Methods of early child development. Methods of early child development: review of existing systems

Relatively recently, a new term was born - “intensive parenting”. In essence, this is such an improved “motherhood 2.0”, where women build their new status mothers into their lifestyle and even into their profession. They try to be more competent in all matters related to children - from health to education.

For such perfectionist parents, methods early development the child is the main platform for vigorous activity.

However, the issue of the intensity and effectiveness of early development causes a lot of controversy among experts in the field of psychology and education. Some experts are sure that the sooner you start working with your child to develop certain skills, the faster he will gain important skills. full life abilities and skills. Numerous early learning and child development systems are built on this principle. Other experts argue that early development is nothing more than a tool for satisfying “parental perfectionism” and pumping out money, one of the facets of the childhood industry.
Maria Montessori Method

The basis of Maria Montessori's teaching methodology is to help the child demonstrate self-learning skills in an environment specially created for these purposes.

The method is based on an individual approach to development from the first days of life in order to reveal all the unique potential inherent in each child.

The system consists of three parts: child, environment, teacher. At its center is a child. Around him is created special environment, in which he lives and studies independently.

The child is surrounded by various objects that help him experiment independently and learn freely the world. Adults act as wise assistants whose task is to guide and create the necessary conditions.

The postulate of the Montessori system is observation of the child and non-interference in his affairs unless the child himself asks for it.

There are special Montessori classes.

This class is a room divided into thematic zones:

  • zone of real (practical) life;
  • zone of sensory development;
  • mathematics zone;
  • language zone;
  • space zone.
Each zone is filled with a variety of teaching materials appropriate to the child’s age: cards, musical instruments, dishes for sorting, etc.

Child age:

The classical Montessori system involves classes with children over 2.5-3 years old. However, it is believed that the classes will be interesting to a child starting from 1 year.

In Montessori centers, it is customary to divide children by age into 2 groups from 1 year to 6 years and from 7 to 12 years. This division of children by age is also a feature of the Montessori method and has the following advantages:

  • older children learn to care and help younger ones;
  • younger children get the opportunity to learn from older children, because children speak the same language and therefore understand each other better.

  • good development through constant training of skills using stimulating materials;
  • a large selection of didactic materials that allow children to learn freely and try themselves in various fields;
  • development of self-service skills;
  • development of self-discipline skills.

  • most educational games require the mandatory participation of an adult (at least as an observer);
  • not all Montessori centers in our country are official and actually work according to this system;
  • The system was originally created for social adaptation, developmentally delayed children and should not necessarily benefit the majority of ordinary children;
  • the need for the child to be in special centers that practice pedagogy (talking about the truly working Montessori system, and not about individual elements);
  • the system is focused on the development of logic to the detriment of the development of creative abilities and speech;
  • lack of information about life situations, the confrontation between good and evil, which is usually contained in fairy tales;
  • lack of basic play activity child (for example, role-playing games);
  • the author of the method was not involved in education own child. Her views were formed from observing children in orphanages, so the rules she formulated are not always consistent with family life. An example is the first commandment: “Never touch a child until he himself turns to you, in some form.”

Waldorf technique

This education system aims to develop the abilities of each child and his self-confidence.

This method does not accept early intellectual training in any form - it is forbidden to burden a child with tasks before the age of 7. Thus, children are taught to read only from the 3rd grade, and before school children play only with toys made from natural materials. The beginning of the active development of intelligence occurs at the moment when its emotional world is formed.

Much attention is paid to the comfort of learning. There is no competitive moment, no marks, small study groups no more than 20 people, so that everyone can be given attention.

The main emphasis in education is on artistic activity children, the development of their imagination.

This educational system prohibits the use of televisions and computers, as children quickly develop addiction, which has a detrimental effect on the spiritual and physical development child.

Child age:

Training is divided into three stages according to the age of the children:

  • a child under 7 years old gains new knowledge and skills through imitation;
  • from 7 to 14 years old feelings and emotions are connected;
  • From the age of 14, children “turn on” logic.

  • development of independence;
  • emphasis on developing creative abilities;

  • lack of preparation for school;
  • inability to adapt to the realities of modern times.

Glen Doman's technique (Doman cards)

Glen Doman argued that development is effective only during the period of brain growth, that is, up to seven years.

The early learning program consists of four main areas: physical development, numeracy, reading and encyclopedic knowledge. Doman believed that children could easily memorize and systematize bare facts.

Didactic material in the Doman method, cards are used standard size. They write words, dots, mathematical examples, images of plants, animals, planets, architectural structures, etc. are glued. The cards are divided into thematic series. They are then shown to the child throughout the day. Over time, the program becomes more complex, and some information is reported about each object. new fact(where the animal lives, in what geological era it was formed rock and so on.).

The technique is designed to form high intelligence The child has.

Child age:

Doman has developed a program of classes for children from birth to 6 years old.


  • intellectual development of the child due to the assimilation of a large amount of information;
  • opportunity to study at home with mom.

  • the methodology does not provide for development fine motor skills, sensory, as well as such concepts as shape, size, size;
  • Doman cards do not teach you to think logically, analyze phenomena, or draw conclusions, which means that the child does not develop creative and research abilities;
  • Doman's cards do not provide for introducing the child to the facts that he comes into contact with in life, which are found in fairy tales, poems, songs, and games.

Nikolai Zaitsev's technique (Zaitsev's cubes)

Nikolay Zaitsev has developed a set of manuals for teaching children reading, mathematics, writing and English for home and preschool education.

The technique is based on the baby’s natural need for play, which has a positive effect on his health and brings only joy to the child.

The material is presented systematically, but in a playful way, thanks to which the child is involved in learning with pleasure. And it doesn’t matter - in a group or independently.

A relaxed classroom environment is an indispensable condition for Nikolai Zaitsev’s early development methodology.

This means that instead of the usual sitting at their desks, children can jump, make noise, move from tables to cubes, from cubes to a board, clap their hands and stomp their feet. All this is even encouraged. Because it is done with enthusiasm and passion. But this does not mean that the game is just entertainment, relaxation or exercise. Nikolay Zaitsev claims that the basis educational game constitute search and selection.

Child age:
from the first year of life to 7 years.


  • quick learning to read in a playful way;
  • development of intuitive literacy for life.

  • speech therapists and defectologists say that children who have learned to read “according to Zaitsev” often “swallow” endings and cannot figure out the composition of a word (after all, they are used to dividing it exclusively into clauses and nothing else);
  • children have to be retrained already in the first grade, when they begin to undergo phonemic analysis of a word, and the teacher asks to lay out the word on cards: a vowel sound - a red card, a voiced consonant - blue, a voiceless consonant - green; in Zaitsev’s method, sounds are indicated in completely different colors.

Methodology Cecile Lupan

The author took the Doman system as a basis, reworking and simplifying it. Cecile Lupan recommends talking to the baby from the very first minutes of life, without worrying that the baby does not understand something.

She is sure that knowledge precedes understanding. And the sooner the child finds out, the sooner he will understand.

This is how the baby gets used to native speech, and previously meaningless sounds are filled specific meaning. When children begin to speak, they need to be taught to read. Each familiar word it is necessary to write in large letters on the cards and place them near the objects that they represent. For example, “chair” is next to the chair, and “sofa” is next to the sofa.

This also applies to the account. First, the baby is introduced to the first ten, counting together with him any suitable objects. He will quickly remember the serial count and very soon discover the essence of this process.

A special place in the methodology is occupied by early physical education child.

Child age:
from 3 months to 7 years.


  • the opportunity to study at home with mom;
  • active stimulation of the child’s senses;
  • comprehensive development of intelligence;
  • attention is paid to the child’s emotions;
  • the child communicates very closely with the parent during classes;
  • The technique is based on the child’s interest in learning about the world around him.

  • is not suitable for all parents, due to the fact that it requires a lot of time and patience to work with the child;
  • early diving, which is also emphasized in the methodology great attention, raises doubts among some mothers.

Nikitin's technique

The Nikitins' spouses are still in Soviet time showed how, from the birth of a child, to help him become independent personality. As soon as the baby learned to crawl, he research activities You can’t limit anything or anyone.

The Nikitin system is based, first of all, on labor, naturalness, closeness to nature and creativity. Children are masters of themselves, their actions and routines. Parents do not force them to do anything, they only help them understand the complexities of life and philosophical problems. The technique contains methods of hardening and physical development.

In classes, children are provided absolute freedom creativity - no special training, exercises, lessons. Children exercise as much as they want, combining sports with other activities.

At home, an appropriate environment is also created: sports equipment is everywhere, included in the natural habitat along with furniture and other household items.

According to the authors of the methodology, parents should avoid two extremes in raising a child - “overorganization” and abandonment. Parents should be not indifferent to what and how their children are doing, to participate in children’s games, competitions, and in general – in the very lives of their children. But do not take on the role of a “supervisor.”

Parents need to create advanced conditions for development. For example, as soon as the child began to speak, the alphabet and abacus appeared in the toys.

The methodology is based on the principle of NUVERS - irreversible extinction of opportunities effective development abilities. Means that exists certain time and conditions for the development of specific abilities, if they are not developed in time, they will be lost.

Child age:
all periods of early childhood (from childbirth) to school years.


  • development of independence in the child;
  • high intellectual development of the child;
  • formation of a creative approach to problem solving;
  • mental and physical development of the child.

  • lack of perseverance in the child due to the fact that all classes are conducted solely according to his interest;
  • lifestyle is difficult to maintain in urban conditions;
  • extreme hardening methods.

Tyulenev's technique

Tyulenev’s method does not ignore any of the areas of child development. Thanks to it, a child can be taught reading, music, mathematics, drawing, and develop sports and research talents.

Tyulenev believed that from the first weeks of a baby’s life it is important to provide him with as many sensory stimuli as possible, thereby forcing his brain to work.

In the first two months of a child’s life, you should show him lines, triangles, squares and others drawn on a piece of paper. geometric figures.

Development should begin by examining one figure, gradually increasing their number. Over the next two months, the child’s field of vision should include pictures of animals, plants, letters of the alphabet, and mathematical symbols.

WITH four months you need to start playing “Toyball” - a child throwing cubes and other bright objects from the bed.

From five months you can place musical instruments next to your child. By touching them, the child randomly produces sounds that will help develop his musical abilities.

From the age of six months, start learning letters by looking at the magnetic alphabet with your child. At eight months, start playing with your child the game “Bring the letter”, and from ten months – the game “Show the letter”, then - “Name the letter/syllable/word”.

From the age of one and a half years, begin to teach the child to type on a typewriter, play chess, and at 2.5 years, introduce him to the periodic table.

Child age:
from the first weeks of life to 6 years.


  • classes do not require much time from the parent;
  • The classes are suitable for any child.

  • it is difficult to obtain didactic material;
  • unconfirmed effectiveness of classes.

TRIZ method

This is one of the new ones pedagogical technologies, used in institutions additional education children.

TRIZ is a solution theory inventive problems. It was developed by the Baku scientist and science fiction writer Heinrich Saulovich Altshuller.

The main idea of ​​the theory is that technical solutions do not arise and develop spontaneously, but according to certain laws that can be known and used to consciously solve inventive problems without many empty trials.

It turned out that TRIZ can be used in working with children and gives amazing results in terms of developing the imagination, fantasy, and creativity of children.

Childhood is a period of vigorous imagination and an important period for the development of this valuable quality, and imagination is one of the most important qualities creative personality.

The main goal of the method is to develop in children creative thinking, that is, the education of a creative personality prepared for stable solving of non-standard problems in various fields of activity.

Pedagogical credo“TRIZ members” - every child is initially talented and even brilliant, but he must be taught to navigate the modern world in order to achieve maximum effect with a minimum of costs.

Training is carried out through classes, games, fairy tales, and various tests.

Development classes creative imagination– this is improvisation, a game, a hoax. Here they teach you to come up with your own fairy tales, and not just one, but as many as there are people in the group and even more. Children recognize and learn to compare physical and natural phenomena, but in such a form when they do not notice that they are learning, but make discoveries for themselves every minute. Trizov classes on visual arts include the use of different non-standard materials. The principle of conducting classes is from simple to complex.

To stimulate children's creative activity and eliminate negative impact psychological inertia are used various methods and techniques, for example: brainstorming (enumeration of resources and selection perfect solution), synectics (method of analogies), morphological analysis (identification of all possible facts for solving a problem) and others.

Child age:
preschool (from 3 to 7 years).


  • development of creative imagination;
  • acquired skill of thinking systematically, with a deep understanding of ongoing processes;
  • development of skills of analysis, comparison, comparison.

  • big role the teacher and his competence play a role in the child’s mastery of this technique;
  • the presence of terminology that is difficult for a child’s mind.

The upbringing of a person begins from his very birth, as the most widespread scientific theory says. There are hypotheses that recognize that we are already born with a certain set of knowledge and emotional orientations. This is experience accumulated either in past lives or during the process of intrauterine development.

One way or another, every mother wants her baby to be comprehensively gifted, to know and be able to do a lot, to study well, to grow into a personality not only adapted to life, but also familiar with creativity and sports. For this reason, especially now, parents often begin to develop their child’s abilities long before he reaches kindergarten and school age. English and math lessons for infants, listening to musical works by Mozart and Vivaldi, excursions to art museums - what you can’t find in parental practice now.

Parents most of all want their child to grow up smart and talented, so they begin to develop him from an early age

Let's try to understand the essence of early child development. Is it really that useful? What are the methods of active early child development? What programs are the most popular? What is better - to work with the baby yourself or to entrust development lessons to professionals?

Development and its types

“Active upbringing of a child aged 0 to 2-3” - this is the definition Anna Rappoport gives to the term we are interested in. Despite the apparent harmlessness and benefit of this phenomenon, in society it often causes negative emotions and ridicule. The thing is that there are many interpretations and forms of its implementation.

Raising children from 1 to 3 is perceived as an antagonist to traditional education, which begins according to the canons of European culture from the age of 6-7 years. Early child development sometimes means not only lessons with infants, but also work with children of primary and middle preschool age, that is, with children 3-4 and 4-5 years old.

Traditional developmental psychology has constructed a division of early childhood development into three types according to its adequacy age category. This:

  • Premature. The baby cannot perceive due to physiological, mental and psychological reasons the information they want to stuff him with, or the skills they want to instill in him. It is clear that teaching a baby to sit is impossible.
  • Later. A situation when they want to instill in a person knowledge and skills that should already be in his arsenal due to physiological, mental and psychological readiness. For example, teaching a child to read after 8 is too late. He, of course, will learn, but the process will be less productive and rational. Another situation is that a child at 10 is definitely too late to learn ballet.
  • Timely. Correspondence of the child’s age and development parameters to the skills and knowledge that they are trying to instill in him.

For successful learning you need to clearly understand at what age the child is ready to perceive certain information

To the objective majority, the timely variety seems most adequate. It is age appropriate and individual characteristics person. However, both the first and second options also have a right to exist. The main thing is to set a goal and not act contrary to the child’s wishes, common sense and physical condition.

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Raising children from birth means creating conditions that encourage them to get acquainted with works of musical art and painting, read books to the baby, and play audio fairy tales. It is also the creation of corners filled with objects that develop the child’s senses and his motor activity. Active communication with the baby from not only the mother, but also other relatives plays a big role. Conversations with your child are not about how good his mobile phone sounds on the crib and what delicious puree he will now eat, but about the fact that it will start to rain and, in general, where this water comes from the sky. Another example is when playing with a child, use sorters and wooden educational toys, complete tasks with him and explain why you need to do it this way and not otherwise: “a circle is round, it cannot be inserted into a slot with straight lines and angles; a wooden bead will not pass through this labyrinth, because here the path is blocked by another bead,” etc.

So, raising your baby is not only preparation for school or kindergarten, but also the creation of an information environment in which the baby will develop harmoniously and actively, train his memory, attention and imagination, logical thinking, and the ability to analyze and synthesize information. This should not be a focus on raising a child prodigy, but a focus on development harmonious personality. This article will help you understand the parenting methods that are most often used by parents independently or in child development groups. Let's analyze their advantages and disadvantages, consider the features of their implementation and what each technique is aimed at.

Parents should pay attention not only to physiological needs child, but also interact with him intellectually, stimulate interest and curiosity

Glenn Doman Method

Glenna Doman is one of the most famous doctors of the late 20th century, an American physiotherapist who developed a whole theory on raising children. Initially, his technique concerned only children with disorders of the central nervous system, then it was adapted to healthy kids. According to Doman, until the age of 6, a person is engaged only in cognition, so it is impossible to force him to truly learn anything. Real learning comes only from school, in which Doman is in tune with the classical European traditions education.

The scientist suggests showing cards with different words written on them from 1-4 months of age. This will help the baby learn to read and write in the future as quickly as possible, because the letters will already be imprinted in his memory. For example, show your baby a card with the word “orange”, and the card is large, the letters are quite large. At the same time, pronounce this word clearly and moderately loudly. Repeat this procedure with each word for many days. Gradually, the baby will begin to associate the sound and spelling of the word, and, according to Doman, will remember the spelling and pronunciation. You can also show a real orange with the card. Such visual elaboration of concepts will help the child quickly adapt to the environment. Don't expect him to read War and Peace at age 3. As practice shows, subsequently such children really begin to read and write faster and adapt more actively to external conditions.

What is the disadvantage of the technique? In its very essence. Few children, especially after one year of age, agree to sit quietly for as long as at least one course of classes requires. Restless, thoughtless children prefer to run, play, and watch cartoons. Three or four cards - and the baby’s attention switches. The Doman technique is often used with the help of professionals, or with calm, slow babies when the child reaches one year of age.

Doman cards are most suitable for calm kids over one year of age or as an auxiliary technique for babies

Monessori technique

Maria Montessori, a teacher, philosopher and active political figure at the beginning of the last century, turned out to be more far-sighted than Doman. She took into account that children often prefer more active forms pastime than looking at cards. Montessori suggests setting up several work areas in the room and giving the child freedom of action. He chooses what he wants to do at one time or another. The task of the teacher or parent is to interest the baby, guide his actions and explain how best to use objects. All objects in Montessori rooms must be proportionate to the baby. Small furniture, books and toys that the baby can get from the shelves himself, toy dishes. It happens that even porcelain sets are used, which teach children to be neat and concentrate.

The Montessori method is based on the belief that each age has its own learning characteristics. So, kids learn about order and discipline by the age of 2.5 years. At 2.5-5 years old they learn to communicate. Sensory skills and speech are best developed before the age of 5-6 years.

The main advantage of the concept is that it teaches the child not only words, actions and introduces him to the world around him, but also adapts him to society. The Montessori method teaches communication, so most often children are sent to groups from 3 to 6 years old.

Waldorf system

The Waldorf concept is aimed primarily at the physical education of the child and instilling creativity. In first place are active games, dancing, music lessons and creativity. Reading, mathematics, improving speech and attention fade into the background. The main rule is that the development of qualities and skills should proceed without advance; the term “premature” does not quite fit it; rather, it is harmonious. Aimed at the harmony of the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual components in the baby’s personality.

The Waldorf concept is special; it is not even included as elements in the curriculum in regular schools and kindergartens. Typically, Waldorf schools and kindergartens exist on their own, separately. Children do not use toys made from artificial materials. Only wood, clay, and stone are recognized. Children are encouraged to sit in front of the TV and computer to a minimum, take more walks and read books (we recommend reading:). From the first grade in these schools they study foreign languages, actively draw, and engage in sculpture. The Waldorf concept is aimed at nurturing culture in a person.

The Waldorf method is aimed primarily at the formation of creativity in the child, the development of his aesthetic perception

Zaitsev system

The only domestic concept of raising children that has gained popularity throughout the post-Soviet space. An innovative teacher from St. Petersburg wrote a manual, “Zaitsev’s Cubes,” in which he outlined his method of teaching children to read and write. It is aimed primarily at children 3-4 years old.

Zaitsev developed a whole complex of cards, cubes, tables and funny short songs - the so-called “Zaitsev’s songs”. All this is aimed at mastering literacy in a playful way. During the learning process, children can move from table to table, play with cubes, sing and dance. On the cubes, Zaitsev placed “warehouses” - syllables that the teacher offers the kids to pronounce and visually recognize, instead of teaching them the alphabet. The cubes, depending on the softness or hardness of the syllable, vary in color. Using cubes, you can build words and small phrases after the children have already mastered the syllables well.

In addition to grammar, Zaitsev also provided for teaching arithmetic. “Hundred Counting” - cards with a picture of a number tape. Zaitsev’s concept is successful in that it allows, as a game, to instill in a child initial knowledge of literacy and mathematics. Little ones are usually happy to participate in the method, which is why Zaitsev’s method is quite popular. It allows us to level out the imperfections of the modern domestic concept of school and preschool education.

Other techniques

In addition to the above, there are many methods of education that allow the child to subsequently integrate more smoothly into the educational system and become a harmonious and well-rounded personality. The following proprietary methods are popular:

  • theory of Cecile Lupan (child’s creation of cards and books about himself, focus on emotions and strong spiritual connection with parents, adaptation in society, music);
  • Zheleznov’s concept (active communication between baby and mother, music lessons, massage);
  • Nikitin games (intellectual games);
  • sports and gaming concept by Danilina;
  • Voskobovich games (improving memory, attention, imagination).

Each of these techniques is interesting in its own way. In their creation, the authors were based on their own pedagogical experience, the heritage of teachers and doctors of past years. Often in practice the elements are used different techniques- for example, they often work with children using Nikitin and Voskobovich’s games together.

Cecile Lupan's technique is designed to form a strong bond between parents and child

Advantages of systems: opinions of supporters

Each parent decides for himself how to raise his child - this is what it seems at first glance. Society's opinions and stereotypes influence any person to one degree or another. With regard to early education, this rule applies especially strongly. Usually parents are divided into its ardent supporters and opponents. It's all about a misunderstanding of the situation and excessive fanaticism. There is nothing wrong with developing your children. The main thing is not to go too far.

Arguments given in defense:

  1. Children who study according to such concepts are usually more developed than others. They begin to read, write and count earlier. They know how to sculpt from plasticine and sing, dance well and know the minimum basics of foreign languages, depending on what system the child uses.
  2. Early childhood development groups accustom the baby to activities from the first months of life and discipline him.

However, every baby has his own internal age standards- both physical and mental. You will not make a child prodigy if he is not internally ready to become one. Educational methods make it possible to identify inner potential and reveal it. The second statement is true if you don’t go too far and don’t interrupt your classes. Children get used to it very quickly and forget. A standard kindergarten teaches a child discipline and routine much faster and more effectively.

Every parent wants their child to grow up smart, talented and quick-witted.

Relatives often wonder how to make the process of learning about the world around them more exciting for their baby.

A variety of methods for the development of preschool children come to the rescue. To choose suitable education and upbringing systems for your child, you need to find out their features, as well as find out their advantages and disadvantages.

The most popular development methods for preschool children

To implement any of the systems, serious preparation is required. It is necessary not only to have knowledge, but also to provide an appropriate developmental environment: objects and gaming material.

Maria Montessori Method

The author is the 19th century Italian teacher Maria Montessori. According to this system, a child cannot be forced to study, he must be interested.

The baby is immersed in a situation of natural development and learning.

He is given complete freedom of choice. The child himself determines what, how and for how long to do it.

The environment should include everything that is necessary for full development: toys, objects, music, communication.

The technique provides for a whole system of exercises, as well as the availability of a variety of materials:

  • planks;
  • figures;
  • frames;
  • inserts and other aids.

The adult acts only as an intermediary between the child and the subject of the study. What the child is able to do on his own, he does without the participation of a teacher or parent. This develops independence and self-confidence.

Unfortunately, the methodology does not include fairy tales and role-playing games, so loved by children. The system is quite difficult to apply to a hyperactive child.

Nikitin's technique

This is a system of educational games created by Russian teachers Elena and Boris Nikitin. Being parents of seven children, the authors tested the method in their family. The games are based on puzzles aimed at developing logical thinking. Each game represents a specific set of problems that the child needs to solve.

Many kindergartens and centers use such benefits as:

  • “Fold a square”;
  • “Fold the pattern”;
  • "Unicube";
  • "Dots";
  • "Seguin Box";
  • Montessori blocks, frames and inserts.

Nikitin's technique - fold a square

It is important that games can be adapted to anyone entry level child.

The fundamental purpose of the methods is not to prepare the child for kindergarten or school; they are based on the goal of comprehensive harmonious development(thinking, analysis, attentiveness, logic).

Voskobovich's technique

Vyacheslav Voskobovich developed a technique that he called “Fairytale labyrinths of the game.” The main principles of this approach are: interest, knowledge, creativity. The author has created more than 50 games, which are multifunctional aids. Each of them can be used for children of different ages- from two to seven years.

Suggested for games a large number of tasks ranging from manipulation to complex exercises. The technique develops creativity and imagination. The children show great interest during the lessons and play with pleasure.

Voskobovich's game "Miracle Crosses-2"

Thanks to Voskobovich's system, the process of learning to read and count is easy and fun. Comes with many games Toolkit, which presents illustrations and a ready-made fairy tale plot.

Games are universal - they contribute to comprehensive development, allowing you to solve problems such as:

  • arouse curiosity and a desire to learn new things;
  • cultivate a desire to observe and study the world around us;
  • form ideas about the surrounding reality;
  • develop imagination and originality of thinking;
  • train mathematical concepts and skills;
  • improve speech skills;
  • promote emotional and mental development;
  • develop fine motor skills.

Education and development according to the Waldorf system

The technique comes from Germany. The author is Rudolf Steiner. According to this approach, logic exercises, as well as learning to count and read, should be postponed until the child turns seven years old. During preschool childhood it is necessary to form moral qualities and develop your child's creative abilities. Raising a child takes place in harmony with nature. The baby learns to draw, sculpt, feel music, sing and dance.

Zaitsev's technique

Teacher Nikolai Zaitsev has developed a unique aid for teaching reading - a set of cubes that differ in:
  • color;
  • size;
  • weight;
  • the sound of the filler.

According to this system, the unit of language is not a letter, but a syllable.

By playing with cubes, on the edges of which warehouses are depicted, the child quickly masters and learns to form words. This system requires regularity.

Glen Doman Method

American doctor Glen Doman created a reading system. The technique is intended for children from one to three years old. It is during this period that happens active development brain. The adult shows the child a card with a printed word for one to two seconds, while simultaneously pronouncing it. Next to the word there is a corresponding image. The child remembers the entire word.

Doman cards

The technique has mixed reviews. Many parents and teachers note that, thanks to this system, children begin to read at the age of two or three. The technique contributes to the enrichment of vocabulary, as well as the development visual attention and memory. However, there is a tendency: a child, having memorized a word on a card well, finds it difficult to recognize it in another situation.

Doman cards are sold in stores or on the Internet, or you can make them yourself. The words should be printed on the card in red letters of the same height.

It is important not to interfere with the child’s harmonious development, but to help him in this, creating an environment for self-improvement. Excessive persistence and demands can tire him and cause loss of interest.

Methodology Cecile Lupan

Cecile Lupan is a follower of Glen Doman. In the book “Believe in Your Child,” she presented her own approach to the upbringing and development of a child.

Cécile Lupan points out that there is no need for a strict daily training program.

He recommends printing consonants in words in black, vowels in red, and letters that do not represent sounds in green. To make it easier to learn letters and numbers, you need to draw an image next to it. S. Lupan believes that in order to develop a child’s speech, it is necessary to read books to him often. Advises you to explain complex fairy tales and fables to your child.

  • music;
  • painting;
  • swimming;
  • horse riding.

There are many methods for raising and teaching preschoolers. Achieve comprehensive development possible only with a combination different systems. In this case, you need to proceed from the age and interests of the child. It is important to remember that childhood is a wonderful time. You should not overload your child with information or force him to study. Let the child develop in the most comfortable and natural situation for him - in play.

When creating a family, young people take on greater responsibility for each other, and when small man it is necessary to create all the necessary conditions for his life and development. Good food and healthy sleep are very important for the baby, but do not forget that for a successful future, the harmonious early development of the child as an individual is necessary.

Modern parents can independently choose ways to develop their baby, most techniques are described in detail on the virtual web, there are many books, but it is best to rely on your own observations of babies. You can easily determine what the toddler gravitates towards and, based on this, you can make a choice in favor of one or another early development method. Psychologists and pediatricians advise starting the active development of a child at this age; it is at this age that the psyche and tactile perception of the surrounding world are formed.

For a child in infancy, the attention of parents is very important and it is at this time that it is easiest to invest in your baby the necessary knowledge and skills to form a strong and strong-willed character. Scientists have long believed that starting more developed than the child best before visiting kindergarten, however, over the past twenty years this opinion has changed dramatically. Modern kids are more active and perceive well interesting activities and educational programs in a game form.

Based on your child’s abilities, you can independently develop a training course based on the proposed modern programs; only parents can do right choice. Be sure to note that it is best to start training programs from six months, consciousness begins to form under the influence of impressions from the surrounding world, the brain actively grows and absorbs more new information.

How do you know if your child is ready to learn?

All people are different, and in fact, babies do not develop in the same way, some begin to perceive music earlier, others prefer games and learning letters and numbers, but there are basic parameters that will allow parents to determine the level of preparation of their little one. Child psychologists have come to the conclusion that development should begin at the age of six months and by this time the baby should have the following skills:

Children at this age begin to perceive the sounds and speech of others well, so try to tell all your actions, pronounce the names of animals and everything that surrounds the baby. Your baby will make various sounds, which will serve as a signal for you to start active activities.

Analytical skills begin to develop, toddlers respond well to the names of objects and try to take their names.

Most children at this age are already sitting and beginning to actively crawl, which indicates the proper functioning of the musculoskeletal system, but most importantly, you can begin to educate your child using sensory perception and physical activity.

Growing up babies They very carefully monitor the facial expressions and emotions of the people around them, thanks to this the right things happen emotional development, which will allow you to choose development methods based on emotions.

Watch your baby carefully, analyze whether he has necessary skills to start training. Excessive stress will have a detrimental effect on physical and emotional condition your baby, so it is important to select loads in accordance with the development of the baby.

Today there are a lot of gadgets, games and additional ways that allow you to teach a toddler to read and write, but it is best to choose a technique that combines emotional, psychological and physical aspects. Do not forget that the foundations of behavior laid down from an early age will shape the character and personality of your baby in the future. The main task loving parents invest your best, but do not forget about developing an attitude towards negative actions. Any child should clearly understand what is “possible” and “not possible”.

What types of development programs exist?

Modern parents begin to select educational courses for their children almost from birth, without thinking about the level of stress on the child’s psyche. Specialists from various development centers will help you choose the right development method for your baby, but if you don’t have such an opportunity, you can decide on the right program yourself. Below we will present the most popular methods for the development of preschool children.

Techniques based on visual, emotional and tactile perception

A fairly popular method for the early development of children today is the theory of Dr. Maria Montessori, which is based on tactile and visual perception of the surrounding world.

Main advantage of this technique is that the child falls into interesting world, which includes various aspects of life from nature to mathematics and music.

Enough successful teachers consider the way a child develops visual perception, This Dienesh technique who suggested big set items various shapes and colors. These items represent various conditions environment, and the list of tasks will allow parents to find more mutual language with your little ones.

Another way to develop analytical skills in young children is to assemble interesting designers, which allow you to think creatively and calculate your actions. This technique was developed in Russia at the beginning of 1990 by the brilliant engineer Voskobovich, who subsequently proposed a mass various options fabulous designers for children from two years old.

This group also includes educational toys, which were developed by Nikitina’s parents with many children, they offered the children cubes, circles, construction sets and puzzles different colors textures and shapes. Thanks to the proposed training programs, you can quickly form a little one’s understanding of the world around them.


The next group of educational trainings will help develop your child's love of music, reading and mathematics

Older children need to be taught to read, and today there are two interesting programs developed Chaplygina and Zaitsev.

These two programs are based on reading syllables, in each of the sets there are several cubes with letters, as well as a special block that forms syllables. It is much easier for a child to remember letters in the form of cubes because he can associate them with different colors.

Developing musical talents in your little ones is very easy with an interesting family theory Zheleznovykh, this training includes listening to classical and modern music, interesting dance games, as well as funny gestures that form not only hearing, but also visual perception.

According to theory Cuisinaire The easiest way to teach kids counting and the slightest mathematical operations is in early age, he developed a set of multi-colored sticks of various lengths, which the little one associates with numbers. Using these beautiful sticks You can teach your baby to distinguish where there is more and where there is less. It is quite difficult for even an adult child to perceive letters and numbers, but the playful form and attractive colors make this process fun and as comfortable as possible.

The learning theories presented above are usually intended for children aged one year and older, however, there are theories that everything can be taught to a child only up to three years. The propagandists of such a theory can be considered Tyulenev and the Ibuka method, they claim that using special toys and aids you can teach a young child anything. These methods are contradictory, but despite everything they give excellent results, so parents need to become familiar with these training programs. It's important to remember that Small child perceives all information only visually, and it is best in the initial stages of training to observe how the child relates to the information received.

Parents' support for the entire process plays a big role for the baby. You must be patient and take part in all your child's lessons or games. Only together can we achieve the desired results. After studying all the recommendations, consulting with teachers and psychologists, you can make the right choice, but do not forget that the child’s development should be not only intellectual, but also physical. It is necessary to use several programs simultaneously; thanks to this approach, you will be able to direct the abilities of your little one in the right direction and subsequently become a successful adult.

What to choose if your baby is different from other children!

Of course, in correct formation All children need consciousness, but sometimes situations arise when a child is slightly different from his peers and lags behind in development. Despite the availability of unique technologies and various testing for abnormalities in the womb, children are born with various pathologies and deviations in emotional and intellectual development.

Doman's technique

To parents who are faced with similar situation, do not despair, because Glen Doman proposed his own method for developing abilities in children with developmental disabilities. Doman is an outstanding neurophysiologist who has been observing children with mental disabilities for a long time, and has proposed his own training program, which promotes the rapid rehabilitation of children. The basis of the theory is that there are a large number of cards demonstrating different aspects of life.

The presented pictures can depict animals, numbers, composers and poets, various political figures, in a word, everything related to everyday life any person. Cards are shown to babies from six months of age several times a day certain groups, gradually expanding the groups and adding new cards to them.

Using this theory, you can significantly expand your child’s horizons, helping him emotional and intellectual development.

Having obtained excellent results with children with developmental problems, the technique was slightly improved and adapted for teaching children with normal level development.

Thanks to the efforts of Glen and his assistants, a large number of scientists and even Nobel laureates appeared in the world, who early years lagged behind in their development, so it is important for parents of special children to pay attention to the proposed program. Parents need to understand one thing important thing, the future of their child depends on how carefully they pay attention to the development of his talents and skills.

Using modern technologies And various techniques It’s quite easy to teach your little one a love of music and creativity, teach them to read and count, and also take care of their psychological and moral development.

It is important for a child to feel the support of his parents at any age, so try to spend as much time as possible together. You can get the best results only by starting any business together; the main thing is to remember that the future of the child depends on what the parents invest in it.

Almost all parents strive to develop their child literally from the cradle. And they are right, since scientists believe that the peak development of mental and creative abilities occurs at 1.5-3 years. It is at this age that classes with a child are most effective. There are various methods of early child development. Let's look at the pros and cons of the most popular methods.

1. The main principle of Maria Montessori’s system is the confidence that the child himself knows in which direction to move. The problem it solves this technique: create favorable conditions for the child’s self-development. The role of the parent or teacher is to organize the development environment with the help of special materials. The manuals reveal to the child ideas about sensory standards (color, shape, size) and the organization of the surrounding world. The disadvantage of this technique is the lack of role-playing and spontaneous games. This method of early child development is most suitable for diligent, “thoughtful” children who are able to concentrate on a subject for a long time.

2. Zaitsev's cubes help teach reading to children starting from 2 years old. They are also suitable for delayed children mental development, children with neuropsychiatric problems and autism. Learning occurs with the help of cubes, tables and musical recordings, to which the child sings “words” - parts of the word. This improves the quality of speech and expands vocabulary. But there are also opponents to this method of early development. Experts believe that such training prevents a child at school from mastering the analysis of words by composition and phonetic analysis of words.

3. The Nikitin system is a set of sports and developmental tasks, arranged in order of increasing complexity. An adult should not give a way to solve problems. If the child does not cope, the task is postponed until he grows up. The advantage of the system is that it allows you to rationally organize time, helps in the hardening and sports training of children. Cons: lack individual approach and insufficient attention to speech development and role-playing games.

4. The Glenn Doman method was developed by the author for children with lesions of the central nervous system. The underlying principle is stimulation of brain cells using external stimuli. The child is shown cards with a picture and name various items for 1-2 seconds. It is believed that the child subconsciously remembers them and can memorize a large amount of information. The disadvantage of this method of early development is that large amounts of information can be harmful to the child’s psyche.

5. Cecile Lupan’s method connects a child’s learning and development with his developing interest in the world around him. They are trying to give children exactly the knowledge, and at the moment when they want it. The author tested the method on her children, so everything she does is more subtle and individual. A big plus is that for training we use what is at hand; no special aids are required. Her insistent recommendation to teach their child to swim from the cradle may be problematic for parents.

It is necessary to work with your baby, but it is worth understanding the pros and cons of each method of early child development, taking into account his individuality.
