Can a broken nail heal? Broken nail: what to do? Why is the “world of files” the best option for purchasing a product for you?

From this article you will learn:

  • What are the main causes of brittle nails?
  • What to do if a nail breaks under gel polish, a nail extended with acrylic, or a natural nail
  • What to do if a nail breaks in the center, on the side, at the root
  • How to repair a broken nail yourself using a tea bag and special glue
  • How to temporarily restore a broken nail before visiting a specialist
  • What are salon methods for restoring a broken nail?
  • What are the main measures to prevent brittle nails?

Neat nails of suitable length are a real decoration of women’s hands. Therefore, a beautiful manicure is rightfully considered one of the main components of an impeccable image. But none of us is immune from possible troubles, and the strongest nails can also “let down” the hostess by breaking right before an important event. However, there is no need to be upset in advance, because the problem can be easily fixed. In the article we will tell you what to do if your nail is broken, and we will also understand what can provoke such situations and how to prevent them.

The main causes of brittle nails

If you always want to have beautiful and strong nails, it is important to know what can cause nail plates to become brittle and weakened.

Most often, nails begin to break for the following reasons:

1. Lack of vitamins, trace elements and minerals designed to maintain health and beauty. A sufficient amount of these substances in the body is synonymous with healthy and strong nails.

Therefore, the first thing to do if your nails break quite often is to reconsider your diet.

Foods rich in vitamins and microelements for healthy nails:


    milk and other dairy products;

    nuts and sesame;


    zucchini, cucumbers;

    fatty fish;

    vegetable juices;

    basil, parsley, cilantro and other greens;

    pumpkin seeds.

2. Improper care. Most of the cosmetics that we use to take care of our hands and nails every day contain acetone and formaldehyde. Due to contact with these substances, natural nail plates weaken, lose their natural hardness, and become brittle. Detergents and poor-quality water cause no less harm to them.

Taking good care is the second thing that is important to do if your nails begin to break. There are a huge number of wellness procedures, most of which you can do yourself. For example: baths with oils, masks, special varnishes to strengthen the plates, various folk methods.

All of the above helps improve the condition of the nail plates. However, it is equally important to know what to do if the nail has already broken. We'll talk about this later.

What to do if your nail is broken, and what not to do

The mechanism of the procedure for breaking a nail will depend on how severely the nail plate was injured. First, let's list the most common types of damage:

    Lateral detachments without injury to the bed;

    Breakage of the nail plate at the very “root”;

    Cracks with damage to the bed;

    Injury with a detachment of the plate and damage to the skin under the nail.

The last option is the most unpleasant and painful.

A broken nail brings a lot of problems to girls: an unaesthetic appearance of their hands, snags on their favorite clothes, scratches on the skin. "First aid" will depend on how badly the nail was damaged.

Actions to take as soon as a nail breaks:

    cut or file a plate;

    glue the broken part of the nail;

    resort to the services of a manicurist.

What to do at home if your nail is broken, but you want to keep your manicure? The damaged area can be glued together. The technology of this process will depend on where the nail plate was broken: in the overhanging part of the nail or in its center. Additionally, the size of the fracture is taken into account.

A small crack can be sealed with a patch made of natural fabric or a paper plaster. This method will work if the fracture occurs on the side of the plate, along the “smile” itself or along it.

If the free edge of the nail is completely broken, then a tip (a special acrylic product) is applied on top.

The tip is also used if the nail is broken along the axis of the finger.

You can solve the problem for a long time only if your nail is broken no more than 1/3 of the entire free edge.

When asked what to do if your nail is very broken, we recommend turning to the services of a manicurist. A deep break with damaged skin under the nail is very difficult to fix on your own.

What not to do if your nail is broken:

    Squeeze glue onto natural surfaces not protected by varnish.

    Apply your natural nail to glue. Aggressive chemicals corrode the natural plate. This method can only be used in case of extended nails.

    If the nail is broken “to the meat”, you cannot wet it in acetone or other compounds. Aggressive substances will cause severe irritation and inflammation of the open wound.

    There is no need to put off restoring the plate. Usually cracks grow quite quickly, and the broken part can come off completely. Then it will be more difficult to correct the situation.

What tools are needed to repair a broken nail?

Restorative procedures should be started as early as possible, as the fracture may increase. Necessary equipment:

    Disinfectant. It is better to use something whose action is aimed not only at degreasing the plate and removing contaminants, but also at eliminating excess moisture. At the same time, the nail should not dry out.

    Special fabrics. To restore the plate, you can purchase natural fabric (silk, linen) or artificial fabric (fiberglass). The most convenient options are silk and fiberglass. They are sold in strips or individual samples according to nail sizes.

    Special nail glue, whose composition should be safe for nail plates. This restoration adhesive is quick-drying.

    Nail files and buffs. The tool you use to repair a broken nail must have an abrasiveness of at least 240 grit. Buff is a special polishing file. If you use a cloth, a buff will be very convenient for smoothing the surface of the nail plate.

To perform high-quality restoration procedures, we advise you to purchase a set with all the described devices. This way you will save your time and finances.

What to do if your nail breaks under gel polish

The first thing to do if a nail under gel polish breaks is to remove the coating. It is enough to remove the varnish only from the broken plate. Depending on the type of coating you have, use shellac or biogel remover. If you can't get rid of the old varnish, you can make a patch over it.

The patch is applied to the gel polish in the same way as to a natural plate. Next, the sealed area is covered with a new layer of varnish and dried in a UV lamp.

If the nail is broken along the edge, then the broken part can be cut off and extended with biogel. Take a piece of foil and place it under your nail. It will serve as a “support” for the gel polish. Dry the nail in a UV lamp and carefully remove the foil.

What to do if a nail extended with acrylic breaks?

Restoration should be done with acrylic tips. These are artificial devices, so the use of synthetic glue (“Moment”) will be harmless. You can use filter paper, silk strips or paper plaster as fastening patches.

What to do if a nail extended with acrylic breaks:

    If the damage is too severe, you can re-grow the nail.

    Apply glue to the plate and attach a paper strip.

    Apply a second layer of glue, and after it dries, apply a third.

    The next step is polishing the plate with a nail file.

    Apply new varnish.

A simpler option is to replace the damaged acrylic tip with a new one.

What to do if your natural nail breaks

Usually a fracture of the nail plate forms directly along the “smile”. Restoration will preserve your manicure, but the nail will lose strength.

What to do if your natural nail breaks:

    Remove the varnish and wipe the plate with an antiseptic.

    Polish the bumps on the surface of the nail with a special buff file.

    Make a patch. The piece of fabric should be 2-3 mm larger than the break (from each edge).

    Lubricate the coating with glue and place the fabric. To evenly distribute the patch, you can use the sharp tip of a toothpick.

    After the glue has dried, treat the nail with a polishing buff file.

    Depending on the degree of damage, apply another 1-2 layers of fabric.

    The final stage is coating the plate with varnish.

If your nail is broken, you need to choose the right way to solve the problem.

What to do if your nail is broken in the center

In this case, you will need a tip. Blank products must be square and transparent in color.

What to do if your nail breaks in the middle:

    Use a polishing file to smooth out the uneven edges of the nail.

    Wipe your nail with nail polish remover.

    Cover its surface with special glue, and do the same with the inside of the tip.

    Place the tip on your nail so that the edges of the product and the nail match.

    Wait until the glue dries completely.

    Adjust the shape of the tips to match the look of the rest of your nails, leaving a small margin.

    Shape the nail, align the plate (it should coincide with the edge of the tip). Seal the joint.

What to do if your nail breaks on the side

Now let's figure out what to do if the nail breaks on the side:

    As in previous cases, you first need to wipe the nail with a disinfectant solution. Then polish the crack until you have a smooth surface.

    Prepare a fabric patch.

    You need to make two stripes. The first piece should be slightly larger than the break; this will be the first layer. The second one should match the width of the nail; it is used as a second layer.

    Now let's move on to the restorative procedure that needs to be done if the nail is broken. To fix the fabric on the plate, it is pre-lubricated with glue. You can straighten the material with the sharp tip of a toothpick. The fixed strip of fabric is covered with glue. After it dries, carefully polish the surface.

    The same needs to be done with the fabric that we prepared for the second layer. After this procedure, treat the nail with a buff. Restored, it will retain its appearance until the plate grows up.

What to do if the nail is broken at the root

The most unpleasant situation for lovers of flawless nails is a severe fracture of the nail plate. Let's look at what to do if the nail breaks at the root. The first step is to thoroughly blot it in a disinfectant. Hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine, miramistin, etc. are suitable. Such a nail is very difficult to restore. Therefore, we advise you to contact a manicurist.

The procedure can be done only after the wound on the skin under the nail has healed.

In salons, this manipulation is done using special biogels. These coatings contain proteins that restore the nail plate. Biogels also protect cracked nails from infection.

Many biogels dissolve when interacting with detergents and acetone. To keep your manicure intact, it is better to wear rubber gloves when washing dishes or cleaning.

How to restore a nail plate after a broken nail at the root

    Remove the broken nail.

    The first thing to do if the nail is broken at the root is to completely remove the broken part of the plate. This is necessary to heal a wound on the skin. It is more convenient to cut off the broken edge with nail scissors. If you need to lift the broken part, use tweezers.

    After removing the broken nail, it will become more convenient to treat damaged skin. This will avoid infection and further inflammation. The remaining part of the broken nail can be left, but in this case the treatment will be more difficult. The deformed edge will separate as the plate grows.

    Stop the bleeding.

    The next thing to do if the nail breaks at the root and causes the formation of a bleeding wound is to stop the bleeding. Apply a piece of bandage or disc to the wound, press firmly on it, and hold for several minutes.

    Trim off the rest of the nail.

    If the injury causes very severe pain, then a specialist should restore the nail.

    Soak your foot or hand in cold water.

    After trimming the broken edge of the nail, soak your finger in cold water for 20 minutes.

    Choose a temperature of the liquid that would help to gradually reduce pain. This procedure helps normalize blood flow in the limb.

    Soak your hand or foot in salt water.

    Now place your hand in a previously prepared bowl of warm salted water (the solution should contain 1 teaspoon of salt and 4 mugs of clean water).

    Keep your finger in the solution for 20 minutes. Liquid with added salt prevents infection. This procedure should be done 2-3 times a day for the first three days after the injury. Dry your finger with a cotton cloth.

    Use antibiotic ointment.

    To restore damaged skin faster, gently wipe the wound with antibiotic ointment.

    Your hands must be clean throughout the entire procedure.

    Apply gauze to the nail bed until the plate grows back.

    This must be done so that the nail broken at the root does not cling to things. Gauze will also protect the nail plate from infection.

    Repeat the procedure until the plate grows back. The gauze must be changed with each subsequent wound treatment. The damaged area must be dry. If the bandage gets wet, it should be replaced.

    Monitor the condition of the wound.

    During the first time after injury, care must be taken to ensure that no infection gets into the wound. This is especially true in the first 72 hours after injury.

    Signs of infection: fever, inflammation, heat in the wound area, pain, swelling or suppuration.
    Monitor the condition of the wound until a new healthy nail grows. If you realize that you have an infection, go to the doctor immediately.

How to repair a broken nail yourself using a tea bag

A tea bag, a nail file, and superglue are all you need when you need to “fix” a broken nail. What can I do to restore my manicure using these items?


    Remove the tea from the bag. Cut a small strip out of it in the shape of a rectangle. It should be slightly larger than the break.

    Treat the nail with a polishing file until the surface is smooth.

    Apply a small layer of superglue to the cut strip. Place it on your nail and apply another layer of glue on top. After this glue has hardened, apply a third layer. The protruding ends of the paper can be trimmed using nail scissors.

    Treat the nail with a polisher, remove the glue with acetone or an alcohol solution. Finally, coat your nails with clear polish.

How to repair a broken nail yourself using special glue

A good remedy is a special glue for broken nails. Let's consider what to do if you want to correct the situation with its help.

    The first step is to wash your hands thoroughly to remove any greasy residue from creams and oils. Dry your fingers well with a towel.

    Preheat the water in advance. Dip the broken nail into it. This must be done so that the plate does not harden. If the nail is only cracked without coming off completely, then this procedure can be skipped.

    Apply a small amount of glue to your nail. It is convenient to distribute it over the plate using a toothpick or the sharp tip of an orange stick.

    In manicure supply stores you can purchase special glue for restoring damaged plates. But if you cannot do this at the moment, you can use regular superglue. Try to do everything carefully so that the product does not get on your skin.

    Now let's proceed to the main procedure that needs to be done if the nail is broken. To fix the deformed area on the plate, apply it and hold it there for one minute. This will be enough to ensure that the nail plate is well secured.

    Next, remove excess layers of glue with a cotton pad soaked in nail polish remover. This must be done as soon as possible so that the glue does not have time to dry. This is necessary to ensure that unnecessary irregularities do not form on the plate.

    Once the glue is completely dry, polish the plate with a fine-grained polishing file. You should get a flat, smooth surface. An important rule when working with a nail file: guide the tool in one direction only. This will avoid even more damage to the nail plate.

    At the end of the procedure, apply a protective coating (varnish) to the nail. Now wait until the composition dries. The restoration is complete!

The first thing to do if you have a broken nail is to assess the extent of the damage. If it is insignificant, then you can carry out the restorative procedure yourself. However, if you are faced with an extensive injury that is accompanied by severe pain or even bleeding, then it is better to go to a specialist.

Many girls get their manicures done by the same master, who has proven his professionalism with quality work. But if you have a broken nail and require immediate intervention from a specialist, you will probably have to wait, since the influx of visitors is usually very large.

A method of temporarily restoring a broken nail before visiting a specialist

    You will need a narrow roll of tape. Cut a small strip, it should be slightly larger than your nail. This can be done carefully using nail scissors or regular scissors. If you only have large scissors on hand, use the ends.

For the procedure you need to take single-sided tape. Transparent adhesive tape for gift paper, multifunctional adhesive or any other type, but always transparent, will also work. Make sure that its adhesive power is not too strong. In our case, it is worth excluding electrical tape.

    Now let's proceed to the main procedure that needs to be done if the nail is broken. To restore the damaged area, stick the prepared piece of tape onto the nail plate. You need to try to make sure that the middle of the gluing surface is above the break itself.

Press on the damaged area and hold it there for a while. Carefully place the tape on both sides of the plate; it should completely cover the nail.

Before covering the nail plate with tape, you need to check that its broken halves meet.

Press down on the taped area to better secure the tape.

To avoid causing even greater damage, straighten the tape in the direction of the crack.

    Cut off any excess tape. This is convenient to do with nail scissors. If the tool is not at hand, use the ends of large scissors.

The edge of the tape should be very tightly attached to the nail.

The method described is exactly what you need to do if your nail is broken and a trip to the nail technician is not coming soon. A specialist will eliminate the problem using more effective methods.

Salon methods for restoring a broken nail

If your nail is broken, it is better to contact a specialist. Almost any nail salon provides nail restoration services.

  • Sealing.

Sealing with wax is usually done in the following sequence:

    plate design;


    removal of contaminants;

    waxing the nail;

    lubricating the plate with nutritious oils.

Important! Varnishing should be done no earlier than 20 minutes after the procedure. Afterwards you need to wash your hands well.

Sealing is a restorative procedure. If your nail is broken, we recommend having it done to improve the condition of the nail plate.

This process is also useful for treating nails after extensions; in addition, it helps to “revive” the plate after contact with household chemicals.

The effect of the procedure lasts for several days. Re-sealing can be done after the film is completely erased.

  • Reinforcement with fabric or paper.

This procedure is usually used to fix a nail that has already broken. But we will consider its use to strengthen the nail plate.


    polish the nail;

    apply glue or clear varnish to it;

    stick a piece of fabric;

    bend it under the plate;

    apply a fixative;

    Keep the “construction” for 3-4 days, you can apply varnish on top of it.

If you want to reinforce it with paper, then you should not apply varnish. This manicure will not look attractive. In this case, the varnish takes a very long time to dry.

Instead of a conclusion: basic measures to prevent brittle nails

What to do to prevent your nails from breaking? If you often encounter this problem, we advise you to pay attention to the prevention of brittle nail plates.

The following rules must be observed:

    Contact a specialist on time without delaying the problem.

    It is important to take proper care: make high-quality coatings, baths, use strengthening oils, and cuticle moisturizers.

    Drink enough water. Dehydration of the body provokes brittleness and splitting of nails.

    It is better to do cleaning with gloves to prevent nails from coming into contact with harmful chemicals.

    Protect your nails from mechanical stress.

    Your nail polish remover should not contain acetone.

    It is worth doing nail treatment, following these recommendations: hold the file at a right angle, do not tear it off, but carefully cut off the burrs, purchase glass or ceramic tools.

    Before your next manicure, you need to give your nails a rest.

    Sleep mode (at least 8 hours) and nutrition. Eat more foods containing vitamins A, E, D, as well as calcium, phosphorus and other important elements.

What else should you do if your nails often break? We advise you to pay attention to those methods that can be used at home. Here you don't need expensive cosmetic formulations. Can be used:

    sea ​​salt. Surely you have noticed that after a trip to the sea, your nails become stronger and take on a healthy appearance? Indeed, sea salt has a strong strengthening effect on the nail plates. It can be bought at a pharmacy.

    Iodine. To strengthen the nail plates, apply it with a regular cotton swab. Then lubricate your nails with cream. A varnish coating can be applied over the iodine.

    Healing wax. Eliminates dry nails, which sometimes causes brittleness, so this procedure is very useful. Regular paraffin will not work here.

    Clay. Clay wraps nourish marigolds well. After wrapping, apply moisturizer to your nails.

    Essential oils. The greatest effect is achieved after procedures with coniferous and citrus fruits. Many oils have an antibacterial effect.

Where to buy high-quality and professional nail files for damaged nails

Among the huge number of online stores offering manicure accessories, we invite you to our “WORLD OF NAILS”! You should choose our services because:

  • “MIR FILOK” – own production of nail files.
  • "WORLD OF FILES" is the main supplier!
  • The showroom of the company "MIR FILOK" is located in Moscow.
  • Delivery throughout our vast Motherland!

Why is “WORLD OF FILES” the best option for purchasing a product for you?

  • Our store is built on our own production of saws. Thanks to this, you get: minimized cost of service, tested and confirmed product quality, fast production, attractive conditions for distributors.
  • Our nail file is made only from materials that have repeatedly proven their quality (South Korea).
  • Wide variety of product. Thus, a manicurist with any level of professionalism will be able to satisfy his interests.
  • You can figure out which file is right for you. We carry out individual orders.
  • Another advantage is the application of your brand logo on the working surface of the files.
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Irina Efimova

Beautiful long nails have always been an adornment for women. Just like beautiful hair and good makeup, they generally make up a well-groomed image of any woman, adding good mood and self-confidence.

To make your nails look well-groomed, you should make a lot of effort; one visit to a beauty salon and applying varnish, as many people think, is not enough. I know from experience that long, beautiful nails don’t come easy, which is why women turned their attention to gel or acrylic nail extensions.

It’s so easy to give yourself into the hands of a master, without thinking about their condition, without being sad about burrs, fragility, or regular varnishing.

But this celebration of life cannot last forever; the time comes when you should pay attention to the condition of your own nails, in order not to lose them completely or not to get stuck in a state where nothing can be done except extensions.

Therefore, you can increasingly meet women who, having abandoned artificial nails, grow their nails in a natural way, making regular masks and strengthening them with massages with special oils.

Making efforts to care for, strengthen and stimulate the growth of our nails, we are faced with such a problem as a broken nail, which is considered the main “scourge” in this process.

After all, it’s such a shame when, having done everything possible in growing long nails and getting an excellent result, one breaks and nullifies all your efforts. But do not despair, there are several methods for eliminating this unpleasant moment, and now we will look at them.

First method

Often the nail breaks off at the edge, along the so-called “smile” line, and immediately begins to cling to hair, tights and clothes, and strives to break off completely, causing a lot of unpleasant moments, from pain to an unaesthetic overall appearance.

Before gluing a broken nail, let's prepare special tools:

  1. File (necessarily high-quality, with fine abrasiveness);
  2. Buff (this is a special sanding file that looks like a piece of foam and is used for polishing);
  3. Special glue (you can buy it in a specialized store, but under no circumstances use household “superglue” or “moment”; it is not intended for these purposes and its use will lead to disastrous results);
  4. A piece of silk or fiberglass (you can also buy it in a store, although it can easily be replaced with paper from a tea bag);
  5. Toothpick or orange stick.
  • Before starting work, treat the nail plate with a disinfectant, this will protect you from possible infection and unpleasant consequences;
  • Then clean the chipped area with a soft file, removing all roughness and leveling the surface;
  • Take several strips of material with which you intend to seal the crack, be it silk or tea bag paper. One strip should be slightly wider than the crack and completely cover it, while grabbing the area around it; it is advisable to cut the second strip along the width of the nail, this will allow you to consolidate the result;
  • Coat the crack with glue to the width of the prepared strip, apply the material and carefully straighten it, press it with a toothpick or an orange stick. Apply glue to the top of the patch;
  • After the glue has completely dried, polish the surface of the patch, removing irregularities and roughness, only carefully so as not to tear it off;
  • Next, repeat everything again, only applying a large strip to the entire nail plate. Finally, carefully line the edges with buff;
  • If you are not sure of the result, the last procedure can be duplicated.

This way, the nail will last as long as it takes to grow to a certain length.

The procedure is simple and inexpensive, the main thing is to follow the sequence of technology: glue the nail, apply a patch, glue the surface of the patch. You can buy a whole set to solve the problem of how to save a broken nail.

Second method

Do you have a beautiful manicure, but you don’t know what to do if your nail breaks? You can try to increase it at home using tips. Take a high-quality tip, without unevenness, roughness or chips.

A set of tips can be bought in a store, try to choose transparent or translucent ones, preferably square in shape:

  1. Polish the edges of the nail, removing roughness and unevenness;
  2. Degrease the nail surfaces with nail polish remover;
  3. Apply glue to the nail plate and the inner surface of the tip, apply it so that the limiter on the inside of the tip coincides with the nail cream;
  4. Let the glue dry for a while;
  5. Cut the tips to the length of the remaining nails, leaving a few centimeters to adjust the shape;
  6. Give the new nail a shape, and also carefully align the edge of the tip with the natural nail, just be careful not to overdo it;
  7. To secure the result, coat the joints with glue.

Moderately long, well-groomed nails are always beautiful. With a beautiful manicure, a woman's hand looks elegant and sophisticated. But no one, even those women who are lucky enough to have strong, durable nails, are immune from the fact that a nail can break.

Such an incident can spoil not only the appearance of your hands, but also your mood. But don’t be too upset, a broken nail can be repaired, thereby preserving your beautiful manicure.

What not to do if your nail is broken

In most cases, the nail plate breaks where its direct contact with the finger ends, i.e. along the line of the so-called “smile”. In this case, the nail may not just break off, but only crack a little on the side. This situation is even worse than the complete loss of a regrown nail, since it causes a lot of trouble. A broken nail will scratch, cling to hair, and leave puffs on clothes. But even despite this, I don’t really want to cut all my nails because of such a small nuisance.

There is a reasonable way out of this situation! A slightly broken nail on the side can be easily repaired. It should be said right away that trying to glue a broken nail with “superglue” or other similar glue is simply useless, since such substances are created for use in combination with artificial materials. If you use them to glue the nail plate, they will corrode living cells, and this will only lead to disastrous results - you can ruin the structure of the nail or even lose it.

How to fix a nail correctly

You should start fixing a broken nail as early as possible, before the crack gets bigger. What exactly is needed for this and how to use it we will now consider.

First, you need a disinfectant. It is advisable to take one that not only removes dirt and degreases the nail, but also removes excess moisture without drying out the nail plate itself.

Secondly, special fabrics will be needed. For this purpose, you can use both natural fabrics, such as linen, silk, and artificial ones, for example, fiberglass. It is most convenient to work with fiberglass or silk; you can buy them in ribbons or already cut to the size of your nails.

Thirdly, you need to buy a special glue that will not harm the nail plate. As a rule, such glue is liquid and easy and convenient to work with.

Of course, you will need nail files and buffy. A good nail file that will not damage the nail plate should have an abrasiveness of no more than 240 units. Buffy is a kind of file for working with fabric on the nail, which helps make the coating smoother.

Now on sale you can find special kits that include all of the above products. Purchasing such a set saves not only time, but also personal funds.

After you have purchased all the necessary products to fix your nail, all that remains is to deal with the actual repair of the broken nail. First you need to clean the area around the crack with a soft nail file. This is best done by moving from the base of the nail to its edge. Then we treat the nail with a disinfectant and place a small piece of cloth on the crack. You need to apply glue to this fabric and let it dry completely (this will happen quite quickly). Then, using a nail file or buff, we file down the surface of the fabric so that it is as level as possible with the surface of the nail. At the end of this procedure, you need to apply oil to the treated nail and polish it well with a soft nail file. In order to completely hide the damage, the nail is covered with colored varnish.

Of course, such nail repairs will not last very long, but as an emergency it is quite effective. It all depends on the extent of the damage to the nail and the stress on it. The repair procedure itself will not take much time, and you can do it yourself.

Unfortunately, almost every woman who has grown a nail to a decent length has at least once in her life encountered a problem when the nail plate unexpectedly breaks on its own or as a result of some household mechanical impact.

Typically, nails break at the edges, where they are thinnest.

It seems there is nothing left to do but say goodbye to your long-grown manicure.

However, cutting your nails in such a situation is the last thing; first you should try to maintain your manicure for a while using a very original method. Usually, according to the “law of meanness”, nails for some reason break on the eve of an important event, you should not despair and be upset or completely refuse the long-awaited event, everything can still be fixed.

It is worth noting

Today, there are a huge number of products that can “reanimate” a broken nail for a while; in cosmetic stores you can even find special kits for repairing a broken nail. Typically, such a set consists of a brush, special powder and nail glue. Such products always come with instructions, so it won’t be difficult for you to do this procedure yourself.

But such a set cannot be found everywhere, and most importantly, it is not always possible. It is in such situations that information on how to seal a nail with a tea bag will be useful. Yes, yes, the most ordinary tea bag, it may seem strange, but it “works” reliably and flawlessly.

Why is a tea bag most often used for urgent nail resuscitation?

There are several reasons:

  • Firstly, this is the most common material, which is found in almost every home, and if a nail needs to be revived urgently, then the suitable material is always at hand.
  • Secondly, the tea bag has tenacious properties. By sealing your nail with a small piece of this material, you can extend the life of your manicure for a long time.
  • Thirdly, the tea bag itself is very thin and translucent, therefore, having carefully done the work to restore the nail plate, the breakage site will be almost invisible.

So, how to seal a nail with a tea bag. It is important to do this correctly, following the appropriate sequence.

To carry out the procedure you will need:

  • a very small piece of tea bag, just enough to cover the crack and just a little to the edges;
  • clear nail polish;
  • small (manicure) scissors.

When repairing a broken nail using a tea bag, it is important to consider the following nuances:

  1. You should not tape over a painted nail, as in this case the repair will not have any effect. First, you should remove the applied coating on the broken nail, then degrease it, and only after that you can glue the bag.
  2. On the crack in the nail plate itself, you need to apply a large drop of transparent varnish and attach a bag to it. After this, you need to carefully level everything and apply another layer of varnish over the applied “patch” over the entire surface of the nail.
  3. After everything has dried, you can cover your nails with colored varnish. Here you can give preference to both the simplest manicure and something more complex, decorative, with the addition of rhinestones, beads, glitter dust and other decorations.

When is it possible to repair a nail with a tea bag?

Despite the fact that a woman takes care of her nails, trying to ensure that they always look well-groomed and beautiful, unfortunately, no one is immune from nail breakage.

This can happen by accident and be a rare, isolated incident during a strong collision with something.

But if your nails break regularly, reaching a certain length, then you should pay attention to your diet - most likely, it lacks calcium.

If a nail urgently needs resuscitation, then, of course, the first thing that comes to mind is to seal it. But it is worth noting that repairing a nail with a tea bag will only be effective if the crack occupies no more than a third of the entire nail and is located on its surface. That is, if the nail is broken to the middle or deeply, thereby injuring the soft tissues, then there is no point in saving it with a tea bag. In such cases, you can use nail resuscitation using a tip - just carefully glue it over the broken nail plate. This technique will help you grow it to the desired length and only then cut it painlessly.

When planning to repair a nail with a tea bag, you need to consider the length of the crack.

If it is very small, then you can use any transparent nail polish (this can be a base for colored polish or “smart enamel”).

But if there is a possibility that such a fastening will be weak, it is better to use special nail glue - it can be bought at any cosmetics store.

If the breakage occurs unexpectedly and you don’t have such glue on hand, you can first seal the nail with varnish, and then additionally fix it with glue. To ensure that the bag sticks tightly, it is better to remove excess skin from the side where the crack appeared using nail clippers.

It is important to know

Under no circumstances should you glue a broken nail with super glue! This may seem like a brilliant idea at first because it will ensure durability. But super glue can have a detrimental effect on your body; it kills living cells and causes allergic reactions, as a result of which such a procedure can result in irreversible consequences and infectious diseases with serious complications.

Saving a broken nail with a tea bag is a real panacea. You need very little money for this, especially since every woman usually has all the materials in her home. All you need is vigilance and accuracy, as well as just a little time.

Tea bag

Cosmetic stores sell ready-made kits for “repairing” broken nails. They include a piece of non-woven material, a brush, glue and other necessary items. But if your nail needs to be revived “right now”, and there is no time to go to the store, then the most familiar product for most people - a tea bag - will help you out.

It's made from filter paper, a mixture of cellulose and cotton, or thin nylon—materials strong enough to hold a broken nail together but thin enough to remain unnoticeable. If you don't have tea bags at home, you can replace them with hair removal strips or any other muslin cloth. Instructions:

  1. First, trim the affected nail as far as the length of your nails allows.
  2. Sand the broken area using a glass or mineral file.
  3. Cut a piece of the desired size from the tea bag.
  4. Apply a thick layer of transparent varnish to the crack and immediately press the prepared material onto it (this is most conveniently done using tweezers).
  5. Wait 15-20 minutes and apply another 1-2 layers of clear varnish over the tea bag.
  6. After the material has completely dried, sand the repair area with a soft file or buff to remove excess material.
  7. Cover your nails with decorative varnish.

Nails glue

If the nail is broken very deeply, you can try to restore the integrity of the nail plate using special glue. But: nail glue containing acrylates cannot be used if the skin is damaged and there are signs of inflammation. In this case, you will have to wait until the wound heals and only then start manicure. Instructions:

  1. Carefully trim the affected nail with scissors or pliers. If the nail is broken, as they say, “to the meat”, and any touch to it causes pain, try sharpening the length with a soft glass file, having previously fixed the plate with a bactericidal plaster.
  2. Apply nail glue to the broken area and dip your finger in a container of white acrylic powder. Remove excess with a brush or soft brush and buff the surface of the nail with a buff.
  3. Now the nail looks much better. To be sure, repeat the entire procedure once.

Gel polish

Small chips and cracks on the nail plate can be quickly hidden using gel polish. If you have a UV lamp, you can carry out the procedure at home or contact a professional.


    Give your nail the desired shape.

    Clean the surface with a buffer to ensure better adhesion of the gel polish to the nail plate.

    Apply gel polish in even layers, drying them each time using a UV lamp.

    For a glossy effect, use a clear topcoat.

Silk for nail repair

With the help of professional elastic silk, you can not only seal a break, but also completely restore the shape of the nail, for example, with a lateral or transverse chip.

This material not only reliably fixes the damaged area of ​​the nail, but also prevents its further destruction. Silk, impregnated with glue and transparent varnish, is completely invisible on the nail.

Professional silk for nails can replace a regular mesh-based adhesive plaster or a thick paper napkin.


    Cut a piece of silk into a suitable shape. If part of the nail plate is lost or significantly damaged, create a silk overlay that matches the shape and size of your nail.

    Degrease the surface and press the silk onto it. It should stick to the nail easily.

    Impregnate the material with glue or a transparent gel that dries on its own without exposure to UV rays. When reconstructing a lost area of ​​a nail, apply the gel on both sides.

    After the coating has dried, give the nail the desired shape using tongs and a nail file. Sand the surface, apply a transparent base and one or two layers of decorative varnish.

Nail tips

Plastic nail tips are a real salvation in cases where the nail is broken at the very root and looks much shorter than the rest. Under a layer of varnish, they cannot be distinguished from natural nails. Tips can be cut, filed, painted with decorative varnish and worn until the next manicure without the risk of breaking.

There are at least ten types of plastic tips, varying in size, shape and length. Always choose plates that are slightly narrower than your nail plate. When finished they will look more natural.


    Degrease the nail surface.

    Apply a drop of glue to it, which is usually included with the records.

    Press the tip onto your nail and hold it for 10-15 seconds.

    Once the glue has dried, give the plate the desired shape and cover it with decorative varnish.
