Geisha Secrets: The Art of Japanese Love. Intimate secrets of geishas: deliver unearthly sexual pleasure to your partner

A geisha is not a courtesan providing intimate services. She is exceptionally educated, can carry on a conversation with a man with all the respect and humility, as befits a real woman. Communication with geishas flattered men who could be themselves with them and reject the conventions of society.

A geisha is a real sensitive psychologist, able to read men's thoughts. She elevates a man, makes him believe in himself and become better. However, at the same time, a geisha is exceptionally beautiful and sexually attractive. Girls in Japan learn the art of geisha from adolescence, however, adult women can learn something useful for themselves in the Japanese art of love.

The skin of a geisha is white, velvety and tender. To maintain their beauty, geisha use masks, scrubs and peels based on seaweed and natural oils. The eyelids of a geisha were covered with powder so that the shadows did not roll down, and the eyeliner lay down better. Geisha hair was styled in intricate. Particular attention was paid to the hands: the skin was moisturized and protected from the sun. Geisha feet are perfect, as are posture and gait. The geisha wiggles her hips seductively, but not vulgarly, as she enters the room wearing a clog with a 15 cm platform.

A geisha must be uncompromising and balanced, restrained and bold, traditional and unconventional. She flirts on the verge of eroticism, never crossing the line of moderation. She is charming, but not promiscuous. She is vicious, but refined.

In fairness, it must be admitted that geisha could become lovers, but their main task was to entertain men with conversations and dances. A geisha is, first of all, an interlocutor with whom a man rests. She is always friendly, cheerful and fresh. A geisha serves a man, designed to make his life easier, cheer up and please with beauty.

Do you want to find happiness with your loved one and become the only and irreplaceable? Take note of the geishas. For example, "secret love spell" - copy the words, gestures and facial expressions of a man, because in this case an unconscious contact is established.

Start with conversations and shared experiences in the living room, gradually leading the man to the idea of ​​continuing the conversation on another level, in the bedroom. Remember the motto of a real geisha - give a man everything he wants, and he will definitely return to you when he realizes that there is no one better than you in the world. The strongest nets do not braid the body, but the mind of a man, remember this.

In bed, a geisha fulfills all the whims of a man with special reverence, try this. Start with a relaxing aroma massage. Pay special attention to erogenous zones, but do not rush, continue to have a leisurely conversation, ask a man about his affairs, about how the day went, etc.

Geisha are wonderful mistresses, who have excellent control over intimate muscles. For training these muscles, Kegels are great, which can be performed anytime and anywhere. Well-trained muscles give a man exquisite pleasure.

The simple secrets of Japanese love and the art of geishas will help you build relationships with your partner and take them to a new level - be sure of this, because it is not for nothing that geisha are so in demand and loved.

Most of the geishas were in Japan in the 20s of the last century. Now there are not so many representatives of this profession left, but they continue to keep their secrets and protect traditions.

1. Don't do what you don't feel like doing.

The traditional costume of a geisha differs from the traditional costume of a woman of easy virtue in an important detail - the way the belt is tied. If the representatives of the ancient profession have a knot in front and it is easy to untie it in front of each new client, then the geisha clasps the belt so as to be pulled together from behind. A geisha cannot untie such a belt quickly and without outside help, and therefore quickly undress too. Geisha are not required to provide clients with intimate services, so if she has sex with a man, then only of her own free will and as a sign of special disposition. Well, the traditional complex knot does not allow you to quickly take off your clothes, but makes the process of undressing tedious and exciting for the male imagination.

2. Always be interesting to your man, do not stop surprising him

Geisha, before meeting a man and taking him to a tea house, learn as much as possible about his occupation and interests. This knowledge helps them to maintain an interesting conversation with a man and give him a sense of his own importance and significance. The same goes for the science of love. Geishas study the addictions of men, and are not afraid of experiments. If you read books about geishas, ​​you can find, for example, a dozen techniques for touching a man alone. And among the kissing techniques, you can even find the “Butterfly Kiss”, when a woman tickles her partner’s face with her eyelashes.

3. Explore the erogenous zones and learn the art of erotic massage

Geishas do not seek to bring a man to a speedy denouement. On the contrary, their task is to prolong the pleasure and give the man priceless moments of relaxation. One way is erotic massage, during which erogenous zones are stimulated and muscles relax. Begin massage from the navel, gradually rising up the body or going down. Massaging the upper chest area, for example, helps to relieve emotional stress, and stretching the skin in different directions in the lower abdomen - the tension accumulated during the day. At the same time, during the massage, conversations do not stop immediately. As soon as they feel that the man has begun to relax and does not want to continue the conversation, the geisha fall silent and begin to influence the more sensitive erogenous zones. The main rule of such a massage is slowness. And a little secret - they do not touch the genitals for as long as possible, because such direct caresses lead to strong excitement and rapid discharge.

4. Remember that sexy is in the details.

In the eyes of an Eastern man, the sexiest parts of the body are the ankle, wrist and beautiful neck. Please note that the traditional geisha hairstyle exposes the back of the neck, and the movements of the hands during tea ceremonies are so smooth that only a delicate wrist can accidentally open, leaving a man room for imagination. Such non-aggressive sexuality in Western civilization has long been a rarity. When images of a naked body are pouring on us, it's hard to imagine that the strong half of humanity could be interested in some kind of ankle. But it turns out that ancient instincts are stronger than modern debauchery. During tea ceremonies, geishas seem to flirt with men all the time. For example, while pouring, they can bend over so that a particular man sees a little more than everyone else. But still, no more than allowed.

The traditional geisha costume hides the body of a woman and reveals only some details to the male gaze.

5. The body can say more than the tongue.

Another oriental feature that is hard to imagine in our bedrooms. Geisha should not express their emotions with groans and loud sighs. What they feel is for the body to say. And if exclamations of passion can be faked, then a man will immediately feel the sincere behavior of a woman in bed. No extraneous sounds should interfere with the communication of two bodies.

6. Keep your muscles toned

The very contractions of the vaginal muscles that brought worldwide fame to Arnold Kegel in the middle of the 20th century have long been known in Japan. But only the concubines of the emperor and the geisha practiced them. Regular repetitions of these exercises helped them maintain sexual health for a long time, fight diseases of the genitourinary system and give men such pleasure in sex that they could not get anywhere else.

But the most important weapon of a geisha is sensuality and a sense of superiority that they give to men. Sincere admiration for his talents and merits, admiration for his intelligence and generosity for several centuries have forced Japanese men to return to geishas in tea houses again and again to take a break from pressing problems.

Every woman wants to be a wonderful lover, but not every woman can deliver unearthly sexual pleasure to her partner. Unlike geishas... With these Japanese beauties, any man feels like a real macho ..

The word "geisha" in translation - "man of art." Initially, men acted as geishas: actors and theater musicians. They entertained men exclusively with songs, dances and cheerful conversations. Later, women appeared in this profession, who after a while made the art of geisha exclusively their craft.

The modern geisha can sing, dance, play musical instruments and has a sexual "science". Her “original” purpose has not lost its significance at all: a Japanese beauty with “porcelain” make-up is, first of all, a sensitive, attentive and positive woman who can not only bring pleasure in bed, but also become an excellent conversationalist.

Her main merit is that she knows the secret to enjoying life! Geisha have a special mentality and psychology, the basics of which are as follows:

Ray of light

Japanese girls are taught from childhood to think positively and enjoy every day. Even the singing of birds in the garden or the beauty of the evening dawn can cause joy and a smile on the face of a future geisha.

Having reached adulthood, the girl glows with calmness and confidence and knows a lot about happiness. Such a genuine positive allows her to preserve not only beauty, but also health.

Subtleties of the soul

A geisha knows the psychology of men very well - otherwise she simply would not have been able to become unique in conversation and sex.

She knows how to listen, understand and catch the mood of a man, his desires - from a half-word and half-gesture. The Japanese woman does everything beautifully, calmly, peacefully and with a smile on your face !

Japanese sex

A sensual fusion of the soul and body of lovers - this is how sex with a geisha can be described. Affectionate and flexible, supple and playful - such a geisha is in bed with a man.

In erotic games, affectionate touches are of primary importance, and emotions are expressed not by moans and cries, but in silence - by internal impulses and body movements.

But to become a real geisha, knowledge of psychology alone is not enough: you also need to have certain sexual skills - you need to train your body .

Muscles of love

Every real geisha knows how to skillfully control her vaginal muscles (VUMs). In the old days, only a select few had access to this science - geishas and concubines of the emperor. Today this knowledge is available to everyone.

Vumbilding - training the muscles of the vagina - allows you to maintain the health of female genital organs. During exercises to strengthen the intimate muscles, blood circulation in the tissues increases, the condition of the vaginal mucosa improves, protective functions are activated, the microflora is restored and the lubrication process is normalized.

Moreover, from the moment the classes begin, a woman's character changes, self-esteem increases, and confidence in her attractiveness appears.

Regular exercises to strengthen the muscles of the vagina allow a woman to experience a previously unfamiliar vaginal orgasm for the first time. In addition, skillful possession of these muscles gives tremendous sexual pleasure to both the partner and the geisha herself .

Thanks to wumbling, a woman improves not only her health, but also the sexual health of her partner, and increases male strength.

During sex with a woman who has developed vaginal muscles, a man overcomes more resistance than usual.

At the same time, he experiences incomparable pleasure, which contributes to a powerful ejaculation at the end of sexual intercourse, preventing congestion in the male genital organs.

The most famous and effective exercises for training intimate muscles are Kegel exercises. It is best to perform them using special vaginal balls - then the result will appear faster, but for a start you can do without them.

The advantage of such exercises is that they can be performed anywhere and at any time.

It is very easy to determine which muscles you need to train: try to intentionally stop urination - in this case, it will be the muscles of the vagina that will work.

There are 4 options for performing Kegel exercises:

1. Abbreviations

Tighten and relax your vaginal muscles as quickly as possible. At the initial stage, you need to make 10 contractions - 10 relaxations. After a while, you can increase this number to 30.

2. Slow contractions

Squeeze and unclench the muscles for 5 seconds. 5 seconds - break. Tighten your muscles and hold them in this state for 20-30 seconds, then relax.

3. Gradual tension-relaxation

Tighten your muscles slightly and fix the position, after 3-5 seconds, increase the tension, fix, increase the tension again ... And so on to your limit. You need to relax according to the same principle - gradually.

4. Push

Push, as in childbirth or in a chair, but not hard, but moderately.

You need to do 3-5 sets for each exercise 3-4 times a day. In total, 120-150 exercises must be performed per day, combining various options.

Erotic massage

Geisha Secrets

The main elements of erotic massage:

_**- stroking

  • kneading
  • rubbing**_

A Japanese woman performs a massage with measured, rhythmic movements, paying special attention to male erogenous zones: the chest, the area on the back between the shoulder blades, the neck, the inner surfaces of the legs, thighs, popliteal fossae, and genitals.

At the same time, relaxing music is turned on and incense sticks are lit. You can also use an aroma lamp - oils that awaken desire are suitable for this: patchouli, ylang-ylang, cinnamon.

Erotic massage of a geisha is a game in which there is no place for fuss. To make a good massage, you need to love the partner's body, admire him.

Basic tricks

Before doing a massage, you need to apply a softening cream or oil on your hands.

It's best to start from the back. From the shoulders, go down to the lower back and to the legs. Then ask your partner to roll over onto their back. The abdomen and chest should be massaged from the bottom up or from the center to the sides in a circular motion. You need to be especially careful with the skin of the nipples - movements on this part of the body should be gentle and light, you can connect kisses.

Next comes the turn of the male genital organ, the massage of which must be done with stroking, unhurried movements. At this stage, professional seductresses make pauses, alternating stroking the manhood with massage of the chest, neck and legs.

After such a relaxing massage, it's time for sex itself.

All the skills of a geisha in sex are determined precisely by the training of the muscles of her vagina and the ability to feel the desires of a man. Unfortunately, this cannot be taught theoretically. Only practice will allow you to achieve perfection in the art of pleasing a man and, of course, yourself. Meanwhile, there are still some nuances.

What do you associate Japan with? Rising sun, majestic Fujiyama, cherry blossoms, sushi, after all. However, there is another national image, a certain cultural symbol, which is possible only in Japan. This is a touching, sophisticated girl in a kimono and with a magnificent hairstyle. Of course, we are talking about geishas.

A geisha is not at all, to put it mildly, a comfort woman, as many Europeans for some reason believe. The Japanese cultural tradition is too complex and multifaceted for it to be so simple. A geisha is a very beautiful young woman who treats guests in a special institution, pours them sake - Japanese vodka - and conducts small talk with them on a variety of topics.

A geisha is a kind of embodiment of sophistication and diversity of Japanese traditions, the quintessence of the Japanese spirit. And, of course, the beauty of a Japanese woman. In order to become a geisha, a girl had to learn not only how to seduce a man, how much to win over herself, how to be an intelligent conversationalist, a skilled hostess and an attractive woman. This required knowledge of psychology, etiquette and much more. Today we will tell you about what were the secrets of geishas and what allowed them to be so attractive.

1. A geisha is a woman not for the body, but for the soul

Japanese culture has always been very patriarchal and subservient. From the beginning of life to its very end, a man was haunted by a sense of duty. It was a duty to the family, to his father, to the state - and so on. Of course, sometimes you need to rest. To do this, the men went to a kind of party: receptions in special tea houses, where they served white tea, fish, sake and much more.

At such social events, geisha appeared at a special invitation: smart, beautiful, well-mannered and educated women who poured alcohol, filled empty plates, kept up small talk and much more. A geisha in this case became a woman for the soul of a man, with her he could rest, first of all, morally.

2. A geisha is a special woman

In our European view, the Japanese geisha looks a bit strange. However, according to Japanese standards of beauty of those times, a face whitened with special cosmetics, bright lips and eyes, a frilly hairstyle and a special kimono were considered ... well, the very top of beauty. Behind the appearance of a geisha were hours, sometimes days of work and special personal care before this or that event. A geisha has always been a special woman, she cannot be confused with anyone. This is another secret of the attractiveness of geishas.

3. The beauty of a geisha really required sacrifice.

In order to look irresistible, the geisha worked very hard. Almost always at the same time, she experienced inconvenience and even pain. This was part of her burden, something that haunted the geisha all her life: for the sake of beauty, she endured everything. The man saw a stunning girl in front of him and could not even imagine at what cost it was given to her.

4. Geisha could do it all

For a long, very long time, for years, young geisha learned their art in special institutions from older and more experienced colleagues. They were taught everything: all the subtleties of etiquette, serving at dinner, foreign languages, history and culture, dancing, singing, flirting - and everything. A real geisha knew how to do almost everything a woman needed, it was very difficult to take her by surprise, and she could keep up the conversation on absolutely any topic. That is what the next paragraph is about.

5. Talk is everything

The art of a geisha in conversation was highly valued throughout Japan. First of all, a geisha is a girl for conversation. To become a relaxed and experienced companion, the girls were taught many sciences. They were able to keep up the conversation on almost any topic. In addition, they were taught the art of conversation as such: how to behave, how to smile, what tone of voice to use, to look into the eyes or not to look - in general, women have been trained in this skill for years and for this they were very, very appreciated.

6. What else?

All geishas were beautiful, slender, sexy women. Of course, sometimes they became the mistresses of noble Japanese aristocrats or famous famous warriors, but nothing like that was ever even close during tea ceremonies. However, almost always such girls could afford light flirting and promising, albeit vague and spatial, hints. This slight eroticism, on the very edge of what is permissible, made geishas unusually attractive and interesting for men.

As you can see, the art of being a geisha was really very multifaceted and different. In addition, behind this there has always been painstaking and intense work on oneself throughout one's life. It is not surprising that geisha were so valued in Japanese society - they were truly unique women.

The famous French poet Jean Cocteau was literally stunned by what he saw in Japan during his trip in 1936. He found three "pearls" in the land of the rising sun: kabuki theater, sumo and a geisha woman.

Her name was Kiharu, which in Japanese means Blooming Spring. Until now, he never paid attention to women and was a homosexual until he met her - a woman-spring.

A real long-awaited spring has come in his soul, he has known the versatility of the female body and soul, everything that every man on earth probably dreams of.

History knows many famous military men, artists, princes and ministers who are ready to give everything to be close to a geisha who knows the secrets of seduction and enjoyment of life.

A man wants his chosen one to be a great friend and a great lover. However, in life he constantly has to choose: a beautiful interlocutor, as a rule, is a bad lover, and strong feelings and passion in bed are disagreements and disputes in conversations.

Often a guy, when meeting a beautiful girl, is ready to give her a “star from the sky”, but time passes, and feelings cool down, and if the relationship has become family, then the woman becomes a “toothbrush” for her husband - just as necessary, but, unfortunately , of little value.

What is the secret of the geishas who conquered the strong half of humanity and left their indelible mark on history? The word geisha in translation means a man of art. In order to be mysterious and attractive, it is not enough to be born smart and beautiful, you need to learn the art of living. If you think that you do not have the necessary data and talents, then you are mistaken. Remember: a pearl becomes an expensive decoration and shines with beauty only after thorough cleaning and polishing.

The first secret of a geisha is radiance

This is not about porcelain makeup that attracts the eye from afar. In Japan, girls are taught from an early age look at life positively. Every morning they enjoy the new day, the bright sun, the touch of silk on the skin. Even the singing of a bird and the flight of a butterfly evoke a smile. Dancing, drawing or playing, a young geisha puts a part of her soul into everything, and when she reaches adulthood, she literally glows with confidence, calmness and knowledge of happiness.

We have lost in the daily bustle of attentiveness to the world around us.. Our soul is full of worries and grievances, hence the coldness and indifference even to close people. The Japanese know a simple recipe for "recovery" and a return to harmony with nature. For example, look at cats. They are always calm and graceful with their soft gait, tenderly care for their kittens, causing a feeling of admiration among those around them. Why are we worse? Any problem can be solved. Be a confident and happy woman, then every man will notice your radiance.

The second secret of a geisha is the psychology of the soul

Every geisha is well versed in psychology. She catches his thoughts, carefully observes his emotions and at the same time constantly smiles. A geisha can open a man's soul for himself. Her motto is to discover and find the beautiful, and not to adjust or remake for yourself. She is a wonderful hostess who cares about the beauty of her home. The tea ceremony is always accompanied by light, confident, calm movements, flowers in vases, exquisite dishes. All anxieties and bad thoughts remain beyond the threshold.

In order for your husband to be drawn home like a magnet, meet him with a gentle smile and a set table decorated with flowers and beautiful napkins.

Respectfully, without interrupting, delve into his speech yourself tell him something interesting and funny to cheer him up after a hard day at work. Seeing only the best qualities in your beloved, you will soon notice for yourself that he has ceased to passively retire and rudely assert himself.

The third secret of a geisha - sex in Japanese

Submissive, flexible, gentle and playful - this is how a geisha behaves in bed with a man. Affectionate touches are given special importance in the erotic game. Emotions are expressed not by screams and groans, but by the movement of the body, impulses of the soul and sensitive attention in complete silence. At such moments, there comes a sharp feeling of a partner and maximum rapprochement with the natural essence.

Remember that only a combination of two irreplaceable qualities - a friend and a lover - will make you a truly desirable and ideal woman, like a geisha!
