Exacerbation of osteochondrosis during pregnancy. Manual massage for osteochondrosis in pregnant women

During pregnancy, a variety of factors affect the female body, old diseases return, as well as new ones appear. A frequent occurrence in pregnant women is osteochondrosis of the knee, cervical, thoracic and lumbar regions.

The disease affects the cartilaginous tissues, which are mainly manifested on the spine. Pain attacks complicate the course of pregnancy, and the launch of this disease can affect childbirth. The disease changes the size and shape of the pelvis, which can lead to a further caesarean section. Therefore, it is worth taking the situation seriously and trying to eliminate this disease.

Causes of osteochondrosis

  1. Weight gain during pregnancy.
  2. Change in the slope of the back.
  3. Relaxing the pelvic muscles in preparation for childbirth.
  4. Due to disruptions in metabolism, with changes in hormonal levels.
  5. If your posture is broken.
  6. The lifestyle is sedentary.
  7. If a woman has flat feet.
  8. If there is a history of osteochondrosis.
  9. Wearing shoes with heels.
  10. Offset of the center of gravity.

Symptoms of the disease

  • They become numb and break limbs.
  • Constant aching pain in the back, which can increase with a variety of physical exertion.
  • Decreased reflexes and impaired sensitivity in the affected area of ​​the back.
  • Spasms in the muscles.
  • Pain in the back when coughing.
  • Movements are limited.
  • Headache.
  • Dizziness.
  • Cracks in the neck when turning and tilting the head.
  • Pain in the region of the heart (in the absence of a disease of the cardiovascular system).
  • Pain between shoulder blades.
  • Pain in the region of the ribs.

Types of osteochondrosis during pregnancy

  • Lumbar.

The disease occurs in the lumbosacral region. The back, legs, abdominal organs are exposed to pain. Rising from a seated position and turning the trunk causes sharp and shooting pains, radiating to the legs. The body appears weakness, pain in the groin.

  • Thoracic.

Pain occurs in the twelve vertebrae of the thoracic region. There are symptoms of pain in the chest, colitis in the heart. There are also painful sensations when walking between the ribs, burning pain between the shoulder blades, tightness in the chest area, nails break, skin flakes.

  • Cervical.

In the cervical region, disturbances occur in the roots and discs of seven vertebrae. Pain occurs in the shoulders and arms. There is a frequent headache, sometimes dizziness, “flies” flash and colored spots appear before the eyes. In severe form, cervical osteochondrosis can lead to insomnia and fainting, which will have the worst effect on the psychological and somatic background of the pregnant woman.

The correct diagnosis will help to make a neuropathologist.

Unfortunately, osteochondrosis is practically not treatable, however, some methods will help alleviate the condition, while the doctor leading your pregnancy will give the necessary advice and prescribe a treatment that does not threaten your unborn baby.

Treatment of osteochondrosis

To relieve discomfort with symptoms of osteochondrosis will help:

  • bandage, orthopedic shoes and a corset relieve excess tension from the spine;
  • therapeutic exercises normalize the state of the body;
  • keep your back straight, watch your posture;
  • walks;
  • light sports;
  • massage (light);
  • herbal compresses (parsley, burdock, dandelion root, St. It is permissible to do the procedure 3 times a day;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs (sodium diclofenac may be prescribed in the 1-2 trimester) relieve pain;
  • warming topical ointments should be used only with the permission of a doctor;
  • manual therapy is effective for a long period of pregnancy, but not every doctor is able to professionally help a pregnant woman. Only an experienced doctor can gently relieve tension from the muscles of a pregnant woman;
  • proper nutrition;
  • warming up with sand and salt. Use in the second trimester of pregnancy, after doctor's approval. Apply a heated bag with a bulk substance to the problem area.

Universal exercises:

  1. Cat. Gently get on all fours, arch your back up while inhaling, bend your back down while exhaling. Do the exercise very slowly, you should feel each vertebra influencing. This exercise will improve nutrition throughout the spine and relax the body.
  2. Fish. Sit on your heels, bending your legs under you. As you exhale, slowly lean back, trying to bend your back as much as possible. Hold this position for a few seconds and slowly return to the starting position.
  3. Twisting. Spread your legs shoulder-width apart in a standing position, put your hands on your belt. Then gently turn the body to the right and left. Sudden movements are contraindicated, as they can provoke sharp pain.
  4. Circular movements of the shoulders will help to relax the muscles of the spine.

Relieve the symptoms, depending on which part of the spine hurts, will help:

1. Exercises for the neck:

  • sitting on a chair, tilt your head back, try alternately with your left ear to reach your left shoulder, with your right ear to your right shoulder. Perform actions 7-10 times;
  • press the palm on the forehead, while resisting for 5 seconds by moving towards the palm. Then relax. Repeat 5 times;
  • sit on a chair, tilt your head back. Slowly raising your head up, try to reach your collarbone with your chin. Repeat 7-10 times.

2. Exercises for the chest:

  • stand up straight with your arms folded at your sides. We inhale, while exhaling we raise our hands up, while inhaling we lower our hands down. Repeat 10 times;
  • we sit on a chair. We bend the back slowly forward, then back. Repeat 10 slopes;
  • hands "lock in the lock" on the back of the head, stand up straight. Do 5 backward bends, very slowly, return to the starting position. Repeat 5 times.

3. Exercises for the lower back:

  • lie on your back. Raise your arms along the body. Stretch up without tension in the back, and then completely relax. Do 5 repetitions;
  • lie on your back. Extend your arms to the sides. slowly bend the body up. Repeat 3 times;
  • standing straight, put your hands on your belt. Slowly tilt the body to the right, then to the left.

The above exercises should be performed for the first time under the supervision of a specialist in order to avoid accidental harm to the baby. Subsequently, the course can be carried out at home, subject to several rules:

  • avoid stress on muscles that hurt;
  • perform exercises slowly and without tension 1 or 2 times a day;
  • There should not be a feeling of exhaustion after doing the exercises.

The treatment of osteochondrosis is well helped by yoga for pregnant women. With it, all the muscles relax and after the first session you can notice significant improvements.

With osteochondrosis, one cannot self-medicate, since only a doctor can prescribe a correct and safe treatment program, otherwise the child and herself may be harmed.

Particular attention should be paid to pain in the lumbar part of the back, since it is in this area that the fetus is located. Severe pain can lead to hormonal changes and muscle spasm (the first cause of miscarriage). That is why many doctors advise to undergo an examination and cure osteochondrosis at the stage of pregnancy planning. But if this problem overtook during pregnancy, you should not despair. The main thing is to visit a doctor and find radical measures to eliminate pain symptoms, and then pregnancy will not be a burden, but a joy.

Orthopedist-traumatologist, surgeon of the first category, Research Institute, 2009

Osteochondrosis during pregnancy is a fairly serious disorder due to increased stress on the body. In the absence of adequate and timely therapy, pathology can lead to negative consequences. To minimize the risk of complications, it is very important to consult a doctor in a timely manner.

Under osteochondrosis understand the defeat of the spine, which is caused by deformation, dystrophic changes and thinning of the intervertebral discs.

With the development of this pathology in the body of a pregnant woman, the following processes occur:

  1. Cartilage tissue becomes less elastic;
  2. The volume of intervertebral fluid decreases;
  3. As a result of these changes, the intervertebral discs touch each other, which provokes their thinning;
  4. These processes cause pinching of nerve fibers, which leads to severe pain in the back;
  5. The intervertebral discs compress the vessels, which provokes a violation of blood circulation in the problem area.

Attacks of pain in osteochondrosis lead to a violation of the condition of a pregnant woman.

If the pathology does not cause damage to internal organs, there is no threat to the child. However, problems can begin during childbirth, since the anomaly can provoke a violation of the shape of the pelvis. In such a situation, there is a need for a caesarean section.


Various factors can lead to the appearance of osteochondrosis during pregnancy. The main reasons include the following:

Chondrosis during pregnancy is associated with a hereditary predisposition and injuries of the spine. Also, the reason is often the peculiarities of working conditions. After the conception of a child, the risk of exacerbation of the disease increases.

Clinical picture

Symptoms of osteochondrosis during pregnancy depend on the location of abnormal changes in the spine. With damage to the cervical region, the manifestations are pronounced. This is due to the high mobility of the vertebrae that are in this area.

Cervical osteochondrosis during pregnancy is accompanied by the following manifestations:

  1. Headache, hearing impairment, loss of visual acuity, dizziness. These manifestations are associated with compression of the vertebral artery.
  2. Pain in the shoulders and neck - they are often throbbing in nature. There is also a risk of numbness and a decrease in the sensitivity of the epithelium in the upper body zone. These symptoms are due to pinched roots.
  3. Pain in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades and the heart - this violation is called cardiac syndrome. Its appearance is often observed when sneezing, head movements, coughing.


In rare cases, cervical osteochondrosis during pregnancy is accompanied by dangerous manifestations - fainting, pressure fluctuations. This can adversely affect the formation of the fetus.

Thoracic injury is less common. This is due to the fact that this area is better protected by muscles and is relatively immobile. If osteochondrosis of this department still develops, this is fraught with the occurrence of the following symptoms:

  • Violation of the functioning of the respiratory system.
  • Development of intercostal neuralgia. It is characterized by pain and tightness in the chest and ribs. Typically, these symptoms occur after activity or prolonged immobility.
  • Violation of the functions of internal organs.
  • Pain when raising arms.
  • Discomfort between the shoulder blades.

The key danger of this type of osteochondrosis lies in the mild severity of symptoms. Therefore, it is often confused with other diseases. With the development of the disease, there is a risk of disruption of metabolic processes and nerve conduction. This creates the prerequisites for the appearance of intoxication, which poses a serious danger during pregnancy.

Damage to the lumbar region in the initial stages is asymptomatic. Obvious symptoms occur in the later stages of the disease. Osteochondrosis of the lumbar during pregnancy is accompanied by the following manifestations:

  1. Severe discomfort in the groin and lower back;
  2. General weakness;
  3. Loss of motor activity;
  4. Stop cramps;
  5. Shootings in the lumbar region;
  6. Violation of motor activity;
  7. Pain and muscle spasms;
  8. Loss of sensation in the legs.

The appearance of this anomaly during pregnancy can cause various disorders of the genitourinary system. This is a very dangerous condition. There is also a risk of damage to other organs, which adversely affects the development of the child.

Features of diagnostics

To identify osteochondrosis
during pregnancy, the doctor performs a clinical examination. The specialist studies the totality of symptoms, considers the violation of the bends of the spine. Usually the doctor is interested in such manifestations:

  • Lowering the buttocks down;
  • Violation of the sacral rhombus of Michaelis;
  • Asymmetry of the folds of the buttocks and pelvic girdle.

It should be borne in mind that informative diagnostic methods during pregnancy are categorically contraindicated.

These include radiography and magnetic resonance imaging. These studies involve the effect of a magnetic field and radioactive radiation on the body, which negatively affects the development of the child.

Therapy Methods

Treatment of osteochondrosis during pregnancy is a rather complicated process, since many drugs are contraindicated at this time. They can harm the baby and even provoke an abortion.

To relieve pain during the recurrence of osteochondrosis, you can take a warm shower. A light massage will also help relax the muscles. It is performed in a sitting position. The procedure can also be performed while lying on your side. After performing these procedures, you should consult a doctor who will select an effective and safe treatment.

Most drugs are contraindicated for pregnant women. Therefore, drug therapy should be carried out after consulting a therapist. You may also need to contact a gynecologist and a neurologist.

During pregnancy, diclofenac sodium is a relatively harmless remedy. In case of urgent need, this remedy is prescribed in the 1st and 2nd trimesters. At later dates and during lactation, this substance will have to be abandoned. In this case, the specialist may prescribe external preparations.

Self-medication during this period is strictly contraindicated. It can provoke serious deviations in the development of the child and cause abortion.

To improve the prognosis, it is necessary to take special vitamin preparations. They make up for the deficiency of important substances - for example, calcium.


Treatment of osteochondrosis in pregnant women can be carried out with the help of special gymnastics. Thanks to the implementation of special exercises, it is possible to cope with the load on the spine, eliminate pain, restore blood circulation and metabolic processes.

The therapist and gynecologist should select exercises. This is done depending on the state of health of the woman. Exercise therapy for lumbosacral osteochondrosis in pregnant women includes the following movements:

  1. "Kitty". To perform the exercise, you need to get on all fours, slowly bend and arch your back up. Additionally, it is necessary to perform head movements. To do this, you need to rotate your neck in different directions.
  2. "Fish". Sit on your feet, gradually lean back, take a few breaths and exhale, gently rise.
  3. "Twists". Stand up straight and perform slow body turns in different directions. You can help yourself with your hands, which pull in the opposite direction from the turn. There should not be any sudden movements.

In addition, there are special loads - fitness, aerobics, yoga and gymnastics for pregnant women. Thanks to such activities, expectant mothers can maintain muscle tone. This helps to prevent the development of many pathologies of the spine.

Gymnastics for pregnant women with cervical osteochondrosis involves the following exercises:

  • Sit down, straighten your back, tilt your head back. Try to reach the left ear to the left shoulder. Make similar movements to the right side. In total, perform 5 repetitions in each direction.
  • Place palm on forehead. To put pressure on her head, trying to overcome the resistance. Stay in this position for 5 seconds, after which you can relax. A total of 3 sets are required.
  • A similar exercise is performed in the opposite direction. For this, the palm is placed on the back of the head. You need to sit up straight and tilt your head back. Trying to cope with tension, lower your head down and press your chin. In total, you need to do 5 approaches.
  • Sit up straight, raise your chin. You need to look ahead. Gently turn your head to the left and right side, avoiding muscle tension. In total, you need to do 5 repetitions.

With the development of thoracic osteochondrosis, the following should be done:

  1. Get up, put your hands down, inhale. While exhaling, raise your hands up;
  2. Sit down, bend your back and straighten back;
  3. Put your hands behind your head, inhale and bend in your back. This needs to be done 3-5 times.

Self-administered folk remedies during pregnancy is contraindicated. They can not only benefit, but also greatly harm the body.

The safest method of therapy is warming compresses, which help treat cervical osteochondrosis in pregnant women. Before the procedure, you need to make sure that there are no allergic reactions.

To cope with cervical osteochondrosis, you need to take a piece of tissue, moisten it in a warm decoction of dandelion root, parsley or St. John's wort. The compress is applied to the cervical region, wrapped with a film on top and fixed with a warm towel. The duration of the procedure should be 20 minutes.

In the early stages of development
cervical osteochondrosis, it is recommended to warm up with a pepper patch. You can also use a sand bag for this. It is forbidden to treat a lesion of the thoracic or lumbar region in this way. Local temperature increase and the influence of active components adversely affect the development of the fetus.

Possible Complications

Each form of osteochondrosis during pregnancy can provoke serious complications. The most dangerous consequences include the following:

  • If the cervical region is damaged, there is a risk of cerebrovascular accidents;
  • If the lower back is affected, there is a high probability of deviations in the functioning of internal organs;
  • When the thoracic region is affected, intercostal neuralgia develops, symptoms of intoxication of the body and metabolic disorders occur.

However, in most cases, osteochondrosis does not significantly affect the course of pregnancy and does not lead to deviations in the development of the baby.


To avoid the occurrence of or during pregnancy, appropriate measures must be taken even at the planning stage. During the period of bearing a child, the following rules must be observed:

  1. Wear a bandage or corset;
  2. Do yoga or therapeutic exercises;
  3. Avoid overwork;
  4. Control posture;
  5. Walk a lot in the fresh air;
  6. Eat properly;
  7. Sleep on a flat and firm surface;
  8. Avoid stressful situations;
  9. Refuse shoes with heels;
  10. Avoid hypothermia.

Osteochondrosis in pregnant women occurs quite often. To cope with this pathology, you need to see a doctor. The specialist will select effective means for the treatment of pathology that will not harm the development of the child.

During pregnancy, the body experiences real stress. During this period, women manifest and exacerbate all diseases, even those that did not make themselves felt before. Quite often, during the bearing of a child, patients experience osteochondrosis, which overshadows such a joyful event as expecting a baby.

Why does osteochondrosis appear during pregnancy?

Osteochondrosis is not a deadly disease, however, its symptoms are very unpleasant. This disease requires careful monitoring by doctors and timely treatment. There are several reasons why osteochondrosis manifests itself and worsens during the period of bearing a child:

  • Body weight increases, as a result of which the load on the spinal column increases.
  • The metabolism is disturbed and the hormonal background changes.
  • Posture becomes incorrect due to a shift in the center of gravity.
  • The body lacks vitamins, proteins and minerals that are spent on the growth and development of the child.
  • The lifestyle becomes sedentary and the loads of the physical plan are significantly reduced.

If, before the onset of pregnancy, the patient had manifestations of osteochondrosis, then this condition is likely to worsen. Therefore, before conception, it is better to conduct an examination and engage in treatment. Such measures will help maintain the condition for 9 months.

What are the symptoms of osteochondrosis observed during pregnancy?

For osteochondrosis during pregnancy, the same symptoms are characteristic as in the normal condition of the patient. The main difference is that pain is tolerated much worse, because a woman in a position has increased nervous tension.

During chondrosis during pregnancy, patients may experience:

  • Back pain that worsens with any physical activity or sudden movements.
  • Numbness and aching in the limbs.
  • Limitation of range of motion.
  • Muscle spasms.

In addition to these symptoms, patients may also experience other unpleasant phenomena, depending on the type of disease.

Classification of osteochondrosis

The type of disease is determined by the location of the pathology on the spinal column. Inflammation occurs in three parts of the spine: neck, chest and lower back. The following types of disease are distinguished:

  1. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is manifested by pain in the shoulders and upper limbs. In addition, patients suffer from severe headaches and dizziness.
  2. Pain in lumbar osteochondrosis radiates to the legs and sacrum. The nature of the pain may be aching or spasmodic.
  3. For the thoracic type of intervertebral disc disease, the localization of pain is in the chest. There may also be pain in the hypochondrium or between the shoulder blades. Painful breathing is often a symptom.

How is osteochondrosis treated during pregnancy?

It is quite difficult to treat this disease when carrying a child. If characteristic symptoms are found, you should immediately inform the therapist, who will issue a referral to a specialist.

The main problems in the treatment of osteochondrosis of pregnant women are a significant limitation of medications and the complexity of diagnosis. As a rule, the doctor confirms the disease with the help of magnetic resonance therapy, but this method cannot be used during the period of gestation. Therefore, the doctor can establish a diagnosis only on the basis of a clinical examination. Treatment is prescribed according to the collected anamnesis.

Drug therapy

For pregnant patients, there are only a few drugs that can be used for osteochondrosis. These include Traumeel and Paracetamol. These drugs can reduce pain, remove swelling and inflammation.

In exceptional cases, a drug based on diclofenac sodium may be prescribed.

But such drugs can only be used in the first two trimesters and after the permission of a group of doctors, among which there must be a gynecologist, a neurologist and a therapist.

Gymnastics treatment

A properly selected set of exercises is the most effective measure in the treatment of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine during pregnancy. Gymnastic exercises are based on the principles of yoga and do not require serious physical effort. When performing exercises, metabolism and blood circulation are adjusted, tension is removed from the spine.

  1. "Kitty". To perform this exercise, the patient takes a position on all fours. The back bends and arches alternately.
  2. "Twist". This exercise is performed while standing. Legs are shoulder width apart. It is necessary to turn the body to the sides after the hand. Such movements should be performed smoothly and calmly.
  3. Shoulder rotation. This exercise can be performed while sitting or standing, arms lowered along the body. Circular movements of the shoulders should be performed clockwise and in the opposite direction.

Compresses and massages

These methods can be applied to the cervical spine. In the lumbar and thoracic form of the disease, it is contraindicated to use massages and compresses. This is due to the fact that heat and active ingredients can adversely affect the baby or lactation.

So what about during pregnancy? Compresses from decoctions of various plants are allowed:

  • burdock;
  • parsley leaves;
  • dandelion root.

A piece of cotton wool or a napkin is moistened in a decoction and applied to the neck. After that, the compress is covered with cellophane and a warm towel. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes. You can also treat osteochondrosis during pregnancy in the cervical region with other folk methods. For example, heated warm sand applied to the affected area can bring significant relief.

Massage involves kneading the muscles of the neck, shoulders and arms. This improves blood flow and relieves spasm. It should be remembered that manual intervention in the acute stage can aggravate the course of the disease. Therefore, the appointment of massage and its implementation should be under the strict supervision of a doctor.

Orthopedic products

To relieve pain, another remedy is effective - wearing bandages and corsets. This measure can significantly reduce the load on the lumbar. Also during pregnancy, special attention should be paid to shoes.

There are special orthopedic shoes, which, in combination with a bandage or corset, allow you to distribute the load evenly over the spinal column.

It is almost impossible to treat osteochondrosis during pregnancy. But there are many ways that can reduce pain and alleviate the condition. Therefore, at the first symptoms of this disease, you should contact a qualified specialist. He will prescribe a treatment that will remove the manifestations of the disease and will not harm the child.

During pregnancy, women very often complain about. Some moms-to-be choose to endure this period without reporting their symptoms to the doctor, but this behavior can backfire.

Pain in the back can occur not only due to increased pressure on the spinal column, but also as a result of the occurrence or exacerbation of serious diseases of the spine: hernias, protrusions and other disorders.


The main factors that have a negative impact on the condition of the spine are:

  • incorrect posture when walking, as well as in a sitting or standing position;
  • flat feet;
  • wearing shoes on;
  • incorrect, especially insufficient consumption of products that positively affect the condition of bone tissue (dairy products, fish, eggs);
  • hormonal imbalance and metabolic disorders;
  • excessive physical activity, weight lifting;
  • increased load on the spine associated with a pregnant woman;
  • shift in the center of gravity of the body during pregnancy.

information With osteochondrosis, there is a deformation of the vertebral discs, a change in their shape and height. As a result of pinched nerve roots, pain occurs, there is a violation of the blood supply to various organs.

Types of osteochondrosis

There are the following types of osteochondrosis of the spine:

  • Cervical- violations occur in the discs and roots of the cervical region, consisting of 7 vertebrae. Characterized by pain in the neck, shoulders and arms, headaches.
  • thoracic- violations occur in the thoracic spine, consisting of 12 vertebrae. Pain is localized in the chest, heart.
  • Lumbar(lumbosacral) - most common during pregnancy. Pain can be felt in the back, legs, abdominal organs.

In some cases, the appearance or exacerbation of several types of osteochondrosis (for example, lumbar and cervical) is possible.


Depending on the type of osteochondrosis and the severity of the development of the disease, the following symptoms may be observed:

  • , "flies" before the eyes, tinnitus (with cervical osteochondrosis);
  • pain in the neck, shoulder girdle or lower back;
  • tingling in the fingers or toes, numbness in the fingers;
  • crunching in the neck when turning or tilting the head;
  • pain in the heart in the absence of diseases of the cardiovascular system (with thoracic osteochondrosis);
  • pain in the ribs or between the shoulder blades.


The main method of examination during pregnancy is a clinical examination of the patient. The doctor pays special attention to the totality of symptoms and the degree of their manifestation, violations of the physiological curves of the spine.

dangerous Other diagnostic methods (magnetic resonance or computed tomography) during pregnancy are categorically not recommended due to the negative effect of radioactive radiation or a magnetic field on the body of a developing fetus.


The process of treating osteochondrosis during pregnancy has its own characteristics. Expectant mothers are forbidden to take many used to eliminate the symptoms of this disease, so it is necessary to use other methods to improve the patient's condition.

  • the use of certain medicines (for example,) in or, preferably in the form of ointments and only after consulting a doctor;
  • performing special exercises for pregnant women aimed at reducing the load on the spine and relaxing the muscles (it is recommended to pay attention to the complex or);
  • wearing a special one that supports the stomach;
  • usage ;
  • applying herbal compresses to the neck area.

important The use of manual therapy methods during pregnancy is undesirable, as this increases the likelihood.


From the first days of pregnancy, it is desirable to perform a number of activities aimed at improving the condition of the spine and reducing the effects of additional stress on the spinal column. The following actions are most effective:

  • regular exercise, swimming and other types of moderate physical activity;
  • the use of a sufficient amount, trace elements, protein foods;
  • the use of special devices for pregnant women (corset);
  • control over the correct posture;
  • regular breaks during prolonged sedentary work or a long stay on your feet;
  • refusal to wear high-heeled shoes.


Despite the limited methods for diagnosing and treating osteochondrosis that are approved for use during pregnancy, the expectant mother should definitely take measures to reduce the severity of pain symptoms and improve the condition of the body. The main task during this period is to achieve stabilization of the condition and reduce pain in the affected area.

It must be remembered that after the birth of a baby, the spine cannot “recover” by itself, therefore, after a few months from the moment of birth, it is advisable to undergo a comprehensive examination of the body in order to develop a further treatment strategy.

During the bearing of a child, an additional and uneven load on the spine is created. Often this becomes the cause of osteochondrosis. Osteochondrosis during pregnancy is not amenable to classical treatment with the use of medications. Massage and therapeutic exercises are also partially contraindicated. To relieve symptoms, a woman needs to follow recommendations for nutrition and musculoskeletal activity. Some folk remedies, as well as traditional local remedies, help treat pathology in pregnant women.

Why does pathology appear in pregnant women

Osteochondrosis of the spine is a thinning of the cartilaginous tissue of the intervertebral discs, leading to a change in their shape and loss of elasticity. The disease develops due to metabolic disorders in the tissues and muscles that surround it.

Exacerbation of osteochondrosis during pregnancy occurs for the following reasons:

  • body weight gain;
  • hormonal changes;
  • nutritional deficiencies;
  • insufficient physical activity.

Women with flat feet or poor posture have a high probability of developing pathology. Increases the risk of disease multiple pregnancy and transverse presentation of the fetus.

Symptoms of the disease

According to the clinical picture, osteochondrosis in pregnant women does not differ from that characteristic of non-pregnant women, but the intensity of symptoms increases due to the increased vulnerability of the body, and therefore pregnancy and osteochondrosis of the lumbar region are 2 times more dangerous, and treatment should be selected as sparingly as possible.

The main symptoms of the disease:

  • Back pain: their localization depends on the location of the lesion of the spine. The pain is sharp or aching, aggravated after physical exertion, long lying or sitting.
  • Numbness of the extremities: cervical osteochondrosis during pregnancy is characterized by numbness of the hands, with the pathology of the lumbar or sacral region, the legs are affected.
  • Muscle spasms: there is stiffness of movement, it is difficult for a woman to relax her back, temporary cramps may also appear.

Cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis during pregnancy have rich symptoms. A woman suffers from severe headaches, sometimes there is a cough and sore throat, problems with sleep, irritability increases.

In case of painful symptoms of a pregnant woman, you should consult a doctor. Independent measures will lead to undesirable consequences for both the mother and the child.

How to treat osteochondrosis during pregnancy

It is not enough just to diagnose osteochondrosis during pregnancy, you also need to know how to treat it. Standard methods of treating osteochondrosis are taking medications, therapeutic exercises: massage for pregnant women is almost completely contraindicated. To alleviate the painful symptoms, you need to follow a number of recommendations:

  • Wearing orthopedic devices: bandage, corset, special shoes, Shants collar. They support the spine in a natural position, reduce the load.
  • Physical education classes: classical exercise therapy methods are not suitable, but special gymnastics for pregnant women, yoga, swimming, and walking are also effective in treating pathology.
  • The use of folk remedies: warm compresses with herbs, soothing teas, if the recommendations are followed, will not harm the child.
  • The use of local medications: with a strong pain syndrome, the doctor may prescribe an ointment or a special patch with analgesic and anti-inflammatory components.
  • Light massage: manual therapy is not used to treat osteochondrosis during pregnancy, but symptoms can be urgently relieved with self-massage.

During treatment, a woman should eat right. In the diet, you need to increase the amount of dairy products (especially cottage cheese), meat, vegetables and fruits.

For a pregnant woman to sleep, it is necessary to purchase an orthopedic mattress and a pillow. It is best to sleep on your back or on your side with your legs bent.

Therapeutic exercises for pregnant women

The pathology of the cervical and thoracic regions is treated with the help of classical physiotherapy exercises. It is recommended to use the following set of exercises:

  • Head tilts left and right. They are performed slowly with a delay, 10 inclinations are made in each direction.
  • Head tilts forward. The chin is lowered into the jugular fossa, held for 10 seconds, repeated 5-15 times.
  • Head turns left and right. First, they simply do 5 turns, then connect the shoulder girdle. The right palm is placed on the left shoulder, the head is turned to the left, the left palm is placed on the right shoulder - the head is to the right. The exercise is repeated 10 times.
  • Shoulder raise. Shoulders are raised together or alternately, trying to reach the ear. The exercise is repeated 10 times.
  • Reduction and dilution of the shoulder blades. The back is kept straight, the shoulder blades are slowly connected, the hands are brought together behind the back into the castle and slightly raised without tilting the body, then lowered along the body, the shoulder blades are slowly spread apart.

Exercises can be done in a sitting position. The load should not cause sharp pain, dizziness, if they occur, the exercise is stopped.

It is most difficult to treat lumbar osteochondrosis during pregnancy. Swimming is good for pain relief. You can also lie on an inclined hard surface.

Self massage

Self-massage techniques are allowed to be used for osteochondrosis of the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral spine. All manipulations should be neat and easy. Massage is done only with warm hands.

To relieve pain symptoms, the following massage techniques are used:

  • Stroking. It is carried out with the palms or fingertips in the longitudinal or transverse direction. There are superficial strokes (with weak pressure) and deep strokes (with strong pressure). You need to start the massage with superficial effects, gradually increasing the pressure. The duration of manipulation is 1-2 minutes.
  • Trituration. It is performed in two ways: light tingling, recurrent stroking with the knuckles. The duration of the exercise is 2-3 minutes.
  • Kneading. Perform deep pinching with muscle pulling. Duration of execution - 2 minutes.
  • Vibrations. You can tap with your fingertips or with the palm of your hand. Manipulation is performed 1-2 minutes.

The massage ends with stroking. After the procedure, it is recommended to take a warm (not hot) shower.

Massage of the cervical-collar zone is done in a sitting position. The lumbosacral zone is massaged lying on its side or sitting with a straight back.

What medicines to use

Almost all non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs adversely affect the development of the fetus, so pills and injections are not prescribed for pregnant women.

To eliminate severe symptoms of the disease, Traumeel and Diclofenac ointments are used. It is forbidden to use drugs for treatment on your own. Only a professional can evaluate the benefits of ointment for osteochondrosis of the spine during pregnancy.

For the treatment of osteochondrosis during pregnancy, vitamin and mineral complexes are widely used, they should also be prescribed by a doctor.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies are safer than pills, but most of them are contraindicated for pregnant women. For the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis in pregnant women, warm compresses with a decoction of burdock, dandelion root or parsley are widely used. Warming agents should not be placed on the lower back or chest.

Osteochondrosis of the lumbar during pregnancy is forbidden to be treated with folk remedies, in this case only ointments and orthopedic devices will help.

The danger of osteochondrosis in the lumbar for pregnant women

It is impossible to ignore diseases of the spine during pregnancy. When the first symptoms appear, you need to seek help. If there was already a pathology in the anamnesis, pregnancy planning should begin with an examination of the spine and prevention of exacerbation.
