Congratulations to a friend on Marine Corps Day. Marine Corps Day - poems, prose, SMS

The modern Russian marines have at their disposal a wide variety of military equipment - armored personnel carriers, anti-aircraft installations, floating equipment, automatic small arms. However, everything began much simpler - with the decree of the Russian Tsar Peter I of November 27, 1705. According to historians, the creation of the Marine Corps at that time was associated with the conduct of the Northern War in the period from 1700 to 1721.

The first team of marines appeared even earlier - in 1698. After the success that this team managed to achieve, Peter I created a whole regiment.

On July 15, 1996, the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy issued an order to celebrate professional holidays. In memory of the deeds of Peter I, Marine Corps Day began to be celebrated on November 27th.

Marine Corps units are part of all fleets of the Russian Federation.

Happy Marine Corps Day,
All Russia celebrates the holiday!
May your health be strong
Let the joy of life not fade.

Let the fights end in victory
Let summer shine in your soul.
Let your dreams come true
You deserve the best.

So that there is no trouble from the sea,
So that the enemy does not come out of the water,
Soldiers guard the shore
And they will never let you down.

Glory to the Marine Corps, honor.
Heroes are here, of course.
Marine Corps all cheers,
Our shores are calm.

Congratulations Marine! Let success await you ahead. Let your lighthouse always point the right direction in life. Always keep faith, honor, heroic courage, love for the motherland and your loved ones in your heart. Be brave and desperate and then you will cope with any storms of fate.

Congratulate Marine -
He is worthy!
For honor and glory!
Such a day!
Since he's a Marine
That means Warrior
Great debt
He remembers his!
When trouble knocks on the door
... it happens sometimes ...
He will risk - the Motherland will believe,
A proud line will rise by the sea!

Happy Marine Corps Day!
Good luck with your tasks.
On land or on water, in the fleet -
So that there are no failures.

Let the road lead to victory
At work, and in personal life.
Let the Marine's path not be easy,
He will pass it perfectly!

To all those who served in the Marine Corps,
Today we give congratulations to:
Forget other work
Accept a couple of good lines!

We wish you good luck in everything,
Always fun full house
Let the songs be cheerful without crying
Sound weekly in it.

Let on water or on land
Keeps Neptune from various troubles.
May you live better every day
And happiness lasts - many moons!

On this day the marines
I wish all fighters
Fascinating work
Powerful courage in the hearts.

Never lose heart
Honor and conscience to keep
And in dangerous moments
Protect your land!

The date is symbolic of courage and glory.
Happy Marine Corps Day, brave guys!
You are our hope, you are the support of the country,
We are all under your protection.

Congratulations guys! Be healthy
And let's rebuff the enemy severely.
Happiness to you, good luck, in life - only good things.
Proudly let the infantrymen's flag fly.

And the infantryman and the sailor,
soldier universal,
In a black beret on one side
He is a unique fighter.

Always ready to enter the maneuver,
Get off the water onto land
In a black beret on one side,
Give your soul to the Fatherland.

And we congratulate the guys
Capable and skillful
In black berets on one side,
Knowing the war business.

Our dear infantryman,
May luck be with you
And your service is easy,
Everything you need in life will be!

All the seas will submit to you,
After all, you didn’t go to the Marines in vain!
We will tell you from the bottom of our hearts
That you are our great pride!

Happy Marine Corps Day!
Let the service lead to promotion
I wish you safety in everything
And let the soul sing with joy.

May wishes come true
Let things go easy.
And love, understanding
Let your family surround you.


Funny and funny congratulations on Marine Corps Day in verse

Funny congratulations to the Marine

The Marine is a solid man,
All women are thrilled when they hear about you.
But there is another reason in your choice,
We will voice it, perhaps, now.

You have chosen a fleet so that your mind and strength
For the benefit of the Fatherland, use it in such a way
To glorify our infantry around the world,
To show everyone a mighty fist!

Poems on the day of the marines are cool

I congratulate you today!
A special holiday is coming.
Today is Marine Corps Day
And let pleasant worries

Life is waiting for you -
Well, for example, love is great.
And enough money for you
Fulfilled all my dreams!

Funny SMS Happy Marine Corps Day

Marine Corps - what could be cooler!
I wish, brother, on your dashing holiday,
May sadness never disturb you
And in life, the mood so that fighting reigns!

Let there be talents, skills recognition,
Respect will come to you from people
And every wish in your life
May it come true soon!

Comic congratulations on the day of the Marine Corps

Who is not afraid of anything in the world?
There are many brave, daring people in the world!
But with the courage of a marine
You can't really compare others.

You accept congratulations today -
Let water and land favor!
I wish you joy, luck,
Good luck - many years in a row!

New congratulations on the day of the Marine Corps

Happy Marine Corps Day
I will congratulate you!
And the seas and oceans
Cities, villages, countries

Waiting for you, because life is one,
That's why it's given
To fully understand the world
To radiate good luck!

Marine Corps Birthday Wishes

I hasten to congratulate you -
The holiday is coming!
Infantryman, let the seas
Treasures promise!

May you be lucky in everything
Achieve your goals!
Let luck await in business
Enjoy life!

Congratulations to a friend marine

Congratulations on Marine Corps Day!
I wish you success in business.
You have chosen a difficult job -
Unknown to you, of course, is fear in life.

Holidays are different: some celebrate weddings and anniversaries, others are professional holidays, and others are public holidays. But there are people we are proud to talk about - these are the military! Severe and courageous guys in military uniform have always been held in high esteem. Poems and songs were composed about them, they were glorified in poems and novels, pictures were painted from them, films were made about them, odes were dedicated to them! On land, in water, in the air, they are everywhere. The enemy does not have the slightest chance to slip through unnoticed. Marines are a special caste of the military. Both on land and at sea, they defend their homeland, having once sworn an oath to it! But on their holiday, they, like everyone else, expect congratulations from their friends and relatives, from their wives and parents, from the high command and the government! Let's not disappoint them! Let's bring happy moments into their difficult life and congratulate the marines from the bottom of our hearts!

When is Marine Corps Day celebrated in Russia?

For three centuries, the Marines have been celebrating their holiday on November 27th. On this day in 1705, Tsar Peter the Great issued a decree on the creation of the first "regiment of naval soldiers" in the Russian Empire. So there was a holiday of courage, strength and courage.

Congratulations on Marine Corps Day in verse

On this festive autumn clear day,

We send our congratulations to the Marines,

Drive away the shadow from the face of doubt,

After all, any mountains are not a hindrance for you.

The sea is also knee-deep to you,

You look danger in the face boldly,

What is the most boring day for you?

You are sitting at home doing nothing.

We will pray for you, friends, more than once,

So that luck does not leave you,

To fulfill any order,

Whatever the Motherland ordered you!

Even though it's already late autumn outside,

She will not spoil our mood,

We have one reason to have fun.

Marines - today is your day,

We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,

Peace to you, good wishes to us are not too lazy,

Let happiness open its door for you.

May you always have comfort in your house,

Where wives and children are waiting for you in the evenings,

May joy, luck, fun live

In your hearts and do not fade over the years!

Marine Corps Day is a glorious holiday!

Holiday of courage, courage and victories,

We congratulate you, infantryman,

It doesn't matter if you're an officer or a cadet.

May good luck and success not leave

Your life, your family, your affairs,

May fate protect you

And may your life be bright.

May those stars that shine above you

Spinning merrily in a round dance,

On epaulettes they descend in a crowd

Let more often, lie down in the rank!

Congratulations on Marine Day in your own words

If anyone can be called a "universal soldier", then only a marine! Both the land and the sea are subject to him: he will be in time everywhere, he can do everything, he will protect everyone. Dear Marine! You are a good fellow, a brave soldier and a great person. We sincerely congratulate you on your holiday. May your heart never grow stale, your soul never grow old, your body never get sick! May all your dreams come true, and may you always dream - as long as there is a dream, there is a goal in life! May your family be very strong, passionate love, easy service. Happy Holidays, Marine! Be happy!

Today, on the Day of the Marine Corps of Russia, I want to congratulate a man for whom service to the Motherland is a sacred duty! My dear friend, the day you put on your uniform and swore an oath to your country, you have matured for a lifetime. So, may this life be long and happy. And I also wish you never to be sad, always be in good health and mood, love and be loved! May your eyes not know tears, hands - weaknesses, body - infirmities! Good luck in your affairs, both official and amorous! Happy holiday!

Dear friend, happy holiday to you! Happy Marine's Day! You are honest, brave and funny! You are an excellent soldier and an irreplaceable friend. With you it is not scary and not boring! I want to wish you, my friend, never to meet face to face with mortal danger, always find your way home, no matter where fate throws you. Always be an open person, smile, no matter what, never lose yourself in the bustle of everyday life. Be a darling of fate and a friend of fortune! May your service bring you only joy and satisfaction. Happy Holidays, Marine!

Congratulations on the Day of the Marine Corps short for SMS

One of the cold autumn days

We congratulate the tough guys!

Be happy Marine, be healthy and be brave

May everything that you wanted in life come true!

Despite the gloomy autumn

I hasten to congratulate a friend,

Throwing away all the affairs and worries,

I write my congratulations!

Infantryman, my friend, congratulations,

Long years, bright life without tears,

I wish you from the bottom of my heart

Let the epaulettes shine from the stars!

The Marine is strength, courage and honor,

Marine both on land and at sea,

On shoulder straps, let there be six stars in total,

Those that go into two soon!

Glorious holiday infantryman

We celebrate the sea

And we wish him

Let the fate of the hotel give.

Let life indulge in luck

Happiness gives and fun

Let it spin like a carousel

Let him give money in addition!

Cool congratulations on the Day of the Marine

I wake up early in the morning

I will smile to everyone in the family,

After all, today is a glorious holiday

The prankster Marine is celebrating.

I congratulate you, my friend,

I wish you always be in good health

Protect the Fatherland and all of us,

Without superfluous words, and superfluous phrases.

Be forever young and brave

Don't be afraid of change

Shoulder straps don't pinch you

There will be no sad moments.

In everything, let luck await you,

And if tears are only from happiness,

Well, let them be from laughter,

And let sadness not come to you!

Who is not afraid of either sea or land,

Who can stand up for us before the enemy?

Of course, the Marines, their brave souls,

Fear is not known in any business.

Marine - sounds very proud!

Beautiful guys, you can't take your eyes off!

Thanks guys, for you our odes,

Thank you for being in the world!

Who is this handsome in uniform and take it?

This is our infantry friend went out at dawn!

After all, today he has a wonderful holiday,

We congratulate him on him, because he is charming!

Let everything be smooth in life, without trouble and sorrow,

Let luck smile, let everything be assertive,

May happiness always be limitless in fate,

And let it always be lucky in love and in personal affairs!

I congratulate you

Happy Marine Corps Day,

I wish never to know

Grief and worries!

Let there always be laughter

Prosperity is knocking at the house,

May success please you

And the eyes shine with happiness.

Let the songs be about you

To compose poets for centuries,

May from earth to heaven

Sonnets about you.

What is a congratulation? A set of beautiful phrases consisting of words and interjections? No! Congratulations are a piece of the soul that we give to those who deserve it. Marines do not know joy and smiles in everyday service, their choice is danger and courage. So let's at least once a year, on Marine Corps Day, give them moments of happiness, moments of joy, handfuls of love, armfuls of flowers and many warm and beautiful words extracted from the depths of our hearts! It is so easy and simple for us, and so valuable and expensive for them! Tough guys also know how to rejoice. Don't believe? Check it out!

Happy Marines Day
Everyone whose life is a solid ninth wave!
We wish you laughter to hiccups
And the fun of a stormy collapse!
Caps full of happiness for you
Someone let the invisible pour
Let them coexist in the spiritual part
Land, sea and dawn sunrise!

Happy Marine Infantry Day! On this holiday big
I want to pick up my stomach
Turn your head, sing songs loudly,
It's very hard to stand on your feet!
I want fun to let into the body
And scream "Hallelujah!" seas.
With a mug of strong rum to praise life
And whisper a spell: "Sesame!"

Hey infantry! Your service is not easy.
You will overcome everything, without knowing the barriers.
Pulling black berets over the ears,
Like on dry land, go through the sea, land.
The girls in love wave their handkerchiefs.
And they are ready to go to sea after you.
Girls will not drop the honor of the army.
Happy Marine Corps Day to you guys!

Happy Marine Corps Day!
From the heart and soul we wish you
Remember the achievements of our grandfathers,
How they fought to win.
So that on the fronts of love and war,
No one was killed or wounded.
Glorious service, brave marines!
Courage in love is not a hindrance to you.

The Marine Corps is such a job,
Where there are many difficulties, there are an ocean of tasks.
And again the platoon commander swears:
Orderly Ivan is lost again!
I want to eat, but dinner is not soon,
And there is still a long way ahead.
Marine, do not look reproachfully at the cook,
It's better for the shore, my friend, you watch!

You live by the sea, like in a resort,
Your hardening is even better than in sports.
And the shape is beautiful - just a feast for the eyes.
You can even be recognized by your behavior.
We wish you right at dawn
Marines, celebrate your holiday today.
Take a break from business, walk with friends,
Just don't sully the beautiful shape!

Marines, congratulations!
And on this glorious holiday we wish you
Be strong like a fur seal
Keep your belly toned all the time
At least relax on Marines Day,
With girls, though rarely, but to communicate,
Be good on the beach
Shoot with your eyes only for "excellent"!

We wish you Marines
So that success awaits you
Both in business and in personal life,
And in the service of the Motherland.
Let the water be warm.
Drinking wine is not good for you!
After all, alcohol for a Marine -
This is a terrible hindrance!

Our dear infantrymen!
All of you are guardians of the motherland of the sea.
We are glad to congratulate you on the holiday!
We wish you guys salaries,
So that you have enough for cigarettes,
And your girls for candy,
To enjoy your service
And, of course, they didn't need anything!

I wish you a good mood
So that you all go to dismissal more often,
After all, your work, guys, is not easy,
Everyone calls you "Marines".
You are all, as one, raskrasavtsy-men.
In love for their service and the sea, they are united.
But a holiday is a holiday, walk today,
But please don't leave your post!

Marines - the profession is so romantic,
For many, it is an excellent base,
Who decided to devote his life to the sea,
Open spaces of the sea and land!
Guys, you have decent strength and income,
Possibilities and prospects are limitless,
Mermaid love keep your peace,
And the path will be protected by the great sea Spirit!

Marines walk today.
This holiday is better than the New Year's ball.
Famously they knock out corks from bottles,
And they drink wine for the valor of the Marines.
Somewhere vests are torn and disputes are heard,
Someone laughs out loud, there are conversations.
Carved fireworks tear the whole sky.
Happy Marines Day, my dear guys!

Today is your professional holiday,
Let a good mood accompany you
And the service will be just a class.

Marines, congratulations,
Let life give you inspiration
May all seas and oceans welcome you joyfully,
Let the Lord protect from troubles.

On the day of the marines,
Everyone wants to congratulate glorious men,
Let courage and courage not leave you,
Reliable friends let surround.

The Marine Corps does its duty in full,
Proud, guys, of you country,
Congratulations on the holiday,
We wish you a long and happy life.

Marine Corps - reliable troops,
When you are in the service of a calm country,
Today is your holiday, congratulations,
We sincerely wish you all the blessings of life.

Happy holiday to you, marine infantry,
Good health, we wish you endurance,
Live in harmony and joy
Never know fatigue.

Marines, congratulations,
You deserve pride and respect
Let Neptune keep you from troubles,
We wish you long and happy years.

Short congratulations to the marines in verse

Today we celebrate brave people
Marines - heroes,
Let life sparkle with bright colors
We wish everything we have planned to come true.

The tranquility of the country is entrusted to you to protect by fate,
You are united by the friendship of a real male,
Marines, always be happy
May your family be prosperous.

Marine Corps, honor and praise to you,
You pay your debt to the Fatherland in full,
Do not lose courage and courage of the soul,
May all your dreams come true.

Marines day and night on duty,
He carries out his service in good faith,
Congratulations on the holiday, friends,
All the best, prosperity to you, good.

You are the reliable shield of the seas and oceans,
The marines will always protect from trouble,
Happy holiday, we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
Let the sun of luck shine on your way.

Marine Corps Day is an important holiday,
Brave brave guys serve there,
Please accept my sincere congratulations on this day,
Luck may follow you like a shadow.

The Marine Corps is an example of courage, courage and strength,
Real men serve there,
We congratulate you on the holiday from the bottom of our hearts,
May all your days be bright.

Marines, congratulations,
Let the service inspire you
In all endeavors, let fate favor,
At home, let the family look forward to it.

Let a fair wind
blowing in the sails,
Let sometimes in the world
There will be miracles!

Happy Marine Corps Day!
May you be lucky!
Think of something -
Let it happen!

Good health,
Happiness and love!
Believe - desires soon
Yours will come true!

SMS congratulations to the marines

I wish you on the day of the marines
Problems and troubles do not know
And all things, and different worries
Always successful, ahead of time to decide.

Ocean of love and sea of ​​happiness
Let them flow in your direction
Let the wind blow away all bad weather,
Marines, congratulations on the holiday.

Congratulations to the Marine Corps today,
We sincerely wish you well-being in everything,
May the beacon of hope always shine on you
Let the bright star light the way.

Happy Marine Corps Day, we sincerely congratulate you,
We wish you good luck at sea and on land,
Let the desire to win lead you forward
May happiness find you everywhere.

Marines, congratulations,
Service bravely and with dignity,
Let life be filled with vivid impressions,
Let fate bring pleasant adventures.

The holiday is knocking at our door,
There is something martial in it.
I wish all dreams come true
To the triumph of the marines!

May you be strong, brave,
Dexterous, daring, skillful.
The best infantryman -
Happiness and prosperity!

You serve in the Marines
And the whole family is proud
After all, to serve in our fleet -
Honor for everyone, friends.

Congratulations in verse on the day of the marines

For Marine Corps Day
It's time to raise a glass!
I want something
Wish this

To live - do not grieve,
So that you are happy!
And so that in the affairs of you all
Accompanied by success!

Beautiful congratulations on the day of the Marine Corps

Troops brave sea,
What is called infantry
They throw other people's shores,
A whirlwind will sweep into the sea

And celebrate a beautiful day
Happy Marine Corps Day!
Their work is brave and dangerous
Doesn't depend on the weather!

So let the sun shine on them
Day after day, year after year.
We will drink to the bottom for them.
Happiness to you! Full speed ahead!

Marine Corps Day has arrived!
May luck accompany you
To give this holiday
New, different impressions!

Let everything be just like this
As always, they wanted in their fate!
Make every step worthwhile!
To overcome all obstacles!

Congratulations on Marine Infantry Day,
I wish you joy, happiness
Service ranks on merit,
And be a responsible friend.

The Marine Corps is a huge contribution,
In the homeland and business.
You are an infantryman, you are our brother,
You work with blood and body.
In battle, you are like a proud eagle,
You protect your family from enemies.
We wish you big fights
And be close to native shores.

With the Marine Corps, a glorious day
I congratulate you
Goodness, courage, happiness in him,
I wish you, soldier.
Be strong and healthy in spirit
Like a Russian ancient warrior
And only laudatory words in life
You are always worthy.

Happy Marine Corps Day to you
Congratulations, with all my heart
Health, courage, in the heart of fire,
Love to happen big.

Happy Marine Infantry Day
I congratulate you today
suit yourself
I wish you without hesitation.
Let the service educate you
A brave hearted fighter,
The whole country congratulates you
Serve without losing face.

I congratulate you on Infantry Day,
What we call the sea,
Special warriors company,
Awaiting a bold order.
I wish you health from the heart
Service ranks, kindness,
Served to the Fatherland with love
And you were always devoted to her.

On Marine Infantry Day, strength to you
And I wish you courage in your chest,
Ideal be super-men,
And you are a valiant warrior.

May God always keep
Let the sea not storm
And let the girls wait
To smile at the meeting!
We wish your soul to shine
Less difficulties, and troubles did not know
So that there is a lot of health
Met happiness at the doorstep!

You are a Marine.
How much pride in that!
All relatives are waiting with longing,
If you are sailing through the world.
You come back soon
From difficult and tough tasks,
Be stronger every day
Above do not know any complaints.

Send your friends and family, the Marines, a hilarious audio greeting. Let songs and good comic wishes add to them a wonderful mood and joy on this day!

Marine, you're not wearing a spacesuit
And the black one takes it.
Dive like Ichthyander
With a dagger on my hip!

It remains to grow gills,
To defeat everyone in the world!

Be fearless, our dear Marine,
In the service or partying on your holiday!
Accept congratulations from everyone -
And be, as before, the most daring!

Are you ready to fight the devil
And prove to all young and old -
With the courage of a Marine
You will defeat him with one blow!

So happy holiday, our best warrior!
You deserve to serve in the Marine Corps!

Marine, you are stern and bold!
The enemy in fear will tear anyone!
May everything that you wanted in life come true
While you, my friend, are single!

Striking their straightening in the heart,
After all, you, Marine, are always irresistible!

Marine, you alone are worth a company
And you have no equal in a fight,
But on a holiday, on Marine Corps Day,
Don't sit on your lips!

On watery expanses and solid ground
I wish you luck!
Celebrate the day of the marine, and everything is on the table
It will help, I assure you!

And on a holiday, I repeat again loving:
May the gods of fortune support you!

You will fight in hand-to-hand combat with anyone -
Yes, and in drinking you will give odds to the rest.
So celebrate your holiday for the Marine Corps,
So that the whole world exclaims in unison: "You are a hero!"

On the glorious Day of the Marine Corps
Forget the service ardor
And army worries
When you got a drink!

Celebrate from the heart, friend,
To tremble all around!

In the service - valor and courage,
In life - you are the kindest of all!
So let all the blessings of life
They won't pass you, Marine!

Let them suffer from envy
All enemies, marine, are yours!
And I congratulate you
Catch my SMS!

Sing on a holiday, dance provocatively -
And yes, it's okay to drink!

You will pass in a platoon of the Marine Corps -
And crazy beauty all at once!
But let you be afraid to hiccups
Overseas enemy and our evil neighbor!

My marine infantryman!
How I want to be with you!
Kiss in front of everyone bravely,
All day to be reckless

To make the holiday a success
Such a young man!

There is no worse fighter in the fleet,
Than a marine in the heat of attack!
Well, on Marine Corps Day
Let the enemy tremble!

Land forces do not have such tasks,
What the Motherland puts before you.
And I wish you all the best,
And the rest you will achieve yourself.

May success always await you in your service -
No wonder you bear the name "Marine"!

Congratulate Marine -
He is worthy!
For honor and glory!
Such a day!
Since he's a Marine
That means Warrior
Great debt
He remembers his!
When trouble knocks on the door
. sometimes it's different.
He will risk - the Motherland will believe,
A proud line will rise by the sea!

I congratulate you on the Day of the Marine Corps of Russia and from the bottom of my heart I wish you not to lose the courage and courage of the soul, courage and heroism of the heart, always strive for the right goals and victories, keep your love and good happiness.

Happy Marine Corps Day!
Good luck with your tasks.
On land or on water, in the fleet -
So that there are no failures.

Let the road lead to victory
At work, and in personal life.
Let the Marine's path not be easy,
He will pass it perfectly!

We wish you good luck in everything,
Always fun full house
Let the songs be cheerful without crying
Sound weekly in it.

Let on water or on land
Keeps Neptune from various troubles.
May you live better every day
And happiness lasts - many moons!

Our dear infantryman,
May luck be with you
And your service is easy,
Everything you need in life will be!

All the seas will submit to you,
After all, you didn’t go to the Marines in vain!
We will tell you from the bottom of our hearts
That you are our great pride!

Happy Marine Corps Day!
Let the service lead to promotion
I wish you safety in everything
And let the soul sing with joy.

May wishes come true
Let things go easy.
And love, understanding
Let your family surround you.

So happy holiday, our marines!
She is an adornment of the Russian fleet.
We wish her not a storm, but calm,
And also, of course, seven feet under the keel!

The date is symbolic of courage and glory.
Happy Marine Corps Day, brave guys!
You are our hope, you are the support of the country,
We are all under your protection.

Congratulations guys! Be healthy
And let's rebuff the enemy severely.
Happiness to you, good luck, in life - only good things.
Proudly let the infantrymen's flag fly.

So that there is no trouble from the sea,
So that the enemy does not come out of the water,
Soldiers guard the shore
And they will never let you down.

Marine - my fiery hello!
On land and at sea - you are not stronger!
I wish you a bright service, success and victories,
So that the army leaves a significant mark on fate!

Happy Holidays, Marine!
Be the bravest of all
Serve the Motherland
Cherish your honor!
Courage to you
Joy in fate
Loyal friends
And great days!

I wish you, marine,
Health, joy and happiness,
To always rejoice in success
And bypassed you bad weather!
Hope, faith and love,
A worthy life, without sadness
And so for the service, on the chest,
Shining gold medals!

There is no stronger on the planet
So that they don't say
In battles, black berets,
All enemies, jokingly "mowed down"!
May your glory not fade,
Waiting for victory and success
To strengthen the power of the state,
Be brave, Marines!

Seven feet under the keel! Favorable wind!
I wish you, marine infantryman,
And so that hope, and joy, and faith,
Both dexterity and strength are always at hand!

Good luck and peace, true love,
And a strong family, and raise kids,
In short, to know unreal happiness!
And in the service - to be an example and pride!

Only real men
ready to glorify the motherland,
Marines, hurry up
we congratulate you!

You are brave and honest
defenders of the Fatherland,
Are you ready to take risks?
and no reason is needed.

You are marine infantry,
infantry is not simple,
Only the brave come here
only strong, only skillful.
