Milk for the beauty of the skin of the face and body - benefits, recipes and how to use. You will not believe! The cheapest and most effective way to radiant healthy skin Can you wash your face with undiluted milk

There are several options for facial cleansing. Among them are washing with soap and water, washing with milk, cleaning with vegetable oils, sour milk, egg yolk, etc.

One of the most common skin problems are comedones. Regular and thorough cleansing of the skin of the face is considered the main means of combating them. For the first time, such acne is formed during puberty, but can appear at any age.

Facial cleansing: washing with soap and water

Washing with soap and water is one of the easiest ways to clean your face. This procedure cleanses the skin of dust, washes away dead horny cells, dirt, removes microbes.

But very rarely, washing with soap and water is done correctly. The temperature of the water plays an important role. For these purposes, you can use water with a temperature of 37-45 ° C (hot), 28-37 ° C (warm), 20-28 ° C (cool) and 12-20 ° C (cold).

Hot water best cleanses the skin. After its application, blood rushes to the skin, which has a very beneficial effect on its elasticity and appearance. But not everyone can wash with water of this temperature. It is best used at a young age and in the presence of oily skin. In adulthood, hot water expands the blood vessels, the smallest of which burst, forming the so-called stars and nets. In addition, the pores expand, which enhances the activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands, but reduces skin tone. In this regard, wash with hot water should be 1-2 times a week.

warm water most useful for normal facial skin. But if you wash it constantly, the skin and muscles can lose their tone. But cool and cold water, on the contrary, increase the tone and harden the skin. Blood vessels constrict and then dilate, sebum and sweating slow down. Prolonged washing with cool and cold water can cause phenomena such as dry skin, its roughness and peeling. In addition, the skin may acquire a bluish tint.

Favorably affects the skin washing alternately with cool and warm water. In this case, warm water should have a temperature not higher than 45 ° C, and cool - not lower than 12 ° C. This kind of washing is most useful for oily skin with enlarged pores.

Everyone knows that the cleansing effect of water is greatly enhanced by the use of soap. For facial care, you should choose the best soaps, which include lanolin and nourishing cream. But even the best soap dries the skin, and for aging skin, this is a real disaster. Therefore, it should be used only in exceptional cases. It takes several hours for the skin to regain its protective lubrication after washing with soap.

To acquire firm, elastic skin, you need to wash your face with salted water (1 teaspoon of salt per glass of water) or make compresses, alternating cold and hot. Start and end the procedure with cold compresses.

When washing your face in the morning, rinse your skin with hot and cold water alternately. This procedure will strengthen the walls of blood vessels. For washing with dry, thin skin, it is advisable to soften the water by adding soda to it, or use mineral water. After washing, the face can be wiped with a cotton swab dipped in a decoction of any herbs. Mint, parsley, sage, lime blossom, plantain are suitable for these purposes. With oily skin - a series, dandelion.

It is very useful to wipe the skin with dry champagne or dry white wine. The liquid must first be cooled. After completing the washing procedure, apply a nourishing cream to the still damp skin. After 3-5 min. excess cream should be removed with a paper towel.

Facial cleansing: washing with milk

Milk is one of the main food products, which can rightfully be considered an elixir of beauty. It has been used for cosmetic purposes since ancient times. Milk contains many valuable substances with pronounced cosmetic properties. For example, milk sugar perfectly moisturizes the skin, lactic acid also retains moisture in it. Milk fats and proteins significantly increase the elasticity and firmness of the skin, and milk protein maintains water balance.

Vitamin E contained in milk maintains the tone of the muscles and skin of the face, and lactic ferments improve cell renewal. All this makes milk the most effective remedy in the fight against wrinkles and other signs of aging.

Most often, washing with milk is used for dry skin with increased sensitivity, because it has a calming effect on it. First, milk must be diluted with warm water in a ratio of 1: 1.

First, the skin is cleansed with whole milk, and then moistened with diluted milk. After the washing procedure, the face should be dried with a cotton swab, slightly pressing on the skin. Then apply a nourishing cream on wet skin.

If the skin is severely inflamed or there are areas of peeling, then instead of warm water, milk is diluted with strong chamomile, raspberry or linden decoction.

You can use milk for washing if there are no wounds and pustules on the skin.

Facial cleansing: cleaning with vegetable oils

Instead of washing with soap and water, you can clean your face with vegetable oil. It is recommended to use it in the autumn and winter seasons. It is best to remove makeup with vegetable oils in the evening. Any vegetable oil is suitable for these purposes: sunflower, mustard, olive, corn, etc. In addition, you can take stone fruit oil: peach, walnut, etc.

Cleaning with vegetable oil is carried out as follows. 1-2 teaspoons are enough to wet the swab. The oil is preheated in a water bath. A cotton swab is dipped in oil and rubbed over the face and neck. After that, the tampon is well moisturized and the skin is cleaned with movements from the bottom up. At the same time, lips and eyebrows should also be cleaned.

After 5 minutes, excess oil is removed with a paper towel, and the skin is wiped with a swab dipped in salted water (1 teaspoon of salt per 1/2 liter of water) or a weak solution of tea. You can also use this composition: in a 1: 1 ratio, mix boiled water and any fruit juice.

If there are no blackheads and pustules on the skin, then butter can be used for cleaning and nutrition. It does not irritate or dry the skin, however, it can be used for no longer than 10 days.

Facial cleansing: sour milk cleansing

This procedure can be carried out at any time of the year, it is suitable for all skin types, and you can use sour milk for as long as you like. Instead of sour milk, you can use kefir or fresh sour cream, but you can not use peroxidized dairy products. The acidity of kefir or sour cream is especially harmful for sensitive and dry skin, because. causes irritation and flaking. With oily skin, on the contrary, dairy products for cleaning should be acidic. Some women use the serum obtained in the manufacture of cottage cheese for washing. This method of cleaning is very favorable for oily skin. It reduces sweat and sebum secretion. Provided that there are no areas of peeling on dry skin, you can also wash with serum.

This procedure is carried out as follows. With a dry cotton swab, take a little sour milk or kefir, wipe the face along the lines of the least stretching of the skin. When the skin is sufficiently moistened, the tampons are moistened with plenty of milk or kefir. The number of tampons depends on the degree of skin contamination. Excess sour milk or kefir is removed with a paper towel. A nourishing cream is applied to a wet face, which soothes the skin and relieves the slight burning sensation that occurs from an acidic environment.

With dry skin, before applying the nourishing cream, it is recommended to rinse the face with warm water, for oily skin - leave a thin layer of sour milk on the skin until morning. During this time, the skin will dry out and the pores will tighten. A nourishing cream is applied only around the eyes, on the forehead and neck, the skin of which is cleaned in the same way as on the face.

If, after this procedure, areas of irritation or even peeling appear on the skin, then you need to wipe your face with a swab dipped in tea or fresh milk, and then apply a nourishing cream.

Facial cleansing: egg yolk cleansing

This cleaning method is best for oily skin. The composition is prepared as follows. Put 1 yolk in a glass, stir well. Then alternately add 2 teaspoons of any vegetable oil and grapefruit or lemon juice. The resulting mixture is thoroughly ground and divided in half.

The face is cleansed with one part of the composition, and the second is placed in the refrigerator, because this portion of the mixture is intended for 2-3 times cleaning of the face.

A dry cotton swab is slightly moistened with warm water, then dipped in the yolk mixture and quickly cleansed the face and neck. After the skin is well lubricated, the composition is briefly left on the face (it should not be absorbed), and then rinsed with cool water. A nourishing cream or any vegetable oil is applied to still damp skin.

There is another recipe for skin cleansing, which includes egg yolk. Prepare it like this: 1 yolk, 2 teaspoons of any vegetable oil and 2 teaspoons of fresh sour cream are ground to a homogeneous mixture. The resulting composition is stored in a cool place and used at intervals of 2-3 weeks for any skin type.

Cleansing the face: cleansing with bran or black bread crumb

To carry out such a procedure, you can take any bran (wheat, oatmeal, rice). In addition, black or gray bread (without crust) can be soaked in hot water. These types of bread contain a lot of bran.

We offer you a recipe for making oat bran. They can be prepared from oatmeal "Hercules". This is done as follows:
Pass through a meat grinder 1 cup of oatmeal "Hercules". If your age is under 25, then 1 teaspoon of baking soda or borax should be added to the bran. The resulting mixture cleanses oily skin, on which there are acne-comedones.

Pure oat bran is suitable for cleaning any type of skin.

Cleanse the skin with bran. First, the face is moistened with warm water. Then, in small portions, oat bran mixed with water to a mushy state is applied to it. During the procedure, bran gruel is lightly rubbed into the skin on the forehead, nose, cheeks and chin. After the hands begin to easily slide over the skin, smeared with oatmeal, the composition is washed off with cool water.

Cleaning the skin with breadcrumbs is done in exactly the same way.

As a rule, in many women, after such a cleansing, the skin becomes soft and velvety.

This cosmetic procedure is carried out every evening for 1 month. Those who have oily skin should repeat the course of such cosmetic procedures in 1-2 weeks, and use egg yolk, sour milk or soap cream in between.

Facial cleansing: cleansing with soapy cream and salt

The method described below is indicated primarily for oily skin with contaminated pores. Carry out this procedure only as needed. If the skin has red spots, areas of peeling, abrasions or rashes, then such cleaning cannot be carried out.

Soap cream can be prepared like this. Take a little of any shaving cream, pour a pinch of Extra salt and a pinch of baking soda into it. Mix well. With the resulting mass, taken on a cotton swab, cleanse the face in a circular motion. At the same time, the greatest attention is paid to areas of the skin on which there are comedones. After about 5 minutes, the face should be rinsed first with hot and then with cold water.

For the same purposes, you can use camphor cream. Prepare it as follows. You need to take a piece of toilet soap (preferably "Children's"), 2 teaspoons of glycerin, 74 glasses of water, 1 tablespoon of ammonia, 1 tablespoon of camphor alcohol, 1 teaspoon of boric acid, 3/4 cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide.

Grate soap, mix with water and glycerin and leave overnight. The next day, steam the solution to a homogeneous mass. Then, stirring all the time, add ammonia and camphor alcohol. Lastly, pour in boric acid diluted in 2 cups of boiling water. Cool the resulting mixture and, until it thickens, pour hydrogen peroxide into it. Whisk the ingredients until creamy.

With easily irritated skin, camphor cream is prepared as follows. Take 1 bar of soap, 1/2 teaspoon boric acid, 1 tablespoon 3% hydrogen peroxide, 1 tablespoon camphor oil, and 2 1/2 cups water. The cream is prepared similarly to the previous recipe. Camphor oil is added after the composition has cooled.

With delicate skin, instead of soap cream and salt, you should prepare such a composition. 1/2 cup crushed oatmeal, 1 teaspoon of baking soda mix and dilute with water to a mushy state. Apply the composition on the face for 2-3 minutes, and then rinse with water.

Facial Cleansing: Cornmeal Cleansing

This procedure should be carried out once every 2-3 weeks. Corn flour can cleanse the skin of dead cells. For cleaning, you need to prepare the following composition.

Pour 2-3 tablespoons of cornmeal into a small bowl. Add enough warm boiled water to make a slurry. Mix everything well. The resulting composition is applied to the face for 15-20 minutes, and then washed off with warm water. Still moist skin is lubricated with a nourishing cream.

To combat comedones, there is the following recipe. You need to mix cornmeal with beaten egg white and apply the resulting mixture on your face. After the composition dries, it is carefully washed with a terry towel, trying not to stretch the skin. Then the face is rinsed with cool water, blotted with a paper towel. Places of accumulation of comedones are wiped with a swab dipped in lemon juice.

At the end of this procedure, normal and oily skin is wiped with an alcohol-based tonic lotion, and dry skin is wiped with a decoction of wild mallow or castor oil.

Facial cleansing: scrub or peeling

There is another type of cleaning performed with scrubs, as well as peeling. Scrubs are products designed to clean the skin and containing finely ground abrasives. Crushed apricot, almond pits, etc. can serve as abrasives. Peeling is practically the same as a scrub, only of a more gentle property. It is used for sensitive skin prone to irritation, peeling and rashes. For peeling, products containing, in addition to cream, raspberry or strawberry seeds, fine grains of sand, etc. are used.

The scrub has an exfoliating effect on the skin, removes dead cells, promotes the fact that blood rushes to the surface of the skin of the face and neck.

For peeling, you can prepare the following composition. Take 1/2 cup fresh raspberries and 1/2 cup fresh strawberries or strawberries. Mash the berries, add 1-2 tablespoons of sour cream to them. Mix everything well. Take the resulting composition little by little on a cotton swab and apply with light circular movements to the skin of the face and neck. Please note that peeling should not be performed on the skin around the eyes and on the lips. After the end of the procedure, wash off the composition with warm water and apply a nourishing cream to the still damp skin.

Facial cleansing: facial cleansing with herbal decoctions

This product is designed for oily skin types. It perfectly cleanses it, tightens enlarged pores. To prepare a decoction, you need 2 tablespoons of medicinal raw materials, made up of the following medicinal plants, taken in equal proportions: chamomile flowers, mint, plantain, sage. Put the crushed medicinal herbs in a suitable dish, pour 1 1/2 cups of boiling water. Let it brew for 35-40 minutes. After that, strain and add so much potato starch to get a mushy mass. Apply with a cotton swab the resulting composition on the face, lightly massage. After 15 minutes, wash with warm water.

Many women, despite the abundance of cosmetics in stores, prefer to take care of their skin using exclusively folk recipes. One of the most common is washing with milk, which has its own characteristics.

Why is it necessary?

Milk washing and baths have been known for their healing and rejuvenating effect since ancient times, when there were no creams and lotions. In today's cosmetic industry, this ingredient is widely used and used as an additive in various face and body skin care products. Therefore, a natural product will be very useful for the skin. Some combine folk recipes with modern cosmetics, while others prefer to make all care based on only natural products. Milk does an excellent job of nourishing the skin, saturating it with fatty acids and healthy proteins.

In addition, milk contains vitamins A, C, group B and many others, as well as selenium, fluorine, iodine, potassium, calcium, phosphorus. All this together has a beneficial effect on the skin.

Benefits and harms for facial skin

Washing with milk is beneficial for the following reasons:

  • vitamin A makes the skin more elastic and elastic;
  • vitamin B1 allows you to cope with irritations, especially those that arose on a nervous basis;
  • vitamin B2 supplies the skin with oxygen, as a result of which all metabolic processes improve;
  • vitamin B12- a participant in the processes of regeneration, and this, in turn, makes the skin even and gives it a healthy color;
  • vitamin D inhibits the aging process, thereby giving the skin tone;
  • vitamin C acts as a healing element, relieves inflammation, fights acne.

All this helps the skin to remain healthy and beautiful, nourishes, moisturizes, protects from the harmful effects of the environment. As for harm, rather, milk in some cases does not bring benefits as a food product. In cosmetic terms, it cannot cause obvious harm, with the exception of intolerance to this product.

Besides, You should not wash your face with milk if you have any skin disease. In this case, a doctor's consultation is required. Another condition: when using milk for cosmetic purposes, it must be natural, without any additives and preservatives.

What kind of milk to take?

Both cow's and goat's milk are beneficial, including for the skin. Both options can be used. Ideally, it is good to buy a product from trusted people so that there is no doubt about its quality. If this is not possible, you can buy milk in the store, but the packaging should have the inscription “Milk”, and not some other, for example, “Dairy product”.

The shorter the shelf life of milk, the more likely it is natural. For cosmetic procedures, it is better to take milk with a higher fat content. Sour milk is very well suited for washing, as well as making various masks. So if the product is sour, you should not throw it away, it will still be very useful.

Recipes and ways to wash

Cosmetologists recommend washing with fresh milk for those whose skin is prone to dryness, flaking.. For those who are concerned about oily sheen and enlarged pores, sour milk is more suitable. It is not necessary to wash in the full sense of the word. You can take a cotton pad, soak it in a fresh or acidic product (depending on skin type) and wipe your face, changing the pad several times. Before that make-up must be removed.

At the end of the procedure, the face should be rinsed with boiled water and the face should only be slightly blotted with a towel. You can wipe your face in this way 3 times a week. Sour milk will help get rid of swelling under the eyes. In this case, you need to moisten the cotton pads in the composition, place in the area under the eyes and lie down for half an hour.

For convenience, the discs can be cut into halves, you get homemade patches.

Milk cubes will help wake up the skin in the morning. To do this, milk is mixed in equal proportions with boiled water and poured into ice molds. Then they take it out and wipe the face and neck in the morning. You can make a nourishing face mask. To do this, add a teaspoon of honey and a beaten yolk to milk (¼ cup). Apply the composition on the face for half an hour, then rinse with warm water and pat dry with a towel.

In the next video, you are waiting for the features of washing with milk.

When I am approached with a question about how to make the skin healthy and beautiful, I can give a whole lecture. What is important is not only a full-fledged diet and rest, walks in the fresh air, willpower not to go to bed with makeup, etc. It is impossible to overestimate the role of cleansing the skin of the face, because if it is clean, it breathes and rejoices, and after it you do the same :)

Cleansing is the most important step in any skincare regimen. I always remind you that the products for it must be chosen carefully, cleaned at the same time CAREFULLY and CAREFULLY. It's certainly easy to say! I myself broke quite a few spears before I picked up a cleansing ritual that my face became friends with.

Like most girls in the Russian Federation, my skin is complex and capricious. Either it is dry (actually dehydrated), then it is oily, then it rushes into redness and allergies, then into acne, blackheads and blackheads, and sometimes it is generally dull and lifeless. In addition to everything, she does not get younger over the years, no, no, yes, wrinkles will appear on her ... And also freckles and hyperpigmentation ... In general, a complete set of "joys".

Solving one problem (like acne) with aggressive products, I exacerbated another (dehydration). On this swing, I blabbed all my youth, until they came up with micellar water. So, every night I take off my make-up with a micellar solution (currently Bioderma Sensibio H2O for sensitive skin). The solution instantly dissolves war paint of any degree of water resistance, you can remove everything with one cotton pad. I do go through after another disk soaked in micellar water (to be sure). In principle, then you can not wash. But I can't do that: I need water! And then, the principle of THOROUGHNESS needs to be worked out properly if you don’t want to wake up in the morning with another pimple on your chin.

The micellar solution is followed by a cleanser with non-aggressive surfactants (no sulfates!), preferably also for sensitive skin. And then follows the whole point of this post. The tool is so simple, inexpensive and effective that it is simply unbelievable! His name is sour milk. Never throw it away! Do not make cellulite food out of it - pancakes. Let your milk sour to get an excellent and gentle cleansing for 60 rubles.


So, after the "industrial" wash, I pour a handful of sour milk into my palm and rub it into my wet face. If I feel that it is not enough, I add a handful more. It is important to lightly massage the face, do not rinse immediately. You can even walk around with milk on your face for five minutes. Wash your face, gently dry your face with a towel and apply your night care.

Sometimes I mix sour milk with oatmeal, it turns out a delicate peeling. Since milk is a good natural emulsifier, you can add a couple of drops of essential oil to it on the problem (for example, rosemary or tea tree - regulate the secretion of the sebaceous glands).

In the morning I use only sour milk, it is quite enough to wash away everything that has accumulated during the night. I came up with another trick. Since I often use all kinds of sheet masks, now they do not go straight into the trash. I wash them, soak them in sour milk and put them on my face. I relax and dream for about 30 minutes, wash off with warm water.

To cleanse my body, I combine the leftovers from freshly brewed ground coffee, oatmeal, and sour milk. If necessary, I drip my anti-cellulite concentrate into the liquid and actively massage the thighs and buttocks.

This is an ideal remedy, it will suit all skin types, even the most sensitive (maybe not every day). The exception is lactose allergy.

And what does it give?

The effect of softness and purity is noticeable immediately, but the true properties of such washing appear after about a month. My skin has become less oily, inflammation is now rare, freckles and pigmentation have faded. Acne scars disappear faster, pores narrowed a little.

I practically abandoned scrubs, before they were needed 2-3 times a week. I do not spend money on lotions and tonics with salicylic acid. I don’t need lotions at all, immediately after washing I apply a cream (during the day - a base with SPF, at night - nutrition and hydration). As a bonus - I wake up with awesome, life-giving juice poured from the inside, skin, and makeup "sits" on me like a native.

How it works?

And all the magic lies in lactic acid or lactate (lactic acid), which is formed by the fermentation of sugar-containing (raw sugar, refined molasses) and lactose-containing raw materials (milk whey) by lactic acid bacteria of the Lactobacillus family. Along with fruit acids, lactic acid is an AHA (alpha hydroxy acid) and has similar properties.

Lactic acid is a real multi-machine, acting on several fronts at once:

1. Intensely cleanses

It softens the protein bonds between the dead cells of the stratum corneum, as a result of which they are easily exfoliated and washed off the surface of the skin. The skin becomes smoother and more even. This property helps to eliminate marks and scars after acne and prevent the formation of clogged pores, because. the scales in the ducts do not stick together, but are removed from the skin in a timely manner, while the pores narrow. Therefore, lactic acid is used in products for oily, problematic skin. In high concentrations, it exfoliates the top layers of the skin.

2. Moisturizes

Lactic acid is part of the Natural Moisturizing Factor (NMF) of the skin. Increases elasticity and firmness of the skin, making it look fresh and young.

3. Regenerates

Lactic acid normalizes the process of renewal of epidermal cells that slows down with age, stimulating it. Enhances the formation of collagen and glycosaminoglycans in the skin. As a result, lipid metabolism is normalized in the skin, it becomes elastic, retains moisture better. Unlike other AHAs, lactic acid helps to strengthen the skin's lipid barrier by increasing the synthesis of linoleate-containing ceramides. The external manifestations of this process are an improvement in complexion, an increase in skin hydration, elasticity and firmness, and a decrease in the depth of wrinkles.

Remember, I said above that the skin is as if poured from the inside? This is the one :)

4. Whitens

These properties are directly related to item 1, i.e. peeling effect. Gradually, layer by layer, age spots and acne marks disappear, which has always been a problem for me. After I began to constantly wash my face with sour milk, I found that freckles and hyperpigmentation practically do not appear (although summer is in full swing) and are noticeable only to me. And earlier, new acquaintances were surprised to notice in the spring that I turned out to be a red-haired freckled :)

5. Kills germs

Lactic acid is part of the acid mantle of the skin. For many microorganisms, an acidic environment is detrimental, so they cannot live and multiply in it. Thus, the skin is protected from the development of pathogenic microflora. Thanks to this, by the way, it is effective against the smell of sweat! If you strive for everything natural, then nature has already come up with a deodorant for you - sour milk.

6. Regulates the pH of the skin
pH is the balance between hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions. If there are more hydrogen ions in the solution than hydroxide ions, then it is considered alkaline, if there are more hydroxide ions, then it is acidic. Pure water was taken as the starting point, in which the number of hydrogen ions is equal to the number of hydroxide ions. The pH of the water was called neutral.

The sebaceous and sweat glands of our skin secrete various substances onto its surface. Mixing with the exfoliated cells of the epidermis, these substances form a protective film on the skin - the lipid layer. And we take the pH of the lipid layer as the pH of the skin. With age, the pH value of the skin increases, i.e. the reaction becomes more alkaline. A change in pH to the alkaline side is noted with oily seborrhea and acne.

The most common type of care is washing. The water coming from our taps is not neutral, but usually alkaline due to the presence of chlorine in it. Therefore, the water for washing should be either distilled or softened with acidic agents. This is what lactic acid does, it shifts the pH of the water to the acid side, making it softer.

After washing with tap water and soap (also alkali), we usually feel tightness and dryness of the skin of the face. The pH of the skin has swung to the alkaline side. It will recover on its own in a couple of hours. But we can't wait :) Therefore, we are in a hurry to apply a tonic or lotion to the skin. After washing with sour milk, I do not need tonics, I have already said about this above. My skin feels great, I don't even want to put on cream sometimes.

Caution won't hurt

Like all acids, lactic acid can cause skin photosensitivity, i.e. its reaction to ultraviolet in the form of a manifestation of age spots. Although I doubt that the concentration of lactic acid in sour milk can reach a critical level (as in salon peels, for example), I still do not appear on the street without a sunscreen below 15 (this is on cloudy days). On sunny days in the city I have SPF 30, at sea I have SPF 50 (for the face).

It makes sense to introduce cosmetic products containing Arbutin into your care, because. it inhibits melanin synthesis. Most often, arbutin is obtained by extraction from bearberry leaves, but it is found in many plants, including bergenia and lingonberry leaves.

In the diet, it is worth leaning on foods rich in antioxidant properties and containing beta-carotene, vitamin E and vitamin C. Antioxidants are also lycopene, coenzyme Q10, n-acetylcysteine, selenium, alphalipoic acid, flavonoids, polyphenols, proanthocyanidins.

If you decide to wash with sour milk, be sure to leave your impressions below. Perhaps you will have your own recipes and know-how, which we all simply must know about! :)

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Hello everyone!)

X I would like to start my review with a preface:

I am one of those people who, with all the fibers of their soul, cannot tolerate dirty cotton pads / sponges after micellar water, milk, tonic, various makeup removers.

I love water and various gels, foams for washing - this is my environment, this is my element for the face)

Facial Cleansing Milk #52 - belongs to the cleansing series clean.

Products from this series assist in delicate cleansing of the skin of the face.

Total in this series 7 products, in my collection there are 5 of them:

#50 Polishing Facial Scrub

#52 Facial cleansing milk

№53 Foam 2 in 1 for cleansing and removing make-up

№54 Cleansing foam

№55 Micellar water for cleansing and removing make-up

#57 Soothing tonic

#58 Moisturizing tonic

How can milk be used?

- I apply daily and go all day with decorative cosmetics. Recently, I switched to 100% natural cosmetics (with all the chosen arsenal and a clear comparison with sensational brands with chemical compositions, I will share a little later). In my opinion, the most delicate cleansing of mascara, shadows is due to washing milk with water.

- also milk when cleansing the eyes, perfectly moisturize and nourish the skin around the eyes

- it can be used without cotton pads -special for mi))) Finally, there will be no such dirty cotton pads!!!

- the most important thing for me is that the milk prevents the formation of age spots. Since my skin is prone to pigmentation, I use creams with UV filters in my care and, if possible, use masks and creams with a whitening effect or preventing the formation of pigmentation.

What the manufacturer tells us:

- The most physiological remedy for cleansing the skin. Gently cleanses the skin of the face, removes light make-up and impurities. Due to the natural composition, it does not violate the natural protective barrier of the skin and does not inhibit the skin microflora.

-Does not irritate or injure sensitive and dry skin.

- Does not irritate the sebaceous glands in oily skin types and does not provoke additional sebum secretion.

-Slow-absorbing oils gently dissolve comedones in pores and help clean and tighten them.

- A balanced mineral complex (magnesium, copper, zinc), which is part of the product, helps restore the protective functions of the skin, activates the mechanisms to combat free radicals and prevents the formation of age spots.

By tradition, I will start with the packaging, it is also the clothes of our cleansing milk No. 52

- The dispenser and label are made of fully recyclable polypropylene, so there is no need to peel off the label before recycling.

- as always, a beautiful and individual design of a feather, which is headed by a magical starling, a symbol of cosmetics, which has spread its wings and travels the world, introducing us to its magical means)

- the tactile sensation of the bottle is pleasant, it lies well in the hand

- the dispenser, in my opinion, is excellent, vacuum, protects the product from the penetration of microbes, dust and bacteria. The product does not clog in the spout, because when a drop of a dense or dried product is dispensed from the dispenser, this is unpleasant) As you know, semolina with lumps))) Thank you that Sativa took care of such a trifle and changed the dispensers, to such as milk No. 52

- on the packaging it is clearly told about the product, expiration date, method of application, composition, volume and information about the supplier and the manufacturer's website.

- the volume of the bottle is 150 ml, at the moment I use the milk for 2 weeks - I think based on the current consumption, it will last for 2-3 months. Since I still have 2 foams in my arsenal, it is much longer.

- and, of course, my favorite tips not to get lost in the form of icons:

Sun- can be used during the day

Moon- can be used in the evening, at night

leaf in a circle– natural product, suitable for vegans

wave with stars- gentle cleansing

* There is a moment that the method of application is not indicated on the packaging. If I wasn't familiar with the product and just met it on the shelf, it might never have made it to my hands. Due to the fact that removing makeup with cotton pads and milk is not mine!!!

Of course, I understand that you can’t fit all the information on the bottle, but this is my opinion.

So, let's go on a journey through the product:

Smell - gentle, light, herbal, natural

Color - milky

Consistency - similar to the usual milk

Of course, let's move on to the composition:

Water, Babassu Oil, Cetearyl Olivate, Sorbitan Olivate, Castor Oil, Olive Oil, Glycerin, Honeysuckle Extract CK-CO2, Chamomile Extract CK-CO2, Zinc Gluconate, Copper Gluconate, Magnesium Aspartate, D-panthenol, Lactic Acid, Grape Seed Oil , Guar Gum, Xanthan Gum, Sweet Almond Oil, Macleaya Extract CK-CO2, Sage Shoot Extract CK-CO2, Peppermint CO2 Extract, Walnut Leaf Extract CK-CO2, Plant Tocopherol Complex in Sunflower Seed Oil

*did not recognize: mint extract, walnut extract,Complex of vegetable tocopherols in sunflower seed oil - for me, these ingredients do not cause suspicion.

I will highlight the milk assets that the manufacturer shares with us:

Zinc gluconate, copper gluconate, magnesium aspartate-Active mineral complex SEPITONIC M3 from SEPPIC laboratory (France). Thanks to the combination of zinc, copper and magnesium with organic acids (aspartic and gluconic), respiration and metabolism of skin cells improves. Increases antioxidant protection and energy supply of skin cells: increases the level of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), protein and DNA synthesis.

D-panthenol- D-isomer of pantothenic acid (vitamin B5). The content in Sativa cosmetic products ranges from 1 to 4%. Suitable for all skin types. Panthenol is able to accelerate skin regeneration, healing wounds and burns. It is an excellent moisturizer that can improve the structure and shine of hair, as well as the strength of nails. With anti-inflammatory properties, panthenol is great for problematic facial skin. It increases the strength of collagen fibers and normalizes cellular metabolism. Due to its properties, panthenol penetrates into the deepest layers of the skin.

Ta In addition, in the composition we can observe:

Babassu oil - nourishes, prevents moisture loss and enhances the protective functions of the skin. Softens the skin, gives it a natural shine, makes it soft and silky. Restores damaged hair, adds shine.

Cetearyl olivat, sorbitan olivat- natural vegetable emulsifier from olive oil. Creates lamellar liquid crystal emulsions. Tones, moisturizes, restores skin elasticity. Protects from UV rays. Does not cause allergic reactions and does not irritate the skin.

Castor oil, olive- nutrition, whitening effect. Prevention of skin aging, softens, restores, relieves inflammation, disinfects the skin.

Glycerol- Moisturizes, protects and restores the skin. Essential for healthy skin. Plays a key role in normal maturation and cell division

Extracts of honeysuckle, chamomile- Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiseptic, wound-healing and capillary-strengthening properties, stimulates metabolic processes in the skin, helping to relieve irritation and itching. Soothes, softens and makes sensitive and irritated skin more elastic. Eliminates dryness and peeling. It cleans pores and strengthens the skin. Has anti-allergic properties.

Guar and xanthine gum Natural polymers, prevent moisture loss, moisturize, improve cream texture

Extracts of makeya, sage, mint, walnut leaves- anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, antiseptic, antioxidant action. Normalization of biochemical processes, skin restoration. Extracts have preservative properties

Complex of plant tocopherols in sunflower seed oil - Vitamin E. Protects skin cells from damage caused by UV radiation. Improves epithelization. Protects against free radicals, ultraviolet radiation.

How to apply this foam, there are several ways:

- First way: traditional and very impractical, not hygienic, in my opinion traumatic and irritating to the skin. It would be my will - I banned this method!

Apply milk to a cotton pad or sponge. If the makeup is dense, then it is better to hold the sponge in front of your eyes for 20-30 seconds. to soften decorative cosmetics (mascara, shadows, eyeliners, pencils, etc.). Then, with gentle, light movements, along the massage lines, wash off makeup from the entire face, neck and décolleté

- The second way: which I like and for this a new world has opened up for me - milk without cotton pads))

We moisten the face with water; squeeze out the milk in the palm of your hand 2-3 clicks on the dispenser; then walk with handles all over the face, with soft, massaging movements, devoting a little longer time to problem areas (comedones, black dots, usually this is the T zone); after a session of relaxation, wash off the milk with plenty of water

- Third way: without using water. Yes, yes, and this happens, I have come across such situations. For example, when you come to visit, in the village, and the washbasin is on the street. Night, darkness, coldness, icy water, not many dare to wash in such extreme conditions - but this is certainly not about me, I need a feeling of cleanliness!

And in such a situation, your salvation: We moisturize the face with a hydrosol or tonic; then apply milk to your hands 2-3 clicks on the dispenser; then, in the usual way, we massage the face, with milk, as if we were washing ourselves with foam or gel; devoting a little longer time to problem areas (t zone, enlarged pores, comedones, black dots); blot the remaining milk with a terry or paper towel; then moisten the face with a hydrosol or tonic and blot the face again with a towel

Choose for yourself any convenient way and you will be happy!)

My method number 2 - I'm for cleanliness)

*But another life hack: apply the milk on dry skin, and then massage with slightly wet fingers, so it will clean out the pores better, especially it helps me in the T-zone

Photo before, with cosmetics: shadows, mascara, highlighter, powder, concealer - out of nature

Apply foam to dry skin

Well, my favorite way of washing showed. Now let's look at the traditional way to remove makeup with cotton pads.

For the experiment, natural and non-natural decorative cosmetics were used, from left to right:

-Clinique eyeliner

- Sante mascara

-shadow crystal minerals

- Udumbara highlighter

-mineral powder Udumbara

- lipstick mac

-BB cream №66 Sativa

This is one incomplete push.

Photo with cosmetics and immediately after one wave of a magic wand - he is my hated cotton pad) Milk on dry skin.

One more wave of the cotton pad and everything was erased, guess what else?)

Of course, except for unnatural decorative items, namely eyeliner and lipstick! Well, they shuddered, yes I did! Tk used it before, imagine what a stress for my eyes and lips. It's good that I came to my senses in the 3rd decade of my life!

In short, I already erased the eyeliner and lipstick only with the addition of water and another sponge helped me, as you can see, there is redness.

Let's summarize:

- milk on "Hurrah" copes with natural decorative cosmetics. It’s hard to work with unnatural decorations, which means throw away your unnatural decorations and look for a worthy replacement in a natural one!

- milk perfectly cleanses the skin, gently, delicately

- the skin feels very comfortable, does not cause a feeling of tightness, dryness, and there is also no feeling of an oily film or mask

- convenient format, with three ways of application

- milk is suitable for all returns - that's YES!

- milk is able to pull your skin out of the cloaca when you have exhausted or overdried it.

- in the morning you will not find oily sheen and tightness - comfort-comfort and again comfort!

This is a definite must-have and a super versatile remedy for all skin types and also for all ages!

Well, you’re not tired yet, then read my next reviews about a complete departure from sativa)

I selected all the care, according to the Sativa care program, about which I wrote a post:

Milk contains a lot of useful substances, and it is useful not only for the body as a whole, but also has a beneficial effect on the skin, so regularly washing your face with milk, you will be able to smooth out all the fine wrinkles, saturate the skin with moisture, vitamins, make it soft and velvety, and how to do it right, we will teach.

Washing with milk is one of the most ancient ways of skin care. Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers washed their faces with milk, used it for many centuries, because then cosmetics were only natural. And washing with milk is common among many peoples. They washed themselves not only with milk, but with fermented milk products, which are also very useful, especially if you have freckles and age spots on your skin. Milk contains lactic acid, which retains moisture, and sugar moisturizes the skin, protein, proteins and fats make the skin supple and elastic.

Washing with milk is great if you have sensitive, dry skin that is prone to peeling, especially such moments can be observed in winter on frosty days or in spring when you need to nourish your skin. But if the skin is very oily, there are acne and pustules, then washing with milk should be postponed until better times.

For washing milk, it does not need to be boiled, because during heat treatment most of the valuable substances are lost, as you know, it is better when the milk is at room temperature. Starting the procedure, you should wash your face with running water, thoroughly cleanse the skin of cosmetics and impurities, then soak a cotton pad in milk, wring it out a little, and wipe your face with it for two minutes, periodically wetting it again in milk. Wipe should be along the skin lines, do not forget this. Then mix milk with water (it is better if it is boiled, not chlorinated) in a ratio of 1: 1 and wash yourself, wait until the skin dries itself, you don’t need to dry yourself and rinse with clean water too, but just apply your favorite cream on top and the result will be excellent, provided of course daily, regular use.
