I found a gold ring, what should I do? Find a ring: the meaning of the sign

Unfortunately, rings sometimes get lost. They have to be removed when doing dirty, wet work, while sleeping, or for other reasons. A round object can easily roll into a secluded corner and “not report its location.” If you had to lose a ring, take urgent measures to neutralize the negative impact of this event on your life. After all, a ring is not only a decoration, but also a symbol of love, power, strength, wisdom (choose what suits you best).

People often use rings to make talismans for themselves and loved ones. The amulet protects against misfortunes, helps in business, and should always be carried with you. To do this, a compact, convenient thing is consecrated, and spells are read over it. The loss of such an item entails trouble.

Why does the ring get lost?

It is believed that losing a ring forever is a negative omen. Along with it, the owner loses wisdom, energy, vitality and happiness (if not completely, then an impressive part of these benefits).

If an item falls into the hands of a bad person who knows who it belonged to, this means that with the help of the jewelry the sorcerer will be able to cast a spell on the former owner.

If you happen to lose a ring at a time when you were haunted by a series of misfortunes, then it is believed that along with the lost ring, the troubles will go away. This means that there are also positive signs about the lost jewelry.

What to do if you lose your ring

First of all, make sure that the ring has not been stolen. Your personal accessory can become a powerful black magic attribute. If theft is possible, you need to protect yourself from evil with special spells and prayers.

If the lost ring was purchased by you personally, then you can ask a Higher Power for help. Believers will be helped by visiting church and praying.

After losing a ring, other measures can be taken. Experts in superstitions recommend looking for decoration in your home. Perhaps the home just needs cleaning.

It happens that an expensive beautiful thing is taken by a brownie. Just in case, leave a saucer of milk and some sweets or other sweets on the kitchen table with the words: “I played, now return it.” Help yourself." Often after such a ritual, lost items are found by themselves.

You can ignore the incident. If you don’t believe in omens, buy another amulet against failure instead - faith in the future will help you avoid troubles.

If your wedding ring is lost

Everyone knows that an engagement ring represents an everlasting memory of your “soulmate.” Therefore, the missing ring will “take” the husband with it from life. To interpret the sign, it is extremely important to take into account when the ring disappeared:

  • The ring is lost directly on the day of the wedding (before the wedding or a trip to the registry office) - a warning from the Guardian Angel that this marital union should not be created. Life in such a marriage can be joyless.
  • The loss of a family symbol immediately after the wedding predicts an imminent separation. At the same time, it is impossible to understand whose fault the break will occur.

There are also very bad omens associated with an already established family:

  • The spouse who made such a mistake will soon become a widow.
  • The family union may fall apart.
  • One of the married couple is cheating on the other.

The existence of such omens is not surprising, because a wedding ring is a powerful amulet for the family against the evil eye, damage, envy, malice, illness and other problems related or unrelated to witchcraft. It must be handled very carefully.

It is not for nothing that there is a belief that if a husband leaves the family, all the wife needs to do is look after him through her wedding ring, and he will return.

A marital amulet will help a small child recover if you put a ring under the baby’s pillow during illness.

Losing a ring, especially an engagement ring, does not bode well. But it’s better to tune in to the good, and hope that “higher powers” ​​will take your problems away from you.

Ways to neutralize bad omens about a lost symbol of marriage:

  1. Buy new rings (in this case you cannot buy one, you must buy two: for yourself and your spouse). They need to be put on at the same time (by a woman and a man), after reading the spell words above the amulets.
  2. The ring left without a pair should be taken to the church and left there. Donation should be made without regret.
  3. If you don’t want to part with a memorable item, make another decoration out of it. The melted and transformed object will not only preserve memories, but will also preserve the positive energy that has accumulated over many years of service on the ring finger.
  4. Read the spell over a single wedding ring and put the item in the box. After this, the hidden ring cannot be shown to other people.

There are other methods of restoring a family amulet. If there are a lot of memories associated with the ring, and you don’t want to part with it at all, buy only one instead of two, and don’t change yours. The essence of the ritual:

  • Buy one before going to the jewelry store. While shopping, quietly say: “I’m buying for a day, it will last a lifetime.”
  • Go to church with the rose. There, before the face of Jesus Christ, sincerely ask for happiness in your family life.
  • Take the rose home and place it in melt water. Place two rings in a vase with a flower: one old, the other newly purchased. Every time you pass next to a vase, whisper: “Bless the forces of light.”
  • When the rose is dry, you can put it between the pages of a book and use the flower as an additional family talisman.

If you lose your wedding ring, you don’t need to immediately give up your family life. Fate will give you a chance to throw away problems, or simply warns you that you need to reconsider your attitude towards life.

Unfortunately, many modern young people abandon the old pre-wedding custom of engagement, so as not to spend money on additional decoration. But in vain, because the period before marriage is a very important time during which you can test your feelings and confirm your decision to start a family.

If a girl lost her engagement ring before the wedding, this may mean the frivolity of the intentions of the guy who gave her this sign of the upcoming marriage. Less often it means that the potential bride herself is not ready to change the relationship, despite the accepted gift.

Lost gold ring: what to expect

The greatest concern is caused by the loss of a gold ring, not so much because of the high cost of the item, but because of the existence of superstitions in this regard.

It is believed that an object made of precious metal has a strong energetic connection with its owner, which remains strong even after loss. If the item falls into the hands of a person who knows who the jewelry belonged to, the new owner can easily influence the fate of the former owner of the ring.

If a piece of jewelry made of precious metal is lost, this means that its former owner (owner) has run out of luck.

In the near future, you can expect problems at work or difficulties with money. Popular wisdom advises during this period to exercise increased frugality when spending finances.

You can correct the situation with simple actions. If you have lost an expensive ring (except a wedding ring), ask a loved one (relative or friend) to buy a new piece of jewelry for you, which will replace the lost item and become a reliable talisman.

Loss of the “save and save” ring

Special rings with the inscription “save and preserve” are not used as jewelry. They are not a way of demonstrating wealth, despite the fact that they are made of silver. A religious attribute acts as a talisman and is used strictly for its intended purpose - to show how highly a person values ​​and loves God.

If such a specific item is lost, this event has several meanings:

  • A person is not honest with himself or with the Almighty. Maybe his deeds and thoughts are not pure enough.
  • The time has come to go to confession and receive communion. You need to evaluate the events that happened and understand that you were wrong.
  • The silver ring fulfilled its careful mission, took the blow upon itself, protecting a person from the damage of an envious person.

What to do if the ring is found

If the lost ring has been found, you can only rejoice:

  1. You have received your jewelry back.
  2. The ritual object became a talisman, and by losing it, it protected you from the misfortune that fate had in store.

Now that you know why a ring is lost, you can correctly respond to its accidental discovery. After all, you can not only lose it, but also inadvertently find it.

If it is impossible to return the find to the owner, the ring must be washed with running water, blessed and, if possible, melted down, because the jewelry is saturated with someone else’s energy or it has been damaged. Experts in superstitions do not recommend picking up someone else's ring, much less trying it on. After all, in this way you can try on someone else’s life, which can be very difficult.

But simply finding a ring is a very good omen. She foretells:

  • happiness and great luck;
  • meeting new people who will become good friends;
  • meeting the love of your life and getting married (for people free from marriage);
  • wealth, improvement of well-being.

Further, your fate will depend on the decision you make. Your financial situation will improve slightly, the item will be selected and sold. It is better to pass by without touching the object, and leave yourself good luck and all the benefits that the sign promises.

If you see a woman lose her engagement ring, be sure to tell her about it. You can’t even approach such a ring, let alone pick it up.

People tend to rejoice when they find valuable things. And the signs associated with such an event promise a lot of good things. But there are places where it is categorically not recommended to pick up anything, so as not to create problems for yourself that are greater than the cost of the item found.

Symbols of marriage serve as powerful amulets for married couples. Therefore, various magical actions are performed with them. In this publication we will look at what to do if you find an engagement ring, so as not to invite trouble.

Basic signs

Wedding rings are symbolic items. After all, the newlyweds exchange them at the wedding ceremony, making a vow of love and fidelity to the chosen one. From this moment on, jewelry becomes amulets for the couple. The main wedding attributes can protect the couple from many troubles, the evil eye and diseases.

Since ancient times, wedding rings should have been worn without taking them off throughout family life. After all, when one of the spouses took off the ring, he left himself and his chosen one without protection. After all, husband and wife are two halves of one whole. Many modern couples strictly adhere to the described tradition.

Do you believe in omens?


The most famous ones associated with marriage symbols include the following:

  1. A wedding ring should not be given to anyone to try on, either before or after the wedding.
    The person who puts a wedding decoration on his finger will be able to take away your family happiness and the destiny destined for your marriage. Having failed to get rid of an annoying close friend, never pass the ring from hand to hand. So you transfer the fate of your family into her hands. Place the product on the surface. For example, a table, bedside table, etc.
  2. An unmarried girl who touches the bride's engagement jewelry at a wedding will soon have a wedding.
    An empty wedding ring box has a similar effect. Whoever of the unmarried or unmarried guests is the first to take it in his hands will soon start his own family.
  3. You cannot pawn or sell wedding rings while you are married.
    You sell family happiness for money.

Signs of the loss of a wedding symbol promise trouble for the couple, and even separation.

If a woman found a gold ring

When an unmarried girl manages to find a wedding ring, she will soon get married. If a young lady is in a relationship with a man, then soon will hear the cherished words about the desire to connect fate with her. Single girls will meet a man, and the relationship with him will end in marriage.

A wedding ring that falls under the feet of a married woman foretells the imminent arrival of a baby. Quite often, at the time of discovery, a woman is already pregnant, but she herself does not yet realize it because of the short period of pregnancy.

Finding a ring with a stone can have several meanings for a woman. According to a common belief, regardless of whether a representative of the fair half of humanity finds an engagement ring with or without a stone, she will soon be pregnant.

Others believe that for women making a career and doing business, finding gold portends career growth, increased profits and successful advancement of business.

Why should a man find a ring?

A single man, having found a wedding ring, will soon start his own family. A man who does not have any relationship at the time of the discovery will have to meet his future wife.

The man who found the stone will have a successful business meeting. More common signs promise representatives of the stronger half of humanity will soon move up the career ladder, success in business and affairs.

According to another version, the found ring indicates a life lesson that has not been learned. A person will soon foresee a repetition of some life situations that will give him the opportunity this time to do everything in such a way as to get a positive result. The outcome of events depends solely on the actions of the person himself.

Nuances of the find

A woman's ring, made of any material, indicates the imminent appearance of a friend among the young lady who found the jewelry. When the jewelry is defective, the friend will have many shortcomings, including a tendency to betray. In friendship with you he will seek benefit for himself.

What you find will become a good talisman that will help improve your marriage.

The talisman will help spouses who are in disagreement to reconcile and will promote harmony and mutual understanding in the family, making the marriage stronger every year. But if you feel negative from such a find, it is better not to pick it up, but to avoid it.

Where should you not lift the ring?

At crossroads they throw away things that took part in some magical actions and rituals. A gold and silver wedding ring represents damage and a dangerous illness brought upon the family or one of the spouses. All this can pass on to the person who finds and puts the jewelry on his finger.

Experts advise not to lift anything from the ground at an intersection. If you cannot pass by gold jewelry, then never take the item with your bare hands, and also do not try it on before it is consecrated in church. Take it through a handkerchief, scarf, sheet of paper, etc.

Not being able to immediately go to the temple with the find, put it at home in a glass of holy water. At the first opportunity, consecrate, and then remake it for another piece of jewelry.

Bottom line

The symbol of marriage, which is unintentionally lost by someone, promises good events to the person who finds it. Unmarried people will soon start a family and be happy in it. Married people will have a child.

A gold ring with a stone for business men and women portends career development and increased profits.

A woman's ring indicates the appearance of a new friend, and a man's ring will become a good talisman that strengthens the marriage of the person who finds the product. But at crossroads, decorations can carry danger in the form of damage or illness. We wish you success in everything!

If now rings are worn as a beautiful accessory, then earlier our ancestors endowed them with magical meaning and wore them to attract good luck and protect against dark forces. Losing the ring meant losing your protection. What does it mean if you are lucky enough to find a ring, signs and superstitions associated with such a find.


The significance of a particular find depends on the location in which it was located at the time of discovery.. Finding a ring can attract good luck and love, but it can also be a bad sign.

At the crossroads

If you find a ring on the street, at a crossroads, then such a find does not bode well, and therefore it is not worth picking it up. Rings have long been used in divination and magical rituals. According to the rules of some rituals, for healing, removing damage and curses, conspiracies were made on the ring, which freed the owner of this jewelry from evil spells, diseases and other troubles.

The ring was thrown at a crossroads so that all the negative energy that this accessory had absorbed would go to all four directions. So if you pick up such a thing at a crossroads, you risk taking with you all the ailments and troubles of its previous owner.

The same goes for a ring found on the road. You shouldn’t pick it up, no matter how beautiful it is.

At home

While cleaning, did you come across such a find? Don't rush to pick it up. If you are sure that you have found someone else's ring, this may mean that there is damage or a curse on it. Probably, some ill-wisher planted it during his visit to you with the aim of causing energetic harm to you and your home.

If you know exactly whose jewelry it is, then return it to the owner. If the owner cannot be determined, then it is better to get rid of this thing as soon as possible.


A ring found in a park, forest or field does not bode well. On the contrary, such a find predicts an unexpected gift, good luck and happiness in your personal life. For the omen to come true, you should not take the ring with you. Pick it up from the ground and put it on the branch of the first young tree you come across.

If the ring was found in a river, pond, sea or ocean, then most likely it was simply lost while swimming. On the one hand, such a thing does not bode well.

On the other hand, throwing the ring into the water could be part of someone's magical ritual. According to the rules of some cleansing rituals, in order to get rid of negativity and illnesses, jewelry, most often a ring, was thrown into water. Streams of water washed away everything bad from the ring, thereby freeing its owner from illnesses and troubles. So, when you find a ring in the water, do not rush to try it on.

On public transport

Most losses of personal belongings happen in public places. Finding a ring on a bus, train or plane is not uncommon. You should not be afraid of this find, since its owner most likely simply forgot it or lost it by accident. There is no need to look for any negative meaning in such a find.

Against, finding someone else's ring on public transport promises a person the beginning of a new relationship, and the beloved or lover will be from another city or country.

Sign from above

If you once lost your jewelry and found it after some time, then this is a favorable sign. If the loss of a ring promises its owner deprivation of personal power and loss of energy protection, then its return is a sign that good luck and prosperity have returned to you.

A cracked or bent ring should not be picked up from the ground, since chips and dents may indicate illnesses or hardships suffered by its previous owner. The ring has the ability to absorb human energy. If difficulties, trials and serious health problems arise, it can change in every possible way: darken, fade, break and crack. Such a find will not bring good luck to anyone.

In many legends and beliefs, the ring was spoken of as a symbol of the cyclical nature of life, a vicious circle. If you accidentally stumble upon a ring lost by someone, take it as a sign that you urgently need to change your life.

In this case, the ring may indicate that you are suffering failure after failure because you constantly step on the same rake and do not analyze your mistakes.

To break out of this vicious circle, you need to stop and think about your behavior. Most likely, you should reconsider your past decisions and start over from scratch.

Finding an engagement ring - what is it for?

A wedding ring is a symbol of fidelity, love and prosperity. Therefore, such a find cannot foretell anything bad.

  • If an unmarried girl or guy found the ring, then this promises a quick wedding or a marriage proposal. A ring found by a lonely person predicts that he will soon meet his soulmate.
  • If a married woman found a wedding ring, then the find promises a quick addition to the family, the wedding of a son or daughter, and the appearance of grandchildren.
  • If a married man found a wedding ring, then he a lucrative job offer will be received in the near future.
  • If you are lucky enough to find an engagement ring with an engraved name, then in the near future fate will pit you against a person bearing that name. This person will play a significant role in your life. The name or initials on the jewelry can predict the appearance of a soulmate, patron, friend, boss, like-minded person.

Gold or silver

The meaning of the sign largely depends on the material of the ring. Gold jewelry has always been considered a symbol of wealth, power and good prosperity.. Golden rings were worn by rulers and aristocrats, emphasizing with such an accessory their chosenness and nobility of blood. So if you find a golden ring, this promises quick profit and career growth.

If a gold ring is studded with precious stones, then such the find predicts profitable deals, increased income and promotion.

Finding a silver ring means getting rid of illnesses, bad thoughts and worries. Silver has healing properties that can cleanse a person’s aura, thereby restoring his health.

What to do with it?

Is it possible to select found jewelry? There is no clear answer to this question. You need to decide depending on the circumstances of the discovery of the find.

If you find it on the street, especially in places where it is quite difficult to drop a ring, then you should not pick it up. Remember that love spells, conspiracies, damage and curses are most often used for such things. By bringing such a thing into your home, you risk putting your life and destiny in danger.

If you found the jewelry in a public place (in a common locker room, in a cafe, on a bus, etc.), then most likely the ring was lost by accident. If you find its owner, then this will be the best outcome in this situation..

But is it possible to take such a find to your home and wear it on your finger? It’s better not to, since the found accessory contains the energy of its previous owner. It’s good if the owner of the jewelry was a successful and healthy person. But what if he was sick and constantly suffered failures and hardships? Would it be beneficial for you to wear such a person's ring?

If you nevertheless decide to take the find to your home, then first, what needs to be done is to cleanse it of the energy of its previous owner. You can do this in several ways:

  • The ring is possible rinse under running water with the words of the Lord's Prayer.
  • If you want to carry out a deeper cleansing of the energy of the found item, then Place it in a saline solution for a day.
  • You can rid an object of the energy of its previous owner using a refrigerator. Place the ring in a plastic bag and place it in the freezer for a day.
  • If you first took the ring for yourself, but then realized that you don’t need it, then throwing it away or taking it to a pawn shop is not the best solution. Take it to church as a donation or give it to someone who needs money. If you sell your jewelry and take the proceeds for yourself, it is unlikely to bring you happiness. It’s not for nothing that people say that other people’s blessings never bring good luck.
Victoria Sharova

Any chance find, especially a precious one, evokes joy and belief in one’s luck. It seems that a chain, earring or ring picked up on the road will bring good luck and even benefit (albeit short-term).

However, there are many beliefs and superstitions associated with lost and found jewelry that should not be ignored. In particular, this is due to wedding rings, because they have special energy.

Why find an engagement ring - what do the signs say?

Even in ancient times, this symbol of marriage and the union of two destinies appeared not only in various superstitions, but in fortune telling and even rituals. Unmarried girls tried to find out the name of their betrothed, married girls tried to attract good luck for their man.

Photo of a wedding ring

Unfortunately, not all rituals had a positive message. With the help of wedding rings, people tried to correct and improve their failed destinies, “dumping” all troubles and negativity onto an ordinary-looking ring in the hope that someone would take the ring for themselves along with the burden of misfortune and failure.

Dangers and Warnings

The sign of finding an engagement ring can have both positive and negative meaning. It all depends on where and under what circumstances the jewelry was found, and for what purpose it was picked up. As a rule, all rituals associated with rings exclude accidents - the places for “dropping” the enchanted item require some effort to get there.

You should be wary if you find a ring:

  • at an intersection, especially a sparsely populated one,
  • buried under a tree,
  • in a hard-to-reach place in your own home (in the far corner, under the bed, etc.).

In such cases, signs and superstitions are not on the side of the finder, since there are there is a high risk of getting a charmed decoration, which bears the imprint of the misfortunes of the past owner (serious illness, reduced damage, or simply crippled fate).

Even the most beautiful and expensive ring is not worth the troubles it can bring into your life.

Favorable signs and beliefs

Contrary to the above, the discovery of a wedding ring is associated not only with illness and damage. After all, this decoration itself is a symbol of love, affection and fidelity; accordingly, its initial energy is positive. If the location of the find is not suspicious, and you are sure that the ring was lost by chance, you can consider the day successful.

Exists many favorable signs why find an engagement ring:

  1. An unmarried girl will soon meet her betrothed, and an unmarried man will find his soul mate.
  2. If the finder already has a loved one in his life, then the wedding is just around the corner.
  3. This is a sure sign that there will soon be a new addition to the family.
  4. A gold product promises prosperity and prosperity in the family.

It is important that the found ring is well preserved; damage and a heavily worn appearance ruin its positive effect.

Remember that even in these cases you are not immune from the tricks of fate. As you know, gold is guardian of its owner's energy, his character and life path. Therefore, adherents of old beliefs do not recommend picking up wedding jewelry found even at random, much less trying on and wearing them.

Wedding rings in the park

What is the right way to deal with a found ring?

And yet, few of those who find an engagement ring, especially a very elegant and expensive one, will be able to simply pass it by. If you are not a follower of such signs and superstitions, no one forbids you from simply picking up a find and enjoying your luck (moreover, this does not entail any legal or economic liability).

Those who are still susceptible to fears and uncertainties can follow several tips and tricks, designed to deceive fate and protect themselves from bad consequences.

So, what to do with a found engagement ring if you don’t want to pass by:

  1. Do not handle it with your hands - it is better to wear gloves or wrap the jewelry in a piece of cloth. The absence of direct contact with gold will not harm your energy.
  2. Blessed in church - if you intend to keep the ring in its original form (and even wear it), you need to get rid of the possible burden of past owners.
  3. Melt it down at a jeweler - in this way, the metal will be cleansed of foreign energy, and the new jewelry will not cause harm.
  4. Taking it to a pawnshop will not only help you get rid of a dubious item, but will also bring financial benefits.

Photos of wedding rings

Why do you dream about such a find?

Even in dreams, a wedding ring is a very important symbol and the subject of various interpretations. As a rule, they are of the most positive nature. For women, such a dream is a harbinger of peace and prosperity in the family, for unmarried girls it promises a quick wedding, for men - good news and success in business.

In conclusion, I would like to note that not a single sign or superstition etched in one’s memory should seriously influence one’s life and deprive one of the opportunity to make volitional decisions. By listening more often to your own desires and premonitions, you will retain the possibility of making a reasonable choice, and will be favorable to any signs of fate.

31 August 2018, 20:31

Jewelry has always been endowed with a magical meaning. With their help they told fortunes, performed rituals and provided protection against witchcraft. Finding a ring is not always a good sign. In most cases, superstitions prohibit wearing such jewelry, because... It is with their help that negativity can be conveyed.

Is it worth taking the find?

Decoration can be an object endowed with magical powers and energy of its owner, which is not always positive.

If you find a ring, don't rush to try it on. Many people believe that it is better to bypass the find or wrap it in a scarf and take it to church or put it in cold water to cleanse it of the energy of the previous owner, and only then try it on. Even clean jewelry should not be worn or given as a gift; the best option would be to melt down jewelry lost by someone. If you find a ring made of precious metal or with precious stones and take it for yourself, you can lose a lot more.

Signs about wedding rings

A wedding ring is a symbol of marital fidelity and family harmony, according to the Christian religion. If you find such jewelry with the inscription “Save and Preserve”, this is a good sign. He says that soon a white streak will come in the life of the new owner. Changes will be related to family life.

  1. If an engagement ring is found by an unmarried man or an unmarried girl, then the sign promises them to soon find their other half.
  2. Married people receive the gift of harmony and mutual understanding in their married life.
  3. Finding an engagement ring for those who dream of children is a good sign. He promises a speedy replenishment.
  4. Families who live in need can hope for an improvement in their financial situation: new jobs, lucrative deals, etc.

Superstitions say that a ring you see on the street will be a safe find, preferably in a public place. Wedding rings found at crossroads or where people rarely go are questionable.

If you have lost your jewelry and found it some time later, you can be sure that fate has made sure that you are spared any possible failures or troubles.

If the ring is lost irretrievably, the omen does not bode well. The item, which was a family talisman for many years, no longer protects the spouses, so discord and misunderstandings between them are expected.

Losing jewelry immediately after the wedding is a bad sign. He says that there is no place for fidelity in the new family. Finding a ring with such energy is extremely undesirable.

Gold jewelry

Gold is a noble metal that has always been an indicator of wealth and position in society. Finding a gold ring is a good omen. It promises an improvement in financial situation, profit, wealth and new opportunities only if the ring is not damaged. Otherwise, decoration promises difficulties and obstacles.

In such a find, the appearance of the ring is very important.

  1. If a man finds a gold ring with a stone, a new position or successful and rapid advancement up the career ladder awaits him.
  2. A woman who finds a ring decorated with stones is promised a new friend who will become a real support and support in life.
  3. If you find men's jewelry, this is a good sign for both the man and the girl. It indicates early changes associated with reconciliation or improvement of family relations of the one who found it.

Silver rings

If you are lucky enough to find a silver ring, it promises only good news. Such a find can save the new owner from many diseases: migraines, colds, stomach problems.
