The child is left-handed. Terrible handwriting! What to do? Sharing my experience

Any of us can become ambidextrous, that is, a person who can use his left and right hands equally. Ambidexters included Einstein, Michelangelo, Tesla, da Vinci, Fleming and Franklin. Of course, in order to wake up the other hand (in the case of this article, the right one), you will need a lot of time and patience, but this goal is still quite achievable! And this article will tell you what you need to do.


Practicing writing skills

    Write something with your left hand every day. You can’t want it today and wake up ambidextrous tomorrow - you have to work, and for quite a long time - several months or even years. So, if you really want to learn to use your left hand 100%, you will have to practice every day.

    • Make time in your schedule to write with your left hand. 15 minutes a day is enough.
    • The main thing is not to force yourself - disappointment and fatigue have ruined many great undertakings.
    • Practice regularly and you will achieve your goal.
  1. Hold your hand correctly. When you're trying to get used to writing with your left hand, it's important to get a comfortable grip on the pen.

    • Many of us hold the pen too tightly, squeezing it almost with a death grip, which is why the hand quickly gets tired. A tired hand, in turn, worsens the quality of writing.
    • To prevent your hand from getting tired, hold the pen with your left hand as you would with your right, but mirroring everything. And don't deny yourself breaks to rest!
    • Writing on good paper with a good pen will be much more convenient and easier.
    • Tilt the paper 30-45 degrees to the right - at this angle you will be more comfortable.
  2. Practice writing alphabet symbols. Use your left pen to write down the entire alphabet of your language, both lowercase and capital letters. Take your time, focus on making the letters at least vaguely resemble themselves. For now, quality is important to you, not speed.

    • For the sake of comparison, do the same, but with your right hand. Accordingly, continue to work with this role model.
    • Keep your drafts in a folder somewhere. This way, it will be more convenient and easier for you to track progress and, accordingly, it will be easier to deal with lack of motivation.
  3. Practice writing sentences. Having worked through the alphabet, it’s time to move on to the text, or more precisely, to sentences.

    • Start with something simple, like, “I am writing this sentence with my left hand.” Remember, there is no need to rush, you must try to do everything efficiently.
    • Then try to write some sentence that contains all the letters of the Russian language.
    • And then another one like that.
  4. Work with copybooks. You remember them, you learned to write from them yourself, even if long ago and with your right hand. However, neither the situation as a whole nor the rules for writing letters have yet changed. With the help of copybooks, you will hone your left-hand letter writing skills.

    • Strictly speaking, you are not just learning to write with your right hand, you are learning to write again and accustoming your brain to it. Namely, it was for such cases that the recipes were created.
    • Remember your lined notebooks with slanted lines? They will come in handy again - it will be easier to ensure that the letters have similar proportions.
  5. Try writing backwards. In Russian, as in many other languages ​​of the world, the text goes from left to right, “from thumb to little finger.”

    • For right-handers, this is nothing strange. In addition, this way, they also do not accidentally smear the ink when writing.
    • For left-handers, in turn, this state of affairs looks less natural. Left-handed people actually find it easier to write from right to left.
    • For example, da Vinci was left-handed and wrote exactly this way - from right to left, mirroring the letters when writing. This created a kind of cipher that could only be read by reflecting the text in a mirror.
    • Practice writing text from right to left with your left hand, and you will be surprised at how quickly and easily the letters will come out. However, to truly write backwards, you also have to write the words themselves that way!
  6. Draw. This, of course, is not exactly the same, but still, the ability to draw with your left hand will be useful to you - you will learn to more accurately control your hand, and also make it stronger.

    • Start with something simple - say, basic geometric shapes such as squares, circles and triangles. Then move on to more complex shapes - trees, chairs, and so on. When this comes easy to you, start drawing people and animals.
    • Draw from top to bottom with your left hand. This is a great exercise that will begin to train your brain to use your left hand as well as your right.
    • Many great artists were ambidextrous and often, when one hand got tired, they simply took the brush of the other and continued to paint. Sir Edwin Henry Landseer, a famous artist, was famous for his ability to draw with both hands at the same time.
  7. Be patient. As mentioned earlier, learning to write with your left hand will require a lot of time and effort. So be patient and don't give up!

    • After all, it took you years to learn to write with your right hand! Yes, you were a child, but that doesn't change the situation much. Moreover, this means that you will wake up the left one even faster! However, even taking this into account, you should not expect quick results.
    • Don't worry about your writing speed at first. You must learn to control your hand, write letters accurately, and not write quickly. Speed ​​is a matter of the next stage.
    • Motivate yourself with the fact that the ability to write with your left hand for a right-handed person is cool and spectacular. Surely you will need motivation...

    Making the left hand stronger

    1. Do everything with your left hand. Actually everything. This is the easiest way to accustom her to various loads. If you do something with your right, now start doing it with your left...

      • Brush your teeth with your left hand. Comb with your left hand. Stir the sugar in the cup with your left hand. Butter on bread - left. Open the door with your left. All left!
      • Throw darts with your left hand. Hold the cue with your left hand. Bowling is also left-handed.
      • Yes, at first it will be difficult, you will accidentally break down and start doing everything with the right. In this case, there is one surefire remedy - tie the fingers of your right hand. That's it, your hand is useless, you'll have to do everything with your left!
    2. Lift weights with your left hand. This will help you correct the difference between your dominant and non-dominant hand.

      • Dumbbells, wrist expanders - all this will serve you well.
      • Start with light weights and gradually increase the load.
    3. Learn to juggle. Juggling three to four balls is perhaps one of the best ways to strengthen your left arm and improve coordination. Moreover, it is also spectacular in itself!

      Practice with the ball. So, one of the great exercises for non-dominant hands is working with a ball bouncing off some surface. Take two tennis rackets and two balls, then start hitting them off the floor - at the same time with both hands.

      Learn to play a musical instrument. Many musicians whose instruments require two hands are somewhat ambidextrous.

      Go swimming. Another activity for two hands at once, developing general coordination of movements and, as a result, the brain.

      • Sign up for a pool, swim a couple of laps, and you will not only begin to develop your left arm, but will also do something useful for your body in general. Cardio has never hurt anyone!
    4. Wash dishes with your left hand. Regularly washing dishes with your left hand is a simple and reliable way to develop dexterity. This is both exciting and useful for the future, and not only for washing dishes.

    5. Start performing tasks with your left hand that require more precision. Write in mirror image, play pool or darts, peel shrimp with your non-dominant hand, which you have already trained on simpler tasks. This will also develop your overall ability to automatically transfer any action in a mirror image to the other hand. The next time you take on a new task with your left hand that you usually do with your right, you will act from the very beginning with a little more dexterity than if your left hand had not been accustomed to such exercises. It may take years for the left hand to catch up with the right, but within two months it will be closer. Once you've become proficient enough with your left hand, you don't need to be impatient for it to catch up with your right. If you are in a hurry to become ambidextrous and are prepared for things to be slow at first, you can skip steps 2-7.

      • Practice writing with your left hand only at home. At school or at work, write with your dominant hand until you can write with your left hand quickly and accurately.
      • When you start doing everything with your left, try not to use your right.
      • Do daily tasks with your left hand - hold a fork, remote control, etc.
      • Be patient and take your time.
      • From now on, do everything you did with your right hand with your left.
      • When learning to write with your left, don't forget about your posture.
      • Pay special attention to writing sentences that contain all the letters of the alphabet.
      • When writing with your left hand, look with your right eye.
How to teach a left-handed person to write beautifully

Most people are right-handed; it is more convenient for them to do everything with their right hand, since it is their dominant hand. The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for the work of the right hand. It is the leading hemisphere in right-handed people, because it is responsible for speech, reading, writing, logical reasoning...
This is how nature arranged it. But almost a quarter of the world's population work with their left hand.
Those who are more comfortable working with their left hand, left-handed people, as scientists say, can be divided into 4 groups.

First- those who inherited left-handedness. There are 9–11% of such people on the planet. Their leading hemisphere is the right. It is this hemisphere that is responsible for their speech, reading, and logic. And the number of such left-handers on the planet does not depend on climate, on race, and does not change from century to century.

Second group- so-called compensatory lefties. Imagine that during childbirth or a difficult pregnancy, the child’s left hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for the work of the right hand, was injured. Then the right hemisphere takes over the leading function and the left becomes the leading hand. Such compensatory left-handers are born during late pregnancies, because these pregnancies are often difficult and result in difficult births; in large families where the mother had frequent births; among three or four twins - that is, in cases where conditions for fetal development were unfavorable. There are now 12–13% of us who are compensatory left-handed. But there are more and more of them in developed countries, as more and more late children are born there.>

Third group- forced left-handed people who received a hand injury in early childhood. Hands, not brains! If a child breaks his right hand, burns it, or pinches a finger on it, he begins to take care of this hand and tries to do everything with his left hand. The left becomes a more trained hand. But when the kid comes to school, it turns out that he writes poorly with his left hand. Of course, his leading hemisphere is the left! Forced left-handers - 2–3%.

Fourth group- the smallest, less than half a percent of the population. These are copycat lefties. A few years ago, we had a mother and two sons at our reception. The eldest son is genetically left-handed. Both their father and grandfather are left-handed. When the youngest son began to do everything with his left hand, no one was surprised. But when he went to school and had big problems with writing, which the eldest did not have, his parents decided to figure out what was wrong. It turned out that their youngest was right-handed, but since all the men in the family were left-handed, the boy also did everything with his left hand, like his father and brother.

To retrain or not?
There is no genetic left-hander. This is not even discussed. This man is left-handed because his brain is designed that way.
A genetically left-handed child can write flawlessly beautifully with his left hand; this may be the same person who “forges a flea.” Such left-handers can have very fine and perfect coordination of movements.

Is it necessary to retrain a compensatory left-hander? No, no and NO. Moreover, it is impossible. His body found a way out, adapted, the healthy hemisphere took over the work of the damaged one, and we, by transferring a pencil to such a child from his left hand to his right, want to make the damaged part of the brain work.
If such left-handers begin to be retrained, they develop a lot of neurotic problems: sleep and appetite are disturbed; headaches and fears appear; children begin to stutter; enuresis and other troubles develop, up to a serious nervous disease - writer's cramp, when the child, as soon as he takes a pencil or pen, his hand shakes, his fingers cramp. These kind of compensatory left-handers, if they begin to be retrained, may refuse to go to school.

Is it necessary to retrain a left-handed child? Complex issue. If such a child is already in school and at the very least writes with his left hand, don’t. Switching to the right hand will be stressful for him. If your child is still a preschooler and you know for sure that he eats and draws with his left hand, because he was injured with his right hand as a child, consult a psychoneurologist on how best to develop his right hand, and gently convince the child to do everything with his right hand.

If your little “left-hander” in a family of left-handers draws something suspiciously poorly and writes with his left hand, have him checked by a psychologist: is he really left-handed?

When starting to teach a left-handed child to write, remember that in the first stages of learning he needs special help: you need to teach him to sit correctly, put down a notebook, hold a pen, and only after that you can start learning letters

  1. It is necessary to fix attention on the right-left orientation of all elements.
  2. Particular attention should be paid to the direction of writing on the line (from left to right).
  3. It is necessary to specifically explain how letters are connected using a connecting element (stroke) and in which cases it is necessary (om, on, yuk), and in which it is not (li, ul, sha).
  4. It is necessary to analyze in great detail the trajectory of the hand movement when writing each letter. Separately, pay attention to the elements that go beyond the line up and down. You need to repeat the movement and instructions several times at a slow pace.

We remind you:

  • tilt when writing is achieved only by the position of the notebook, all lines when writing are straight;
  • the handle should be in line with the hand (the angle can be very small);
  • the hand should be located under the writing line;
  • The position of the pen and hand when writing is of particular importance for a left-handed child.
  • A left-handed child should hold the pen higher than a right-handed child - at a distance of approximately 4 cm from the tip of the pen (rod). If you hold the pen incorrectly, clear and correct writing is difficult;
  • the paper (notebook) is tilted (to the right) at approximately 20° and shifted to the left from the center of the body;
  • the right hand holds the paper (notebook) in the desired position and moves it as needed;
  • When writing, the light falls from the right.

When writing, a left-handed child covers the letter writing pattern with his hand, so the writing pattern should be placed on the right side of the line.

Rice. 1. Position when writing with your left hand

Rice. 2. Position of the hand when writing with the left hand

The material was prepared based on website materials

Under no circumstances should you retrain a left-handed child to write with his right hand, as this can lead to various neuroses. And he will not learn to write beautifully with his right hand, just like a right-handed person with his left, because of the different structure of the brain, where the leading hemisphere is the right. Therefore, a left-handed person should be taught to write at home, preferably before entering school.

How to teach a left-handed child to write correctly

Before learning how to write letters, teach your child to sit at a table, hold a pen and a piece of paper:

  1. A left-handed child writes letters straight or slanted to the left. The correct direction of the letters is created by tilting the paper. Place a sheet of paper in front of the child in a linear stitch so that the top left corner is on top and the bottom right corner is on the bottom, i.e. The notebook should be shifted to the left at an angle of 20 degrees.
  2. Your hand should be under the stitching. A left-handed child writes by covering the previous written letters, so you need to teach him to place his hand under the writing line.
  3. A left-handed child should hold the pen slightly higher than right-handed people, about 4 cm from the shaft.
  4. The handle should form one line with the hand, and not perpendicular.
  5. Place the lamp on the desk on the child’s right side.
  6. Place the book to the child's right. A left-handed person has difficulty perceiving material on the left.

Exercises for lefties

And now about homework that will help your child learn to write correctly:

  • Play school with your child every day for 40-45 minutes: 10-15 minutes - continuous work, then a short break, etc.
  • Start with easy tasks. Do not move on to another task if the previous one has not yet been completed or is difficult to complete.
  • The classroom environment should be calm; do not scold your child if they spell letters incorrectly. If a left-handed child goes to school, he gets enough unpleasant feedback about his writing from teachers, so his mother is his only support.
  • Make sure that all letters are spelled correctly, correct your child immediately if he makes a mistake, and build subsequent lessons with an emphasis on writing those letters that he writes incorrectly.
  • A left-handed child can write letters in reverse, i.e. the tails of the letters “u”, “d”, “r”, “v”, “b” look in the opposite direction. In this case, write rows of these letters so that their incorrect spelling occurs. Give your child the task of finding mistakes.
  • You can draw the letters listed above without adding their tails, and let the child complete their writing.

Don't be discouraged if something doesn't work out the first time. The main thing is not to put pressure on the child, so that he does not completely lose interest in writing. He will definitely learn to write correctly, but only with your help and after some time.

It is believed that the number of left-handers in the world is increasing - or maybe they simply stopped retraining them? If you also have a left-handed child, you need to think about preparing him for school, teaching him how to navigate on a piece of paper and how to hold a pen and pencil correctly in advance. What difficulties may arise when teaching a left-handed child at school and how to overcome them?

Each hemisphere of the brain performs specific functions. In a right-handed person, the right hemisphere works with images: the occipital lobes are responsible for visual perception, picture recognition, etc. The temporal lobe of a right-handed person perceives sounds, speech intonations and voice timbre. The parietal lobe of the right hemisphere in a right-handed person allows a person to feel his body and make meaningful, purposeful movements.

The left hemisphere of a right-handed person is purely speech-oriented: the temporal lobe “deciphers” language and is responsible for auditory-speech memory, thanks to which we remember what was said at the beginning of a phrase when we hear its end. The occipital lobe of the left hemisphere in a right-handed person deciphers symbols: the alphabet, mathematical signs, road signs, etc. The left parietal lobe of a right-hander is responsible for articulation, and the left frontal lobe of a right-hander is responsible for correct speech; it also forms the skills of logical thinking, logical behavior, planning and regulation of all our activities. All speech skills are consolidated only with the help of the functions of the frontal lobe.

In an absolute left-hander, the hemispheres completely change functions: the right is responsible for speech, the left for imaginative thinking. All these features and preferences are finally formed by the age of 5–7 years; before that, the “leading” hand may periodically change. Therefore, it is better to determine whether your child is left-handed or right-handed closer to school.

Both absolute right-handers and absolute left-handers live relatively comfortably; they can easily master the skills of speaking, writing and reading, unless a left-handed person is forcibly retrained to write with his right hand. But, in addition to absolute left-handers and right-handers, approximately 50% of the population has partial or mosaic, and sometimes hidden left-handedness. (When, for example, a child writes with his right hand, but scores balls with his left foot.)

If you ask your friends, among them there will probably be a large number of obvious, hidden, and partial left-handers. Due to confusion in the functions of the hemispheres, an adult who is overeducated or latently left-handed may have difficulties understanding speech, writing correctly, handwriting, and coordinating movements. But even in 100% right- or left-handed people, one hemisphere may be slightly “stronger” than the other.

How to prepare a left-handed child for school

So, there is no need to retrain a left-handed person. So what to do? In everyday life, left-handedness does not interfere much with a child. But how will he write at school? This is what worries most parents. There really are some difficulties and secrets here.

If a child has a left dominant eye, he may not immediately learn orientation on a sheet of paper. Vision is designed in such a way that a left-handed person involuntarily looks with his left eye at the right side of a book or notebook. It happens that a left-handed child begins to read a word from the end. It turns out to be nonsense, and he does not dare say it out loud. Parents or the teacher do not understand why the child reads with pauses, they rush him, while the child needs help.

Problems with reading, writing and speech can occur in left-handed children and in cases where their dominant eye is left and their dominant hand is right. To help your child, you can mark individual words in reading texts and when reading with a colored pencil. the letter with which to begin reading the word.

Children are often left-handed write block letters in reverse, "reversed". It is useless to make comments to such children. It is better to invite the child to construct letters using a model from different lengths of sticks and semicircles, and then offer to write down the letters along lines planning the direction of movements, equipped with arrows, and dotted dots - showing where to start and where to lead the line. It is useful to talk through the plan for writing the letter with your child: first... then... draw his attention to the similarities and differences of the elements of the letter.

When a left-handed child begins to draw and write with his left hand, do not interfere with him, but help him position his hand correctly. Take a closer look at how your right hand lies while writing: your sheet of paper (notebook, album) is directed with the lower left corner towards your chest. The right arm, from the elbow to the hand, fits tightly to the table and to the top of the sheet of paper. The hands of a left-handed child should lie on the table so that the elbow of the left hand protrudes slightly beyond the edge of the table and the left hand moves freely along the line from top to bottom, and the right hand lies on the table and holds the sheet so that it does not fidget.

The left hand should be facing the table surface. The fulcrum points for the hand are the nail phalanges of the slightly bent little and ring fingers, as well as the lower part of the palm.

A pencil or ballpoint pen is placed on the upper nail part of the middle finger, and the nail phalanges of the thumb and index fingers hold the pencil at a distance of 1.5–2 cm from the writing part of the pencil or “ball”. In the process of writing, a left-handed person moves from left to right (the direction of the pen is to the left, and the movement of the hand and fingers is to the right).

The left hand with a pen or pencil is located under the line. This is the most convenient way of writing, since the child does not have to “twist” his hand, the sample is clearly visible, and what was previously written does not become blurred. Naturally, the letters will be written slanted to the left. This tilt is often observed in right-handed people.

The main thing is to give the child the opportunity to write in a way that is convenient for him, to minimize the likelihood of involuntary errors, so that the child can calmly control his writing. In this case, the notebook lies tilted to the right, the lower right corner of the page is directed towards the middle of his chest.

It is difficult for a left-handed child to navigate in a notebook, in a line. He finds it difficult to determine the direction in which the letter begins. In this case, you need to mark the left side of the line with a colored vertical line or dot to find the correct “point of departure” for the beginning of the letter.

And let us remind you: before the age of 6–7 years, it is categorically not recommended to teach a child to write - his hand and eyes are not yet ready for this, regardless of whether he is right-handed or left-handed.

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Comment on the article “How to teach a left-handed child to write”

Left-handed - how to teach how to hold a pen. How to help your child learn to write beautifully and quickly. This is why it is so important to teach a child how to hold a pen correctly at the beginning of learning, especially since if the wrong skill is formed, it will be very difficult to re-teach the child.


No, you are wrong, it is necessary to retrain, the child really needs to buy a special pencil or pen, German sets have both pens and pencils in the set, there is a rubber base for the fingers, I think you saw it, you just didn’t pay attention

I'm a supporter - how convenient)
those. show how to do it correctly, you also need to try to teach, but if it doesn’t work, then leave behind
I’ve been holding it wrong all my life) it doesn’t interfere with living)
often incorrect grip occurs in hidden left-handers or two-handers, and here at least kill yourself and relearn)

The child is left-handed. Useful links. Adoption. Discussion of issues of adoption, forms of placing children in families, raising adopted children, interaction with Section: Useful links (Girls, give me a link about how to beautifully teach a left-handed person to write). The child is left-handed.


Last year I took two left-handers to first grade, buying them the entire arsenal: special pens, special writing papers, special scissors and special rulers. In January, by a strong-willed decision, one of them, by agreement with the teacher, was retrained to use his right hand. As a result, in the second grade I have one left-handed person who writes beautifully and one ambidextrous person who writes well.

09.10.2013 23:23:03, O-k-s-a-n-a

Girls, when is a child determined for sure whether he is right-handed or left-handed? The speech therapist seemed to say that up to 4 years old, so we are already 4... He eats, plays and draws with his right and then with his left hand. On the left he says that it is more convenient for him...

It has absolutely nothing to do with Lefty/Righty. For example, in the 1st grade my son was determined that everything is leading on the left, this is important so that he is not seated in the very left row from But we both ride and do everything “like a right-hander,” but both have, to put it mildly, lackluster motor skills.


Oh, and I, for example, am this very natural ambidextrous person. I haven’t found any disadvantages for myself in this life, there are continuous advantages. Don’t worry too much about this, let the child do what is comfortable for him.

I am 100% left-handed, I do everything with my left hand. It’s more convenient for me to stand with my right and push with my left.

First-grader - left-handed and handwriting. Education, development. A child from 7 to 10. Today he came with homework: write the elements of the letter G. According to the son, the teacher told left-handers to write the elements with a slant to the left.


2nd grade. Lefty. The flight is normal. The teacher once told us to hold the notebook straight, i.e. Don’t tilt it anywhere, and let the letters be as it turns out, but try traditionally to the right. Now he writes well, there is a slight tilt to the right. He holds his hand not with a “hook”, like Obama, but as usual. The only problem is that you need to select quick-drying ink and “eraser pens” are not for us - the hand smears the already written line.

09.10.2012 08:32:10, eeeee

Thanks to everyone for the answers :) We decided to write it the way it was more convenient. Tomorrow I’ll talk to the teacher so that she doesn’t insist on a left tilt. I myself have never encountered copybooks lined to the left. That’s why I thought, what if I missed something :)

At the age of 4, the teacher suggested that he was left-handed). right-handed or left-handed - how to determine? Hello, My son is 6 years old. At the age of 4, the teacher suggested that he was left-handed. (Had a spoon and pencil with his right hand VERY poorly.)


Most likely left-handed. It will be easy to do everything with your right hand. And we are left-handed (the eldest), it was clear from 6 months. And there is no way to retrain us. In the garden they tried to teach him to eat soup with his right hand, but it didn’t work.

I would develop both hands. Ambidexterity is a very popular topic these days. Many almost see it as a guarantee of future genius :)

Teach how not to harm.. Education. Adoption. Discussion of issues of adoption, forms of placing children in families I, while studying algebra with other people’s children, more than once noticed how difficult it is for left-handed people to solve examples, because they cover everything previously written with their hands.


Oksana, keep in mind that there is one danger. In critical situations, when the question of “life and death” arises and seconds count, a person on instinct begins to act with the hand that is leading by nature. And not the one that has become more familiar in the process of life experience.
Therefore, if your boy is left-handed by nature and you decide to retrain him, be sure to maintain the functionality of his left hand.

How do left-handed people write? Preparation for school. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, kindergarten attendance and relationships with thanks to those who answered! I don’t bother about written letters, they’ll teach you at school, and there are few options for writing in your own way.


Any preschooler is allowed to mirror. Left-handed people mirror more often and more actively.
Read Bezrukikh and look at her copybooks, not to teach, but to see that left-handed children often find it more convenient to write letters differently than right-handed children.

I'm also left-handed. So, now, almost six months before school, her way of writing is very different from how she started writing. From your description, I don’t understand exactly how your child writes. I just think that at 5 years old it’s too early to sound the alarm.... things will still change several times.

I know that definitively right-handedness or left-handedness is determined by the age of 2 years. And for many, only by this age (i.e. quite late) did children decide on their hands? Kirill has been confused for a month now (before this he took everything clearly with the right hand).


Not by 2 only, by the age of 5.
And if the child is left-handed, you won’t confuse it with anything :) However, just like a pure right-hander.

determined after 5.

mine can eat with two spoons at the same time.

I will not relearn, I will not shift. will decide on its own.

The teachers in our Montesories told me to place a new object in the middle so that she could choose which hand to take

If the child is left-handed. My husband is also left-handed, and I am ambidextrous, our daughter is left-handed. They started writing at the age of 4, it was very difficult to teach how to hold a pen. A left-handed child is unique. How to properly raise a left-handed child. Why am I left-handed and other children are not?


and teach - just like a right-hander)
There is not much difference, except that writing with your left hand from left to right is not so convenient - your hand gets dirty)

At this age, all this is not scary if speech develops normally. The child runs away not because he has a lot of energy, but because his attention is still involuntary and he cannot do such things for a long time. 5 minutes is quite normal, even good, you just need to do several different approaches per day. I don’t understand what the point is in plastic tweezers; metal ones are also quite suitable, if they are not for dissection, that is, not with thin, needle-like tips.

Girls, who have left-handed children, tell us how to correctly teach a child to write in copybooks. There are special recipes for left-handers. True, my son didn’t need them; I’m interested in them for the future. and basically asked how to teach them to write correctly...


My left-hander :) already in the 4th grade, I didn’t bother with cursive notes at all, I also rejected scissors for left-handed people, but IMHO, IMHO, I need a proper pen. My son’s handwriting, of course, is unique, but that doesn’t stop him from getting mostly 5:)

There are special recipes for left-handers. True, my son didn’t need them - he wrote in regular ones, and quite well. The main thing is to choose a good pen so that it doesn’t smear.

How to teach a left-handed person to write? The child is left-handed. Child psychology. As for mirrored letters, this is generally the norm for up to 6 years. The older daughter stopped mirroring only when she learned to write in capital letters at school, and even then not quite.


These are the problems people create for themselves. My son is 6 years old and will go to school. When he writes not for an assignment, but for himself, he writes in any direction he wants: maybe half from left to right, in the middle of a line he can start writing the other way around - from right to left, and also from bottom to top. As for mirrored letters, this is generally the norm for up to 6 years. The older daughter stopped mirroring only when she learned to write in capital letters at school, and even then not quite. Not even in the first grade, she confused capital E and Z, in English (she wrote it in English from the age of 4) - b and d. And none of them are ever left-handed.

You, of course, know better, but at that age you can’t edit a child’s writing at all. if you don’t want to discourage him from learning altogether. and right-handed people at the age of 6-7 have the right to mirror and make mistakes in writing letters, but for a left-handed person this is not a tragedy at all. My Seryoga is also left-handed. He writes with pleasure. Of course, he’s wrong. I don't correct him, only sometimes. But he's okay with it. but Nadya became possible to rule only quite recently. She used to get terribly offended and stop writing altogether if something was wrong.
Is it really possible that a 5-year-old child should already be able to write perfectly by the time he enters your primer class?

Right-handed, left-handed or...? I began to notice that my child, who always and confidently chose his right hand, began to do some things. Allegedly, there are simple test exercises, by performing which you can determine to a first approximation whether he is left-handed or right-handed.

How can this be determined? I try to put everything in my right hand: a spoon, a pencil, a toothbrush. Max himself often shifts everything to the left. I found more tests :) How do you know if you are left-handed or right-handed? Tests to determine this in an infant are observations: which hand...


I don’t retrain it, and in the garden I told them not to retrain it :) although sometimes he himself shifts it to the right one and eats a little with it, but draw, etc. still only left

My child only uses his left hand! He's left-handed! This fact is often perceived by parents in a negative way. It can be worse - like a punishment or a verdict of fate. Is this really so? In this article, parents will find a lot of useful information on how to help a left-handed child adapt to a world that is “tailored” for right-handed people.

Left-handedness: what are the reasons?

What determines which hand is dominant? This is determined by three factors: upbringing, heredity and possible disorders that the child acquired as a result of birth injuries or perinatal complications.

Typically, the dominant hand is connected to the opposite dominant hemisphere of the brain. That is, if the dominant hemisphere is left, then the person writes with the right hand, and vice versa.

Left-handedness is not a bad habit or a fad. This is the result of a special structure of the brain. Most often, this is an innate individual characteristic of the baby - the same as the pace of speech or hair color, and therefore you just need to accept it, and not break it and try to rebuild it.

Psychological characteristics of left-handers

Each hemisphere is responsible for its own type of information processing. Thus, the left “logical” hemisphere processes information sequentially, while going through all possible options for the development of events. Whereas the right “image” hemisphere instantly processes the information received, perceiving it as one holistic image.

The differences between left-handers and right-handers are not limited to the fact that one actively uses the right hand, and the other - the left. Everything is deeper and much more complex, but the main difference is the way we process information received from the outside world. Left-handers perceive information received differently and also react to it differently emotionally.

There are a number of basic psychological characteristics that distinguish left-handed people from right-handed people:

  • Left-handers have a better developed imagination and are prone to fantasizing.
  • Left-handed people find it more difficult to do arithmetic, due to the fact that these actions require sequential thinking and logic, and this function is controlled by the left hemisphere. But they will succeed in studying geometry due to its spatial nature.
  • Left-handed people are worse at performing activities that require constant self-control.
  • It is easier for right-handers to master competent written and oral speech, since left-handers have a much weaker ability to actively reproduce speech compared to the ability to understand words.
  • Left-handed people have an excellent sense of body, spatial orientation and excellent coordination of movements. They are much more mobile than people with a dominant right hand.
  • Lefties are more impressionable, emotional and vulnerable. In this regard, they are more likely to become offended, angry, and irritated. This is especially evident at the stage of difficulties, which they often encounter.
  • Left-handers do an excellent job with a variety of generalization tasks, but the tendency to “grab” a holistic image of a picture instead of analyzing it step by step prevents them from mastering the skill of reading.

How not to raise a left-handed child

Under no circumstances should you retrain your child. This process will turn into real torture for the baby’s brain. What will be the result?

  • The baby will develop speech with a delay, and various speech therapy problems will arise.
  • The child's neuroticism increases due to persistent retraining. Its most common symptoms are disturbances in appetite and sleep, abdominal pain and headaches, stuttering, enuresis and the like.
  • That same “topographic cretinism,” or the inability of an adult to orientate himself correctly, the inability to perceive a melody, the inability to dance, and so on.

It is better not to focus on the fact that the child has a congenital feature. Neither the baby himself nor the people around him should see this as something unique and unusual. Otherwise, the child may develop shyness and a life scenario of a loser.

Remember that you should not shout at a left-handed child (as well as at any other child), otherwise he will simply withdraw into himself and eventually lose contact with his parents. The reasons for this lie in natural increased impressionability and vulnerability.

How should you raise a left-handed child?

First of all, parents should make sure that the child does not associate failures with the fact that he writes with his left hand rather than his right. To do this, you can, for example, tell your child about famous left-handed personalities. These were Leonardo Da Vinci, Albert Einstein, Julius Caesar, Johann Sebastian Bach and many other famous and talented people.

To summarize, let’s say that if parents are finally convinced that their baby is left-handed, they should not be upset. It is better to spend your time learning to take into account the child’s peculiarities in learning and everyday communication. In addition, it is imperative to warn educators and teachers that the child is left-handed. In many ways, the degree to which the child is susceptible to neuroticism depends on them.

  1. Take for granted the peculiarity of your baby. Don't try to turn him into a right-hander. Explain to him that there are also many people who do work with their left hand, and this is just as normal as being right-handed.
  2. Do not make excessive demands on him and in no case contrast him with other children.
  3. Don't try to raise a child prodigy, but encourage him for any, even the smallest successes, and praise his creative abilities.
  4. Create the necessary conditions for your child not only at home, but also at school. Ask the teacher to assign him a seat at the table on the left side, so that he does not collide with the elbow of his neighbor on the desk. Make sure that the light from a window or table lamp falls on the work area on the right side.
  5. Do not forget about the increased impressionability and emotionality of your baby. Adults need to be very friendly and sensitive to him.
  6. Be prepared to purchase left-handed tools. Left-handedness becomes a problem when a child begins to learn to write. There are special pens. In the near future, he will have to sit at a computer with a left-handed mouse and a mirrored keyboard - typing text will be much easier than writing.

In the meantime, you need to realize that a child with a predominant left hand is not a reason to be upset. Even if he is scolded at every parent meeting.

The most common myths about left-handed people

Some psychologists believe that left-handed children are more anxious and also more likely to experience emotional disorders than their right-handed peers. They are considered to be very painful and often suffer from sleep disorders. Psychologists say that left-handed children are prone to feelings of guilt, are more shy, impractical, insecure, rude, and also have a lower level of intelligence than right-handed children.

Left-handed children: features of learning to write

First of all, parents need to pay attention to the child’s workplace. Note that all elements of the table will have a special orientation.

To prevent a left-handed child from blocking the light with his hand, it must fall either from the front or from the right.

Only the right hand moves the notebook. In writing, all elements are straight. Tilt is achieved only by tilting the sheet or notebook to the left. The advantage in this position is that the child does not cover what he is writing with his hand, which should be in the “under the line” position. Relative to the body, the sheet also shifts to the left.

If at the initial stage a left-handed child learns the correct arrangement of objects on the table, as well as the rules of penmanship, then in the future parents will be able to avoid many difficulties in teaching their child to write.

To help children and parents: products for left-handers

How to teach a left-handed person to write? Use developed tools as assistants.

Now they are releasing copybooks for left-handed people. They are specially designed for “unusual” children. In these copybooks, arrows indicate the direction of writing. All letters must be written straight. Copybooks for left-handers will greatly facilitate the learning process, and will also allow you to quickly teach a left-handed child beautiful and accurate writing.

Another helper is a special pen designed for children who are left-handed. It has the necessary indentations for fingers, as well as an inclination that makes writing easier. In addition, special pens for left-handers have special ink that dries quickly, so they do not smear while writing, ensuring cleanliness and neatness in the notebook.

In addition to these helpers, you can purchase special scissors for left-handers, erasers, sharpeners, and rulers. All left-handers who have already tried these useful new products say that they make life and learning much easier.

Products for left-handers. Pen

A pen for children with a dominant left hand writes at any angle. In addition, it has a thin rod and ink that dries quickly, because thick rods leave ink marks that are smeared as the left hand glides over the already written text.

Parents often ask whether to retrain a left-hander? Psychologists will definitely taste “no”! When teaching writing, parents need to take into account the sensitive and vulnerable nature of their child, remember that they need to encourage and praise him more often. If you study together, you will be able to correct mistakes in a timely manner, as well as lay the foundation for correct penmanship in a timely manner. In this case, the statement “A left-handed child cannot write beautifully” will not apply to your child.

How to hold a pen correctly?

Copybooks for left-handers will allow kids to develop penmanship skills and learn how to hold a pen correctly.

The baby's hand should be in a straight line with the handle. A slight tilt is allowed.

The left hand is under the line, but sometimes it is more convenient for the baby to write in the “hand under the line” position. Some consider this position to be erroneous.

While writing, the right hand moves the notebook.

The inclination of the letters is achieved only by tilting the notebook; all writing lines must be straight.

When writing, the fingers should be positioned slightly higher than in children with a predominant right hand. This is approximately 4 cm from the tip.

Avoid putting too much tension on your index finger; it should move freely up and down. It is better to ask the child to lift it.

Rulers and erasers for left-handed people

An ordinary child draws and draws lines from left to right. However, it is inconvenient for a left-handed person to use a regular ruler - everything is smeared, and the scale is not visible. Why? Because the child draws lines from right to left - after all, he is left-handed. In order to always keep his notebook neat and clean, you need to purchase a special ruler for left-handed children.

Another handy tool is an eraser for left-handed people. It has a special shape that is natural for the left hand, so working with it will not require much effort.

Left-handed keyboard

A left-handed child will also use a computer, so he needs a comfortable keyboard. Outwardly, it is similar to the standard one, but the location of some keys is different. The first thing you will notice is that the numeric keypad is not on the right, but on the left. In addition, the Enter, Del, Page Up, Page Down, and arrow keys are located within reach of the left hand. In addition, they are duplicated on the right. So this keyboard can be used by both left and right handed people.

Manufacturers of left-handed keyboards pay close attention to ergonomics, so the keys on these models often have a special shape and pyramidal arrangement. Additionally, the keyboards have wrist rests.

Special mice are also produced for children who are left-handed. Vertical and horizontal, ergonomic, with special grooves for fingers. In addition, there is also a gaming mouse for left-handers.

Computer mouse for left-handers

A left-handed computer mouse is a special device that is also “tailored” for people whose left hand predominates. The shape of this device is designed so that the fingers avoid bending. The left-handed computer mouse was created by a team of doctors, engineers and physical therapists, and was designed taking into account the position of the arm and hand during use to avoid strain on the wrists and hands.
