, and the gem itself became very popular in Europe.

Also, small deposits were discovered in Russia, after which they began to make jewelry, snuff boxes and so on from stone.

Main varieties

There are such types of Labrador:

Black Lunar

This variety of Labrador Retriever has a characteristic blue or bluish sheen in bright light. The black labrador is widely used in jewelry, and most jewelry is made from stones of this type.


Mined in the USA, and its characteristic feature is a bright yellowish-golden and even white color.


In the light, this stone shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow. This type of stone was discovered in 1940, and the production of jewelry with spectrolite began after the Second World War.

Labradorite or labradorite?

In many European countries, a labrador is called a labradorite. This often leads to confusion, as labradorite is also the name given to an igneous rock that slightly resembles a labradorite in appearance and some physical properties.

Here you need to understand that labradorite differs from labradorite in composition, physical and medicinal properties, therefore it is a mistake to put an equal sign between these minerals.

Physical Properties

The Labrador has the following physical characteristics:

  1. Consists of 50-70% CaAl2Si2O8 and 30-50% NaAlSi3O8. May contain small impurities of iron, manganese and magnesium.
  2. The color of the stone is dark gray, smoky gray and completely black. In the light, the stone has characteristic blue, blue, blue-green and multi-colored overflows (depending on the stone) due to a phenomenon called iridescence. It should be remembered that iridescence appears only after polishing, and an untreated stone looks uninteresting and does not shine.
  3. Opaque,
  4. Does not luminesce.
  5. Soluble in acids.
  6. It crumbles and is easily crushed on impact.
  7. It has a triclinic syngony.
  8. Density - about 2.7 grams per cubic centimeter.
  9. Hardness - 6 - 6.5 units on the Mohs scale.
  10. The average crystal size is about 5-10 centimeters; crystals larger than 50 centimeters are extremely rare.

Place of Birth

The first major stone deposit is the Canadian Labrador Peninsula. Also, it is mined in the USA, Mexico, Finland, India, Madagascar, Ukraine and so on.

Magical and healing properties

The Labrador has the following healing properties:

  1. Helps with infertility, impotence and some other diseases of the genitourinary system.
  2. Relieves pain in the joints and spine.
  3. It relieves headaches and can slightly reduce the temperature during colds (by 0.3 - 0.6 degrees).
  4. Can be used to prevent cancer, diseases of the throat, lungs and mouth.
  5. Helps in the fight against kidney stones by stimulating metabolism.
  6. Normalizes sleep and relieves nervousness. Also, it can be used to treat alcoholism and drug addiction as an additional therapy.

The stone also has magical properties:

  1. The value of this mineral is to protect houses from the penetration of both evil spirits and bandits (for a person who does not break the law, he does not pose a threat). For example, put a small labradorite under the rug in front of the door - and then it will be extremely difficult for thieves to break the door.
  2. Helps to anticipate events that will happen in the near future (2-7 days).
  3. Gives the owner eloquence, sharp intuition and self-confidence.
  4. With the help of this stone, a businessman will be able to make more profitable purchases.
  5. It will allow ordinary people to avoid conflicts.
  6. Also, the Labrador is considered an adornment of young and beautiful girls. It is believed that with the help of the magic of labradorite, you can charm your lover.
  7. It enhances psychic and parapsychological abilities, so people of creative professions love to wear it.

Who suits the zodiac sign?

Can all zodiac signs wear this stone?

Find out who this mineral is suitable for:

  1. Capricorns, Aquarius and Cancers should wear this stone with care. The fact is that the Labrador has a great psychic potential, and these signs of the zodiac can rather weakly control this element. In other words, a stone can do more harm than good to these signs of the zodiac.
  2. Aries, Taurus and Gemini fits the horoscope. Labradorite will give them self-confidence. Also, it will help restore mutual understanding in the family and strengthen the marriage. For businessmen and creative people, the mineral will give self-confidence, which can be useful in their business activities.
  3. Leo, Virgo, Libra can also wear this stone. He will give these signs of the zodiac confidence in the future, good mood and love of life. With it, you can activate mental activity, which will help during your studies.
  4. Scorpio, Sagittarius and Pisces should combine this stone with other jewelry, as wearing a Labrador by these signs of the zodiac has little astrological effect. For these signs of the zodiac, the stone will slightly enhance extrasensory abilities and cure minor illnesses, as well as slightly improve mood.

Application of stone

Due to its unusual color and characteristic brilliance, the stone has found its wide application in everyday life. There are two main applications - this is the use as a precious product and the use as a facing material.


A large number of jewelry is made from the Labrador. It can be earrings, rings, beads, pendants, figurines and so on. Also, various magical pendants and amulets are made from it, with the help of which you can protect yourself from evil spirits and criminals. In the manufacture of jewelry, gold is usually not used - after all, the golden luster is very poorly combined with the characteristic brilliance of the stone itself, and no one will buy such jewelry.

But silver and platinum are used very often - the whitish luster of precious metals resonates well not only with the stone itself, but also with its blue-green characteristic luster.

Other uses

Labrador is also used as a facing material. It is used to make wide thin tiles, which then cover the floors and the surface of the walls. For example, such cladding was very often used when decorating metro walls in Soviet times (then large deposits of this stone were discovered in Ukraine).

However, today labradorite is rarely used as a facing material due to the high price of such tiles.

Care and price

You need to take care of the stone like this:

  1. Polish the stone regularly with a soft, clean cloth or special brush to keep it shiny.
  2. Use only water when processing. It is forbidden to use detergents - after all, they contain acids and alkalis that can harm the stone.
  3. Must be stored in a dry place.
  4. The stone tolerates high and low temperatures well, so there are no special recommendations regarding the temperature regime (although this does not mean at all that the stone can be stored in the cold or heated in an oven).

Labrador is not too expensive. A small pebble will cost only 5-10 dollars. The price of a good jewelry for a woman will be about 50-60 dollars. The average price of a beautiful labrador figurine will be about $100. Also, you need to understand that the markup in most stores is very high, so the Labrador can cost even more.

Here you need to understand the following - today there is no artificial Labrador that would be indistinguishable in all respects from a natural stone. Therefore, buying such a stone is stupid - if some artificial stones reproduce natural stones very accurately, then an artificial labrador is actually a cheap fake.

You can distinguish a real stone from a fake as follows:

  1. A real Labrador shimmers in the light with blue, blue-green and iridescent colors, while a fake does not have such an effect.
  2. Also, you should ask the seller to provide a quality certificate that confirms the origin of the stone. If the jewelry seller refuses, then it makes sense to refuse the purchase.

Labrador in silver

Let's learn some interesting facts about this gemstone:

  1. Lithotherapists believe that the Labrador can somehow accumulate the energy of the moon. Therefore, during the full moon, it must be placed in an open place so that it recharges.
  2. In Kyiv, at the end of the 10th century, the Church of the Tithes was built, which was decorated with small fragments of a labrador. Scientists still do not know where these stones were mined.
  3. Seven centuries ago, it was believed that every wealthy Indian woman should have a Labrador bracelet.
  4. At the end of the 18th century, a small Labrador found in Russia was sold for huge money. The uniqueness of the stone was that in shape it is very reminiscent of the profile of the famous French king Louis XIV.
  5. It is believed that Labrador owners can sometimes dream things.

Over the centuries, few stones and minerals have attracted the attention of people like labradorite. This mysterious natural gem captivates with its unusual coloring and mysterious shimmer.

He is revered not only for the beauty of his appearance, but also for the powerful healing properties and magical energy that everyone who has looked at the mystical crystal at least once feels.

Origin of the stone

In addition, the gem is mined in North America, Africa, China, Australia and the Scandinavian countries. Despite the large reserves of the mineral, its cost is quite high. Often, labradorite is mined in whole pieces, which are used to create sculptures and architectural structures.

Gem varieties

Labradorite contains inclusions of calcium, aluminum, sodium and silicate, and the mineral itself belongs to feldspars. In addition, it contains quartz, pyroxene and plagioclase. Its unique feature is iridescence - the ability to shimmer in the light with a whole range of shades. Few natural stones have this property.

There are various classifications of labradorite colors, however, they are all based on differences in the glow and play of the stone. There are several types of minerals, depending on the crystallography of each of them.

  1. Spectrolite. A deposit of this type of mineral was discovered in Finland by the end of the 1930s. Mining of the mineral began after the end of World War II. Spectrolite is distinguished by the fact that it reflects the entire spectrum of colors, from which it got its name.
  2. Black moon labradorite. Produced in Madagascar. It is a black stone that shimmers with shades of blue and azure blue.
  3. Sun stone. Bright yellow crystal with a golden sheen.
  4. Bulls-eye. It has significant differences from other types of labradorite. Its base is brown with a dark purple hue that gleams red in the light.
  5. Tavusit. The color is similar to the coloring of peacock feathers.
  6. Lynx eye. A green mineral with a bright sheen.
  7. Aventurine labradorite. It is distinguished by a special golden sheen and shimmer, which is due to magnetite in the composition of the mineral.
  8. Belomorit. An extremely rare royal blue mineral.

In addition to the main varieties, there are labradorites of gray, blue, purple, gold, pearl color and even transparent crystals.

Use in medicine

The mineral is very popular among traditional healers, healers and alternative medicine specialists. With the help of the healing properties of the labradorite stone, they get rid of many diseases of the physical and mental plane. The scope of the gem in medicine is extensive. It helps heal:

In addition, the mineral is also recommended for healthy people to strengthen immunity, fight negative thoughts and improve the general condition of the body. And also the stone is able to stimulate brain activity, which will help before an exam or an important meeting, and with prolonged wear, labradorite can significantly improve memory.

The stone is used in rehabilitation therapy after surgical operations, to get rid of alcoholism and drug addiction, to normalize metabolism.

magical properties

Sorcerers and shamans for many centuries have used the mysterious mineral for rituals and sacraments. In addition, it is used as a protective and protective talisman, helping its owner to protect himself from the forces of evil and gain the ability to see prophetic dreams.

The peculiarity of labradorite is that it takes the energy to perform its magic from the wearer. Therefore, if a person has malicious intentions, then the mineral will strengthen them and reflect back. In this regard, the gem is not used in dark magic.

The mystical properties of labradorite are quite diverse:

  1. The gem can create an energy cocoon that protects the owner from evil forces and the evil eye.
  2. The crystal enhances the spirituality of a person, harmonizes his inner and outer side, unites them into a single whole.
  3. The mineral has a calming effect, relieves fears, obsessive bad thoughts and memories, helps to resolve intrapersonal conflicts.
  4. The stone will help the owner find his work in life and discover the talents of the individual.

Labradorite returns faith, gives strength to rethink your life and find the right path. In addition, it helps to overcome stress and resolve difficult situations in life.

Zodiac signs

Labradorite suits almost all signs of the zodiac. The mineral is especially favorable to representatives of the water and air elements. But it can also be worn by the signs of Earth and Fire, with the exception of a few of them:

Who should wear a crystal

Labradorite is a stone with positive energy and is suitable for almost every person, with the exception of evil people with unkind thoughts. Experts in the field of esotericism recommend taking a closer look at labradorite:

  • people with undisclosed ambitions;
  • not accepting a different outlook on life;
  • open to new achievements;
  • those who are looking for themselves and their calling;
  • courageous and confident natures.

It is worth wearing mineral jewelry for creative individuals: poets, musicians, painters. It gives inspiration and elation, opens the way for talent and helps the owner to succeed in his field.

When wearing labradorite, it is worth remembering that it must be used with caution. Do not use it for people who received the mineral as a gift. They choose a crystal on their own, because it reads and absorbs a person's energy trace. For the same reason, it is better not to keep the stone in front of everyone, then it will give all its strength to the service of the owner.

Application of labradorite

Basically, labradorite is used in jewelry, as well as in the manufacture of handicrafts, souvenirs and sculptures. After processing, the mineral takes the form of a cabochon, which is later encrusted with rings, earrings and pendants. Crystal looks best in combination with silver.

When choosing jewelry, you should pay attention to the quality of the iridescence of the mineral. The crystal is often confused with other gems that tend to shimmer in the light, such as oligoclase, plagioclase and orthoclase.

In addition, the stone is left in the form of plates for further work. Figures are cut out of it and used to decorate architectural structures.

To decorate an apartment, it is best to choose tavusite, a sun stone and a lynx eye. Labradorites of these species have a positive effect on family relationships, smooth out conflicts, help to reconcile after a quarrel and achieve understanding.

To harmonize the homely atmosphere, choose two labradorite crafts in a light tone and a brown or green tint. They will symbolize the feminine and masculine.

You need to place jewelry in an inconspicuous corner of the house, away from prying eyes. Once a month, it is advisable to expose them to sunlight and moonlight to fill them with new energy.

Care and storage

A characteristic feature of labradorite is its love in the light. Therefore, do not hide jewelry and stone crafts in dark places. On the contrary, the sun's and moon's rays have a beneficial effect on the mineral and its energy background. So it is simultaneously cleansed of the accumulated negativity and saturated with good vibrations.

In order for the crystal to serve its owner as long as possible, e must be protected from falling and impacts, because the fragile structure of the stone will not withstand such loads. It is worth removing jewelry during water and cosmetic procedures.

To remove dirt and dust, it is enough to wipe the gem with a cloth dipped in soapy water, and then wipe it dry with a soft cloth.

Labradorite is one of the most unusual and beautiful minerals in the world. He found recognition both among researchers and among lithotherapists and magicians. The gem can help every person with a good heart and good intentions as well change life for the better.
