Make natural curls. What are vertical curls? How to beautifully and quickly twist and curl your hair without curlers and curling irons: tips and reviews

Curls look voluminous, romantic, create the effect of thick hair, and are used in a variety of hairstyles and styles. Therefore, it would be useful to learn how to make them yourself, especially since there are an incredible number of ways to create curls. You can use irons, curling irons, curlers and other devices. It’s easy to create a variety of curls at home: from playful and small curls to luxurious waves. All that remains is to choose the appropriate option.


General principles and rules of curling

Curls are beautiful, but sometimes very harmful. This applies to the improper use of heating devices: hair dryer, straightening iron, curling iron. It is imperative to use thermal protection, and also adhere to the temperature conditions specified by the manufacturer in the instructions.

Basic curling rules:

  1. Hair must be clean. If your hair is not washed for 2-3 days, the roots are oily, then the styling will look ugly, you won’t be able to create volume, and the durability of the hairstyle will decrease.
  2. When curling strands, it is important to pay attention to the ends, straighten them and carefully lay them. Otherwise, creases will appear at the end of the curl, or it will simply stick out.
  3. If you have long and thick hair, you do not need to choose small-diameter curling irons or thin bobbin curlers. Curling the strands will take too much time, and the result will not last more than two days in any case.
  4. You should always use fixing agents, especially in the cold season and in windy weather. It can be mousse, cream, foam. Varnish is applied to the completed installation.
  5. It is not advisable to immediately straighten warm and fresh curls, much less comb them. You need to give them time to get stronger, preferably leaving them alone for 30-40 minutes.

Curls can be made using different devices, but much depends on the length of the hair. You won't be able to use a straightening iron on a short haircut, and very long hair can get tangled in small and thin curlers. Therefore, from all the variety, they choose their own method, which will give the desired result with minimal time and effort.

Curls with a curling iron

A curling iron, also known as a curling iron, is considered one of the most convenient devices designed for creating curls. The working shaft has different thickness, length, shape. There are ordinary tongs, as well as in the form of a cone, with a corrugated attachment. In any case, small strands are used for curling; the process is alternate and, with long hair, takes quite a long time. But a curling iron can be used to make regular or spiral curls; it is suitable for bangs or quickly curling the ends of a hairstyle.

How to curl your hair with a curling iron:

  1. Wash and dry your hair, preferably use a conditioner and apply thermal protection.
  2. Heat the curling iron. Typically the temperature ranges from 160 to 200 degrees, depending on the thickness and characteristics of the hair and the device itself.
  3. Separate a small strand and comb thoroughly.
  4. Grab the hair at the base, wrap it around the curling iron towards the end if you want to get a spiral curl. Or simply twist the strand into a roller for ordinary curls.
  5. Warm up the strand and carefully remove it from the curling iron. Curl the remaining hair, style it, and fix it with hairspray.

Advice! It is the curling iron that will correct mistakes in your hairstyle. If some strand sticks out unsightly or simply does not curl on the curlers, you can quickly heat up the curling iron and curl it. The difference in the total hair mass will not be very noticeable.

Using a flat iron (straightener)

An important condition for using a straightening iron is dry and clean hair. If moisture remains, it is very easy to burn them. As a result, instead of beautiful and flowing curls, you will get hard, dry, damaged strands. It is important to dry your hair not only after washing, but also after applying thermal protection.

Step by step technique:

  1. Comb your hair thoroughly, separate the top part, and pin it at the crown.
  2. Heat the iron to approximately 180 degrees.
  3. Separate the front strand, pinch at the roots, pass once to the ends to straighten and warm up.
  4. Pinch again at the base, rotate the curling iron around its axis along with the hair and pull the entire strand to the end, releasing it from the iron.

As soon as the bottom hair ends, twist the previously pinned top in this way.

Using an iron with foil

Another way to curl your curls with an iron at home. It is good because it allows you to use the straightener even for short lengths. In addition to the iron, you will need pieces of ordinary food foil. It is advisable to do them in advance so that the process of creating a hairstyle does not drag on for a long time.

How to curl your hair with foil:

  1. Separate a thin strand. Wrap it around your finger, pencil or other suitable object, but not tightly.
  2. Carefully remove the hair wrapped in a ring, wrap it in a piece of foil, and press down so that nothing unwinds. You can immediately curl all the remaining hair.
  3. Heat the iron to 180-200 degrees. Warm all curled hair one by one through the foil. Cool.
  4. Carefully remove the foil and straighten the curls with your fingers.

The same method can be used to obtain fashionable broken curls. In this option, the strand is not wound around the finger, but folded in a zigzag, then also packed in pieces of foil and heated with an iron.

Important! Regardless of the curling method, you need to comb your curls with your fingers or a wide-toothed comb. If you use a regular brush, your hairstyle will quickly lose its attractiveness, the curls will fall apart and stick out in different directions.

Video: Creating large curls using a straightening iron

Curlers: rules of use and types

One of the oldest ways to make curls, it is also considered the most gentle and safe. An exception is hot curlers (thermo, electric). Their action is similar to the work of tongs and ironing. Conventional curlers are cold curled. Most often they are made of plastic, woven material with Velcro or wood. Also now on sale you can find foam rubber curlers, sometimes with a flexible rod inside.

How to curl your hair with curlers:

  1. Separate the strand, sprinkle with water or apply styling foam, and comb with a fine-toothed comb.
  2. Stretch out the hair, apply curlers to the end, twist straight or in a spiral, secure with a clip.
  3. Dry your hair naturally or with a hairdryer.
  4. Remove the curlers and let the curls get stronger.
  5. Arrange curls in your hair.

Rags, ribbons (homemade papillots)

An alternative to papillots are rags and ribbons. This is also an old way of getting small but strong and bouncy curls that can last for several days. It is suitable for any length, you can change the thickness of the ribbons and twisted strands. Hair doesn't get damaged. For curling, you need ribbons or rags 15-20 cm long, the thickness is arbitrary.

How to curl your hair into ribbons:

  1. Comb the strand, sprinkle with water.
  2. Attach a ribbon to the tip and carefully twist the hair into a skein.
  3. Tie the ends together, thereby securing the ribbon.
  4. Dry your hair and untie the ribbons.

The disadvantages of this method include the large amount of time it takes. Curled hair takes a long time to dry; you will have to curl it in the evening, leaving it on all night.

Video: Large curls on socks

Hair dryer and brushing

A hairdryer can be used to speed up the drying of curlers, but it can also be used to create curls. This method is used after washing your hair or you need to sprinkle your hair with water. Additionally, brushing will be required. This is the name of a round brush that has densely set teeth. It is thanks to the bristles that the entire strand is curled, individual hairs do not fall out or stick out. It is important to use brushing correctly; you do not need to wrap the strands around it, as if with curlers, otherwise there is a high probability of them getting tangled.

How to curl your hair with a hairdryer:

  1. Dry the washed hair with a towel and divide it into several sections.
  2. Lift one strand at the roots, insert the brush, scrolling and pull down to the very end. Repeat one or two more times.
  3. While scrolling from above, direct a hot stream of air from the hairdryer.
  4. To consolidate the result, repeat curling, blowing a cold stream of air over your hair.

The popularity of this method forced manufacturers to release electric brushes. This can be a stand-alone device or just an attachment to a standard hair dryer. This device simplifies the creation of curls and allows you to get a chic styling in a few minutes.

Gorgeous curls. This type of styling looks great with both jeans and an evening dress, whether on occasion or without. Curls, waves, curls will never go out of fashion and will become a worthy decoration for any hair. Today there are many devices for curling hair without the help of hairdressers. You need to be able to manage your hair yourself; this will save time and money. In this article we will tell you how to make voluminous curls at home using simple improvised means: an iron, a hair dryer and foil. And you will also learn many useful tricks that will allow you to carry your gorgeous curly load to the envy of everyone.

Photo of curly hair

Some facts about curly and wavy hair:

  • Curly hair or fluffy hair that is prone to frizz is dry and porous in structure. They have a flat, slightly compressed shape, which is what gives rise to a spiral curl.
  • Curly hair is almost always dull. Due to the numerous spirals, the scales covering the hair rub against each other much more often. They acquire a matte surface, which is why they often break off and split.

  • Curly hair gets tangled and can be difficult to comb. A wide-tooth comb or massage comb will be very useful here.
  • Due to the fact that the hair is dry, it does not require daily washing.
  • Due to their porous structure, such hair can eat any cosmetic product that you apply to it. They are always “hungry” and need additional nutrition. It is advisable to apply a caring mask before washing.

  • Any sudden movements of a towel over wet hair will further injure it. If the curls are allowed to dry on their own, they will turn into a beautiful hairstyle. The paradox is that the more you try to cast a spell on them, the worse the result.
  • After washing, you need to apply oil to your hair. It moisturizes, nourishes and makes them shiny. But if oil is too simple for you, and you are not looking for easy ways, then choose care or styling products that do not contain alcohol or non-volatile silicone substances.

  • Even curly hair can be permed when it loses its shape after washing. A conical curling iron with thermal protection will help here, making the curl as natural as possible.
  • At night, it is better to braid your hair not in a braid, but in plaits. This will help maintain the curl shape and prevent curls from breaking.

You will see how to make voluminous curls at home in our photos with step-by-step instructions and videos from famous bloggers and celebrities.

Photo instructions

Let's start creating voluminous curls:

  • Before you start styling, you need to wash your hair thoroughly. The foam will work better on wet hair. If you want great volume, then without a special foam - nowhere! Apply randomly, distributing evenly over all strands. Chaotic and disorderly movements during styling will give the curls spontaneity and naturalness.
  • It is also better to apply a heat protectant in advance so that the hot air of the hair dryer does not damage the structure of the strands or destroy them. Then we begin to dry our hair with a hairdryer, before lightly massaging it with a comb with wooden teeth so that the hair at the roots is activated and raised. The main thing is that the roots are completely dry.

  • When you dry the roots, the ends may still be a little damp. It's time to structure them with hair spray or salt. Now dry it a second time, paying attention to the ends. During the process, you can slightly lift the roots with a hair brush.
  • When the volume has become noticeable, it’s time to start creating wavy hair. From the face, you need to wind one strand at a time onto a hot curling iron. Be careful not to get burned.
  • Then you need to fix the shape of the curls with varnish, slightly distributing the strands with your hand to achieve a natural effect.

Photo by Maria Ivakova from beauty blog

Turn on the video and repeat after Maria Ivakova. You can also try the hair products that Maria uses, trusting her expert opinion.

Curls without a curling iron

Most girls are very sensitive to their hair, so they try not to expose it to chemical or mechanical stress. Let's figure out how to make voluminous curls at home without a curling iron, tongs or curlers. There are many methods on the Internet: using bandanas, paper, foil, curlers, tying braids at night, etc. This is all too tedious and time-consuming. But there is one simple way for long hair that will only take 5 minutes before bed:

  1. We wash our hair, dry it thoroughly and comb our hair. Apply foam or mousse to the ends of your hair to make the curls hold better.
  2. Divide the hair into two parts and create the desired parting. Then we divide each part into three more even strands so that our curls are the same in shape, and the hairstyle looks harmonious and beautiful.
  3. To prevent the strands from intertwining, they can be marked for convenience with an elastic band or a hairpin.
  4. We comb each strand up and begin to twist each one in the direction away from the face. Each strand should make a twisted rope.
  5. We try to raise the tourniquets as high as possible so that they do not interfere during sleep.
  6. We wrap each tourniquet in a wrap, securing it with an elastic band, and confidently go to bed.
  7. If the cones from the bundles fall a little during the night, it’s not a big deal. We untwist each one and get beautiful curls. The waves should be elastic and clear. Now let's enjoy our reflection in the mirror!

To get more curls and volume, you can make more cones at your discretion.

There are many more tricks on how to make voluminous curls at home; the photo below shows step-by-step instructions for working with foil.

  1. To do this, we will need additional tools: a massage comb, a pair of clamps, varnish, an iron and food foil.
  2. Dry and clean hair is divided into vertical partings from the highest point of the head. We fix the excess strands with clips and make partings either with a comb or with our fingers.
  3. Take a strand, twist it into a ring (lamb) and wrap it in foil. We do this with each strand all over the head.
  4. Take the iron and press the foil for 5-7 seconds, no more.
  5. When the strands have cooled, remove the foil. The resulting curls can be separated with your fingers or combed with a massage comb. Next, we record the resulting result.

If your hair is thick and very long, try to make the strands thinner. And if you want more volume, raise the lambs higher, approximately along the line of the ear.

Curls in 10 minutes

To make voluminous curls at home without ironing or stylers, without harming the hair plate, it is not necessary to braid the hair at night. You can create curls quickly with just a hairdryer and a hair clip!

Let's get started:

  1. On clean and dry hair, we select sections from the strands, even in a chaotic manner, and begin to twist. The main thing is that all strands should be twisted in one direction: either toward the face or away from the face.
  2. We create a tourniquet by twisting the strand around the base and secure it with a hairpin or clip.
  3. We start heating the hair with a hairdryer for 5 minutes to give it hold. Then let them cool for 10 minutes and remove the clamps.
  4. Removing the clamps is the most important point. Here we begin to shape the styling, creating voluminous curls.

This way you will achieve luxurious voluminous curls in just 10 minutes.

Afro-curls with iron in 20 minutes

For many girls, curling their curls or voluminous curls is not enough; they dream of an afro-style hairstyle. This image can be used in everyday life, in photo shoots, at parties. One thing you can be sure of is that it will radically change your appearance.

Stylish afro-curls

For such ladies, there is a win-win way - creating afro-curls using an iron and sushi sticks (or a pencil):

  1. Apply mousse to your hair, divide it into zones and twist each small strand onto a stick or pencil.
  2. Using a hot iron, we slowly go through the hair curled onto a stick to warm it up and fix it.
  3. Do the same all over your head. It is advisable to place your hair as close to each other as possible.
  4. The thinner the strand you take, the smaller and more defined the curls will be. If you choose thick strands, the effect will be the same as with an ordinary curling iron.
  5. To make the hairstyle look natural, the hair must be distributed and fluffed a little with your hands.
  6. You can fix the result with mousse or varnish. The result will last about two days with proper care.

Curls from Gluck’oZs

Natalya Chistyakova-Ionova, known to everyone as Gluck’oZa, will tell us about creating curls for medium hair in her beauty blog. The girl became a video blogger in the field of beauty. In her short videos, Natalya very naturally, at home, tells her fans about the secrets of fashionable hair styling, shares her experience, and gives useful tips on personal care products. In many episodes, the star does not hesitate to appear to viewers in a hairnet, with funny hairstyles, or without any makeup at all. Natalya also tells you how to apply makeup correctly and recommends her favorite skincare products and cosmetics.

In this issue, Natalya shows herself how to quickly create chic, voluminous curls on short hair. At the same time, everything looks very natural and professional.

  • Before styling, the hair must be washed and dried with a hairdryer, preferably upside down, so that the hair is already slightly raised at the roots.
  • You will need bobby pins and clips to keep your hair from tangling. You can also powder your hair a little at the roots with a professional product.
  • After powdering, we proceed to backcombing. It is advisable to use a miniature hair brush and carefully work through each strand.
  • It is better to use curling irons of different sizes so that the curls look natural. You can also work out small strands with a small curling iron.
  • Use a curling iron to curl one strand at a time from the roots, without touching the ends.
  • Try to hold the curling iron vertically and curl your hair away from your face. Do not leave the curling iron on one strand for a long time to avoid burning it.
  • Curl the top strands especially carefully and carefully, as they will always be visible.
  • Then lightly beat the hair with your hands on each side, tilting your head. We go through each strand, giving the hairstyle the desired shape.
  • At the end, we fix the result with varnish also on each side of the head separately, covering the face.

Creating curls with a curling iron on long hair

Let's start creating chic voluminous curls using a curling iron:

  1. Comb your hair thoroughly and separate the strands, each row parallel to each other.
  2. To begin with, you can use a corrugated curling iron to enhance the effect. You need to corrugate as carefully as possible, creating root volume. We control the pressure on the curling iron so as not to burn the scalp.
  3. Using a styler, we comb the root zone of the hair along the entire length.
  4. You can attach extensions to the base of the comb to create a greater effect or to achieve the desired shade of hair. It is advisable to use natural hair on the clips.
  5. We wind the strands separately from each other flatly with a ribbon on a curling iron, then cool.
  6. The main thing is to curl your hair away from your face. To do this, you need to visually divide your head into 2 equal parts and twist it from the face to the left, and from the face to the right.
  7. After winding, we begin to disassemble the strand, using aerosol dry or liquid varnish for fixation. The curl needs to be given volume by stretching it up and to the sides.
  8. There is no need to use extensions at the top of your head. We twist the strands at the top to create volume in the upper occipital area.
  9. We disassemble the strands step by step, moving from bottom to top. It is important to create a uniform volume without obvious gaps or gaps. The curls are ready!

To avoid getting burned when working with a curling iron, you can use a heat-protective glove.

Be bold and confident, choose those curls or ringlets that suit you. You can play not only with shape, but also with color, without being afraid to express yourself!

Curls are at the height of fashion at all times: glamorous Hollywood waves, flirty Barbie curls or a stylish mess like Shakira or Julia Roberts.

There are many ways to make curls at home without the services of professional stylists and hairdressers. Now we will take a closer look at them.

How to make curls for long and medium hair

African curls

A hairstyle in the style of a Latin American pop diva looks good on both long and medium hair. This is one of the ways to give your hair visual volume and it will look appropriate both for a walk in the park and when going out.

We will need:

  • Wet hair;
  • Good wide elastic band;
  • Several thin hair ribbons;
  • Shower cap.

Step-by-step instructions (easy method):

  1. Before going to bed, rinse your hair - this is necessary for curling.
  2. Gather your curls into a tight ponytail at the top of your head and divide them into several sections. The smaller the strands, the smaller the curls will come out.
  3. Then make a bun on your head from braids by weaving ribbons into them.
  4. Secure it well with bobby pins and put on a hat.
  5. In the morning, unravel and spray with varnish or mousse. Enjoy the effect!

A similar hairstyle can be done more complex method using foam. By the way, thanks to it the hairstyle lasts much longer.

Step-by-step instructions (more complex method):

  1. You wash your hair and lubricate your wet hair with some kind of fixative.
  2. Take many, many hairpins and begin to curl your hair on them in a zigzag motion. The whole secret is that you need to take as small strands as possible, then you will get small curls in the African style.
  3. Having completed this action, put on a cap and go to bed.
  4. In the morning, unravel your curls. We got a stylish hairstyle with small voluminous curls.
  5. Create wet effect with foam. You can win hearts!

What should happen in the end, look at the photo below.

We also bring to your attention a gallery with 5 video lessons on how to curl African curls in various ways.

Hollywood curls

Hollywood curls are another option for wavy curls for medium to long hair. A similar coiffure is created large curlers, at least four centimeters in diameter. You can use gentle or thermal curlers. When using the latter, large curls are obtained much faster and last longer.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Wind curlers onto your hair, starting from the ends. We try to stick to one direction. You can experiment with the length of the curl - it is not at all necessary to curl the curls to the roots; air curls look even more interesting than spiral curls along the entire length of the hair.
  2. If you used hot rollers, wait 20 minutes, remove, apply with varnish, foam or mousse;
  3. If you used gentle ones, then we go to bed and in the morning we do the same as after thermal ones, or we dry them with a diffuser and remove them after a couple of hours.

But what beauty should turn out in the end is in the photo below.

How to make spiral curls with a straightener (iron) and curling iron

Another common style for creating an evening hairstyle for long or medium curls is corkscrew waves, which got their name from the shape of their spiral curls. There are several ways to make this beauty yourself: you can use a hair iron, Can resort to special spiral curlers or try curling on a curling iron.

Ironing(otherwise known as a straightener) you can not only straighten your hair, but also add volume from the roots or create curls. It is very convenient that this method works even after keratin straightening and does not spoil the structure too much when using special products.

Instructions (and using the iron):

  • Take one strand of medium thickness and begin to iron it.
  • The main thing is to change the direction of movement, two centimeters to the right, two to the left, so you get chic “corkscrew-spirals”.
  • Or we take a strand and twist it very well onto the iron, while during the action there must be a certain force so that the curls cannot simply fall off the iron. Carefully pull through the entire strand, thus removing it from the device.

This is how you get beautiful natural curls at the ends of your hair, as in the photo below.

Braids and curly hair

We simply braid wet hair into braids. After we have done these manipulations, we leave the curls until they dry. This is a good hairstyle for every day to wear at home. If you make a lot of small braids, you will get a large number of small curls, and one or two large braids will become an excellent basis for the formation of heavy curls.

Before using thermal curling methods, you need to strengthen your hair, because the high temperature of the working surface of the devices damages the hair structure and dehydrates it.

Curls on unruly hair

Girls with curly hair are required to style and braid them all the time, otherwise the hairstyle will be sloppy and disheveled. To solve this problem there is several ways:

  1. Long hair is much easier to style, and there are more variations of hairstyles. You need to speed up hair growth, then random small waves will be transformed into a stylish hairstyle.
  2. Do the styling correctly, do not try to completely straighten or curl the curls, but emphasize the natural boldness of the hairstyle. At night, simply apply a drop of mousse to wet hair and go to bed, in the morning we don’t comb our hair, but straighten our hair with our hands; you can add hairpins or a hoop to it. The result is nice messy curls that are known as “bed curls.”

How to make curls for short hair

Small curls on bobbins

Our mothers also curled their hair like this before a date. This is probably the most accessible method for girls with short and medium curls, because long hair simply cannot curl beautifully under its own weight.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. We comb clean, damp hair or separate it with our hands, depending on the desired result.
  2. Apply a little styling product (mousse, gel, spray).
  3. We begin to twist from the back of the head so that the curls are beautifully distributed along the entire length.
  4. Hair can be dried with a hairdryer or naturally. Ready!

And here is the final result:

Curling zigzag curls

This is a great universal hairstyle for girls with short, medium and long hair who are not used to spending many hours a day straightening, styling or braiding their hair.

We will need:

  • food foil;
  • iron;
  • comb;
  • fixing means;
  • hairpins

We wind zigzag curls along instructions:

  1. Determine the desired size of the spirals.
  2. Wrap strands of the required thickness in foil.
  3. Now we heat up the straightener and carefully distribute the curls onto its plate in a zigzag shape.
  4. We press with the upper part and wait a minute, in some cases two.
  5. Remove the foil, straighten your hair, and the result is perfect zigzags.

We offer step-by-step photo instructions for curling zigzag curls using foil and a straightener:

More possible results:

Products for creating curls

Curling iron

The second well-known way to curl curls is to use a curling iron. With it you can very quickly make curls of various shapes. For this:

  1. Heat up the curling iron
  2. Trying not to press the strands too hard, we twist the curls onto it.
  3. We hold it for 30 seconds to a minute, depending on the thickness of the strands and the condition of the hair.
  4. It is very convenient that if the curl is incorrect, you can straighten your hair with a straightener and correct everything without spending a lot of time and effort.

More details on how to do this in the video below.

Straightener (iron)

The most popular and modern way to create curls is to use a straightener. More details in the following video:

Regular elastic band

The trend this season is a casual hairstyle. This effect is very easy to achieve when using a regular rubber band. We moisten the hair and twist it into a bundle, secure it with an elastic band, and wait for it to dry. In this way, perfect careless waves are formed on the hair, fix with hairspray.

Spiral curlers

Recently, sets of curlers with an unusual spiral shape have appeared on the shelves of many stores. The set includes a special hook with which individual strands are selected. We comb wet hair and distribute it into curls of the desired thickness; it is better to make them not very thick. We pick up the strands with a hook and wind them onto a spiral of curlers, leaving them to dry. The result is very neat and beautiful spiral turns.

Photo – Curls with spiral curlers

There is nothing complicated about this, you just need to follow our tips and recommendations:

My name is Marina, I have been passionate about creating hairstyles for many years. I like it when my hair looks beautiful and well-groomed. Most of all I like to do styling and hairstyles with curls. Airy, voluminous, Greek curls or careless little curls?

Hollywood curls

How to make large curls with a curling iron and iron

Large curls look amazing on long and medium length hair. They were preferred by Hollywood stars. Large curls are used to decorate wedding and evening hairstyles. They will be appropriate in clubs, discos and beach parties. And of course, they are great for every day. How to make large curls at home?

Large curls can be done with a curling iron or flat iron.

The curling iron allows you to curl your curls quickly and with minimal effort. To keep them large, it is better to choose a curling iron with the largest diameter.

Master class on Hollywood curls

Master class on large curls

My secrets of working with a curling iron:

  1. I never perm dirty hair.
  2. Wet hair can be burned.
  3. Styling products should not be applied before curling - they will stick to the curling iron.
  4. Large strands do not warm up well and the curls turn out uneven. The optimal thickness of the strand is no thicker than the little finger.
  5. To make the curls smooth, I twist the strands with curling irons from the roots to the ends.
  6. I twist the lower back strands first, then the sides and top. This allows you to avoid deforming the finished curls with curling irons.
  7. I never use a comb after curling it. To create romantic waves, I straighten my hair with my hands.

Most women use a straightener to straighten their curls and not everyone knows that it can be used to get large curls. How to make curls with a straightener?

My secrets of using a flat iron:

  1. The iron can only be used on dry hair.
  2. I start curling from roots to ends.
  3. For fine hair, medium temperature is sufficient.
  4. I hold the iron on the strand until its shape suits me.
  5. To avoid leaving traces of bends, I try not to press too hard on the clamp.

Master class: how to make luxurious curls with a straightener

To make the curl last a long time, I fix it with varnish.

Advice: Do not neglect thermal protection. No matter how much the manufacturer convinces of the safety of styling devices, no matter how much he praises new types of coatings, heating still negatively affects the health of the hair.

You can learn how to curl your hair yourself by watching a video tutorial and photos. The first time, the hairstyle will not turn out exactly the way you want. Using irons or curling irons requires certain dexterity and skills.

How to make voluminous curls using curlers

Curls and straighteners allow you to get large curls quickly, but their regular use has a negative impact on the condition of your hair. If you have time, you can make voluminous curls at home using curlers. They are the most gentle method and allow you to get curls of different diameters. For voluminous curls, Velcro, boomerangs or thermal curlers are suitable.

Velcro curlers allow you to get stunning voluminous curls

My secrets of using Velcro curlers:

1. To make the curled strands last a long time, I twist it on wet hair.
2. Before curling, I lightly cover the strands with styling foam.
3. To get lush waves, I don’t use foam.
4. To prevent them from unwinding, I fix them with an invisible one.

So, master class

Boomerangs are very easy to use, soft and do not interfere with sleep at night. For voluminous curls you will need boomerangs of large diameter

My secrets for using boomerangs:

  1. Before curling, I spray the strands with water.
  2. Before curling, I cover my hair with foam.
  3. To prevent the boomerangs from unwinding at night and individual strands of hair falling out, I tie a scarf.

Thermo-curlers allow you to reduce the curling time. The technique of use is quite simple. They heat up and strands are wound onto the warm ones. Can be used on both long and short hair. Curls made with these curlers hold well and can be used as a basis for wedding and evening hairstyles.

My secrets of using thermal curlers:

  1. I only wind it dry.
  2. I use thermal protection.
  3. I twist the back of my head, then symmetrically the sides.
  4. The longer I hold the curlers, the stiffer the curls become.

Advice: Do not use curlers on bobs or short haircuts. This styling is immediately noticeable, it takes away the root volume and the whole thing looks tasteless. For bobs and short haircuts, it is better to use a hair dryer and curling iron. You can get a perm.

The curlers are very easy to use. If a strand is twisted incorrectly, it can always be corrected. Depending on the type of curler, you can get a variety of curls: voluminous, hard, fluffy, careless or elastic spirals.

How to make soft curls with a hairdryer

These are the ones you get like here in the photo

A hairdryer can perform 2 functions at the same time: dry your hair and create soft curls. Moreover, you can get curls either with a regular hairdryer or with a hairdryer with a diffuser attachment. In order for your DIY styling to turn out beautiful, you may have to practice a couple of times.

How to do this with a hair dryer?

My secrets for creating soft curls with a hairdryer:

  1. I lightly dry my hair with a towel.
  2. I apply foam or gel or mousse.
  3. I lift the strands from the roots and wrap them around a round brush (brushing).
  4. I blow-dry each strand from roots to ends.
  5. I scroll through the brushing slowly.

After styling, I straighten my hair with my hands and fix it with hairspray.

Tip: never use strong hold hairspray for soft and airy hairstyles. The curls will be heavy, unnatural, and the top of the head will be flat.
You can get acquainted with the technique of creating curls using photos or videos.

A hairdryer with a diffuser allows you to achieve light and natural curls. The diffuser attachment has a more gentle effect on the hair, as it disperses hot air. During the styling process, the scalp is massaged, which has a beneficial effect on hair growth. Another great feature of the diffuser is that it creates long-lasting volume without using a backcomb.

My secrets of working with a diffuser:

  1. I use mousse or gel spray under the diffuser for styling.
  2. I dry my hair with a diffuser from ends to roots.
  3. To get more volume, I tilt my head down.
  4. I don't comb my hair after drying.

A good effect is achieved if the hair is slightly curly; heavy straight hair may not be curlable. A diffuser is a wonderful device that, in addition to curling, can be used as a straightener.

How to make spiral curls

Beautiful spiral curls will help you create a hairstyle in a retro style. Vertical curls are made in several ways: with special curlers, using a curling iron, or better yet, a styler.
Special curlers have a spiral groove. They come in different diameters; the shorter the hair, the thinner it should be.

Girls, let's do it!

My secrets of working with spiral curlers:

  1. Hair should be damp.
  2. Each new turn must be placed in a separate groove.
  3. I don’t use a comb; I straighten my hair with my hands.

Curling your hair yourself is quite difficult; to familiarize yourself with the technique, you can watch photos and videos. You can also use regular curlers for spirals, for example, thermal ones, then each new turn should cover the previous one by a third.

Spirals can be made with tongs. A regular curling iron or styler with attachments is suitable for this. I have already described the features of curling hair with curling irons; to obtain vertical spirals, the strands are wound accordingly.

A styler with attachments may have a cone attachment or a grooved attachment. Tapered allows the spirals to be more natural, thicker at the roots and thinner at the ends. The groove attachment is indispensable for retro hairstyles. Such curls are the same size along the entire length. These things can save a lot of time when doing wedding and retro hairstyles. I also used this attachment to make spirals for a little girl for a matinee, and coated the top with shiny varnish. The curls turned out charming and fabulous, and the girl looked like a doll.

Separately, it is worth telling about my new acquisition - the BaByliss styler. I had been looking at it for a long time, but was unsure whether to buy it or not. Now I can say with confidence: yes, it is worth the money. For those who don't know, BaByliss is a multi-curl tool that has adjustable heat settings and is super easy to use. You need to place the strand in a special hole and that’s it! BaByliss will gently wrap your hair and warm it up. The first time it took me 30 minutes to style my hair (it’s quite thick and long below my shoulder blades), but now it takes 20.

It’s difficult to describe the process of working with BaByliss in words, you have to watch it. You can find a lot of information, photos and videos on the Internet.

I think this is best shown here:

The disadvantage of BaByliss is the cost. Also, for the first time, due to lack of skill, I said goodbye to several hairs, now I cope without loss. BaByliss is a thing, especially for specialists.

How to get natural curls

To add naturalness to your hair, I have my own tricks:

  1. You can wind the strands on curlers of different diameters. The strands will look more natural.
  2. After curling, I lubricate my hands with a drop of hair gel and comb it with my fingers.
  3. If you want voluminous hair, then I go through the curls with a massage brush.
  4. Naturalness can be achieved if you use foam curlers. By twisting thick strands onto them, the curls are as natural as possible.
  5. You can perm the entire length. It is important to choose a good specialist who will do a high-quality perm, and the hairstyle will look natural and not like a lamb’s fleece.

Playful curls, large waves or small curls can be easily created at home without wasting precious time. And all variations will look stylish, luxurious and will add originality and freshness to the image.

In the modern rhythm of life, it is very important that the external image is created as quickly as possible. A beautiful hairstyle should be formed in literally 5 minutes, while looking attractive, neat and lasting all day.

The best option is luxurious curls that have not lost their popularity over the years.

Quick curls with a curling iron or flat iron

It should be remembered that the size of the curls directly depends on the diameter of the curling iron, and the speed of the process depends on the quality of the curling iron and the actual length and thickness of the hair.

As a rule, 5-20 seconds is enough to curl one curl. In general, it will take no more than 15 minutes to create a chic hairstyle for medium length. A heat protectant should be applied first.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Divide the entire head into three zones: the occipital and two temporal, which secure with clamps so as not to interfere;
  • Curling each zone will take an average of 3 minutes. To avoid getting burned, use a glove;
  • You should start from the back of the head, separating a narrow strand;
  • Wind it onto the heating element, hold it for up to 20 seconds (this is the maximum time for creating elastic and strong curls, if you want light waviness, then you should hold it for a few seconds), loosen it;
  • Do these steps with the whole mop;
  • When finished (after complete cooling), distribute the finished curls with your fingers and fix with hairspray.

For many, this option may not seem very fast. In this case, it is permissible to curl only the ends, taking them wider and after 5-7 minutes the charming image is ready.

The iron is also a universal device that can be used to create curls, waves, and curls. The most efficient way is to warm up the strands twisted into a tourniquet. It doesn’t take much time or effort, and the results are amazing.

Cute curls without heating

One of the old ways of creating waviness is to use curlers. Today's variety allows you to create masterpieces on your head without difficulty, and most importantly, harm to your hair. This is the easiest and most effective way to curl curls.

There are curlers of various diameters, with velor or velvet coating, Velcro, foam rubber, metal, flexible boomerangs, thermal and electric curlers.

To achieve the effect of large waves, you need to use curlers with a diameter of 4-5 cm. It is better to use them with a velvet coating and secure them with clips.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Apply styling mousse or foam to clean, damp hair, carefully distributing it;
  • Separate a wide strand and wrap it in curlers;
  • Do the same actions with the remaining mass;
  • Blow dry until completely dry;
  • Remove, distribute the strands and fix with varnish.

The advantage of this method is that the use of these large-diameter fasteners allows you to screw on fairly wide areas, which significantly reduces time. Drying takes a little time, and on average this styling will last 10 minutes.

For short lengths, Velcro curlers are perfect. Due to the specific surface, tangling is excluded. Another advantage of such clamps is their amazing volume.

A win-win option for quick styling would be to use curlers. They have a soft foam texture and can be left overnight without causing any discomfort. In the morning, the time spent will only be spent on promoting and correcting the final result. It is enough to use a light styling spray, which will add additional volume, and hairspray to fix attractive curls.

The result is seductive curls without harming your hair in the shortest possible time.

The winding technique is quite simple and consists of the following steps:

  • Separate a small area;
  • Fix the papillot at the root;
  • Holding one end with your fingers, twist the strand in a spiral motion;
  • Then twist the ends of the curl paper. The metal insert inside the foam allows it to be firmly fixed, without any weight, discomfort or other unpleasant sensations.

This variation is suitable if you can get it done in the evening. Then in the morning it will take a maximum of 5 minutes to do your hair.

How to curl your hair with a diffuser

You can turn your strands into light curls using a special diffuser attachment. It often comes with a hairdryer, so every girl should have it in her arsenal.

The amount of time spent is equal to the minutes it takes to dry your hair. In this situation, there will be no need for unnecessary movements to twist the curlers or use a curling iron or styler. Just the desire to look amazing.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Carefully distribute the styling product (mousse, foam or wax) onto clean, wet hair;
  • Tilt your head down and spray with varnish;
  • Then place part of the strands in the diffuser and dry with smooth up and down movements to completely distribute the heat;
  • Do the same with the remaining mop;
  • Form the final result beautifully and fix it with varnish.

This is the most optimal method for quickly creating cute curls.

Beach curls without heat can also be achieved in the shortest possible time. The effect of slight negligence is ensured, and the image comes out casual and romantic.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Wash your hair;
  • Distribute styling mousse onto damp hair;
  • Divide the entire mass into two equal parts;
  • Twist a tight tourniquet from each;
  • Attach the harnesses to your head in a way convenient for you;
  • Hold it for a while;
  • Unroll and spray with varnish.

While light curls are forming from the flagella, you can touch up your makeup, choose an outfit, and drink coffee. To achieve the fastest possible result, it is permissible to use a hairdryer. Dry the rope structure thoroughly and unravel it, correcting the result with your fingers.

Quick hairstyles with curls

A woman's hairstyle is an extremely important attribute in the appearance of a beauty. Beautiful curls or gently flowing waves will create a unique, charming and stunning look.

So, the curls are ready, all that remains is to make a quick hairstyle out of them and emphasize your individuality.


Femininity and tenderness itself. It fully corresponds to the declared trends of this season. You can make it in a matter of seconds, and by experimenting with models, you can provide a variety of bows for every day.

  • Select one strand at a time in the temporal-lateral zones;
  • Bring them back and tie with a clear elastic band;
  • Add a romantic touch with a bright ribbon.

If you have braiding skills, then it is quite possible to secure your hairstyle with cute braids. These can be tight braids, thin three-strand braids or voluminous openwork braids.

It all depends on skills and, of course, time. You can twist a small bagel, securing it with bobby pins. There are quite a lot of variations, so here you need to build on your skills and preferences.

Wavy hairstyles look stylish in themselves, but sometimes cascading waves get boring and you want an interesting hairstyle with elements of curls.

Playful curls

It only takes seconds to create.

  • Pick up your hair, put it in a messy bun and secure it with hairpins/bobby pins at the back of your head;
  • Leave the curls around your face to fall.

You can leave it on both sides, or it’s better to make it asymmetrical. It is permissible to select the entire bunch. Play with your curls and choose the best option for you.

Ponytails have always looked trendy, and a curled ponytail is the most advantageous option. It can be a high horse or a low side.
