Explain to your husband that family is more important than friends. How to explain to your husband that family is more important than friends? What should you be wary of?

Men are freedom-loving creatures of this world. How to find the line in his freedom? This is a very cautious moment in a relationship. It’s like food, if you oversalt it’s bad, if you don’t add enough salt it’s also bad, you need to find that very measure where it will be good for everyone. But how to do that?

If your husband is constantly running to his friends, and there is not enough time for you, what should you do? There are several psychological tricks that women should know. The first of them is to try to interest your husband in something, so that he doesn’t want to go to his friends. Such a moment could be, for example, a festive atmosphere at home. Or a romantic evening. For example, a husband came home from work, tired, with the thought that he would now eat and run to his friends to drink beer or play cards, in a word, do “necessary” things that “increase intelligence.” And you are waiting for him, all beautiful, with wine and candles on the table, and even in a sexy peignoir - after all, you know how charming women’s shirts can be! Intriguing? It is unlikely that he will want to leave you for his beloved friends. There are many such tricks, you just need to find them and use them to your advantage.

There is another option. It seems that everything is fine, the husband is at home, but all his friends are also at home with the husband. Cleaning, cooking for you. You are getting tired. What should I do if, when talking about this topic, he says that he cannot kick them out, that his friends are the main thing? This complicates the situation a little, but you can try to find a way out of it. At the next such party, try to keep his friends busy. For example, “Vitya, while my husband is making sandwiches, please take out the trash. And you, Kolya, hand me some potatoes from the balcony, Petya and I will peel them.” If such actions of yours are repeated often, then your friends will begin to come over less often, since these household chores are also done at their home.

It’s better to invite your husband’s friends with their wives, since women feel the limits better than men, then by ten or eleven o’clock they themselves will call them home. But there are times when it is not possible to do this. You can try one more option. Start doing things a little. For example, wipe off the dust on the windows. Ask your husband to take out the trash. Start clearing some things off the table. There may not be an unambiguous reaction to clearing the table, but you can say that it’s already late and I thought that you would be leaving soon, and since I don’t feel like cleaning at night, I’ll do it now. It seems that you are not kicking anyone out, but the hint is clear.

There is one more point, quite important, this is the agreement. Know how to negotiate. Set aside a specific day for your husband to go out for a beer with friends. Be sure to discuss your rest day. And set aside a day when you will spend time together, but not doing business, but relaxing together.

And the best thing is to relax with your husband. Make friends with his friends. Make him friends with your friends. Go fishing together, play sports and do housework together. Find common interests. And then it will be much better for you and your husband.

Each of us has had and, we hope, will have friends with whom we can meet, communicate, pour out our souls, and seek the necessary support both emotionally and in terms of interests. But, unfortunately, many men do not understand and do not accept the fact that if before their wife and beloved woman it was friends who were the main people in their lives (not counting close relatives, of course), then from the moment a man takes an oath and takes it as a wife, it is she who becomes the closest person.

And then the husband’s friends become a bone of contention between the spouses, but if at the beginning of the marriage the husband’s friends were not so disturbing, then when the child appears, they become a real problem for the wife. After all, just at this moment the wife ceases to be part of the company, and is forced to switch all her attention to the baby and everything connected with him.

However, even at this moment, the husband does not stop meeting with his friends, and often, on the contrary, does it even more often than before, and these meetings can be in completely different variations:

The husband's friends can come to his house, respectively, drink, walk, relax, all this is accompanied by noise, cigarettes and other troubles that drive the wife crazy. Having a child presupposes peace, comfort and coziness; it is clear that in such an environment you cannot achieve it.

The husband also often meets with friends in saunas, bowling alleys, billiards and dance clubs.

Fishing, hunting and other types of recreation that the husband is passionate about may also become more frequent.

And no matter how the husband rests, his absence greatly irritates the wife, and accordingly, the husband’s friends begin to irritate him more and more, since the husband, it would seem, is in the family, but at the same time lives a completely different life, separate from his wife and child.

My husband's friends are tired of me. What to do?

What to do in such a situation, why are friends more important to a husband than his wife and child, what can be done to make the husband switch his attention from friends to family?

Unfortunately, we are forced to say that this situation is a woman’s omission. And this omission occurred at the very beginning of a relationship with a man.

1. Build relationships before marriage

The fact is that when you build a relationship with a man, you need to prepare the ground not after you sign, but before.
The fact is that when a woman gets married, she is always determined that her husband will change his behavior in accordance with new circumstances. This means that if before the wedding the man you love spent a lot of time with friends anywhere, then after the wedding, if you need it, he will begin to spend a lot of time with you, and if a child appears, then even more so. he loves you, he loves the child, he is an adult and smart person...

In fact, in a man’s head everything is just the opposite, the following picture occurs: a man, in the process of conquering you, gives his all as much as you provoke him, he does everything as you want, at least everything that he considers possible for himself. After he conquers you and marries you, his enthusiasm for satisfying your desires dries up, the game ends, and he calms down.

In reality, the following picture occurs: when a man wants to please you in order to win you, you do not demand anything from him, you practically do not change his lifestyle in any way. On the contrary, you strengthen it more and more, and the man, seeing that communication with you is easy and comfortable, does not strain at all and decides to marry such an easy-going and carefree beauty, naturally not setting himself up for a serious and difficult family life. As a result, all this results in scandals, quarrels and misunderstandings, because the wife becomes completely different.

We do not encourage women to put men through all the circles of hell and arrange a real family life for them before marriage, but it is necessary to understand a very important thing: the closer to family life you build your extramarital relationships, the easier it will be to build them in the family.

Here, of course, it is important not to overdo it, firstly, if you get carried away, men will run away from a woman like the devil from incense, and secondly, all this can develop into a civil marriage, which is also not good if you want a real wedding and families. In general, the main goal when building a relationship with a man is for him to understand for himself what place you occupy in his life, and the more space you occupy in his life, the better for the family.

It should be noted that just as women have their own needs, so do men. One of these needs is socializing with friends and physical activity, and this needs to be respected. Therefore, when building a relationship with a beloved man, the goal is not to limit a man’s communication with friends, but to show him what family means. He must determine for himself the importance of family, he must realize its meaning for himself, and if this happens, you will see for yourself how he changes his style of communication with friends, how he changes his behavior with them and his attitude towards you.

2. Find out the reason for communicating with friends

It is necessary to find out the reason for the husband’s excessive communication with friends. The main reasons are:

He had not yet realized the fact that family life is not about having a wife and child somewhere out there, in a place specially designated for them, and hanging out with friends, but about building a relationship with the woman you love and raising your child.

He deliberately runs away from problems at home, because he does not want to endure a grumpy wife, a screaming child, an uncleaned apartment and a lack of breakfast, lunch and dinner.

He hasn't had enough time, and despite his wife, he is still drawn to heroic deeds.

It is clear that these are not all the reasons, there are many of them, and your task is to find out exactly the reason that concerns your family and your husband. Only then can you begin to change the situation, choose behavioral tactics with which you can build a relationship so that your husband’s friends become rare and pleasant guests, and not your worst enemies. Our service specialists are always ready to help you with this, so if you write a letter to a personal coach, he will definitely find a way out of the current situation in your family and prepare personal recommendations, following which you will improve your personal life and relationship with your husband.

Strong male friendship, time-tested, is, of course, a necessary thing - but when a company of friends pushes you into the background, you can’t help but think. Don’t panic - this invasion of barbarians into your family nest can be dealt with. We'll tell you how.

Football with friends, help with the car, meeting “on business” or even sudden get-togethers at your home, although you were actually going to the cinema - male friends once again remind your loved one that besides family, there is a much more relaxed and exciting life, without the “obligations” that he had already become tired of. Add to this the small everyday dissatisfaction that one way or another accumulates when living together, your eyebrows “in a house” and reminders of your family, and that’s it - soon such valuable evenings together will lose all their charm for him. Of course, the first reaction in such a situation is to throw a good scandal: “What does he even allow himself to do!” For his sake I..." Of course, you can scream and cry - but only with yourself, pounding a punching bag in the gym or pouring out your soul to a friend. But you need to behave differently with your man and the company of his friends.

What to do: communication strategies

What to do: communication strategies

Accept and love

If your man is dear to you, then there is no other way: you will have to love his friends, especially if they have known each other since kindergarten, where they sat on the potties together. At a minimum, accept the fact that they will remain in his life and “suddenly” will not disappear. This means that the options “to quarrel”, “to set against”, “to show shortcomings”, “to put pressure on family debt” will not work. Forget about prohibitions - this will only strengthen your man’s freedom-loving impulses and can lead to a serious conflict. Frankly speaking, communication with your girlfriends hardly causes frenzied delight in your loved one. So give both him and yourself the right to personal space.

Become part of his company

Become part of his company

Are you tired of your husband's endless outings with his friends? Join the crowd, become one of these “eccentrics”, an evening in whose company is interesting to your loved one much more than a trip to your mother or a joint outing. Try to understand your husband's friends: invite them to your home, arrange a joint dinner, a weekend picnic, or come up with entertainment that is interesting for the whole company. Your task is to win their trust, turning from a boring and dissatisfied matron into a pleasant and interesting interlocutor. Just during the “get-togethers”, do not forget to turn off the mommy function: you should not patronize your husband, give him instructions, make sarcastic remarks and create uncomfortable moments. And one more thing - flirting with his friends is also prohibited. We are sure that you remember this yourself, so it is so, by the way.



If all peaceful options do not work, and any mention of your husband’s friends causes you to tremble, then a frank conversation with your loved one cannot be avoided. It’s conversations, not quarrels with shouts of “how you’re sick of everything” - including your faithful one. If it hurts, unpleasantly and hard for you every time a loved one makes a choice in favor of friends rather than your family, there is no need to remain silent. Calmly discuss the situation. Just prepare for the conversation in advance: before this, clearly decide for yourself what exactly you are not happy with in your husband’s behavior. He pays little attention to you, does not take care of the children, does not help around the house - your conversation should be extremely substantive, preferably with possible solutions for each of the points put forward.

Softly attack

Softly attack

You shouldn’t openly strike a pose and demonstratively kick out dull-witted visitors: what good, your man will leave with them, acting within the framework of the same male friendship. Cheat. Create an environment where your husband takes an active part in household chores. Let this be a purely male economic activity - not wash the dishes and cook dinner, but fix a creaking door, for example, or take groceries from the supermarket to his mother. Better yet, start a renovation. This massive operation will definitely help. What kind of gatherings are there with friends when there is smoke in the apartment? And it’s not for you to carry building materials from the market.

When a woman gets married, by default she expands her circle of acquaintances to include all her husband’s friends, regardless of whether she likes it or not. If mutual sympathy does not arise between the parties, the young husband finds himself at a crossroads - to meet his wife halfway or to remain faithful to old friendships.

How can a girl improve a relationship and should she do it? Find out why the fight for the attention of a loved one with his friends can end in tears and how to prevent a family tragedy.

Opposition theory

Every man definitely needs a field for self-expression - a society and a place where he could discuss topics that interest him “without censorship” and expect a reaction of approval in return. In a family environment, a guy asserts himself differently, and normally his behavior differs significantly from what is considered permissible in male company.

At the beginning of a marriage, while the “old priorities” are still at work in the relationship and the spouses are actively trying to defend their independence, friendship can come first for a man. He tries to prove to his friends and, first of all, to his young wife that entering into a marriage is not a reason to change his habits. Usually this situation in the family lasts for the first year after the wedding, after which the husband finally leans in favor of the side where he feels most comfortable.

Male friendship: protect or destroy?

The wife’s attitude towards her husband’s friends, as a rule, is formed during the difficult period of the “first year” for the family, and if the guy spends most of his free time meeting with friends, it cannot be positive. A woman faces a choice:

  • leave everything as it is and come to terms with the fact that the husband will often disappear from home;
  • make friends with your spouse’s friends by introducing yourself into their company;
  • get rid of unwanted people by stopping your husband’s communication with them forever.

Having chosen an option for eliminating the danger that is acceptable to her, the girl must develop tactics of behavior and follow it to the end. She needs to be prepared for the fact that, sensing opposition, her husband’s friends will try to win the man over to their side, and whether they succeed or not will depend on her personal efforts.

In some cases, male friendship can be the key to the success of the head of the family and bring him not only pleasure from communication, but also contribute to the development of his financial and social status. In this case, even if the husband’s friend does not arouse the wife’s sympathy, it is better for her to leave the negativity to herself and develop a friendly and respectful attitude towards her new acquaintance.

Why do husbands choose friends?

Unlike women, for whom friendship means the opportunity to speak out and be heard, men perceive friendly communication as an option for self-realization. In the company of like-minded people or in the company of a best friend, a husband can temporarily abstract himself from the role of breadwinner and family protector and return again to the emotional state that preceded marriage.

In what cases can a man prefer the company of his comrades to the detriment of his family?

  • immature character (infancy) and unwillingness to take responsibility;
  • inability to behave naturally and at ease at home;
  • low authority of the wife in the eyes of her husband;
  • hysterical spouse and nervous atmosphere at home;
  • a common hobby with friends that has been the basis of their relationship for many years (for example, fishing);
  • reluctance to cause condemnation and receive henpecked status among acquaintances.

The husband may not be aware of the reason that drives him out of the house over and over again, but if this happens, the woman should look for the problem in her own attitude towards family life, and not in her husband’s communication with his friends. To deprive him of this resource by force means to doubt his masculinity and make him look ridiculous in front of his comrades. The husband, even having submitted to such a decision of his wife, may harbor a grudge against her, which will certainly lead to mutual disappointment.

A bad friend can't ruin a good husband

Women often complain that, under the influence of their best friend, their husband suddenly changes for the worse - he starts going out, drinking and showing aggression at home. However, the ability to radically change a person’s character is not characteristic of even the worst friends. People do not change suddenly, and no external circumstances can force a man to smoke and drink if these bad habits are contrary to his inner beliefs.

Those unpleasant traits that a woman reveals in her husband during his communication with friends have, in fact, always constituted the hidden essence of his nature, forming throughout his life. But it is easier for a wife to blame unmarried or morally unencumbered acquaintances of her husband for all the misfortunes than to admit that the husband himself is ready to take up a bottle or run off to a party at the first opportunity.

Before “weaning” your spouse from friendly get-togethers, you need to ask yourself: is everything really so perfect in the family that, having lost an outlet on the side - even in the form of “bad” friends - the spouse will happily spend the whole weekend at home? Perhaps, left alone with themselves and with problems that were only covered up by external factors, the husband and wife will understand how little they have in common and how poorly they, in essence, know each other.

A fight for attention that might not have happened

The complaints of girls faced with their husband’s busy entertainment schedule sound the same: “I don’t want to communicate with my husband’s friends, but I also can’t allow him, under the influence of his friends, to slide into infidelity or alcoholism.” As a result, the wife is present at men's gatherings, not receiving any pleasure from communication and darkening the fun of the entire company with her dissatisfied appearance. Or he sits at home, stressing himself out mentally and preparing the ground for the next scandal.

In fact, if the girl bothered to be frank first of all with herself, this phrase would sound like this: “I will not allow my husband to devote his attention to anyone else but me.” The wife is offended: she works just like her chosen one, takes care of the housework and would like to receive gratitude for this. In this situation, her husband’s meetings with friends are perceived by her as a betrayal. She is nervous, fantasizes, and harasses herself and her husband with phone calls.

Having gone through a difficult period of getting used to each other, having learned to appreciate their partner and his interests (and this comes with years of marriage), women begin to regret this wasted time when they tried to control their husband’s every move. The hours spent in nervous anticipation are gone forever, and the eternal scandals that accompany each return of the spouse force him to look for new opportunities to leave home. It turns out to be a vicious circle: demanding more attention to herself and not being able to argue her right with anything other than reproaches, the woman pushes the man away even more, and true friends become his salvation from an unbearable home environment.

Proper behavior with your husband's friends

At the beginning of family life or before the wedding, that X-meeting will definitely take place, which decides the girl’s future position in the established friendly environment of her husband. If a new participant in a get-together is “not welcome” and his friends directly tell the guy about this, there is a 95% chance that he will stop inviting his girlfriend to the company.

How can a girl behave correctly in a new society, so that the friends of her loved one consider her a worthy match for their friend and do not plot against her?

  1. You should immediately present yourself as an integral part of the spouse, so that friends do not even have doubts that from now on all their invitations and other issues will be considered not by one person, but by two.
  2. You need to think before you speak, and not rush to take sides in conversations, since behind every event in the company there is a story that is not yet known to the new participant.
  3. You cannot flirt or highlight any of your husband’s friends with your attention - such behavior of a girl will cause ridicule in his direction and will automatically impose a ban on her presence in this society.
  4. You should listen more and support your spouse more often in the conversation - this will give him confidence that his choice regarding his girlfriend has become the right one.

Most likely, there will be other girls in the company of your husband’s friends. If this is the case, then it is better for the newly arrived woman to first gain their favor. Even if guys don’t advertise it in society, at home they always listen to the opinions of their girlfriends, and this factor can be decisive for their friend’s bride.

How to get your husband out of a “bad” company

If in the company of friends a man reveals only his worst qualities, which make themselves felt in the home environment, the situation urgently needs to be changed. It will not work to forbid a guy to communicate with such people. Strong relationships between husband and friend are always justified on a deep psychological level. All that remains is to cool the old friendship, introducing doubt and mutual dissatisfaction with each other drop by drop.

Here are some of the easiest ways to expel “extra” people from your spouse’s comfort zone:

  • You need to praise your husband more often, saying how positive he is and at the same time wondering how he finds something in common with such a gray mediocrity as his friend.
  • A girl can occasionally hint to her husband that his friend is looking at her, that she does not like his “greedy” look.
  • If her husband's friend makes some mistake, the girl needs to show her grief - mostly by the fact that her friend's behavior disgraces her loved one.
  • During joint gatherings, it is permissible for a woman to ask her husband’s friends “uncomfortable” questions in a friendly manner, the answers to which will not show them in the best light.

And finally, a girl should always look good and look a little helpless - then any attacks from her husband’s friends in her direction will make her husband want to protect her, to rebel against everyone.

Relationship with ex-husband's friend

Due to various circumstances, the marriage may fall apart, and some friends of the ex-spouse may turn out to be sober-minded as to take the side of the weaker half. There is nothing wrong with a girl, even after a divorce, continuing to communicate with her husband’s friend, even an ex-husband, but sometimes mutual understanding develops into a stronger feeling. It is much more difficult for guys to decide to follow it than for girls, because on one side of the scale they find themselves on the other side of the scale and on the other is a love adventure, which can either develop into a strong union or end in nothing.

For a woman, the possibility of a relationship with her husband's best friend is not so much a matter of ethics as an agreement with her own conscience. Short-sighted young ladies use such a move as revenge on their “ex” or to forget themselves with a person who “knows everything.” For a serious-minded girl, the opinion of her husband who was left behind is important. The thought “what will the ex think” lingers in a woman’s mind long after a divorce, and it is this thought that often becomes the reason why a promising friendship with her husband’s friend becomes impossible.

If the couple nevertheless decides to take an important step, the girl should remember three important “don’ts”:

  • never reproach a man for betraying a comrade;
  • do not compare life with a new guy with those relationships that are a thing of the past;
  • do not allow the young man to think that he is being used as an instrument of revenge.

The option when men continue to be friends even after they have changed roles in relation to the girl is considered not the best. If men find a common language well, they will always be in solidarity to the detriment of anything, which means that a woman needs to be prepared for the fact that all conflicts in her new family will be viewed through the prism of a failed marriage.

Psychologist comments

When getting married, a girl prepares herself in advance for the fact that new life circumstances will force her husband to change his attitude towards friends, giving them second place on the scale of importance, but this opinion is wrong. A man does not consider his established marital status from the point of view of sacrifice; for him, marriage is a new component of a happy present, fitting in with other elements of joy, such as communication with friends.

Not a single normal man will answer positively to the bride’s question asked during premarital relations about whether he is ready to break with all friendly ties, having found family happiness. A man simply will not understand how these two moments of his cloudless future can supplant each other, and he will be right in his own way. The mistake of many young wives is that after the wedding they directly issue an ultimatum: “Either me or them!”, without even realizing that the desired effect can be achieved without squabbles and mutual accusations.

A well-groomed, affectionate, always playful wife who meets her husband in a good mood, no matter where he comes from - from work or from a friendly party - is a guarantee that within a short time new associations will form in the man’s mind. It is no longer a friend’s bachelor apartment or a cafe that will appear before his eyes when planning his next weekend, but a cozy home with a friendly hostess.

Question for psychologists

Hello, my name is Ksenia. I am 21 years old. My boyfriend is 20. I can’t figure out the current situation myself, please help me with advice. We have been dating a young man for a year and a half, he began to court me and for the first month he somehow tried to interest me, we went for walks and relaxed together. But over time, they stopped going out anywhere, he didn’t want to, I hinted, asked, invited, but no. Now the situation is this: we live 15 minutes away from each other, we stayed either with me or with him, but now he persistently asks me to come to him, he works a lot, but wants me to go to him every evening. He lives with his mother, his mother is bored, she needs to dilute her loneliness... I love him. This is my first serious relationship. I'm ready to do anything for him. I'm coming. Whatever he asks, I do. But here, for 4 months, he spends his nights (since he works during the day) in his friends’ garage. There is no limit to this. I come because he wants to go to his house, but he spends almost every night after work in the garage and comes in the morning. I understand that he likes to rummage through cars, assemble and disassemble them, and I’m not against this hobby, as long as it doesn’t harm our relationship. If we planned to sit at home together for the evening, watch a movie, but then his friend called and said that he was digging in the garage, my boyfriend
drops everything and goes there, forgetting about me. We've been dating for as long as we've been dating, we don't go anywhere at all, we went to the cinema once and went camping once. All. I’m offended that he can’t find time for me, but he always has time for his friends. And it’s a shame that at night. It would be nice if he were still working on his own car, but he repairs his friends’ cars for nothing, without fail and at any time. It calms me down that he tells me that he loves me, I believe it. But I don’t know how to behave, I want me to be no less important to him than his friends, I want attention and at least some movement, relaxation together... Thank you in advance for your answer. Best regards, Ksenia.

Hello, Ksenia!

We are treated the way we allow ourselves to be treated, the way we treat ourselves. Think about it, Ksenia, how interesting are you to yourself? Do you put your interests first? Do you value yourself? Do you respect yourself and your time? Do you listen to your desires and fulfill them?

Your boyfriend is very comfortable with this arrangement of things, but is it comfortable for you? If not, start taking care of yourself on all of the above points, in what is interesting to you, and not convenient for your boyfriend. Awaken the “hunter instinct” in your young man, become for him a Blue Bird, hunted by hundreds of men, and not a domestic hen. Now there is a lot of information on the topic of developing self-love, perhaps this will help you take the first steps on the path to yourself.

All the best!

Perfileva Inna Yurievna, psychologist in Rostov-on-Don

Good answer 2 Bad answer 2

Hello, Ksenia!

FROM your letter I got the impression that your whole life consists only of meetings with a young man, and you want to receive all your positive emotions from him, but this is too much emotional stress. that's why he distances himself. Turn to your life, look for other sources of joy in it that are not related to relationships. Then you will be interesting to both yourself and him. You don't have to ask, he himself will want to spend more time with you.

In addition, you often put his feelings above your own and push your needs. And he treats you the same way you treat yourself. You are not in first place for yourself, and neither is he. You need to learn to be in charge. Then you will hear your true feelings and desires and follow them. and this will give you the opportunity to be truly happy.

If you need help, come for an individual consultation.

Stolyarova Marina Valentinovna, consulting psychologist, St. Petersburg

Good answer 4 Bad answer 0

Ksenia, alas, you don’t have a family yet, and what’s more, your boyfriend never let you know that he’s even ready for a family. This is neither good nor bad; at the age of 20, few people are ready for this, and it is at least unreasonable to demand this. The question is, who are you to him?

Why are you meeting, think about it? He is not interested in going somewhere with you.

If we planned to sit at home together for the evening, watch a movie, but then his friend called and said that he was digging in the garage, my boyfriend drops everything and goes there, forgetting about me.

It turns out that spending time at home like this is not very interesting. then WHAT do you have in common? Sex?

I'm coming. Whatever he asks, I do.

He is very comfortable with this state of affairs. He has help in everyday life, sex, minimal care and the position of a guy “who has a girlfriend,” i.e. status, which at this age can be important.

What do you have?

It calms me down that he tells me that he loves me, I believe it.

Does this calm you down? With what? Love is about deeds, first of all. Love is real actions aimed at caring for another person, respecting his feelings, satisfying not only your own, but also the needs of your loved one. And you spend the whole letter talking about how none of YOUR wishes are particularly taken into account. And where is love then? In words?

Yes, this is a convenient position - to reassure with words, you will believe, and you can calmly live for some time the way he likes, continuing to use your devotion.

And it is impossible to condemn him for this, because you YOURSELF allowed the whole situation to be like this. You don't ask for anything, you don't insist on your interests, you're focused only on him, and you're probably afraid of losing. And he?

If you have no one in your life except him and nothing else interests you much, there is a risk that you will become even less interesting to him. Perhaps you should think about your life first and foremost, about your desires? Otherwise, all this will develop into love addiction. And it’s better now to try to understand yourself from this position: http://psyhelp24.org/lyubovnaya-zavisimost/

Sincerely, Nesvitsky A.M., consultations on Skype

Good answer 1 Bad answer 2
