Holiday scenario for children and their parents “My favorite toys. Toys

CEI NGO "Bolkhovskaya boarding school for students with disabilities"

Holiday script

"Play and Toy Day"

Carried out by educators:

Ismailova A.V.

Lobkareva E.A.

Bolkhov, 2016

Date: 05/18/16

Purpose: to show the importance and necessity of interaction with elementary school children in play activities.


Create an environment of emotional well-being, provide children with the opportunity to relax and get new experiences, form a desire to take an active part in the event, develop the monologue speech of children.

To cultivate a sense of collectivism, a friendly attitude towards each other and adults, respect for toys.

Previous work: children compiling stories about their favorite toy, designing the exhibition "My Favorite Toy", "Baby Books", an exhibition of children's drawings, talking with children about caring for toys, a reading contest "Poems about toys".


Favorite toys of children (everyone has their own);

Toys (ball, hare, Carlson, dog);

For the relay: balloons, pyramids, horses on a stick, baskets with red, yellow, blue plastic balls equally, sticks with ribbons and cars; toys and balloons to decorate the hall;

Musical accompaniment.

Fun music sounds. The children enter the room.

I .Preparatory part

1. Greeting.


In our school

There are many toys

Dolls, bears, bunnies

Balls, crackers.

We are opening today

Unusual holiday

We invite all friends

Take part in it.

To cheerful music

And to the sound of crackers,

The toy parade begins

II .Main part.

1. The game "Continue the poem"

Poems were taught about toys. Remember?

Leading. (takes the ball).

1. Our Tanya cries loudly

(bert bunny)

2. The hostess threw the bunny

3. Tell me what the bull does when it walks and swings?

Where did the hero of the poem "I love my horse" go? Read.

Video: Playing and dancing with Santa Claus in kindergarten

4. To whom does the elephant bow?

How did you comb the Horse's tail?

Who wrote these poems?

2. Conversation. looking at toys

Leading. Agree with me that each of you loves to play and that each of you has your own favorite toy.

Leading . I see you are great! Came to the party with toys. Let's look at them. (Funny music sounds, children raise toys above their heads and show their toys.)

Leading. What different toys: dolls, cars, and soft animals. Guys, tell us about your favorite toy. (Children recite poems).

Leading. I also had a favorite toy as a child. Do you want to know?

Children. Yes!

Leading. Solve the riddle.

The fat man lives on the roof

He flies above all.

Children. Carlson.

Leading. Well done. Guessed.

Leading. (Bert in the hands of a soft toy - Carlson). You know, when I was like you, little, my grandmother told me that toys come to life at night. And me

I always wanted to play with live Carlson, but I fell asleep.

I know the dance "Revived Toys". Let's dance, maybe Carlson will come to life.

(Sits a toy - Carlson on the windowsill)

The song "About toys" performed by Sophie sounds. Children are dancing.

A buzzing sound is heard (an audio recording of a helicopter) - Carlson flies from the window, in his hands is a ball.

Carlson. Hi friends! Can I land for a minute? Somehow my engine is stuck.

Leading. Yes, yes please.

The song is about Carlson. Carlson is dancing.

Carlson. Friends, do you recognize me? Who am I?

Children. Carlson.

Leading. It's my Carlson come to life! A miracle has happened!

Carlson. That's right, my name is Carlson. I am a handsome, intelligent and moderately well-fed man, in the prime of life. And what are you doing here, and even with


Leading. And we have a holiday of toys.

Carlson. Guys, do you all love to play?

Children. (in chorus) Yes.

Carlson. And in outdoor games where you need to run a lot and quickly?

Great. I love these games too. Do you know who is the best entertainer in the world?

Leading. Who?

Carlson. The best entertainer in the world is Carlson, who lives on the roof.

Leading. That's great! Join us, Carlson.

3. The game "If you went out with a friend"

Carlson. I also have a favorite toy. Do you want to know which one?

Children. (in chorus) Yes.

Carlson. Then guess the riddle.

Round, smooth, like a watermelon...

Any color, for different tastes

When you let go of the leash,

Fly away for the clouds.

Children. Balloon.

Carlson. Correctly. This is a balloon.

I know a very fun game "If you hit the road with a friend."

Participants stand in pairs. Each pair (in turn) takes a balloon and, holding it with their palms, runs to the pyramid, runs around it and comes back.

4. Relay "Horse Chase".

Carlson. I love flying and walking, but even more I love riding horses. Do you want to ride a horse?

Children. (in chorus) Yes! Carlson. (Give each team a gym ball and a horse on a stick)

Then on the horses!

Children on gymnastic balls behind children, children on "horses" (horse on a stick) jump to the pyramid and back.

Leading. What fast and mischievous horses. Let's get some rest. let's play

5. "Danetki".

Funny danetki - without candy wrappers -

Only "yes" and only "no" - give the correct answer!

Who eats a lot of sweets

That sweet tooth, right? (Yes)

In the sky, a month and a star -

So it's noon? (No)

Saucepan and frying pan

Needed for fishing? (No)

Very difficult, right? (Yes)

Growing mustache and beard

For those who go to kindergarten? (No)

You ate dinner with gusto

Do you need to say thank you? (Yes)

6.Competition "Merry motorists".

Carlson. Something you all sat up,

Have you looked at the toys?

Isn't it time to run

To frolic, to ride?

Children. It's time.

Carlson. Then guess the riddle about another toy. And we will play with it.

Doesn't fly, doesn't buzz

Beetle running down the street

And burn in the eyes of the beetle

Two brilliant lights.

This gave the plant to him: and the lights-

Look into the darkness

Both wheels and motor

Rushed to full speed. (automobile) .

We tie one end of the tape to a stick, and tie a machine to the other end of the tape. Whoever winds the tape the fastest will be the first to reach the finish line.

7. The game "Shaggy dog".

Leading. Friends, look, who is sitting here, bored?

Children. Dog. Carlson. Let's have some fun now. (Bert toy - dog).

Here sits a shaggy dog,

Burying your nose in your paws.

Quietly, quietly he lies

Not dozing, not sleeping.

Let's go to him, wake him up

And let's see: what will happen?

They wake up the "dog", he barks and catches up with them.

Leading. Well done! That's how smart and fast you are.

Carlson scatters colored balls all over the hall.

Leading. Carlson, what are you doing? How are we going to play now?

Carlson. It's nothing, it's a festive thing ... this is a salute in honor of the holiday. And in order to continue playing, you need to collect the balls.

(At a signal, everyone collects balls by color: parents are red, girls are yellow, boys are blue. Who is faster).

8. Guessing riddles

Carlson. I was talking nonsense. I suggest you get some rest.

I guess riddles

Guess them guys.

1. He is kicked, but he does not cry,

they throw him - he jumps back. (Ball)

The shot beats, it helps to walk (Drum).

3. Nearby are different girlfriends,

But they look alike

Everyone is sitting next to each other

And only one toy (matryoshka).

4. These miracle bricks

I received as a gift.

What I make of them - I will break,

I start all over again (cubes).

Well done, guys, guessed all the riddles.

8. Competition "Candy in a spoon".

(Take candy out of pocket.) I wanted something sweet.

Leading. Wait, Carlson, and you can play with candy. Let's see who can run with the candy without dropping it.

Carlson. Well, it's easy. It's much harder to run without eating.

Leading. So let's see who will cope with this "difficult" task.

Run around the pyramid while holding the candy in the spoon.

Carlson. And I can show tricks. Do you want me to show you? I am the best magician in the world. Here I have a candy, I unfold it and - um! There is no candy. Interesting focus?

Leading. We didn't really like your trick.

Carlson. Trivia is a matter of life. I have one more candy.

(Get 1 large candy). Eat up, friends.

Leading. There is only one candy, but there are many of us. How to eat?

Carlson. So I'm the best magician in the world.

One, two, three, four, five

We will invite a miracle to visit

I will spin the propeller

And I wave my hand

Let's say together

One two Three…

Look at the candy. (throws out a lot of sweets).

Oh sweet, oh delicious

This is for all of you from me.

Leading. What a wonderful trick! Thanks Carlson!

III .Result of the holiday.

Carlson. Thank you friends for playing with me. I really liked you, but

It's time for me to go home - to the roof. Let's do a fun dance together


Everyone is dancing, performing the movements shown by Carlson. Carlson says goodbye and flies away.

Leading. We played with toys

We read poems about them

They danced together.

And now it's time

Let us part, friends.

To the song Y. Verizhnikova"Doll", the children go into the hall, sit down in places.

Leading: There are many holidays in the year that everyone knows and loves, what are these holidays guys?

Do not make mistakes when organizing a children's holiday.

CHILDREN'S HOLIDAYS - our profession.

Seems like a simple question.

"Bear" V. Stepanov.

Wears a red bow

What a beautiful bear.

Maybe even for the bear

Sew me red pants.

The game "Collect the bumps."

Presenter: And now we will continue our holiday with the poem "Baiu - Baiu" by T. Koval.

In the yard it's dark - it's dark,

He looks out the window at us.

It will shine all night

You need to turn off the lamp.

It's time to sleep, toys,

A bed is waiting for us, pillows,

You are tired, I already know

I'm already yawning myself.

"On the playground" T. Koval.

On playground

You can easily


Around on a horse.

build a house there

Everyone is allowed

shake hands

Brave astronaut.

There are climbers

Warm up in the morning

Again and again

They climb the mountain.

And every day

Inspirational in the morning

The best work

There are cooks.

Oh, cooks

Barely make it

In sequence

Easter cakes are in time.

Is it a swing?

Not! Not! Aircraft!

Here workout

Pilots are coming!

Mom you by the hand

Take it urgently

To us on the site

Come play.

Here on the site

You won't be bored.

business, believe me

Anyone can find it.

"Matryoshka" V. Stepanov.

We are beauties nesting dolls,

Multicolored clothes.

Once - Matryona. Two - Malasha,

Mila - three. Four - Masha.

Margarita is five.

Presenter: And now, girls, let's turn into nesting dolls!

Girls perform an impromptu dance to the music of the song "Matryoshka" Y. Verezhnikov.

Presenter: How great we had fun today, read poems about toys, danced, played. Now take your favorite toy and let's dance. "Come to play with me" A. Varlamov



Attributes: caps of parsley (10 pcs, dolls for girls, bears, cones, baskets.

Origami. "Snowdrops"

Happy Old New Year!

Favorite toy contest - scripts for children's holidays - scripts for children's holidays

A bear with a doll briskly stomp,

They stomp smartly, look!

And clap their hands loudly

Mishka is fun, Mishka is fun

Mishenka turns his head,

Doll fun, fun too

Oh, how fun, oh, oh, oh!

A bear with a doll briskly stomp,

They stomp smartly, look!

And clap their hands loudly

Clap loudly: One! Two! Three!

We'll try, we'll try

To dance this field.

Can we, can we

Can we fall behind?

Enter three cats - Vaska, Fomka and Dymka. Sing a song:

Song of cats

We creep through the dark closets

We walk in damp cellars.

Where sour cream turns white in pots

And where the meat hangs on hooks!

All day long we snore near the stove,

But only midnight will strike on the clock -

We light green candles

In our round cat eyes.

Hey cats! Hey cats!

Fluff your tails!

Our teeth are creaking!

Our claws are sticking out!

For prey! Cheer up, cats!

Vaska: Look, what an audience!!! Prey itself came to us in the paws!

Fomka: Who is not here? And monkeys! And cookies! And steam locomotives! Are we in a children's world? Children: No! We have a favorite toy! Smokey: There it is!!! And where is our favorite toy Zhakonya?

The cats are laughing.

Vaska: Zhakonya is sleeping near the jug with sour cream. Fomka: And he has no idea that he ate sour cream!!! (Pointing to Vaska.)

They laugh again.

Dymka: Nothing good comes from these toys! (He covers all the toys with a cloth. If the holiday is held in the third, fourth grades, you can hide all the toys in a large bag, for first graders it is better to cover them with a cloth so that they can see that in fact the toys still remain on the teacher's table.) That's all !!! Your toys are gone! Were yes floated!!!

Zhakonya enters. His nose is in sour cream. The cats run away.

Zhakonya: Ah, you vile cats!!! Already here they managed to mess up! !! What have they done guys? Children: Hid our toys!!!

Zhakonya: How could they!!! After all, toys are such an ancient invention of mankind. If we turn to history and see what toys used to be, then we can easily find out from them what the people of that time were doing, what the equipment was like, what the soldiers looked like. And also toys - educators, teachers and mentors. Rattles, pyramids, cubes introduce kids to the concept of color, shape, size. Sports toys develop coordination, strength, dexterity, eye. Constructors, puzzles - intelligence and imagination. What a serious thing - a toy! And at the same time very funny! How could the prankster cats dare to kidnap them?!

The hostess enters.

Hostess: Zhakonya, have you eaten all the sour cream from the jar? Zhakonya: No, I didn't touch it!

Hostess: How did you not touch it! You have sour cream all over your mouth! Children, how can you not touch, but dirty your mouth? Children: The cats smeared him!

Hostess: Cats? Ah, pranksters! I'll go find them and punish them!!! (Exits.)

Cats appear.

Vaska: How, he will find it! Fomka: It's a pity that Zhakonya wasn't punished!!! Dymka: Say thanks to the guys, they saved you!!! Zhakonya: Give the children their favorite toys immediately! These are their friends!

Vaska: Just giving it away is not interesting!!! Fomka: We invite you to play!

Dymka: Let everyone introduce themselves on behalf of their toy, tell how it appeared with its owner and why they value each other.

Vaska: After that, all the other guys must guess what kind of toy it is, and this toy among those that are on the table.

Fomka: Well, what an idea!!! Let's go to the kingdom of toys! Zhakonya: Well, guys, let's agree to play with the cats? Children: YES!

Each child goes to the board and says a greeting prepared at home. Vaska: You guessed all the toys! Fomka: The guys really love them very much! Smokey: I want to be a favorite cat too! Vaska: Me too! Smokey: Me too!

Zhakonya: Then don't do any more dirty tricks! Cats (in chorus): We won't!!!

Zhakonya: Well, if you don't, then let's all play together! Vaska: I know an interesting game with toys!

Game "Unusual Tower"

You need to blindfold build a tower of cubes. Whose tower is higher - he won.

Zhakonya: Here are my games!

Game "New Toys"

Children are invited to make toys using parts of broken toys, natural materials, as well as buttons, beads, matchboxes, etc. After the toy is ready, you can think of a name for it.

The game can be played in groups or in rows.

Game "Pull up the car"

A thread is tied to a toy car. The players, winding the thread around the pencil, must pull the machine towards them as soon as possible.

Fomka: I love poetry. Now the game will be poetic.

Game "Guess the toy"

Children read poems about toys. They have to insert the missing word in the text.

For example:

Dropped... on the floor

They ripped off ... a paw.

I won't leave him anyway

Zhakonya: Poems... creativity... Guys, do you like fairy tales? Children: YES!

Zhakonya: Now we will all turn into storytellers! And we will compose a fairy tale called "Toys come to life at night."

Game "Fairy tale in a circle"

Participants write a story. The peculiarity of the game is that the children take turns coming up with one sentence at a time. It turns out a coherent text, often with a very unusual plot. Children read a poem from the fairy tale play "Lopushok at Lukomorye" line by line):

Toy Song

Children love toys.

That's what everyone says!

But what about toys?

Don't like guys? They love it very much!

Souls in them do not tea!

Too bad not everyone notices...

We are silent, we do not cry

When we are thrown -

We know that tears

They don't save you from trouble.

You won't notice the resentment

In our mind -

We forgive children

I love hurt...

That's why, probably

Not everyone notices

How toys suffer

They miss...

That's why they don't know

(And they don't want to know)

How we are faithful and devoted

We love guys!

Ah, we are not so offended,

When we are broken

How embarrassing

That we are not always understood.

Zhakonya: Let's never offend our toys!!! And we will love them and try to understand! All children are given prizes - books "The Adventures of Zhakoni" by Y. Magalif or little monkeys.

Script for summer camp. favorite toy holiday

Favorite toy holiday

On this day, all the children bring their favorite games and toys. First, they talk about them: where did the toy come from, why is it the most beloved, how old is it. If it's a game, they explain how to play it, etc.

It would be interesting if you yourself brought your favorite toy and introduced the children to it. The culmination of the holiday will be a puppet theater, which you will immediately build together with the guys. Let both children and their toys (as many as possible) become participants in it.

All girls love to play with dolls. We will try to make this game turn into excerpts from the adult life of mothers and their daughters. This will help girls feel responsible for those they love so much, teach them to take care of someone, and perhaps even solve some of the problems of mothers and their children. Boys love to play with little cars. Take them too.

But do not forget that this is a game holiday, so you need to captivate all the children.

build a dollhouse with several rooms, furniture, it must have a roof to make it cozy;

tell something from the history of dolls;

then let each girl tell about her favorite doll, and you can ask questions: where did the doll come from, who gave it, when, what is her name, how old is she. It would be nice to hear funny stories from the doll's life;

organize a doll breakfast (have the girls bring some groceries: apples, cookies, vegetables, and utensils and cook some food for the dolls; you can come up with recipes;

learn a lullaby for your favorite doll;

arrange a mini-puppet theater (here girls play mini-performances from adult life with puppets);

hold a doll fashion contest (girls act as fashion designers of doll outfits, talk about models, carry dolls dressed in these outfits to the music);

organize a modeling competition for mothers (girls, trying to imagine themselves as adults, come up with models for mothers, demonstrate them to the music, give them names).

Activities for boys:

build comfortable garages for their cars, make a road and sidewalks, let the boys carry girls' dolls in their cars;

tell something from the history of cars;

then have each boy talk about their favorite brand of car and you can ask questions;

hold a competition on the observance of traffic rules by drivers.

Holiday script for children of the first junior group - on a visit to toys - holiday script for children of the first junior group - children's holiday - scripts - catalog of articles -

The children and the teacher are in the group.

Play (holds a doll). What a beautiful doll Alena we have. It's just a shame she can't speak. If only she were alive… Wait! Someone is knocking! Now I'll take a look! (takes out a parcel from behind the door) Parcel! (Reads the inscription): "To the guys of the first group." So, to us. What is there? "Magic Cover" How interesting! Since this veil is magical, it can do wonders! (takes out of the package) Let's try to revive our doll! (they put the doll on a chair in the aisle, cover it with a blanket) Well, let's say:

One, two, three - our doll, come to life!

(Children repeat the words, the cover is removed, a living doll is sitting on a chair - an adult).

Alyona: Hello guys! I am a doll Alena! With your help, I can now talk, sing, dance! Do you want to visit other toys? (-Yes!) Then let's go!

Children and Alyona go to the music room. The hall is decorated with balls, dolls sit on chairs, rattles, handkerchiefs and other toys lie nearby.

Alyona: All the toys were waiting for the guys! See how they decorated everything around! Say hello to the dolls, take them and invite them to dance!

"Dance with puppets"

After the children put the dolls in place, sit down themselves. Behind the door is heard: "Meow, meow!"

Alyona: Someone is crying behind the doors! It must be Murka's pussy! Let's let her go? (-Yes!)

(Alena opens the door, a cat enters - a child of the preparatory group).

Murka: Moore, hello! I am your familiar cat Murka. I often came to your classes. I really like the way you sing a song about me.

Alena: Guys, let's sing a song to Murka?

The song "Cat".

Murka: What good fellows! Sing a song about me! And now I will dance with you!

"Dance with rattles".

Murka: Well done! You dance well! Well, I have to go. I will definitely come to you

I will come! Goodbye! (Murka leaves).

Alena: What do I hear? Someone says “Ko-ko-ko! Co-co-co!" Who is this? (-Chicken!) I'll go and see! (Alena opens the door, a chicken comes in).

Chicken: Hello! I am a chicken! You often sing a very good song about me! So I decided to visit you. Do you want to be my chickens tonight? (-Yes!) Then dress up and turn into chickens!

(Children put on hats).

Dramatization of the song "Chickens".

Hen: What good chickens you have turned out to be! Well, now I'm in a hurry

Alyona: I have handkerchiefs for you! Let's dance with them!

"Dance with handkerchiefs".

Alena: Did you like visiting the toys?

But before you go to your group, I will treat you to sweets.


Children say goodbye to Alena, leave.

Cheerful music sounds. The children enter the room.
Leading: - Hello, boys and girls,
Also their parents
Beautiful toys to see, don't you want to?
Then go bolder
How interesting here, look.
Here is a hare, here is a bull,
But the elephant sat in a corner.
I know that all babies
Toys are loved from the heart.
And when moms, dads were like this (show with your hand) -
They were called babies back then.
They also made friends with toys.
Poems were taught about toys. Remember?
Leader (takes the ball).
Our Tanya is crying loudly
(continues to read the text of the verse with everyone, takes the bunny) The hostess threw the bunny
(continues to read the text of the verse with everyone). Tell me, what does the bull do when it walks and swings?
Where did the hero of the poem "I love my horse" go? Read.
To whom does the elephant bow?
How did you comb the Horse's tail?
Host: - Agree with me that each of you loves to play, and that everyone has
your favorite toy.

Leading: - I see you are great! Came to the party with toys. Let's see
on them. (Children raise toys above their heads and show their toys.) Presenter: - What different toys: dolls, cars, and soft animals. I also had a favorite toy as a child. Do you want to know? Carlson: - Yes!
Leader: - Guess the riddle.
The fat man lives on the roof
He flies above all.
Children: - Carlson.
Host: Well done. Guessed.
Leading: - (Picks up a soft toy - Carlson). You know, when I was like you, little, my grandmother told me that toys come to life at night. And I always wanted to play with live Carlson, but I fell asleep.
And let's try to say the magic words, suddenly Carlson will come to life: One, two, three - Carlson come to life !!! (Puts a toy - Carlson in the chest)
A buzzing sound is heard (an audio recording of a helicopter) - Carlson flies in, holding a ball in his hands.
Carlson: - Hello friends! Can I land for a minute? Somehow my engine is stuck.
Moderator: Yes, please.
Carlson: - Friends, did you recognize me? Who am I
Children: - Carlson.
Presenter: - It's my Carlson who came to life! A miracle has happened!
Carlson: - Correctly, my name is Carlson. I am a handsome, intelligent and moderately well-fed man, in the prime of life. And what are you doing here, and even with toys. Leading: - And we have a holiday of toys. Carlson: - Guys, do you all love to play? Children: - (chorus) Yes.
Carlson: - And in outdoor games, where you need to run a lot and quickly? Great. I love these games too. Do you know who is the best entertainer in the world? Leading: - Who?
Carlson: - The best entertainer in the world is Carlson, who lives on the roof.
Leading. That's great! Join us, Carlson.
Carlson: - I also have a favorite toy. Do you want to know which one?
Children: - (chorus) Yes.
Carlson: - Then guess the riddle.
Round, smooth, like a watermelon...
Any color, for different tastes
When you let go of the leash,
Fly away for the clouds.
Children: - Balloon.
Carlson: - Right. This is a balloon. I know a very fun game "If you hit the road with a friend."
Participants stand in pairs - parent and child. Each pair (in turn) takes a balloon and, holding it with their palms, runs to the pyramid, runs around it and comes back.

Moderator: Let's take a break. Let's play the game "Danetki". Funny danetki - no candy wrappers - only "yes" or "no" - give the correct answer!
- Who eats a lot of sweets, He has a sweet tooth, right? (Yes)
- Pot and frying pan Needed for catching fish? (No)
- Keeping a big secret is very difficult, isn't it? (Yes)
- Growing mustache and beard
For those who go to kindergarten? (No)
- You ate dinner with appetite, Do you need to say thank you? (yes) Carlson: - Have you all been sitting too long, Have you been staring at the toys?
Isn't it time to go for a run, frolic, ride? Children: - It's time.
Carlson scatters colored balls all over the hall.
Host: - Carlson, what are you doing? How are we going to play now?
Carlson: - It's nothing, it's a festive thing ... this is a salute in honor of the holiday. And to
Then you need to collect the balls to play.
(At a signal, everyone collects balls by color: parents are red, girls are yellow, boys are blue. Who is faster).
Carlson: - I was talking nonsense. I suggest you get some rest. I'll guess riddles - Guess them guys.
1. They kick him, but he does not cry, they throw him - he jumps back. (Ball)
2. I received these miracle bricks as a gift.
What I put together, I break, I start all over again. (Dice)
- Well done, guys, guessed all the riddles.
Host: - And we are waiting for another contest "Find your toy"
You need to climb through the tunnel, find your own in a pile of toys, take it and return to
Host: - Let's see who will cope with this "difficult" task. Carlson: - (Takes out candy from his pocket). I wanted something sweet. And I can show tricks. Do you want me to show you? I am the best magician in the world. Here I have a candy, I unfold it and - am! There is no candy. Interesting focus? Moderator: - We didn't really like your trick. Carlson: - Trifles are a matter of life. I have one more candy. (Pulls out a big candy.) Eat up, friends. Host: - There is only one candy, but there are many of us. How to eat? Carlson: - So I'm the best magician in the world. One, two, three, four, five We will call a miracle to visit I will turn the propeller
And I'll wave my hand, Let's say together One, two, three.
Look at the candy. (Pours out a lot of sweets)
Oh sweet, oh delicious
This is for all of you from me. (Gives to leader)
Leading: - What a wonderful trick! Thanks Carlson!
Carlson: - Thank you, friends, for playing with me. I really liked your place, but it's time for me to return home - to the roof. Let's all dance Carlson's cheerful dance together.
Everyone is dancing, performing the movements shown by Carlson. Carlson says goodbye and flies away.
Leading: - We played with toys, We read poems about them, We danced together. And now it's time to part with us, friends.

Characters: Barbie doll, cat Murka, Parsley, Cheburashka, Winnie the Pooh.

Scenery: the hall is decorated with balloons, children's drawings and applications depicting toys.

Leading(holds a doll). What a beautiful doll we have. What is her name?

Children: Barbie!

Leading: It's just a shame she can't speak. Now, if she were alive ... Wait, someone is knocking, I'll take a look now. (Pulls out a package.)

Parcel "Children of the middle group." So, to us. What is there? "Magic Cover" How interesting! Since this veil is magical, it can do wonders! (takes out of the package) Let's try to revive our doll!

He puts the doll on a rug between the chairs, which are covered with a blanket, it turns out something like a hut.

Well, let's say:

"One, two, three - our doll, come to life!"

Children repeat the words, the cover is removed, a living doll is sitting on the rug - a girl.

Barbie: Hello, I'm a Barbie doll! With your help, I can now talk, sing, dance! Do you want to visit other toys?

Children: Yes!

Barbie: Then let's go!

The kids and Barbie go to the music room. The hall is decorated with balls, dolls, Winnie the Pooh, Kitty are sitting on chairs, cars, soft toys, balls, handkerchiefs and other toys are nearby.

Barbie: All toys are waiting for you! See how beautifully they decorated everything around! Say hello to them, invite them to dance!

Behind the door is heard "Meow, meow!"

Barbie: Someone is crying! This is probably Murka's pussy! Let's let her go? (Yes!)

Barbie opens the door, Murka comes in.

Murka Moore, hello! I am your familiar cat Murka. I often came to your classes. I love listening to you sing songs.

Barbie: Guys, let's sing a song to Murka?

The song sounds.

Murka: What good fellows! Sing a song! And now I will dance with you!

"Dance with handkerchiefs" to any folk tune.

Murka: Well done! You dance well! I'm curious, do you like to play?

Children: Yes!


Hush, mice

rooftop cat,

And the kittens are even taller.

The cat went for milk

And the kittens somersault!

Murka: Wow, guys, it's good to have fun with you, but it's time for me to go home. I will definitely come back to you! Goodbye!

Murka leaves.

Leading: Children, it seems that someone is knocking on us again. Barbie opens the door, Petrushka comes in.


Hi friends,


parsley i,


Friend of the King


I love to jump


I like to play,


Always singing, always joking

I'll teach you the game now!

Barbie: Hello Petrushka! Do you want to teach us how to play a new game?

Parsley: Of course! We play one well-known game, and I want to tell you a secret that when your moms and dads were little, they also played this game, because it's very fun!

Get up, join hands to make a circle. In the center of the circle is "king", but the king remained in the kingdom, so I'm in his place! Hee hee, here I have a "crown" in my hands. We will dance and sing along with me, and repeat everything after me!

The king walked through the forest, through the forest, through the forest,

I found myself a princess, princess, princess (“the king” chooses a “princess” and puts a “crown” on her head).

Let's jump with you, jump, jump ("the king" with the "princess" bounce in the center of the circle, the rest in a round dance).

And kicking legs, kicking, kicking,

And clap your hands, clap, clap,

And with our feet we stomp, we stomp, we stomp,

Let's shake our heads,

Let's start first!

Leading: Well, thank you, Petrushechka! You made us laugh! Stay with us.


I can't run away

He promised to return.

I'll tell you a riddle

I'll say goodbye.

Even though he looks like a bear,

You won't find it in the forest

He is friends with the crocodile Gena

And he has big ears

He is a funny cartoon

Everyone knows - this is ... (Cheburashka!)

Barbie: Oh, who's knocking again? Probably Cheburashka!

Cheburashka: Hello guys! I was in such a hurry to see you that I almost forgot the song! If so, will you sing along?

The song of Cheburashka sounds (“I was once a strange nameless toy ...”).

Barbie: Thank you very much, Cheburashechka, for such a good song!

Cheburashka: Big please! When I was walking towards you, I met someone along the way. Someone else is rushing towards you!

Barbie: Who is it?


There are sawdust in his head,

And in his pocket - a spoon with a fork.

Children: Winnie the Pooh!

Winnie the Pooh: Hello guys! I ran to you so much that I lost my friend Piglet. And I ran like that because now, in addition to rhymes, I also come up with games! I recently looked at my friend Kanga, who was running around in the woods with her son in her pocket, and came up with a game. Let's try to play it with you!

Game "Kangaroo"

Children are divided into two teams. You need to run, or rather, jump to the end of the hall and back, holding the ball between your knees. Pass the ball to the next player. If the ball hits the floor, the runner picks it up and continues running. The team with the best time wins.

Winnie the Pooh: Great! Here's your prize!

Gives candies to the winning team.

And tell me, which of you wants to pass on the rights and drive a car?

Chooses two boys.

Game "Young Driver"

Long threads are tied to two machines, and pencils are tied to the ends, or you can also thread spools. At the command of Winnie the Pooh, the players begin to wind them up. The one whose car reaches the finish line the fastest wins.

Winnie the Pooh: Well done! And these cars will be your prizes! Here's the last game. More recently, when you went for a walk, you were dressed by educators and nannies. Very soon you will go to school, you will have to dress yourself. I came up with such a game-training "Who will get dressed faster."

Children are divided into two teams, each team receives a large bag containing a shirt, trousers, a hat with a scarf and a pair of sneakers. (Everything is large.) On command, the first participant from each team runs up to the bag, puts on all the indicated things, claps his hands, then takes it off and puts it back into the bag, closes it and runs back to the team. The next player does the same.

Winnie the Pooh: Oh, what are you guys, well done!!! Here are some gifts from me to you all.

Distributes chocolate medals to children.

And now I have to go, goodbye, kids! Leaves.

Barbie: Did you enjoy visiting the toys? It's time for us to leave.

Leading: Wait a minute, Barbie! I also have a present for you.

Children from the older group perform a dance with toys.

Barbie: Guys, applaud your senior comrades, they have prepared such a beautiful dance for you!

The older group bows and leaves.

Barbie: That's it! But before you go to your group, I will treat you to sweets.

Leading: Hello guys! How beautiful and elegant you all are! What do you have in

Children: Toys!

Host: Do you like your toys?

Children: Yes!

Host: Tell me about your toys.

Children tell poems about toys.

Leading: Today we have a holiday - the day of the toy. And I invite you guys to take a trip to the land of toys. But first, guess the riddle, and you will find out how we will go to the land of toys.

iron bird

Rushing along the rails

Just hear knock-knock

And the wheels knock-knock (train).

Leading: Take your seats in the carriage. Machinist Misha - take your place.

Leading: We arrived at Matreshkino station. Guys, look who's meeting us?

Children: Matryoshka.

Leading: Let's say hello to her.

Matryoshka: Hello children.

I am a doll, I am a toy.

I get up quickly in the morning.

Lots of fun guys

I dance and sing!

I am a ruddy matryoshka

I sing very cheerfully.

Balalaika, balalaika,

Have fun playing - ka!

Play - ka, do not break.

Try for the matryoshka.

Do you guys like to play? (YES) Let's play together.

1. The game "Towns".

2. Dance to the music of Michel's group "Top-top".

Leading: Well done guys, but unfortunately it's time for us to hit the road. Take your places and call Matryoshka with you.

The song "Engine from Romashkovo" sounds.

Leading: The next station is Petrushkino. Look, Petrushka is meeting us.

Parsley: Hello guys!

I am Petrushka, a fun toy.

I want to play with you

Determine who is the most

Bold, fast and smart.

He calls the kids and together with them collects a pyramid for the game "ring toss".

Game "Ring toss".

Parsley: Well done boys. Let's play some more. Matryoshka and I will give you cars. Still need to split into two teams. One from each team you will start cars. The team whose cars go the farthest wins.

Leading: We are going on a journey. The guys will take Petrushka with us.

The song "Engine from Romashkovo" sounds.

Leading: Dzhailau station. Oh, guys, look who is meeting us. It's himself Aldar-Kose. Let's say hello to him.

Aldar-Kose: Salemetsyz be, balalar.

Game exercise "Koyang" - "Bunny".

The game "Arkan tartys" - "Tug of war".

Leading: Again, our train gives a signal to depart, guys, take your seats.

Leading: Station "Fairy Tale". We are met by grandmother Matrena - a storyteller.

Grandma appears with a magic box.

Grandmother Matryona: Hello kids. I have told you many stories. You know many fairy tales. I see among you kids unfamiliar, who do not know fairy tales. Let's show how we can tell stories. To do this, we need my magic chest (takes out the attributes for the fairy tale "Turnip" from the chest).



Leading: It's time to hit the road, our cheerful train is waiting for us.

The song "Engine from Romashkovo" sounds.

Leading: Terminal Station. Something your toys are bored. We completely forgot about them. Let's play with them.

Find your toy game.

The game "Define by touch."

Leading: And so our holiday came to an end. Are your toys tired? Children take them in your arms, shake them, put them to bed. Shall we sing them a lullaby?

It sounds like a lullaby.

Leading: The toys are asleep. Let's say goodbye to Matryoshka, Parsley, Aldar-Kose. It's time for them to go too.

KSU "Alexandropolskaya nsh" of the education department

Akimat of Fedorovsky district

Entertainment Scenario

"Toy Festival"

Prepared and conducted

mini-center educator

Chubykina E.V.

2015-2016 academic year
