An old man loves a woman. Why women love young boys and men love older girls

Relationships where a woman is older than a man are becoming more and more common in our society, and are hardly surprising. And this is not surprising: if both a man and a woman are satisfied with such relationships, is it worth judging them? Young men like more experienced women, who are often more understanding and less demanding than young girls. And although, according to statistics, relationships when a woman is older than a man are much more rare than those when the same age is married or a couple where the girl is younger than her partner, they also have a right to exist.

What are the advantages of a relationship in which the woman is older than the man?

- First of all, a woman, meeting with a chosen one younger than herself, is forced to keep herself in good shape. This is a great incentive to maintain the grace of your body, regularly update your wardrobe, spend time on your appearance, remember what kind of figure men like.

- There are advantages in such relationships for the men themselves, because, being next to a more experienced woman, the young man will strive to match her, turning from a young guy into a real man with stable views, goals and aspirations.

- In addition, it is much more interesting to communicate with an older woman, she is already a more balanced and formed personality, which cannot be said about his peers. A woman for a man who is younger than her becomes both a mother and a wife. She can give smart advice, find the right words of support, which a young girl cannot do, even if she tries very hard. Young people are ruled by emotions, and over the years, prudence appears in their character.

Such relationships are also attractive because a woman’s experience in sexual terms will easily allow her to teach a man to give her pleasure, she will teach him good sex and, to be honest, she will give advice in everyday life, while adjusting an older partner is not so easy .

As we can see, relationships when a woman is older than a man have quite significant advantages, so a loving couple of this type can last quite a long time, practically without any worries. However, behind the positive appearance, there are also some cons that can easily destroy a fragile union.

- First of all, in such a relationship, a woman will feel constant insecurity and anxiety due to the fact that her young man will be taken away by a young girl. Such anxiety can lead to bouts of constant jealousy, which, of course, will affect the relationship in a far from good way. A woman will begin to be jealous of a man for every skirt she meets.

- In addition, a kind of sissy often grows out of a young man, who perceives a woman solely as a nanny who fulfills his desires and takes care of him.

- Alphonse men aged 20-30 are a dime a dozen. Many of them thus want to earn a good living. But it is very easy to recognize them. Do not hesitate and ignore the meaningless excuses about temporary financial troubles. Often women understand why a young guy spends his time on an aged beauty, but turn a blind eye to this for the sake of sex with a young man. True, not everything is always so bad. There are actually couples in love who don’t care about the difference in age - they feel good together, and the rest does not interest them.

- Finally, there are also cases when the age difference turns into a significant difference in values ​​and aspirations, because most often a woman older than a man knows for sure what she wants from life, while a guy most often does not have time to decide.

As you can see, if a woman is older than a man, the relationship expects not only disagreements, but also a happy future. However, you should not pay much attention to age if you are firmly convinced that you love each other. The main thing is that you want to be together, and whether a woman is older than a man or not is the tenth thing.


And a little more humor on this topic)))) And in every joke there is some truth))

* An older woman will never wake you up in the middle of the night with a stupid question "What were you thinking, honey?" Because she just doesn't care what you think.

* An older woman always keeps a condom in her purse. Young people still hope that you will take care of this.

* An older woman will cost you less. A younger one will cost you 12 Martini glasses at the bar, while an older woman will sleep with you after a cup of herbal tea at home.

* An older woman can wear bright red lipstick during the day and not look like she just climbed into a jar of jam. This does not apply to a young girl.

* Older women run faster because they always wear comfortable shoes.

* An older woman is more honest. She will call you an "idiot" if you only treat her like that. A young woman will never call you that for fear of losing you.

* An older woman will never unexpectedly become pregnant and suddenly decide that one of the two of you should get married urgently. If an older woman gets pregnant, you will usually be the last one to know...

* An older woman always has a job in which she is already entitled to health insurance, which includes the services of a dentist. A young girl will not help you when your teeth are damaged from playing hockey.

* An older woman will never suspect you of being "using her". She is just using you.

* An older woman will simply call you and ask when it's convenient for you to meet her if you want. The young one will wait forever by the phone when you call her.

* An older woman knows how to cook. The young woman knows the phone number for ordering pizza at the place around the corner.

* An older woman will introduce you to all her friends. The young one will hide you from them so that you don’t have thoughts about ...

* An older woman always has an excellent collection of luxurious underwear left over from her former lovers. Young people rarely wear underwear, which practically excludes the possibility of striptease.

* An older woman is perspicacious and quick-witted. You never have to confess to her about the scam on the side, because the hell knows how, but she always knows about it herself.

* Older women have self-esteem, so they will never throw a tantrum in a public place.

* Older women are experienced and know that in bed you can not always get everything right after the 12th mug of beer. It may take a young person a long time to realize this fact.

* An older woman has many girlfriends, most of whom will also want to sleep with you.

* An older woman will never accuse you of "stealing her best years" because someone else has already stolen them before you

Hello! Recently, in a cafe in the city of Kazan, a good friend told me that her boyfriend likes women older than her. She is now 22 years old, and the young man is 24. I was surprised by such a statement and thought that she was joking, but the girl continued to prove her point. I became interested in this topic and I decided to think about it. I think this article will be useful for both guys and girls.

For some reason, some believe that female attractiveness disappears with age and she becomes no longer so beautiful. Many ladies who have reached the age of forty begin to feel like “grandmothers”. But what if, upon reaching this age, it was not possible to arrange a personal life?

This is where the salvation for them is the following: maybe someone does not know, but (as my friend told me) most young guys really prefer older women, not peers. Today it is no longer uncommon for women to have affairs and even for guys many years younger. What's happening? How do mature ladies seduce young guys? And what attracts the boys themselves in "grandmothers"?


Possessing vast life experience, mature women know perfectly well how to use their strengths and possible weaknesses. They will never ask the chosen one: " Honey, have I gained weight? It's just awful! I put on three kilos!". Such ladies understand that many men simply will not notice such a slight increase in weight.

It is more interesting for young people to communicate with women of mature age, since it is possible to communicate with them. In addition, they themselves are able to manage the conversation well, because they know perfectly well what to talk about and what to keep silent about.

Adult ladies, not like young girls, listen to the opinions of others. They don't care what others think or say about them. Since they are already mature individuals, they have a lot of life experience and have their own opinion about reality. And this is very good at protecting men's nerves.

Women of mature age clearly know what they want. They build their lives according to the rules they understand, communicate only with those people with whom they want. They prefer long, romantic and stormy romances.

Adult ladies have a huge life experience, and they have already experienced the meaning of the saying "We love those who do not love us, we persecute those who love us." It is for this reason that they value the time devoted to them by a fan.

Most adult men do not have enough mother's affection in their lives. If mother caressed little in childhood, then such men in older partners are looking for what is missing.
A young man may be disappointed in his peers. His peers may seem careless and uninteresting to him.
The lady, in turn, can also be disappointed in her peers, since she no longer hopes to meet among them what she wants.


Older women solve their problems themselves. Such independence today attracts many young men. In addition, a girl endowed with life experience is able to suggest something to her companion and help find a way out of a problem situation.

Such ladies are usually already established and they are always busy. An adult lady will not call her boyfriend every hour at work and bombard him with text messages. A lot of guys really don't like it, but there are exceptions.

But what about in bed?

As for intimacy, here mature women are freer and more literate. They know well what a partner needs and how to please him. They, as a rule, are not complexed, and therefore are not at all shy.

I hope you understand why guys like older women. I think I managed to solve this issue. And how are things with you? Write in the comments what you think about this issue. Do you like older women?

Often, ladies over 30 years old and Balzac age prefer to see a young man next to them, and not their peers. Guys tend to get close to an older woman. Now such unions have become quite popular, although 10-15 years ago such "non-traditional" couples were condemned by society. The verdict was adamant: there was nothing good from such a union and never will be. But is it?

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortuneteller Baba Nina:"There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow..." Read more >>

Reasons for choosing

Psychologists identify several main reasons why women love young boys:

Cause Explanation
Attractive appearance of a young manHaving become an "adult", the stronger sex begins to be lazy and ceases to carefully monitor itself: excess weight appears, swelling of the face, and the once slender male figure blurs and disappears under a layer of fat folds. Therefore, a beautiful young body is so attractive to middle-aged ladies. Young guys appreciate grooming, style and the ability to present themselves in a woman older than themselves: something that young girls lack due to inexperience
Higher chance of getting marriedIt will be much easier to legitimize your relationship with a young man than to lead a peer taught by bitter experience down the aisle. Young people do not know all the vicissitudes of marriage and cohabitation, so it will not be difficult for a woman with experience to persuade them to create a full-fledged family
Getting bright emotionsOver time, men for the most part stop devoting time to romantic relationships, "growing up" and forgetting that a woman is waiting for attention from them. Unlike mature men, young people are capable of "madness" and sincere manifestations of feelings for the sake of their beloved.

Why do guys choose women older than themselves:

Cause Explanation
Attention and care from a womanThanks to the maternal instinct that any woman has, regardless of the presence of children, the young man will be surrounded by the attention he needs. A woman will take care of his health, nutrition, be sincerely interested in business and rejoice in his success. In addition, a smart mature lady will always help her beloved with good practical advice.
Harmonious sexOften, girls behave constrainedly in bed with a partner, not allowing themselves or him to show imagination and enjoy sex. The inexperience of peers in matters of sexual relations leads to the fact that the guy pays attention to the older girl. She will not make fun of a man in bed, she will understand his desires and give him true passion
Mutual understanding with a partnerAn older woman, making her choice, is ready to put up with the shortcomings of a young man, which is not typical for young girls who seek to "remake" their boyfriend.

An older woman knows exactly what she wants from her partner and what she is ready to give to him. The maturity of the female personality, her self-confidence appeal to young people, so they choose experience and beauty, rather than the freshness of youth.

Psychology of a man at 40

relationship mistakes

The "unconventional" union of two hearts is often destroyed due to mistakes that both partners can make. Some of the most common reasons for a gap in psychology are the following:

  1. 1. Excessive jealousy. If you strive to completely capture the attention and time of your partner, this will lead to misunderstanding, coldness and termination of the relationship. A man and a woman should have time for friends, parents, children. Trying to take their place in your partner's life would be the wrong thing to do.
  2. 2. Eagerness to teach. An older woman sees the mistakes of youth well, but if she teaches a young man at every step, he will quickly get tired of it. One of the joys of youth is the feeling of free choice, and you shouldn't take it away from a guy.
  3. 3. Everyday problems. There is no need to violate a person’s personal space, and if a woman does not strive to spend every free evening with a young chosen one, you should not be offended and reproach her for dislike and heartlessness. The same applies to financial matters. A guy who asks or often borrows money from his other half will quickly turn into a hindrance for a woman and get tired of her.

There are currently a lot of families with an age difference in favor of the wife, and not only in the field of show business famous for the freedom of morals. Psychology explains why young guys love older women, the characteristics of the era and upbringing.

Why do guys like older women?

Psychologists note that the age of growing up of a person is increasingly being pushed back. In ancient times, families were created by today's standards as children, while today an adult can feel like a child.

It’s more difficult for a man to grow up - he bears a heavy burden of responsibility for, but young guys are usually not ready for this. Choosing an older woman, such a young man, in fact, chooses a replacement mother who is able to help and support, but at the same time will not hysteria and ruffle the nerves.

Sex with an adult woman is also attractive for a guy - she is more experienced and relaxed than her peers. In case of failure, a sophisticated partner will be able to find words of consolation, while a young girl can make a guy laugh.

Why do men love older women?

But love for an older woman does not always indicate the infantilism of a man. Perhaps the same age and, especially, young ladies, are not at all interesting to him because of superficiality and windiness. In this case, the man will look for a more serious lady, who is likely to be older.

Relations with an older woman are usually calmer than with young people. Adult ladies are well-formed personalities, interesting companions, skillful lovers. Such women usually highly value their man, because. by virtue of their experience they know how few people can be relied upon, who can be trusted.

A mature woman knows when to be silent and when to give advice. When she will not be endlessly offended, and wait for the first step from a man. Adult women pay less attention to other people's opinions and make their own decisions. A wife who is older than her husband is a “safe haven” and “reliable rear”, which many men dream of so much.

They say that "all ages are submissive to love." The fact that a person is 40 or 50 years old does not mean that he cannot experience passion and love. And indeed, only the heart does not grow old, which constantly craves attention and care. However, often the most condemned situations are those where the partners are too different in age. Why are there men who like older women?

Every mature reader of the women's site site can be glad that even men can stare at her. And it's not always about peers. Many of them may turn out to be young guys that a woman might not have paid attention to before.

Why are there guys and men who like older women? The answer to this question is very multifaceted, since couples develop for various reasons. However, when a young man begins to get involved in a mature lady, many of his relatives begin to “treat” him verbally. They immediately take him to a psychologist so that he finds out the reasons for his choice and eliminates them. Some begin to blackmail and threaten.

There are various ways to get a young man to refuse an older partner, since it is generally accepted that couples should be created by peers. Let's try to make out in the article the reasons why men choose older women.

Reasons for loving older women

What reasons can be identified that push young people to choose older women? Considering them, we can say that the situations are different. There can be both true love and selfish motives.

  1. Sincere feelings.

A young man can really love his chosen one. It doesn't matter to him how old she is. The most important thing is that it has something that is important and interesting to him. He just loves her, as many other couples love, where the partners are the same age. There is a connection between them that cannot be explained.

A young man simply loves, so he chooses an adult woman not with his mind, but with feelings. He feels true love for her, so he is ready to fight and defend his position.

  1. Selfish motives.

Another common reason young men choose older women is self-interest. As you know, older women already have some capital. They are already at work. They have already saved up some money. Sometimes we can talk about a rich woman who has made a successful career or built a business, but has not experienced a love feeling.

If the boy wants to become a dependent who will be provided by an adult woman, then he will choose her. His peers will be interested in their emotionality and sexuality. He will most likely even cheat on his partner. However, he will never leave her until she herself breaks up with him.

  1. Mommy.

There are young men who, on a subconscious level, are looking for their mothers. They do not want to grow up, take responsibility. To some extent, they can be called sissy. Only mothers here are not biological parents, but adult women who will take care of their boyfriends, like their sons.

Give such men mature women who will take on the solution of all problems, responsibility, fulfillment of all duties and other situations. At the same time, the guys will be simply faithful and obedient, the way their mothers want to see them.

  1. Experience.

There is another reason that a young man chooses an older woman - this is her experience. Perhaps he needs her to meet useful people. Perhaps she can move him up the career ladder. Maybe he can learn something from her.

Be that as it may, the guy is looking not for his beloved, but for an ally, partner, mentor who will teach and show, help and push.

Not every couple where a man is many years younger than a woman will be happy. And in order for a woman not to suffer, it is necessary to be attentive to whom she chooses. Love is good, but notice the motives for which a young, handsome, hot and quite demanded man chooses you.

mom number two

Often men are not looking for women, but for second mothers who will take care of them in the same way as their relatives. Of course, they are looking for first of all mistresses with whom it is pleasant to have sex, and then housewives and caring personalities with whom they can be little boys.

How can such men be distinguished from others who themselves are able to care for a woman and support a family? How well they keep their word. If a man promises you and keeps his word, then he is capable of responsible and adult business management. If you got to a man who promises you something, but does not keep his word, moreover, even asks you to decide everything for him, then you are faced with someone who needs a second mother.

Your relationship with him is like that of a mother with a lazy son. Promising something all the time, and keeping you confident with occasional odd jobs that he will someday be a "millionaire," he vents his anger to manipulate you.

Of course, it depends on the woman what her husband will be like. But this is important only when choosing a husband. And in this case, you chose "son." Everything that is promised to you in the future is just manipulation.

It should be understood that while you agree to the role of a second mother, then your man may not change anything in himself. No matter how you later complain about it, criticize it and try to change it, it will all be useless. You should stop being a mother who solves all his problems for him and provides everything he needs. Only then will a man be ready to think about his role as a husband.

Why do men keep choosing older women? After all, it has always been believed that the most sought after are young and beautiful girls. Undoubtedly, mature women are also beautiful ... but not young anymore. Why are some men so attracted to them?

  1. Woman's independence.

When a woman is older than a man, then she becomes more wise and calm. Young girls often fool around, quarrel over trifles, worry, etc. With older women, everything is much easier. If they want to be with men, then they just meet with them, without stuffing their heads with various trifles. If they want to leave, then they do it.

An older woman is always independent and wise towards a man. And this is always lacking in relationships with young girls. While the young are hysterical, the more mature simply do not pay attention. If they get tired of the relationship, then they don’t fool anyone, but simply leave.

  1. Interesting lifestyle.

Older women have much more interests and hobbies than young girls. It seems that the opposite is true: young women are more interesting and cheerful than mature women. In fact, young girls are more stupid and carefree, addicted only to alcohol and stupid hobbies. You can learn a lot from older women.

Women who spent a lot of time alone have learned to love themselves. They know what they are interested in and what they want. They understand themselves and their desires. They have already learned a lot and can teach their partners everything.

If a young man is interested not to waste time, but to spend it usefully, then older women will be more interested in him.

  1. Moderate emotionality.

Youth is often accompanied by violent outbursts of emotions. Passions, emotions, feelings are seething between young people. Today they love each other, and tomorrow they hate each other. You will not experience this with a mature lady, since her emotional sphere is much more stable and calmer.

Some young men just need a woman to be calm. They don’t need outbursts of emotions when a girl either gets jealous, or loves, or wants to leave, or cries so that the guy doesn’t leave. All this bothers, and the young man is looking for a partner who will not throw tantrums and scandals from scratch.

An older woman has already gone through a period of emotional instability. She understands herself and her feelings. This suits her man, who chooses her.

  1. Experience in building relationships.

An important advantage of older women is that they have built relationships with men more than once, which means they know how to make the union stable and happy. An older woman certainly understands perfectly how to make a man happy. She no longer “pulls the blanket” only on herself. For a happy relationship, both of you must be happy.

A woman also understands perfectly well that she is not dating a handsome prince, but an earthly man who has flaws and who does not owe her anything. The girls are still waiting for their princes to appear, who will make their lives carefree and secure. Older women are already disillusioned. They are ready to solve difficulties and problems themselves, and not to shift them onto the shoulders of men.

  1. Rich experience in sex.

Of course, it is necessary to talk about sex, which continues to be an important element in building relationships. Men want not just to have sex, but also to make it interesting, varied. Older women undoubtedly have more experience in this matter than girls. While the young are just learning, older ladies themselves can teach their partners a lot.

Here it is worth noting the main element in sex - satisfaction. A man, despite his desire to have an orgasm, still wants his woman to enjoy it too. Young girls, due to their inexperience, may simply not know how to satisfy them. Mature women already know everything about themselves, so they can tell their partners how to bring them to orgasm.

What is the outcome of a relationship with an older woman?

Many may be interested in the question of what the relationship of a young man with an older woman can lead to. The result will largely depend only on the partners, which is based solely on their true intentions, because of which they build relationships. If a man is serious about a woman, then his union can be strong and happy. If the partners have frivolous intentions, then the relationship will be temporary or unhappy.

The result depends on what the man and woman are united for. And it doesn't matter how old they are. This law is valid at any age: the seriousness of intentions leads to a long relationship, and vice versa.

Young men have the same right to choose their mature partners as young girls. There is only one thing left - to withstand the pressure of public opinion and the pressure of the inner circle. After all, others, as always, will not understand the motives of partners who want to unite in one union. However, if the feelings are sincere and the intentions are serious, then you can stand before everything.
