Very rough heels. Herbal baths

Our hands are eternal workers. Whatever trials they face - what is it worth? low temperature when we forget to wear gloves, or aggressive detergents for washing dishes and cleaning the house.

As a result, the skin on the hands becomes rough, reddish, flaky, and small cracks may even appear on it.

This occurs due to the lack of moisture and fat. For recovery normal balance For flaky hand skin, you need to use creams with moisturizing and retaining ingredients, such as mineral oils, silicone

If the skin begins to peel, first of all, it is necessary to remove dead skin particles using scrubs. This procedure should be done no more than twice a week - more than frequent procedure will not do any good.

After each wash, hands should be thoroughly dried with a towel. If the skin is left wet, it dries in the air and becomes hard and rough.

The easiest way to restore the skin of your hands to its former elasticity and well-groomed condition is to apply a generous amount of nourishing cream and put on cotton gloves, leaving them on your hands overnight. In most cases, after several treatments, the code softens and returns to its natural state.

If the problem cannot be solved, more effective means. In the arsenal folk cosmetology There are enough home remedies to get rid of rough skin on your hands.

Oil bath

This bath helps with very dry skin. Add vegetable oil to warm water. Can be used as sunflower oil, so olive oil. Keep your hands in the bath for 15-20 minutes, then wipe dry and lubricate with cream.

Fermented milk bath

For the bath you can use yogurt or whey. Simply warm up the serum and hold your hands in this bath for about 15-20 minutes. After the procedure, lubricate the skin of your hands with cream.

Potato bath

This bath is prepared from the water in which the potatoes were boiled. It can be used for redness of the hands from low temperatures, and also helps with flaky hand skin and cracks. You need to keep your hands in this bath for 20-30 minutes.

Oatmeal bath

Warm decoction bath oatmeal very effectively removes peeling and softens the skin of the hands. Its duration is 10-15 minutes.

Bath for softening rough, rough skin of hands

Soften dry and rough skin of the hands with cucumber juice, a bath of rice with glycerin (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water), with soda (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water), with ammonia(0.5 teaspoon per 1 liter of water).

Hand bath made from decoctions of medicinal herbs

For chapped, reddened skin, infusion baths are effective. medicinal herbs– chamomile, linden blossom, plantain, string, rosemary, walnut leaves. You can take juice baths twice a week. sauerkraut. Then the skin needs to be lubricated thick cream and wear cotton gloves at night.

Masks for flaky hand skin

Masks are no less effective homemade. If desired, they can be combined with any hand baths to enhance the effect.

Chamomile oil

To prepare this mask you will need 3 tablespoons of wheat flour, 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil, 2 tablespoons of chamomile flowers and 1 glass of water. Chamomile needs to be poured with boiling water. Let it brew for 1-1.5 hours, then cool and strain. Then add flour to the infusion, stir until it becomes a paste, add vegetable oil and mix thoroughly. Apply the mask to the skin of your hands and keep for 30 minutes. Afterwards, rinse with warm water and lubricate your hands with cream.

Flax seed decoction mask

This mask is prepared not with water, but with milk. 1 tablespoon flaxseed per 1 glass of milk, boil. Cool the broth and lubricate your hands with the broth.

Oatmeal-honey mask

To prepare this mask you need to mix 3 tablespoons oatmeal, 1 tablespoon olive oil, 1 tablespoon milk, 1 teaspoon honey. Mix all ingredients well and apply the mixture to your hands for 1 hour. For better effect you can wear gloves. Afterwards, wash off the mask with warm water and lubricate your hands with cream.

Oil-yolk mask

The mask consists of 1 yolk, 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil and 1 teaspoon of honey. Rub the mask well into the skin of your hands and leave for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with water and apply nourishing cream to the skin.

Honey-yolk mask

This mask contains 1 teaspoon of oatmeal, 1 yolk and 1 tablespoon of honey. Apply this mask to the skin of your hands and wear cloth gloves. After 15-20 minutes, wash off the mask and lubricate your hands with cream.

Potato mask

To prepare this mask, you need to boil 2-3 potatoes and grind them with milk. Apply the mixture to your hands or place your hands in the mixture until it cools. Afterwards, rinse with water and apply nourishing cream to your hands. By regularly using baths and masks for flaky hand skin, you will always have smooth and beautiful hands.

Every modern, self-loving woman should look her best, she should have no flaws. Unfortunately, quite often we have to deal with the problem of rough heels. They bring not only physical discomfort, but also spoil appearance legs A woman cannot wear open shoes. What to do in in this case? How to get rid of rough heels?

Types of heel care products

Enough for today various cosmetics, which will help cope with the problem of unattractive and dry heels. Beauty salons offer many different modern procedures, but they are expensive. You can achieve an amazing effect by caring for your heels at home. First of all, you need desire and patience. The procedures should be carried out comprehensively, including baths, massage, masks, the use of various creams, lotions, and oils.

Important! Do not even think about cutting off the rough and thickened skin on your heels. It could end in serious injury. Also keep in mind that after cutting the skin grows quickly and thickens even more.

Baths for rough heels

This method can be used if the skin has already thickened or you want to prevent it. The procedure is highly effective. You can use herbal, salt, soap and soda solutions.

Try simple and healthy recipe. You need to take milk - 200 ml, soap solution - 100 ml, table salt– 3 tablespoons. Take a large bowl, put all the ingredients there, add water. You will have to soak your feet in this mixture for at least an hour. After you have completed the procedure, you need to carefully peel off the steamed skin. For this you will need a fine-grained type of pumice. Cleansed skin must be lubricated with oil and nourishing cream. If you repeat regularly this procedure, after a while you will see an amazing effect. After a while, the thick skin will peel off on its own.

In the store you can buy a special scrub that can be used to clean the skin of your heels. The product is used no more than once a week. It must be applied using an oval nail file and flat pumice. Then, performing light circular movements, you need to massage the heel. The entire procedure takes no more than 3 minutes. You don't need it anymore because you will injure the skin. At the end, moisturizer is applied.

Getting rid of cracked heels

Have you started to notice that your heels are losing their elasticity, smoothness and cracks appearing on them? Rescue them immediately. We recommend that you pay attention to the recipes below.

Lotions with marshmallow root

The plant is finely chopped, filled with water - 2 tablespoons, and boiled. Everything heats up within half an hour. Then wait until the product has cooled down. When the decoction is already room temperature, is taken gauze pad, applied to the heel for 30 minutes. The lotion is repeated morning and evening. The course lasts until the cracks in the heels are completely healed.

Egg yolk mask

Take an egg, add lemon juice (a teaspoon), starch (half a teaspoon). First, the skin on the heels is thoroughly steamed, then the mixture is applied. After the procedure, be sure to use moisturizing cream. Those who dream of perfect heels need to delight them with useful procedures at least 2 times a week.

Different ways to treat rough heels


Before you get ready to shower, apply a rich cream to your heels. The legs should absorb it a little. After this, start treating the heels. You will notice dead skin starting to peel off and peel off. In 4 minutes you will feel better. Then, after cleansing, cream is applied to the heels and socks are put on.

Starch baths for heels

You need to take a liter of water, add starch to it - a tablespoon. Lower your legs for half an hour.

Herbal treatments for feet

Such baths will not soften the heels, but at the same time saturate them useful substances, will relieve your legs from fatigue. Use a decoction of string, chamomile, oak bark, and sage. After completing the procedure, thoroughly wipe your feet and lubricate them with a rich cream.

Egg baths

If you dream of a tender and velvety skin, prepare this mixture: add 2 chicken yolks to a liter of water, then a little soap. You need to hold your heels for 40 minutes.

Celandine masks

This is the best nutrient, which will give the skin tenderness. To prepare the mask, you need to finely chop the leaves, apply to the sore spot, then secure with a bandage or gauze. Afterwards you need to put a piece of polyethylene and put on warm socks. You must remain in this position throughout the night.

Onion mask

To be effective, you need to chop the onion and then add a tablespoon of honey. Lubricant rough skin on the heels, wrap everything in gauze and put on warm socks.

Baths with red wine

Please your rough heels with baths containing grape juice and red wine. You will need water (2 liters), 500 ml of wine, immerse the legs and sit for 20 minutes. Using the procedure, you can saturate the skin on your heels.

Bath with milk and salt

Heat milk - 500 ml, add a little salt. Lower your legs for half an hour. When you see that the skin is perfectly steamed, rub it. After the procedure, the heels should be lubricated with cream or vegetable oil.

Remember that real woman must have beautiful legs with pedicure. It is not necessary to visit salons for this; there are many procedures that can be performed at home. If you have well-groomed feet, you won't feel awkward because your rough heels are showing through your sandals. By constantly caring for the skin of your legs, you will achieve an amazing effect. Your heels will become soft and smooth like a baby's. Nothing is impossible, the main thing is to constantly try, and you will achieve amazing results. Always be the most beautiful!

Hello dear readers. Being a woman means taking care of yourself. Care is not only about face masks, but also about taking care of the whole body. Most women have encountered such a problem as rough heels. This phenomenon affects and worries all ages, from young girls to ladies old age. Roughness is relevant not only in summer, but all year round. If timely treatment is not carried out, cracks may form. Rough heels are not only a beauty problem, but also a comfort problem. In this article we will figure out what to do if you have rough heels. Interestingly, not only the fairer sex, but also men face skin problems. They also often ask questions along the following lines: rough heels - what to do? And this is quite natural. As studies have shown, the results of which are based largely on survey results, women are most often concerned about the aesthetics of their feet.

While men are mainly for the practical side of the issue: cracked and rough heels make it very difficult to work, train, just move around, and so on. Therefore, it is always important to know. Today we will look into the causes and ways to combat heel problems.

Why heels dry and rough - causes

The skin cells of the foot are exposed to heavy loads while walking, so they change their shape and are more likely to renew themselves and die. That's why you need to peel so often.

There are several things that provoke this phenomenon!
1. Insufficiently moisturized skin.
2. Clothing, shoes made of synthetic fabrics.
3. Long time use open shoes in summer, or regular barefoot walks.
4. Lack of care for the skin of the feet.
5. Disturbance in metabolic processes. If the skin also turns yellow, then problems may be related to digestion.
6. Deficiency of vitamins A and E.
7. Use of antibacterial soap.
8. Dry air at home.
9. Narrow, uncomfortable shoes.
10. Fungus.
11. Mineral deficiency.
12. Reaction to sudden climate change.
13. Excessive tanning.
14. Frostbite.
15. Chlorinated water used in foot washing.
16. Insufficient consumption liquids.
17. Constant stress and depression. In this case, nervous exhaustion of the body occurs, which is reflected on the skin.
18. Reaction to medications.
19. Iron deficiency anemia. Lack of hemoglobin, as a result, lack of oxygen.

Peeling skin, including on the heels, may simply be a symptom of the disease:
1. Dermatitis.
2. Erytoderma.
3. Eczema.
4. Psoriasis.
5. Excess vitamin A.
6. Scarlet fever.
7. Rash.
8. Allergies.
9. Peeling skin syndrome.

Therefore, if the heels are not the only problem, then you should consult a doctor to rule out these diseases.

If you have rough heels - what to do at home

If the problem is not related to illness, then you can cope with this problem yourself. Skin care should be comprehensive.

It is worth using baths, cleansing the skin of the feet, using masks and creams. And if the problem is related to a lack of vitamins and minerals, then you need to reconsider your diet to replenish their reserves.

Care should be regular and include external solutions to the problem and elimination of indirect causes.

But first, let’s look at the main mistakes when caring for the skin of your feet.

The most common mistakes when caring for your heels:

1. Removing rough skin of the foot using a razor. Thus, you injure the skin even more, and a new, even rougher layer will appear on top.
2. Before cleansing the foot with a file, steam the skin. Treatment should only be applied to dry skin.
3. Clean your heels with a file in a random direction. This makes your skin even rougher. Therefore, it is worth cleaning in only one direction. The procedure must be carried out with a specially selected file. The drier the skin, the less abrasive elements of the file. Repeat the procedure no more than once every 14 days.
4. Too frequent use creams containing acids. If you use this cream frequently, it may remove too much skin. And if your skin is dry, then you shouldn’t use it at all.
5. If there are microcracks, apply cream. First you need to treat with hydrogen peroxide.
6. Prepare foot baths with water at excessively hot temperatures.
Now let’s move on to the basic beauty recipes.

Foot baths - homemade recipes

Apple cider vinegar

You will need 30 milliliters apple cider vinegar. Dissolve in warm water. Place your feet in the bath for 20 minutes. During the procedure, you should massage your feet with a soft brush. Afterwards, place your feet in a bath of cool water.

Soda and soap

Prepare a solution of warm water, 14 grams of soda and 15 milliliters of liquid soap. Soak your feet in the solution. Can be used laundry soap and soda. , indeed, soften the skin very well and facilitate the cleansing process.

Decoction of medicinal herbs

Prepare a decoction of herbs and add it to the baths. Suitable: hops, chamomile flowers, yarrow, rosemary, mint leaves. You can buy all this at the pharmacy, or, if desired and to the extent possible, prepare it yourself.

Sea salt

Take baths with sea ​​salt and warm milk. Immerse your feet for half an hour.

Wine baths

Once a week you can prepare a bath with wine. You need to dilute 500 milliliters of the drink with 2 liters of warm water. Keep your feet for 20 minutes.

Flax seeds

You will need 60 grams of flaxseed and peppermint infusion (400 milliliters). Brew the seeds with boiling water, 1 cup is enough for this amount. Boil for 10 minutes. Let sit for 50 minutes, strain, add peppermint and 3 liters of well-heated clean water. Soak your feet in the bath for 20 minutes.

Cleansing heels and feet

Dry heels should be cleaned with a file. This method is especially suitable for those with dry skin.

Buy a sanding file for your feet. After treatment with this file, your heels will look like a baby’s.

Choose a finely abrasive file, and all your movements should be directed in one direction. The procedure should be carried out no more than once every two weeks.

If you plan to treat your feet with pumice, then before the shower you should lubricate your heels with cream.

After the procedure, you should lubricate your feet with cream again and put on socks made of natural fabric.

There are also recipes for scrubs based on ground coffee, sea salt, and corn flour.

Mix any of the ingredients with liquid soap to make a paste. And massage your feet. Afterwards, rinse with water and moisturize your feet with nourishing natural cream moisturizing effect.

Masks for feet and heels - homemade recipes

The main task of care is to moisturize and nourish the skin. Therefore, choose a nourishing cream. You can try to do this with a special compress of honey.

Lubricate your feet, wrap them in compress paper, and then put on socks. Leave the compress on for a couple of hours or overnight. In the morning, rinse thoroughly. Secure the procedure with a nourishing natural cream.

If you have time, then you can pamper yourself with natural foot skin. They will help tidy up your skin, soften and moisturize it at home if your heels are rough and you don’t know what to do.

1. Take one egg yolk, 4 grams of starch, 5 milliliters of lemon juice. Apply to feet after bath. When the mask dries, wash it off.
2. Grind the leaves of young celandine. Apply the mixture to your heels and wrap in cellophane. Leave the mask on for 50-55 minutes. Please note: celandine may cause allergic reactions and even burns, so use it carefully. Do not rub your eyes after contact with it and do not eat without first washing your hands with soap. Use this recipe with extreme caution!
3. Grate the potatoes and mix with flaxseeds. Fill the mixture with water and cook until it reaches the consistency of village sour cream. Warm remedy Apply to heels for 20 minutes. Afterwards, wash your feet and treat them with iodine (problem areas only).
4. Pass one onion through a meat grinder, add honey, spread on the heels, cover with gauze and secure with socks overnight. In the morning, wash your feet with soap and rinse thoroughly with clean water.
5. The easiest option is to rub it in before bed. coconut oil, or sour cream. To remove excess, blot skin with a tissue.
6. Grate the zucchini, mix with sour cream and apply to your heels for an hour.
7. Mash some raspberries and strawberries, put them on the heel, and wrap them in gauze. Keep the mask on for an hour.
8. Mix glycerin and ammonia. Proportions: 1 to 1. Rub in overnight.
9. Mix 3 parts lemon juice with 1 part olive oil, massage movements rub into your heels.
10. A mask made from an ordinary mashed banana will also help. Leave the mask on for 20 minutes and then rinse with cool water.
11. Mix cottage cheese, full-fat sour cream, and a little honey. Apply to feet and leave for half an hour. Afterwards, rinse with warm water and be sure to apply moisturizer.

How to soften heels if they are very rough and rough

Apple for heels. If the skin of your feet is too rough, an apple compress will help. Grate the apple and wrap it in gauze. Place on your feet and secure with your toes. Leave it on all night. In the morning, lubricate your feet with cream.

Cabbage leaf. You can also prepare a compress by mashing a cabbage leaf. Or try making a compress from castor oil.

Paraffin for heels. Treatment with paraffin will help well. Melt the wax over low heat, add a little paraffin, and very little salicylic acid. When the mixture becomes warm, apply it using a swab to your heels.

It is necessary to apply 3 layers, according to the principle of nail polish. The layer is applied to the already dried layer. Secure with a bandage and leave for 24 hours. Afterwards, wash off with soapy water and baking soda, and use a pumice stone.

Aloe for feet and heels. Aloe compress is also popular. Crush the leaves of the plant and apply a compress overnight. It will not only soften the skin, but also help healing if there are wounds.

Fat-based ointment. Try making an ointment at home based on pork fat. Melt the fat in a water bath and grate the carrots. Mix and keep on fire for 15 minutes. Strain and cool the mixture.

Apply as a compress, or as additional care after baths. Fat softens, and carrots nourish. Store the ointment in the refrigerator.

Aspirin and lemon juice. Take 10 aspirin tablets, 5 milliliters of lemon juice. Crush the tablets, mix with water, add juice.

Before applying, steam your feet so that the mask is better absorbed. Apply the mixture to your heels and wrap your feet in cling film. Put on your socks. Keep the mask on for 25 minutes. Wash your feet with water.

How to get rid of rough heels

All treatment methods only work if used regularly. The procedures should be approached comprehensively. Care, baths, masks, ointments, creams.

To begin with, it is worth ruling out the possibility of illness.

When the first stage is completed, reconsider your diet and lifestyle. It is worth including vegetables and fruits, cereals, seafood, and vegetable oils in your diet.

You can take a course of a multivitamin complex.

Do exercises to improve blood flow. A foot massage will also help. And elevate your legs for a few minutes a day to increase blood flow. And playing sports will improve your metabolism, which will significantly improve your skin.

During the "treatment", refuse uncomfortable shoes, open shoes, as well as shoes with heels. Give preference to natural materials.

Humidify the indoor air.

At least for a while, give up synthetic socks.

If you plan to stay for a long time in the sun or in a dry room, then pre-soak your feet with cream to reduce negative impact sun on delicate skin.

TO summer season It’s worth preparing in advance; start actively treating the skin of your feet in winter. If you visit the pool, nourish your feet with cream every day. And remember that cosmetic procedures, such as pedicure and hair removal, dry the skin of the feet.

Clean your heels sparingly, otherwise you will damage the skin. It is better to take baths every day, in contrast, and combine them with massage. Watch the water temperature, it should not be too hot.

Afterwards, dry your feet thoroughly. terry towel and lubricate them with cream. Masks and compresses should be done a couple of times a week. For foot hygiene, you should purchase mild soap.

When preparing a mask, give preference to natural ingredients.

Beautiful and healthy skin feet - this is a realistic task, but it requires effort and time. And if you tune in positive result, and even more so, work on it in order to achieve it, then everything will work out for you, and the skin of your feet will always have a healthy and beautiful appearance.

The summer months are the time of maximum openness, we wear transparent light dresses and short skirts, open sandals, and all this requires more thorough body care, from depilation to polishing your heels! How to make your heels flawlessly smooth? How to get rid of rough heels using folk remedies?

In winter, most often heels and without additional care look good because We are constantly in tights or socks, in shoes, and they simply cannot become excessively rough, and it is generally problematic to become dirty with them. But in the summer, having started wearing open sandals, many of us are faced with the following problems: the heels quickly become dirty, chapped, and for those who like to walk barefoot, they also become very rough.

If you don't take care of your heels every day, you'll soon need a thorough treatment at the salon, and that's not cheap. But rough heels can be tidied up at home; there are enough tools for this.

Fast-acting baths

Very effective means Regular laundry soap is considered. In order to soften the rough skin of the heels, you need to steam the skin in a hot bath with soap dissolved in it before going to bed. Let the bar of soap remain in the bath while you soak your feet - then soap your heels and wrap them in cling film, put on your socks and go to bed. In the morning, you can easily remove loose skin using a pumice stone or a special grater.

Rough heels also lend themselves well to a bath with soda and salt - the water in the basin should be hot, and the ratio of salt and soda should be approximately the same. After steaming for half an hour (add water from the kettle and follow safety precautions if the kettle is electric), rub the heels with a grater, dry with a towel and apply a thick, very thick layer of rich cream on them. After this, you need to wrap them in film and put on socks. After the procedure, you need to lie down or sit for two hours until the cream softens the skin.

If, after treating with pumice or a grater, your heels are still far from ideal, then try steaming them a little more and treat them in more detail using a large body scrub. In order to consolidate the effect, repeat the procedure every day, do not neglect your heels and be sure to lubricate them with rich cream or olive oil after treatment.

There are also old ones folk remedies from rough heels, which once again indicates that women at all times have strived to keep their heels soft and pink! After steaming your feet in hot water, rub your heels thoroughly with salt and apply chopped onions to them, wrap them in film and insulate them. Make such a mask for tender heels you need it overnight, and in the morning, after washing off the onions, you need to rinse your heels with water and soda to remove the smell of onions, and apply cream.

It softens rough skin and starch well - add it to warm water, two tablespoons per liter, and keep your feet in this water for about twenty minutes. After this, you need to carefully treat the heels, removing the loose, rough skin almost without difficulty.

Herbal baths are considered a good way to soften the skin and combat signs of dryness. You can buy any of the dry herbs at the pharmacy:

  • - chamomile;
  • - calendula;
  • - sage.

Also suitable herbal teas used for treatment inflammatory processes. After brewing a couple of tablespoons of any herb with boiling water, leave it to brew for 20 minutes, and then pour the infusion into a bowl of warm water. The duration of the bath is 15-20 minutes.

To enhance the softening effect, you can add herbal infusion a tablespoon of honey.

You can use a white clay bath to soften rough skin on your feet. 3 tablespoons of this miraculous cosmetic product pour warm water in a basin so that the water level reaches the ankles. In such a bath you need to warm your feet for about 20 minutes. After this, you should apply a nourishing cream to your feet. The procedure can be carried out a couple of times a week.

Making homemade masks

When thinking about how to get rid of rough heels quickly and without complications, choose masks - these procedures will help, just like in childhood. A very effective egg-lemon mask, for the preparation of which you need to mix one yolk and a teaspoon of lemon juice. After steaming and processing, the mask is applied to the heels, dried and removed with warm water. It is best to apply cream to your heels after the mask.

A boiled potato mask will also help soften the skin of rough heels: boil the potatoes and mash them with warm milk. Apply hot composition Wrap the heels, previously steamed with the rough skin removed, with film and hold until the potatoes have cooled.

Try it curd mask. It is prepared as follows: the following ingredients are mixed:

  • - cottage cheese (2 tablespoons);
  • - honey (1 tablespoon);
  • - sour cream (also 1 spoon).

You should get a paste that needs to be applied to the cleansed skin of your feet. You need to wind it on top cling film and put on cotton socks. You can relax for half an hour (or do household chores, whichever you prefer). Then we wash off the mask and lubricate the legs with nourishing cream.

A very pleasant way to care for the skin of your feet - almond mask. We stock up on products:

  • almond oil(2 tablespoons);
  • - cocoa butter (in the same amount);
  • — honey (2-3 tablespoons);
  • - half a glass of ground oatmeal.

All this needs to be mixed, applied to the skin of the feet, and wrapped in plastic. Put socks on top and stay like this for about an hour. Then we wash off the mask and lubricate the heels with cream.

Ready-made masks

If you have neither the time nor the desire to prepare homemade care products, use what the industry offers.

Very good reviews women comment on the Missha Home Aesthetic Paraffin Treatment Foot mask. It contains paraffin, which has remarkable softening properties. In addition, the mask is enriched with:

  • - ginger extract;
  • - lemon extract;
  • - olive oil.

All these ingredients help get rid of rough skin on the heels, nourish, moisturize, and tone. After regular use masks, you will notice that the cracks in your heels that cause a lot of trouble have disappeared.

The Mijitn Foot Care Pack includes: hyaluronic acid, which remarkably tones the skin and has rejuvenating properties. Your feet will be a delight to the eye: the skin will be soft, tender and elastic, without the slightest trace of corns and calluses.

Helps make the skin on your heels soft and smooth new mask"Apricot". It includes:

  • - apricot extract;
  • — jojoba oil;
  • - olive oil;
  • - sesame oil;
  • - chamomile extract.

The mask heals wounds, rejuvenates and nourishes the skin. Your heels will again feel pleasant to the touch, like those of a small child!

Today there are plenty of means to achieve baby-smooth heels. But remember: rough, flaky skin on the heels, which does not respond to any tricks, may be evidence of any disease, from fungus to diabetes mellitus. Therefore, if the proposed measures do not help to cope with the problem, consult a doctor to rule out serious illnesses.

The feet are subject to increased stress, which is placed on them during walking. Skin cells wear off and become rough and dead. This policy is not suitable for either men or women. Every self-respecting person tries to take care of their feet. Rough heels cause particular discomfort. We will talk about methods to fix the problem today.

Causes of rough heels

  • the skin lacks hydration;
  • shoe insoles are made of synthetics;
  • walking barefoot;
  • wearing open shoes in the summer;
  • poor foot care;
  • lack of tocopherol in the body;
  • use of uncomfortable and narrow shoes;
  • washing feet with an antibacterial drying agent;
  • dry indoor air when walking without socks;
  • fungal diseases of the feet;
  • lack of calcium and other minerals;
  • disruption of the digestive system;
  • poor metabolism;
  • allergies to shoes or synthetic socks;
  • hypothermia, in particular frostbite of the extremities;
  • prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • frequent changes in climatic conditions, moving;
  • washing feet with chlorine water, swimming in the pool;
  • a lot of vitamin A in the body;
  • frequent exposure to depression and stress;
  • long-term treatment with harsh antibiotics;
  • taking medications that are not suitable for the body;
  • anemia (iron deficiency);
  • dehydration of the body;
  • dermatological problems.

Peeling of the feet has various reasons, internal and external. Therefore, before the main treatment, you should visit a specialist to receive more detailed recommendations.

Method number 1. Baths with starch

  1. To combat rough heels and make them soft, use a starch-based bath. Prepare a basin, pour 2 liters of water into it at an acceptable temperature for you.
  2. Add 50 gr. starch, corn or potato, does not matter. Mix well and place the legs in a container. Wait a third of an hour.
  3. At the end, dry your feet with towels, apply a special foot cream, and put on cotton socks. After 3 hours you can take them off, but do not walk barefoot around the apartment.

Method number 2. Herbal baths

  1. Any hydration will be maximum if you take baths based on medicinal plants. Use oak bark, string, sage or rosemary as raw materials. If the heels are yellow, you need to add chamomile inflorescences.
  2. For 2 liters of warm (slightly hot) water you will need 2-3 handfuls of dry plants. You can alternate them or combine them. The procedure must be carried out every day.
  3. So, brew the plants and let them brew for at least half an hour. Then add more boiling water to bring the bath to your desired temperature. Place your feet inward and wait for half an hour.
  4. After the procedure, you will feel light, saturate your heels with the necessary moisture, disinfect your feet and relieve them from sweating. At the end, apply the cream to moisturized skin and put on cotton socks.

Method No. 3. Grape juice or wine

  1. Surely everyone remembers the film with Adriano Celentano, where main character crushed the grapes with his feet. For a long time, this method allowed people to keep their feet in perfect condition without any additional procedures.
  2. Run to him. Place bunches of washed grapes into a basin, stand in the container, and begin crushing the berries. The procedure must be carried out for at least 10 minutes, then keep the heels in the juice for another third of an hour.
  3. Natural red wine has a similar effect. Pour it into the cavity, add a little water (50 to 50), lower the legs into the basin. Carry out the procedure for half an hour.

Method number 4. Cosmetic pumice

  1. Pumice is a pedicure tool made from volcanic lava. Due to its natural origin, the device will gently exfoliate the heels, make the skin smooth and eliminate corns.
  2. Choose pumice at your discretion. As an alternative, you can purchase a brush with adhesive sandpaper. The main thing is to steam the skin in the bath in advance and dry it.
  3. It is necessary to treat your feet with pumice for 5-7 minutes per foot. During the procedure, pellets will form, get rid of them.
  4. After the pedicure, wash your feet thoroughly with warm water without soap. Dry them with a towel, apply nourishing foot cream. Change into cotton socks.

Method No. 5. Onions

  1. Onions have bactericidal properties. It is mainly used to combat fungus and unpleasant smell, which comes from the legs. However, vegetable pulp will help make your heels soft in a short time.
  2. So, prepare some large onions. Grind them through a meat grinder or blender to obtain the composition along with the juice. Move the contents into a wide-bottomed basin and lower your legs inside.
  3. You can additionally add a little liquid honey and stir. The duration of the procedure is 1 hour. After this, wash your feet thoroughly with water without soap, wipe them lemon juice to eliminate unpleasant odors.

Method number 6. Glycerol

  1. If your heels are so rough that they begin to crack and hurt, you need to resort to emergency assistance. Buy glycerin (100 ml) and vinegar essence at the pharmacy.
  2. Mix the ingredients in a ratio of 20 to 1 and apply to pumice-treated skin. Rub it in well, put on your socks and plastic bag. Wait 3 hours.
  3. Therapy must be carried out regularly, but not too often. Otherwise, you will make your heels too sensitive to external irritants.

Method No. 7. Electric nail file

  1. To get rid of the hard layer on the heels, you can resort to a light and effective way. The procedure is carried out mechanically using an electric file.
  2. Currently, there are quite a lot of directional devices. The main advantage of the accessories is that you can use such files without steaming your legs.
  3. The device effectively removes the layer of keratinized particles without any discomfort or pain. After the procedure, it is recommended to use a nourishing cream and put on cotton socks on your feet.

  1. If you want to get rid of rough skin on your heels, you need to carry out regular treatments. In addition, the legs need to be provided comprehensive care. IN mandatory seek the help of baths, masks, creams, ointments.
  2. It is also worth completely eliminating skin diseases, and if necessary, get rid of the problem. After overcoming the first stage, it is necessary to reconsider your lifestyle and daily diet.
  3. Try to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, give preference to cereals, vegetable oils, seafood. A course of a multivitamin complex would not be amiss. Don't be lazy and do exercises, as a result your blood flow will improve.
  4. Massage your feet regularly. After working in free time do exercises by raising and lowering your legs. If possible, go to the gym or yoga classes. You will improve your overall health and rejuvenate the skin of your entire body.
  5. For the period health treatments You should completely give up uncomfortable shoes. Forget about open sandals and heels. Try to wear attributes from natural material. It’s worth giving up synthetic socks for a while.
  6. If you are going long time stay in the open rays of the sun, you must first treat the skin of your feet with a nourishing cream. The epidermis will be less susceptible harmful effects ultraviolet rays.
  7. Prepare in advance for the swimming season. During the cold season, change your diet and start paying proper attention to your feet. If you often go to the pool, you need to nourish your skin daily with a targeted cream.
  8. Do not forget that hair removal and pedicure are very drying. skin. Remember to clean your heels sparingly. Otherwise, you can seriously harm your skin. Recommended to be done daily contrast baths. The water should not be too hot.
  9. It is imperative to wipe your feet dry with terry cloth. Don't forget to apply the nutrient afterwards. Make masks no more than 2 times a week. Buy mild soap separately for your feet.

Folk remedies for softening heels

  1. Apple. A compress of... fresh apples. To do this, take ripe apple and pass through a fine grater. Wrap the resulting pulp in gauze. Apply a compress to your feet and put on socks. Go to rest and treat your feet with cream in the morning.
  2. Cabbage. Good result can be achieved using cabbage leaf. Take the product and mash it in a cup using any in an accessible way. It wouldn't hurt to add a little castor oil. Apply the compress overnight as described above.
  3. Paraffin. In a great way Paraffin is considered to eliminate problems. Melt over low heat required quantity wax. Add a little salicylic acid and paraffin to the composition. Once the mixture has cooled to an acceptable temperature, apply the product to rough skin using a cotton swab.

To get your heels in order, you need to follow simple recommendations. If you have an advanced case, try to change your lifestyle and make new diet nutrition. After this, start playing sports and regularly doing wellness treatments.

Video: pedicure for rough heels with aspirin
