A dog that can eat a person. The most dangerous dogs - a list of aggressive breeds

What determines the nature of the dog: from its breed or from education? As a rule, most of the dog's character traits are laid down through education, however, some breeds show a greater tendency to aggression towards other dogs and people than others. Renowned dog trainer Cesar Millan is the owner of an obedient and calm pit bull (a breed of dog often attributed to a propensity for aggression). In response to a question about aggressiveness, Cesar stated the following: “All dogs are great companions, it all depends on how you treat the dog. Initially, for them there is nothing but trust, love and respect. And although almost all dogs can become excellent companions, almost all of them are capable of becoming killers - someone is easier due to the predisposition of the breed, someone is more difficult, but the fact remains: first of all, everything depends on education. Today you will get acquainted with the ten most aggressive dog breeds, which, if not properly trained, can become real killers.

10. Dog

If properly trained, the Great Dane will be the most gentle and affectionate dog, but with the wrong approach, these dogs, due to their size, can pose a significant threat. Males of this breed reach a weight of 90 kilograms and 86 centimeters at the withers. One of these dogs got on a TV show with Cesar Millan after he attacked a neighbor passing by, clutching his arm. The last known fatal encounter with a Great Dane occurred in 2003 when a 2-year-old girl died in South Carolina, and the most recent case of this dog breed attacking people was recorded this summer when a 6-year-old girl was injured. which subsequently required major surgery.

9. Boxer

Boxers are descendants of hunting dogs that were used during the First World War as guard dogs and to strengthen the striking power of infantry. Boxers are known for their strong jaws and powerful bites. This breed of dog has a pronounced protective instinct, which sounds quite tempting for those families where there is a need for security. Nevertheless, for all its advantages, it is a rather stubborn dog. The last case of a boxer's fatal attack occurred on December 28, 2013 in Arizona, when a man tried to separate his fighting dogs.

8 Wolf Hybrids

All dogs are descendants of wolves, but many breeds continue to interbreed with their wild counterparts today. Due to their inherited high sense of danger, these animals are usually shy and unpredictable, and the possession of such dogs is prohibited by law in many countries. According to historical records, dog-wolf hybrids were responsible for 14 deaths between 1979 and 1998.

7. Malamute

Malamutes are responsible for five deaths in the United States between 1966 and 1980, according to research from the University of Texas. This dog breed is often used as mounts and is the national pride of Alaska. One of the characteristic features of Malamutes is their predilection for hunting small animals.

6 Husky

Like the Malamute, the Husky is also a sled dog. These are well-built and energetic dogs, which, based on the history of their breed, are more likely to be working animals than socially active. In the United States, between 1979 and 1998, Siberian Huskies were responsible for the death of 15 people.

5. Bullmastiff

This is a large and rather intimidating breed of dog. Males can reach a weight of 60 kilograms, so it is extremely important to properly raise a puppy. Initially, bullmastiffs served as watchdogs with an aggressive disposition. One of the most recent cases of this breed of dog attacking a person occurred this year in New Jersey, when an escaped bullmastiff attacked and killed a 13-year-old boy. In addition, another sad fatality also occurred this year when a bullmastiff killed a teenager who stood up for a girl who was attacked by a dog.

4. Doberman

Previously, Dobermans were widely used in the police service. This breed of dog can be aggressive towards strangers, but rarely towards its own family. And although the reputation of this dog has improved quite a lot in recent years, its strength and size still make it potentially dangerous to humans. The last case of death from Doberman bites was registered in 2011 in the United States, when the dog bit his mistress.

3 German Shepherd

The bite force of a German Shepherd can exceed 1060 Newtons, in addition, according to some studies, German Shepherds are prone to attacks on smaller breeds of dogs. Last year there was a reported case of a German Shepherd attacking a 35-year-old woman in her home. The woman died from her bites two days later. Today, this breed of dog is widely used in the police service.

2. Rottweiler

Between 1993 and 1996, Rottweilers were responsible for half of all dog attack deaths in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The amazing endurance and strength of this breed makes it even more dangerous. The bite of a Rottweiler usually reaches a force of 1180-1460 Newtons.

1 Pitbull

Today, pit bulls are considered the most aggressive and dangerous dogs. They are responsible for 22 deaths this year alone. To subdue the aggressive nature of this dog, a serious approach to training is required. In many parts of the world, owning a dog of this breed is prohibited by law. According to studies published in 1991, it was found that 94% of all cases of attacks by these dogs on children were groundless. This percentage is twice that of other breeds, where it is typically 43%. A five-year study conducted by the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia between 2001 and 2005 found that pit bulls were responsible for over half of dog attacks on children. Of the 269 cases reported over the years, 137 belonged to this breed of dog.

Cynologists in many countries of the world are unanimous in the opinion that most often the reason for the aggressiveness of dogs lies in a person, namely, the improper upbringing of four-legged pets. Among the common mistakes are insufficient socialization, frequent and unreasonable punishment of the pet, short and inactive walks and attacks by ill-mannered children. But not only these factors explain the behavior of the most vicious dogs. Many breeds made this list due to genetic predisposition.

Dominance aggression - the desire to become the leader of the “pack” - occupies a leading position among various types of dangerous behavior. Owners of large breeds make active attempts to control such manifestations, but owners of small dogs do not. Although most bites and cases of attacks on people are associated with small dogs. Therefore, the list of the most evil dog breeds in the world includes four-legged pets of various sizes.

South African Boerboels are powerful, large and dominant dogs. They are formidable and loyal guards who will always bark at the approach of a stranger. Perfectly using their huge size and strength, they selflessly protect the owner and the entrusted territory.

Representatives of this breed get along well with other animals in the family, get along well enough with children. But as soon as they go beyond the boundaries of their home, they expand the boundaries of the territory they protect. In relation to other tetrapods, they are aggressive, and given the fact that the weight of an adult can reach up to 90 kg, serious injuries and even death of the animal can result from their attack. Aggression can be both territorial, possessive, and dominant. If the owner cannot take a leading place in the hierarchy, then his pet will very quickly get out of control and turn into a monster.

In some countries, these fighting dogs are prohibited from breeding.

The pit bull is a representative of a fighting breed, the aggressiveness of which over the past many years has been tried to be reduced at the genetic level. Pit bulls are tireless fighters with a steel fight. Outwardly, they are often compared with the American Staffordshire Terrier, but representatives of this breed have a so-called fighting spirit, excitement, which makes them especially dangerous for other dogs and people.

Excitement during the fight allows them to act on the verge of physical capabilities. Courage and transcendent courage best of all characterizes these dogs. Pit bulls belong to the dominant type: if they are handled incorrectly or brought up gently, situations of aggressive behavior of the pet may arise.

The Caucasian Shepherd Dog is a common and very popular service dog, which is actively involved in the protection of various objects. Caucasians are enterprising, vigilant and distrustful of others. A well-trained dog can emerge victorious in a fight even with a group of attackers. He is able to quietly sneak up behind and attack with lightning speed if he identified a person as a violator of the boundaries of his territory. Shepherd dogs react especially negatively to unbalanced people who are prone to scandals or who are intoxicated. It is not recommended to get a Caucasian to people who cannot dominate her and devote enough time and money to her upbringing.

Rottweilers are reliable and powerful service dogs in their constitution. They have a calm character and a balanced psyche. And, nevertheless, they also got into the top of the most aggressive breeds. This is explained by their intolerance and anger towards other dogs. Rottweilers also do not tolerate scandals in the family; a tense emotional situation can become a catalyst for aggressive behavior.

The dog is quite wary of all strangers, so puppies must not only be socialized in a timely manner so that aggression does not increase with age. And in adulthood, it is recommended to gradually accustom the pet to friends and family acquaintances.

Fila brazileiros are excellent bodyguards and very dangerous dogs. They are usually characterized by a heavy character and increased aggression. The breed is characterized by natural distrust and protective instincts. They are able to rush to defend the owner and the territory with particular fury if they feel threatened. Fila instantly assess the degree of danger, and then react harshly and mercilessly in the current situation. They independently make a decision even before the order of the owner. Such independence is very dangerous for others.

Fila may react with a growl or bark even to an attempt to speak and touch them. They instinctively attack the vital points of the body. Among the photos of other evil breeds, they occupy a place of honor due to their powerful bones and proportional physique.

Chow Chow - rightfully takes a place in the top of the most evil dogs in the world. This is one of the oldest breeds in the world, genetically they are very close to wolves, which explains their behavior. Many of their original plush appearance is misleading. In fact, they are very aggressive creatures. Especially if the owner during training focuses on the development of security skills, the chow begins to fiercely protect everyone he loves. Approaching Chow Chow strangers are warned with a throaty growl that this is not worth doing. A determined dog will attack the enemy at the slightest provocation.

An outburst of rage towards other animals on the street can occur suddenly, so the owner needs to constantly carefully monitor his pet. If a chow chow gets into a fight, he will selflessly fight to the end.

Bull Terriers are dangerous fighting dogs with a very extravagant character. Their mood changes with lightning speed depending on the living temperament. It is important to socialize dogs as early as possible, since the fear of the street inherent in many puppies of this breed gives rise to aggression and the activation of natural instincts.

Representatives of this breed are quite loyal to people, but other four-legged brethren are not always friendly. They are characterized by a high degree of conflict towards their own kind. And they attack without any warning signs. Bull Terriers were bred exclusively as a fighting dog with low sensitivity to pain, steel jaws, compact powerful body, fearlessness and rage when participating in specialized fights.

The American Staffordshire Terrier is a breed that was bred to be an aggressive and courageous dog. Severe and tough amstaffs rarely leave anyone indifferent with their impressive appearance and physical strength. Their low pain threshold and absolute fearlessness make them the most dangerous opponents in a fight. These true fighters were created for fighting and bloodshed. Now they are used mainly for the protection of private homes, however, the fighting past due to genetics still manifests itself in the breed. Amstaffs have a controversial character, they are brave, selfless, distinguished by their lightning-fast reaction and ruthlessness. They are rightfully included in the top of the most evil dogs in the world.

Dogo Canario

The Dogo Canario is a powerful fighting breed with a high degree of aggressiveness. Great Danes belong to the average phenotype, they are proportionately built and have a pronounced strong skeleton. The dog has great physical strength, so it poses a threat to both other four-legged animals and people, especially if the dog has not been properly trained.

Great Danes clearly define the boundaries of a protected area or environment. They love peace and strive for total control. Therefore, the invasion of strangers is perceived negatively by the Dogo Canario and does not bode well for the trespasser.

The Hungarian kuvasz is a good guard and shepherd with a very interesting imposing appearance. But this breed has not received wide distribution due to the difficult nature of its representatives. According to the complexity of temperament, it can be compared with Caucasian Shepherd Dogs and Rottweilers. To reduce the degree of aggressiveness when raising Kuvasz, socialization up to the age of 3 years is very important.

This ancient herding breed is characterized by fearlessness and a high degree of devotion to the owner. Proud and moderately distrustful kuvasses become rude and harsh when mistreated. In addition to a hypertrophied sense of ownership, they are distinguished by a strongly pronounced independence, therefore it is especially important to systematically work with a dog handler to correct their freedom-loving disposition, which quickly turns into aggression.

Not in the top 10, but worthy of mention

Below are breeds whose vicious disposition is not as pronounced as in dogs that have taken honorary 10 places in our rating, but it’s worth talking about them.


Despite their compact size, these burrowing dogs pose a serious danger to others. Statistics collected around the world says that every 5 dachshunds at least once in their life tried to attack other four-legged or strangers. Cases of attacks on hosts, although less common, are also present.

This breed of dog can not be called very dangerous to humans. As with other participants in this rating, we are talking about the pet's tendency to show aggression due to genetic factors. As a rule, the undesirable behavior of dachshunds is associated with the rigidity of the person and the wrong methods of raising puppies.


Papillons are the living embodiment of the statement about the deceptive appearance. These charming decorative dogs give the impression of kind and calm creatures. In fact, the degree of aggressiveness of Papillons is very high. When in contact with this breed, you should especially be wary of children. These small-sized dogs get irritated quickly, do not tolerate disrespect, and bite painfully.

Increased viciousness is also explained by the strong jealousy of pets for their owner. They are always sensitively guarding the owners and attacking strangers or other dogs if they think that the owner is in danger.

The Jagd Terrier is a German hunting terrier, a breed bred in the 1930s specifically for hunting. The small size of the berries should not mislead others about their friendliness and complaisance of disposition. Jagdterriers can rightfully lead the list of the most evil little dogs.

They are absolutely fearless and hardy, they treat any stranger with extreme caution. Representatives of this breed will protect their master even at the cost of their own lives. You can try to reduce the degree of their aggressiveness with the help of early socialization and persistent and firm training.

These tireless hunters can pursue and attack living creatures many times their own size, if they smell the game, they will never miss it. Strong teeth and steely muscles turn Jagd Terriers into living weapons. The lack of education and a dominant owner are the main mistakes of the owners of the yagds, which can cost them dearly. If the family already has a small dog or other medium-sized pet, it is not recommended to start a Jagd Terrier. Their sharply expressed hunting instinct can lead to tragedy even during the game.


Spaniels are bright representatives of aggressive small dogs. In the case of this breed, we can talk about a genetic predisposition to uncontrolled aggression. This is especially true for Cocker Spaniels and Male Springer Spaniels. Males of a uniform color tend to attack not only other animals, strangers, but even their own owners. Correcting this rage, if it is clinical in nature and not behavioral, is almost impossible.

However, most often the viciousness of spaniels is associated with improper upbringing, unbalanced nutrition, stress and fear. By correcting these points and with the help of an experienced dog handler, it is possible to eliminate the increased aggressiveness of spaniels.

Jack Russell is a high-speed dog whose main purpose is to catch up and drive the beast. She is ready to chase literally anything that moves. Small size is often offset by a difficult character and increased aggression. For a terrier, the reason for the attack can be a sidelong glance of an outsider, a loud voice, or just a human leg hanging from the sofa.

Dogs of this breed need a lot of physical activity per day, ideally several hours of walking. Not all owners have such an opportunity, as a result - the unspent energy of the four-legged is transformed into open anger towards others.

In the video, you can often see how angry dogs of the Jack Russell breed are chasing various living creatures. It is important to wean terriers from chasing cats and other living creatures, since as a result of such a chase, the pet itself may suffer.

Among the four-legged friends of man, there are quite dangerous and aggressive breeds of dogs that you should beware of. It is worth noting that not only fighting breeds are evil, but even some watchdogs.

Many factors affect the aggressiveness of dogs, but dog handlers have not come to a consensus on this matter. However, some of the breeds do pose a great danger to humans.

We present the ten most aggressive and evil dog breeds in the world that can harm human health. Dogs are usually called "friend" and not. But the presented rating can make you think about the reverse nature of our pets. The last line of our rating with photos and names is occupied by the Dogo Canario.

10. Dogo Canario

Canary Great Danes are a watchdog breed. Its representatives have a rather strong physique and a menacing appearance, although this dog is the least aggressive of all ten. By the nature of the dogs, they are quite balanced and overly attached to their owner. Strangers are treated with apprehension and suspicion, at this moment they become in a decisive pose. If the owner of the dog is in danger, they immediately come to his aid.

9. German Shepherd

Another rather unsafe and popular dog breed is the German Shepherd. These animals are good guards and companions. They are fearless and physically strong. Representatives of this breed love an active lifestyle and are always happy with walks. Shepherd dogs are very smart dogs, but despite this, they can cause serious injuries to a person when they are furious. No matter how friendly it is for the owner, if the faithful dog receives the “Face” command, then the criminal will practically not run away.

8. Chow Chow

These cute and not quite small dogs that look like bears are actually quite dangerous and unpredictable. Cute and melancholy chow-chows are very measured and even a little aloof in character, which does not prevent them from being aggressive. Representatives of the breed are wary of strangers and do not welcome when strangers try to caress them excessively. Be careful with them - outward calmness can turn into anger and aggression.

7. Doberman

Dobermans, as a rule, are engaged in service and protection - these qualities are very well developed in them. Representatives of this breed are very elegant and hardy. Powerful and strong dogs have a friendly disposition and love children. But, despite this, Dobermans can "explode" at any moment, representing a potential danger to humans.

6. Caucasian Shepherd

This breed of dog is quite popular in our country. “Caucasians” are large and fearless dogs. They come in short-haired, as well as with long and medium hair. These shepherd dogs are easy to train. Breeders appreciate these large animals for their excellent watchdog characteristics, endurance, intelligence and endurance. This dog also does not favor strangers - attacking, it can seriously injure a person.

5 Siberian Husky

This breed of dog has long been used by the Eskimos as a driving breed. Such beauties can often be found in pictures and photographs on the Internet, especially with cute puppies. Huskies are quite friendly and peaceful in nature. If it is properly educated, then it is not dangerous to humans. Representatives of the breed are very sociable and love all family members. Huskies require special care and attention - you need to walk with them for a long time and engage in the development of thinking. Under certain circumstances, these animals can harm humans.

4. German boxer

German boxers are rather stocky and powerful dogs. They have a strong square head and a prehensile jaw. Their appearance is quite angry and intimidating, but despite this, boxers love to play with children and are willing to train.

3. Bull Terrier

This breed of dog comes from England. Bull Terriers are the result of crossing English Bulldogs and Terriers. These animals have a rather frightening appearance and a peculiar shape of the head, which distinguishes this breed from others. With the right upbringing and approach, dogs become sociable and loyal, and do not show much aggression. Representatives of the breed love to frolic and lead an active lifestyle. A distinctive feature of the boules is the so-called “dead grip”, due to the strong jaw.

2. Rottweiler

Rottweilers are one of the most aggressive and vicious dog breeds. Animals are quite assertive, strong, powerful and with a tenacious jaw. They are fiercely protective of their owners and are not very welcoming to strangers. As a rule, Rottweilers obey one person, and if the owner is in danger, they become angry and furious.

1 Pitbull

Pit bulls can be called the most dangerous dogs in the world. These animals appeared as a result of crossing a terrier and a bulldog. They have a large physique and well-developed muscles. Representatives of the breed are distinguished by excellent fighting qualities, at the same time, they are very loyal and reliably protect their master. Pit bulls are ferocious and cruel, but also in their character there are such traits as kindness and friendliness.

There are many different breeds of dogs in the world. Some were bred by breeders for aesthetic pleasure and glamour, while others were created to guard dwellings, herds of cattle and for sledding. Often, such dogs, due to their innate aggressiveness and large size, pose a danger to humans. Further in the article, we present 10 Most Dangerous Dog Breeds which can cause serious harm to humans.

10. Boxer

Opens the top 10 most dangerous dogs in the world Boxer. The history of this breed originates in Germany. She was bred from the now extinct Bullensbeyser and English Bulldog. It is distinguished by a complaisant character, as well as playfulness, while the craving for various games in a boxer manifests itself at any age. This breed of dog is actively used as a watchman for the protection of objects and livestock, as well as a guide for the blind. Despite the fact that the original aggression has been removed by breeders, the Boxer loves to chase smaller animals and is very wary of strangers.

9. Great Dane

Great Danes grow to gigantic sizes - 80 centimeters at the withers! At the same time, their weight reaches 90 kilograms. These are noble dogs, their movements are dexterous and graceful, they also love their owners and children very much. Great Danes are hard to attribute to the most evil breeds of dogs, but because of their weight, they can often knock even an adult to the ground, in some cases minor injuries are possible, such as bruises and bruises. When playing with children, a dog can stand on the shoulders of a child with its front paws and inadvertently crush it. This should not be seen as an act of aggression, you just need to avoid such situations. Dogs of this breed, in addition to size, have a rather low life expectancy - from 7 to 8 years. Puppies are trained from childhood, as adults are reluctant to learn.

8. Chow Chow

According to modern research, Chow Chow dogs are one of the most ancient. They were mostly used in China. According to some sources, the name of this breed is translated as "edible", since in the past there were entire farms for breeding Chow Chow, followed by slaughter and eating. Now they are bred as guard dogs and companions. Given that the Chow Chow is one of the most dangerous dog breeds, you should not let small children near its representatives, as they may not tolerate children's games and respond with strong aggression. Strangers should also not approach the dog too close, so as not to provoke. Chow-chow is positive only to the owner, whom the dog chooses himself, and he will be simply friendly to other close people. Also, dogs of this dangerous breed often show aggressiveness towards smaller animals.

7. Doberman

Doberman is one of the most dangerous dogs for humans. It is also one of the best breeds for the police and security service. These are strong and powerful dogs, they are easy to train, have a wonderful mind and are extremely devoted to their master. In addition, after a short training course, Dobermans can be safely left even with small children, without fear of aggression in case of careless pranks. If you conduct a full course of training with a Doberman, you can get a professional bodyguard, who needs only one command from the owner to attack. However, this breed has peculiar deviations. Sometimes a Doberman can be born either too aggressive or, on the contrary, cowardly, in both cases, such a dog can be dangerous to others. This is due to the fact that at the very beginning of the selection, Dobermans were used only for police and army service, which required the maximum anger that the dog was only capable of. Breeders are struggling with this phenomenon, but the final victory is still far away.

6 Alaskan Malamute

Malamutes were bred by the Malemute Eskimo tribe for use in dog sledding. This breed is characterized by increased strength and endurance, these are the main qualities by which Alaskan Malamutes are evaluated. Also, this breed is divided into two lines - M'Lut and Kotzebue. The first ones are larger, capable of aggressive actions, their growth can reach 63-65 centimeters at the withers. Malamutes are descended from wolves, so they do not bark, but make sounds similar to grunts. This is due to the fact that their bloodline originates from wild wolves. Otherwise, Alaskan Malamutes are very playful and cheerful dogs, requiring frequent, long walks and intense exercise. They are also very fond of digging and can easily ruin any floor covering by simply tearing it up. This is due to the fact that they, once in the wild, get their own food by digging various rodents out of the ground.

5. Volkosob

Many dog ​​lovers strive to have a pet that looks and behaves like a real wolf. It is considered honorary, and its owner is usually respected by other dog lovers. In fact, a hybrid of a wolf and a dog was specially bred for service in the police and at the border. Breeders sought to create an animal with the sense of smell as well as the intelligence of a wolf and the devotion of a dog. The experiments were successful, at least seven separate breeds of wolf-dogs are known today. However, no one can guarantee what percentage of the wolf, and what percentage of the dog will be in a single individual. Because of this, the wolfdog is not recommended for families with small children or small animals, since such a pet is able to suddenly show strong aggression, which makes the breed one of the most dangerous in the world.

4 Husky

Huskies, like Alaskan Malamutes, were bred for sledding. Their history goes deep into the past. They are distinguished by a very quiet disposition, they make almost no noise, almost never bark. Their loving disposition can play a cruel joke with the owner - the dog is not intended for protection and can meet the intruder as a best friend. But this does not mean at all that the breed cannot be dangerous.

3 German Shepherd

The German Shepherd opens the top three most dangerous canine representatives. The breed is very popular in the world, and television has played an important role in this. These are truly versatile dogs, they are able to perform any task, from searching to guarding small children. They are very easy to train, as the German Shepherd is one of the most intelligent breeds. However, their mind gives rise to several problems. The most important of them is resentment. If the owner did not please his pet with something, then he begins to look for ways of revenge, and the methods can be very different and reach open aggression.

2. Rottweiler

The Rottweiler is one of the most dangerous dog breeds, which was created to protect livestock and buildings, but later was also used for dog fights. These are powerful dogs of medium size, can be quite aggressive towards strangers and even towards the owner, if he is not the “head of the pack” and does not train his pet. Given the natural cunning of the Rottweiler and its strength, it is better not to catch the eye of a feral dog of this breed.

1 Pit Bull Terrier

Many people rashly believe that large dogs are the most dangerous. This is understandable logic: they are capable of causing the greatest damage to human health. In addition, the behavior of the owner usually leads the dog into a state of aggression. Compiling the TOP 10 most dangerous dogs is not so easy.

American pit bull terrier descended from the Staffordshire Terrier. Outwardly, it is immediately clear that this is a four-legged fighter. This dog has powerful muscles, a large and rough muzzle, and strong jaws. They were bred to participate in dog fights, and more often than not, they were sure to be winners. This explains why they were called "killer dogs". This is a true versatile fighter. Have you made the decision to get a pit bull? This is a good choice. But do not forget: in order to have such a fighter at home, you need to devote time to him, and, at a minimum, master training skills. Since the 80s, pit bulls, who have earned themselves a bad name, began to enjoy less and less trust of the "dog lovers". Mighty and brave animals have become a symbol of crime. In a number of countries, it is prohibited by law to acquire this dog. The experts concluded: the American Pit Bull Terrier tops the list of the most dangerous dogs in the world.

2nd place.

chow chow considered one of the most beautiful dogs. This breed has been known to man for over 2000 years. Her direct ancestor, from whom she descended almost the first, is a wolf. The name that she has now, she received only a century ago. Her previous titles were as follows:

  • Tibetan mastiff,
  • Tatar dog,
  • barbarian dog.

A dog with the appearance of a teddy bear has a difficult character. If the dog is an adult, then strangers and children may not be greeted. They are easily irritated and willing to fight even for food.

3rd place.

In third place is an unjustifiably humanized dog of the breed dalmatian . Even the ancient Greeks depicted beautiful animals in a black spot. How could this dog, as if painted by a child, get into our top? But we will now prove that this is not an accident. He needs to pay a lot of attention, otherwise he will not receive the necessary education. But usually the perpetrator of the attacks is a person.

4th place.

Fila brazileiro its mere appearance inspires panic. Although puppies seem very harmless. This kind, deceptively lazy dog ​​is harmless to households. But strangers cause her instant aggression. Brasileiro instinctively rushes to the most important parts of the human body. The owner of such a dog is obliged to strictly suppress attempts by strangers to get acquainted with a dangerous pet.

5th place.

On the 5th place of our TOP is located Central asian shepherd dog . In Turkmenistan, it is known as vodkodav, and in some cases - alabai. This fearless, strong and quite aggressive breed was formed in the course of natural selection. They proved to be indispensable in the protection of livestock. They skillfully expend power, and they need very little effort to capture the enemy.

6th place.

doberman known for their grace, tall stature, they are called canine aristocrats. In this case, looks are deceiving. The dog is developed not only from the physical, but also from the intellectual side.

7th place.

Many dog ​​breeders say: the most dangerous thing for humans Pierro de Presa Canario . Formerly they served as livestock guards. They can be used to hunt big game. They will spare no one but their masters.

8th place.

German boxer can cling to the victim and hang for a long time. This is how their jaws are arranged.

9th place.

Our top couldn't help but pay attention rottweiler . But for no apparent reason, it won't do any harm.

10th place.

10th place - husky . These are not aggressive dogs, but many people experience panic when they see them. Perhaps this is due to their resemblance to wolves.
