On what day does breast milk appear? When will the milk come? Setting up lactation

On the 1st day after birth, you can usually express a few drops of colostrum; subsequently, its secretion increases in different ways. In some cases, milk arrives gradually, and on the 4-5th day there is a lot of it. In other cases, the flow of milk is sudden and violent (on the 3-4th day after birth). Within a few hours, the mammary glands harden, increase in volume, become painful, dilated veins are visible through the shiny, tense skin, and the temperature rises.

This condition can last 1-2 days. After which, if the mammary gland empties well, normal lactation is established. Sometimes, most often in first-time mothers, milk appears late - secretion begins only on the 5-6th day and even at the beginning of the 2nd week. From the moment milk flows in, secretion continuously increases, reaching a maximum between the 10th and 20th weeks, remaining at this height until the end of the lactation period. The duration varies widely and depends on the individual characteristics of the mammary gland, as well as on how long the mother breastfeeds the baby. The daily amount of milk in the 1st week ranges from 200-300 ml.

Complications during breastfeeding

In recent years, complaints from new mothers that their milk supply is low has become commonplace. Meanwhile, true agalactia (lack of milk production) is extremely rare. As a rule, it is caused by underdevelopment of the mammary gland, but it can also be associated with the increasing physical exhaustion of the woman and the mental shock she has experienced. In the last two cases, it may appear if the mother creates normal living conditions.

Most often, when a woman claims that she has no milk, we are talking about decreased lactation - hypogalactin. The reasons for it may be different. Among them are insufficient nutrition of the woman herself, overwork, lack of sleep, a turbulent situation in the family, and social instability.

A child’s infancy is a period when a woman especially needs the attention of loved ones and their help. And if, in addition to the worries associated with feeding and caring for the child, she is also entrusted with other household chores, she simply does not have enough time to sleep and get enough sleep. And this immediately affects the amount of milk. Therefore, when treating hypogalactia, the following are required: sufficient sleep - 7-8 hours a day, good nutrition with at least 1 liter of milk diluted with 1 liter of strong tea, or the same amount of fermented milk products. Psychotherapy is also recommended.

To enhance lactation, some women successfully use a nettle decoction (20 g of dry leaves pour 1 liter of boiling water, infuse and take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day) or a collection (take 25 g of anise, dill, fennel, oregano; the fruits are crushed in a mortar or coffee grinder, mix well; pour 1 teaspoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water, infuse and drink 2-3 times a day, 1 glass).

Medications, acupuncture, and physiotherapeutic procedures prescribed by the doctor are also used. When treating hypogalactia, it is recommended to follow the baby’s feeding regimen, and most importantly, carefully express milk after the baby has eaten (until the last drop). After expressing milk, it is good to take a hot shower, especially on the mammary glands. If the mother has little milk from the first days after birth, the baby needs to be put to the breast at least 7 times a day, and if he asks, then at night, and at each feeding - to both breasts.

Another lactation disorder occurs - galactorrhea, spontaneous leakage of milk. A slight release of milk before and during feeding from the other breast is a physiological phenomenon. With galactorrhea, milk leaks from the breast between feedings. Sometimes it flows continuously, severely irritating the skin of the chest. In this case, the total volume of milk flowing out may be small. Galactorrhea is often combined with hypogalactia. Galactorrhea is considered a manifestation of neurosis. Therefore, for its treatment, normal sleep and good nutrition are necessary first of all. Medication, physiotherapeutic or psychotherapeutic treatment is also carried out.

It also happens that a child, despite sucking a sufficient amount of milk, nevertheless does not gain weight well. There is a suspicion of milk deficiency. It usually has a bluish color and a watery taste. When analyzing milk, it is found that there is either a lack of protein, or fat, or carbohydrates. In the first case, women add cottage cheese, meat, eggs to the diet, in the second - cream, butter, flour products, in the third - confectionery, sugar syrup.

Often children are deprived of mother's milk due to the fact that during pregnancy women with irregularly shaped nipples (inverted, infantile, flat, cleft) do not try to correct it. If a woman pulls them out during pregnancy, then with the onset of lactation the nipples become more prominent, and the baby eventually adapts to them. Otherwise, they first use shields and, at the same time, after feedings, they pull out the nipples with their fingers, do a massage, and be sure to express the remaining milk using a breast pump - in short, they try to change the shape of the nipples so that the baby can be breastfed.

The so-called tight breasts, when there is a lot of milk, but the child cannot suck it out, also creates difficulties when feeding the child. To make it easier to empty the breast, you need to express a little milk before putting your baby to the breast. If this technique does not help much, the doctor prescribes quartz irradiation and chest massage.

A very unpleasant complication arises if during pregnancy a woman did not prepare the delicate and vulnerable skin of the nipple for feeding the baby and, moreover, during the first attachments to the breast, allowed him to suck for a long time. Appear. They cause severe pain and can lead to inflammation of the mammary glands. Sometimes the cracks are deep and bleed. When feeding, try to give the baby a sore breast less often or feed through a breast shield.

After the baby has eaten, the milk is carefully expressed to prevent mastitis and the cracks are treated with 2% tannin ointment, 2-5% solution of silver nitrate, 3% solution of methylene blue, 2% formalin alcohol, vitamin A. If inflammation has begun, the nipples are lubricated with syntomycin emulsion, which quickly relieves its manifestations, Kalanchoe, plantain juice, Shostakovsky balm, 0.2% furatsilin solution. Local ultraviolet irradiation has a good effect.

A serious disease for a nursing mother is mastitis - inflammation of the mammary gland as a result of microbes entering it. To prevent this disease. You must follow the following rules: wrap your breasts with warm water and soap once a day, prepare for expressing milk in the same way as for feeding a baby - put on a scarf, a mask and wash your hands thoroughly. Between feedings you should wear a bra and change it at least once a day.

You need to be especially careful if cracked nipples appear. When treating mastitis, it is necessary to avoid stagnation of milk in the gland. And therefore, despite the pain, the child continues to be fed and the milk is expressed after feeding. Only in severe cases of the disease, especially if pus gets into the milk, should breastfeeding be stopped. She is bandaged high, warm compresses are applied (simple, with alcohol, Shostakovsky balm). Physiotherapeutic procedures are recommended. In extreme cases, oral antibiotics are prescribed.


It is very important for every responsible mother to feed her baby herself immediately after giving birth. Against this background, she may have a lot of anxiety and worries. You can protect yourself from unnecessary stress if you understand the peculiarities of physiology before giving birth. Every woman should know when milk comes in after childbirth. The main problems of this process should also be taken into account. Everything must be done to prevent their occurrence.

In contact with

Each woman's body has individual characteristics. That is why it is difficult to determine what sensations should occur before the milk comes. However, doctors were able to identify a number of patterns. There are a number of simple measures that will allow milk to come in quickly and in sufficient quantities after childbirth.

Process duration

Immediately after the baby is born, the female breast begins to actively produce colostrum. The drink is produced in small quantities. However, it is quite enough for the baby to eat in the first days of life.

Important! Colostrum contains the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals .

With their help, it is possible to form the immune system in full. The body is ready to accept only such food.

That is why even a few sips will be enough for him. Colostrum allows you to fully satisfy your hunger.

During the period while the baby adapts, the nature of breast milk will change. On what day does milk come in after childbirth is difficult to answer.

It all depends on the individual characteristics of the female body and the severity of the birth process.

Informative! What to do after feeding: what to do

The fact whether there will be milk after childbirth can be influenced by the following factors:

  • The general nature of the birth process - natural or artificial.
  • Did the baby arrive on time or ahead of schedule?
  • This was the first birth, or the woman already has children.

On what day does milk come in after childbirth? As a rule, the process of transition of colostrum to its normal state for feeding can be observed on the second day. There is a change in its consistency, shade and taste. After this, it is allowed to begin the pumping process. On the third day, specific rushes of fluid are felt in the chest. This indicates the active functioning of the glands. They become dense and increase in size several times. If the volume is too large, then deformation of the nipple is observed. Against this background, mommy’s body temperature may increase.

The sensations when fluid comes into the breasts are much faster after the first birth. In the future, the body already understands what should happen, so it reacts more easily. If a woman gives birth for the second time, then less activity is noticeable. As a rule, lactation begins only on the third day. However, there are also cases when this happens much earlier.

No milk after childbirth in women after the first caesarean section. However, the process can be established within a maximum of four days.

What should I do to get milk in a woman who gave birth ahead of schedule?

In addition, additional medications entered her body to stimulate the process. That is why the delay in production can last from one to three days.

With the right approach, the woman should not have problems with lactation in the future.

Additionally, it is necessary to answer the question of how to speed up the flow of milk after childbirth through cesarean section.

Without additional intervention, it appears during the period from four to six days. During this period, the medications that were administered to the woman during the operation will be completely removed from the body.

There is no need to worry if there is no milk after childbirth for five days. In medical practice, there are cases when lactation begins only a week later. We should not forget that the time of milk appearance has nothing to do with the further development of the lactation process.

Additional tools to speed up the process

For many women in labor, the question is quite acute: how to produce milk after childbirth in a short time? If such a need arises, then it is advisable to take the advice of a breastfeeding specialist:

  • The process is regulated by two female hormones - prolactin and oxytocin. They begin to be produced at the moment when the baby tries to extract fluid from the breast by sucking. That is why it is recommended to increase the frequency of applying the baby to the breast. Thanks to this pastime, lactation can improve within just a few days.
  • Scientists have been able to establish that prolactin production peaks at night. That is why during this period it is necessary to feed the baby several times. Simple application of crumbs also has a positive effect.
  • With one feeding it is allowed to use only one breast. It is important to alternate from procedure to procedure. Thanks to this, it will be possible to achieve uniform development of the mammary gland.
  • On the third day after giving birth, a woman should limit her water consumption. Its excess amount can lead to too intense production. In this case, mommy will suffer from pain and bloating, which can cause her a lot of discomfort.

Preventing Fatal Errors

You should only find out why milk does not come in after a cesarean section or childbirth from a doctor. It may be necessary to take measures to prevent the development of lactostasis.

To stop the progression of a serious illness, you should follow a series of simple rules:

  • Feeding should begin with pumping small quantity liquids. This simple procedure allows for preheating. The breast becomes soft, so the baby can easily get the nutritional mixture through the nipple.
  • Frequent changes of positions by the woman help to obtain hind milk from the breast. Only in this case is it possible to empty individual segments of the gland.
  • If the baby is unable to completely empty one breast during feeding, then the woman is advised to continue pumping. Thanks to this it will be possible to prevent stagnation of milk. This process is dangerous and can lead to severe inflammation.
  • Breasts after childbirth noticeably increase in size, so they need additional support. Only a nursing bra can fully provide this. It should be the right size and not rub.

Milk is absent only if the woman does not pay due attention to the process.

Note! Burnout can also occur in the event of illness.

However, according to statistics, this process is typical for only 3% of all women. They have to feed their babies formula from the first days of life.

Using the recommendations described above, it will be possible to establish the lactation process in a short time.

Gives a woman positive emotions. That is why it is categorically not recommended to refuse this purposefully.

Modern medicine has all the resources to solve even the most complex problems. The disease cannot be started.

If you have the first symptoms, you should consult a doctor. He will be able to select safe means that will prolong lactation.

We should not forget that only breast milk contains all the nutrients for a baby.

Useful video: when milk comes in after childbirth

In the article we discuss when milk comes in after childbirth. We talk about the symptoms of milk coming in for first-time mothers, and what to do if there is no milk for several days after delivery. You will know when multiparous women begin to produce milk.

The importance of colostrum for a newborn

Colostrum is the fluid secreted by the mammary glands during pregnancy, as well as for several days after birth. It begins to be produced at the end of the first trimester or the beginning of the 2nd trimester.

At this time, the breasts increase in size and their sensitivity increases. Also at this time, the ducts enlarge, through which colostrum will first move, and then milk. The expectant mother's body begins to gradually prepare for breastfeeding.

From a physiological point of view, colostrum is important not only for preparing the woman’s body, but also for feeding the newborn until milk begins to be produced.

Should I give formula and water to a newborn?

In the first days after delivery, a young mother produces only colostrum. This is due to the unpreparedness of the newborn’s intestines to digest full-fledged breast milk. At the same time, the volume of a newborn’s stomach is only 7 ml, and only a couple of drops of colostrum are enough to saturate the baby.

After birth, doctors almost immediately put the baby to the mother’s breast. During this feeding, the baby sucks about 5 ml of colostrum. This amount is sufficient to enhance the newborn’s immunity and prevent infections. In addition, it has been proven that breast-fed babies are less likely to have allergies than bottle-fed babies.

Therefore, the baby does not need additional feeding or supplementary water. The colostrum he receives in the first days is enough for proper development and.

When does the milk come in?

The formation of breast milk is influenced by a number of factors:

  • premature or full term birth;
  • natural birth or by caesarean section;
  • first or repeat birth.

For a natural first birth, it is considered normal for milk to appear on the 2nd day after delivery. At first, breast milk has a yellowish tint, but gradually it turns white. At the same time, real milk begins to be produced only on days 3-5.

In first-time mothers who have undergone a cesarean section, real milk appears on days 4-5, but only in the case of a full-term pregnancy. In case of premature pregnancy, milk arrives on the seventh day or is completely absent. Even a specialist cannot give the exact timing of milk production.

Read what to do if milk doesn’t come.

Symptoms of breast milk production:

  • sharp enlargement of the mammary glands;
  • breast pain and tenderness;
  • the mammary glands harden.

There can be a lot of milk that appears. This will cause the nipples to become flat and difficult for the newborn to latch onto.

In multiparous women, the earliest appearance of milk is the day after delivery. At the same time, the breasts practically do not increase in size after the arrival of milk, and there is practically no pain. But there may also be a slight local temperature, i.e. the mammary glands will become very hot.


During the first few days after birth, mother and newborn adjust to each other. Also at this time, it is necessary to properly establish lactation so that there are no health problems or lack of milk in the future.

The nuances of breastfeeding:

  • The milk is coming little by little. Frequent latching helps increase milk supply. Experts advise feeding the baby on demand to prevent lactostasis.
  • Ensure proper attachment of the newborn. It should cover the entire nipple and areola, and mommy should not feel discomfort when feeding. In this case, the newborn will receive a sufficient amount of milk, and cracks in the nipples will not occur.
  • After feeding, you should carry the baby upright so that he can burp the air that he captures during feeding.

How to keep your milk from going to waste

In some cases, a woman in labor loses or decreases the amount of milk. To prevent this situation, certain rules should be followed:

  • be less nervous;
  • eat well and drink enough fluids throughout the day;
  • apply the newborn more often to the breast that has little milk;
  • use a contrast shower;
  • do not use birth control pills;
  • get more rest;
  • perform daily breast massage;
  • try to minimize contact with sick people.

Breast milk is the baby’s very first food, and at the same time the most healthy and nutritious. Fortunately, gone are the days when cow's or cow's milk was considered a more suitable diet. Today, new mothers can breastfeed their babies to their heart's content.

Those women who have given birth for the first time may worry why they do not produce milk immediately after giving birth. But everything is very simple - the lack of milk after childbirth is quite normal, and the appearance of milk awaits you very, very soon.

Usually, in the first few days, a woman secretes colostrum from her nipple - a clear liquid that tastes sweet. At first, this is quite enough for the baby. Higher fat milk is not yet suitable for his digestive system. After all, it has just started working, the intestines have just begun to be populated with beneficial bacteria.

Under no circumstances should you give your child formula from a bottle now, thinking that he will not get enough of colostrum. Feeling how easily milk flows from the nipple, perhaps yours is larger - after all, in this case you need to work hard to get food.

What should a mother do when her milk comes in?

The arrival of milk is usually noted 2-3 days after birth. Sometimes this happens on day 5-6. And when the long-awaited milk appears and arrives after childbirth, it brings new questions. After all, the breasts often become very full and even hard.

In the first few days after the milk arrives, you should refrain from drinking liquids. Your mouth will feel dry, but you shouldn’t drink too much. You can rinse your mouth with water frequently.

You may need to express milk after feeding. The baby is still very small and needs only 20-30 grams, while much more milk comes in. Over time, everything will return to normal - the breast and the baby will adapt to each other. Milk will come in exactly as much as the baby eats.

For now, we need to wait a few days. You will likely need help breaking up breast stones and expressing milk. While you are in the hospital, a midwife or other medical staff may be able to help you. You will be taught how to express excess milk correctly so that you can do it yourself at home.

However, there is no need to get carried away with pumping. Once the feeding process returns to normal, you will not need to do this, otherwise you risk plunging into the endless process of “eating-pumping-arriving-eating-pumping”. After all, the milk will begin to arrive as much as it was taken from the breast at the last feeding, including how much you managed to express. Expressed milk turns out to be excess.

In the last weeks of pregnancy, every girl worries whether she will have milk in her breasts, what quality and whether in the right quantity. In order for the expectant mother not to worry about this, it is worth understanding in more detail what day it arrives, as well as what it depends on and what needs to be done in order to prevent possible problems.

A woman's body is individual. It is for this reason that no specialist can say exactly when breast milk will arrive. But some patterns still exist.

What is colostrum and is it worth feeding the baby?

Colostrum is a substance, which appears in the chest already during the period of bearing the baby. It begins to be produced at the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy, when the mammary glands enlarge and become more sensitive. During this period, there is an increase in the tubules and ducts through which colostrum and, later, milk will pass. This is how the woman’s body prepares for the future feeding of the baby.

It is necessary not only for the female body to prepare for the upcoming feeding, but also for feeding the child.

It was nature that intended for a woman to produce colostrum in the first postpartum days. This is due to the fact that in the first hours a newborn’s intestines are not yet ready to digest full-fledged breast milk. And a child’s stomach, which has a volume of approximately 7 milliliters, can be filled with a few drops of colostrum.

It is no coincidence that a newborn is immediately placed on the mother’s breast. At his first meal, he absorbs about a teaspoon of colostrum. This is necessary in order to prevent infection and strengthen the baby's immunity.

It has been proven that those children who are bottle-fed are more susceptible to allergic reactions than children who are breastfed.

It is for this reason that it is considered natural and normal to eat colostrum during the first 4 days after birth. The baby's weight loss, which is observed during this period, is also inevitable. This also happens with artificial feeding.

When does milk appear?

This depends on several factors:

For first pregnancy It is considered normal to have no milk for 2 days after birth. Then a thick yellowish milk should appear. Its amount is slightly greater than colostrum. But real breast milk should appear between 3 and 5 days after the baby is born. Before this, at night, the breasts become hard, begin to hurt and increase sharply. The amount of milk that arrives can be so large that the nipples will be flat and the baby will not be able to take them.

If the birth is repeated, then the breasts no longer increase so much and do not react so painfully, and the milk comes in faster. When breast milk appears, the breast becomes hot (local temperature increases).

If the baby was full term, but a successful caesarean section was performed, then the milk should also arrive approximately 3–5 days after the baby is born. But if a caesarean section had to be performed earlier than the due date for childbirth, then the mother’s body will spend more time recuperating. It is for this reason that milk may appear after 7 days or disappear altogether. Doctors cannot say the exact timing in such a situation.

The most important days are the first days of feeding.

The baby and mother adapt to each other over the first few days. The most important stage in this is the feeding process. In most maternity hospitals today, the wards are equipped in such a way that babies are close to their mother throughout the entire period. This is an excellent opportunity to improve the process of feeding the baby. But The following nuances are still worth considering:

How to put your baby to the breast correctly

It is necessary to properly put a baby to the breast so that he is fed fully and has enough nutrients. For proper application, you should follow some simple rules:

How often should you feed your baby and should you pump?

In the first days When there is not enough milk yet, the baby is fed on demand. At the same time, he can ask for food either very often (every 40 minutes) or very rarely (several times a day). During this time, there are no clear feeding times.

After milk appears in a certain amount, the baby begins to suckle at the breast with a certain frequency. Basically, during the daytime the frequency is every 1 - 1.5 hours, and at night - from 3 to 5 times. The baby controls the feeding process independently. But if your baby rarely eats and sleeps a lot, then you can put him to your chest while sleeping. Babies are able to breastfeed even in their sleep.

If you feed your baby on demand, then there is no need to express breast milk. On the first day, the amount of milk will be greater, but already on the second, its volume will be exactly what the baby needs to be full. It is for this reason that you cannot express milk on the first day, otherwise the amount will be even greater.

How to stop milk from going to waste

Situations like this happen when the milk your baby needs so much disappears. To minimize the risk or avoid such a case altogether, you should follow some rules:

Lactation can be increased with the following set of products:

But you should refrain from mayonnaise, spicy, smoked and sweet dishes. They can disrupt normal digestion or cause allergies in a child. You should also refrain from red fruits and berries.

There is no milk - what to do to get it

WITH the following manipulations should be carried out:

  1. Place your baby on both breasts alternately as often as possible.
  2. It is necessary to drink plenty of fluids (at least 2 liters per day).
  3. You need to make sure that your nutrition is correct. The body of a nursing mother, and especially after childbirth, should not lack minerals and vitamins.
  4. Make sure you attach your baby to the breast correctly.

Complications during breastfeeding

It happens that There are certain complications that arise when breastfeeding:

Rules for faster milk production

There are several rules :

  1. The baby should be put to the breast every time he requires it.
  2. The baby should suckle as much milk as he needs. He himself must release the breast from his mouth. And this is especially true in the early morning. This way to establish lactation is the best - the mother’s body receives signals about the baby’s needs and works with it in accordance. Cracks in the nipples may appear due to improper latching rather than prolonged sucking. Prolactin is produced more intensely during pre-morning feeding, so you should not skip it.
  3. There is no need to use substitutes in the form of bottles, pacifiers and pacifiers. If the baby just wants to drink, then he will suckle at the breast for 5 - 10 minutes, and if he is hungry, then this process will last longer. If plain water is required, then such situations can be solved using a pipette, spoon, or syringe without a needle, but in no case with a pacifier.
  4. If a mother’s milk comes in after giving birth at a time when it is not possible to feed the baby on demand, then it is necessary to use pumping.

A reason for concern for parents should be a situation when a child cries immediately after feeding or while still under the breast. This may indicate that there is not enough milk, or that the baby is beginning to refuse the mother's breast.

Is there enough nutrition for the baby?

It is very difficult to know after giving birth whether breast milk is enough. In order to understand this, you should focus on the following indicators:

You cannot judge that there is little milk after childbirth based on the condition of the breasts. With the right approach to breastfeeding, by about the age of 1 month, a woman’s breasts will almost always be soft. And only during feeding will milk be produced in it. If you accumulate milk between feedings, the amount will decrease.

How to avoid problems

In order to reduce pain when milk arrives in the mammary glands and prevent the development of lactostasis, A nursing mother must adhere to the following rules:

Every woman produces breast milk after childbirth. Of course, its amount and time of arrival are different for everyone, but after colostrum it appears in everyone.

But there are women who do not pay due attention to the development of lactation. Because of this, milk stops being produced altogether over time. In some cases, breast milk may burn out due to the mother's illness. Approximately 3% of women feed their baby formula rather than breastfeed.
