Congratulate the girl on her graduation. Congratulations on the graduation party

Graduation 2019 is an important event in the life of every graduate, it is the beginning of an important and very responsible stage in life and farewell to childhood. Sincere congratulations on graduation from parents and teachers in prose and poetry, as well as gratitude from graduates - read further in the material.

Each school chooses its own date - but most schools chose June 22, this is the first Saturday after the end of the EPE. They prepare for graduation in advance - they select dresses, hairstyles, gifts. Parents and teachers prepare congratulations so that on this important day they can say words that will be remembered for a lifetime.

We have collected for you sincere and warm congratulations to graduates and gratitude from graduates to teachers and parents who will make this day unforgettable!

Congratulations on graduation 2019 in prose

Perhaps one of the most important days in your life has come - graduation. So many paths have been trodden around the school, and so many roads open to a new life. I wish you to always remember with warmth your school years, school friends and, of course, the teachers who gave you such an important impetus in life, investing the most valuable and necessary things. I wish you to make the right choice and take the path that will help you master your favorite and necessary profession, overcome all failures, obstacles and acquire the benefits that you want now, because your future depends on it.

Our dear and dear graduates! Congratulations on your graduation from school! We wish everyone smooth roads and fair winds! May there be a lot of goodness in your life, may there always be love in your heart, and may there be friends nearby who will support and help! May all your cherished dreams come true in the best possible way, and may you overcome all troubles and overcome all obstacles with perseverance, courage and patience!

Beautiful congratulations on graduation 2019 in prose

Another stage in your life has ended. You are moving into adulthood. Therefore, we want to say some parting words to you. Always follow your dreams and don’t give up, find happiness in life and don’t miss it. Good luck and success to you on the difficult but very interesting path of life. Today you are leaving your native school, and everything that awaits you in adult life now depends only on you. Here you were taught to be sincere, independent, responsible, and sensitive. They taught us to be friends, to defend our opinions, to love science, to treat knowledge with care, that is, they gave us the basis of what it is impossible to become a real Man with a capital “H” without! We wish you not to lose all this, but to increase it and cultivate the best qualities in yourself. We wish your dreams come true. Good luck to you, new achievements, happiness and success in your future life!

Your graduation has arrived, and I congratulate you on it. I would like to wish you prudence and strength for your future adult life. May life give you pleasant surprises, may your path be easy and sunny. I wish you happy, good days, good health, and a bright beacon ahead that will help you make the right choice.

School time is over! Over the years, you have all matured and from touching chicks have turned into real birds, ready to fly with their wings spread. There is a long, interesting life ahead, and we wish everyone to find their own path. Let all the knowledge and skills that you acquired at school become a solid foundation for further achievements, and let the people who have been with you all these years remain in everyone’s heart for a long time. Bon Voyage!

Congratulations on your graduation and I wish with all my heart to boldly step onto the path of adulthood, taking with you your dream and warm childhood memories. May good luck and persistent character, support of loved ones and good mood help you in everything.

Congratulations on graduation 2019 in prose from teachers and parents

You have already received your start in life, but you have closed the door to childhood forever. So let graduation be your starting point for a journey through a happy and eventful youth. May youth give you a million chances, most of which will find a response in your heart and be successfully implemented. Let all the chosen roads be correct, and let the temptation to turn onto a narrow path not force you to abandon the right chosen goal.

The melodies of the school ball sound. How wonderful it is! Remember this day, because it will never happen again. I wish you to become good and honest people. Always achieve your goal. Let your life journey begin from a high level. Never lower the bar. I would like to wish you to meet a true, honest, only love for life. Take care of your souls and hearts.

Happy graduation! As you know, all doors open for young people. May the doors you choose lead you to happiness, joy and accomplishment. Let what you achieve make your family and your teachers proud of you and remember your school days with nostalgia.

It’s such a thing in life that time flies unnoticed during pleasant moments. School years have flown by just as quickly; many people are afraid of the unknown ahead. However, you shouldn’t be afraid of it, everything will definitely work out in life for everyone, you just need to make a little effort and bravely overcome difficulties. Most of you will become students and experience many more wonderful moments, but the school will remain in your hearts for the rest of your life. After all, here they helped you turn from dull first-graders into glorious young men and women. Keep your thirst for life and knowledge and don’t be afraid of difficulties!

Dear children, today is your first serious anniversary - graduation from school. During these school years there were some failures, but there were many more successes! Let the number of pleasant moments only increase in the future of your destiny, and let troubles pass you by. We wish you the fulfillment of your cherished desires and a successful choice of profession. May your life be as bright as this graduation!

Congratulations on graduation 2019 in verse

Forget-me-nots bouquet malia
The dawn is on your chest,
The path is unforgiving, but clear,
There are good people for you.
Take all the good things from school from life,
And reading wisdom, and a chance to see friends,
May your lot be easy,
Let me love you and come here.

Beautiful congratulations on graduation 2019 in verse

Don’t ruin the “people” in your heart,
Bring half a word to the world of “truth”,
Don't fight, love Ukraine,
Take care of your honesty.
The horns of the falcon wing,
Ensign "will" burn down,
Hi bear Your arms are blowing
The best they can be are fair winds.
May the road be happy,
You choose the one among everyone.
Remember and pray to God,
May the soul not be desecrated by sin.
Don't forget your friends any more,
And then, as a holy “command”,
What is mom,
є reader,
є school,
Kotri was brought to you in the world.

Today is the last time at school,
Like a scientist. Already tomorrow - like guests.
You will remember school more than once in your life,
The fates are simple and difficult.
You have seen a lot in life,
Everything stinks from school.
It’s important to forget about people
The greatest school years.

How to master all sciences thoroughly
And summer will come to the region
Don’t forget, I’m happy about school
Don't forget about your readers.
Don't forget, this is the first lesson
For fear of lying, you will miss it.
Like getting tired during the break
Learn physics and write it down.
Yak at physical education class
You smashed the window with a ball.
Don’t forget, like all the best
After lessons we went to the cinema.
Don't forget your mother's office,
I cried at my daughter more than once,
Don't forget to come scholіta.
Until those who love us so deeply.
How to master all sciences thoroughly
And summer will come to the region
Don’t forget, I’m happy about school
Don't forget about your readers.

Shanovny graduates! What would you like
On the threshold of a new life?..
First for everything: appreciate your father and mother,
Do not spare them your warmth.
Do not harm or harm anyone,
One hastens to repay goodness for goodness.
Don’t fix it again for the sake of Fatherland:
You can’t find happiness in someone else’s land.
Don't forget Kalinova's language,
Remember your mother’s songs.
Guess what you want about the school:
Here rocks of gold were lost.
Don't fight for nothing,
Because people's beauty lies only in their work.
Tell us about the goodness of Ukraine:
May you be happy on earth.
May I bless you forever and ever.
Do not know grief and pain.
May your faithful friends on the road,
Life is easier with them.

Poetic congratulations on graduation 2019 from parents and teachers

I'll pave your way,
Hi love stick ide
Keep in step with you.
I wish you a share of good things,
Zoryanikh Svitankiv,
Good luck to you
Lower warm mornings...
Kind of warmth from the valleys of the Fatherland
Gain strength
І steer course with the world
No fuss, beautiful!
High in the heart blossoms
The laugh is happy.
Let's fly to the light, little birds,
Zgraya gominliva!
Hail goodness sow generosity
Soon enough,
Smell like apple blossom
Your generation.
Please fill your heart
Kohannya music,
To dedicate to our holy dreams
All your daring!
Peles from the Trojans
I'll pave your way,
Hi love stick ide
Keep up with you!

The enchanting time of childhood has passed,
Rocky school, we passed and missed,
The baby birds are getting ready to straighten the krill,
Raise the wind in the boundless sea of ​​life!
May God bless you, have a good journey,
So that it led you only upward, a wide path,
I wish you good luck, success, achievement,
There is a lot of fire on the way of life!

Gratitude to teachers and parents from graduates

The school bells rang,
Eleven fates have all passed through lessons,
From that hour we arrived as little ones,
And now we are graduates.
The school led us along the path of knowledge.
Becoming a dear and friendly class circle.
And first of all I will charge you with us
Our school teacher is a great friend.
I really want to walk through the corridors,
Almost whispers, overcome the scream.
Take a Kviti from the Great Mountain
And throw them all the way to the teacher.

Gratitude from parents from graduates 2019

I remember the day and hour,
If pishov is first class,
When you sit at your desk first
I'm checking the line...
As soon as I read the word,
I just wrote a letter,
And the first readers of the words,
What bread is a headache for everyone.
Stop losing yourself in me
Children of the autumn world,
Stezhina in the Rosyani field
And my first reader.
I remember that love
What brings a new light to life.
A friend in white,
What I often dreamed about...
I remember the day and hour,
When I leave the rest of the class.
The school bell rings in my chest,
And I called, and I called...
Stop losing yourself in me
Young people's worlds,
Stezhina in the Rosyani field
And my first reader.

The school chime rang out
When you grow up, life begins.
Thankfully we were all given certificates
A trip into the unknown may come

It happened that our daughters were silent,
Having forgotten the theorem, what are you doing?
Thank you for cooking it well,
Chanters, dear teachers

And with the skin's rock the sung rock
We moved from you from class to class
For your kindness and for our concern
We loved you deeply and tenderly

For those. what were you for father and mother,
They taught us to live honestly on earth,
Why weren’t they in a hurry to give us deuces,
Thank you, dear teachers

Lessons have already disappeared
We won’t be able to pass the exam anymore
Nine years have passed
And today we would like to say

What will we do honestly in this world?
Be creative, be creative, as you taught us,
We love our land endlessly,
How can anyone of you work today?

Shanovna (my first reader)!
Reader Naypersha, dear,
Well, why shouldn’t you make noise at this hour?
For those who are wise, generous, and thoughtful
You gave everything for us
Listen to others –
As we will no longer be
Your souls opened up, giving children knowledge.
How funny and small they were when they showed up at school
How sensible we are in life today.

Gratitude to teachers from graduates 2019

Shanovna (im "I'm a classy kerivnik)!
I want to say a broader word -
I'll never know again.
I say happiness to the world
I am a great potter.
You have immeasurably accepted us
Good, in order every time
I, how much strength was lost,
Decent people were taken from us.
For the love that they gave,
The children's hearts played,
For all our deeds you are without a smile,
Thank you dearly and greatly!

The day is uncertain and the day is fortunately generous
May Fathers be in my life.
So it’s alive, friends, it’s broad and dark,
And like our fathers we do good.

We bend low to the ground
To all the fathers who came before us on a holy day.
Accept the slope, shanovni, roads
And the dearest people in the world are mom and dad.

Good luck to you, graduate,
Happy fate and good luck!
Let knowledge be a magical spring
Will help solve all problems!
Let the dream become accessible,
A sea of ​​wishes will come true!
Let beauty make life happy
And a calling will be found!

Well, congratulations, graduate!
At seventeen
You've read a lot of books
I learned the teachings of the world.
And how much further is to come
You still have to find out...
For now, put on a decent appearance,
To celebrate the holiday!

The school days are over!
Graduation night has arrived!
A very difficult path lies ahead of you -
The path of adult life is dashing!
Just won’t be sad today!
You will joyfully greet the dawn!
You will never forget your school!
And you will boldly step into the world of victories!

You completed your studies
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts.
Let the blood continue in my veins
He runs with irrepressibility.
Let the road continue
It will be smooth and straight
Never let anxiety
He won't come to your house.
Beauty, luck, happiness
Let the power be in yours.

Let this last call tell you that you have the beginning of a successful adult journey ahead of you. I know you will still have many obstacles and difficulties, such as the upcoming final exams. Therefore, I wish you to overcome them easily. I would also like to wish each of you to find your own path that will lead you to success.

Even if life spins in the clouds,
Don't forget about school days
About your friends, teachers,
Sometimes remember with a smile.
Graduation only happens once
Like everything else in this world.
Wisdom, strength, happiness - everything is for you!
Because you are no longer children.

Graduation - there is no happier date
All! School days are over
And at the desks that are painted with paste
We won't have to sit anymore
No need to cram or solve problems
Hate teachers for grades in notebooks
Running around in the corridors and running away from classes
How you dreamed of understanding faster than adulthood
Graduation is a day you will never forget.
Congratulations, gifts and feast until the morning
New day - new step, new world in the yard
Congratulations and good luck to you!

You have matured, you have grown wiser,
You've grown up very quickly
Today is school graduation
Spring says goodbye to you.

And this new step
Will require you to be patient

And parting speeches sound.
The future awaits and intrigues

Well, congratulations, graduate!
At seventeen
You've read a lot of books
I learned the teachings of the world.
And how much further is to come
You still have to find out...
For now, put on a decent appearance,
To celebrate the holiday!

Congratulations on your last call! Finally, you can forget about notes, textbooks and boring lessons. May you have a very happy summer, full of joyful impressions and the most unforgettable events that await you ahead! I wish you joyful and cheerful days!

Today is your graduation
All exams have been passed.
Let the fun flow like a river,
Not vodka and beer, guys!
Before you are the doors to a new world,
Just don't be in such a hurry.
The merry feast will come to an end,
Then let's get things done.
To be an adult means to want
Be responsible for all actions.
Take your time to grow up!
It's time to go see the sunrise.

The hour of parting is coming,
Your youth is calling you on the road.
The school is letting you go like chicks
On to the long-awaited, free flight!
Good luck, dear ones, fly!
No more standing at the board!
And today you will receive from us
Congratulations, graduates!

Today is school graduation.
And we, eleventh grade,
Dressed up for your holiday
Came here for the last time.
Master, we thank you
With all my heart you for
What are you doing with your patience?
They made us 100 times smarter!

Certificate in hand, and behind the ninth,
What's next? You thought, my friend!
We congratulate you on this date
Everyone came. Know that you are not alone!
Congratulations, may you always be happy
And find the right path,
May there be no stormy days in your life,
And good luck lies ahead!

Oh, school, school, where are you?
Where are our childhood dreams?
And all of our teachers?
We part, loving you.
The last bell rang
He won't call us to class.
You all taught us how to live.
We should thank you.
You will forgive us for our mistakes.
We will remember and love you,
Let's not forget our school
And your kind smiles!

It all starts with the school bell
The desks set off on a long journey.
There will be better starts ahead,
And they will be more serious, but for now...
I remember that funny call,
What rang for us for the first time,
When they came to school with flowers,
To your very best first class.
Don't be sad that you won't be returning to school,
Youth is a wonderful time,
All we can do is wish
I wish you happiness, peace and goodness.

Alas, we never found out
What are you hiding in your soul?
What to say now, in the finale,
When has everything been said?
Catching a tear as it flows,
We hope - in a stream of phrases
When you hear this, you will understand:
We love you! We love you!
Hurray, eleventh grade!
Farewell, eleventh grade...

Last call - farewell to childhood.
The last bell rings only once.
You will leave school with a huge inheritance,
What shines with knowledge from smart eyes.

Last call, how sad it is.
The last call is the crown of happiness.
You once came to school not by chance.
And know that life is not over yet.

Last call is just the beginning
For those who are confident that they know their path.
And let your childhood already fade away,
You can look into your future.

Graduates, we wish you

We sincerely congratulate you
And we don’t want to part with you.
If you fall, get up,
You have enough strength and wisdom.
Smile to meet fate,

Poems for graduation, congratulations on graduation

Words from the past rush towards you like an arrow.
Slow down your steps for a moment.
You said goodbye to school forever.
Two thousand year graduates.

You will want to come back. But it's too late.
There's no point in feeling sorry. Everyone has one life.
Some people are destined to see the stars.
Someone will have a difficult fate.

But you are now standing on the threshold
And there are thousands of roads in front of you.
Parents who are worried about the day
And youth has no time for worries now.

School ball is an amazing evening,
Our class says goodbye to childhood!
We straightened our strong shoulders,
The stars sparkle in the inflorescence of the eyes!
Come, we are looking forward to it,
We will have a great holiday!
Graduation is joy, excitement,
Wish us all: “Good luck!”

The last bell rang
Everything around became quiet,
And a light May breeze
Calling you, my friend,
Today I will congratulate
Let the best come!
The bell is ringing - it's time to go for a walk,
After all, summer is waiting for you!

You have matured, you have grown wiser,
You've grown up very quickly
Today is school graduation
Spring says goodbye to you.
Adult life is like a summer day,
And this new step
Will require you to be patient
To become successful and happy.

The time has come to say goodbye to the school.
You're not leaving for the summer, forever.
You will only return to her in your thoughts,
Remembering my school years.
You have already charted a bright path.
Well, try not to scare away your luck
And you can’t turn off the right road -
Good luck to you at least a little bit.
We believe in your inevitable success -
And you will shine at the institute.
How at school I was a friend to everyone,
So you can become part of the new team
A student whose activity is visible
Who will help everyone, cheer them up,
Who has no equal in intelligence.
Student life will captivate you!
There is only a small step left,
To make it happen, I could become a student.
We believe that a happy day is not far away,
When you can read the lists,
What did you do, your dream came true
And you can continue to make plans...
Now is a difficult time for unrest.
But we are ready to support you.

The last bell has already rung
for a long time within the walls of the school
Board, deuces, desks, punctures,
All great school days!
Everything was great with you
but don't be sad
You still have a life ahead of you!

Congratulations on your last call,
I wish to find myself in my life,
Meet wonderful and loyal friends,
Well, in the meantime, pour us a little,
We spend our young lives,
Today we are entering another,
Today we will become a little more mature,
Today we will hug all our friends!

And youth will say goodbye to you.
And the summer wind blows
Mix sadness with joy.
Let every turn in life
It portends good luck for you.

Lights your way!

Poems for graduation, congratulations on graduation

Optimism in life, laughter,
Happiness, joy, success,
Life is cool - every moment,
I wish you a graduate!
Have a blast, burn to the fullest,
In a new and free life,
To spite everyone's troubles,
You're very lucky!

The last bell rang,
We are parting with you.
We are used to you as if we were our own,
And in our hearts we are with you.
And warmth, your care
They will keep us warm
In our class, believe me, everyone
You will never be forgotten!

Graduates, we wish you
Achieve all goals in life.
We sincerely congratulate you
And we don’t want to part with you.
If you fall, get up,
You have enough strength and wisdom.
Smile to meet fate,
May the Lord bless you!

Today you are a graduate!
Oh, how beautiful is the moment of youth,
Your soul is sublime and airy
And still you believe in tomorrow innocently.
Now your choice is free
And all your wishes will come true.
You don't like peace anymore
But your soul is still vulnerable!
The time has come to say goodbye to school
And different feelings are crowding in your chest!
A year and many years will pass,
Fate will put all your friends in their place.
Some of them will probably be glorified,
He will again put obstacles in the way for others!
And it's very difficult to give advice,
And sometimes you won’t find the answer.
But you, playing with your fate,
Sometimes I get bumps,
Don't rush to retreat right away,
Only the strong can win in life!
May your life be full
Always surrounded by the warmth of friends
And completely warmed by personal happiness,
And as unusual as a comet!

Congratulations on the last call,
Let him open the doors in happiness,
And will give light outside the window,
So that they can believe in the best.

May all your dreams come true
Higher goals are achieved
I only have good dreams,
Everything will be as we wanted.

Recently you went to first grade,
She was so little!
Now you are not just a student,
The exam is just around the corner, you are a graduate!
We wish you to pass the exam perfectly,
And, of course, get into a decent institute,
Come on, don't be sad, go forward,
Good luck, we believe, awaits you on the road!

The last bell is a harbinger of joy and fun, it is a wonderful day when all worries are left behind and the fabulous time of summer vacation begins. I want to wish you great happiness and an unforgettable summer! Let every summer day be magical and full of happy, cheerful events!

Graduate, today is a holiday at school
And parting speeches sound.
The future awaits and intrigues
Promises feelings, the joy of meeting.
Let independence give
Novelty, opportunity of perspective!
May it be a great success in life
Work in a good, friendly team!

Today is a special day - it is a milestone on the way.
And you, friends, were able to pass it with dignity.
Now we bless you
And we send off to the “bigger” life.
We wish to preserve our honor,
Happy travels and meetings to everyone.
Don't forget about us,
Dear eleventh grade!

Poems for graduation, congratulations on graduation

We are waiting for you all for the gala evening,
Wish us well and good luck!
The man has matured, the wind is fresh
It means a lot in every young destiny!
To all the guests who will appear soon,
The school will greet you with a decorated hall!
Spins in a dance pattern
Light, music, fabulous ball!

Our cool leader,
Let me congratulate you,
Give you a big bouquet,
Read the poem with your soul
Our large and friendly class
Congratulates you today.
And today is a spring day
You are in a good mood.
We respect you very much
And let us admit it to you directly,
We are sons and daughters for you,
Well, you are a second mother.
Your office is like a museum,
You are always full of ideas
We come to you for advice,
We often take you as an example.

The last bell rang,
Longing and sadness have settled in my soul,
School flew by so quickly
A slice of life. Did not have time

You will enjoy it to the fullest
Graduates of all Russian schools,
Adult life has already come,
We lived near it since childhood.

May your lives, graduates,
Will fill you with the joy of a new meeting,
Let the paths in it be easy,
One is easier to climb than the other.

The years flew by unnoticed -
Goodbye, school forever!
Know this minute of parting
You will never be able to forget!
Try to make your dream come true
And go boldly into a great life!
Believe in friendship, don’t doubt yourself -
Success and happiness lie ahead!

The long-awaited last bell is ringing
And everyone is sad in their souls
Have you passed your first and main lesson?
You have already become adults.
You are young, brave and everything is ahead
Of course you will.
Have a nice trip, good luck on your journey!
Go forward! Good morning!

Tonight is your graduation
And youth will say goodbye to you.
And the summer wind blows
Mix sadness with joy.
Let every turn in life
It portends good luck for you.
And may the star of love and happiness
Lights your way!

Poems for graduation, congratulations on graduation

School years are like fast birds,
We flew by in an instant, the time has come
Say goodbye to childhood, say goodbye to school
We are setting off into flight into adulthood.
And no matter how sad it is, the day of parting
It will come soon, that hour is not far off.
Like congratulations in moments of farewell
Our last call sounds with sadness.

With the sounds of the last school bell
Let luck begin in your life,
May sorrows and melancholy be unknown,
And this summer will be perfection!

Graduate, I wish you
Stay on top of things in life!
Without the slightest strain
Solve all problems!
Be cheerful and happy
It's great to have a blast!
Live easily and effortlessly
Stay cool!

The last bell rang...
Smart guys:
Who put on an apron with bows,
And who has a neat suit?
Congratulations, graduate!
School is over.
And you are no longer a student -
Try to become a student!

That's all over
The difficult path is behind us,
It's time to part...
This is what usually happens.
We won't get the year back
May each of you
Your own school, your own class
Sometimes he remembers!
How hard it is to say
To you today: “Farewell.”
I won’t say it, but I will say:
I believe that it’s not in vain
He gave his strength.
Thank you for everything
And a farewell bow.

Lovely, cordial, good,
My good teachers!
I say goodbye to childhood and school,
Only I don’t say goodbye to you.

Thank you for loving us
Although they were sometimes strict with us,
Because you taught us to think,
For everything, for everything they did for us!

Sincerely filial<спасибо>
We tell all teachers,
Be young and happy
Peace, many years to come. good health to you"

Each of us is ready to convey to you
A thousand kind and affectionate words!
From your yesterdays, from yours today,
From your tomorrow's students!

Today we are on behalf of every heart,
On behalf of our happy youth.
On behalf of our sonorous childhood
We tell you - thank you!

You will always remain next to us,
Because we always need you.
This means you will never grow old.
Never! Never! Never!

The last school year has already passed,
Our congratulations!
May the sun rise every day
And gives a fabulous mood!
May the summer pass happily
Everything will be great!
May your holiday bring happiness
And it will become very exciting!

Farewell to school is a very touching and sad moment, because behind you are years of incredible discoveries and a sea of ​​acquired knowledge, funny pranks and childish spontaneity. However, it is not without reason that this day is celebrated cheerfully and solemnly. After this unforgettable event, along with the responsibilities of adulthood comes freedom of thought and self-expression. Graduation evening is the last day within the walls of school, the last opportunity to look back, and then confidently rush into a charming future. Therefore, it is important to find the right words that will talk about it beautifully and sincerely. The poems located on this page will perfectly cope with such a difficult task and help make this evening even more festive.

Congratulations on graduation (for school graduation)

Years have passed, it seems so imperceptible now,
Have we climbed them, when will our finest hour come?
And then he came and a lump came to his throat,
We stood in silence, no one could utter a word without emotion!

Of course, to each his own, but the darkness is sad,
Although you can’t call us shkolota now....
Now the door to life is open for us everywhere,
And we have been students for the last hour! ©

How graduation just happened to come to us,
We are graduating from school, you and I, and you and me,
Years have passed when we were half an inch tall,
We came to gain knowledge and wisdom forever.

Now we are on the threshold of a new life - graduation,
We say goodbye to school - you and I.
May the bright moments of school years
They live in our hearts and help us avoid troubles! ©

Here are the last minutes, certificates have been handed over,
Like a train on the platform, all the bells rang,
We need to jump on the bandwagon to continue our path,
To be sure to succeed everywhere in life!

Remembering what happened, remembering those years,
What the school gave us that will be with us forever,
And now only congratulations, and more formalities,
But we will come here for sure, I know I believe in all of this! ©

Cool congratulations on school graduation

We'll celebrate graduation, it's generally so quick,
And not much will remain, everything will remain in the brain,
Anyone who studied at school will leave satisfied with the fact that
Well, if you didn’t try, there’s only a sad meme on your face.

And in life, it will be important what you received at school,
After all, the exams are all after, no one canceled us,
So you can check in if you did well in school,
At graduation we will have fun that you have become a graduate!

Congratulations guys, on this glorious day,
And success to everyone in life, and good luck all around,
So that there is understanding, so that you can be understood,
What should you do to succeed in life? ©

Today you are a graduate!
A wonderful moment of youth,
The soul is sublime and airy
And you believe in tomorrow innocently.
Now your choice is free
And all wishes are fulfilled.
You don't like peace
And so the soul is still vulnerable!
It's time to say goodbye to school
And different feelings are crowded!
A year and many years will pass,
Fate will put everyone in their place.
Some will probably be praised,
For others, he will put up barriers!
And it's very difficult to give advice,
And sometimes you won’t find the answer.
But you, playing with your fate,
Sometimes I get bumps,
Don't rush to retreat
Only the strong can win!
May your life be full
Surrounded by the warmth of friends
And warmed by personal happiness,
And as unusual as a comet!

When you're only seventeen
Having parted with the student bench,
Sometimes it can be difficult to figure out:
Where to go, which road?
And let the first path along it be difficult,
So as not to turn towards side paths.
Let your conscience be everywhere for you
Your advisor and compass.
But even though we are parting ways with school,
There is no room for sadness and longing.
Still we remain in our hearts
Near the school desk and blackboard!

With the end of 9th grade of the gymnasium

We came to our gymnasium
Eight years ago you
You have grown wiser, grown up -
The result is noticeable!

How time rushes behind
Already ninth grade
And you were able to pass it
Making us all happy!

Within a year the exams were completed -
Fives in diaries
And you were able to prove to everyone,
That everything is in your hands!

We are proud and happy for everyone,
We would like to wish you
So that your success today
I was able to become the norm of life!

Hurry up to gain knowledge
Find, discover yourself,
To live an excellent life
You did it, friends!

And we want to promise
What will we be like now?
To root for you and help you,
After all, we love you so much!

With the end of primary school (4 grades)

4th grade is nothing
But it was also given to us as...
After all, they didn’t know how to do anything,
Count, write, and more!

And for 4 years already,
We do everything perfectly!
Elementary school graduation
We'll take the exams with you!

All my classmates,
And here is this verse from me,
At the elementary school graduation,
May we try further, more!!! ©

Elementary school flew by
A string of sunny days,
You are on the high seas today
Letting our children go.

They started with you
Think, read and write for yourself,
You often replaced us with them,
After school you played with them
And they went for a walk.

And today we are a little sad:
Parting has come...
The big road awaits the children,
And without you it will not be easy for us,

Because in these three years
We all became a family
And now in your school worries
There will be someone else...

We are very grateful to you for everything
And as we say goodbye, we want to wish
Be loved by teachers
And remember us more often!

Congratulations on graduating from university, university (Institute, Academy). At the graduation ceremony from a higher educational institution.

Your educational journey is over,
Let it be long, difficult,
But you are persistent, no doubt
You've had enough inspiration
And strength for those days of study!
Passed exams, tests,
And now work awaits you,
Make your dreams come true!
We believe that you can do it
Go with Luck and Praise!
And let your diploma help
Your beginnings are on the road,
Can't count the wishes today,
And joy languidly burns the hearts,
You completed your studies
And you defended yourself with an A,
What more could we wish for in life?!

Your educational journey is over,
Although it is long and protracted...
The diploma is already in your hands,
We are proud of you daughter!!!
We wish you only the best,
To spark your soul,
Taking off one day suddenly in vain,
Then it didn’t fade away forever!
After all, you are persistent and strong,
And even though the road is not easy,
But if that road is joy,
And if we have help,
Then your dreams will come true,
And you will be the happiest of all!

The diploma is in your hands, you graduated from university,
I am very happy for you, dear.
I'm proud of you, my dear,
You justified all my hopes.
Student's wonderful time,
You will never be forgotten!
Childhood didn’t manage to float very far,
And wise maturity is already walking in the neighborhood.
Say goodbye to games, say hello to a great life
And in it, please, look, don’t stumble.
All paths are now open to you -
Everywhere luck awaits impatiently.
I will walk next to you,
And I wish you to be happy.

Graduating from school is one of the most important stages in life. How long have the children, their parents, teachers and loved ones been waiting for this evening? Everyone is preparing for release, and not just for one day. On stage, graduates thank all the dear people who helped them achieve their cherished moment. But it is very important to congratulate the graduates themselves, because on this day they are the main guests. You can find original and sensitive poetry and prose on the site. These words will convey your care, love and sincere joy for your former schoolchildren. Poems about how grown up children have become and what lies ahead for them. Happy words about old school days and a sentimental note about the transience of time. Give the kids these loving rows that will become one of the most important words in their lives. They will remember this day and all the words spoken for a long time to come. Make this day fabulous for graduates, because this is what they have dreamed about for so long.

Today you are a graduate!
A wonderful moment of youth,
The soul is sublime and airy,
And you believe in tomorrow innocently.
Now your choice is free
And all wishes are fulfilled.
You don't like peace
And so the soul is still vulnerable!
It's time to say goodbye to school
And different feelings are crowded!
A year and many years will pass,
Fate will put everyone in their place.
Some will probably be praised,
For others, he will put up barriers!
And it's very difficult to give advice,
And sometimes you won’t find the answer.
But you, playing with your fate,
Sometimes I get bumps,
Don't rush to retreat
Only the strong can win!
May your life be full
Surrounded by the warmth of friends
And warmed by personal happiness,
And as unusual as a comet!

Native school, we say goodbye to you,
Today is the last prom,
Childhood passed unnoticed,
It made a noise like a New Year's carnival.
You graduate today, congratulations,
I wish you great success in life,
May your cherished dream come true.
May fate be favorable to you.

School lessons are over,
The bell rings for the last time for you,
You are a graduate, because it’s wonderful,
You have to make an important choice yourself.

Dressed in a strict, festive suit,
We wish you happiness and great success,
May good luck accompany you for many years.

You have grown up quickly and imperceptibly,
They solemnly present you with a certificate,
Today is your first graduation party,
Everyone congratulates you with joy and admiration.
Let every turn of adult life
It only foreshadows new good luck for you,
May good luck await you in your studies,
And everything you dreamed about will come true.

School time passed unnoticed,
You dance a waltz in a smart suit,
My soul is a little sad and sad,
The class gathered together for the last time.
Today everyone calls you a graduate,
And the music plays tirelessly in the evening,
Jokes, joy and fun all around,
I wish you goodness and joy from the bottom of my heart.

You have become an adult, and we are proud of you,
You have embodied wonderful traits:
Cheerful, energetic and skillful.
Among the weak - kind
And among the strong - the brave.
We want your life to be so
Healthy, kind, clean, bright.
And may you be different from everyone else
Good luck, happiness and success!

Today is not an easy day for you,
Today is your graduation day,
Children's pranks and games are left behind,
And adult life appeared ahead of you.
You are standing on the threshold of a new, unknown life,
We wish you good luck and a safe journey,
May your wishes and dreams come true,
I wish you to become a great person.

The time has come to say goodbye to my school years,
Now you will only return to memories,
Your crazy, childish time is over,
Studying has been replaced by adult life.
Congratulations on your Graduation Day today,
We sincerely wish you success ahead,
Let them remain in your memory forever,
Without worries and difficulties, cheerful school years.

Now you have an unknown path ahead,
We wish you not to turn away from the right path of life,

All your family and friends are next to you.
To support you in your endeavors,
Everyone has come to wish you good luck,
The whole school sees you off on your way,
Helps you with lessons and advice in life.

Adult life comes into its own,
Say goodbye to your home school today forever,
All paths of life are open to you,
You can find yourself in this life.
Please accept our heartfelt congratulations on Graduation,
May your endless dreams come true,
Your last lesson recently ended,
And the last bell rang for you.

You will become thicker when you look around your class,
You’ll remember Graduation Night more than once later,
Today you are seeing off your friends on a new journey,
And together with them you enter a new life.
School years flew by very quickly,
I dreamed of finishing school quickly three hundred times,
But you don’t mind extending this day today,
And go to your native class to teach lessons.

School time suddenly ended,
Today you are leaving your native walls forever,
You take a bold look at life ahead,
After all, a new life brings good luck and success.
We wish you to feel the rise of strength and vigor,
To be "number one" always and in everything,
Today is your first graduation,
A whole hot summer of rest is ahead!
