Is it possible to inject ozone before cleansing your face? Ozone therapy in cosmetology - indications and contraindications

Ozone is a gaseous substance with a characteristic smell of freshness and strong oxidizing properties. Many people know that breathing ozone is beneficial. However, for facial skin rejuvenation, it is much more useful to make injections with it.

Ozone therapy for facial skin

Photo by Shutterstock

What is ozone therapy

Ozone therapy is one of the methods of skin rejuvenation, which has recently become very popular among the fair sex. It is based on the use of an oxygen-ozone mixture. In this tandem, ozone helps absorb oxygen.

The technique involves not only subcutaneous administration of the mixture by injection, but also external application of ozonated applications, serums, oils and solutions

Intravenous ozone therapy has recently become equally popular. It has great healing potential.

What are the benefits of ozone for the skin?

Ozone is a modified form of oxygen. People started talking about its medicinal properties at the beginning of the last century. Then this gas began to be actively used in treatment as a strong natural antiseptic. Ozone that has undergone special purification is used in medicine.

Subsequently, scientists discovered other beneficial properties of this gas. It is a strong oxidizing agent. Thanks to this property, this gas is able to force cells to divide intensively. It can also enhance the activity of the internal antioxidant system and improve the oxygen supply to all cells. Due to this, the rejuvenation process occurs.

Intravenous ozone therapy is one of the techniques that will not only rejuvenate the skin, but also improve the health of the entire body, increasing immunity.

What is the effect of ozone therapy?

Procedures with ozone will help remove swelling, fine wrinkles, bags under the eyes, improve skin tone and color and tighten the oval of the face. A course of ozone therapy will not just smooth out the skin - it will rejuvenate it at the cellular level. In the absence of visible age-related changes, the procedure will slow down the aging process of the skin. Ozone therapy is successfully used to get rid of insidious cellulite, acne, spider veins and stretch marks.

How does the ozone therapy procedure work?

The injection method involves subcutaneous administration of an ozonized solution. This is done using a microscopic needle. The procedure takes 20–40 minutes. To obtain a lasting rejuvenating effect, it is necessary to carry out a whole course of ozone therapy. It usually includes 8-10 sessions, which should be done no more than 2-3 times a week. Cosmetologists advise conducting a course of ozone therapy twice a year. The procedure is recommended from 18 years of age.

External ozone-based techniques involve applying medicinal applications, masks, gels, creams, masks to the skin

Their use does not give as quick a result as injections. After external ozone therapy, irritation, flaking and a feeling of tightness of the skin are eliminated, and the protective properties of the epidermis are stimulated. It should also be carried out in a course, and not from time to time.

Harm of ozone therapy

Many aesthetic cosmetology clinics that practice ozone therapy often describe the procedure only on the positive side. However, this coin also has a flip side. Ozone activates the processes of cell division, including tumor cells. This is the main side effect of the procedure. That is why it is contraindicated in cases of diagnosed oncology. However, sometimes a cancerous tumor is secretive. By conducting a course of ozone therapy, you can accelerate its growth. External and subcutaneous ozone therapy in this regard is relatively safe, which cannot be said about the intravenous technique.

One of the methods of alternative medicine used today by cosmetologists to rejuvenate facial skin, combat wrinkles and acne is. What effects this physiotherapy has, indications and contraindications, as well as the method of ozone treatment will be discussed in our article.

Ozone therapy for the face: how is it useful?

The ozone molecule consists of three oxygen atoms and has one free bond, which determines the high reactivity of this gas - its ability to enter into chemical reactions with biological substances in the body.

Ozone has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal activity - it destroys the membrane of microorganisms, which subsequently causes their death.

In addition, ozone dilates blood vessels, improving microcirculation in the area of ​​its introduction. As a result, more oxygen is supplied to the tissues, and toxic substances are more actively removed from them.

By entering into chemical reactions with biologically active substances in the body, ozone activates a number of physiological processes and normalizes metabolism.

After a course of ozone therapy sessions, facial skin undergoes the following changes:

  • thanks to the improvement of microcirculation and activation of metabolism, it receives the maximum possible amount of oxygen and nutrients - the complexion improves, a healthy glow of the skin appears;
  • if there were pustular rashes on the skin associated with an infectious process, as a result of ozone therapy they become less pronounced or disappear altogether (due to the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects of ozone); It is worth noting that if the cause of the skin rash is any other disease of the internal organs, treatment exclusively with ozone is not advisable - ozone therapy will only be effective if the immediate cause of the rash is simultaneously treated;
  • under the influence of this gas, the synthesis of elastin and collagen by skin cells, substances that give the skin softness, elasticity and firmness, is enhanced; after a course of ozone treatment, small facial wrinkles disappear, facial skin becomes more toned and looks much younger, and the double chin disappears;
  • ozone improves the functions of fibroblasts - cells that produce a substance that allows for better water retention; the skin becomes well hydrated, smooth, elastic and velvety; the feeling of tightness disappears;
  • ozone normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands - previously oily skin loses its unnatural shine, and previously dry skin, on the contrary, becomes moisturized;
  • activation of biochemical processes also promotes faster cell regeneration, as a result of which hyperpigmentation spots and small scars formed at the site of the rash elements disappear;
  • As a result of improved microcirculation, excess fluid freely leaves the skin cells and subcutaneous fatty tissue of the face - swelling disappears, bags and dark circles under the eyes become less noticeable.

Indications for facial ozone therapy

Ozone therapy can be used to treat acne and eliminate enlarged pores.

Based on the above, we can conclude that ozone therapy for the face is used in the following situations:

  • for the treatment of comedones, acne, post-acne;
  • as a method of facial skin tightening;
  • to eliminate wrinkles on the neck and double chin;
  • to eliminate small facial wrinkles;
  • to combat swelling, circles and bags under the eyes;
  • for the treatment of rosacea and rosacea;
  • as a means of combating enlarged pores, excessive dryness or, on the contrary, oily skin;
  • for the treatment of hyperpigmentation;
  • in order to prevent age-related changes in the skin of the face and neck.

Are there any contraindications?

Yes, there are conditions for which ozone therapy is not recommended, and sometimes even prohibited. These are:

  • diseases of the blood coagulation system with an increased tendency to bleed;
  • the need to take blood thinning medications;
  • menstruation, especially the first days of the cycle;
  • continued bleeding in the body or the first few days after it stops;
  • decreased platelet count in the general blood test;
  • convulsive syndrome (even a single case of seizures in history);
  • history of traumatic brain injury;
  • organic pathology of the central nervous system;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • myocardial infarction or acute cerebrovascular accident and the next 6 months after them;
  • increased thyroid function or hyperthyroidism;
  • diabetes;
  • alcohol intoxication;
  • individual hypersensitivity to ozone.

Methodology of the procedure

In order to begin treatment, you will first need a specialist - a doctor who has been trained in ozone therapy. It is he who will be able to adequately assess the indications and contraindications, determine the treatment method - the route and place of ozone administration, its concentration, frequency and number of procedures. As a rule, the number of required sessions ranges from 6 to 10-15, and their frequency is 1 time every 2-3 days.

Ozone can be administered intradermally, subcutaneously or cutaneously. The first 2 ways are carried out using injections with a thin, insulin-like needle. The cutaneous route is carried out using a special roller, previously soaked in an oxygen-ozone mixture.

The number of injections during one procedure varies from 2-3 to 20. Depending on the problem, they can cover the entire surface of the face and neck or be injected exclusively into areas requiring correction (for example, into the skin near the outer corners of the eyes to eliminate the so-called crow's eye paws).

For many patients, ozone injections are quite painful. To reduce pain, your doctor may suggest applying an anesthetic ointment or cream to the treatment area before starting the procedure.

To speed up and more evenly distribute the drug throughout the tissues after injection, the specialist can perform a relaxing massage - ozone will fill all the depressions in the epithelium, which is why wrinkles form.

On average, an ozone therapy procedure performed by injection takes about 4 minutes.

There is another treatment option - wiping problem areas of the skin with an ozone cocktail. This method is suitable for home use and is approved for use by pregnant women and nursing mothers. The result of such simple manipulations will be cleansed pores, the absence of acne and less noticeable wrinkles and age spots. Also among the home methods of ozone therapy, washing with ozonated distilled water should be noted.

Side effects and complications

Ozone is an aggressive substance that, if used incorrectly, has a toxic effect on the body. During treatment with this drug, the following adverse reactions may develop:

  • pain in the area of ​​its injection (in most cases it goes away almost immediately after the end of the injection, but sometimes persists for several days);
  • swelling of the tissues in the injection area, crepitus (creaking) when pressing on them;
  • if a vessel was hit during the injection, a pinpoint hemorrhage remains in its place;
  • lack of effect (occurs in 20% of people receiving ozone treatment; especially often in the treatment of acne, the cause of which is not just an infection on the skin, but some somatic pathology (for example, diseases of the digestive system or thyroid gland));
  • if the rules of asepsis are violated, the injection site becomes infected;
  • convulsive syndrome;
  • impaired muscle mobility in the injection area;
  • visual disturbances;
  • headache;
  • allergic reactions.

The cost of ozone therapy for the face varies widely depending on the indications and location and is approximately 1000-4000 rubles per procedure.

In conclusion, I would like to note that despite the many positive effects regarding cosmetic problems, ozone therapy has many contraindications and can cause very serious complications. So before you start treatment with this method, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons. If there are more “for”, you need to contact a highly qualified specialist - only he will be able to calculate the dose of ozone specifically for you and prescribe the most adequate and safe treatment schedule. Remember: in, as in any other field of medicine, the main thing is to do no harm!

Institute of Ozone Therapy and Medical Equipment, video on the topic “Injection of the face with an ozone-oxygen mixture”:

Today, ozone therapy for the face is one of the most effective and therefore popular procedures for combating skin imperfections and restoring youth and freshness to it.

But, before you make an appointment with a specialist, you need to find out in more detail what ozone therapy is, what limitations and consequences it has, because if you neglect contraindications or violate the technology for its implementation, you can run into trouble.

What is ozone therapy for the face?

What is special about this procedure, what is it? Cosmetology experts call ozone therapy one of the most promising areas in the field of services for rejuvenation and elimination of skin defects.

Ozone therapy is a form of alternative medicine treatment that aims to increase the amount of oxygen in the body by introducing ozone.

Essentially, this procedure is the process of introducing ozone gas into your body to treat illnesses or wounds. Ozone is a colorless gas made up of three oxygen atoms (O3).

It can be used to treat diseases, stimulate the immune system, and for disinfection.

This method has a wide range of actions in surgery, dermatology, urology, and internal medicine. It would be strange if ozone were not used in cosmetology - one of the most progressive areas of its application.

The main advantage of the procedure is that it can help significantly improve microcirculation in tissues and normalize the synthesis of such important components of the dermis as collagen and elastin.

Thanks to the procedure, you can say goodbye to unaesthetic scars, stretch marks, alopecia and other problems forever.

How does ozone (O3) work?

In ozone treatment methods, special attention is paid to improving microcirculation, oxygenation (the process during which the body is saturated with oxygen), energy supply to cells (cells need energy to carry out vital processes), and skin protection.

Many cosmetic problems - acne, rosacea, hair loss, wrinkles, allergies, cellulite, oiliness - reflect the internal state of the body, so they should be treated not only from the outside, but also from the inside.

And this task can be successfully completed by ozone, which produces a detoxifying (rapid removal of toxins), antimicrobial, antiviral effect and increases the body's immunity.

Ozone is a unique agent that preserves and restores the natural beauty and health of the skin. Ozone therapy does not mask skin defects, but normalizes its natural functions and stimulates its own work.

Active oxygen can quickly eliminate bacteria, fungi and viruses. Under the influence of the introduced ozone-oxygen mixture, all pathogenic microorganisms die.

Thanks to a course of ozone therapy, you can successfully get rid of hyperpigmentation, as well as spots remaining after the elements of the rash have healed.

In addition, ozone significantly improves blood circulation and promotes the removal of toxic substances through the skin and the entry of necessary nutrients into the dermis.

Acceleration of metabolic processes contributes to a gradual decrease and complete disappearance. But many people face this problem.

The active component used to affect the skin is a gaseous substance.

One of the “options” of ozone therapy is its beneficial effect on the hydrolipidic mantle of the skin, which covers the surface of the skin, protecting it from harmful environmental influences. This is a kind of important barrier. That is, skin protection is enhanced.

As a result, after treatment, the face stops reddening profusely after sudden changes in ambient temperature, as well as when experiencing strong emotions.

As for the aesthetic side of the issue, oxygen molecules work perfectly here too: they actively stimulate the synthesis of collagen and elastin, which are indispensable for maintaining the smoothness and elasticity of the skin.

The skin becomes well-groomed, smooth and radiant. Spider veins and spider veins disappear. The skin is saturated with moisture, and you can forget about its permanent dryness. Considering all this, we can conclude that ozone provides enormous benefits to the skin.

Ozone therapy methods for the face

How is ozone delivered to the skin layers? There is more than one method. The choice of a specific method of influencing the skin depends on what problems the procedure should solve in each specific case.

Depending on the purpose of ozone therapy, one or more methods of its implementation are selected to achieve the desired result:

  1. Local. During the session, a mixture of gases: ozone and oxygen is injected into the subcutaneous layer. In a short time of exposure, such a cocktail accelerates metabolic processes in the skin, which promotes rapid tissue regeneration and rejuvenation. Local ozone therapy is the most common way of using ozone to treat problem skin (acne, post-acne, acne, etc.). An alternative way to deliver the active substance to the skin is to act on it using a mesoscooter soaked in an oxygen-ozone mixture. This procedure can be performed independently at home.
  2. Autohematotherapy. It is combined with ozone treatment. To carry out the procedure, biological material (blood) of the patient is used, which, after mixing with ozone, is injected into the soft tissue of the problem area. This method is recognized as effective in the fight for clear facial skin, that is, for various types of rashes.
  3. Olive oil with ozone. It is used for rejuvenating skin massage not only of the face, but also of the body.
  4. Systemic ozone therapy. It is an exclusively injection method, the purpose of which is to stimulate the body’s metabolic processes. Ozone is mixed with the patient's blood or medication. The introduction of a certain combination of ingredients helps to normalize metabolism, restore hormonal levels, remove poisons and toxic substances from the body, as well as dilate blood vessels and improve blood circulation. Due to its wide spectrum of action, ozone is actively used in many areas of medicine: cosmetology, gynecology, therapy, urology, neurology, gastroenterology, surgery and others.

What effect can you expect from ozone therapy?

Noticeable positive changes after this cosmetic manipulation appear after 3-4 sessions. The following effect is observed:

  • smoothing out small wrinkles;
  • increased skin turgor;
  • slight lifting effect;
  • eliminating acne;
  • improvement of skin tone;
  • eliminating dryness.

The following statistics can be noted: 1/4 of people who have tried ozone therapy see positive changes after the first session, half notice improvements after 3-4 procedures. But 95% of people who take the course respond positively to this manipulation.

Ozone therapy for acne

Ozone not only has the ability to smooth the skin and eliminate age spots, it is one of the most effective means of combating rashes and their consequences.

The essence of the procedures, which consist of a course of therapy, is to inject the inflammation with a mixture of ozone and oxygen gases. To enhance the effect and quickly achieve the desired result, ozone therapy in case of acne is combined with magnetotherapy.

The depth to which the drug should be administered, as well as its dosage in each specific case, is determined by a specialist in accordance with the characteristics of the patient’s health condition.

As a rule, the complex consists of 4-6 procedures, which are carried out every 5 days. But up to 15 sessions may be required.

Most patients note positive dynamics after the first injections.


  • softening of infiltrates;
  • reducing the amount of exudate released (turbid fluid from inflammation);
  • reduction of swelling and redness in the area of ​​the rash.

In some cases, the number of procedures can increase to 10. Each of them is carried out using special creams with an anesthetic, since the introduction of the composition is a rather painful process.

Many people, fearing pain, tend to use other methods of dealing with skin problems, for example.

Before carrying out ozone therapy, you must consult an ozone therapist who will examine your medical history and warn you about all possible side effects.

Recovery period

The final result depends not only on how correctly the doctor did his job, but also on whether the patient followed the rules of the rehabilitation period.

In general, the recovery itself lasts about 2 days. This is the advantage of the procedure.

After ozone therapy, you should follow these rules:

  • do not touch your face again;
  • do not sleep with your face in the pillow;
  • refuse the sauna, swimming in the pool, visiting the solarium;
  • do not use cosmetics for the first days;
  • do not use highly aggressive products;
  • postpone going to the gym;
  • Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun.

Alternative manipulations (7 options)

Some people themselves do not want to carry out ozone therapy, and it is contraindicated for other patients. What to do in such a situation? Of course, look for an alternative.

The following procedures can replace it:

  1. . Injection healing and rejuvenation through the introduction of cocktails of vitamins and important substances.
  2. . This manipulation will help get rid of wrinkles. This is also an injection method, during which special fillers are injected under the skin.
  3. . Using laser exposure, you can get rid of acne, pigmentation and rejuvenate your face.
  4. . Plastic surgery can tighten the skin and remove wrinkles.
  5. . In this case, the skin is exposed to current pulses.
  6. . This is an injection procedure that delivers hyaluronic acid into the deep layers of the skin.
  7. Alginate mask. Recently, this type of cosmetology service has become increasingly popular.

Question answer

After ozone therapy, the process of cell division accelerates. This also applies to tumor cells. That is why the procedure is prohibited for people who have been diagnosed with cancer. But there are situations when tumors are hidden and have not yet been diagnosed. In this case, ozone therapy will accelerate their growth.

Ozone therapy can really help in this case, because it fights inflammation and has a bactericidal effect. But it is recommended to do it after 18 years. If a complex form of acne is detected at the age of 16, doctors allow the use of this method.

No, fears in this case are in vain, since this procedure is not addictive. But it is recommended not to do ozone therapy more than 2 times a year.

Home rejuvenation

As already mentioned, ozone rejuvenation can be performed outside the treatment room of an expensive clinic.

Ozone therapy for the face at home includes safe but effective methods for eliminating skin imperfections.

These include:

  • treatment of the skin with special ozonated water;
  • use of ozone cocktails;
  • exposure to skin treated with a special solution;
  • the use of a special device - an ozonizer.

How to prepare your face for a home ozone therapy session:

  1. The skin must first be steamed. To do this, you need to take any medicinal herb or mixture, brew it in a water bath and, covering your head with a towel, hold your face above the steam, inhaling and exhaling deeply.
  2. When blood rushes to the surface of the face and the pores open, it must be wiped with a clean towel.
  3. The next stage is applying an ozone cocktail to the problem area. This can be done with your fingertips or a sponge. The main thing is that your hands (sponge) are clean.
  4. Leave the composition on the skin for 10 minutes and wash off.
  5. After ozone therapy, a moisturizing or nourishing cream suitable for your skin type is applied to the face.

Such home ozone therapy sessions will be effective if carried out once every 2 weeks. With age, the frequency of procedures increases.

If you have the financial means, you can purchase an ozonator for use at home - a special device that saturates water with gas.

Ozone-enriched water can be used for both drinking and washing.

The effect is visible just a few days after the start of its use: the skin becomes cleaner and more elastic, the intensity of acne decreases, and the complexion improves.

Ozonated water can also treat the scalp (for example) and moisturize the hair.

Indications for use of ozone

Ozone therapy is indicated in cases where a person has the following skin problems.


  • acne, comedones, acne;
  • rosacea, scleroderma, alopecia;
  • neurodermatitis, ;
  • fungal infections, lichen ();
  • , bags and dark circles under the eyes;
  • excessive dryness or;
  • increased sensitivity;
  • enlarged pores;
  • acquired;
  • age-related skin changes (wrinkles, loss of tone).

Especially often, people resort to ozone therapy for the face to get rid of acne, which is confirmed by reviews.

Before treating each of the skin diseases on the list with ozone therapy, you must consult a doctor, since the problem often requires more thorough therapy.


Ozone therapy is a fairly serious procedure, especially when it comes to injections. Therefore, there are a number of contraindications to its implementation.


  1. any history of head trauma;
  2. epilepsy and seizures (even if they occurred only once in life);
  3. nervous system disorders;
  4. diseases associated with blood clotting problems;
  5. taking medications that reduce clotting;
  6. bleeding and menstruation (its first days);
  7. insufficient concentration of platelets in the blood;
  8. oncological diseases;
  9. hyperthyroidism;
  10. acute period after a heart attack or stroke;
  11. diabetes mellitus and diabetic retinopathy on its background;
  12. intolerance to medical ozone;
  13. drinking alcohol shortly before the session.

Consequences and complications

Those who are going to experience the rejuvenating and healing effects of ozone therapy should understand that after it, like any serious cosmetic procedure, there is a risk of complications, unpleasant consequences and side effects. These include:

  • botulism, swelling, rash;
  • pain at the injection sites (can spread to the ears and teeth) and headache;
  • visual impairment;
  • hematomas;
  • decreased mobility in the limbs on one side of the body;
  • acute psychosis;
  • complete lack of result (also considered a complication).

To better understand the effect of ozone therapy, it is worth looking at before and after photos of other patients and videos on the topic.

Sometimes ozone therapy may be useless if there are pathologies of the digestive system, endocrine system, etc. In this situation, it is worthwhile to initially treat the underlying disease.

Expert opinion

Irina Dorofeeva

practicing cosmetologist

Ozone therapy is one of the most modern methods that allows you to cleanse the skin and restore its structure. Ozone provokes activation of biochemical processes, increased microcirculation, improved blood supply, and has a positive effect on the immune system. But it is worth contacting a good specialist, since the procedure requires appropriate qualifications.

Christine Blaine

plastic surgeon

After ozone therapy, patients' skin becomes more elastic and its tone improves, but this requires about 5 sessions. Ozone is a powerful antioxidant, so after the procedure, inflammation and acne are eliminated. I think that this is a promising manipulation, the benefits of which have not yet been fully appreciated. It is useful not only for the beauty of the face, but with its help you can speed up the process of losing weight.

Many people talk about ozone therapy today. Whether this procedure brings benefit or harm is what worries doctors. Traditional medicine cannot answer this question unambiguously. Doctors recognize the effectiveness of this technique, but also remind about the possible side effects of such therapy

Today, many people talk about such non-standard physiological treatment as ozone therapy. Doctors are constantly researching questions regarding what ozone therapy is, the benefits and harms of this procedure, and the effectiveness of its use.

Ozone therapy: what is it?

Ozone therapy belongs to the physiotherapeutic methods of alternative medicine. This area of ​​therapy is viewed very differently throughout the world. Some doctors recognize the effectiveness of this method of treatment, while others believe that healing with ozone is dangerous or useless.

The essence of the procedure

The basis of ozone therapy, as can be seen from the very name of this technology, is the practical use of ozone gas - O3. The latter is generated in special medical ozonizer devices. This is a must, since ozone is considered a very toxic compound. The maximum permissible inhalation concentration of ozone is 10−5 percent. Ozone is toxic to the lungs and irritates the mucous membranes of the nose.

Due to the high toxicity of ozone, safety precautions must be observed when using gas. If ozone is introduced into the bloodstream, the gas is pre-mixed with physiological solution (gas is never administered intravenously in its pure form!). Or the patient undergoes autohemotherapy (ozone is mixed with the patient’s own blood). As a disinfectant, ozone in its pure form is injected into the subcutaneous tissue and joints (including externally).

Who is it shown to?

The use of ozone therapy has a wide range. The main indications for this procedure are as follows:

  • diabetes;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • clogged blood vessels in the legs;
  • venereal diseases;
  • asthma;
  • pulpitis;
  • migraine;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • ulcers in the digestive tract;
  • rheumatism;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • arthritis;
  • viral diseases;
  • arthrosis;
  • chronic hepatitis;
  • infected and bleeding wounds;
  • gastritis;
  • death of the retina or optic nerve;
  • peptic ulcers;
  • diseases of the upper airways;
  • acne;
  • stomatitis;
  • lichen;
  • anemia of pregnant women;
  • cellulite;
  • periodontal disease;
  • corneal injuries.


The following contraindications exist for ozone therapy:

  • myocardial infarction in the acute stage;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • convulsive syndrome;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • acute pancreatitis;
  • hypotension;
  • allergic reaction to ozone composition;
  • hypocalcemia;
  • internal bleeding;
  • hypoglycemia;
  • alcohol intoxication;
  • thyrotoxicosis.

Menstruation is not a serious contraindication.

Types of ozone therapy

There are several types of ozone therapy - systemic and local. Each method has its own characteristics.

Types of local ozone therapy and their purpose

Local ozone therapy is microinjections of an ozone-oxygen mixture into problem areas of the skin: wrinkles, folds. For these purposes, super-thin needles are used - which is why the painful “action” of the injection is not felt.

The effect of the session is visible instantly. Literally before our eyes, the patient has fewer wrinkles, skin tone improves, and the double chin disappears. The oval of the face becomes clearer. In addition to an excellent cosmetic effect, local ozone therapy can quickly improve weakened immunity.

Types of systemic ozotherapy

Systemic or intravenous ozone therapy involves intravenous infusion of an ozonized complex saline solution. Blood enriched with ozone saturates all tissues and internal organs of the patient. This leads to improved blood circulation, normalization of metabolism, dilation of blood vessels, and reduction of intoxication.

Systemic ozone therapy can be carried out in several ways, in particular:

  • mix the patient’s blood with ozone (autohemotherapy with ozone);
  • administer intramuscularly;
  • administer enemas with ozone composition;
  • give the patient ozonated water to drink;
  • install ozonated droppers;
  • inject ozone subcutaneously.

Application of ozone therapy in cosmetology

Today, ozone therapy is widely used in cosmetology to effectively combat various aesthetic imperfections of the figure and skin. Specially purified ozone, which is additionally enriched with oxygen, allows you to solve the problem of sagging and dry skin. The therapy helps remove wrinkles from the face and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

With the help of ozone therapy in cosmetology, they perfectly solve the problem of rosacea on the face, which is very difficult to treat with other cosmetic procedures.

Ozone in the fight against cellulite

Ozone therapy is excellent for cellulite. The essence of the treatment comes down to the fact that in specialized offices, cosmetologists inject therapeutic ozone into problem areas using ultra-thin needles. The number and duration of sessions are prescribed by cosmetologists individually, depending on the scale of the problem and the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

Elimination of skin defects

The introduction of ozone into the body helps remove unsightly stretch marks on the body. After a course of ozone therapy sessions, stretch marks become almost invisible.

Prevention of hair loss

Ozone therapy for hair helps solve the problem of hair loss. The introduction of ozone not only treats, but also restores hair follicles. Epidermal division processes are corrected and stimulated. The positive effect is achieved due to the disinfecting and immunostimulating properties of ozone.

Progress of the procedure

Like any other physiotherapeutic procedure, ozone therapy has its own distinctive features. There are also specific rules for conducting sessions for treating a person with ozone.

Preparation for ozone therapy

Ozone therapy of the body is impossible without preliminary preparation. A mixture of ozone oxygen of the required concentration is passed through a bottle with saline solution - this is done immediately before the session. The resulting solution retains its beneficial properties for thirty minutes, no more.

Before the session, the patient must have a snack - the food should be light. You should not smoke half an hour before the procedure. Experts also advise sitting in a calm environment before ozone therapy and “tuning in” to the upcoming “work.”

How is the ozone therapy procedure performed?

Ozone therapy sessions are carried out only under the supervision of specialists; on average, the procedure takes about thirty minutes.

The patient receives treated ozone through a needle. At the end of the session, the needle is removed and the injection site is covered with a tight bandage.

Side effects and possible complications: what to do?

Side effects after ozone therapy do occur. Basically, these are isolated cases. As a rule, ozone treatment is successful and without negative consequences. Gas bubbles during the intravenous administration of ozone do not enter the blood, therefore, the technique is absolutely harmless and does not pose a danger to the body. Side effects are possible if doctors’ recommendations are not followed, for example, if the procedure was performed on an empty stomach or the patient, on the contrary, ate too much before the session.

With intravenous administration

During intravenous ozone treatment, alcohol breakdown products are removed from the patient's body. Blood circulation improves and hepatocytes are restored. The blood thins, the brain is saturated with oxygen. With the intravenous method, sometimes patients experience convulsions, blurred vision and paraplegia - when a person loses the ability to move an arm or leg on one side of the body. Headaches also occur.

Inhalation of ozone

Inhaling ozone can lead to the destruction of lung surfactant, which prevents the walls of the alveoli from sticking together. The depth and rhythm of breathing may also change (even to the point of stopping breathing - in especially severe cases).

Ozone therapy is beneficial and harmful at the same time. This technique is certainly effective, but it has side effects, like any medical and cosmetic procedure. To avoid unpleasant consequences, sessions should not be performed if the patient has contraindications. This will avoid side effects almost one hundred percent.

Video: the whole truth about ozotherapy

Ozone therapy is a procedure that has mixed reviews. Now we offer you to learn about the sensations of therapy first-hand, as well as see ozone therapy aimed at removing fat deposits.

How I want to delay old age! Linger forever in the land of youth and beauty! Is it possible? After all, science does not stand still and hundreds of methods of radical rejuvenation are being developed every day?! Visitors to cosmetology and beauty salons have probably already heard about what ozone therapy is. Reviews of the “before” and “after” photos are polarizing, but it cannot be denied that the method works. It seems like this is a step forward into a new, youthful future!

Prolonging beauty

To improve your appearance and regain time without wrinkles and stretch marks, you can use not only the power of plants, minerals and other natural ingredients. Nature turned out to be much more generous than man could have imagined; she presented an incredibly useful resource - ozone, which can work real miracles with the human body. What is ozone therapy? for the healing and rejuvenation of the body, which is essentially a drug or other methods of obtaining it. This technique is not new to medicine; it has been actively used since the middle of the last century, and by the 80s, Italian doctors found a place for it in cosmetology. Ozone can be classified as a reactive form of oxygen with a huge spectrum of action. In particular, ozone is a powerful drug for regeneration and disinfection; it activates anti-inflammatory processes. As a result, ozone therapy can be used in the treatment of various diseases, including cardiovascular, urological and gynecological, aesthetic and anti-aging procedures. If ozone is used, the course of medication is significantly reduced in the treatment of chronic diseases, since general immunity is increased and the possibility of developing complications is blocked.

Indications for cosmetic procedures

Why is ozone therapy so attractive to absolutely healthy people? Reviews, “before” and “after” photos, doctors’ recommendations are small factors that influence decision-making. Even if a person feels normal, he will still sometimes feel sad about his passing youth. How to get your old self back? Will doctors' intervention do any harm? Will the zest and personal charm go away? There are several groups of aesthetic problems that ozone therapy can effectively treat. There are four of them: inflammatory diseases occur regardless of age; These are such troubles as acne, dermatitis, rosacea and pimples. The problem is caused by inflammation and pore contamination. The second group of problems is associated with general sagging skin, loss of tone and the appearance of wrinkles. In this case, injections are carried out superficially in order to obtain a good tightening effect and saturate the skin with oxygen. You can work with any part of the body that causes dissatisfaction. The third group is stretch marks and scars. The regenerating properties of ozone, increased blood flow and metabolism are required. The scars seem to be filled from the inside and become less noticeable. For better effect, the skin around the scars is treated.

Finally, the fourth group is alopecia, that is, problems of the scalp and hair follicles. Even experienced emotions influence the state of this zone. Thanks to ozone therapy, the body receives an anti-stress blow, and therefore the process of hair loss stops, the hair itself becomes stronger, and problems with dandruff and seborrhea are eliminated.

Another area of ​​influence

The procedure can become a real panacea for people actively struggling with excess weight and its side buddy - cellulite. The work is being carried out in several directions, and therefore the result will not be long in coming. Ozone partially breaks down fats and at the same time makes them less persistent and strong. They will go away faster if you accompany the course of procedures with sports or diet. After the sessions, general metabolism accelerates and the body is effectively cleansed of toxins. Superficial injections trigger metabolism and destroy the fibrous membranes of fat cells. These are exactly the same tubercles that form cellulite. The method itself will not give a 100% effect, but it is ideal as an addition to surgical liposuction or a course of anti-cellulite massage. After ozone therapy, the skin is tightened, body contours are clear, and there are no sagging areas.


How it is carried out helps doctors understand that such a procedure cannot be carried out at home. Medical ozone is administered subcutaneously or intravenously using special techniques. The doctor selects the dosage, concentration and the method itself, taking into account the patient’s indications and requests. For the injection itself, a special syringe with an ultra-thin needle is used, which minimizes pain. The last factor is extremely pleasant, since work can be carried out on delicate areas, for example, the eye area. If desired, you can use local painkillers. Ozone disintegrates quickly and is therefore generated directly during the procedure. For this action, ozonizer devices are used, which make it possible to obtain gas without impurities. The resulting drug is mixed with saline or even the patient’s blood, and then supplemented with antioxidants. The method with blood is called hemoozone therapy. For complete facial rejuvenation, 5-8 procedures of 10-20 minutes each will be required. There should be intervals of one day or more between sessions. The duration of the course depends on the complexity and degree of neglect of the skin area. For example, eight or more procedures are required to treat cellulite.

Could there be complications?

Of course, a potential client of a cosmetologist is always interested in how this procedure could turn out? Is it worth resorting to? It must be said that the procedure is considered completely safe and most beneficial for the human body. There are no restrictions after the procedure. There is also no period necessary for recovery. The effect is visible after the first procedure, but it is short-term. Its duration depends on the patient’s lifestyle, the complexity of the problem being solved and the course of procedures. If necessary, the doctor will recommend the number of procedures to prevent the result.

Cosmetologists admit that there is not enough scientific research on ozone therapy. Only the testimonies of trainees and isolated experiments with a successful outcome “speak” for a positive result. Therefore, ozone therapy is considered an alternative medicine all over the world and is used with caution. If you finally make up your mind and choose the “intravenous ozone therapy” procedure, doctors’ reviews will come in handy. Moreover, contact the doctors from the clinic of your choice, ask about their experience, the number of operations performed, and grateful clients. Don't be afraid to ask questions and figure out the answers for yourself.

Side effects

Alas, there is no procedure in the world that would not have side effects and contraindications! So the situation with ozone therapy will not surprise anyone. The good news is that the “side effect” occurs extremely rarely and does not cause any particular harm to health. Some short-term weakness, drowsiness, and dizziness may be noted. Sometimes allergic reactions may occur: skin redness, pigmentation, irritation and itching. The occurrence of side effects has not been scientifically confirmed, so we can safely say that they appear due to specific circumstances in each individual case. After all, ozone is a toxic substance in large doses, which means it can cause an oxidative process at the cellular level. True, such cases occurred only at the dawn of the development of ozone therapy. Doctors add that it is theoretically possible for blood clots to form in blood vessels when the drug is administered intravenously.


Do you need ozone therapy? Reviews from doctors will be given because it turns out that the procedure is simply prohibited for a number of people.

  • In the forbidden group are people with bleeding disorders and the presence of blood clots.
  • Ozone therapy should not be given to people with cardiovascular diseases and those who are in a condition that affects the cardiovascular system. In particular, this refers to the state of alcoholic intoxication.
  • People with thyroid diseases are at risk.
  • As well as people suffering from individual ozone intolerance.

Do not take risks during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Although there are exceptions to any rule, and in obstetric practice there are women with infections who are treated with ozone therapy. So is ozone therapy worth the sacrifice? Contraindications receive mixed reviews, but mostly offended ones, because such a small difference separates you from ideal skin! Fans of the procedure are mostly female, and they are very emotional about the forbidden achievements of science.

Current prices

We repeat, beauty costs sacrifice and, of course, costs money. Patient costs vary on a case-by-case basis. In particular, the final amount is affected by the method of ozone therapy, additional blood sampling, dosage of the drug, and the area of ​​the treated area. At metropolitan prices, one session of intravenous ozone therapy will cost between 1-3 thousand rubles. With a simple calculation, we find that the total cost of the rejuvenation course will cost 5-25 thousand, and the weight loss course will exceed 30 thousand rubles. One-time sessions are more expensive, but when purchasing 3-5 sessions you can save significantly on wholesale. Many salons and clinics provide discount cards so that the patient pays for a set of procedures at once, including ozone therapy. Clinic specialists collect “before” and “after” reviews for reporting purposes in order to compile a portfolio for future clients.

Patients say

In general, ozone therapy enjoys a good reputation. The “before” and “after” photos receive rave reviews, as the result is truly obvious. Wrinkles are smoothed out, the face becomes fresher. Patients recognize themselves 10-20 years younger. Complaints are mainly based on painful sensations. Many people cite a colorful metaphor that during the procedure the patient resembles a frog that the evil boys inflated through a straw. The skin is stretched, it seems that it is about to burst. If you experience such sensations, you should notify your cosmetologist. It may give an anesthetic or slightly cool the skin. Many patients say that the effect is subtle and controversial. Is it so? It is worth objecting, because ozone therapy is not a cure for all diseases and not a magic pill. The procedure has very clear indications, and it is useless to expect magic from it. For example, when fighting hyperpigmentation, it will not lead to dramatic changes, but it will refresh the skin and saturate it with oxygen.

Controversial comments

The patient is always right, even if he is capricious. A self-respecting clinic will not deny the patient’s words or argue with him if the result turns out to be controversial. The professional knows how the procedure worked and can summarize what ozone therapy provides. Reviews should be accompanied by “before” and “after” photos that are tactful and accurate. So, for example, if a lady wanted to undergo a rejuvenation course, then you should not expect the procedure to change her appearance. Yes, the skin will become younger, fresher and more interesting, but the facial features will remain the same. To get what she wants, the lady must clearly describe the desired result to the cosmetologist. Maybe he will recommend another procedure or a whole complex to her. Before ozone therapy there are always consultations where controversial issues are discussed. If desired, the result can be simulated on a computer. The doctor and patient agree on the dose of ozone and the number of sessions. After the first session, the result should be visible, and the doctor will conduct an examination. The skin should tighten and refresh. Painful sensations are normal, provided that the patient is able to tolerate it. It is also better to resolve the issue of anesthesia in advance, since such an injection must be given an hour before the procedure itself. If the session is scheduled for a certain time, then you will not be able to wait for the anesthetic to take effect. There should be no bruises; they are left only by an inexperienced doctor. If the cosmetologist’s hand is light, then swelling will be avoided.

For acne

The skin must be clean and dry for the procedure. The doctor cleans it before the injection itself. I must say that it really hurts to get it on your face. This is why ozone therapy for acne is not popular. The reviews she receives are rather neutral, since there is an effect, but the pain is hellish. Even after some time, pain in the skin treatment area may bother you. If there are fresh, not yet ripe pimples on the face, the consequences can be unpredictable. It is better to wait for a favorable period when only traces of acne remain on the face. Timing also matters regarding menstruation. Any procedures must be done at least a week in advance or every other week. In particularly advanced cases, the effect may appear several weeks after the procedure. Women over 30 speak favorably of this technique and recommend it to their peers.

For face

The cosmetologist can control the intensity of the effect on the facial skin. For example, a high concentration of ozone disinfects the skin, a medium concentration reduces pain and reduces possible areas of inflammation, and a low concentration allows healing and rejuvenation of the skin. Women over 35 years old love ozone facial therapy. Reviews, photos and recommendations from doctors are always in demand. This procedure eliminates facial wrinkles and fills nasolabial folds. Using ozone therapy, acne and purulent skin lesions can be treated. This method is effective and safe, the network of wrinkles is smoothed out, skin elasticity increases, and complexion improves. At the same time, your mood and overall well-being improves. If a cosmetologist performs a procedure on a patient’s face, he has the opportunity to assess the condition of the scalp. Next, ozone therapy of the head may be recommended. It has good reviews because it stops hair loss. They become stronger, shimmer in the light, and are saturated with oxygen. Our hair experiences the whole gamut of external influences. Removes all toxins
