My holidays in Odnoklassniki. How to remove age from Odnoklassniki on your page

When registering on any social network, a new user must provide personal information, date of birth, and other information. Sometimes people want to change their age information, hide it from strangers, or remove it from the page altogether. The question arises: how to remove the date of birth in Odnoklassniki?

Trying to solve a problem on their own, many users make mistakes; the information on the page becomes closed to outsiders and friends. By limiting access, you will hide almost all existing account information.

Changing your date of birth in the mobile application

First of all, it should be noted that you need to hide your year of birth from your computer; in the mobile application there is no such item in the settings. If you are unable to work on a computer, you can temporarily set a false date of birth (for example, 1900, 2017).

To change the date in the mobile application, you must have a good Internet connection.

By going to “settings” - “personal data”, you can change personal information, including date of birth.

How to hide your year of birth so no one can see?

People are often interested in the answer to the question: “how to remove age from classmates on your page so that no one sees?” It is quite possible to do this. The process is quite simple and will not take much time.

After logging into your Odnoklassniki account, you need to go to your account settings.

In the “Publicity” section, find the “Age” item and check the “Only me” box.

By checking the “Only me” box, you have hidden information from all users, including friends. Thus, we got the answer to the question “how to hide age in classmates?”

It is worth noting that in this case, friends will not receive a birthday notification.

Is it possible to remove the date of birth from my page?

You can use your account settings to change various information about your account.

How to completely delete information about your age in this case? It is impossible to completely remove data from a page. Developers of social networks make this information required when registering.

Why is this necessary? The answer is simple - to improve the search for friends and acquaintances. By indicating your first and last name, as well as your date of birth, the likelihood of your friend being on the social network increases.

The only way to completely remove information from a page is to delete your account from the social network. There is no other option.

Age at registration

Of course, it is impossible to completely hide or delete information about the date of birth from your account. However, there is no prohibition against using a fictitious date of birth, first and last name when registering.

To prevent information from being known to strangers on the social network, you can use non-existent data.

For example, you can indicate your year of birth before or after your current date. The social network will show information for 80, 90 or 18 years old, if desired.

Just as you came up with a fictitious age, you can come up with other first and last names that you like better. There is no prohibition on having multiple accounts on social networks. The only problem is that there is only one mobile number per account. You cannot use a fictitious number; a confirmation code is sent to your phone number upon registration. The phone number may come in handy more than once, at least in case of recovering a forgotten password.

Is it possible to change the data on the page and make it available again?

If you want to change the information to real ones or want to open access to information, including age, to other users and friends, you can do this at any time.

The ability to change your personal information in your account settings is present by default.

To change access to data, you should change the settings on the “Publicity” tab (Select “For everyone”, “For friends” opposite the desired section).

After information in your account, it will become available to friends or to all users.

How to hide a page in Yandex search?

Sometimes people find their pages on the Internet, namely in Yandex search results. Some users are frightened by such news and want to quickly delete their account on the social network. However, there is no need to worry.

This problem can be solved simply. Just as you changed the access settings, you can change the privacy settings. This way, you will hide your page from indexing and will not appear in Yandex searches.

To hide your account from search, you need to go to the settings section, then to the “Publicity” section. At the bottom of the page that appears, find the item “Open page for search engines..” and uncheck it. Then click the save button. This way, your account will no longer appear in searches.

On the website, in addition to paid services, there are a lot of free ones. A great opportunity to view your friends’ holidays for a selected period, a list of your own, and a complete list for creating your own holiday.

What is this function for? — Each person is individual. It is for this reason that the developers provide the opportunity to set for each participant exactly the celebration that interests him. Friends, seeing him, can congratulate the user by giving him a nice gift.

In order to see what your friend celebrates and on what day, you just need to go to the “Holidays” tab in the “More” section and select “Friends’ Holidays”.

For example, today is July 8, 2014 and on this day you can see all those who are interested in this day:

It is possible to see users who will have a holiday very soon or send a gift using the “Make a gift” button.

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Further, if you scroll down, you can see the entire list of upcoming celebrations in the coming months. You can only make a gift if the person celebrates before the beginning of the next month. If a holiday is established on the first day, the gift can only be made on the 1st day, not earlier.

Viewing holidays for a specific person

To do this, we need to select the “More” item in the navigation menu (as on our page) and go to the “Holidays” section. In this case, you will see all the events that this person notes for himself.

My holidays / Adding a holiday in Odnoklassniki

By going to the “My Holidays” tab, you can see all the days when you celebrated a celebration for yourself.

There is a great opportunity to edit it using the “Edit” button (after selecting it). If you don’t have anything installed yet, click the “Add” button and select the holiday you want to celebrate from the drop-down list. The list is sorted by date.

If you haven’t found the day you need, create your own, universal one! To do this, simply go to the “Add your holiday” tab and enter its name with the date on which you want to celebrate the event:

It is also worth noting that personal holidays cannot be created more than 20 pieces.

You can make a list of holidays that you celebrate or that you want to remember so you can congratulate your friends on time. In addition, your friends will also see a list of holidays that are important to you, which will allow you to please you with some nice gift on your memorable day.

The maximum number of holidays in your World is 20.

To go to the list of holidays, click “More” and go to the “Holidays” section.

All holidays are divided into three categories for your convenience:

My holidays


On the “My Holidays” tab you can edit your list of holidays. To add a new holiday, click “Add holiday” - a list of all possible holidays will open in front of you. To make it easier to find a holiday, enter its name in the search bar. After the holiday is found, click “Add” next to the selected holiday.

In addition to standard holidays, you can create your own. To do this, click the “Add your holiday” button located on the list of standard holidays. You will be asked to select a date and give a name to the holiday. Once all the required fields are filled in, click “Add holiday.”

To remove a holiday previously added to the list, click on the “cross” icon located opposite the unnecessary holiday.

All holidays of friends


This tab contains all the holidays that your friends have added to their lists. You can congratulate your friend by sending him a gift; to do this, click “Give a gift” next to the username.

You can add a friend's holiday to your holiday list. To do this, hover your mouse over the holiday and click on the “add” link that appears.

Friends birthdays


On the "Friends' Birthdays" tab, you can view when one of your friends has a birthday. To give the birthday person a gift, click “Give a gift.”
