How long should a newborn baby be washed? Caring for a newborn: do you need to bathe your newborn every day? Baby bath or shared bath

Of course, babies need water treatments: bathing is the very first physical therapy for a baby. Staying in water strengthens muscles, helps the respiratory system (firstly, moist air cleanses the nose and lungs, and secondly, promotes correct and even breathing), gives the child new sensations, strengthens and helps prepare for bed.


A child who has been bathed will eat with appetite and fall asleep faster than one who just lay in his mother’s arms in the evening, but this does not mean that you need to bathe children every day.

According to doctors, daily bathing is not necessary even for children who have already been introduced to complementary foods, begin to move around the apartment independently, or even go to the sandbox. During this period, it is necessary to wash and wash the child once a day. Hands and face can be wiped with wet wipes. You also need to monitor the baby’s overall hygiene to avoid diaper rash: the child should not walk around in a wet diaper or stale clothes.

Everyday swimming can be dangerous

Laura Jena, MD, a spokeswoman for the American Pediatrics Association, notes that bathing more than three times a week can cause serious harm to the skin of young children: frequent exposure to water can cause eczema, a disease that causes dryness and itching. And it occurs mainly in the first five years of life.


Studies have shown that children from developed countries are increasingly suffering from eczema, where frequent washing has already become part of popular culture and almost one of the indicators of well-being. But when bathing a child, you should remember that his skin is much more delicate and thinner than the skin of an adult - bathing products and even the water itself can cause allergic reactions.

Moreover, eczema that begins at an early age is fraught with the onset of asthma: about half of all children who are diagnosed with this skin disease at an early age are at risk.

If you notice that your baby's skin has become dry, flaky and red, just stop daily bathing and observe your baby's condition. You can use special baby oil as a moisturizer. If the skin clears up in three to five days, then it really is a reaction to the water or bathing product.

Why bubble bath is evil

Tests conducted with children's bath products have shown that they are ineffective - their softening and moisturizing properties are minimal, and the effect is comparable to washing with plain running water.


Margaret Cox, a representative of the British Eczema Society, advises to completely avoid all products with soap if the child has signs of a skin disease. She recommends washing your baby no more than twice a week, using special bathing oils and emollients.

University of Edinburgh professor Aziz Sheikh adds that you need to choose children's shampoos and bathing gels that do not contain perfumes or dyes. And bubble bath, from his point of view, is an absolute evil for children's skin.

How often should children over 6 years old bathe?

The older the child, the less often he needs to be washed, which is certainly good news for parents of those children who have already passed the age when bathing seemed like a fun adventure to them.

Children aged 6 to 11 years old can swim once a week. Additional washing may be necessary if your child gets really dirty, sweaty, or goes to the pool or beach. And it’s better to turn this additional water procedure from a full bath into a quick, pleasant, cool shower before bed.

You need to accustom your child to the bath only after the umbilical wound has healed, that is, on the 10-14th day of life. Until this time, the immune system is very weak and the only method of hygiene is wiping with a napkin or cotton swabs dipped in warm water. It is highly undesirable to use soap, as it can damage the baby's delicate skin.

How often should you bathe your baby?

It all depends on the purpose of bathing. If bathing is a purely hygienic procedure, then according to international standards, 2-3 times a week is enough so as not to cause the baby’s skin to become too dry. At the same time, you need to wash and wash your baby every day. Only when the baby starts crawling can this process be done daily.

If we consider bathing as a hardening process, then it should be done daily. During the first procedure, the water temperature should be 37 °C. The temperature should be reduced gradually to 26 °C, every day by half a degree. This process will help improve the child’s health, normalize appetite and sleep.

How to prepare for swimming?

To make bathing safe, water must be boiled at least during the first month of a child’s life.

You can bathe your baby in a regular bath, but before bathing it must be treated with special means, because in addition to the child, the whole family bathes in it. Parents also need to get an inflatable neck ring or a swimming slide. These things will protect the child and make the parents' task much easier. You can purchase a special baby bathtub for bathing. This bathtub is more convenient for parents and safer for the child, but its size will limit the child’s movements.

Before bathing, the baby should be warmed up by doing a massage and light exercises to reduce the load on the body. The right time for bathing is before the last evening feeding. Bathing before bed will help relax and calm your baby. Under no circumstances should you bathe your baby immediately after feeding. The duration of bathing depends on the child’s mood. But until two months of age, no more than 5-10 minutes, then this figure can be increased to 15-20 minutes.

After bathing the baby, you should dry it with a diaper, but under no circumstances should you dry it with a towel. Then you need to treat all the baby’s folds with special baby oil and, if necessary, use powder. Particular attention should be paid to the wound in the navel area; it must be treated with hydrogen peroxide.

Also, do not overuse various herbal supplements, as they can dry out the baby’s skin or cause allergies.

Young mothers often confuse the concepts of bathing a baby. If washing is intended to cleanse the skin, then bathing is a healing procedure necessary for both the baby and his parents. Properly organized bathing will strengthen the baby's immunity and teach him to sleep healthy and restful at night, so that parents can also rest peacefully.

How often should you bathe your newborn baby?

Every day when you change a diaper, you probably wash your baby several times or use wet wipes to maintain his personal hygiene. It is permissible to wash your baby with soap no more than once a week. This norm is determined by the low activity of the newborn and the effect of soap on sensitive baby skin.

How often should you bathe your newborn if you want to improve your baby’s health from birth? Pediatricians recommend performing water procedures daily. The sooner you introduce bathing into your child's daily routine, the more fun you will get from motherhood. Proper bathing in a large bathtub filled with cool water will help your baby expend excess energy, strengthen his immune system and prepare him for bed. After an active half-hour swim in the bath, the baby will drink his mother's milk with a huge appetite and instantly fall asleep for the whole night. Based on this, it is better to bathe the baby in the evening, before the last feeding.

You can start bathing your baby daily immediately after the umbilical wound has healed, that is, 7-14 days after birth. This regimen is recommended to be maintained in a child up to one year. Later, you will have to find suitable entertainment for your older baby in the bathtub, because he will no longer be able to swim freely in it, and toys in the water will not always entertain him for 30-40 minutes.

Changes in daily bathing routine

If you don't have the ability to regulate the temperature in your nursery with an air conditioner, bathing in the bath can be used to protect your baby from overheating during the hot summer months. To do this, increase the number of “swims” lasting 10-15 minutes to 3-4 times a day. And don't forget to give your child a drink of water before bathing so that he is not tempted to drink chlorinated tap water.

Much more often there are situations in which daily bathing is impossible due to poor living conditions. If there is no hot water and it is difficult to maintain the required temperature in the baby’s bathroom, the number of water procedures can be reduced to a minimum. It is still advisable to sometimes bathe in a small bath or in a large bath at a low water level.

Avoid bathing your newborn when sick. If you feel unwell, have a high temperature and are in pain, the baby will not experience the pleasure of bathing, but will only receive new unpleasant associations with the bathroom. On the other hand, if the exacerbation of the disease is already over, or if the baby easily coped with acute respiratory infections, bathing can continue as usual. At the same time, you can increase the temperature of the water that is usual for the baby by a couple of degrees, so that after the break the newborn feels quite comfortable in the water.

From the first weeks, teach your baby to bathe daily in cool water in a large bathtub. This regimen will strengthen the baby’s immunity and guarantee his parents a restful night’s sleep for 5-8 hours.

In our next article!

Sometimes you can hear a young mother asking in bewilderment about what is the purpose of bathing a newborn if he hardly gets dirty. Water procedures for a baby have a slightly different meaning - they promote physical and psychological development, bring benefits and a great mood. Bathing in the bath before bed helps the baby relax and calm down, despite the short time spent in the water.

Washing and bathing - what's the difference?

Ordinary hygiene has nothing in common with bathing a newborn, except for the presence of water in both procedures. Hygiene includes:

  • washing;
  • washing;
  • washing the baby.

All this is necessary in order to make the baby cleaner. Parents will need:

  • wet wipes or water;
  • baby soap.
Bathing a baby is not just a cleansing procedure, but also a relaxing one that improves the tone of the whole body.

The process takes only 5 minutes in the morning, but bathing a newborn baby requires much more time. You need to bathe your toddler for several reasons:

  1. In a miniature bathtub or a large bathtub, the baby feels a sense of calm and comfort, because swimming reminds him of his own recent existence in his mother’s tummy.
  2. Thanks to the slight water pressure during bathing, the child receives the necessary physical activity.
  3. New skills of the newborn develop: emotional, tactile, communicative.
  4. Metabolism and appetite improves.
  5. Bathing your baby can be turned into a hardening procedure if you set the temperature correctly.

Regular water procedures are an excellent prevention of colds. This is what distinguishes bathing from daily washing.

You can and should wash your baby from the first days after birth. It is important to monitor the condition of the eyes, ears and nose, and also to prevent diaper rash under the diaper. It is prohibited to bathe your baby in running water or a large bath until the umbilical wound has completely healed.

It usually heals 2 weeks after the baby is born. Until then, parents should stick to the following alternatives:

  1. Bathing a newborn should be done in a special bath using chilled boiled water (we recommend reading:).
  2. You don’t have to bathe your little one, but wipe the contaminated areas every day with gentle wet wipes.

It is advisable to boil the water long before bathing the baby so that it has time to cool. It is better to measure the temperature not with your elbow, but with a special thermometer, since the baby’s skin is thin and sensitive.

After the umbilical wound has completely healed, bathing the newborn can be carried out as usual. The concepts of “washing” and “bathing” should not be confused. Water treatments can be a fun and useful activity if you follow the rules:

  1. The famous pediatrician Komarovsky immediately recommends let the child take a big swim in the spacious bathtub. This will be a real adventure for him, because there he can wallow to his heart’s content, grab toys and watch them. The water in a large bath takes a long time to cool, so bathing a child can last for half an hour. The energy and physical activity expended will allow the baby to quickly and soundly fall asleep without disturbing the parents at night. The more space, the more intense the stimulation of the internal organs and various muscles.
  2. For bathing a baby no longer need boiled chilled water, as after the allotted 2 weeks it is considered unreasonable and impractical. However, the water in the bath should be clean and free of visually noticeable impurities. If the water quality is poor, it is advisable to install filters.
  3. If you make it out of regular bathing of a newborn exciting process, the baby will be happy to wait for the moment when the opportunity to swim arises. It’s not easy to hold a toddler’s head without a break for 30 minutes, so special swimming rings and caps will be great helpers for parents. The circle is attached around the neck, preventing the head from falling in and the mouth from accidentally swallowing water. Along the entire perimeter of the cap there are pieces of foam that hold the child's head well above the surface of the water.

Older babies love to swim with toys. Parents of such children can combine bathing with useful developmental activities

Free swimming should not be feared, despite the admonitions of the older generation about the risk of water getting into a child’s ears. The structure of the auricle does not allow water to penetrate too deeply; it flows back freely, causing absolutely no harm. After the water procedure, just gently blot your ears.

Optimal temperature

The temperature regime must be changed gradually, depending on how long the baby has been bathing. On the first swim the most suitable temperature is considered to be 33-34 C. It should be borne in mind that the data is indicated for a large space in which the baby can swim, wallow and be active.

Convenient time for water procedures

It is necessary to introduce the tradition of bathing babies before the evening feeding, which precedes bedtime. For adults, bathing a child is a fun activity, but for the participant it is a real sport. The calories expended and the workload cause two main desires: to eat and to relax.

For children under one year old, it is quite normal from the age of 4 months to sleep soundly throughout the night, without disturbing the mother with a request to feed. In this case, the duration of the baby’s bath should be at least half an hour, and in the evening the little one should definitely eat a hearty meal. The time for water procedures is set by the parents themselves, based on their own schedule.

Is diving dangerous?

There is nothing wrong with bathing a newborn, even if he accidentally goes under water for a few seconds. Children in the first months of life have unique reflex: as soon as water enters the respiratory tract, the resulting spasm prevents it from going further. There is absolutely no chance of choking. Access to important organs of the respiratory system is blocked, so the baby physically cannot get enough water. When staying under water for a long time, the baby faces a lack of oxygen, and not an abundance of water.

The baby holds his breath during immersion as a reflex, so there is no need to be afraid to plunge his head into the water. Finding himself in the familiar elements, the baby rejoices and swims with pleasure

In the process of bathing a child, it helps strengthen the immune system and prevents the development of fear of water. In the absence of regular diving, the innate breath-holding reflex disappears after 2-2.5 months from the moment the baby is born.


For bathing a newborn, ordinary clean water is suitable, but if you want to diversify the process, you should add a herbal decoction:

  1. measure with a glass, pour into a clean glass liter container.
  2. Pour boiling water completely and leave until evening. The water should be at the top edge of the jar.
  3. Before bathing the baby, strain the broth through cheesecloth and add to the bath.

For relaxation, potassium permanganate does not have any particular therapeutic effect. Potassium permanganate crystals can cause skin burns, so it should be diluted to a slightly pink tint, but such a solution is not anti-inflammatory. A composition with a more saturated color can burn the mucous membrane of the eyes, so it is not advisable to take risks.

Soothing mixtures, which are often prescribed by pediatricians, have a beneficial effect exclusively on mothers. Children's doctor Komarovsky sincerely does not understand why this is being done. No one has yet canceled the placebo effect, so after bathing a newborn in such a decoction, many mothers sincerely consider their children calmer.

Main stages of the procedure

It's important to come up with a plan and stick to it. The baby may not like the changes, but the regime will set it in a favorable mood:

  1. You need to prepare all the necessary items and means for bathing the child while he is lying in the crib - this is much better than then running around the apartment with a toddler in your arms in search of the missing component.
  2. Before bathing your baby, it is advisable to wash him and only then immerse him in the bath.
  3. If the baby goes on a long voyage, it is enough to lightly hold his head, holding his chin and the back of his head. The ears can be in the water, and only the face remains on the surface. There is nothing dangerous in bathing a child, because there is a lot of fat in the baby’s body, hence the increased “buoyancy”. Infants float very well, so a little support is enough.
  4. When bathing a child in a baby bath, you must hold him so that his head rests on the adult's forearm. For convenience, it is advisable to use a fabric or plastic slide.
  5. First you should bathe the baby, and then wash it, starting from the upper body, moving towards the legs. The head is also washed last.

Among the rules for bathing a newborn there is a wonderful exercise that stimulates development:

  1. Holding the baby by the back of the head and chin, roll through the water in figure eights.
  2. Let him push off with his legs from the sides when he hits them.
  3. Turn over on your tummy and swim in the opposite direction (we recommend reading:).

Such exercises can be seen on popular videos that young parents post on the Internet. It is advisable to bathe several times a week, not forgetting to perform hygiene rituals every day. It is not recommended to organize water treatments immediately after eating, since the little one will be capricious, and it is also harmful to health and the digestive system.

After bathing, the child should be taken out of the water, wrapped in a warm towel and gently patted dry. Do not wear a cap or dry thin hair with a hairdryer. It is enough to feed the baby and put him to sleep.

Not all parents understand that babies need to be bathed not only to keep them clean. Moreover, in the first year of a baby’s life, washing and bathing have fundamentally different meanings for him. How to properly bathe a newborn and older baby, and why do it in principle? We'll tell you!

Bathing a baby is a special procedure that, in addition to some minor troubles, brings a lot of joy and benefit to parents and the baby. Of course, if parents approach this “warm” event with a “cool” head...

Bathing and hygiene: what's the connection?

No! Bathing a baby has nothing to do with baby hygiene. Except that water is involved in both rituals, but that’s all. You wash the baby (or wash the little one, wash the whole thing from time to time, etc.) with one sole purpose - to make it cleaner.

This usually requires: running water or special wet wipes, delicate baby soap (preferably in liquid form) and about 5 minutes of time.

But bathing is a longer, more creative and useful process. You bathe both a newborn and an older baby to:

  • give him a feeling of pleasure and psychological comfort (after all, he still remembers how he swam in his mother’s womb);
  • provide him with some necessary physical activity;
  • develop the baby’s communication, tactile and emotional skills;
  • awaken his appetite;
  • Finally, bathing is an excellent procedure for hardening and preventing colds.

How to bathe a newborn in the first two weeks of life

Let’s define the concepts: you can wash your baby for hygienic purposes from the very first day of his birth. But it is contraindicated for him to swim in a large bathtub and in ordinary tap water for as long as he can.

The umbilical wound heals completely approximately 10-15 days after the birth of the child. Therefore, for the next two weeks after discharge from the maternity hospital, parents have 2 adequate options for hygiene procedures for their newborn baby:

  • 1 A newborn baby can be bathed in a small baby bath using only boiled water. In the Western tradition, it is customary to bathe a newborn baby with a tiny soft towel - this creates a more plausible association with the mother's womb. But from a medical point of view, there are no arguments for or against this - bathe with a towel if you want, or without.

Bathing a newborn in a diaper or small towel gives him a feeling of “intrauterine comfort,” as child psychologists and neonatologists say.

  • 2 For the first two weeks, a newborn baby does not need to be bathed in water, but simply wiped with special wet wipes.

How to bathe a newborn in tap water for the first time

Finally, the baby's umbilical wound has completely healed, and this means that the newborn baby can now be bathed in ordinary tap water. We repeat: not just wash, but rather bathe! How to do this so that both the child and parents receive maximum pleasure and benefit from the bathing process? So, you need to bathe your child:

In a large bath. A large bathtub for a baby is practically a sea-ocean: he can happily jerk his legs and arms, follow toys or grab them. The water in a large bath cools down more slowly and bathing can easily be “stretched out” to 20-30 minutes. And it is while bathing in a large bath that the baby spends a large amount of energy, which allows him to sleep soundly until the morning, gaining strength. This physical energy exchange is extremely important: it normalizes metabolism, stimulates the functioning of muscles and internal organs.

Another important argument in favor of bathing in a large bath: when the baby’s chest is immersed entirely in water (that is, the baby bathes entirely and only his head “sticks out”), then the mechanism of the breathing process itself becomes fundamentally different. In water, the baby spends exactly the same amount of energy inhaling and exhaling, as always, but his lungs open up much more. This means that they contain more oxygen than “on land”. And accordingly, more oxygen will flow from the lungs to all corners of the body, which will ensure its faster and more prosperous development and growth.

In clean water. There is no need to boil water for bathing after the umbilical wound has healed - now it is unreasonable, inconvenient and makes no sense. However, the water in which you plan to bathe your baby should be as clean as possible. If you don’t trust the water treatment system in your city, install a special cleaning filter on your tap.

In a pleasant and interesting environment. If it is difficult for you to constantly support your baby in the water with your hands, then you can easily switch him to the “free swimming” mode. For this purpose, today there are a lot of devices, such as special swimming rings for babies and hats with foam inserts. These useful inventions reliably keep the child's head afloat, but at the same time allow his body to be completely submerged in the water without any support. Hang a mobile with music and toys on the edge of the bath - so that gradually the baby learns to reach for them, and nightly bathing will become for the baby a real symbiosis of a sort of “Disneyland” and a spa - both exciting and useful!

Special inflatable rings and hats with foam inserts are real “saviors” of parents’ lower backs. Agree - even in the name of an ideal and long-lasting child bath, it is very difficult and risky to stand bend over for half an hour or more...

At what temperature should you bathe a newborn and older baby?

The temperature of the bathing water varies somewhat depending on the length of bathing experience. At the very beginning - as soon as the baby’s navel has healed and you have already prepared a regular “adult” bath for him, the optimal water temperature to start the procedure is 33-34 ° C.

Let us pay special attention - this temperature regime is suitable specifically for a large volume of water and space - when the child has the opportunity to actively move in the water, move his arms and legs, and “swim” in the arms of his parents.

If the toddler is placed in a small baby bath, where it is not possible to lift a finger, then the temperature of the bathing water should be about 36° C. However, no more than 37° C is the temperature “ceiling” for the water in which you bathe the baby.

Now again about those lucky ones whose parents allow them to swim in the “adult” bath. You can start swimming at a temperature of 33-34° C, but gradually it makes sense to lower it a little. Namely, every week you can reduce the water temperature by 1 degree. It is absolutely safe for a child, but the prevention of respiratory diseases is the most reliable.

Gradually, the temperature of the bathing water can be increased to 28-30 ° C, and in such conditions, by the age of six months, the baby will be able to spend 30-40 minutes completely comfortably and with health benefits. After a long swim in cool water, tired and well fed, the baby is almost guaranteed to sleep soundly until the morning.

When is the best time to bathe a baby?

If we are talking specifically about the procedure of bathing, and not washing - that is, about a more or less long (15-30 minutes or more) stay of the baby in the water, then it is best to carry out this event exactly before evening feeding and bedtime.

The fact is that swimming, as a fairly active form of “sport” available to a little one, takes a lot of energy from him - about the same as a 40-minute aerobic exercise in the fitness room takes from you. And just like you, after such a load, the baby, as a rule, experiences only two needs - to eat “from the belly” and to sleep.

Properly and intelligently organized bathing of a baby can provide sound, healthy sleep throughout the night not only for the baby himself, but also for his loved ones.

Already at the age of 4-5 months, with a regime of nightly long bathing (we repeat: 20-30 minutes) and a good meal before bed, the child is able to sleep soundly all night without waking up for night feeding. Which inevitably makes all parents, without exception, twice as happy.

Is it possible for a baby to dive in the bathtub?

Newborn children have such a wonderful reflex - when water gets into the respiratory tract, a spasm immediately occurs in them, they overlap and the child actually cannot choke in water. Of course, if he is immersed in water for a long time, he may die from lack of oxygen - that is, in fact, the little one threatens to suffocate from lack of air, but will not choke from the abundance of water.

Simply put, there is no need to be scared if the baby accidentally turns over and “sinks” under the water, there is nothing fundamentally dangerous about it. If you quickly raise his head above the water and he can clear his throat (if there is a need) and breathe freely, then such a “dive” is considered quite physiological and ordinary. Moreover, many progressive schools and courses for young mothers and fathers specifically teach parents how to immerse their babies headlong, so that the child does not lose this valuable reflex - automatic holding of breath when water enters the respiratory tract. As a rule, children who are “taught” in this way from childhood to float freely and behave underwater without panic, learn to swim very quickly and rarely suffer from respiratory diseases.

Whether the baby should dive from time to time while swimming or not is up to the parents themselves to decide. If it is pleasant and useful (with proper supervision from adults!) for the child, but every time it causes a heart attack in the mother, then it is better not to dive at all. Not a single pediatrician will undertake to prohibit one thing or promote another. The style of home bathing is entirely at the discretion of the family. The main thing is that both the baby and the parent feel comfortable during the procedure and enjoy bathing the child.

If the baby never dives while swimming, then the breath-holding reflex fades away completely approximately 2-2.5 months after the birth of the child.

What to add to bathing water

By and large, you don’t have to add anything. An infant child can be quite successfully bathed in ordinary tap water, provided that it is more or less clean. But if you still really want to somehow “flavor” the bathing water, then it is best to use a decoction of the string. Why not potassium permanganate and a supposedly calming herb?

Potassium permanganate. Every grandma's favorite substance. But while it can also be useful for washing newborn babies, potassium permanganate is ineffective for bathing a baby in a large bath: if it is diluted to a soft pink color, then its anti-inflammatory properties are extremely small, and if diluted in concentrated form, there is a risk of “burning” » delicate mucous membrane of the eyes.

Herbal soothing mixtures. As Dr. Komarovsky often jokes, pediatric neurologists are very fond of prescribing such preparations for young mothers. They tell them that these herbs calm children before bed, but in fact they give reasons for self-soothing... for mothers themselves! E.O. Komarovsky: “If a child has neurological problems, then no herbs, alas, will help him, even if he is “rinsed” in them around the clock. And if there are no problems as such, then there is no point in collecting fees.” One way or another, there is not yet a single serious study that has confirmed that a certain herb added to water for calming would bring truly tangible results.

A series. Perhaps this is the most useful “seasoning” for infant bathing. It has a certain antibacterial and healing effect, but is completely safe for the baby’s delicate mucous membranes. And if there is any point in adding something to the water before bathing a baby, it would be a decoction of the string.

How to brew a string for bathing:

  • 1 In the morning, pour a glass of dry herb (sold in packs at any pharmacy) into a liter container for hot water, the easiest way is into a glass jar.
  • 2 Pour boiling water to the top (that is, to get 1 liter of liquid). And set aside - let it brew until the evening.
  • 3 Before bathing, pour the broth through gauze into a bath of water. And now you can “launch” your baby into such water. It is not necessary to rinse the baby after bathing in a decoction of the string, but it is not forbidden either. It makes sense to practice baths with a series in approximately the first 2-3 months after birth.

How to treat your baby's skin after bathing

There is an opinion that daily bathing in tap water greatly dries out a child’s skin. Actually this is not true. The most insidious enemy of the skin is a dry and hot climate, because the increased work of the sweat glands is the main cause of dry skin. But nightly bathing not only does not harm, but, on the contrary, is beneficial for the baby’s health in general, and for his skin in particular.

After bathing the baby, you need to blot it with a towel (do not wipe it or rub it, but blot it carefully and gently), then put it on the changing table and examine it. If there are no visible problems on the skin, the baby can be provided with a diaper, dressed, and finally allowed to feed.

And if there are problem areas on the skin, then the principle of caring for them comes down to the following:

If your skin has dry areas- they need to be moistened. For this purpose, a special cream, baby oil or boiled vegetable oil is often used. It is best to consult a leading pediatrician about these remedies.

If, on the contrary, the skin “gets wet”- these areas need to be dried. In the same way - with the help of special children's cosmetics, powders, etc., before purchasing which it makes sense to talk to your doctor.
