Congratulations on the anniversary of meeting a guy love. Beautiful congratulations on the anniversary of your acquaintance: interesting ideas

The anniversary of a relationship is the most significant date in any couple, because on this day young people met each other. To congratulate your girlfriend or boyfriend, you need to make a pleasant wish and rehearse a speech in advance in front of a mirror, or write a congratulation and send it by paper or email. A loved one will be pleased to hear compliments addressed to him, as well as beautiful words of love and heartfelt wishes. If a guy or girl has a well-developed sense of humor, then congratulations can be comic and ironic.

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Congratulations from friends

Below are congratulations on the anniversary of a relationship from friends in verse that move a couple in love to tears.

You take care of your feelings, never betray

Love that quivering and tender that carried through the years.

Having fallen in love from the first meeting, you have not parted since then.

We wish you that the toughest dispute is resolved in bed,

So that after a quarrel - kisses and compliments from the heart,

So that the wedding happens as soon as possible and that babies are born!

We wish happiness to the sea and the bottomless ocean of love, Because today is your date, we have come here to congratulate you! Let peace and joy live in the hearts, let the eyes shine with love. So that you meet old age together and in the family so that there is no enmity.

Wishes to the couple from friends in prose:

  • You are such a magical couple, just made for each other. And on this anniversary of your relationship, we congratulate you wholeheartedly and wish you to think and go in the same direction. May next to you, (name of the man), be always loving and sincere (name of the woman), who will become the best friend, a skilled lover, a wonderful mother and a caring wife. Happiness to your family prosperity, but not only material, but also spiritual. Happy birthday to your feelings!
  • Today we wish you a happy birthday to your love! We wish our hearts to beat in unison and not know, lying together in bed, what sleep is. Your destinies are forever connected and you see this world with the same eyes. May love last for all eternity, and the passion for each other will not fade even after fifty years.

Wishes to your beloved

You can congratulate your beloved boyfriend or husband on the anniversary of your relationship in your own words in a personal meeting, looking into your eyes, or being at a distance from each other; wishes should come from the heart and express the depth of feelings for your soulmate.

Examples of congratulations in your own words:

  • Dear, I am immensely happy that you met on my life path, and now I cannot imagine my existence without you, my dear and only man. I want to wish you on our anniversary that there is no slyness, lies, pretense and hypocrisy in our relationship, and love settles in our hearts forever.
  • My life is filled with meaning and great happiness, because it has you. I am grateful to my fate for such a priceless gift, I hope you also remember with trembling and tenderness the day of our first meeting and feel my love. I will love you more and more every year, and you, my beloved, will always be there.
  • Congratulations, my precious husband, on our anniversary! We always understand each other without words, we do not need unnecessary explanations - they are replaced by hugs and kisses. I enjoy every hour and day I live, because you are always there and turn my life into a fairy tale story, the end of which will be truly auspicious and happy.

Poetry comic congratulations:

We've been together for ages, I cook, wash, sculpt

From you my ideal, because I love you.

You are capricious sometimes, and behave like a child,

But without you, the whole world is not enough for me, even though hundreds of men want

Give me gifts and roses, diamonds, furs and silks.

I prefer simple mimosas if they are from you.

My beloved (guy name), you can make me laugh and pacify.

You are handsome, charming, sexy, reliable,

And no one in this world can separate us forever!

You can make a video and add photos of your loved one to your congratulations, as well as a musical composition that evokes pleasant associations and memories in your partner. For example, the song that played on the day of the meeting or during the first kiss.

Congratulations to your beloved girl

Congratulations to your beloved girl in verse:

Favorite golden! So dear, desirable, tender!

Thank you with my heart and soul for meeting that snowy winter.

For those walks under the moon and those intoxicating hugs.

Fate given to me, dear, an angel of happiness descended from heaven!

Unique, unique, you are cheerful and so sad,

The only, resolute, slightly embarrassed.

You can be formidable and nervous, but I will wipe your tears.

Be as charming, passionate, I love you!

You're so beautiful! On this day I wish you happiness, money, success, health,

Trust me, my love, and you will never know grief!

I will protect you with love and paint life with bright colors,

After all, you deserve the best

Happy birthday to our passionate love!

Cool congratulations to your beloved girlfriend on the anniversary of the relationship:

Hello, nymphet girl, my sweet candy!

Happy anniversary with you, almost like, with a golden wedding.

We will definitely celebrate this important anniversary,

After all, since then many joyful and happy days have passed,

Which we spent together, and I always want you, although this is sometimes not entirely appropriate ...

You cause in me a storm of passion, lust and love,

I plunge into the sea of ​​affection and you try to dive there.

I will fulfill all your whims and be a humble slave,

And you will become more beautiful and more attractive every day.

I'll buy you all the diamonds and cars, yachts, houses

If you only ask for it... And the whole world will envy us!

And some secrets...

The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

My weight especially bothered me. I gained a lot, after pregnancy I weighed like 3 sumo wrestlers together, namely 92 kg with a height of 165. I thought my stomach would come down after childbirth, but no, on the contrary, I began to gain weight. How to deal with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or rejuvenates a person as much as his figure. In my 20s, I first learned that fat girls are called "WOMAN", and that "they don't sew such sizes." Then at the age of 29, a divorce from her husband and depression ...

What to gift:

The anniversary of a relationship between a guy and a girl is a very serious date, hinting at the possibility of marriage in the foreseeable future. Young people usually get used to each other after such a time, they begin to think about creating a family. This issue is especially relevant if both are already over 20, their studies are over, there is work and joint, even rented, housing available. Congratulations on the anniversary of the relationship in this case should be original, solemn and meaningful.

A girl or a guy who wants to surprise his beloved half on the anniversary of a joint relationship should consider the following tips and tricks:

  • any congratulations on the first anniversary of a relationship should be pleasant, unexpected, hinting at love feelings and a strong connection;
  • you should think over each phrase in advance, prepare beautiful poems to write them on a heart-shaped postcard;
  • the girl should definitely be given flowers: one red rose on a long stem, a bouquet of field daisies, a chicly designed composition;
  • a greeting card should be symbolic, you should choose images of hearts, kisses, couples in love;
  • poems or wishes should be supplemented with some kind of gift, souvenir or a small trinket, reminiscent of the pleasant moments of the past year.

Options for congratulating a girl on a relationship anniversary

Congratulations on the anniversary of the relationship to your girlfriend should be chosen beautiful and romantic. It is advisable to think over a spectacular surprise, ways to implement it. You can involve friends, sisters, so that the congratulations come out memorable.

Here are some options for congratulating your beloved on the anniversary of a relationship outside of marriage:

1. Arrange with friends to raise balloons over your head on the day of an important date and line up in the shape of a heart, the words "I love you."

2. Prepare a congratulation song with a guitar, record an appeal on video.

3. Organize a romantic breakfast in bed with a bouquet at the pillow or a pleasant evening with music and candles.

Ways to congratulate your beloved guy on the anniversary of the relationship

Congratulations to your beloved guy on his anniversary should be thought out in advance. Many consider men to be unromantic, stingy with feelings, but most are pleased with all signs of attention, presents and reminders of important events. Lines in prose or poetry filled with love confessions will certainly be appreciated.

Here are some ways to congratulate your loved one on the anniversary of a joint relationship in an original and interesting way:

1. Write 100 reasons why this person is worthy of love on multi-colored pieces of paper, put them in a beautiful jar. Each note can be tied with a ribbon with a bow, decorated with hearts or a freehand drawing.

2. In advance, write a lot of pleasant confessions, compliments, congratulations on self-adhesive sheets, attach them in the morning to a car parked in the yard. A simpler option is to paste over the refrigerator with notes.

Thanks for adding to:

happy relationship anniversary
Congratulations guys!
Life is bright, without deprivation
Wish you very happy!

Take care of this feeling
What is given by fate
And consent secrets
Save among yourselves!

Anniversary no doubt
There is something to remember between us.
And for the happiness of all moments
We will drink tart wine!

Let us not be with you
Ahead of insults and quarrels.
We love each other,
We don’t carry rubbish from the hut ...

So come on holding hands
Together in destiny to go
Not meeting grief, boredom
On your earthly journey!

* * *

You have a reason today
To celebrate in a big way
Since then, the anniversary
How do you meet each other?

Lucky in this world
And I'm so happy for you.
I wish you always happy
You lived together, as now!

Happy anniversary, my love!
Our relationship with you
So many days survived long,
The path has been thorny, not easy!

I want us to be sure
Always remained faithful to them...
How wonderful that in the whole universe
We are doomed to each other!

Our relationship is tested
And for a long time there is trust between us ...
We got to know each other enough
And their choice recognized the rest!

I congratulate you on your anniversary
The best man in the world!
I promise to be you
And I forgive all the quarrels of the past!

There is an important reason for congratulations
Your relationship is now an anniversary!
I congratulate you on this important day
May you always be happy together!

Joy do not hide what lives in the eyes
May love bloom brighter over the years!
Be one, not an addition
Let there be enough faith, tenderness, patience ...

I'm happy to be with you
And the joys of the moment are dear to me.
And quarrels cannot separate us.
Thanks for our relationship!

Happy Anniversary
Our meeting that became fate!
And for this important reason,
I want to kiss you.

For loyalty, for love, for friendship
Thank you dear!
I need you like fresh air!
I'm still yours, you're mine!

Darling, thank you for being with me
You have had so many wonderful days.
And I know ahead of us with you
Not enough, fiery nights!

We have a date with you today,
Holiday of joint relations.
And just like before
A magical fire burns in the soul.
He was ignited by great feelings,

What not to blow out the winds in everyday life.
With you, I'm no longer empty
I'm like a full glass.
In which happiness is to the brim
And serene love!

happy relationship anniversary
Congratulations, friends!
More general impressions
Loving together for many years!

Happy Anniversary -
An honorable reason.
May your relationship
All hardships pass
And it will only get brighter
All your days. Bitterly!

To congratulate you is a good reason,
And even though you've been
No more bride and groom
Passion does not go out anyway!

Anniversaries are an important occasion
To congratulate you, friends.
Confirm every day
What do you live loving.

And also that someone from above
Connected you forever.
Two separate people
Turned into a single alloy!

Living together for a long time is not easy,
Even loving recklessly.
Your family only growth
I wish guys!

* * *

I give you congratulations
Happy relationship anniversary!
Rejoice to the point of madness
Every moment in life

Carried out together...
Just melt into it.
Let them continue you later
Your children are five!

Congratulations on the anniversary of the relationship 1 year

A year has passed since the cherished meeting,
How I saw you.
Loved for the look and speech,
For beautiful eyes.

Let everything be smooth for us
Let fate bring joy
And let it be all right
Even next year!

"You are mine" - I whisper to the wind,
"Only mine" - you echo after!
The most fabulous in the world
On this day I give a bouquet!

Left behind the fears and doubts
Confidently and boldly you walk into life.
Happy first anniversary of your relationship
I congratulate you, and let the feelings fly up.

And let all troubles, failures go out of the way,
Good things only happen to you.
You are together, this is the main thing, it cannot be otherwise,
I sincerely congratulate you on this bright hour.

Only a year. Not a lot and not a little
Just a miracle - you found love!
Life has already tested you enough,
And now, like the first time, it's time to fall in love again!
May your day be full of meaning
And the night under the month of romance is full.
May it not be sweet for you soon, and not sour,
But only "bitter" and a glass to the bottom!

Today is a year since we are together,
We live, loving each other passionately,
Let happiness flow in a slow song
Sincerely giving us moments of tenderness!

I congratulate you on this holiday,
I fly for a whole year from love,
I wish that we are forever in the world
We were just as in love with each other!

Congratulations on your anniversary!
Friends, believe me - a year is quite a long time!
During the year, water sometimes leaks a lot,
Or a new influx of life is coming!

I wish you that in your union
You drew the energy of good!
To become more beautiful every day,
And you always understood each other!

A year ago fate brought us together
There are no happier days in life.
You know I've gotten so much better
Since you became mine!
I became a knight with you, a poet,
Every day is warmed by your warmth.
I admire that beautiful light
What shines in your heart!

What can I wish you today?
Live without any doubt;
Friend for friend do not burn - blaze;
Joy, mutual skill
To teach wisdom to each other;
Correct, thoughtful decisions
And all the best! And to conclude:
Happy first anniversary!

It all started like a joke for us
But imperceptibly we became related.
In days and weeks there were minutes,
We have been together for a year and you are not more important!
The first quarrels and the first tears,
First holidays with you...
Hot summer, rainy and cold...
Our common year sailed away for water.
Up there, I want to believe it
We are waiting for other wonderful days!
Let's open the secret doors together
To a world where there is a place for mutual love!

Winters, springs have flown by,
Exactly a year has passed.
He was important, fateful,
The boy found the girl.
And now life is near
They go hand in hand.
Understand at a glance
Friendly, happy life.
We wish you so much
Another hundred, no less, times!
And as soon as we shout "bitter!",
You kiss a hundred times!


On the anniversary of warm relations
Let this greeting shine
The joy of thoughtful decisions,
Tenderness given these lines!
Ahead is still earthly love,
The one that will change youth and ardor,
May she always shine in her eyes
Helps, gives strength!
And the dawn nightingale sings
About love, which is not stronger ...

We have an anniversary today
But we will not invite friends.
After all, this holiday of two hearts,
And he has finally arrived.
Today is our anniversary
And there is absolutely no reason to worry.
We will celebrate the holiday by candlelight,
Like most of our meetings.
I give you my angel
I am this modest congratulations.

The cuckoo clock echoes you
Everyone taps out the year
Your relationship is included
In a strong layer of rocks!
You rightfully deserve
Congratulations to your
They lived for a year, did not grieve,
You will not be spilled with water,
Congratulations like sugar
Dissolving with wine
You don't need a healer anymore
Together you are one-binom!

Relationship Anniversary Wishes

Today we have a special time
Love's anniversary has arrived.
Today I dedicated congratulations to you
Your most beloved man.

Let the years go by, we are not afraid of them!
We are together, which means we are stronger.
Everything is the same as before each other is needed,
You are not closer and dearer!

Today is the day
Let the lilac bloom in your soul.
And in our heart will respond,
It is called anniversary.

I will not get tired of wishing us
Love, health and kindness.
And the rivers of fate to merge
And they never broke up.

A wonderful year has passed
I managed to discover a lot.
Relationships are older
We stopped being afraid
We can't stand each other.
Got used to it. And - about a miracle!
Realized that even a day
We can't live apart!
We'll go further together
Happiness is a journey together!
It turned out congratulations
From our joint lines!

Anniversary relationship girl

Darling, today we celebrate
Our first year spent together!
I passionately enjoyed this year!
Love swirled us whirlpool!
I want these years to be countless
We lived without grief and worries!
Luckily the two roads crossed!
May happiness always be with you!

Today there is another reason
You confess, numb and numb:
I am very, very glad that you are with me,
And this is the most important thing for me!
May I not draw wisdom from books,
But I wouldn't be a real man
If I forgot in such a happy moment
Congratulations on our anniversary!

A year with you ... Like on a volcano -
You burn me, you beckon ...
Come closer to you
The flame seems to lick the heels!
But you know me
With half a word you understand ...
Congratulations on your anniversary!
You are my destiny, I know.

Beloved with a year of acquaintance

Today is exactly a year since I met
You, my light, on the path of life!
I only dreamed of such a man!
But God knows - dreams come true!

I want to be with you forever!
I don't want to be separated even for an hour!
I don't need more happiness in my life
Than what we have with you now!

According to all the canons of romanticism
You owe me poetry to read;
But it so happened that in life
We've had each other for a year now
And therefore, forgetting the canons
And thought rhyming without difficulty,
I remain in love with you!
I hope it's forever.

We lived with you for a year
No worries and no hassle.
Not mine and not yours
They shared everything for two!
Happy anniversary
My only man!
Let us be lucky with you
There will be three of us instead of two!

Happy Anniversary Poems for Her

It was a year ago ... I admired you:
Silk hair cascade is hidden under a white veil,
In a white dress, in white shoes, she smiled tenderly at me
And cast a timid glance, I was burning as if on fire.
Happy anniversary to you! You are my love forever!
She chose me from everyone: I am a lucky person!
We will go through fire and water, we will save each other!
Such is the nature of love - we will be happy together.

On this day we met with you
And I will say, today is not melting,
The year has flown by like an unearthly fairy tale!
Congratulations, my dear!
And without hiding my excitement,
I confess again - I love you!
Thank you for every moment!
Thank you for every moment!

It's been exactly a year since I'm with you
With you alone, so beautiful,
I'm walking the same path!
Now I am the happiest!
Nightingales sang in my soul,
When you came into life
And the heart melts with love
I dreamed about you all my life!

Anniversary greetings

What is happiness, I don't know
But, meeting the new year,
I understand and I don't understand
How to store it so that forever?
I just know: not at all on a platter
It lies with a golden border.
Maybe happiness is what will happen to us,
It's not like it's been a long time...

Wake up and smile
Pull up, cheer up.
Such a special day
The day of my acquaintance and yours.

I congratulate you quickly
It sounds like a shot.
And a declaration of love
You hear him, look.

Happy anniversary of our meeting
Nightingales will chirp us.
And my sweet congratulations
There will be an anchor for the relationship.

Happy Anniversary
your relationship!
We wish to spend together
A million moments!
Let love day by day
Everything gets stronger.
Let the fire be enough for you
The feeling is flying up!
Let such anniversaries
More and more year after year!
You are for women and men
An example from a lonely life!

Anniversary greetings

Year of love and crazy joy
Because you're next to me
From the fact that all sorts of dirty tricks
We overcame together with you!

We always meet with you for a year,
A year - but it seems like an hour!
And when we say goodbye for a moment,
Our hearts are beating wildly!

Here another year has flown by, and for you it is happy
After all, you have each other, with each other you are always warm,
Be a friendly family, the most loving, the most beautiful
Let this congratulations give you comfort and warmth!

12 months flew by like an hour
12 months was a dream
I congratulate you now
And I wish you happiness with you!

And on this day I want to say
What better is not to be desired.

Because my life has changed
And the world has changed a lot.
So I repeat again and again
May there be happiness, joy and love.

Bonnie and Clyde, Romeo and Juliet
All this is a story of great love.
Let us begin imperceptibly
But here we are for 2 years and we are together.

2 whole years of immense love,
Passionate, funny and incredible.
Everything that they ask, I'm ready to give,
If only with you, kiss you.

Birds fly away to distant lands.
The days fly by like a leaf of the calendar.
But six months later, I remember how now
We met in the park, I fell in love with you.

Like a flame doused me,
And a wave covered the hot fire.
Everything is dear to my heart, I love everything in you.
Let the sun shine only for us.
