Congratulations on legal marriage. congratulations on your wedding

Dear _________ and ________!
You got married today.
May the path of your life be smooth
So that you go through it for many years!
And let the sun light your way
Well, if there is thunder in the sky,
Let the rainbow shine behind him
Laughter and joy will return to your home!
Be happy, take care of each other!
Carry your love through the years!
Live as a friendly family
So that we can walk at the golden wedding! Expensive _____________________________!
May God send you comfort and peace,
And the angels are always standing behind!
May peace and warmth be sent to you,
May you be light in quiet joy!
Let the heart not hurt from difficult worries,
And old age will risk a visit later! ..
We wish you more children and grandchildren,
So that you do not have to be bored in your house! Favorite ____________________________!
What to wish you on this wonderful day?
Perhaps it would be nice to wish
So that your life is a beautiful song,
Which is nice to sing!
Another wish for you by the way:
To sing this song hotly! ...
And the rest you wish
Yourself while singing yet! Dear ________________________________!
We congratulate the young
Happy wedding day!
Friends, bloom like flowers,
Not knowing parting!
We wish you various blessings -
Any gift is important.
And let the flag always flutter
Your mutual love! Today you got married
For you - a happy day in the world!
Once you lit the beacon of love,
May it shine on you for the rest of your life! We wish you on your life journey
Find the right path
Barriers not to know, troubles not to measure,
Love to hope and believe!
Let joy live in this world
For simple, dear people,
Many times let the sun rise for you.
Be happy in your life! Congratulations to the newlyweds
We wish you much happiness.
Husband to obey his wife
And love her alone.
And the wife - to give birth to children,
Lovely nice kids.
We are waiting for heroes from you
And beautiful daughters.
We wish you a beautiful life
Your marriage without marriage should be.
Keep the spirit of love holy
Until the wedding golden. All the best to you in life and health,
Wealth, peace and warmth.
A family warmed by love
Always reliable and strong.
So that your union is only a joy,
So that the children are near you,
To you, young people, we will simply say:
"Live together, in a good hour!" On your wedding day
Happy on this day
We would like to sincerely wish you:
Bride to always be so beautiful
And the groom - the bride to match!
Love as tenderly as now
And quarreling, my friends, is not necessary,
All the best! We drink a glass for you!
Live happily and together! At the noisy wedding table,
Like a beacon of friendship, kindness,
Lit today you two
Star of hope and dreams.
So let this friendship light
You shine brightly without end.
So that endlessly, for many years
Two rings intertwined. Remember this moment forever
May it be sacred!
Now you are not just a bride and groom,
From now on, you are husband and wife!

We wish you health!
We wish you happiness!
We wish you strong love! Like the wings of a mountain eagle
Husband and wife are in harmony.
On the beat of one wing
The flight cannot be successful.
I wish this toast
Agree to the newlyweds
To get your flight
Successful throughout life! The bride and groom enter the house
For a new life, everything is ready in it,
Starting the countdown of the matrimonial age,
They will give another person's family.
May every day lived nearby
For them it will be a reward,
And their marital happiness
Avoids bad weather. Here it is! Rings are on.
March of Mendelssohn sounded for you.
Stars of love - blue planets -
In your honor, a ball was staged in the sky.
Congratulations to you and our bouquets!
Sparks in champagne, crystal glasses!
Sea of ​​azure happiness and light!
Eternal and pure love, like a crystal! Congratulations to the newlyweds!
We wish the family strength!
Bright rainbows, transparent feelings!
Let love burn in the soul!
Never be apart
And together to meet the dawn,
So that happiness is in your house
And love would find a place!
We heartily congratulate you,
Would like to wish
Nice kids and, of course,
Joy, warmth, fun! You are the bride, you are the groom!
Congratulations to you two!
We want to live in harmony!
Let the hut be your paradise!
Let love inspire you
Your house does not know emptiness!
Let it be a full bowl
Joy will be in your heart!
Let children and grandchildren be born!
So that you do not know evil and boredom!
To welcome guests
And from good news
Faces lit up with happiness!
Not long to say goodbye!
So that the hearts beat together
The pain softened the heartache!
God bless you, strength,
Long and beautiful life! You have everything in common now -
Bed, hearth, surname.
"With legal marriage!" - we say
We give you flowers - lilies,
Lake smooth blue,
The snow is white, the leaves are in gold,
Speeches of congratulatory warmth
And all earthly beauty!
Let him continue to live in the family
The day of this idyll
The fire of love burns in the hearts,
Long hugs sweetness
Brings light and joy! You swore in love to each other
That's why we're here,
A new family has arrived.
Happy marriage, friends!
Happiness guiding star
Let it always be with you,
The light of magic burns for you,
But he gives earthly joys! Let's just say congratulations
We are very happy for you, folks!
Know that all your wishes will come true
Even children's dreams are colored
Your joy will fill the whole world,
And love is an endless ocean
It has everything: the pleasures of the wave,
Light storm of grief, tenderness.
A clear white ship sailed,
Rides to happiness - the cherished harbor,
Young, happy sailing! Congratulations, new family!
Faithful friends send you greetings!
We wish you happiness in the coming years.
Let the stork in the sky wave its wing to you.
Forever we want you to take care of your family!
And do not forget the words: "I yearn", "wait", "love"! Here is the groom, and here is the bride!
We congratulate you together!
We wish you joy and happiness!
Let them go around your house of bad weather!
We wish you children and grandchildren,
So that there would be no boredom in the house!
Let your house be a full bowl,
And we will share your joy!
May God give you strength and health,
And a long and happy life!
Let them be in vain
Cheerful and passionate
All our wishes
And other efforts! We just say congratulations!
We wish you love and happiness!
Let your life flow like a river
Nebula and blue.
We wish you not to know separation
And disappointment, torment!
May there be joy in your home
Let the kids continue your youth!
We wish you many years, health,
And let there be conditions for them!
Love has one end
Have a happy walk down the aisle!
And, as you know, at the ring
There is no beginning, no end.
May your union last forever
Let love be endless!
We wish you wholeheartedly
Know no enmity among themselves!
Share all your worries together
And don't run away from work.
Then the house will become a full bowl,
Thanks to your efforts!
Heed the advice of elders
Accept our congratulations! Congratulations on legal marriage
And we wish you much happiness.
We are talking seriously now:
May a million beautiful roses
Lies all over the high way,
What will be destined to pass.
And let the fire of great love
Burning without fading!
Life is easier with love
Everyone knows about this.
Reach agreement in everything
Live for many years.
Always respect each other

Love and advice to you! Congratulations on legal marriage
And with all our hearts we wish
To have peace in the family,
Lived to gold.
You will live a century without sorrow,
We wish you a son, a daughter,
(Children are flowers)
So that you grow to the joy.
Always be kind
Never get sick! Today, entering into family life,
You began to be called husband and wife.
We always wish you to be together
To follow the same path in life.
We wish you not to waste time,
Keep your love and loyalty
They didn’t change their love for a trifle,
To learn to appreciate it. Congratulations to the newlyweds
We wish you love and happiness.
Husband - obey your wife
And love her alone
And the wife - to give birth to children,
Dear, glorious rascals!
We are waiting for heroes from you
And beautiful daughters.
And we also wish you
To be young forever
Us for a golden wedding
Don't forget to invite! Let everything come true that dreamed
Everything that pleases the eye
For happiness to settle
In your house easily.
So that you do not drop this happiness on the fly,
Forever to keep
The first meeting warmth! May none of you break that oath,
What wedding rings remember two rings,
Let your souls become inseparable
And happy hearts beat in harmony!
Heart ties, welcoming the bond,
Find a shorter and more weighty words:
Parental blessing to you!
For life, for all - advice to you and love! You were only the bride and groom,
Now they are husband and wife.
And I raise my glass to that.
So that trouble does not touch you,
And from the bottom of my heart I wish
You love to keep forever!
Happiness, joy to you young,
And forget sadness forever!
Like golden bouquets of flowers,
You also have a beautiful life! It's hard to swim alone.
And we wish the whole area
You have a wonderful life to live,
In everything consulting with each other!
In everyday life, snuggle closer,
Let adversity go to dust!
Live in love for many days!
And let there be less marriage! .. Let it be "Bitter" only once
At the wedding table.
And "Sweet" will be every hour,
Especially together.
We wish the couple a young
Survive until the golden wedding!
And despite the gray hair
To love like in the first spring! Be able to sail together in a family boat,
To help each other, if necessary, in trouble.
Learn the art of love as a science
Always live with optimism, without boredom.
Though you will meet a lot in people's lives
More beautiful, more elegant, sincere, smarter,
For a husband, a wife will not be related,
Wife - the husband will always be the light of the eyes.
In the cares of parents, you do not forget
Be a steadfast support for them in old age,
Appreciate their family life practice
And teach this quality to children. We bless you for a long time
Joint life way!
Pass it together with plainly,
Let them not visit
You nor the usual bad weather,
Not a phrase of sharp people ...
We wish you only happiness
Love and a dozen children! Congratulations on your wedding
And a heart hat hello!
Traditionally, we wish
Happiness in life, long years!
Live forever without regret
No offense and no loss!
And good health
It will be better than all awards. Walk the earth happily
Bring love, songs and hopes
And my radiant youth.
May mother fatherland joyfully and tenderly
Bless another family!
May you remember this moment
May it be sacred!
From now on, you are not just a friend and girlfriend -
You are now husband and wife!
And let any misfortune pass you by,
Let the flame not go out in the blood!
We wish you health! We wish you happiness!
We wish you strong love! So God bless
So that you don't know
What do the rumors of fools mean
And so that you do not have sadness
From gossips, drunkards and fools. We are the long-awaited moment,
For the fulfillment of desires
For the sweetness of family "shackles".
We are for loyalty and tenderness,
We are for the first snowdrop
We are for your eternal love! I wish your home
If the earth is under arable land,
If the news is good,
If the tree is fruit,
When the rain is strong,
Ring daughter - something beautiful,
If the son is powerful,
If a friend is reliable. You will become dearer to each other,

You just need to know how to divide and multiply,

We will reveal the simple truth to you,
We will open you the beginning of all beginnings:

And sadness will be divided in two.
Let it be hard for you sometimes,
But your union will be inseparable,
For two, luck is twice as joyful,
And twice as light behind the load.
Young happiness will not change you,
The hot light will warm you with love,
If your children double their joy:
Divide and multiply - that's the whole secret.
To live life is not a field to cross,
It is said in a Russian proverb. Everything will be on the path of life:
And hills, and pits, and hillocks.
Everything will be: both the sun and the storm,
Summer heat, cold blizzards.
If only faithful hearts
Going on a long journey
Divided to the end
Joy, and hope, and anxiety.
We wish you great luck
To make your life richer
So that you have success in everything,
May you all live happily ever after! Even though I don't go to the wedding,
But I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
Live happily and amicably
Have everything you need in life
Love keeping the holy law
Until the wedding golden. What is planned, let it come true
All good things to remember.
Let the love in your heart shine
Good people will meet in life
Let love be old
We wish you only joy. We wish the newlyweds
At this wedding table
Bloom all my life in happy May,
Walk the same path for the rest of your life.
Everything became the way you wanted
And now the desired hour has come -
You put on chastity rings
Flowers and music for you.
Live together, do not distort,
Keep the right path in life
Save the holy love
Don't let happiness slip away!
May there be peace under your roof,
And in the house - happiness and peace,
To hear the beat of each other's hearts
Until the wedding golden! Let everything come true that dreamed
Everything that pleases the eye
For happiness to settle
In your house easily,
So that you don't drop
This is happiness on the fly
And kept forever
The first meeting warmth! Congratulations, congratulations
From the heart we are young!
We wish you happiness, joy
200 years for you for two,
Bunch of cute kids
Kind, gentle, big:
Both girls and boys
And all this for two.
Happiness, joy, smiles,
So that before the wedding is golden
You lived without mistakes
Becoming a big-big family.
So that all joys, sorrows
You divided in half
So that insults are not remembered.
Let it shine for you everywhere
The sun is kind and gentle.
Good luck to you big-big, Happiness! I wish you great happiness
To always have spring
To never know bad weather,
To have pure hearts!
For everyone to trust each other
Lived did not count the years
Loyalty has not been lost over the years
And they were not afraid of different troubles,
So that you go through life rejoicing,
And friends would say:
“Here is an exemplary family!” We congratulate you on marital happiness,
And we really want to live without bad weather,
So that everything in life is like in youth - it's easy,
Like summer nights - bright and beautiful,
Love-kiss from dawn to dawn,
So that only at the wedding you would be bitter. Congratulations to the newlyweds!
Honor and glory to the young!
Life is bright and successful
We sincerely wish them.
Let love inspire them
Friendship makes hearts happy
Let dreams know no barriers
Happiness will be endless! We wish you to walk hand in hand through life,
So that neither storms nor troubles frighten you along the way,
So that young love only grows stronger over the years.
Remember that people are the blacksmiths of happiness themselves.
After all, nature has generously endowed people so,
She gave us everything, she didn't forget anything,
Pay tribute to nature and love each other.
Like a precious vessel, take care of one another.
And then your life will sparkle like a diamond.
There will be tenderness, love - and trouble will not happen! Shakespeare wrote the following words:
Listen how friendly the strings are
They join the ranks and give a voice -
As if mother, father and young boy
They sing in happy unity.
We are told by the accord of strings in a concert,
That the lonely way is like death.
I wish our young people a speedy and numerous addition to the family! I will say in a quatrain from a poem by Rasul Gamzatov:
Our gift for happiness to the young,
But this is not a bride price and not a dowry.
Bridegroom, pay money with love,
Take the love of the chosen one as a dowry!
Advice and love to you, young people!
This wish can be uttered by one of the parents of the young. Everything happens, but you know how
To overcome all obsessions,
And don't feel sorry for a friend of friendship,
And sing if you feel like singing.
And hope for luck
And believe in good deeds
So that life is hot in everything,
To have real life.
Happy years to you, warm winters
And only joyful events,
So that every moment of yours is like this
Whatever you want. We wish you only success in your worries,
So that the house rang from songs, joyful laughter,
So that a child's smile warms the heart,
So that nothing hurts you
And so that adversity does not concern you,
Seemed like minutes for years!

We wish you happiness, joy
You will never grow old.
Get younger year by year
And before the wedding golden
To be a mischievous bride
Cheerful, happy
And a busy hostess.
The groom to be sweet, sensitive,
Speak jokes to grandchildren,
To dance like a young
You are golden at the wedding!

From the heart of everything we wish
So that you live in harmony with love,
So that the soul forgets about adversity,
We want to wish that in a new family
Everything was accomplished as planned.
Today we wish you happiness
May the Lord keep you from storm and bad weather,
Human language, from pain and disease,
From difficult years, from a vicious circle.
And may the Lord give you a lot of passion,
Enthusiasm, passion and love! And a lot of happiness!

Congratulations on your wedding day
We wish you happiness, health, kindness.
Let no misfortune touch you
Let trouble not notice you
Congratulating you on this bright day,
We wish you a long and happy life
Love you passionate and beautiful,
So that misfortunes do not cover the shadow. There are no words to express feelings
that are hidden from view.
There are no words to express the joy
Which we are happy for you.
And all the wishes in the world
It is not enough for us to wish you
And hundreds of beautiful gifts
We don't have enough to tell you!
So let the words replace
The radiance of joyful eyes.
Trust me newlyweds
We are sincerely happy for you! We wish you health, we wish you prosperity
And give your soul to each other without a trace.
However, leave a little for the children,
We are happy to welcome them!
The boy is welcome, and the girl is waiting.
And you can do it at once, you can do it together.
It is clear that with twins the costs are high,
We will help with money, because not strangers!
And about fifty years later
In the company of children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren
A glass of milk, and maybe not only
We will rise and shout to you with pride: “Bitter!” I'm not a poet, but sometimes with a muse
I'm friends, albeit occasionally, today is the moment
When she pushes me to the pen,
And the reason is simple: wedding day,
Well, how not to compose a couple of lines here?
To invest in them such wishes:
So that the husband and wife be gentle and strict,
She was so soft, affectionate,
Angry and offended, laughed
And trusted, moderately pampered.
She carried the name of her young wife with dignity.
In general, live in peace and harmony,
Do not quarrel, even if there is a reason.
Well, everything: love, children and a lot of happiness!
And we would like to drink and eat for you! Today is a wonderful day and the hour -
Your marriage.
The sun in the sky gives you its light,
The wind sends you its light hello,
Birds are singing songs to you
In the churches, the bells beat your glory,
Even if the rain passes
He will shed tears of happiness on you.
Well, here, at the wedding table,
We'll pour a glass for you.
Let there be a cheerful feast on the mountain,
May there be peace in your family! From ancient times, from forgotten legends
The wedding ceremony comes to us -
On the hands, as a sign of boundless love,
Wedding rings are on fire.
And teardrops burn on the eyelashes
Mothers crying with happiness
Pride in the faces of fathers
For the fate of their big children.
And wish happiness to the newlyweds
Old and new friends
And we are sure that the marriage is successful,
Far and near relatives.
So let's raise a drunken cup
For the union of two loving hearts,
For their pure, holy love,
Like the radiance of golden rings! It's done! Mendelssohn sounds,
The sound of crystal, the fire of candles.
You took these rings in your hands,
They will say everything without speeches.
Today you, having doubled
Your love and warmth of hearts,
Akin to gold rings.
Let the bonds grow stronger every year,
Binding you today.
We wish your union
Love and happiness! Good time! You got married, God willing.
And even the wind died down at this hour,
Let the common road be easy,
One big happiness for two.
Children - healthy, strong - not otherwise,
Salaries to build a new house.
Solve small problems at home
And the big ones outside of it - together!
Visit your parents often
And don't forget to help them
Well, now - invite us to the table,
And we are "Bitter!" let's shout together! What a solemn moment
What a sweet moment!
There are no more barriers to love
And doubts have sunk into oblivion.
You were made for each other
And we knew it for a long time
We were looking forward to the wedding
With excitement, which is no wonder.
And now we congratulate you
And at this hour we want to say:
We wish you such happiness
That hands are not enough to show.
Children to be born
Just like you,
So that you never fight
And to fall in love day and night
into each other again and again
And they were not shy about words of love.
She, love is the basis of the family,
So sad, my friends! Everyone knows life is like a chain
And that chain, alas, is not similar to the golden one,
After all, in life there are different moments,
And the dark links fall into the chain.
Young people now have one life,
It looks like a single chain.
Give importance to petty grievances -
Then the blacks in the chain multiply the links,
And to live without quarreling, seeing only good -
And there will be gold, and maybe silver.
So let the chain of your life lengthen
But black links do not appear in it! Whatever hardships you face
On your long journey of life
We wish one thing - so that in years
You were able to carry your love.
And so that in half a century
She was the same as now
And you, recognizing each other in children,
We would have been met at a golden wedding! Congratulations on legal marriage
We wish you love and happiness
mutual understanding,
Wealth, prosperity.
You go through life together.
Raise and love children.
Take care of each other very much.
And if you stumble sometimes,
Shoulder substitute let the other.
And even in old age
Live without old age. We are young at heart
We wish you loyalty to the grave,
And so that age is not in a hurry,
And so that there is prosperity in the house,
And who put something somewhere,
So that both know ... Poets wrote a lot
About the sweetness of marital ties,
How sadness goes away
How happy the little one makes you,
How pleasant it is to wake up in the morning
Lips touch cheeks
How feelings are clear by sight,
By the touch of a hand.
All this is called love
And we want to wish you:
Try to keep it
Like light, like warmth and like the sun! Yes, it had to happen
We've been waiting for this hour for a long time
And now he's knocking on our door
We are glad, happy for you.
Nature itself is with us
Today "Glory!" sings to you!
The sun will warm you with rays,
The stars will light you up
And the roses will fall
Under the feet of a young couple,
To find you, bypassing tears,
Love, harmony and peace! Guests twenty-six years old
Learned how to behave.
While dancing under the guise
You can't sit in a corner.
If you have come to visit us,
Drop these things.
You can't stare at the groom
So that there is no sin in your thoughts.
You can not dance with the bride:
The groom after all can be jealous.
You can't drink wine without toast,
And with toast - it's not a sin.
Now I'll tell you carefully -
You can do quite a lot here:
Sing, dance, give flowers,
With smiles on their faces
Walk and have fun.
Fill the glasses together
And raise them high.
And what's in the glasses - that's the question? ..
Everyone has their own. I will only say
Which is very “bitter” in everyone. On a sunny day so wonderful
A new family under the sky was born!
Let her walk into the distance through life honestly,
A bright path in life opened for her.
Be as beautiful as you are now, always!
Let trouble bypass your house!
And children will be born strong, healthy!
And the words of love will always be new for you!
Much has been said about this feeling.
But we want to sing love again,
So that she does not leave the young
And so that, like the first, it burned again and again.
And may it continue
Let the family grow and multiply.
You, young, happiness and patience,
But most importantly, I want love. Since childhood, we are all familiar with "Roman",
Where they tried three times
And three times poor Kolobok
We tried to eat breakfast during the day.
But only once our hero
Got on the tooth of a red cheat,
And in memory of the denouement of that
I emphasize: so who is offended
Unhappy? That's right, fox.
After all, the wolf, the bear and that oblique,
What I met first was the men.
There is a kolobok for no reason.
The fox is a woman. Dangerous
She sings songs near her teeth,
Otherwise, you have to sneak up on her,
To, having sung, to stay alive and well.
Groom! Heed the advice
What is your friend giving you right now?
In order not to become like this shortcake -
Find your wife! Easy sometimes. But not now,
Though I'm not drunk, at least there is joy in the house.
But something is wet near the eyes,
And there was a lump in my throat... And you have to say something!
Well, with the last effort,
Holding a glass and even a bar
Friends, I would like to ask you
Help me with a loud cry "Bitter"
But first, let me finish my speech:
I drink to be just as smart
Groom kissing the bride
Half a century later...
Where is "Bitter"? Marrying is not hard
But it's hard to be married.
And it's easy to get married
And it's hard to be a wife.
It's easy for the poor
And hard rich.
For those who are hard at work
Got a treasury.
you found each other
And, having become twice as rich,
Great responsibility
Take over.
And we wish that
Any obstacle
On the paths of life
You win, love.
Loving and keeping
Family, like wealth,
Which is more expensive
Not to be found in the world.
And let the wealth multiply
Let the children be born
And God help you
On the chosen path! Today is a special day for young people.
There will never be another like it.
From now on, they will go the same way.
Loving each other for many years.
From now on, to share with each other
And joy and sorrow in half.
And give to wife and consort
More attention than other things.
And on this day in this beautiful hall
Family and friends gathered
All those who knew you from the cradle
And with whom the student path brought together.
Flowers, gifts, congratulations, toasts -
Today will be everything for you two!
So raise your glasses, guests,
Our first toast to the happiness of the young! Two narrow paths converged
wide path,
And two rivers of love merged
United becoming a river.
And two destinies of one now
They become destiny.
You happily opened the door
Today, becoming a family.
So let the champagne salute
Rattles even more friendly
Let everyone pour wine for themselves
Let no one be silent!
But "Bitter!" before you scream
I will say briefly, to the point,
For the young, for their union! For the bride and groom! Bitterly! Live well, love each other
After all, from this day you are husband and wife.
Divide everything in life, friends, in half -
And the work, and the anxieties that you will meet.
Let your life flow like a river
On the road that knows no barriers!
And let over your head
Constellations of Love are burning!
I would like to wish young
In joy, separation or sorrow
Remember the first happy hug
Forget about the last fight. There were many words before me -
Beautiful, warm, sincere and tender.
I want to drink with you for love,
Which, like the ocean, is boundless,
Which is pure as the firmament,
Which knows no barriers,
Which calls for deeds,
Which inspires lovers. Finally, the happy day has arrived.
The hall is full of wonderful guests!
Fairy casket opened -
Duet of two hearts in love.
You won't find a more beautiful couple!
We want to wish today:
Appreciate your love
And, as if in a fairy tale, live life.
And we only have
Raise a glass to you
And shout out loud: "Bitter!" Let tender feelings spring light,
Warming young hearts
Connect for many years
Warmth and caress two rings.
Like the wings of a mountain eagle
Husband and wife are alike in agreement:
On the beat of one wing
The eagle cannot be lucky.
I wish this toast
Agree to the newlyweds
To get their flight
Through life - successful! My friends! The time has come
At this festive table
Fill all your glasses!
Let it be friendly and simple
In honor of you, the heroes of the celebration,
Sound today in every toast
Words of love, love words! Friends! Today at an early hour
Suddenly the muse visited me!
She came to ask about you
And gave a toast for happiness!
What tender words
She dictated to me, brothers!
And ... dizzy!
I have to confess now...
Look for eternal words
Scoop tenderness with a full spoon!
And let it burn like firewood
Love passion inevitability!
And the Muse's toast was simple:
“You have to love each other STRONGLY!”
And I, a single boy,
Raising a glass, I will shout to you: “Bitter!”

Time passes, years fly by
Children grow up, leaving their father's house.
Congratulations on their wedding today
To the sound of glasses and crystal chimes.

Marrying today, our children,
Please accept our congratulations.
Let it be in this whole wide world
No one will be happier than you.

Under the songs, congratulations overflows,
Wiping away the tears of happiness from her eyes.
Oh, how you children are young and beautiful.
How proud we are, how we believe in you!

All problems you solve
Do not sin against each other
Talk, hug
Try to protect your hearth.

We wish you many years.
Well, if you need advice,
Come don't be shy
Just smile at each other.

Dear beloved children,
You are starting a new path.
Now you are responsible for each other
Take care of your feelings.

If you can hear another
Understand and endure and forgive
That, there is no doubt
Your family will flourish.

So let luck help you
Let luck help you.
Let the love of the year only increase
And let her keep your union.

Always take care of each other
You are bound by a single destiny.
In love, in abundance, go side by side
Easy until the golden wedding!

Let you be bypassed by bad weather,
Let children's laughter be heard in the house.
And let them come to visit you more often
Hope, joy, faith and success.

Feel free to trust each other in everything
And know that you have a reliable rear.
Keep in touch with your parents
And try not to forget your childhood.

Dear our children!
On the day of consent and love
You yourself became the answer
For family steps.

We wish only joy
share with each other,
Love and understanding
Don't get lost along the way.

And most importantly, remember:
From today
You are the whole, the one
You are a new family.

stick together, never
Don't let go of your hands
And we will always support you
On the path of life.

And kiss harder.
And save this moment forever
In the memory of my youth.

Our dear children,
You are more precious than anyone in the world!
We wish you happiness from the bottom of our hearts
We bless your union.

We wish you to pass with dignity
The hard way with the name "family".
Hold on to each other with love
And be like best friends.

You are united in a strong alliance,
Beautiful, you can't take your eyes off
Cooing like doves on a branch,
We wish you to continue to do so.

Help each other, keep, cherish,
And beware of hurtful words,
And if it breaks out, then know how to forgive,
That's why she is in the family - love.

We are waiting for grandchildren, of course, with hope,
You will deal with this quickly.
And only today, let it be "Bitter!",
To make family life more fun.

There's so much I want to say - and I'm lost!
Words were forgotten, thoughts were all mixed up.
After all, you want to wish so much, relatives -
No longer children - our young!

May life save you from troubles and quarrels,
Let your house forget the path of discord.
And remember always, in all years:
Love has married you forever.

You take care of each other
Friendly you always live
And appreciate every time
What brought fate suddenly you.

We heartily congratulate you,
Live long and carefree.
Fate brought you together
Now forever, forever.
And let all the years between you
There would be no trace of discord.

And no matter how hard you live,
The two hearts were inseparable.
So be happy always!
And we are left only -

We wish you to love deeply
So that the nightingale sings joyfully,

Happier happy families.

Connecting hearts to each other
And legally entering into a marriage,
Live in a family circle
Do not allow trouble in your house.

Let bad weather bypass you
And your rings do not grow dim,
Love will not change to sadness.

Love to you, money and healthy children.
May your marriage and union be eternal!
You bring grandchildren to us for the summer.
For you dear children, for the family!

Let your house always be a bowl,
Full of love and kindness.
Where love is, everything is tastier and more beautiful,
There are more fun evenings.

Get up now, children, next to each other,
Hold onto your shoulder firmly.
If you go through adversity like this,
You will be all right!

Hold each other tight now
And kiss harder
After all, for parents there is no more important
Happiness of beloved children.

Our dear children,
You are the best in the whole world,
You keep love forever
And take care of each other.

So that your family hearth
Do not go out and do not wither,
We sincerely wish you
Live forever in a family paradise.

Be patient, forgive
And accept each other
We wish you many years
Live in harmony, without troubles.

Be rich in soul
Have a big wallet
Don't go without each other.
Yes, and we will give birth to grandchildren!

Live together - love and advice. On the way, let the light of joy shine on you!

Before you is the kingdom of love,
Let his worries and undertakings
Fill your days with joy
May they be beautiful!
I wish you much happiness
Live in peace and harmony
To have a full house of kids,
And there was no need for anything! ^42v

The world has become more beautiful with your love,
Congratulations on your wedding day!
Smiles, joy, health
We wish you this bright hour!
Build your bright, cozy,
Hospitable and happy home
Let more every minute
Love and happiness will be in it! ^32v

You have a lot today:
Friends, smiles and flowers,
You now have one road,
And the goal is one, one love.
You keep mutual loyalty
Don't lose your feelings
Appreciate each other, understand
Madly love and respect! ^28v

Our dear children,
We now wish you
So that everything in this world
You split in half!
May there be happiness in your home
And there will be a friendly family,
Let all bad weather bypass you
Well, love always reigns!

Love, yield, respect
You are a whole, one big "We".
And let nothing in your life stop you -
Not on a hot day, not in the cold of winter.

Accept the gift of mutual gain,
As the best that life gives to two!
Mysterious wise plexus
Love charms that we store in Eternity!

You are lost somewhere in past lives,
And now, having found each other,
You are in the lottery of life two tickets
Found for happiness - and goodbye, melancholy!
You met - so it was necessary,
So that only now (and this is forever!)
Catching the dream of a confused look,

In response to each other, you said yes.

And there are no centuries lost in vain -
There is this moment, where only You and I.

And there is love. She's always beautiful
Let only a family be born in it!

Congratulations on legal marriage
We wish you love and happiness
mutual understanding,
Wealth, prosperity.
You go through life together.
Raise and love children.
Take care of each other very much.
And if you stumble sometimes,
Shoulder substitute let the other.
And even in old age
Live without old age.

Spouses! Everything about this word is great.
Sound and happiness gentle light!
Love every moment, it's not in vain
You met like morning and dawn!

From the bell ringing
Take the freshness of feelings and beauty!
Keep the echo of Mendelssohn's march,
Cherish tenderness, take care of warmth!

On the wedding day
Fulfilled wishes
And behind the excitement!
May God save and keep
Union of hearts and feelings!
Let the circle of worries not be burdensome,
Life is a complex art!
Let love fill the years
Over the barriers!
Live happily ever after
Forever be there!

Now you are Spouses. And for many years
Let love be like life, dear, -
Do not know the vagaries of family weather,
Cosiness to you in the house, warmth of the hearth!

May joy never be stingy for you,
And happiness - does not conceal its smiles!
Let the laughter of the kids shine like a stream of silver,
Fate protects and preserves your union!

On the wedding day
Love, warmth, attention
And we wish you happiness!

In all well-being
Prosperity, understanding!
All the best to you in life -
goodness and prosperity

Connecting hearts to each other
Having concluded your marriage union,
Live together amicably, for a long time,
Keeping love and loyalty.

And let the sun shine brightly on you
Let the bad weather go away.
Let your rings not grow dim,
Pain and sadness pass by.

Live, believe and dream
Keep the face of love in your heart,
Strengthen the family hearth,
Be faithful to each other.

And don't speak empty words
Do not do evil deeds,
Bring kindness to your home
Love friends and family.

We heartily congratulate you,
Happy young wedding,
We wish you health, passion,
Children, love and earthly peace!

You are now husband and wife.
We wish you happiness, life without loss,
Affectionate smiles from fate itself,
Fewer mistakes and bad rumors!

Connecting hearts to each other
And legally entering into a marriage,
Live in a family circle
Do not allow trouble in your house.
Let the sun shine more often in life
Let bad weather bypass you
And your rings do not grow dim,
Love will not change to sadness.

You have a special day today.
So be happy always.
May the path be bright
Let there be a friendly family.
Keep sensitivity, tenderness, affection,
The thrill of the first meeting.

And the rings that they took in their hands,
Save up until the end.
May your life never
Days like these won't come back
Love is always meant to be
And only one time to get married!

We heartily congratulate you,
Live long and carefree.
Fate brought you together
Now forever, forever.
And let all the years between you
There would be no trace of discord.

And no matter how hard you live,
The two hearts were inseparable.
So be happy always!
And we are left only -
Exclaim in unison: Bitter! Bitterly!

You have a nice day today!
You connected two destinies
And in the registry office they sealed it with a signature.
That is the first step in life
Family - to the next years of happiness!
The fire of love lit the hearth,
So that there is light in the house, and not darkness,
To take part together.

In building a nest of love
So that children grow up in joy
And wherever you are on the road
I longed to come home.
Let your house be a full bowl!
Keep love until gray hairs,
So that your union is indestructible
And became stronger over the years, more beautiful.

Congratulations to the young
We wish you a lot of happiness
Let it pass you in life
Any bad weather.
Let the honey river
Your life is flowing
And, like a young month,
Your son will be born
Daughter to you, like a poppy color,
To comfort my mother.
Well, how many will there be?
You decide.

Lived for a long time.
Let you smile
Morning dawn.
We congratulate you!
Bitterly! Bitterly! Bitterly!

On this solemn holiday
You have a lot to wish for:
Happiness, love, understanding in everything,
Live well, interestingly and amicably.
The most important thing is to trouble
Your house has always bypassed,
So that you always have the main guest
There was family happiness.

And most importantly, be in love
Love one another with all your heart.
Together you live a very long time until old age,
May everyone come to you again every year
Happiness, luck, family joys,
As they say: Advice and Love

Let it be so, as on this main day,
The sun always shines brightly for you,
And the shadow will not reduce happiness,
And the wind will not knock you out of the way!
Let joy burst on the threshold
And the heart, the heart will not deceive
And a delicate myrtle wreath
Will not fade in memories!

We will reveal the simple truth to you,
We will open you the beginning of all beginnings:
For two, luck is twice as joyful,
And sadness will be divided in two.
So you become dearer to each other.
The hot light will warm you with love.

You just need to know how to divide and multiply,
Divide and multiply - that's the whole secret.
(name of the bride) we wish you patience,
(groom's name) only love her alone
For the young! For husband and wife!

May none of you break that oath.
What wedding bands remember are two rings.
May your souls be inseparable.
And happy hearts beat in harmony!

We wish you to love deeply
So that the nightingale sings joyfully,
To be happy in life
Happier happy families.

Dear children!
We are ready to wish you everything
What would you like for yourself:
Health, joy, happy days
And a lot of nimble children!
May the sun always shine on you
Let the blessed rain pour over your head,
We wish you with all your heart, with all your soul:
Prosperity, harmony, love, peace!

Parents receive congratulations!
May happiness always accompany you!
We bless you -
To be together once and for all!
Let each new day of a happy life together
Will give you love and warmth.
And the sonorous laughter of the Princess and the Cowboy
They will come and bless your house!

Golden you are our children!
Accept congratulations from us,
We don't need gratitude
Only live in peace always.
Combining with worldly union,
You took an oath of allegiance.
And don't be a burden to each other
As you promised today.

Dear our children!
Be the best in the world.
Married - do not swear.
Fall in love more every day.
Happiness, children, we wish you
And congratulations again.
Let there be your union
An example of family ties.

Dear our children! You have made a serious decision and joined your hearts in marriage! May this decision be the right one and your family will endure all the trials of fate! So that the fire of your feelings does not go out and does not go out! Advice to you and love!

Our beloved children! Congratulations on your wedding! Love and respect each other! We wish the groom to be a real master and love his wife, and the bride to be a caring wife, support and help her husband! Love, unity and happiness to you!

Our dear children, with all my heart I want to congratulate you on your legal marriage. We all always want happiness to be long, and therefore I wish you only eternal happiness, only bright love, only true friends! I also wish you great love, and mutual affection in the family.

Dear our children! Congratulations on your wedding! We wish you a variety of blessings, live in love and happiness for many years, not knowing quarrels, disagreements and troubles! If trouble comes your way, fight together, shoulder to shoulder! Happiness, love and good luck to you!

Dear (name of the groom) and (name of the bride), on this solemn day before God and people, we bless you for a happy marriage, for a long family life. And we give you our parental mandate: live, live - make good! Peace and joy to you!

Dear children, advising you to a new life, we wish you love, happiness, family well-being. Live in the name of kindness and love. We bless you for a happy marriage, for a strong family!

Dear children, (groom's name) and (bride's name)! We bless you for a strong marriage, for a friendly family. Live in peace and friendship, love and harmony, for your own happiness, for people's joy! Let children laugh in your family, let there be peace and prosperity in your house!


Remember this moment forever
May it be sacred!
Now you are not just a bride and groom,
From now on, you are husband and wife!
And let any misfortune pass you by,
Let the flame not go out in the blood!
We wish you health! We wish you happiness!
We wish you strong love!

Congratulations on legal marriage
We wish you great happiness.
We are talking seriously now:
May millions of scarlet roses
Lie all over the big way,
What are you going to go through.
And let the fire of great love
It burns without fading!
With love, life is easier to go through -
Everyone knows about it.
Achieve harmony in life
Live to be a hundred years old.
Always respect each other
Love to you and advice!

At the noisy wedding table,
Like a beacon of friendship, kindness,
Lit today you two
Star of hope and dreams.
So let this friendship light
You shine brightly without end.
So that endlessly, for many years
Two rings intertwined.

We wish you all the best!
Live long just like this:
Not knowing quarrels, disagreements, troubles,
In love and happiness for many years.
And if, say, sometimes
Trouble will suddenly come
Fight shoulder to shoulder with her -
Two pairs of hands are much stronger!
Still left to wish
Raise good children
A bunch of girls and guys -
Well, in a word, a whole kindergarten!

May joy and happiness illuminate the family,
Let love shine as a guiding star.
We wish you health and children's laughter,
We wish you to live golden until the wedding.

We wish you great luck
To make your life richer
So that you have success in everything,
May you all live happily ever after!

Even though I don't go to the wedding,
But I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
Live happily and amicably
Have everything you need in life
Love keeping the holy law
Until the wedding golden.

What is planned, let it come true
All good things to remember.
Let love shine in your heart
Good people will meet in life
Let love be old
We wish you only joy.

Our good knight, our dear falcon,
Be bold as a hawk, be as beautiful as the sun!
Let your house be a full bowl!
Let your wife give birth to your daughters -
Be faithful to your wife, do not walk for no reason,
Be honest and proud - that's the valor of a man!
Health to you for a thousand years
And so much happiness!

We wish you Alenka - a blue-eyed girl.
For Alenka, the brother is the boy Ignatik.
And catching up with the brother, let the sister grow - Paradise.
They will hang out with Zina, Galya, Valya and Marina,
Nadya, Olya, Kolya and, of course, with Tolya.
And you surprise us with Vitya, kind Yura, curly Mitya,
And the guys will go fasting (oh, those imps!)
Petya, Vasya and Valery, Gena, Alexey, Evgeny.
Let it be smaller - there will be Masha, and then Natasha will go,
Zoya, Polya and Stepan, and the smallest one is Ivan.
Raise these kids, and then - whoever you want!
We also wish a young couple
Survive to the golden wedding
And so that the great-grandson of Borka
Shouted at the wedding "Bitter!"

Today is not an easy day!
He is so special.
You have become one family
You are now inseparable!

We wish spouses
Treasure each other dearly
Protect your hearth
And mutually trust.

Mom - daughter, dad - son,
Home, nice car.
And keeping holy love,
Meet the golden wedding.

I wish you sincere understanding
Love for each other, tenderness and affection,
Great passion, kindness, attention.
Let only bright colors be in life!

May success come in family life,
Let the fire of love not burn out at all,
Children's laughter sounds as loud as possible,
Let love solve your problems.

May your bright flight be long,
In the family, know the true sweetness,
May care surround you, may you be lucky
And in your life there will be only joy.

Happy wedding guys! To live richly
Your every day was filled with love.
So that you keep the oath that you gave, sacredly.
And to smile at each other is not too lazy.

So that the spark of love would shine for you forever.
She always took care of herself, called for herself.
So that life passes easily and carelessly,
The hand that is in the hand helped you in everything.

Let the laughter of the child sound very loud.
The Lord will always protect and protect you.
And so that the foundations of your new family
They have always been stronger than stone - granite.

Congratulations on your wedding day
And with all my heart I wish
Long life, love and happiness,
Let the bad weather go around!

Don't let the spark go out
Inspires to accomplishments
Children's laughter will fill the house
Peace, grace in him!

I wish you well, I wish you a miracle
I wish you love each other!
And even in the heat, even in the cold
Your love is always on fire.

Let your nest languish
In a happy whirlpool swirls.
And protects you from quarrels and evil,
A reliable wall from troubles.

Wonderful, awesome, blissful
Excites the soul this moment
When they become magical
Bride and groom family.

Hand in hand... And through the years
Be faithful to each other.
Heat - in the hearth, and in the house - the weather,
In the eyes - shining spring.

Good, idyll, prosperity,
Love for many years.
Melt into each other without a trace,
You will always be united.

Congratulations to the newlyweds!
Love, we wish you consent.
Rich, beautiful life
Be able to read each other's minds.

So that love does not pass over the years,
So that tenderness remains with you,
To be happy, and only.
Well, now, guys, "bitter"!

Flowers and a sea of ​​congratulations
For you today, for two!
Let you from this moment
Brings joy every moment!

Love is a great art:
She will support, protect,
Will fill your senses with caress
And inspire you to succeed.

Live in sensitivity, harmony.
Create your own cozy home
Where there will be harmony and happiness with you
Until the wedding golden!

Today in your life
Of course, the main day.
Everything is not “mine”, but “ours”
You will now.

You understand each other
as yourself
Appreciate, love your spouse,
Living in harmony.

I want everything at home
You share equally
All evenings with family
Of course, carry out.

Watch dramas together
And cheer for football
For games at night
Don't sit for a long time.

Let there be fewer quarrels
If they cannot be avoided.
But even after the fight
Go to bed together.

I wish you a happy age
You live together
And whatever happens
Treasure the family.

Happy wedding. Real feelings for you
So that the light within you does not go out.
Don't shelve
Dreams - live here, now.

Always value each other
Give kind words
And the beauty and joy of life
Let's multiply by two.

Congratulations on legal marriage
We wish you love and happiness
mutual understanding,
Wealth, prosperity.
You go through life together.
Raise and love children.
Take care of each other very much.
And if you stumble sometimes,
Shoulder substitute let the other.
And even in old age
Live without old age.
On the wedding day
Fulfilled wishes
And behind the excitement!
May God save and keep
Union of hearts and feelings!
Let the circle of worries not be burdensome,
Life is a complex art!
Let love fill the years
Over the barriers!
Live happily ever after
Forever be there!

You take care of each other
Friendly you always live
And appreciate every time
What brought fate suddenly you.

All problems you solve
Do not sin against each other
Talk, hug
Try to protect your hearth.

We wish you many years.
Well, if you need advice,
Come don't be shy
Just smile at each other.

Dear beloved children,
You are starting a new path.
Now you are responsible for each other
Take care of your feelings.

If you can hear another
Understand and endure and forgive
That, there is no doubt
Your family will flourish.

And let the sun shine brightly on you
Let the bad weather go away.
Let your rings not grow dim,
Pain and sadness pass by.

On the wedding day
Love, warmth, attention
And we wish you happiness!

In all well-being
Prosperity, understanding!
All the best to you in life -
goodness and prosperity

Spouses! Everything about this word is great.
Sound and happiness gentle light!
Love every moment, it's not in vain
You met like morning and dawn!

Live, believe and dream
Keep the face of love in your heart,
Strengthen the family hearth,
Be faithful to each other.

And don't speak empty words
Do not do evil deeds,
Bring kindness to your home
Love friends and family.

We heartily congratulate you,
Happy young wedding,
We wish you health, passion,
Children, love and earthly peace!

Time passes, years fly by
Children grow up, leaving their father's house.
Congratulations on their wedding today
To the sound of glasses and crystal chimes.

Under the songs, congratulations overflows,
Wiping away the tears of happiness from her eyes.
Oh, how you children are young and beautiful.
How proud we are, how we believe in you!

From the bell ringing
Take the freshness of feelings and beauty!
Keep the echo of Mendelssohn's march,
Cherish tenderness, take care of warmth!

Feel free to trust each other in everything
And know that you have a reliable rear.
Keep in touch with your parents
And try not to forget your childhood.

Love to you, money and healthy children.
May your marriage and union be eternal!
You bring grandchildren to us for the summer.
For you dear children, for the family!

Marrying today, our children,
Please accept our congratulations.
Let it be in this whole wide world
No one will be happier than you.

Let you be bypassed by bad weather,
Let children's laughter be heard in the house.
And let them come to visit you more often
Hope, joy, faith and success.

Always take care of each other
You are bound by a single destiny.
In love, in abundance, go side by side
Easy until the golden wedding!

May joy never be stingy for you,
And happiness - does not conceal its smiles!
Let the laughter of the kids shine like a stream of silver,
Fate protects and preserves your union!

Connecting hearts to each other
Having concluded your marriage union,
Live together amicably, for a long time,
Keeping love and loyalty.

Now you are Spouses. And for many years
Let love be like life, dear, -
Do not know the vagaries of family weather,
Cosiness to you in the house, warmth of the hearth!

I can't believe how time flies by.
Yesterday you were kids
Well, today, dear children,
You have become a complete family.

You are united in a strong alliance,
Beautiful, you can't take your eyes off
Cooing like doves on a branch,
We wish you to continue to do so.

Help each other, keep, cherish,
And beware of hurtful words,
And if it breaks out, then know how to forgive,
That's why she is in the family - love.

We are waiting for grandchildren, of course, with hope,
You will deal with this quickly.
And only today, let it be "Bitter!",
To make family life more fun.

There's so much I want to say - and I'm lost!
Words were forgotten, thoughts were all mixed up.
After all, you want to wish so much, relatives -
No longer children - our young!

May life save you from troubles and quarrels,
Let your house forget the path of discord.
And remember always, in all years:
Love has married you forever.

We were going to tell you not so much -
Everyone forgot, except for the word "bitter"!

Dear our children!
On the day of consent and love
You yourself became the answer
For family steps.

We wish only joy
share with each other,
Love and understanding
Don't get lost along the way.

And most importantly, remember:
From today
You are the whole, the one
You are a new family.

stick together, never
Don't let go of your hands
And we will always support you
On the path of life.

And kiss harder.
And save this moment forever
In the memory of my youth.

Take each other's hands tenderly,
Intertwined fingers.
Raise your firstborn together -
The child will be happy.

Let your house always be a bowl,
Full of love and kindness.
Where love is, everything is tastier and more beautiful,
There are more fun evenings.

Get up now, children, next to each other,
Hold onto your shoulder firmly.
If you go through adversity like this,
You will be all right!

Hold each other tight now
And kiss harder
After all, for parents there is no more important
Happiness of beloved children.

Our dear children,
You are the best in the whole world,
You keep love forever
And take care of each other.

So that your family hearth
Do not go out and do not wither,
We sincerely wish you
Live forever in a family paradise.

Be patient, forgive
And accept each other
We wish you many years
Live in harmony, without troubles.

Be rich in soul
Have a big wallet
Don't go without each other.
Yes, and we will give birth to grandchildren!

Happiness comes to us unexpectedly unexpectedly,
A fairy tale knocks on the door, laughter flies through the window,
And it seems they are all chaotic and uninvited,
But in our hearts we have been waiting for them for a long time.
Around the heat, rain, snow and winds,
Enough joys and troubles along the way,
But your kisses are miles
Extend your life for another hundred years.

Congratulations on your legal marriage!
For 100 years and even more!
You take care of each other, respect and love,
May warmth, kindness and light, happiness, joy, greetings,
There will be a lot together that is simply called a house.

I want to congratulate you
In this sweetest hour
Wish love to the grave
So that both live in happiness!
To keep your love
To always live in abundance,
For babies to be born
Waiting for grandchildren together!

Let them not part in love
Two loving hearts
In sweet fidelity grow together,
As the creator wanted.
With a close heart, with a sweet heart
Everything in the world is within their power!

Love is not a gift - work,
And there are no days off from her,
Surround your relatives with care,
Make them happy.

You take care of each other
Respect and love.
Every year your feelings
Let them be stronger, more beautiful.
May there be warmth and lots of light
Friendship, joy, comfort
There will be a lot in that place
What is called the word HOUSE.

You are now husband and wife.
We wish you happiness, life without loss,
Affectionate smiles from fate itself,
Fewer mistakes and bad rumors!

Connecting hearts to each other
And legally entering into a marriage,
Live in a family circle
Do not allow trouble in your house.
Let the sun shine more often in life
Let bad weather bypass you
And your rings do not grow dim,
Love will not change to sadness.

You have a special day today.
So be happy always.
May the path be bright
Let there be a friendly family.
Keep sensitivity, tenderness, affection,
The thrill of the first meeting.

And the rings that they took in their hands,
Save up until the end.
May your life never
Days like these won't come back
Love is always meant to be
And only one time to get married!

We heartily congratulate you,
Live long and carefree.
Fate brought you together
Now forever, forever.
And let all the years between you
There would be no trace of discord.

And no matter how hard you live,
The two hearts were inseparable.
So be happy always!
And we are left only -
Exclaim in unison: Bitter! Bitterly!

You have a nice day today!
You connected two destinies
And in the registry office they sealed it with a signature.
That is the first step in life
Family - to the next years of happiness!
The fire of love lit the hearth,
So that there is light in the house, and not darkness,
To take part together.

In building a nest of love
So that children grow up in joy
And wherever you are on the road
I longed to come home.
Let your house be a full bowl!
Keep love until gray hairs,
So that your union is indestructible
And became stronger over the years, more beautiful.

Congratulations to the young
We wish you a lot of happiness
Let it pass you in life
Any bad weather.
Let the honey river
Your life is flowing
And, like a young month,
Your son will be born
Daughter to you, like a poppy color,
To comfort my mother.
Well, how many will there be?
You decide.

Lived for a long time.
Let you smile
Morning dawn.
We congratulate you!
Bitterly! Bitterly! Bitterly!

On this solemn holiday
You have a lot to wish for:
Happiness, love, understanding in everything,
Live well, interestingly and amicably.
The most important thing is to trouble
Your house has always bypassed,
So that you always have the main guest
There was family happiness.

And most importantly, be in love
Love one another with all your heart.
Together you live a very long time until old age,
May everyone come to you again every year
Happiness, luck, family joys,
As they say: Advice and Love

Let it be so, as on this main day,
The sun always shines brightly for you,
And the shadow will not reduce happiness,
And the wind will not knock you out of the way!
Let joy burst on the threshold
And the heart, the heart will not deceive
And a delicate myrtle wreath
Will not fade in memories!

We will reveal the simple truth to you,
We will open you the beginning of all beginnings:
For two, luck is twice as joyful,
And sadness will be divided in two.
So you become dearer to each other.
The hot light will warm you with love.

You just need to know how to divide and multiply,
Divide and multiply - that's the whole secret.
(name of the bride) we wish you patience,
(groom's name) only love her alone
For the young! For husband and wife!

May none of you break that oath.
What wedding bands remember are two rings.
May your souls be inseparable.
And happy hearts beat in harmony!

We wish you to love deeply
So that the nightingale sings joyfully,
To be happy in life
Happier happy families.

Dear children!
We are ready to wish you everything
What would you like for yourself:
Health, joy, happy days
And a lot of nimble children!
May the sun always shine on you
Let the blessed rain pour over your head,
We wish you with all your heart, with all your soul:
Prosperity, harmony, love, peace!

Parents receive congratulations!
May happiness always accompany you!
We bless you -
To be together once and for all!
Let each new day of a happy life together
Will give you love and warmth.
And the sonorous laughter of the Princess and the Cowboy
They will come and bless your house!

Golden you are our children!
Accept congratulations from us,
We don't need gratitude
Only live in peace always.
Combining with worldly union,
You took an oath of allegiance.
And don't be a burden to each other
As you promised today.

Dear our children!
Be the best in the world.
Married - do not swear.
Fall in love more every day.
Happiness, children, we wish you
And congratulations again.
Let there be your union
An example of family ties.

Dear our children! You have made a serious decision and joined your hearts in marriage! May this decision be the right one and your family will endure all the trials of fate! So that the fire of your feelings does not go out and does not go out! Advice to you and love!

Our beloved children! Congratulations on your wedding! Love and respect each other! We wish the groom to be a real master and love his wife, and the bride to be a caring wife, support and help her husband! Love, unity and happiness to you!

Our dear children, with all my heart I want to congratulate you on your legal marriage. We all always want happiness to be long, and therefore I wish you only eternal happiness, only bright love, only true friends! I also wish you great love, and mutual affection in the family.

Dear our children! Congratulations on your wedding! We wish you a variety of blessings, live in love and happiness for many years, not knowing quarrels, disagreements and troubles! If trouble comes your way, fight together, shoulder to shoulder! Happiness, love and good luck to you!

Dear (name of the groom) and (name of the bride), on this solemn day before God and people, we bless you for a happy marriage, for a long family life. And we give you our parental mandate: live, live - make good! Peace and joy to you!

Dear children, advising you to a new life, we wish you love, happiness, family well-being. Live in the name of kindness and love. We bless you for a happy marriage, for a strong family!

Dear children, (groom's name) and (bride's name)! We bless you for a strong marriage, for a friendly family. Live in peace and friendship, love and harmony, for your own happiness, for people's joy! Let children laugh in your family, let there be peace and prosperity in your house!

Dear bride and groom! On this happy day, you stand on the threshold of a new life. Just a little more, and you will become husband and wife! Before starting family life, please accept our parental instructions and congratulations!

Two doves, our dear children! All the best to you, all earthly happiness, well-being and tranquility to your home, strong prosperity, strong family.

Our dear ____________________________________ (the mother calls the children by name), I also want to congratulate you on your marriage. Be happy in your union that you have created today. Cherish the warmth of this day for the rest of your life. Save your happiness and multiply it many, many times over.

And what would be before the wedding of his golden
