Find and excite: hot spots of the male body and ways to influence them. Erogenous zones in girls: where they are located and how to find them on a woman’s body

To believe that men have only one erogenous zone—you know where—means to impoverish your intimate relationships! After all, if you skillfully go through the right points, the level of your partner’s passion will simply go off scale.

Magic points

Despite the fact that any sexologist can immediately name the most common male erogenous zones, it’s not so simple. After all, each man has a different number and location. And therefore, certain caresses, from which one person is euphoric, may leave another indifferent or even categorically dislike it. Therefore, you can only find and learn how to correctly influence these magic points through experience.

Of course, you can always openly and directly ask: “What do you like most about sex?” Still, try to show an interest in research - and then your own joy from an accidental discovery will double the pleasure of intimacy. Not to mention the ninth wave of his excitement, which suddenly surged from an unexpected touch to that very secret place that, perhaps, your partner himself was not aware of.

You are going the right way!

How to create a sexual topography of his body? Quite simple. You just need to slowly explore every corner, carefully listening to your partner’s reactions. Increased breathing, a sigh, a groan, goosebumps, a shudder or a trembling running through the body - there are many signals with which a partner can hint that your hands, lips and tongue are on the right path.

However, it is very important not to confuse pleasure and pain and not mistake one for the other. Out of delicacy, a partner may be afraid to openly say that certain of your actions are unpleasant to him. Therefore, women need to be very sensitive in this matter. At first, the movements should be light, like the wings of a butterfly. If your partner does not respond to them, you can move on. And if he sighs or groans, try to carefully increase the impact.

Where is his button?

In addition to the lips and private parts, erogenous zones are most often located in the following areas of the body.

Breast. Nipple stimulation is not to the taste of all men. But what if yours likes it? Try it!

Back. Especially the scruff, which is also called the cat’s place, is where cats hold cats during intercourse. Many men enjoy being stroked or lightly scratched along the back.

Feet. There are points responsible for sexual arousal.

Under the knees. Touching this sensitive area with your fingers and tongue, where the skin is thin and hairless, can give a man a special sensation.

Inner thighs. Gentle, leisurely caresses in this area will make him tremble with anticipation.

Confession in your ear. And yet, the main male erogenous zone is the ears. No, we are not even talking about their stimulation through stroking and biting. Although they say that women love with their ears, in reality it’s the other way around. Not only can you say exciting things into your ear, but you can also say something very flattering. Perhaps no man can resist subtle and graceful (and sometimes overt and rude) flattery. Say pleasant things to your loved ones more often, praise them, stroke their fur - and then even the most brutal type will be more gentle with you than a kitten. By the way, don’t forget to admire your partner immediately after sex - the more sincerely you do this, the better off you will be.

The worst enemy of sex is boredom and monotony. How many types of kisses do you know? Here are a couple more for you: ice - when there is a piece of ice in the kisser’s mouth. And hot - when, before starting oral sex, you took a sip and held a sip of hot coffee or tea in your mouth.

Erogenous zones are areas of the skin or mucous membrane, when exposed to which sexual arousal and increased erection occur, if we are talking about men.

The main rule of an ideal lover is to give a man what he needs. However, men are often reluctant to share with us secret knowledge about the intricacies of their sexual nature, so you will have to act empirically, checking how your partner reacts to caresses of certain parts of the body. If you are patient, sensitive and attentive enough, over time it will seem to a man that you are reading his thoughts.

Let's move on to practice.

Lips and tongue

Often lovemaking begins with kissing. There are a huge number of nerve endings on the lips and tongue that detect the slightest impact.

Lips are much more sensitive than fingertips and even facial skin, which is considered quite delicate. The reason is a particularly thin cell layer. There are 16 such layers on the face, and 3-5 on the lips.

Humanity has come up with hundreds of types of kisses: from weightless brief hints of touching to passionate French kisses, when tongue movements and even biting are used.

Some movements even have their own names, for example, “mill” - inserting the tongue of one partner into the other’s mouth and rotating the tongue in the partner’s mouth; “exquisite kiss” - inserting the tongue into the partner’s mouth and sliding along his palate; “royal kiss” - sliding the tongue over the teeth and inserting it behind the partner’s cheek; “stinging kiss” - sucking the partner’s lip with a sharp and short insertion of the tongue into the partner’s mouth.

Do not overdo it with the force of impact on this erogenous zone; not everyone likes hickey marks, although there are men who proudly display them as proof of their perfection as a lover.

Neck and back of the head

The back of the head and the back of the neck are the strongest erogenous zone for many men. Perhaps a positive response to affection in this area begins in childhood, when the boy’s head was stroked by his mother.

Besides, the head is too important a part of the body. Allowing her to hug her means to some extent depriving her of visibility and control over what is happening. This can only be done either by a very close person, or if you want to get a dose of adrenaline.

Both scenarios can lead to arousal in different types of men. So pay attention to your partner’s neck and head - stroke it, cup it with your palms, kiss it, or you can also lightly scratch it with your nails.


Palm massage seems simple and not worthy of attention if we are talking about male erogenous zones. But there is one secret place in the palm - between the tubercles under the middle and ring fingers. This is a projection of the groin area on the palm. Innocent stroking and kneading of this area can cause a quite noticeable erection in a man.

The second erogenous zone in the palm is the area of ​​skin between the bases of the index and middle fingers on the back side. If you use your hand to depict a walking man, then the index and middle fingers will become the legs, and the place between them, respectively, will become the groin area. This way, hand massage can turn into sensual play.

As for the hands themselves, try caressing the elbows and armpits. Watch the reaction carefully, there is a risk that your man will become ticklish.


Playing with curls on the chest can be a warm-up before more daring caresses. As for nipples, everything is individual. For some men, touching them brings incredible pleasure. With these, use your entire arsenal of touches.

But we must remember that, unlike women, nipples are not such a powerful erogenous zone for men, and sometimes caresses even cause discomfort.

If your chosen one is one of these, look for another place to apply your passion. For example, try elements of body-body massage - stroke his naked chest with your wide movements.


For men, caressing the belly is a signal that the woman is about to begin the most important thing. In addition to the caresses that come to mind with your palms, chest and stomach, try a spiral massage with the top of your head.

To do this, you need to put the man on his back, straddle him on top, bow his head strongly, place the top of his head on the man’s navel and make circular movements with his head, gradually expanding the circles. We assure you that he has never experienced such sensations before.


Many men admit that foot massage is very exciting for them. It is not for nothing that in eastern countries there is such a tradition as washing the feet of your spouse with water.

Also, do not ignore the area on the back of the knee; it is extremely susceptible to tenderness. Since each man has his own sensitivity threshold, some may find such procedures very ticklish.


Yes, yes, including the back. Often this area is left without due attention, and yet there are several erogenous zones on the back, such as the sacral area and the interscapular space. Massage movements are best done from top to bottom.

Your chosen one will be pleasantly surprised if you diversify the stroking with your hands, for example, by touching your chest or running the ends of your hair along your back, or maybe with a delicate feather or sharp claws, and perhaps even crush her with your feet. Fantasize, be unpredictable and you will never be able to bore your partner!

The most important

We deliberately left out the caresses of the penis, perineum and anus. Women usually have some awareness of what to do with these male erogenous zones to create arousal. But you don’t just want sex, but one that will be memorable and unusual for your man.

Secret trick of Thai masseuses

Often men who lived with a local girlfriend in Thailand return and feel that there is something missing when making love with any other woman. It turns out that Thai women place a so-called anchor on a man’s body. If this anchor is not activated during sex, the man feels that the caresses are not complete and pleasant enough. This is how Thai women protect themselves from betrayal.

How to install this anchor? You need to choose two unusual parts of your chosen one’s body. You will pay attention to one zone just before the start of sex, and caress the other after the end of coitus. This must be done for seven sexual acts in a row, so the anchor will be fixed. In the future, it is advisable to keep the anchor up to date.

The areas should be those that are rarely touched in everyday life. If you rub your partner on the shoulder at the beginning of each act, then any friendly pat in the office can lead to unnecessary stimulation.

But if you choose the right secret place, which means “darling, there will be sex soon,” then you can excite your partner in the future by caressing this area. Likewise, instead of the annoying “I have a headache,” you can caress the final zone, and your partner’s romantic intentions will subside on their own.

Inconstancy of zones

Erogenous zones for girls are a mysterious and sophisticated topic. Sexually, young ladies are more sophisticated than men. Therefore, this topic should be given a little more attention. Each girl has individual erogenous zones. And they, in turn, have the ability to move. Therefore, you shouldn’t be surprised if yesterday a girl moaned from touching her neck, and today she declares that it is unpleasant for her. In a word, this topic will never be fully revealed.

More fun

I would like to note that the erogenous zones of girls are something special. Because a woman sometimes gets many times more pleasure from touching them than from sex itself. So, erogenous points in women are supersensitive areas of their body, upon stimulation of which the girl becomes completely aroused.


The face is full of such spots. One of the most famous ways to get girls excited is the French kiss. There is a well-known saying: “a woman loves with her ears.” Physically too! If you whisper sweet words in her ear and seal it all with a gentle kiss, you can be sure that she will get excited. You can't help but notice the neck. For many girls, this is the most sensitive point. Thanks to stroking, kissing or a gentle massage, you can give her incredible pleasure.

A little lower...

When listing the erogenous zones of girls, one cannot fail to mention the place between the shoulder blades. Pleasant sensations can be delivered by gentle stroking or biting. Breast. For most women, this place is the most powerful erogenous zone. In the well-known book “Kama Sutra,” the technique of delivering pleasure through stimulation of a given place is described in great detail.


In tantric sex, this area (up to the genitals from the waist) is considered the point at which the energetic connection with the Universe occurs. If you stimulate this zone, you can attract a strong flow of pleasant sensations that will set your partner up for passionate sex.

Bottom part

Buttocks - what is needed here is not affection, but masculine strength. Squeezing with your hand or slapping with your palm is a very popular technique that can arouse a girl who is hungry for passion. The inner thigh is a key transition point to the genitals. Touching these places can greatly arouse a woman.


When talking about erogenous zones in girls, this topic cannot be ignored. Everyone has heard about her. Men are very interested in this zone, because it is located at a depth of five centimeters in the vagina, on its front wall. You can influence this point either intentionally or involuntarily. Caresses of the clitoris are also popular - after all, about 80 percent of all girls on the planet are instantly aroused by caresses of this place.


Few women were able to experience uterine orgasm - only 20 percent of the entire population. This is due to the fact that not all representatives of a strong part of the population have the required penis size. The second reason is that not all girls have such sensitive genitals. Both reasons are purely physiological characteristics.

WITH Exologists teach us to give pleasure to men by talking about their erogenous zones. But, as numerous studies show, many women have no idea where their own “pleasure points” are. will help fill this knowledge gap.

What are erogenous zones? As numerous reference books say, these are areas of the human body, the impact of which brings pleasant sensations of a sexual nature. Stimulation of these areas causes arousal and helps achieve orgasm.

Erogenous zones occupy 15% of the dermis. On the surface of every woman’s skin there are 1.5 million nerve receptors that are responsible for sexual arousal (there are 8,000 of them on the clitoris alone!).

Each representative of the fairer sex has its own erogenous zones. For example, someone is greatly aroused by stroking the belly, while others are “turned on” only by stimulation of the clitoris.

Ignorance of your own erogenous zones can cause many intimate problems. By the way, experts claim that this lack of knowledge is the most common reason for a woman’s lack of orgasm.

So, where and how to look for your erogenous zones?

There are three types of erogenous zones.


These include areas of the body that can be stimulated to achieve orgasm. For women it is:

- vaginal walls

The type of orgasm that she can experience - clitoral or vaginal - depends on which of these zones a woman has the most sensitive. Some women have sensitivity in both areas.

The most sensitive area of ​​the vagina is the G-spot.


Stimulation of these areas causes sexual arousal, increases pleasure, but does not necessarily ensure orgasm.

These include:

- ears,
- breast
- nipples,
- labia minora, labia majora,
- entrance to the vagina,
- Cervix,
- buttocks,
- anus.

I wonder what about 25% of women can still experience orgasm due to stimulation of the breasts and nipples. But this is a slightly different orgasm - as experts call it, sensory or peripheral.


Impact on these areas causes sexual arousal, nipple erection and lubrication. But their main feature is that these zones are individual. They are associated with a woman’s personal experience and can be located anywhere - even on the palms of her hands.

Stimulation of these areas of the body can activate secondary and primary erogenous zones.

"Migration" of erogenous zones

Some erogenous zones are present on a woman’s body from the moment of birth, while others appear over time. Moreover, over time, these zones can “wander” throughout a woman’s body.

Relocation of sensitive sexual points may be caused by the following reasons:

Pregnancy and childbirth
- changes in hormonal levels,
- menstruation.

Many experts claim that a woman’s erosions change even when she changes her sexual partner.

Erogenous zones become especially sensitive before sexual intercourse. During sexual foreplay, their stimulation gives the woman the greatest sexual pleasure.

And here exposure to these same areas after sexual intercourse can cause discomfort and even pain. The same effect can be observed if a woman is stressed.

According to statistics, the most common and active erogenous zone is the clitoris. Before 70% of women claim that it is clitoral stimulation that gives them the greatest pleasure. Next in popularity are nipples and cervix (15-25%).

How to find erogenous zones?

How to find erogenous zones on your body? There are several ways.


Psychologists say that both men and women strive to hide and protect their most sensitive areas. For example, If a woman has very sensitive nipples and breasts, then she will consciously or unconsciously try to always wear a bra.

In general, a woman’s clothing style can tell a lot about her sexual preferences. If a woman wears long sleeves, then she probably has very sensitive inner elbows, and the predominance of trousers in her wardrobe indicates sensitivity in her hips.

In addition, many women “give away” their erogenous zones with their behavior, unconsciously placing emphasis on them.

So, if a woman often crosses her legs and likes to press her folded palms between her legs, this indicates the sensitivity of her clitoris. Constant biting and licking of lips indicates their special sensitivity.

Observe your behavior, especially when you are nervous: if you do not discover new erogenous zones in yourself in this way, you will probably notice many interesting coincidences.

Joint searches

Another way, and perhaps the most correct one, is to search for erogenous zones together with a partner. Why is it the most correct? Because this practice will be useful not only for you, but also for your sexual relationship with your beloved man.

Ask your partner to help you find the most sensual areas on your body. Try different types of stimulation and listen carefully to how your body reacts when affecting a particular area.

The “search” may take a fair amount of time, but at the same time it will add variety to your sex life. True, they require special frankness and lack of embarrassment on the part of both partners.


But an independent search for erogenous zones can be crowned with success much faster than in the company of a partner, although this is not always the case.

How to independently find sensual zones on your body? To do this, you will need a little knowledge about where approximately the erogenous zones may be, masturbation skills, patience and time. You can also use a mirror.

As sexologists say, the act of self-satisfaction is a great way to explore your body, no matter how ugly it may sound.

And indeed, alone with yourself, without being embarrassed by anyone, you will be able to study your body to the smallest detail and its reaction when exposed to certain erogenous zones.

Feel free to use all kinds of sex toys.

Methods of influencing erogenous zones

There are as many ways to influence erogenous zones as there are erogenous zones themselves. You can stimulate sensitive areas of the body using:

- tingling,
- spankings,
- circular movements,

- breathing,
- kisses,

Tongue, lips,
- penis,
- heat,
- cold.

The choice of method of exposure again depends on the individual characteristics of each woman. For some, gentle caresses of the nipples with the tongue will bring incredible pleasure, and for others, quite strong pinching.

But what to do if you still haven’t managed to find your erogenous zones? This can happen if your sensuality is “dulled” due to stress and fatigue. This means that erogenous zones need to be activated. How to do it?

Can be applied aphrodisiacs and aromatherapy. So, prepare seafood dishes (oysters, shrimp), nuts, chocolate with spices for dinner. Experts also advise filling the room with the languid, stimulating aroma of sage, ylang-ylang, jasmine, patchouli or geranium.

Another way to awaken sensuality is massage. A massage is especially effective, during which attention is paid to the abdominal area, lower back, chest, back of the head, and inner thighs. Movements should be gentle, soft and leisurely.


There are a huge number of erogenous zones on the male body, the effects of which have completely different, but very pleasant sensations. To ensure your sex life is full of variety, we suggest familiarizing yourself with the location of these “hot” spots and the correct ways to handle them.

Lips and tongue

It's not for nothing that we spend so much time on passionate kisses. In the area of ​​the lips and tongue there is a huge number of nerve endings - very sensitive areas that detect even the slightest impact.

To make your loved one feel new sensations, learn the technique of caressing with lips and tongue. You will learn that in addition to the most popular “French”, there are also “royal”, “exquisite”, “stinging” and several other types of kisses.

Back of the head and neck

This area in men is very sensitive, most likely due to the fact that in childhood it was the place where maternal stroking fell. There is no universal point that causes arousal and is located in this area, so you need to look for an individual approach to each man. Try gentle and passionate kisses, light stroking with your palms and a light massage with your fingers, you can try blindfolding your loved one - this way, through trial and error, you will figure out those places that are the most sensual for him.


There are two secret points on a man's hand, the impact of which causes incredibly strong sensations. The first is located between the tubercles under the ring and middle fingers - it is a projection of the groin area. Light but persistent stroking of this point can cause an erection.

The second sensory area is located between the bases of the middle and index fingers on the back of the hand. Massage of this area causes pleasant sensations in almost all men.

You can also try caressing the armpits and elbows - some representatives of the stronger sex experience arousal from touching these areas.


Do you know why Thai massage is so popular among men? Because during it there is an intense impact on the feet, and they are another erogenous zone of the male body.

You can also pay attention to the back of the knee. For some men, touching this area causes tickling, while for some it is, on the contrary, arousing.


Many girls mistakenly consider the male breast to be an extremely erogenous zone, apparently drawing parallels with themselves. In fact, most men do not experience any special sensations from caresses of this part of the body. Although there is a small percentage of the stronger sex who like light stroking, playing with chest hairs and gentle kisses of the nipples and the area closest to them.


When a girl touches her lover’s belly, he feels that the most important thing is about to begin. Stroking with palms, the stomach and especially the chest has a stimulating effect on this part of the body.

There is another secret technique: if a man is lying on his back, straddle him on top, and then place the top of your head on his navel and begin to make slow circular movements with your head, gradually expanding the diameter of the circles. This will make your loved one feel at the peak of sensual bliss.


On a man’s back there are not just “hot” spots, but entire erogenous areas. The most sensitive places are located in the interscapular space and near the sacrum. You can stroke them with your palms, gently scratch them with your nails, touch them with hair, a feather or chest, and even lightly massage them with your feet. Each such touch will resonate in your loved one’s body with new waves of pleasure.

The most important

We deliberately did not touch the most sensitive parts of the male body - the groin area, penis and anus, because when handling them, you can turn on your imagination to the fullest, because any touch here will bring the most vivid and exciting sensations to your man.
