Reconnection to an egregor of a prosperous kind. Enchanted Soul

I also posted on my website in articles the technique of disconnecting from the family Egregor, there was theory and practice, an article came up and came to life here ( Link.) , the authorship is of course not indicated, but it doesn’t matter to me. There will be no corpses here, family members kill subordinate members only as a last resort, in my practice there has not been a single case. If you start doing something specifically, I’ll tell you what we did.

Here is an article from the site:


Why do you need to disconnect from the Family Egregor?

The family Egregor, as a union of individuals with similar characteristics, is the main egregor connection that has existed since humanity was formed; the other Egregors - school, work, hobbies and others do not have such strength. Therefore, the Family Egregor fights sects and Egregors with other programs - aimed, for example, at spiritual development. Take any esoteric society and ask the opinion of an ordinary person about it - the first thing he will say is that it is a sect, and those who find themselves there need to be saved.

Very often you come across “Mages” and other esoteric citizens who have family Egregors in the form of a bunch of children, relatives, etc. During the day they work in offices, in the evening they babysit children, drink beer and watch football. Sometimes they carry out some rituals and practices in order to use Magic to more efficiently get a child into school and solve problems at work.

When, while engaging in spiritual practices, your consciousness begins to change, the Family Egregor will try to either equate you with the average member, or reject you, so that you do not destroy its structure with your laws aimed at survival and reproduction. Egregor imposes on each new member (a child, for example) his own picture of the world’s perception and his own laws in the form, for example, of rules of behavior in the family (don’t smoke in the apartment, don’t quarrel with your mother, etc..), interaction with society. It is quite difficult to see the family Egregor, because... a family member is in it and takes it for granted.

A person fulfills his reproduction program, which is enshrined even in the legislative framework: alimony, care for elderly parents, children, etc. Everything that does not lead to the fulfillment of the Family Egregor’s reproduction program is rejected by him by loading the necessary programs into the subconscious of his closest relatives. If you refuse to support them, you will get into so many troubles that you will want to go back.

Whether you are talking on the phone with your mother, whether you are thinking about how best to arrange a dacha, whether you are doing any activities related to your family - all this is the support of the family Egregor, which absorbs your energy resources. Having crossed the threshold of the apartment, you are already inside the Egregor of the Family and he begins to take away the Energy you have accumulated, structuring you for the main task of reproducing the human race. You can forget about serious engagement in spiritual practices; Egregor will interfere with you, constantly creating events within itself that will not allow you to practice normally.

Numerous manuals on “black” and “white” Magic are aimed at breaking these connections.

The so-called “dark” ones openly refuse family Egregors, the “light” cannot act so openly, and either carry out the ritual “quietly”, or abandon family, children, etc. for the sake of serving higher goals. That is, the essence of the actions and methods are the same, they are just served to ordinary people under different “sauces.”

The family Egregor, or family ring, is the first most important Egregor, from which it is extremely difficult to disconnect. It will take a huge amount of energy from you, and by doing some practices for your development, you will simply “pump” available energy into it. As a result, your alcoholic uncle living with you will have less headaches from a hangover, your grandmother will more easily survive magnetic storms by eating one pill rather than two, and you will think for a long time - why does the practice work so poorly? This happens because the Energy in the Egregor is distributed from the source of excess to the source of deficiency.


You can use two strategies - complete disconnection from the Family Egregor, or “interception” of control of the Family Egregor.

The last option is less preferable, because It will be difficult to manage the Family Egregor at the proper level without the appropriate skills. When you reach another level of interaction with the surrounding reality, connections like “mother-son-dad-grandchildren-brothers-grandfathers” will turn into the “adept-egregor” connection. And the Family Egregor will not welcome the presence of a member with whom he has to share power.

When choosing the second option, you need to learn to seize control of the Family Egregor and use its resources for your own purposes. It will be difficult to force a relative to assist in some ritual, because this action does not lead to reproduction and pleasure, and, among other things, is not prescribed in Egregor’s program, and Egregor is larger than you both in physical mass (add up the weight of all its participants) and in consciousness. It is also difficult to control the Egregor because a person constantly identifies himself with the physical body and through it becomes attached to the Family Egregor and the manner of behavior imposed by it. To eliminate this binding, try to use any technique that will eliminate all existing bindings to the physical body and allow you to look at your Egregor from a different position.

You can try to control the Family Egregor in the usual ways - by negotiating with relatives about something, but you will not have enough access level to use the full power of the Egregor.

First, carry out the simplest analytical research, even if in the Family Egregor you know every crack in the floor and hole in dad’s sock.

We determine the following values:

The volume of material and technical resources located in Egregor, the possibility of their use.

We look at the availability and accessibility of apartments, cars, money and determine the conditions under which we can use it.

Level of intelligence of Egregor members: do they have higher education, professional skills, how do they use them. Can they behave adequately in changing situations?

Compliance of Egregor members with the overall development program of the Earth, whether they provide benefits to society.

For example, is your dad a good doctor, how well does he do his job? Do you have an alcoholic uncle in your family who causes trouble for everyone?

There are several behavioral strategies for you in the family Egregor: helping your dad so that he can do his job better, or drinking with your uncle - because it’s fun. In the first case, you work for the Consciousness of the Earth, and in the second, against it, so subsequently you will start to have troubles.

After conducting analytics, we begin to cut off unnecessary connections with uncle and others like him, creating our own substructure in Egregor. Everything is done simply - you stop communicating with him, don’t take him to holidays and events, don’t rush to save him from the sobering-up center and other places where he ends up. The connection will weaken, and you will have more energy and time for yourself.

At the second stage, we begin to look for rings of events through which energy and information circulate in the Egregor. The simplest flow, which is immediately visible: the road to work - work - return home, cyclical and extended in time, usually throughout life. If a person is involved in some kind of sport, a stream of sports will appear, etc. You need to calculate the main threads in Egregor and understand which of them are necessary and which can be fixed or changed. If a person completes his task and improves his skills, the Family Egregor will switch him to the stream where the person is more useful.

As an example, after graduation, Family Egregor will transfer you to a position where you will apply your training. The less qualified a person is, the less valuable he is to the Family Egregor, and, after a certain period, the person will be moved to the appropriate place - to the street or cemetery.

The average person has only two motives for behavior: reproduction and pleasure. When communicating with a person, pay attention to them as the main core of behavior. Then you can look at what role Egregor plays, how viable he is and what he is like. In the case of alcoholics incarnating in a family, who interfere not only with practice but simply with living normally, Egregor is subject to liquidation, and if this is not possible, it is abandoned.


The Family Egregor is included in the Egregors of a higher category and arranges your life, slipping work, partners, etc. When you decide to leave under his wing and start independent practice, you will oppose yourself to the System (see Number 11). In this case, if something starts to work out for you, it is your personal merit, and not the help of the System.

If you decide to disconnect from the family Egregor, get ready for real hell on earth, and the process itself can last for many years. Everything that may not work out: re-registration of a passport, admission to a university, job search - will not work out; in order to do any banal action that a person under the wing of the Family Egregor does easily and simply, you will spend titanic efforts.


Summing up, we come to the conclusion that an adept who has seriously decided to engage in spiritual practices must disconnect himself from the Family Egregor, and from all its “benefits”.

The Adept will have to come face to face with the System. Disconnection from the Family Egregor will not happen instantly, it is a slow and painful process, but quite doable.

Build beneficial relationships with members of the Family Egregor, try to instill in them the idea that you do not care about their gatherings, do not turn to them for help, no matter how bad you feel.

Solve your problems without involving the help of relatives. Don’t call them yourself, teach them the idea that you don’t care about them, no matter how much they demand your attention. Slowly and surely bend your line. Eventually there will be a separation.

By giving up the Family Egregor, you will gain more freedom, successes and achievements will be your personal, and not the “gifts” of the Egregor.

Disconnecting from the Family Egregor does not mean that you will end up hating your loved ones. At best, everything will look like they will simply forget about you. They will not count on you during the renovation of the apartment, you will not be invited to the next birthday with a feast, you will become invisible to them.

Make a choice and try it.

Judging by the previous comments, I realized that few people are familiar with this concept. That is why today, dear friends, I want to introduce you even more to this amazing astral being and tell you about the family egregor. And later we will talk about the generic egregor.

So, family egregor born at the moment of the emergence of a new young family. From the very beginning, the egregor himself is not very intelligent; he is capable of making a lot of mistakes. He may even die from this, because he has no experience, does not have enough patience, but wants everything at once! This lasts for 6-7 years. Esotericists warn: under no circumstances should a young family egregor be tested by mutual criticism and reproaches during this period of time; it may not be able to withstand it.

The most important task of a family patron is to protect and help the family. The main thing for him is that his wards do not make gross mistakes that lead to the breakup of the family and the end of the clan. The egregor’s own life directly depends on the well-being of the family. The family egregor constantly tells the young family, through an inner voice or through dreams, how to overcome unfamiliar life situations.

But children receive special care from family defenders. And this is not surprising: by raising offspring in a family that are well adapted to life and healthier, the egregor thereby extends its lifespan. But that is not all! In the process of preparing a child for service to society, the egregor also enlists the patronage of more powerful egregors: clan and state. Unfortunately, we often try to interfere with our heavenly patron. For example, excessive worry about a child (how is he doing? Did something happen?) brings serious interference to a well-functioning defense mechanism.

The advice is simple: if you are able to do something, do it! If you can’t, throw away all your worries and keep only one thought in your head:

"Everything will be fine! Higher powers will help without me!”

Esotericists know that the enmity and hatred of relatives has a very detrimental effect on ancestral egregors. And if mutual curses take place, then the descendants will face not just troubles and failures in life, but accidents, serious illnesses, and violent death. Very often, with such a curse, a species is doomed to extinction.

A curse is a mental negative program that is installed in the subtle energy body of a person or egregor and the process of destruction begins from the inside. There is a popular belief that the family curse extends over seven generations, and if it is not redeemed during this period of time, the family will die out.

Why exactly the number seven? Perhaps there is some connection with another belief that deceased ancestors can help the living descendants of their family only for seven generations (approximately two centuries). Who knows... However, genetic scientists made an interesting discovery: hereditary characteristics completely disappear in the eighth generation!

Is it possible to somehow specifically strengthen the connection with our defenders from the subtle world, you ask, and also strengthen their protection and assistance? Of course you can! Are you familiar with your ancestry? Are you familiar with the talents and abilities of your ancestors, do you know their professions, do you know the strengths and weaknesses of health, addictions, causes of death? You should know all this not out of simple curiosity, this is very important information! Knowing about egregors and having faith in their existence, we can strengthen contact with them, expand communication channels and receive more help.

Try to restore lost family and family ties. Do this, and you will soon feel that your ancestral assistant is gaining strength. Great success and happy “coincidences” will come into your life. Don’t be “Ivans who don’t remember their kinship.” It's time to collect stones!

How to learn to talk with the egregor of wealth? Read in the next article!

An egregor is an energy-information field that unites people who are connected to each other. This could be an egregor of faith, money, family, and so on. For a happy life, we need to interact with the ancestral egregor, drawing strength from there.

The egregor of the clan is a kind of energetic frame that was created over centuries by the desires, actions and aspirations of our ancestors. Manifestations of connection with the egregor of the genus are conscience (shared message). Therefore, analyze what place motivation by conscience occupies in your thoughts and actions. This will be the strength or weakness of your connection to the ancestral energy field.

A person without the support of a clan is like a tree without roots: he is not very viable and thus his branches (offspring) may not even bear fruit and the clan will be interrupted. Singles and families without children are the last of their kind. If our actions correspond to the positive aspirations of the clan, then we will acquire tribal consciousness and will be able to use the general clan memory and all the knowledge accumulated in it. Our ancestors called this sanity, because having connected to the ancestral egregor, we act according to the “rule”, i.e. Right.

Revolutions, wars and atheism cut off the ancestral roots of most clans. But today it is important to know not the pedigree as such, but to understand the life of past generations. Through this, the revival of the race is possible.

The ancestors had a ritual of blessing so that the connection between generations would never be interrupted. Parents and grandparents blessed their descendants to accomplish any deeds, to create a family. It’s very simple, like everything ingenious - bless your child in the morning when he goes to school. And you will be able to connect children to the enormous energy of the family, provide protection from misfortunes, misfortunes, bad company, and other negativity.
Contact your parents, grandparents and great-grandparents. Ask them to bless you and your children from your heart. There are no complex rituals or prayers here. “I bless you!” And immediately the connection takes place, as if a light bulb instantly flashes after pressing the switch.

We may quarrel or disagree with our parents, but they remain parents. Before it’s too late, sincerely ask for forgiveness from your parents and family, make peace. Respect for old age and care for youth is the basic tribal law. Forgive the parents who could not give you love or education. If your birth occurred in a family of alcoholics or beggars, then this is a karmic condition for the incarnation of the soul, try to realize this moment. Ask for forgiveness and blessings in hindsight. After this, life begins to change for the better not only for one member of the clan, but for the entire clan system as a whole. After all, the energies of the egregor are waiting to be “switched on” in order to come to the aid of descendants living in difficult times and help.

The more often you remember this, mentally turning to your ancestors, the higher the energy of the family, which means the help will be more powerful in solving earthly affairs and tasks. A person can hardly exist and develop outside the clan. Generic programs will always operate, whether we want it or not. But the only thing we can (and, in fact, should do) is change and improve these programs. Observe the laws, purifying the family, correctly remembering departed ancestors, respecting them and loving the living. The ancestral program always corresponds to our personal karma.
The soul, choosing parents, nationality and place of incarnation, becomes a link in the chain of generations. And if incarnation occurs in a family burdened with curses and negativity, then this is a chance to cleanse the entire family! One bright ancestor and his connection with one living light is enough to cleanse the entire race and gain other energy vibrations.

Our family is a source of strength and support on the one hand, and on the other hand, our ancestral karma (cause-and-effect relationships) and our path. The accumulation of the power of piety of the family passes from generation to generation. And vice versa, if we degrade and follow the path of weakness and vice, do not respect and love our elders, abandon our children, we siphon energy from the family for generations to come. And with each such generation, karma becomes aggravated.

How we use our power depends only on each of us. By strengthening and purifying the family, we increase its strength and piety - this is the basis for the birth of healthy and brilliant children. The Vedas say: “Through a son a person comes into the Higher world, through a grandson he gains Immortality, through a great-grandson he enters the abode of light! There is no death!


It’s an effective and polite article, it’s written in simple and sensible words. Thanks to the author for his work.

Clan is an egregorial structure of a group of blood (genetically related) relatives, descending along the same line (maternal or paternal), for the most part recognizing themselves as descendants of a common ancestor (real or mythical), bearing a common generic name. Egregor is a cumulative energy information field created by a group of people united by one goal and objectives. There is a Creator of the clan and a Guardian of the clan. Teachers of the structure of the planetary mind.

For a full life, we need the Ancestral Egregor, a certain energetic framework that was created over centuries by the desires, actions and aspirations of our Ancestors. The manifestation of connection with the Egregor of the genus is Conscience (Shared Message). Therefore, very personally and alone with yourself, analyze what place motivation by Conscience occupies in your thoughts and actions. This will be the strength or weakness of your connection to the Ancestral energy field.

Drive, Fight, Own!!! For the sake of the Ancestors, Yourself, and the CHILDREN!!!
A person without the support of the Family is like a tree without roots. Not viable. And its offspring branches may not even be born. Bachelors, families without Children are the last in the Family.

If our actions correspond to the aspirations of the clan, we will gain Tribal Consciousness. We will be able to use the general memory and all the knowledge accumulated in it. Our ancestors called this sanity, because having connected to the ancestral Egregor, we act according to “Rule”, i.e. Right.

Revolutions and atheism cut off the ancestral roots of most Clans. But today it is important to know not the Pedigree as such, but to understand the life of past generations. Through this, the revival of Rod is possible.

The ancestors had a ritual of Blessing so that the connection between generations would never be interrupted. Parents and grandparents blessed their descendants to accomplish any deeds, to create a Family. It's as simple as everything ingenious - bless your son in the morning when he goes to school. Or a daughter who is going on a date. And you will connect the Children to the enormous energy of the Family, provide protection from misfortunes, misfortunes, bad company, rapists, robbers on the streets, envy.

Contact your parents, grandparents and great-grandparents. Ask for their blessings for yourself, your Children. There are no complex rituals or long-winded prayers here. “I bless You!” And immediately the connection to the Rod occurs, as if a light bulb instantly flashes after the click of a switch.

We may quarrel or disagree with our Parents, or act against their will. The result will be the same sooner or later. Many years later we whine: “But mommy was right!” Before it’s too late, sincerely ask for forgiveness from your Parents and make peace. Respect for old age and care for youth is the basic law of the Family. Forgive your Parents who could not give you love and education. Understand that if your birth occurred in a family of alcoholics or beggars, then this is a karmic condition for the incarnation of the soul. Ask for forgiveness and blessings in hindsight. After this, life begins to change not only for a single person, but for the entire Family as a whole. After all, the energies of Egregor are just waiting to be “switched on” in order to come to the aid of descendants living in dark times and strengthen the Rod as a whole for centuries.

The more often you remember, mentally turning to your ancestors, the stronger they are, the higher the energy of the Family, and therefore the more powerful the help in solving earthly affairs and tasks. A person cannot exist and develop outside the Family. The program will always operate, whether we want it or not. But the only thing we can (and, in fact, must do) is change and improve this program. Observe the laws, purifying the Family, correctly remembering departed ancestors, respecting them and loving the living. The ancestral program always corresponds to our personal Karma.

The soul, choosing parents, nationality, place of incarnation, becomes a link in the chain of generations. And if the incarnation occurs in a Family burdened with curses and negativity, then this is a chance to cleanse the entire Family. One bright ancestor and his connection with one bright living one is enough - the Rod can be completely cleansed and gain different energy vibrations.

Our Family is a source of strength and support on the one hand, and on the other – Our Karma and our Path. If a normal and outwardly successful Person puts his mother or grandmother in a nursing home to live out his days alone, then his children or grandchildren will do the same to him, if not worse.

A person achieves perfection in matter and in spirit, helping his Family for seven generations in the future and seven generations in the past. The accumulation of the power of Rod's piety passes from generation to generation. And vice versa, if we degrade and follow the path of temptation and vice, do not respect and love our elders, abandon our children, we siphon energy from the Family for generations to come. And with each generation it gets worse and worse. This explains why one is born healthy and into a wealthy family, while the other is born with birth defects and is abandoned by their parents. How we use our power depends only on us. By strengthening and purifying the Family, we increase the power of piety - this is the basis for the birth of healthy and brilliant Children.

The Vedas say: “Through a son a person comes into the Higher world, through a grandson he gains Immortality, through a great-grandson he enters the abode of Light! There is no death!.

The energy of the race and information is not transmitted genetically. Biological information is transmitted genetically. Genetic information lays down the structure of a person’s physical body. Generic programs have nothing to do with a person’s physical development, his diseases, etc. Very rarely, there is a disease in the family as karma, most often it depends on the genome of the parents. When a person has insoluble problems and obstacles in life. He tries to find a way out of the situations that have arisen, but he has not been able to solve these problems for a long time. This requires certain experience and knowledge in any field.

This experience and knowledge existed with a specific person in the family. A specific appeal to the Guardian of the clan, referring to a specific person in the clan, allows you to obtain the required abilities, experience, information, energy to solve the problem. When the human Soul incarnates, a set of egregorial structures is determined in which the development of this person will take place.

In this case, the priority of the generic egregor. This is the main reason for the unresolved problems and obstacles that arise. During incarnation, a person does not receive the necessary experience, energy and abilities to solve karmic programs. He receives what is missing in the generic egregor. A person develops, solves his problems of embodiment, and automatically transfers his experience, knowledge and skills to the generic egregor. There is a simultaneous development of the egregorial structure of the clan and the development of man.

Appealing to the generic egregor only makes sense and achieves the goal if there is an unresolved problem. You need to name a specific problem. Voice what qualities, energy, experience, in what area (survival, physical health, relationships, material solutions, management, interaction, information to solve a problem, etc.) you want to receive for development. It is required to identify the goal and specify the properties and qualities as much as possible to solve the problem. This requires understanding.

The ancestral egregor is not a “cornucopia” from which you can get everything without making any effort for your development. There is joint work, development based on the received energy, experience, quality, etc.

There is a specific appeal to the Guardian Angel of the Family. Appeal matters. If you address: “I am addressing the Guardian of the clan...”. At the same time, the very formulation “energy of the clan”, “Guardian of the clan” will sound in a person’s voice or internally. This combination of letters, this word will be a code to activate the Guardian of the clan. At this moment, a person must be ready to receive information. Information does not come verbally. The person will begin to perform actions that were previously unusual for him. The person did not think or plan these actions. This will be the answer to the energy of the kind.

Experience is not conveyed verbally. The transfer occurs energetically. A person is filled with this energy. Performs actions based on this energy. A person can visualize or imagine what he wants to have, what quality or skill. What is required is not just to activate the energy of the family, but to activate exactly that energy that exists or existed in a particular person in the family. A certain person, as a representative of the clan, possessed this knowledge or skills or experience, energy, etc.

For the Guardian of the clan, the very phrase, wording and human need are important. Appealing to the Guardian of the clan is effective only in cases where a person has been looking for a solution to problems for a long time, is in a state of unsolved problems, and the person has a need for the help of the clan. A person will intuitively feel the energy and information of the kind; this does not require analyzing the events that begin to happen to him. In order for this to happen on an intuitive level, a person must be free from blocks. This, first of all, concerns the physical blocks of energy running along the first chakra muladhara (ancestral connection).

It is important that the energy flows freely. A large number of people suffer from back problems and spinal diseases. This is associated with an uneven flow of energy. As a result, a person cannot fully feel the energetic space around him. A person cannot process energy, absorb it, transfer it, etc. Human energy cannot be transformed into a harmonious system designed for the spiritual development of man. To activate the energy of a kind, to receive information of a kind, it is necessary to have a free flow of energy.

In addition to physical spinal blocks, there are astral and mental blocks. Blocks in the form of hidden grievances, aggression, condemnation, revenge, etc. are an obstacle to receiving energy and information of a kind. By eliminating physical, astral and mental blocks, a person gains the ability to create a harmonious development system and act according to the information, experience, and energy that comes from the ancestral egregor.

Families of the clan hold on to each other and the energy field of such a clan egregor is very strong. This field, this force is able to withstand any provocation from others and maintain balance if, for one reason or another, a quarrel or misunderstanding arises between family members. This collective power of the generic egregor is capable of resisting various threats and attacks from various unfriendly and aggressive structures.

A huge role in the formation of a single field of the ancestral egregor is played by rites, rituals, traditions and rules of existence, passed on from generation to generation. Rituals, rituals, traditions, rules for the existence of a clan do not arise out of nowhere. This is the experience of relationships between members of one's own clan and members of other clans. These relations were characterized by the results of collective labor, distribution of labor products, the presence of communal property, and equality of members of the clan. This is experience and information that has been accumulated over centuries from generation to generation by members of the clan and their families. This is the experience that allows you to preserve the integrity of the family. This is the culture of the clan. It is the culture of the clan that distinguishes one clan from another. This is the foundation on which the entire energy structure of the clan rests. Traditions established once and for all and rules based on them are the strongest energy source.

Every family keeps the secrets of their ancestors: the secrets of crafts and unique abilities, the nobility of service and the spirit of warriors, the ability to learn and transmit information, talents in art and asceticism.

Each clan has its own tasks for earthly incarnation. One clan differs from another in two respects: cash and caste. Cash - the energy potential of the family, the high ability to create fertile offspring. Caste is the moral and ethical potential of members of a clan.

Kind of cultured people
Gravitates toward the earth element and is material-oriented. Everything there is safe and secure, like in a barn with pood-sized locks. Family traditions are the moral core and provide support for successful integration into society. A respectable man in the street has strong protection precisely because of his loyalty and patience. Magicians of this kind are quite rare; they appear in order to eliminate the consequences of stagnation in the body and in relationships. They successfully practice in curing diseases caused by slag deposits and help correct unstable relationships in society. They use centuries-tested recipes, rituals, and prayers. They try to be invisible in society, do not like to advertise themselves, and are only frank with trusted people.

A race of spiritual people
Gravitates towards the element of air. This family tends to hoard information rather than money. Information and knowledge are obtained from studying the experience of previous generations and are goods for sale in science, medicine, law, and art. The family is united through devotion to a certain doctrine, finding moral support in the worship of a set of rules dictated by the doctrine. Magicians are born more often in this family. They are distinguished by innovative understanding of the experience of their ancestors and the birth of new ways of using age-old truths. Such magicians successfully practice in curing obsessions and conditions, removing chronic diseases and karmic blockages. Their natural abilities develop thanks to non-standard ways of obtaining information such as clairvoyance and clairvoyance. They easily agree to the transfer of professional experience, gravitate towards group trainings, have many friends, are reluctant to make confidential contacts, do not need a childhood friend, easily adapt to a new environment, so a change of scenery worries them little.

Socially disadvantaged family
Gravitates towards the element of water. Everything flows through your fingers here: health, money, success in society. A rags to riches situation and vice versa may have the cyclicity of Mars or Jupiter: 2.5 years or 12 years. Drug and alcohol addiction, early deaths and suicides, sum and prison. The cyclical nature of recurring negative situations hints at the complexity of the main tasks of the family, which cannot be solved by the sign of the cross and good advice. Moral support is provided either by blind faith or by destructive anarchism and disbelief in anything. A force that has a metaphysical nature can make this kind of life easier. In such a family, in every generation along the male or female line, a magician is born, and not even just one.

Primordial wild power flows from such a magician’s fingertips. He may not understand the mechanism of energy transfer, may not know universal laws, be a drinker and an uneducated person himself, but he can save his neighbor from pain even in an open field. To block extreme situations, you do not need a detailed analysis, but instant intervention and obtaining an effect in a matter of minutes and hours. Magicians such as the Ministry of Emergency Situations are easy-going, make do with available means, act decisively, without wasting time on obtaining the consent of the victim or the blessing from above.

Among such magicians there is a great temptation to violate ethical principles and abuse power and authority. As soon as a magician begins to develop spiritually, he increases his potential for power because his positive balance increases. A spiritually developed magician becomes the standard bearer of his dysfunctional family and, most often, an unquestioned authority. In the cultural and spiritual family, the family displaces the magician, demonstrates hostility towards the troublemaker, and perceives the magician as a destructive element. And in a socially problematic family, practicing magic is welcomed, approved and encouraged. In his family, such a magician is a savior.

Family of conquerors
Can manifest itself in any field: science, art, military affairs, politics. The family of fanatics is given moral support by state doctrine. Negative situations in this family are associated with the karma of the state and rulers. To correct the sin of pride and abuse of power, combat magicians are born in this family, initiates into extreme magical techniques, and organizers of secret closed communities and schools. Such magicians are able to work secretly for many years; family members may not even suspect what their close relative’s head and hands are doing. Meanwhile, such a magician has unlimited power over the destinies of other people. The brilliant grandmaster did not come to talk about a hernia, but to rearrange the pieces on the chessboard. It doesn’t matter whether he is healthy or sick, beautiful or ugly. He does not perform magical rituals in the presence of the uninitiated, and people do not sign up for consultations with him.


Ancestral and family egregors influence a person on a subconscious level. Western psychology says the same thing when it claims that everything comes from childhood, from the family. Once upon a time, excommunication from the ancestral egregor threatened a person with death. Nowadays, tribal systems have lost their former sacred meaning in the lives of modern people, but continue to directly influence us.

First, let's define the terminology. Genus is a group of people descended from a common ancestor on either the maternal or paternal side. Generic system is a collection of people united by family ties. Ancestral egregor- this is a product of the collective mind of people included in the tribal system.

The tribal system operates on the principle of hierarchy and continuity. Each new member of the system will use the energies and resources that were “acquired” by his ancestors.

There is a mutual responsibility effect in the tribal system. The genus influences each member of the system, but an individual can also influence the entire system as a whole - positive or negative.

Who is included in the tribal system

The clan system includes all those who were born into it, all ancestors up to the seventh generation and all descendants. In addition to blood relatives, the clan system includes: adopted children, wives, husbands, daughters-in-law, sons-in-law, etc., as well as people who had a strong influence on the Clan. These are the people who saved the members of the Clan or helped them in a tragic situation (saved them from starvation, carried them out of the battlefield) or, conversely, caused severe damage to the clan system (rapists, enemies, murderers, thieves, etc.).

Everyone who once entered the tribal system remains in it forever. Including: aborted or unborn children, deceased babies, dysfunctional family members (crazy people, criminals, murderers), ex-husbands and wives, intimate partners, etc. We cannot throw them away at will, erase them from our lives, forget or delete them. It is important to remember this and pay respects, whatever they may be.

It is important to give each member of the Family their place, to respect their choice and difficult fate. If the clan eliminates an “undesirable” person from the system, then he will be replaced by a younger member of the clan (child). This means that the deputy has every chance of repeating the fate of the person he unconsciously replaces. This rule was derived by Bert Hellinger, the author of the method of systemic family constellations.

At the head of the clan egregor, as a rule, is the oldest woman of the clan. She is his Guardian. You need to maintain a family relationship with her; the energy flows of the Family pass through her. She can also decide to include a person in the generic system or exclude him from it.

When the Guardian dies, she is replaced by another oldest woman of the Family. After the change of the Guardian, the ancestral egregor sometimes begins to live according to completely different laws. Those whose great-grandmother or grandmother died could notice this in the example of their relatives. It should be said that not every Clan has a Guardian. Sometimes there is simply no one to replace her.
