Fathers and sons full content. "Fathers and Sons" - Ivan Turgenev

Fathers and sons Ivan Turgenev

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Title: Fathers and Sons

About the book "Fathers and Sons" Ivan Turgenev

If you want to take classical Russian literature seriously, this is the book to start with. "Fathers and Sons" by Ivan Turgenev perfectly depicts the life of the Russian people in the nineteenth century.

The central problem of this novel is the conflict between parents and children, which is eternal, like the story itself. And it's really interesting to know what people of different generations of that era consider good, beautiful and useful. Many are surprised to learn that they support their parents, and this means that the basic values ​​​​of humanity have not changed much over time.

Ivan Turgenev very skillfully revealed the problem in the book "Fathers and Sons", which is relevant to this day. Every parent knows how difficult it is sometimes to reach out to their child, and every child sees that parents are not always ready to listen to his feelings, to accept the choice and decision of their child. And even with the growing up of the child, this sometimes does not go away. Not everyone decides to go against the system, and those who do decide to face rejection and even aggression from others.

The book is interesting because it describes the life of the main characters, their relationships with each other, relationships with the opposite sex, as well as with relatives. When you read, you feel that the era seems to be different, but the problem is as old as the world. Surprisingly, the book seems to have been written off from our world. So think that, it would seem, everything changes, everything passes, but sometimes this is far from being the case.

The main and most interesting character in the book "Fathers and Sons" is Bazarov. His nihilism, his denial of any kind of values, doesn't give readers a chance to love this character. However, this is only at the beginning. You will be deeply moved by the fact that, despite his beliefs, he will find the courage to believe in love, and in the end, you will mourn the character that you initially hated.

"Fathers and Sons" is the story of two friends, Arkady Kirsanov and Evgeny Bazarov, who are returning home from university. They visited Father Arkady and spent some time with the Odintsov sisters, where they find their love.

With the release of this novel by Ivan Turgenev, the term "nihilism" is gaining popularity in Russian society. He is embodied in the character of Bazarov. It is curious that this is not exactly the same philosophical position as is now known, but something else. In the book, "nihilist" is a term used in Russia in the mid-19th century - a person who rejects the accepted world order, namely the Russian political structure and religion. Perhaps the current definition of anarchism is better suited to the nihilism of the time.

Being a nihilist, Bazarov cannot help society, but constantly clashes with the people around him, who mostly have more conservative views on this world.
Most notable in this regard is his quarrel with Pavel Kirsanov, Arkady's uncle, an old-school aristocrat and believer in "the system." This is one of those books that was incredibly relevant in its time and remains so to this day. "Fathers and Sons" appeared at a very turbulent period in Russian history - a clash of generations between the old aristocracy and the young nihilists / anarchists who later turned into communists. Thus, the novel by Ivan Turgenev touched upon the most difficult issues of that time.

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Quotes from the book "Fathers and Sons" by Ivan Turgenev

A nihilist is a person who does not bow to any authority, who does not take a single principle on faith, no matter how respected this principle may be.

Long and thin, with a broad forehead, a flat upward, downward pointed nose, large greenish eyes and drooping sand-coloured sideburns, it was enlivened by a calm smile and expressed self-confidence and intelligence.

“Yevgeny Vasiliev,” answered Bazarov in a lazy but courageous voice, and, turning back the collar of his robe, showed Nikolai Petrovich his whole face. Long and thin, with a broad forehead, a flat upward, downward pointed nose, large greenish eyes and drooping sand-coloured sideburns, it was enlivened by a calm smile and expressed self-confidence and intelligence.

Arkady looked around and saw a tall woman in a black dress standing at the door of the hall. She impressed him with the dignity of her posture. Her naked hands lay beautifully along a slender figure; light branches of fuchsia fell beautifully from shiny hair onto sloping shoulders; calmly and intelligently, precisely calmly, and not thoughtfully, the bright eyes looked out from under a slightly overhanging white forehead, and the lips smiled with a barely perceptible smile. A kind of gentle and soft power emanated from her face.

“A decent chemist is twenty times more useful than any poet,” interrupted Bazarov.

His dark blond hair, long and thick, did not hide the large bulges of a spacious skull.

Bazarov's thin lips moved a little; but he made no answer, and only raised his cap. His dark blond hair, long and thick, did not hide the large bulges of a spacious skull.

Download Turgenev's book

"Fathers and Sons" by Ivan Turgenev is the most significant novel in Russian literature about the mutual understanding of generations.
For the second century now, it has been not only a model of Russian literature, but also a subtle manual on psychology. Many of the different behaviors presented in the novel in the images of its characters are real psychological archetypes.
Many of the characters presented in the novel have not become obsolete, despite the seeming remoteness from the present.
The main, central character of Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons" is Yevgeny Bazarov - young graduates of the medical faculty of Moscow University.
Bazarov follows the philosophical trend that was fashionable at that time - nihilism, defiantly denying many secular conventions and scoffing at the sphere of emotions, denying its necessity in life. Read online or download for free "Fathers and Sons" in fb2, epub, pdf, txt, doc, rtf - Ivan Turgenev's novel, you can on our website at the link below.

His friend Arkady, who invited him to visit his father's estate for the summer, either admires the progressive views of the pragmatic Eugene and tries to learn nihilism from him, or denies his friend's too bold and radical judgments. Evgeny also meets Arkady's family - his father, uncle, father's mistress and housekeeper, and even baby Mitya - his younger brother.
The first representative of the older generation in the classic conflict of “fathers and sons” is not Arkady’s father, a kind but stupid landowner, but his nervous, bilious brother Pavel, a former secular lion with a tragic love story behind him. From the first days of Bazarov's stay on the estate, he strives to offend him, to try to prove the inconsistency of his views. One way or another, but Bazarov does not experience significant hostility towards his opponent in disputes; on the contrary, it gives him some pleasure to talk with the harsh, but educated and well-read Pavel. You can listen to an audiobook or read online "Fathers and Sons" - a novel by Ivan Turgenev on KnigoPoisk. There is also an abbreviation

However, Eugene soon makes a counter invitation to Arkady: he is taking Arkady to the estate of his parents, the old Bazarovs. In the family of an old regimental doctor and a stupid, kind landowner who adores her son, Arkady sincerely likes it. However, Bazarov himself quickly gets tired of the outpourings of parental love and invites a friend to go to the county town.
There they visit the so-called "progressive youth". Bazarov, a naturally intelligent man, squeamish about the ostentatious and false, feels nothing from the "progressive" society but disgust.

At a ball in the city of Bazarov, he meets another iconic character - the landowner Odintsova, a young attractive widow with truly interesting views. In the course of the development of the novel, Arkady meets her younger sister Katya - a young, calm girl, different from her wise, but tough older sister.

Ivan Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons" describes not only the psychological subtleties of the relationship between the older and younger generations, but is also full of vivid descriptions of the life of the nobility of the mid-nineteenth century, subtle descriptions of a wide variety of feelings, fascinating observations. "Fathers and Sons" is rightfully considered one of the most successful novels in the history of Russian literary thought, being valuable not only for its psychologism and artistic beauty, but also as a cast of nineteenth century life.

DOWNLOAD FREE BOOK "Fathers and Sons"

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Publication city: Moscow
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ISBN: 978-5-08-005165-4 Size: 2 MB


"Fathers and Sons" (1862) is a landmark, landmark, cult novel for its time. But as historical eras change, it does not lose its relevance. Of course, the uncompromising Yevgeny Bazarov, the protagonist of the novel, became a role model for the youth of his day - his worldview, beliefs, life principles and even demeanor inspired many future "nihilists". But in Russia, “due to its cyclical development, the ideological matrix is ​​replaced every fifteen to twenty years, and each subsequent generation finds itself in an ideological – and also moral – perpendicular to the “fathers”” (Dmitry Bykov). The drama of this confrontation does not decrease, and therefore the thoughtful modern reader will read this great book with no less interest and benefit than his peers a century and a half ago. Even if it is "passed" at school. When releasing classic books, we, the Vremya publishing house, really wanted to create a truly modern series, to show a living connection between the everlasting classics and the surrounding reality. Therefore, we turned to well-known writers, scientists, journalists and cultural figures with a request to write accompanying articles for the books they have chosen - not dry explanatory texts and cheat sheets for exams, but a kind of declaration of love to authors dear to their hearts. Someone turned out sublime and touching, someone drier and more academic, but it is always sincere and interesting, and sometimes unexpected and unusual. The writer, poet, publicist, literary critic and teacher of literature Dmitry Bykov confesses his love for "Fathers and Sons" - the book is worth reading only then to check your opinion with the article and look at the work from a different angle.

The topic of generational conflict has always been very acute and therefore it is often covered in the literature. There are those who support the older generation, there are those who believe that the views of young people deserve more attention and respect. The problem is that there is no single answer, and everyone must choose their own path. On the example of the heroes of the novel "Fathers and Sons" by I. S. Turgenev, you can see how difficult it is. Despite the fact that parents, despite all the conflicts, love their children, sometimes it comes to adoration and worship.

The novel was written and published just in the period of the abolition of serfdom in Russia, which to some extent influenced its perception by society. The book tells about two friends - Arkady Kirsanov and Evgeny Bazarov, who come to visit the Kirsanovs' estate. Bazarov is very unlike everyone around him. He says that he does not believe in anything, and even more so he does not want to recognize outdated values. For a while, Arkady supports these ideas, but he does not penetrate them as deeply as Bazarov. Wherever young people are, it is always difficult for Bazarov to find a common language with others, especially with older ones.

The novel clearly traces the problem of fathers and children, the opposition of values. At the same time, one can see how strongly a person's views influence his destiny. Bazarov can evoke different emotions in readers, he is in many ways similar to a hermit or a person not accepted by society. However, at the time the novel was published, young readers embraced his ideas, and this behavior was exemplary. Now, just as in those days, there is a misunderstanding between fathers and children, which means that the topic is still relevant and will continue to be so.

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