The first bath of a newborn baby. important rules for further bathing

To maintain the health of a child, it is very important to follow the rules of hygiene from the first days of his life. One of the items is bathing the baby. This cannot be done right away, and there are many rules regarding the process itself. To avoid serious mistakes and harm your baby’s delicate skin, you should familiarize yourself with them in more detail.

When to start swimming

The first question that needs to be clarified is: when can you bathe a newborn? Some are still convinced that you should not dip your baby in water until his umbilical wound has healed. However, modern doctors have a different opinion: the timing should be calculated using the first one. After vaccination is carried out at the clinic, at least 1 day must pass. After this, you can begin serious hygiene procedures. Until this point, you need to cleanse the baby’s skin using special soft wipes or a damp cloth.

In general, the specific time frame for when you can start bathing is still set by parents. You should also pay attention to the individual health characteristics of the newborn. For example, if you have problems with the healing of the umbilical wound or he has a cold, you should consult your pediatrician and postpone bathing for a while.

In the first days, the duration of water procedures is limited to a few minutes. Subsequently, if the baby’s reaction is normal, the bathing time is increased to 10 - 15 minutes.

It is not worth keeping the baby in water for longer, as the water cools quickly and also dries out the skin.

Preparing the bath

Another important question that directly concerns the procedure itself: what is better to bathe the baby in? Here you can consider two main options: a large bath and a children's bath. A large one will save you money and space in your home. However, each time it will need to be thoroughly cleaned and filled with more water. It will be more difficult to control its temperature, and bending over is also not very comfortable.

But a baby bath will allow you to place it in the most convenient position for you. In addition, in winter it can be placed in the warmest room in the house. Modern models can additionally have a shape that is convenient not only for you, but also for the baby. You can lay your baby down and not worry about him taking too much water.

It is recommended to carry out hygiene procedures before feeding. Before you start bathing, in any case, you need to prepare the bath and clean it. It is better not to use chemicals, but to make do with ordinary baking soda. Wash off any remaining residue thoroughly so that it does not irritate the newborn's skin.

The room temperature should be comfortable and kept at 22-24 degrees. Check that there are no drafts. The temperature of the water itself is first set at 36-37 degrees. During bathing, make sure that it does not fall below 34 degrees. It is not necessary to boil water, but if you are afraid of introducing an infection into the wound, it is better to follow this rule first.

Basic rules for the procedure

In order for the bathing procedure to be pleasant and safe, it is important for the child to follow some rules. They can be divided into the following categories:

  1. Preparation . Before you begin, make sure you have everything on hand that may be useful to you during the process. First of all, this concerns towels, napkins, soap, shampoo and a portion of warm water to maintain the optimal temperature. It is better to seal the umbilical wound before it begins to heal to prevent water from entering.
  2. How to hold your baby. It is better to start bathing your baby with simple dips in the bath. You need to hold it with both hands: the left one under the head, and the right one under the buttocks. After diving, begin performing the procedures with your right hand, and still hold the head with your left.
  3. Washing. In the first months, short washings and wiping without a washcloth are sufficient. Treat the baby's folds, arms and legs, and groin area especially carefully.
  4. Finishing the bath. After the final rinse with clean water from the jug, remove the newborn from the bath and lay him on his back on a clean, dry towel. For greater comfort, you can warm it up in advance. Blot the skin with gentle movements. Then apply care products and let the baby lie down for a while without diapers.

In order for the child not to be nervous, it is better that the mother carries out the bathing. Later, when the baby gets used to other family members, you can involve them in this activity. Talk to your baby, this will additionally relieve stress.

Hygiene products

You should also pay attention to what hygiene products are acceptable to use in the first months of a child’s life. In addition, it is necessary to monitor the individual reaction to each of them.

  • Soap . You need to choose special baby products with a minimum of impurities. It should not dry out the skin. You can use liquid cream soap. It is enough to use it 1-2 times a week, even with daily bathing.
  • . It becomes necessary around the 4th month after birth. It is also enough to use it once a week. Try to keep it out of your baby's eyes and mouth.
  • Oil . Special children's cosmetics include caring oils and lotions that need to be used to treat the baby's skin in particularly vulnerable areas after each bath.
  • Herbs. You can add decoctions of string or chamomile and other herbs for relaxation and disinfection. You should ask your pediatrician for permission and monitor the newborn’s body’s reaction to such impurities.
  • Potassium permanganate solution. It is added to disinfect water and prevent certain skin diseases. The solution should be very weak or absent at all, as it dries out the skin.
  • Oatmeal . Instead of soap, you can use oatmeal wrapped in a soft cloth.
  • Washcloth. The washcloth can be used several months after birth and only as a soft sponge.

When choosing products, stick to proven brands. However, even good bathing and care products should not be abused.

What not to do

In addition to everything described above, you should pay attention to some other points. Some new parents, due to their inexperience, make a number of mistakes when bathing their baby.

First of all, it should be noted the use of various impurities and additives. If you decide to add a herbal decoction to the water, it should be in a very weak concentration. In addition, you should initially check the local skin reaction to these components. If after the bath the baby’s behavior changes towards increased activity and restlessness, excessive lethargy and apathy, you should also exclude decoctions from your arsenal.

Similar requirements apply to potassium permanganate solution. In addition, crystals of potassium permanganate should not be allowed to get into the bath. Dilute them separately in a glass and then strain through a cloth. Otherwise, you risk leaving a burn on your baby's delicate skin.

Under no circumstances should you rub the skin of a newborn. To carry out hygienic procedures, it is enough to wash it with your hands. There is also no need to use soap and shampoo frequently. With frequent contact with these products, any skin disease may develop due to drying of the skin. The protective fatty film is washed off from the surface of the epidermis and favorable conditions are created for infections and bacteria to enter the body.

After bathing, only gentle blotting movements with a soft towel are allowed. Do not rub the baby's skin. Particular attention must be paid to the folds, arms and legs of the baby.

If you do everything correctly, bathing will bring not only benefits, but also great pleasure for both you and your child.

Water procedures for an infant should not be considered solely from a hygiene point of view. After all, by and large, to keep the baby clean, all you need to do is wash it regularly. Bathing a baby is a pleasant pastime, introducing the baby to new sensations, sincere joy from gurgling in the water and no less sincere joy for young parents from communicating with their beloved baby. Therefore, you should not prepare for bath procedures as a serious responsibility. May they bring pleasure to all of you!

Baby's first swim

Whether to give your newborn the first bath on the day of discharge from the hospital or wait until it heals is up to you. Pediatricians' advice differs here. There are two opinions.

  • Do not bathe your child until the umbilical wound has healed if you are not sure of the quality of the tap water. An unhealed navel is a “gate” for infections to enter the body, which, you see, is not necessary for anyone. During the first two weeks of life, use wet wipes for baby hygiene.
  • You can start bathing immediately after discharge from the maternity hospital if you use boiled water. Boil exactly as much water as is needed for one “bath procedure”. The very next day this water will be unusable, since the degree of its contamination with microbes is not much different from ordinary tap water.

Involve dad in the bathing procedure.

For your first bath, prepare:

  • plastic bath. Even if in the future you plan to bathe your newborn with a circle, for the first time you will need a compact baby bath. It is preferable for a number of reasons: it is smaller, which means you will need less boiled water. It can be placed on special holders on the bathtub so that you can hold the baby in a more or less comfortable tilt. It is safer: even if the child moves actively, the risk of missing him here is small. The modern market offers a variety of baths for bathing newborns. There are no criteria in choosing an accessory. The main thing is that you like it and be compact enough so as not to cause storage problems;
  • thermometer for determining water temperature;
  • soft terry towel;
  • a jug or mug of water for rinsing;
  • baby shampoo, soap.

How to bathe a baby - step-by-step technique

3 important rules for further swimming

  • up to 6 months - daily;
  • up to 1 year - 3 times a week;
  • after 1 year - 2-3 times a week.
  • Use shampoo and soap while bathing once a week. With frequent use, even special children's products cause dryness and flaking of the skin.
  • Choose the duration of bath procedures at your discretion. If you bathe your baby in a small tub, end the swim when the water becomes cool. This usually happens within 10-15 minutes. If you bathe your baby with a circle in a large bathtub where he actively moves, the duration may be longer - up to 40 minutes.
  • Choose a specific time for swimming and stick to it. If afterward the child eats well and falls asleep calmly, you can flop with him before going to bed at night. And if the procedure causes a burst of vigor in the baby, after which he plays around for another couple of hours, you can arrange swims after a nap or at another time convenient for you and the baby.

Believe me, your worries about bathing your baby will pass within 2-3 days. And then water treatments will only bring joy to all family members!

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After discharge from the maternity hospital, the newborn baby should have his first bath on the same day. For many parents, at first this seems like a test, because the baby looks fragile and defenseless. But over time, both for the baby and for their mothers and fathers. How to properly organize the bathing process and how to wash a newborn at home. Useful tips below.

You need to prepare for the water procedure. The first bath of a newborn baby should be done in such a way that you are not distracted by any little things. Concentrate your full attention on the baby. Be patient and don't get annoyed if things don't work out during your first bath. The child should feel your confidence, but not anxiety. Talk calmly to your baby while bathing. Say kind words to him, hum a song.

Experts do not recommend feeding a baby before swimming. When a baby has a full stomach, he may vomit the food he eats. But you shouldn’t bathe a hungry baby either, so that the procedure doesn’t involve whims. After spending all the energy during bathing, the baby will definitely want to drink breast milk. Choose the right time for swimming. Most often, parents fill the baby's bath before the last evening feeding. After bathing, the child drinks milk and falls asleep calmly. If it is more convenient for you to bathe your child during the day or in the morning, please do so. The main thing is that the procedure at home takes place at the same time, and that the child enjoys bathing.

Many people ask the question, how often should a baby be bathed? A newborn baby up to 6 months of age needs to be bathed every day. After - a day later. The fact is that babies have very delicate skin. It is sensitive to the effects of various bacteria, unlike adult skin. How to bathe a child for the first time - with soap or baby foam? Both can be used once a week.

How to wash a newborn at home

Before the procedure, prepare everything you need for swimming. You will need:

- Bath. In the first year of a baby's life, it is necessary that it be plastic. Wash before swimming. A child will feel more comfortable in a small bathroom than in a large adult bathroom. A child may be frightened by large amounts of water;

– Water thermometer. Measure the temperature of the water in the bath. It should be between 36 and 37 degrees. At this temperature, the baby will feel comfortable during the procedure. If the water is hot, the baby may overheat: his body will turn red and he will start screaming. It is better to use a thermometer to monitor the water temperature;

– Soft mitten or washcloth. They should not be as rough as adults use;

– Diaper or towel. They are necessary in order to wet the baby’s delicate skin during bathing;

– Accessories for hygiene procedures. This is a towel, cotton swabs with limiters, brilliant green to treat the navel, a diaper, clean clothes for the baby.

In the first 10 days of bathing, add potassium permanganate to the water, which protects the baby’s skin from various microbes and is also needed to disinfect the umbilical wound. Prepare a solution of potassium permanganate in advance and pour it into the bath. The water should be pale pink. And then you can add one glass of chamomile or chamomile decoction to the baby’s bathing water. Bathe your child in a spacious room. You must approach it unhindered from both sides. Many people bathe their children in the kitchen. The bath is placed on stools. The room should be between 24 and 26 degrees Celsius.

During bathing, the mother should take the baby and place him on her left forearm, which should be under water. Place the baby in the water so that its shoulders and head remain on the surface. With your right hand, wash all the child’s folds, genitals, and between the fingers. Turn the baby over onto his stomach, and at the end of the procedure, pour water onto the baby’s back from a large mug. The water in it should be one degree lower than that which was poured for bathing; this is good for hardening the child. The baby's first bath should last from 3 to 5 minutes. Increase the time gradually. After the procedure, place the baby on the table. Dry your baby gently. Put your child's hat and other clothes on. And be sure to smile at your child. Let him enjoy the bath procedure!

website 2017-02-26


Dear readers, you can’t argue with how exciting the first day is after a mother and baby return from the hospital. The expanded family begins to live in a completely different mode, which is one way or another subordinated to the needs of the baby. And one of the main components of caring for a baby is bathing.

Inexperienced parents are often afraid of this procedure. They are not sure that they will be able to carry out the first bath of a newborn according to all the rules without causing harm to him. To allay the fears of our readers, we decided to talk with doctor Tatyana Antonyuk about how to bathe a newborn baby.

Good afternoon, readers of Irina’s blog! Indeed, not all young mothers and fathers feel confident and know how to properly bathe a newborn. However, the baby is not as helpless and fragile as it might seem at first glance. In addition, bathing should not be considered solely as a water procedure. It is useful for the successful growth and development of the baby. And when you learn to do this confidently, you will be convinced that water procedures bring real pleasure to the child and his parents.

What are the benefits of swimming?

As already noted, bathing is carried out not only for the purpose of hygiene. Water treatments bring great benefits to a growing body, namely:

  • strengthen the nervous system, have a positive effect on the psycho-emotional state of the child;
  • promotes improved appetite and restful sleep;
  • activate motor reflexes;
  • relieve pain that occurs during the first colic in the stomach;
  • give a hardening effect;
  • support close emotional communication between child and parents.

Of course, during the first bath, parents will first of all take care of baby's skin care. In this case, you need to know at what temperature to bathe a newborn, how to prepare for this procedure, whether you need to use herbs and other means to calm the child.

The exciting moment of the first bath

Most pediatricians agree that the first bath should take place the day after discharge from the hospital. By then, babies' umbilical cords have usually healed. But even if the navel has not completely healed, bathing is acceptable if you use boiled water and herbal decoctions.

Contraindications to swimming are an increase in body temperature caused by infectious diseases, the presence of weeping wounds or pustules on the skin.

When can you bathe a newborn after the hospital if he is premature or underweight? It is advised to wait a few days with water procedures, limiting yourself to carefully wiping the newborn. When the baby begins to gain weight rapidly, he can be bathed like all other newborns.

Bath or regular bath

Your friends or relatives who already have children may advise bathing your child in a regular bath. In this case, you will not need to bother with water and buy a special bath. But there are still more disadvantages. When using a large bathtub, it is more difficult to control the water temperature, it will take a long time to clean it, and you will feel uncomfortable bending too low towards your baby.

It is best to bathe your child in a bathtub specially purchased for this purpose. It has a number of advantages:

  • the presence of a special shape for a comfortable position of the baby;
  • the ability to place it in the warmest and most draft-free place;
  • it is easy to fill with water and clean;
  • the child feels comfortable in a small space.

For greater convenience for parents and the baby, a slide, a foam mattress or a hammock for a newborn are additionally used for the bath.

It is also much easier to care for. To clean the walls of the bath, you do not need to use aggressive chemicals - regular soda is enough.

When the child grows up, gets used to water procedures and becomes cramped in the bathtub, he is transferred to a regular adult bathtub.

Newborn's first bath after the hospital

To prepare for your first bath, you need to familiarize yourself in advance with the list of care items that are needed during and after the procedure. Prepare a thermometer for measuring water temperature, a soft sponge or mitten made from a flannelette, a diaper or soft towel for drying, shampoo or soap, diapers, clothes or diapers for dressing.

Boiled or regular water?

There is still debate about what kind of water a newborn should be bathed in, boiled or regular. Many parents and pediatricians argue that bathing in boiled water is an unnecessary precaution. We still recommend using boiled water for at least the first two to three weeks. A baby's skin is still very delicate, and the quality of our tap water leaves much to be desired.

Herbs and potassium permanganate

How justified is the use of herbs for bathing a newborn? They are usually recommended if a child has heat rash or other skin problems. If the child is healthy, plain water is enough.

Many parents use a solution of potassium permanganate when bathing to prevent suppuration of the umbilical wound. If you decide to add potassium permanganate to the water, make sure that its crystals are completely dissolved in the water.

Bathing temperature

The water temperature for bathing a newborn baby should be 36.5-37˚C (for a healthy child) and 38˚C (for weakened or premature babies).

Do not trust your own feelings; you must purchase a special thermometer. The so-called elbow method, which our grandmothers used, is not always accurate enough.

Let's swim correctly and with pleasure

The bathing procedure will be calm and will bring pleasure to both the newborn and his parents, if you follow the following rules:

  1. Prepare everything you need before swimming.
  2. It is better not to feed the child before the procedure.
  3. Make sure that the air temperature in the room is not lower than 22-23˚C. Make sure the water in the bath is at the right temperature.
  4. After filling the bath with water, they lower the child smoothly but confidently, holding him by the head and back. To prevent the baby from being afraid of water, the first time he is immersed in a diaper or vest, which is then removed.
  5. Holding the baby with your left hand, rinse the baby's body with your right. It is more convenient to carry out this procedure together.
  6. When bathing, you need to ensure that all folds on the skin are thoroughly cleaned; the child’s face is washed separately.
  7. Sometimes the baby's head is covered with small crusts. Before bathing, they are lubricated with ordinary vegetable oil, after which they wash their hair with soap. At the end of the procedure, the crusts are combed out with a special soft comb.
  8. The duration of the first bath should be 2-3 minutes. In the future, this procedure can be gradually increased to 5-10 minutes.
  9. If the first bath went well, you can gently pour water from a jug over the child. Its temperature should be several degrees lower than the water in the bath. This temperature difference is useful for hardening a newborn. If the child cries or is capricious, dousing should be postponed until a more favorable moment.
  10. When bathing, you need to smile at the baby and talk to him affectionately. This will help establish psycho-emotional contact with the child from the first days of life.

After the procedure, you need to wipe the baby's skin with gentle blotting movements. Folds on the body can be treated with vegetable oil or baby cream. After this, the baby is swaddled and handed over to the mother for feeding.

To visually familiarize yourself with all the intricacies of the procedure, we also offer you a video of bathing a newborn baby.

Komarovsky about bathing a newborn

The famous pediatrician also shared tips on how to bathe a newborn baby for the first time at home. He believes that great attention should be paid to hardening from the first days of life. There is no need to turn on additional heating devices in the bathroom or bathing room. Instead of potassium permanganate, which can cause burns, it is better to use a series for bathing newborns.

To prepare the infusion, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over a glass of crushed dry herbs, leave for several hours, filter and add to the bath.

You can read more about the benefits of the series and the intricacies of brewing and bathing your baby in the article.

Dr. Komarovsiky attaches great importance to massage, which is carried out before the bathing procedure. No special knowledge or skills are required to carry it out. With light gentle movements, the mother strokes the baby's back, arms and legs. Circular movements can be replaced with light pats. The duration of the massage should not exceed 2-3 minutes, so as not to overstimulate the child.

Komarovsky advises bathing a newborn every day. Water procedures are needed not so much to maintain cleanliness, but to stabilize the nervous system and good mood of the child.

How to bathe a newborn baby in a bathtub if he screams and cries at the same time? The point is usually not that the baby is afraid of water. Parents should change the conditions in which bathing takes place. Perhaps too hot or, on the contrary, cold water causes discomfort to the baby. Sometimes a newborn may be overstimulated at bedtime or simply hungry. In this case, bathing must be postponed to another time of day.

Komarovsky advises transferring the child to a regular bath when he is 2-3 months old.

Procedures after swimming

Is it necessary to lubricate the baby's skin after water procedures? Many mothers have a whole arsenal of various cosmetic oils, powders and creams. Often many of them remain unused. If the child has healthy skin without diaper rash or irritation, it does not need additional treatment.

If you have prickly heat or rashes, you can gently lubricate the skin with vegetable oil or baby cream. Most creams are well absorbed into the skin and do not leave marks on clothes. If your child has signs of allergies, you should consult your pediatrician before choosing skin care products.

If the baby's umbilical wound has not yet healed completely, after bathing it is additionally treated with hydrogen peroxide.

Some newborns experience increased peeling of the skin. As a rule, this problem does not cause concern to the baby, does not require treatment and goes away within a few weeks after birth.

The process of bathing a newborn may seem too difficult and responsible for parents who do not yet have experience in caring for children. But over time, they become convinced that bathing is the happiest moment in their communication with the child, which brings joy and good mood.

Tatiana Antonyuk

I remember my twin daughters’ first bath. I remember that one of them got an infection in the maternity hospital, staphylococcus, and her entire forehead was covered with small pimples. I was advised to immediately use laundry soap. So we bathed the children one by one. I boiled the water for a long time, I was a very responsible mother. And then I also used an infusion of bay leaves, bought it fresh at the market, and brewed it. We cured skin problems quickly. My daughters loved to swim. And I always noticed that after bathing they were cheerful and cheerful. We definitely didn't feel like sleeping right away.

And after bathing, I suggest playing pleasant music for your baby. Let him be filled with everything beautiful from the cradle. I think you will find the articles and music on the blog very useful:

In the selection, you can select individual compositions, or simply turn on the music in the background; it will play automatically, moving from one composition to another.

I wish you all pleasant joys with our children and grandchildren.

My heartfelt gift for today Andrei Gavrilov plays Rachmaninov Elegie op3 No1 . I think that the music of S. V. Rachmaninov will not leave anyone indifferent.

see also

I’ll try to break down all the main points regarding bathing babies.

Benefits of water treatments:
- thanks to bathing, the skin is cleansed and the pores of the skin are opened.
- swimming is a simple and effective way to develop a child.
- warm water calms the baby and reduces increased muscle tone.
- bathing in warm water helps with colic.
- is an effective hardening method.

Important points:

The main thing is to ensure safety and comfort for the child during water procedures. Keep in mind that you can accidentally injure delicate skin with your nails (therefore it is better to trim them constantly), rings or bracelets (you must remove all jewelry from your hands). To prevent you from accidentally slipping on the floor, it will be very useful to place a rubber mat, and when the baby grows up, it will not hurt to place a special rubber mat on the bottom of the bathtub.

Never leave a child unattended, even for a very short period of time.

Make sure that there are no drafts and that the wind does not blow on the baby from the window.

We must not forget that if your baby was vaccinated on the arm in the maternity hospital, it should not be rubbed while washing, and it should not be smeared with creams or oils.

Before bathing, it is useful to lay the naked baby on his stomach for a few minutes.

If you notice any unusual skin changes in your baby, contact your pediatrician.

If after each bath your child’s skin becomes red, inflamed, peeling and itchy, then perhaps a water filter will help you (if necessary, you can do an analysis of the composition of the water).

Try to show positive emotions when bathing.

Bathing items for babies:

Bath(maybe a simple, anatomical bath with a hammock) - it is advisable that at least for the first time you bathe your treasure in a plastic baby bath (especially if the belly button has not yet healed). Do not use it for other purposes. If the bath is with a hammock or anatomical, it makes it easier to support the baby. This is especially necessary if this is your first child and you have no experience yet, and you also have to bathe alone. When choosing a baby bathtub, consider which size will suit you. If you want to put the bathtub in the bathtub, then make sure that it fits, and if you plan to wash the baby in another room on the floor or on a table, or in the same bathtub, but placing it on special wooden stands, then the size, in principle, is not important. It is quite convenient when the bath has a drain. If the color of the bath is white, then you will see how clean the water is.

Slide(supports the child) - can be placed in a regular baby bathtub or in an adult bathtub. If you pour a little water into the bath, especially if you also ensure that the bath is tilted, then a slide is not needed. And if you have to wash your baby alone, then, of course, a slide won’t hurt. There are plastic anatomical slides or rag slides (fabric stretched over a frame). It is better to take a plastic one, because... With a rag, a child, as a rule, constantly rolls off. You can put a diaper on the slide.

seat Velcro (bathing chair) - this is for those who can sit. Attaches to the bottom of the bathtub.

Circle- Doctors are not against it, neurologists are even for it. So, decide for yourself. I advise you to ask your pediatrician when exactly in your case you can start swimming with a circle.

Regular wooden stands for basins for the bath - you can buy 2 pieces and put them next to each other. The baby bath will stand steadily on them.

It is not necessary that you buy everything from the baby bathing range. Choose for yourself and your child what you consider really necessary. As a last resort, you can generally get by with an ordinary bathroom, which is already available in most apartments.

When to bathe (what time of day):

Many people are confused about when to find the right time. It doesn’t come out of your head just like that, and in books or articles they may write recommendations on time, which in your situation may not be suitable; here you need to determine it empirically. The washing time should be convenient for you and the baby. It is important here that the baby does not want to sleep or eat (in such a situation it is unlikely to be possible without crying).

If the child is fast asleep at night, it is better not to wake him up for a bath (in such a situation, most likely, the baby will be loudly indignant). So, next time try to bathe earlier. Learn to see signs of baby fatigue, watch your child.

And as for food: we fed him, carried him in a column, a little time passed and he could be bathed.

If you notice that after washing your baby perks up, does not want to fall asleep and sleeps poorly, do water procedures in the morning or afternoon.

For example, we bathed in the evening. Always different (perhaps there was a mistake). It often happened that our baby was already fast asleep and we had to postpone washing until the next day. Once or twice we tried to wake him up and still carry out an important procedure, but the screams were such horror, and it would be better if we didn’t do this.

It was also difficult to decide about food, because... I breastfed “on demand,” and the demands were frequent. We also tried it in different ways: immediately before bathing, and half an hour before, and 15 minutes before. For us, it was optimal to feed him a little 5-10 minutes before the bath, wash him and then go to bed to feed him as soon as possible. In most cases, this was already feeding while simultaneously falling asleep at night.

How to clean a bathtub or tub:

It is necessary to clean before each bath. Especially carefully if you wash your baby in an adult bath.

Why is this necessary?

Some, for example, wash dogs or other animals in the bath. Possibly animal trays. It is especially necessary to monitor cleanliness if the toilet and bath are combined into one room. It is clear that under all these aggravating circumstances, it is simply impossible to bathe a small child without washing the bathtub.

Plus, to these reasons we need to add a common one for everyone: every time anyone washes, the accumulated dirt and part of the skin is washed away. This whole thing settles on the walls of the bathtub or tub.

Which bath cleaner to use:

To prepare a baby bath, it will be enough to clean it with regular baking soda every time before bathing. Or at least laundry soap. Then rinse with water.

To prepare an adult bath, it is better to treat it first with any bath cleaner you are used to (about an hour or two in advance, so that the smell from the product does not remain), and then go through it again with soda or the same soap. For greater reliability and peace of mind, you can also pour boiling water over the bath.

What to prepare:

To avoid problems, prepare everything in advance.

Sample list:
- a clean bath or tub;
- collected water at the required temperature (baby thermometer in water);
- a container for clean water, for example, a saucepan with a handle;
- the product you will use to wash your baby / or add to the water what you want to bathe in;
- a towel or diaper, in order to wrap the little one in it later, it is better to straighten it straight away;
- skin care products (powder, cream or oil);
- means for caring for the navel (if it has not yet healed);
- clean diapers, a diaper or just baby clothes.

Air and water temperature:

The water should be 36-38 degrees, the air should not be lower than 24 degrees. It is advisable to have a children's water thermometer. At a minimum, you need to check with your elbow that the water is slightly warmer than your body temperature or the same, i.e. You will be neither cold nor hot (but this method is quite controversial).

Keep in mind that the water cools down over time, so I advise you not to remove the baby thermometer from the water to control this.

Watch your baby:

1. Children may be comfortable at different water temperatures, and here you need to watch their reaction and try different options. But you need to start from 37-38 degrees and build from there.
2. There are signs by which you can understand whether a child is hot or cold.
When it's hot: the skin begins to turn red, the baby becomes lethargic, most likely the child will cry.
When it's cold: The baby's nasolabial triangle turns blue, the baby shrinks into a ball, begins to tremble, you can see goosebumps, and most likely will cry.

If you need to add hot or cold water to a bath or tub, you need to take the baby out, set the temperature to the desired temperature, and return the baby to the water.

Bathing products:

Nowadays there is a huge selection of all kinds of children's products, including for bathing babies. Always pay attention to the age at which they can be used. It would be good if it was a hypoallergenic product. In any case, always carefully read the available information about the product on the packaging.

1) Soap. Use baby soap no more than 2 times a week (liquid soap is better, as it does not dry out the skin as much).

2) Shampoo. It is advisable to wash your baby's head with baby shampoo no more than once a week. It is better to take shampoo with a “no tears” formula. If your little one has only delicate fluff on his head, then there is no need to buy shampoo yet.

3) Bathing products for babies from head to toe. Also, no more than 2 times a week.

What to add to water:

1) Potassium permangantsovka(potassium permanganate). It is only needed if the belly button has not yet completely healed. Dries the skin. Dilute a few crumbs of potassium permanganate in advance in a regular glass jar or other convenient container, close the solution well. If the color of the solution changes over time, you need to pour it out and prepare a new one. Immediately before washing, add a little potassium permanganate to the water through gauze or a bandage folded several times (so that the crystals do not get into and burn the baby’s skin), there should be a slightly pinkish tint (the lighter, the safer for the child). It is better to alternate with herbs.

2) Baby bubble bath. No more than 2 times a week. You can add it to water or just drop a little on your hand and wash it just like with liquid soap. As a rule, baby foams are suitable for washing hair.

3) Decoctions or infusions of herbs(chamomile, sage, celandine, lavender, etc.). Allergies to herbs may occur. Before experimenting, consult your pediatrician. Herbal baths dry out the skin, so do not do them more than 2 times a week. Always use only freshly prepared decoction or herbal infusion.
- decoction: approximately 1 - 4 tbsp. spoons of dry herb per 1 liter of water. Place on the stove and wait for it to boil. Cover and wait at least 20 minutes. Then strain through cheesecloth or a fine strainer. Add the resulting liquid to a bath of water.
- infusion: approximately 1 - 4 tbsp. spoons of herbs per 1 liter of boiling water. If the weed is in bags, then 2 pieces. per 1 liter. Pour boiling water over the herb and cover with a lid. Wait at least an hour. Next, strain through cheesecloth or a fine strainer. Add the resulting liquid to a bath of water.
If you are still not clear how and in what proportions you need to brew the herb, try brewing it like regular tea (pour the herb, pour boiling water over it, wait an hour, separate the herb from the resulting liquid, add part of the herbal infusion to the baby’s bath). If the herb is not in bags, I advise you to place it in a piece of gauze so that it is easy to separate later.

4) If you are too lazy to brew every time, they sell different ready-made herbal teas for bathing babies.


Bathing in herbs should be according to indications and no more than 15 days in a row.

Until the navel has healed, it is advisable to boil water and add potassium permanganate (so that infection does not get through the navel).

Do not use adult products to wash your baby (soap, gel, shampoo, etc.).

Do not wash your baby with antibacterial products so as not to disturb the skin microflora.

Use any cleanser 1-2 times a week. And don't forget to rinse your baby with clean water at the end.

If the baby does not have skin problems, you can bathe in plain water without any additives. Clean water is the best bathing environment for healthy babies.

Nowadays there are a lot of products containing plant extracts. Please note that if a child has a tendency to allergies, there may be a reaction to some medications. Naturally, if an allergy develops, you will have to abandon them and try others.

Whatever product you choose, always monitor how your child’s skin reacts.

Newborn's first bath:

The first washing of the baby in the bath should be authorized by the pediatrician or nurse, who comes to the house for the first month to examine the child.

An unhealed wound can easily become infected. Therefore, many doctors recommend starting bathing after the navel has completely healed. In this case, you need to wipe the baby with a cotton swab soaked in warm boiled water, avoiding the navel area.

The first time is the most difficult, because you don’t yet know your little one’s preferences.

You can bathe in a diaper for some time (so-called adaptation bathing). You need to swaddle him loosely, put him in the water, you can first just water him with water, then one by one free some part of the body from the swaddle and wash him. Many children fall asleep with this method while they are being bathed.

Or swaddle, immerse in water, and remove the diaper.

During your first baths, you can place a folded diaper on the bottom of the bath, where you plan to place the head. This is advisable if you place something under a regular bath so that it is tilted and the water comes into minimal contact with the head. It is also better, during the first baths, to place a diaper on a plastic slide or on an anatomical bath, if you use them.

Try to take your first bath no longer than 15 minutes.

How to bathe a child alone (step-by-step instructions):

If you have an assistant: one can hold and the other can wash. An assistant can provide a towel or diaper, or bring a forgotten item.

Let's consider the option if you are forced to bathe the baby yourself, without outside help, and if you do not have devices that provide support and allow you to wash with both hands:

Preparation for water procedures:

1. First, prepare everything you need. Clean the tub(s).

2. Fill the bath with water to about ½ or 1/3 of the total volume. Place a baby thermometer in the water and make sure the temperature is right. If necessary, add something to the water (potassium permanganate, foam, grass).

3. Prepare clean water of the same temperature in a separate container to rinse your baby at the end of washing.

4. Undress the child. Before you begin the actual bathing process, wash your baby (or wipe with baby wipes).

5. Don't forget to wash your hands with soap before you start washing your baby.

Immersion in water:

6. One hand supports the head (the back of the head should be above the wrist of your hand), the hand should be held by the far shoulder, the other hand clasps the baby on the other side of you, or passes between the legs and holds the butt and sacrum(Fig. 2) . With such support, the risk of not being able to hold your baby is reduced. In this position, slowly lower it into the water (legs first).
You can also hold it so that the palm is on the back, the head is on the forearm of the hand, and the other hand supports the legs (Fig. 1).

7. You can remove the hand that was supporting your butt.

Bathing, swimming:

8. Remember to support the head at all times.

9. Lead the baby from one end to the other. Children usually like to push their feet against the walls of the bathtub.

10. Water should not get into your mouth or nose (especially if it contains any product).

11. Don't worry about water getting into your ears. Pediatricians say that consequences (otitis) can only occur if the ears, mouth and nose are deeply immersed at the same time.

12. It’s okay if a newborn accidentally takes a dip, because... A reflex should work that prevents water from entering the respiratory tract (the baby holds his breath). Parents often use this newborn reflex to teach their baby to dive. But over time, the reflex fades and this must be taken into account.

13. When the child grows up, you can let him play with toys in the water. It is better to give educational toys that can change color or shape in water, stick to the bathtub or on the wall, etc. You can also use classic toys: rubber duck, boat, fish. Often the most interesting things for a child are empty shampoo bottles and ordinary soap dishes. If the baby is already crawling, you can put a special rubber mat in the bathtub and pour a little water, then the baby will be able to sit or crawl while playing with toys in the water. Then do not forget to rinse and dry the toys (if this is not done, fungus may appear on them). You should be doubly careful when your child is playing in the water.

The washing up:

14. Wash with your free hand.

15. Until you get the hang of keeping your baby in water, it’s better not to use detergents; it’s okay if it takes a few days.

16. Very small children can be wiped with a cotton swab in water (just a new one each time) or simply with your hands. Delicate, fragile skin should not be rubbed with a washcloth. When the little one grows at least a little, several months have passed, you can try washing it with a baby washcloth.

17. In what order to wash the baby’s body parts does not play a big role. It is recommended to wash from top to bottom, i.e. from neck to heels. Don't forget to wash your palms and between your fingers. I advise you to wash your body first, and then your head, so that it doesn’t freeze when wet. Particular attention should be paid to folds. At the end, you can wash the crumbs.

18. Do not apply the detergent to large areas at once, so as not to end up with a slippery child.

19. Be careful not to get any cleanser in your eyes.

20. Please note that the face should be washed separately with clean water.


21. You need to finish the bath by rinsing the child with clean, warm water. To do this, slightly lift the baby above the water and water from a pre-prepared container (Fig. 3).
You can put the baby with his belly on your hand, also holding him by the far shoulder, and pour clean water with your other hand (Fig. 4).

You need to take it out of the bath with the same support as when you lowered it.

How long to bathe:

Typically 5-10 minutes. You can gradually increase the time to 30-40 minutes.

Look at the child's condition. If the baby behaves calmly, you can move around in the water for a while and play. If the baby is nervous or crying, wash it and that’s it.

What to do after swimming:

Wrap in a dry towel and/or diaper and wait a little until the water is absorbed into the fabric. Place the baby, unfold it, if there are any wet places, remove the water with light touching movements (do not rub).

If the child is worried or crying, it is better to breastfeed him(of course, not naked, but wrapped in a diaper and/or towel), you can process it a little later.

If necessary, wipe your eyes with cotton pads or cotton wool soaked in boiled water (from the temple to the bridge of the nose).

If necessary, clean the nose and ears by making flagella from cotton wool. Only the visible part of the ears needs to be cleaned.

Put on a diaper, swaddle or dress. Don't forget to put on a cap after swimming, at least for a while.

How often to bathe:

It is advisable to wash small children daily, and wash them as needed. When a child is sick, water procedures are canceled. Don't forget about daily washing, which is mandatory in any case.

Bathing a baby with mom:

Provided that the mother is healthy, there are no contraindications for bathing together. If you are not sure about this, undergo the same examination as when visiting the pool.

First you need to wash yourself thoroughly, clean the bathtub, and then take the child to the bath.

You can breastfeed while in the bathroom. Babies are usually calmer in the water next to their mother.

If your baby always cries when bathing:

Perhaps the temperature of the water or air is not comfortable for the baby; children have different preferences (the comfort of the water temperature may depend on the ambient temperature). Try varying bath time, duration, or your baby's satiety state. Alternatively, swaddle your baby loosely and wash with water. You can distract with different conversations and toys (when the child grows up a little). If you wash with the light on, then perhaps the baby does not like that the light is too strong.

You can try washing in silence, in dim light, slowly, lightly moving it in the water.

It happens that children begin to cry after water procedures. This may be due to the temperature difference between the water and the air (i.e. when taken out of the water). You may not immediately unwrap the baby wrapped in a diaper and/or towel, but just wait for a while, walk around, pick him up in your arms, and you can breastfeed. If you give your baby a bath, try not to close the door completely.

The child may have developed bad associations with bathing if something was done wrong. This tactic can help: do not wash for several days, but only wipe (so that the child forgets what happened), then wash in some other place in the apartment, then you can try to wash where before.

If the child is older and for some reason he is afraid of water: in order not to aggravate the fear, for several days it is better to replace water procedures with wiping with a wet diaper. Pour warm water into a cup or pan, put the toys in there, you can give him another plastic cup, let him play, splash his hands and pour some water. Invite your child to wash a toy, wash a handkerchief, and wash children’s dishes. You and your toddler can wash the doll, emphasizing that she is not afraid of water and does not cry. Try bathing your child in a different place in the apartment. You can blow soap bubbles in the water.

In any case, you need to replace fear or bad associations with washing with a positive attitude towards water and water procedures.

Often there is a problem with washing your hair:

Many children begin to “show character” and do not allow them to wash their hair, start crying, or simply turn away.

1. You should always make sure that water with soap suds does not get into your eyes, including “tearless” shampoos. Even if ordinary water gets in, it can cause discomfort in the eyes.

2. Water should flow from the forehead to the back of the head, and not onto the face. Place your hand on the baby's forehead, preventing water from dripping onto his face. The child will not be able to breathe calmly if water is pouring down his face; again, it can get into his eyes.

3. Special children's visors for washing hair are sold. Perhaps they can help you.

4. Alternatively, try buying a different shampoo (or pouring the one you used into another bottle), tell your child that this is a special shampoo, magical. Come up with some fairy tale related to hair and the need to wash it. The main thing is that the fairy tale is positive.


Clean the tub or tub, prepare everything, pour water, measure the water temperature, bathe, treat the navel (if necessary) and skin, swaddle or dress.

Water temperature: 36-38. air: 24 and above.

Bathing products: potassium permanganate (until the navel has healed), herbs (2 rubles/week), herbal teas, soap (2 rubles/week), shampoo (1 rubles/week), foam (2 rubles/week). Use only when necessary and alternate. The rest of the time, bathe in regular clean water.
