An original gift. How to pack a towel beautifully

We offer you several ways to fold a towel beautifully, for example, for a gift.

Option 1: Heart.

Such a cute heart will be a pleasure to give to a loved one, for example on Valentine's Day. The most important thing is that it will be made by your own hands, which will emphasize your special attitude towards the recipient of the gift.

You will need: tape and a small towel (you can use two, for example white and red). The larger the towel, the larger the heart will be. 1. Fold the towel lengthwise towards the center.

2. Repeat the addition again until the desired height of the heart is reached.

3. Roll the edges toward the center so that they meet in the center. Tie the heart with ribbon to prevent it from unraveling. Give a heart shape by slightly sharpening the lower part and straightening the upper part.

Option 2: Colored rolls.

You will need: ribbon and two small towels of contrasting colors (for example, white and red).

1. Fold the towels lengthwise towards the center. If the towels are slightly different, align them in width.

2. Place one towel on top of the other so that their long edges are level.

3. Roll it up and secure it with tape.

If you decide to give someone practical gift, then you may well opt for towel.

But just give a towel in a bag or box is not very interesting, so I bring to your attention a few original ways, as interesting as possible make a towel as a gift with your own hands, to towel it became not only practical, but also very an original gift.

In other words, how to fold a towel with your own hands so that he wouldn't be ashamed give even without packaging.

Towel bunny

The method is suitable not only for future little owners towels, but also for adults, but romantic or young at heart birthday people.

Idea to make a bunny out of a towel before as present, borrowed by me from the Odessa handicraft forum.

Fold DIY towel as shown in scheme and tie with a ribbon:

And get a charming sitter bunny from a towel(his face can be embroidered directly on towel or put the edge of a piece of paper with drawn eyes - a nose - a smile under the ribbon):

By the same principle you can fold do it yourself from towels and standing the bunnies will:

As you can see in the last photos, for registration bunnies You can use store-bought eyes and pom-poms for toys (as a nose). Or you can make do with what you have on hand: beads, beads, buttons... You can lightly grab them with a thread so that you can easily remove them later for easy use.

Elephant made from a pair of towels

This DIY gift idea also found on the Internet, in one interesting blog.
In order to make an elephant as a gift, you'll need a couple already towels. First from one towels we do with your own hands elephant torso and legs:

Now the second one comes into play towel from which we with your own hands twist our heads elephant as a gift:

Refueling towel, and all that remains is to put your head elephant made from towels on his torso with legs:

What if you sew with your own hands on towel eyes from buttons, beads or beads? Or decorate with a bow? Or give towel elephant hold something in the trunk (for example, keychain, chain or lungs beads)?

Towel cake

This one is super DIY gift wrapping idea for towels from the craft blog.

This idea is feasible if you give a lot at once towels! Towels rolled into rollers and stacked in tiers one on top of the other.

If you don't have that amount towels, How on photo, do not despair. You can get by with at least a couple towels different sizes. To do this, you must first add up each towelwith your own hands into the longest tape, and then this tape with your own hands roller roller.

Of course, a video covering an entire tier of a cake will not look as airy and original as towels On the photo.
However, the matter can be corrected by using cake decorations as beads, ribbons, bows, buttons, textile flowers and other decorative elements, including those cut out of paper.

Basket with roses

This option is best suited for small, rather thin towels(initially it was intended to use this method for packaging children's clothing), to implement it you will need basket:

Wrap them like this roses better from the corners towels. Then from each you will get at least four roses. And if you dodge, then even more.

Add to this roses made from soap and ribbons, artificial or real, leaves made of plastic, fabric or ribbons, and the basket is ready!

If yours is green towel, then from it you can build just greenery for roses that you can make with your own hands from something else (for example, ribbons, beads, etc.)

Give hand folded towels with pleasure!

The topic of gifts and souvenirs excites everyone. It would seem that what’s so difficult here is to go and buy an original gift? That’s the thing, when you start looking for it, you can’t stop at anything specific. Therefore, there is a suggestion - to give a towel, as this is a very useful item for any person. But how to decorate this gift, how to beautifully pack a towel? This is discussed in the article.

Is it possible to give a towel?

Some superstitious people will warily ask: is it even possible to give towels as gifts? Of course, it is possible, despite the version that this gift will lead to separation or a quarrel. What is this superstition based on? This is not the topic of our article, but there is no smoke without fire, so if a person is wary of your gift, then charge him a nominal fee so that your towel moves from the “gifts” category to the “purchases” category.

Original gift

A gift always evokes positive emotions both in the giver and in the person for whom it is intended. But it is important not only to present it wrapped in gift paper. So it will look banal, but I would like something original. To do this, we will look at how to beautifully pack a towel as a gift for specific people.

Many people in their lives have had to deal with hotel service, where one could see all kinds of towel figures in the form of animals, birds, and flowers, originally folded by the maids on the beds. Of course, this handmade was a delight. You can also skillfully decorate gifts for your family and friends in several ways.

Hostess gift

What to give a woman, for example, for the New Year or for any family holiday? There is no doubt that she will love the gift of beautifully wrapped tea towels. How to make a present attractive and unique? This is done very simply, you just need to show a little imagination. Each towel is rolled into a tube and packaged in transparent gift cellophane. There may be several such towels. Ideas for further design may be different. Towels can be placed in a low shipping box or tied at the bottom with a satin ribbon. Such a gift will look original and will undoubtedly cheer up the hostess. This gift will never be superfluous, since a towel is a necessary thing in the kitchen.

Do not forget that waffle towels, which serve as decoration for any kitchen, have been especially popular since their inception to the present day. And they are good because they are made of natural high-quality cotton, have good hygroscopicity, are easy to wash, and, if necessary, boil down perfectly. Therefore, any housewife will gladly accept waffle towels as a gift.

How to wrap a present beautifully? You can form a bouquet as shown in the photo. An original gift would be made from tightly rolled towels placed in a low box decorated with gift paper. A gift with towels folded in a wicker basket, where you can add some kitchen utensils, will look beautiful.

Gift for a man

Finding a gift for a man is much more difficult than it might seem. Especially if he seems to have everything. But a man will accept such a gift as a towel with pleasure. Moreover, the reason for such a gift could be a birthday, wedding anniversary, New Year or any other professional holiday. Beautifully packing a towel as a gift for a man is a little more difficult. When preparing it, you need to know two informal rules:

  • the towel should be in discreet tones, preferably in dark colors;
  • The packaging can be a gift box or a plastic bag wrapped with satin ribbon in discreet colors.

If it is a gift box, it should be rectangular or square. One or two towels should be folded in the shape of a box, tied with a satin ribbon with a cross in the color of the box. You can tie a small bow in the center and put a card with wishes under it. Towels should be wrapped in cellophane paper, securing the edges with tape. The gift should be placed in a box. Usually this box is given without a lid.

Gift for a child

Children love to receive gifts for all kinds of holidays. You can buy them in the store without any problems. But you can make this gift yourself, for example, from terry towels. The joy from such a gift will be no less than from a store-bought one. How to package a towel as a gift beautifully so that the child is delighted when he receives it? You can make a toy from two towels: a large bath towel and a smaller one for the face and hands.

The photo shows an example of making an elephant. Towels can be of any bright colors. The elephant will look great in gray, white or pink. The photo clearly shows how to make an elephant. There is nothing difficult in performing this masterpiece.

A towel is a wonderful gift for every family member, for colleagues and relatives. There is always a use for this textile item in the home. A beautifully packaged towel as a gift is also an original present.

Beautifully folded towels can only evoke positive emotions. On a closet shelf, bed or in the bathroom - everywhere they will look aesthetically pleasing and harmonious. Don't know how to fold a towel beautifully? Read this article!

How to make a swan out of a towel?

Swans are beautiful, noble birds that are associated with devotion and love. By folding a couple of these proud birds from towels, you can arrange a romantic surprise for your loved one. Take two large white bath towels. You can use material of a different color, but the result will not look as impressive.

Lay the fabric horizontally on the bed and mentally divide it into two equal parts. Fold the lower side corners towards the center. Roll the folded sides towards the center using rollers. You will end up with two rollers with a common sharp end. The sharp end is the swan's nose. Carefully fold the composition into the shape of a bird. If desired, use a second towel to form wings. An original folded towel can be supplemented with details: rose petals, candles. Or you can create two birds, turn their heads towards each other. The curves of their necks will create the outline of the heart. It looks very gentle and romantic.

How to fold a towel in the shape of a hare?

A small square-shaped textile product can be placed in something that will greatly please the child. How to beautifully fold a towel in the shape of this funny animal? Twist it into a tight rope and fold it in half. Fold one of the edges and tie it with a bright ribbon at the base. These are the head and ears of the animal. Decorate the towel if desired. Glue the hare's eyes and mouth (or embroider them with colored threads). The hare can be made in the second way. Make a double strand, bend the edge and tie it (as in the first method). Such a bunny can be made for a child and even presented as a gift.

You can also please children with an elephant, a mouse or a monkey made from towels. The flight of imagination is limitless, you just need to put in a little effort! It's so easy to please a child.

How to fold a towel into a rose shape?

A towel in the shape of a rose can decorate a bathroom, surprising family members and guests, and can also be an excellent gift. Take a small towel (preferably red, pink or white). If the textile product has a beautiful border, then fold it with the border facing out. If there is no border as such, or it is a regular seam, roll the towel into a rope.

Take a towel, fold it in half like a scarf and roll it into a rope. Now you need to twist the resulting bundle like a snail and turn the product out. All you have to do is bend the petals and the rose is ready! Now you know how to beautifully fold a towel into a flower shape. Experiment with the color and number of towels, and you will create a real masterpiece. Decorate the terry product with beads and rhinestones, then it will sparkle with completely different colors.

How to fold a towel into a heart shape?

Your significant other is taking a bath and you can't wait to surprise her? Fold your bath towel into a heart shape on your bed and you're sure to get a standing ovation!

Lay out a towel on the bed. Carefully roll its two edges into a cone shape. The end of the roller should rest against the middle of the towel. Fold the edges until they come together. Now carefully place the rollers in the shape of a heart.

Folding a towel as a gift

Don't know how to beautifully fold a towel for a gift? Use our tips and everything will work out! If you give a lot of small towels, make a cake out of them. It's quite simple. Roll each towel into a tight roll and secure. Place towels in round tiers on top of each other. The bottom tier is the widest, the top is narrow. If you don't give many towels, don't be upset. You can create a cute cake even with two towels. How to fold a towel beautifully?

Fold the product into a ribbon and then twist it. A large and small towel will allow you to create a cake. Decorate it as desired. Beads, rhinestones, stickers, buttons, ribbons and textile flowers are suitable.

You can also give towels in the shape of roses. Wrap up more roses and pack them in a cute basket. Add soap, shampoo, jewelry - a gift that will be memorable for a lifetime is ready. It can be presented to relatives and friends, as well as colleagues.

Do you want to give glasses to your friends? You can put tightly rolled hand towels in them. You can also roll the products in the form of ice cream or cake.

How to fold a towel beautifully and compactly?

Not only cute animals and flowers can please the eye. Many housewives are more interested in the question: how to beautifully fold towels in the closet? The most popular method is the American roller. Storing towels in this way is very convenient, since you can put many products in one drawer, and you can easily get them out. Many housewives organize space in their linen closet this way. How to beautifully fold a towel with a roller?

Fold the towel in half horizontally, then in half again. Now roll this rectangle tightly into a roller. Tie the roller with a ribbon if you want luxury in your closet. Folding towels in this way takes very little time (classic folding will take no less time). A closet with rolls of towels will always be in order, and at the same time it looks very cozy and cute.

Now you know how to beautifully fold a towel for a gift, a surprise for your loved one and for everyday life. Before you lay out your towel beautifully, be sure to make sure it is completely dry. Even slightly damp fabric can become a breeding ground for nasty mold.

A towel as a gift may be a banal thing, but knowing how to pack a towel as a gift you will turn it into an original thing.

Not a single person can do without this item, and having several sets of a wide variety of towels - kitchen, bathroom, bath - is very convenient and practical.

A gift in the form of a towel is suitable for any festive event:

  • New Year is an occasion to give a set of kitchen or table towels with a New Year theme.
  • Birthday - a set of bath towels or for going to the bathhouse, perhaps it will be a bright towel for example for going to a fitness club or gym.
  • March 8 or February 23 are also good for such a gift; the whole team can pack small towels in an original way.
  • For newborns - here you can choose a whole set of small and medium-sized towels with animal appliqué.
Now let's get back to the moment of wrapping our gift.

Option with box. If you don't have a suitable one, you can buy a gift box with a transparent lid specifically for packing towels in pastel supply stores. Tie a ribbon around the towel and fold it neatly into the box. In the photo we offer several options. Don't forget to include a greeting card.

By the way, a tin box of tea or sweets can serve as a very original packaging; paint it on the outside and put several small bright multi-colored towels rolled into it.

Option with ribbon. You can simply use a satin ribbon to tie towels folded in the classic way. Or collect several towels in rolls and place them vertically and tie them with tape.

Wrap in paper. Roll the towel into a rectangle or roll, wrap it in colorful tissue paper, and attach a ribbon and bow.

Pack towels in a basket. This option is suitable for small or kitchen towels. Roll each one into a short roll and place the rolls in a basket. You can also add any kitchen or bath utensils (wooden spatulas, comb, shower gel) to the basket.

Cake shaped towel. A cake of one tier is made from one towel. Multi-tiered cake - from a set of towels of different sizes. Each layer can be decorated with a decorative ribbon, and a children's toy, Christmas decoration or artificial flowers (depending on the occasion) can be placed in the center of the “cake”.

How to pack a towel as a gift for a man?

As we have already said, the occasion could be New Year, birthday or February 23rd. As a rule, for men we select dark colors and the packaging should also be selected in dark colors. In our opinion, the most stylish and classic option is a box and a satin ribbon.

Choose a suitable square or rectangular box; if you are taking a shoe box, cover it with wrapping paper. Plus you will need a satin ribbon to match the color of the box. Roll the towel into the shape of a box, tie it with a satin ribbon in a cross, and tie a simple bow in the center on the front side. You can put a card with congratulations and wishes under the ribbon. If you are giving two towels, tie them together with a ribbon. Now put the towels in the box. If the box does not have a lid, you can wrap it in transparent film (you can buy it at a flower shop). Wrap neatly without creases, gluing the edges, wrapping them under the bottom of the box.
