Modern knight: how to win a woman's love. How to win a girl's heart


If you really decide to achieve the heart of your beloved, then understand for yourself that nothing is impossible. To do this, just believe in yourself and in your abilities. Then you will be able to achieve the location of any girl, regardless of your appearance and financial situation.

Do not try to achieve mutual love from the first day of communication, it is unlikely that something will come of it. Rather, try to position yourself in such a way that you understand that you are a reliable person who can be counted on in any situation.

Watch your appearance. A man should always be neat, tastefully dressed and smell good.

Don't forget about humor too. Don't be afraid to be funny about something and learn how to skilfully cheer her up when needed.

Be brave and self-confident, a girl should see in you only a strong person with whom she would feel protected and want to build her future life.

Be romantic. Surround your beloved with attention and affection, repeat about your feelings. A romantic candlelit dinner, walks around the city at night, gifts - all this will benefit your relationship.

Consult with her for any occasion and question. Let her know that you are interested in her.

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Helpful advice

Even if it doesn't work out the way you planned, don't despair. Remember that it is not always possible to build relationships the first time, but do not give up your attempts.

The Internet is full of recipes, methods and even descriptions of technologies for winning the hearts of modern beauties. Some of these tips are worth following, and some are better off. If you really want to conquer heart beloved, become indispensable and the best for her.


Remember the good old traditions of love correspondence. Buy a pack of envelopes and send one message every day. At the same time, it is not at all necessary that the letter contains only hot outpourings to her. It will be quite enough if you begin to share with her in a letter all the joys and difficulties of your life. Describing joyful events, complain about the fact that she was not around at that moment, do not complain about problems, but simply state the fact of their existence. If you are sincere enough in your messages, then the girl will definitely become interested in you and reciprocate. In any case, even if your relationship does not go beyond texting, it will be a wonderful memory for both of you.

Don't try to "buy" her favor with expensive, gaudy, or simply indecent gifts (sometimes the two are the same thing). Here are just a few examples of such offerings: a golden rose in a crocodile skin case, a Chinese vase for half an apartment with an engraving “I love you” around the circumference, a car of pink (and any other) color, linen of any cost and style.

However, if you want to achieve trust that was once lost, then this can only be done by actions, that is, always keep promises and always do what you say.


It is very difficult to gain the trust of a girl who is suspicious of everything. In this case, no matter what you do, she will look for a catch.

Helpful advice

It happens that people do not immediately find a common language, but do not get upset and give up - make new attempts.

The girl you like always seems more inaccessible than it really is. Men, especially young ones, often lose confidence in themselves, communicating with the object of sighing. This is what turns girls off. To win a loved one, you need to be more persistent, purposeful. Most of the fair sex appreciate these qualities in potential partners.


To win the attention of a girl, learn how to talk beautifully. The old adage that women love with their ears is still true today. Be sure to compliment the girl. But do it discreetly, in the course of a conversation. Then they will not be perceived as rude flattery, and will surely find a response in the heart of the girl they like.

Do things. Give flowers, small gifts. Help the girl. Bring the bags, start the car, install the program on the laptop. Caring is what potential companions value. In the modern world, there are very few men left who are able to take responsibility for a partner and solve her problems. And if on the way the girl meets one of the representatives of the endangered species of male knights, she will not miss him. That is why always unobtrusively offer your help, and even better - do good deeds without asking permission. Believe me, the girl will definitely appreciate it.

Surprise your potential girlfriend. Small surprises - a sprig of lilac accidentally found in a bag, a chocolate bar in a raincoat pocket - please more than expensive, but planned gifts. And a date on the roof, under the starry sky, with a bottle of champagne, the girl will remember much better than a standard dinner in a restaurant, albeit the most luxurious one.

Watch your appearance. Girls love neat men. Wash clothes in a timely manner, use deodorant, trim your haircut in time. Watch your posture. A straight back speaks of self-confidence. And it is very important for girls that the partner is a dominant personality, a strong person who can shelter her from life's hardships.

Speak respectfully about her and your parents, show that you like children. This behavior will let the girl know that family values ​​​​are important to you. And this means that you are a reliable person and are ready to create your own unit of society. If a girl has the same goals, she will definitely become interested in you and try to build a long-term relationship.

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Do not be too intrusive, it will scare the girl away. Don't call her every half an hour, don't demand an account of why she was fifteen minutes late from work. Respect her wishes, give her the right to personal space. This is the only way to build a truly strong and long-term relationship.

Helpful advice

Listen to what the girl is talking about, and not just pretend to be participating in the dialogue. It is in a conversation that you can find out what a potential partner really wants. And having learned this, you can adjust the actions to conquer it. By fulfilling the girl's secret desires, you can achieve your goal much faster and with less effort.

Tip 6: How to get a girl if she has a boyfriend

Falling in love with a girl is not easy. But it's even harder when she's already dating someone. You will have to make a lot of effort, turn on the imagination and really charm her. Only with full return will there be a chance to recapture the girl.

Think carefully before you interfere in other people's relationships. If it's just a hobby, then forget about it. But if you are really in love, you can try to recapture the girl. The complexity of this case depends on the relationship in this couple: if they are on the verge of breaking up, you will only need to push them a little towards this decision. But if there are really strong feelings between them, you may not succeed.

Become her friend

First you need to enter the close circle of her friends. If you study, work or go to the same classes together, you can easily make friends with her. Sometimes you need to make an effort - find common acquaintances, run into her more often, go to the same circle as her. You can try to go from afar - start communicating on social networks, and then gradually translate communication into reality

Find out more about her and her boyfriend. You should be interested in the advantages and disadvantages of her boyfriend, her hobbies, interests, preferences. What does she like in young men and what does not. You need to understand your beloved and find the opponent's weak points.

Spend more time together showing your perfection. Find any of her passions that you can share. Offer to be like language courses, dance school or roller-skate in the evenings. You need to be alone more often, then you can enter into her confidence and win her over. During meetings, show the sides that she appreciates. You need to prove yourself better than your opponent.

Make relationships romantic

Don't go too far into the "friend zone". Give her unobtrusive compliments, kiss on the cheek or hug when meeting and parting. Touch her as if by accident. For example, hold your hand in front of the car, shake off a non-existent mote from your shoulder, accidentally bump your hands while walking. You can offer to tell fortunes along the lines on your hand, and then run your finger along your palm and prophesy a happy fate.

When you feel that the girl is used to you, you can disappear for a while. Warn that you are going on a business trip or visiting your grandmother in the village. When you disappear from her life, she will miss and may reconsider her attitude towards you. If you hook her very hard, after your return she will be the first to offer to meet.

Wait for their quarrel to take the final step. Do not try to quarrel them, so as not to lose the girl's trust, just wait, and discord should occur in their relationship. When she comes to you to complain about her boyfriend, hug her tightly, kiss her between her lips and cheek, and then whisper in her ear: “I would never make you cry and carry you in my arms.” After such a phrase, she will most likely mentally compare you, and will be with the winner.

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Tip 7: How to get the love of a girl if she is in another city

If you love a girl who is in another city and dream of winning her heart, for this you need to resort to the help of the Internet and a courier service, as well as be smart and not be afraid of difficulties.

Positive Communication

Communicate with her as much as possible. Just don't be pushy if the girl doesn't want to talk to you. It means that she is busy or does not want to communicate with you at the moment. A very simple, but at the same time effective way - "hot-cold". First call her every day, then disappear. So the girl will get used to the fact that every day she communicates with you by phone or the Internet, and she will miss you.

Talk only on positive topics, you should not “load” the lady with your problems. Take an interest in her life more often, show care, worry about how she feels. But again, don't be too pushy. Just show interest, be polite. During conversations, show the girl your erudition. Women love smart men with whom it is interesting to communicate and discuss various topics.

uplifting mood

Play with the girl. Joke more, send her various emoticons by e-mail or social networks that can cheer you up. Give virtual gifts, send beautiful poems (preferably your own composition). Make her life at least a little happier. Let her know that (although not nearby) there is a person who is ready to support her in everything, giving a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bpositivity and good mood.

A pleasant surprise

Surprise. To do this, it is impossible to do with just one virtual web. This is where a courier service comes in handy. Using her services, you will definitely win the heart of a girl. Through the Internet, find the courier service of the city in which the girl is located. Pay for the goods (flowers, jewelry or soft toys) in any way convenient for you. After that, after a short time, the courier will deliver the gift to the girl. She will be absolutely delighted. Only for her, this should be a surprise: in order not to spoil the surprise, do not blurt out.

Joint pastime

Go to the city where the girl lives. As soon as you have the opportunity to go to her, do not hesitate. Just do not come to her empty-handed: be sure to buy flowers and other nice souvenirs. Be original and fun. Spend time together, and then the girl will definitely appreciate all your efforts and fall in love with you. The main thing - do not overdo it, be yourself, do not go out of your way to please her. Only in this case, success will be guaranteed to you.

By analogy with the attraction of opposite charges, a number of questions arise: “By what principle does mutual attraction arise between a man and a woman? How does this mechanism of attraction between people of the opposite sex work in principle? Who is really attracted to whom? Why do men become attracted or attracted to certain women? What is love? How to attract the attention of a beloved woman?

"Genius is simplicity", or Everything ingenious is simple

Natural laws are simple and universal. The simplicity lies in the fact that nature can only count up to two - day-night, up-down, good-evil, love-hate, plus or minus, man-woman. Universality can be traced on examples of different levels of interaction of matter, ranging from the simplest forms of inanimate nature to the most complex forms of wildlife, such as human society.

Since the school curriculum in physics, we know that, according to Coulomb's law, electric charges of the same name repel each other, and attraction arises between opposite charges. Thus, lighter and more mobile electrons are attracted to massive protons, thus forming stable compounds that have completely new properties. By the way, it is on this principle that the whole variety of matter is built - from atoms and molecules to more complex structures.

Thanks to the bright minds of scientists, we know most of the laws of inanimate and living nature. As for a person, his relationships in society and mental structure, here we have many unsolved mysteries that need to be answered. One of the most interesting aspects of human relationships is the relationship between a man and a woman.

By analogy with the attraction of opposite charges, a number of questions arise: “By what principle does mutual attraction arise between a man and a woman? How does this mechanism of attraction between people of the opposite sex work in principle? Who is really attracted to whom? Why do men become attracted or attracted to certain women? What is love? How to attract the attention of a beloved woman? Answers to these difficult, but relevant questions can be obtained by referring to the Systemic Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan.

Chemistry of love - attraction pheromones

The decisive factor in choosing the opposite sex is the special smells of the human body - pheromones. As Yuri Burlan's System Vector Psychology explains, they are of two types: attraction pheromones and ranking pheromones. Primary for a man when choosing a woman is sexual attraction to her (attraction pheromones), and for a woman - the social status of a man (ranking pheromones).

According to modern research data, each person has his own personal smell, which is an individual identifier for each person and speaks about the state of the body, and especially its reproductive system. Unconsciously, by smell, we are able to choose exactly the partner with whom we will have a more stable couple and healthier children. Nature endowed us with this mechanism so that each new generation would be physically stronger and more adapted to the conditions of the external environment than their parents.

The vomeronasal organ (vomer), which is located at the tip of the nose and has a direct connection with the brain, is responsible for the ability to capture the smell of other people in humans. If an individual of the opposite sex suits you as favorably as possible for procreation, then it will have a “pleasant smell”, that is, you will be unconsciously attracted to this person. The fixation of this smell leads to the release of hormones of happiness and joy, so being close to the person to whom we are attracted gives us vivid feelings that we call love.

And vice versa, separation from a loved one, according to the principle of action, is sometimes equated with breaking a drug addict, when a person wants to receive pleasure, but cannot. The difference is that addiction is an artificial and destructive way of getting pleasure, while love is a natural and creative way.

High social status is the way to a woman's heart

The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan says that through the continuation of the family, a woman retains her human appearance. Motherhood makes the life of most women meaningful. Therefore, when a girl demands stability, security, material prosperity from her man, she is busy not for herself, but to ensure the survival of their future children.

Sometimes men, based on their negative experience, consider women cynical and materialistic, as if they only need material wealth and money. But in order to go pregnant for nine months, give birth in pain, and then raise children, you need guarantees in the form of a reliable man who can provide for the family. Indeed, during the period of motherhood, a woman has limited opportunities and cannot both earn and raise children at the same time.

There is a basic law of nature, according to which every living being wants to continue itself in space and time, that is, to pass on its genes to offspring. A man can realize this priority desire only through a woman. For the return of his genetic material, a man is guaranteed to receive an orgasm, which is the highest pleasure that can be obtained naturally through the body.

Men who have a higher social status have a more pronounced and "pleasant" smell. According to the System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan, this smell arises due to ranking pheromones. For a woman, when choosing a soulmate, ranking pheromones in comparison with attraction pheromones are of decisive importance. The degree of realization of a man in society determines how ranked he is, what step in the social pyramid and food hierarchy he occupies.

As we wrote above, the relationship between a man and a woman is regulated by smells. In fact, a man has a chance to win a woman's heart if the woman herself wants it. If a woman sees a worthy candidate in front of her, then her body begins to secrete pheromones and attract only this particular man. A man will certainly feel this, as a result of which there will be mutual sympathy, love, relationships, marriage, family.

Women are different

For better adaptation to environmental conditions, nature has endowed us with different properties. Each person has his own innate desires that affect the type of thinking, choice of activity, sexuality. The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan defines eight groups of desires and human properties, or vectors, which have their own unique features.

Thus, according to the given vectors, both men and women will have different desires and, accordingly, ways to enjoy life. After all, man was created as a principle of pleasure. That is, the fulfillment of innate desires through socially useful activities, the realization of our natural qualities and give us the opportunity to get maximum pleasure from life, to feel happy.

Depending on the presence of different vectors in the human psyche, the corresponding life priorities are built, which must be taken into account when communicating with the opposite sex. It is very important to understand what kind of woman is in front of you. This will help you take good care of her. A woman with a skin vector loves expensive gifts, with an anal vector - constancy and care, with a visual one - flowers and going to the theater together, with a sound one - solitude under the starry sky. A complete understanding of the importance of innate desires for women is revealed by the Systemic Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan.

The art of complimenting

As we have said, for all women, the social status of a man is important, which gives her a sense of security and safety. For the sake of this, women are ready to sacrifice a lot, but this is not enough for a long-term relationship. Need something else!

Dear men, if you want to win the heart of your beloved woman, you need to learn to recognize her true desires. This will allow you to communicate with your future soulmate in the most optimal way, taking into account her innermost desires and life priorities.

All men know that women love compliments. They can be of great help in winning the heart of your beloved. To express a compliment correctly is to emphasize an important feature of a woman, to enter into resonance with her values ​​and priorities. In order for the compliment to hit the nail on the head, you need to know the desires of your chosen one. For example, for a woman with it is important to emphasize her attractive, "status", chic appearance. If a woman with an anal vector invited you to dinner, be sure to praise how delicious she cooked. A woman with a very emotional, so it will be a compliment for her if you say how bright and sensual she is.

Knowledge of psychological characteristics is the key to the heart of a beloved woman

To create a strong relationship with the opposite sex, a man must also know his innate properties, or vectors, which are our hidden talents. Realizing his innate qualities through socially useful activities, that is, at work and in society, every man is able to take a worthy place in the sun. And as we already know, a high social rank significantly increases a man's chances of getting consent to a relationship even from the most impregnable woman.

For various reasons, sometimes you can’t figure out your features, it’s hard to understand what you really want from life. This makes it difficult to choose the type of activity that would make it possible to simultaneously receive a decent income and enjoy the work done. Thanks to the modern knowledge of System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan, we have a unique opportunity to finally understand ourselves.

People who have been trained in Systemic Vector Psychology confirm that the knowledge gained is able to correct the life scenario for the better. Realizing their innate vectors, many men get the opportunity to more successfully implement their properties in society. This is expressed in getting the desired position, more interesting work, salary increase, increase in business profits, career advancement. A deep conscious understanding of human nature makes it possible to find oneself in the profession and in life and build happy couple relationships.

Thus, with the help of the study of Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology, every man can better understand himself and the characteristics of other people. Such knowledge will help to accurately determine one's place in society, to find the best way to implement and type of activity. The end result of this transformation will be a positive, happy life. The surrounding people, among whom there are many beautiful women, will instantly feel these changes, and it will be pleasant for them to make contact and communicate with a balanced, realized person.

If you are interested in how to find the way to yourself and the heart of the most desirable woman, we invite you to visit Yuri Burlan's introductory free online lectures on Systemic Vector Psychology. Register via the link:

The article was written based on the materials of the training " System-Vector Psychology»

Realize that the more attractive a girl is, the more different personalities cling to her. Most women hate men who try to show themselves the way they think women want them to be - especially when they think women are easy to fool. On the other hand, a sincere fan is always intriguing, which is good for you! It's a great way to start a relationship, that's how beauty and the beast can be together. If you don't have natural confidence and ease, at least have the courage to be yourself; a somewhat nervous, but original man is more interesting than a boastful, but empty peacock.

Be yourself. This is indeed the most important step. Most attractive women have seen enough fans come and go. Therefore, they can determine whether you are acting natural or faking - and if a woman notices that you are behaving differently with her, she will lose all respect for you. In addition, people who behave naturally (even stupid ones) seem sexy.

  • If she didn't like you as you are, as soon as you met, she's not worthy of your time. In addition, if you have to change yourself in order to attract or keep a woman, you are deceiving both yourself and her.
  • Take care of yourself. No self-respecting and self-sufficient woman wants to be with someone who cannot satisfy their needs on their own; first of all, she will not be a mother to you, and secondly, she will not see any signs that you will ever be able to respond her needs. Clean up after yourself, stay fit, do your laundry, trim your toenails, learn how to cook a meal or two. Although it sounds very prosaic, such simple things can just MAGICALLY affect your relationship.

    Don't be afraid to approach an attractive woman in public. Beautiful women are liked by many annoying suitors who flock like flies to honey, which usually scares off good guys. Have the courage to approach her and maybe you will be a breath of fresh air for her. But there are a few things to keep in mind:

    • Don't approach a woman who obviously doesn't want anyone to approach her.
    • You should not approach a woman in a bar or club. Such women are difficult to win over with a fast car, a cheap haircut, and old-fashioned rhymes; they are usually alert and do not want to be disturbed. Instead, try to be in a situation that is comfortable for you. Give yourself every possible social advantage.
    • You don't have to try too hard. This spoils the impression the most. Much could be written about this, but experience shows that if you are frustrated, you are probably trying too hard; if she's disappointed, you're definitely trying too hard.
    • Do not rule out friends as possible romantic sympathies.
  • Don't be a goat. A lot of guys treat girls like rascals - and to be honest, it works. But a woman who does not demand respect for herself from others, most likely, does not feel it for herself either. If you try, it might work for you, but it will have two negative effects: a) you will become a goat and b) you will have a woman with low self-esteem. If you want to have a happy and balanced person next to you, behave accordingly.

    Don't use cheap tricks and sugary rhymes.(Hint: if it's a line from a verse, it's cheap.) Sparks fly only in a spontaneous situation, so start with a comment, joke, or witty conversation about the situation. If none of that works, a simple “Hi” will suffice.

    Do not lie. If you have to lie to get something, it's not yours and never was yours. Women are the same people and above all they value honesty. Remember that each of your deception will have to be remembered so that it will not be calculated over time.

    • Don't confuse honesty with faux pas; you shouldn't be rude.
  • Watch your facial expressions and gestures. Keep your posture, relax, but do not hunch your back. Look into her eyes, but don't stare. (And definitely don't make eye contact with other women while talking to her.) Don't fidget, fuss, or shift your weight. Your goal is to look normal and feel comfortable in your own skin.

    Treat a woman the way you would like to be treated. Be polite, considerate and sincere. It just sounds like common sense, and in fact it is, but many people forget about it. Indeed, behave with anyone as an equal is a reliable strategy for creating a connection; at worst, it may turn out that she loves to suck up and fawn, but this way you just save yourself from all this trouble with her.

  • Avoid the "nice guy effect". It's one thing to treat a woman well, but it's another to be completely attuned to all her needs and wants. Be kind, friendly, and helpful, but don't let that stop you from doing what you're doing. Go out with friends, have fun even if she is not around, continue to live as an independent person; if she sees what an interesting life you live, she will want to be a part of it.

    • If you idealize a woman so much that you are always, always there and ready to help, you will soon notice that you have become her friend. Sometimes you panic and behave too much good to impress her. Do not do that.
  • Turn your chatter into a real conversation. Conversation becomes the basis of human knowledge, because it holds attention, can make you laugh and arouse interest. It is only through conversation that one can move to the next level (for example, asking for a phone number, asking for a date, etc.), and each next good conversation will cause a new date. Somehow you build a chain of dates, which means that you are dating.

    • There are some points that should be avoided in a conversation. For example, do not dwell on the serious topics of war, politics, religion, abortion, etc. If one of them is nevertheless touched upon, do not dwell on it and change the subject. Also, don't give too many compliments or you'll look desperate and needy.
  • After the conversation, move on to active communication. Conversation is a good way to get to know each other at first, but to really understand each other, you have to learn how to communicate. This means not only opening hopes, fears, dreams and desires to each other, but also creating more comfortable communication through such honesty.

    • Listen to her. She can tell you more than words can convey, because she conveys her ideas, thoughts and emotions. When you ignore someone who really wants to connect and tell you something, you offend them on a deep personal level. Remember that some things cannot be communicated or discussed during a break at work, so if you specifically set aside time for a real conversation, it can do wonders for relationships.
    • Tell her about your feelings. True Story: Communication isn't just for women; they also want to know what "you" really think and feel. Let her into your life and she will see that you respect and trust her. Remember that effective communication requires special skills and you can't always rely on your gut feeling when reading between the lines.
    • A lot of guys try to avoid socializing or just pretend. If you're serious about this (or any other) relationship, take the time to learn. All the hope, love and chemistry in the world cannot save a relationship between two people if they don't know how to communicate with each other.
  • Don't rush things. Let the relationship develop gradually. Your excessive pressure may scare her. Gradually, your feelings for her will intensify and develop, as will your relationship.

    Be bold. Most girls like men who are confident, but not selfish. Just walk up to her and start a simple conversation. She will understand that they are interested in her. Start with some simple phrase:

    • “You have such a beautiful dress on. Did you sew it yourself?"
    • "Sorry, I'm new here. Can you tell me where the library is?
    • "Hi, my name is [your name]. I think you are a great conversationalist. Can I steal a couple of minutes of your time?"
  • Chat with other girls. This is not the same as flirting with other girls, which in our situation would be inappropriate. If you communicate with other girls, your chosen one will understand that they trust you, consider you a reliable friend, and that you are easy to communicate with. If it turns out that other girls will say nice things about you, then this is another big step.

    • Make friends with her friends, it's not that hard. We know it can be hard, but just try. If her friends like you, then there will be more chances to win her over. After all, girls often consult with their friends. Make sure they make a good impression of you.
  • Always take care of yourself. Women love the smell of clean and tidy clothes! This means that if a man takes care of himself, then he will be pleasant to her. Conversely, poor hygiene can ruin all your plans. Believe it or not, fresh, clean-smelling hair is a big plus. And the smell of a clean body is a must for every guy. Here are three tips to help improve your hygiene:

    If you manage to make the girl laugh, then you will have much more chances. But don't overdo it. Let her first become your best friend, and then join the battle. It is important for a girl to know that she can trust you, that you will not break her heart, because you really care about her. Girls love to laugh and will laugh at all jokes even if they are not funny.

    Be sincere. Compliments, flirting, jokes, caring - none of this will matter if you are insincere. If you decide to compliment a girl, think about what you like about her, gather your courage and tell her, only tell the truth.

    • It's okay if you don't agree with her, just don't put pressure on her, respect her opinion and give reasons why you don't agree with her. Who knows, maybe she will start to respect you more, because this way you will show that you have your own opinion.
  • Prove that you really like her. Show her that you're not just into it or want to get her into bed. Ask her to tell about herself, talk to her. Don't just wait for kisses. Listen to her and look into her eyes.

    Compliment her. Girls are difficult to please with compliments: everyone wants to feel confident, but it is very difficult to find the right words. In addition, a few kind words will help you pave the way for the future. Pay attention to these tips when you are ready to show her that you are more than just a friend:

    • Find out who she feels like. If she has a sports spirit, encourage her to strive for victory and play sports. If your chosen one is a thinker, praise her for her smart thoughts. Whatever she thinks of herself, praise her for what she likes best about herself.
    • Try to give more compliments about her character. There is no need to constantly talk about her external beauty; all girls like to feel beautiful, but it is just as important for them that they appreciate intelligence and character. If you want to compliment her appearance, pay attention to:
      • smile
      • hairstyle
      • eyes;
      • lips
      • clothes;
      • style.
    • Try to apply these compliments. These are just sketches, so come up with more suitable ones for your situation and your girlfriend.
      • "Sorry, I'm embarrassed, but I always get nervous around beautiful girls."
      • “You probably get told this a lot, but I like the way you think.”
      • “I love how your eye color goes with your dress. Do your parents have blue eyes too?

    Get to know her better

    1. Remember the color of her eyes. This is easy to do by making eye contact with her as often as possible while you are talking.

      Flirt with her. You have probably already started flirting with her, giving her compliments and just talking. It's time to take it to the next level and show her what you want.

      Don't play games. So you will only waste time, and the relationship will go nowhere. If you try to start a relationship with lies (for example, saying that you just ended a long-term relationship, but in fact you never had a girlfriend), then most likely everything will end in tears. If you see that a girl is looking for one thing in a relationship, and you are looking for a completely different one, there is no need to delay. Tell her what you are looking for and explain what is really important to you.

      • Don't pretend to be touchy unless you're sure it will work. Believe it or not, some guys try hard to look inaccessible. And in most cases, girls take this behavior for indifference.
    2. Be a trusted friend. Most girls want to trust someone and know that they will be supported in difficult times. Even if she's doing well, let her know that you're wondering how her day went. If you know she has plans after work or school, ask her how it went. If you let her know that you like her, she will take all the hints. You don't even need to talk about it directly.

      • If you talk about your plans, do what you say. If you are just talking, you will not be trusted. Girls (and guys) don't like it when people talk a lot, but they never keep their promises. Don't be like that.
      • Watch your reputation. Try to be the guy she wants to date. This means:
        • Treat girls well and don't offend them.
        • Have friends who will support you in difficult times.
        • To be someone everyone loves and respects.
    3. Offer her your jacket if she's cold. You'll be even more impressive if you take your jacket off and throw it over her shoulders, making sure the jacket is clean and smells good first. By doing this, you will show her that you care about her. She will feel safe.

      Take an interest in her mood. Ask her how your day went. This is an easy way to show her that you are interested in what she is doing and that you care about her. When she starts talking, all your attention should be on her. Look into her eyes. Most importantly, don't interrupt. Ask questions to show her you're listening and give your opinion.

    Time for decisive action

      Share emotions. If she gets an excellent mark on the test, rejoice together! If she's having a bad day, let her know that you understand how bad she is and want her to feel better. Ask her if there is anything she can do to help or comfort her.

      Love her weirdness. Nobody is perfect, but if you see too many imperfections, we have a problem. You must love her for her features, for her uniqueness. Tell her about it.

      • If she is not sure about something, this is exactly the moment when the girl should be cheered up. Say something like, “I love your freckles. They enhance your beauty." Simple words like these will cheer her up and show her that you like her for who she is.
      • Be especially careful if she's not very confident. Most girls (and guys, too) are not completely confident in their character or appearance. The more you get to know her, the more you will learn about her fears. Do not draw attention to them, talk more about its merits.
    1. Let her feel the most beautiful. You can directly say so. girls love compliments and hear that they are beautiful, but do not overdo it, especially if you know each other recently. Just say something like, “You look good today” more often, it will cheer her up. But say it sincerely. If you are cunning, she will no longer trust your opinion in other matters.

      Develop your communication skills. Tell about all the interesting things that come to mind, or share the story of your acquaintances. You've probably asked her a lot of questions by now, but she probably doesn't know much about you. Tell her about what you can easily talk about, and maybe even about what you have always been embarrassed to say.

      • If she tells you about her weaknesses, don't be afraid to show her your weaknesses.
      • Put yourself in her place. What does she like to talk about? How does she react to criticism? How is she different from other girls? What is she proud of? Answer these questions from her point of view.
    2. Ask her out on a date if you haven't already. Moving into the dating stage will be the hardest part of the plan. If you go on a few dates, you will quickly realize if she is really the girl of your dreams. But it is not so easy to decide on an invitation. Fortunately, you are confident, calm, and you have a plan:

      • You don't have to say it's a date. It can be awkward for both of you if you call the meeting a date. Instead, say something like, “I have two tickets to that new movie on Saturday, but my friend is sick. Would you like to come with me?"
      • Increase your chances of a successful date by coming up with something exciting, something that will get her heart pumping. It can be a panic room or an amusement park with slides, or a horror movie. Exciting dates like these will give the impression that you've been through something together and help you create a special bond.
      • Be a gentleman. Open doors for her, pay for dinner, and don't expect her to kiss you on the first date. Let everything take its course, and she will be comfortable. If she feels calm, she will melt in your hands.
    3. Always let her know that you love her. Love her the way she is. And show it. This is the most important step. If she knows that you love her, she will try for a relationship.

    • Be honest.
    • If a girl takes you away from your friends to a quiet place, chances are she wants to ask you out on a date. But still there is a chance that she will ask a completely different question.
    • When you talk to her, look at her lips, then at her eyes, then at her lips again (when she speaks). Subconsciously, she will want to kiss you.
    • Be confident. Walk, speak and act with confidence. Be the leader. Be her protector.
    • Don't be very pushy. Let her sometimes call or text first (but still text her from time to time to show that you think about her, but don't overdo it).
    • If you like her, wait for her. Every end is the beginning of something new and a new opportunity for you; but if you really like her, you will wait for her.
    • Respect her. First of all. She is special and unique. Even if your best friend hurts her, don't put up with it. After all, you love her, don't you?
    • Flirt with her. Tease her a little, and when she returns the same to you, answer her with a joke. It is very funny. However, girls are touchy, so make sure you don't hurt her and let her have the last word.
    • Be polite to her, especially if you're fighting. Be a calm man; this will be your best feature.
    • Be interesting. Always speak cheerfully and energetically, regardless of the topic. Never look down when talking to her. Even if you are sad, still show your enthusiasm.
    • Sometimes indirect communication methods (such as text messaging) can create an air of mystery and intrigue, but nothing beats face-to-face communication. May you have more of this fellowship.
    • Don't be petty. Don't complain about everything.
    • The first step doesn't always work, but it can help if you know her well enough. Wait for the right moment, like if she's upset, or say something nice if she's scared.
    • If you are trying to win over a girl you barely know, you will of course need to develop your relationship gradually. If you want to immediately become a friend or soulmate from an acquaintance, then most likely you will earn yourself the glory of sticky.
    • If she makes the first move, react and flirt with her.
    • If you are asking her out on a date for the first time, give her a red rose.
    • Be persistent, and let everything be as natural as possible. Be calm in every situation. Even if she gets a boyfriend, they won't date for long if you're better than him. Be faithful. The test of time will show who has always been by her side.
    • The transition to conversations on serious topics can be difficult. It will be embarrassing if you force things, so be patient. The best way to move forward in a relationship is not to always make her the center of your attention. For example, go camping with friends, do anything together to get to know her better. You can bring a friend to the meeting to feel more confident.
    • Get closer and talk to her relative. Create a good impression of yourself, and let her hear only nice things about you next time.
    • Make sure you have fun together. Relax and enjoy your time with her. The worst thing is to watch a couple in which the guy is trying to make the girl laugh, and it looks unnatural.
    • Knights exist! Open doors. Help her wash the dishes. Take out the trash when you visit her. She will love it! So you will be able to win her heart.
    • Don't be afraid to talk about your feelings. She will see that you are not ashamed of her.


    • Never talk about her behind her back, because she will know about it!
    • Don't change her. You can lose her forever and break her heart.
    • Never start a relationship with a new girl right after a breakup. If you recently broke up, do not start a new relationship right away, otherwise the girl will decide that you never loved her.
    • Don't worry if none of these tips worked for you. If you have feelings and you love her, everything will be fine.
    • Don't spend your whole life on one girl unless you're sure you'll be happy in your marriage or relationship. Always remember that you can get burned.
    • If she said no, stop any attempts to win her over. No means no.
  • Holidays are the most successful period for tying new or restoring old relationships. The very concept of "holiday" already implies: a good mood, a pleasant pastime, fun and a desire to find love.

    It is during the holidays that girls are more optimistic than ever and ready to take risks with new, sometimes the most incredible relationships. Well, of all the holidays, the most successful for this can be called the New Year.

    Unique magic, the glitter of toys, the aroma of the Christmas tree, the chimes, champagne and making wishes - all this is in the hands of a man, and with a skillful romantic presentation at this moment and using some simple tricks, you can win the heart of your girlfriend.

    For the most part, women are very emotional and impressionable creatures. not with the mind, but with the feelings. They are more likely to fall in love if you create the illusion of a fairy tale for them for a while, and do not begin to logically paint your future reality.

    • Trying to win any girl, a man should remember that:

    Women love with their ears - it's true. Therefore, a well-groomed tongue, a bunch of compliments, constant attention to the girl you are interested in are the first steps on the way to her heart. But don't overdo it. There is nothing worse than a boring and annoying admirer. The weaker sex becomes especially “weak”, and therefore amorous, when he sees a “real” man next to him: strong, decisive, self-confident. Even if you do not have these qualities, you still have to at least outwardly match this image, and women will tell you which tactics to choose.

    Ladies love gifts and when they spend money on them. This does not mean “throw away” money for everything. Just find out in advance about the tastes of the girl you like and think that, or invite her to her favorite restaurant, to watch her favorite movie, or to any other place where she loves to go. It is unlikely that she will refuse, but you will have a chance.

    Women like well-groomed men. Regardless of whether you are blonde or brunette, small, thin, poor, or both, a girl will make the first impression of you not by this, but by the state of your appearance. It is the state of your appearance that will make the first impression on her, and only then she, perhaps, will notice all your other virtues.

    History knows thousands of luxurious women who fell in love with far from standard beautiful, but very charming men. Male charm begins with a gloss in appearance. Pay attention to your hairstyle, posture, hands, as well as wardrobe. If you are, this is, first of all, an occasion to think about how you look.

    The fair sex loves secrets, secret stories and hot news. With any of the above information, you can easily get the girl you like interested in talking to you. And that means - to interest and your person. The main thing here is to be able to pause and have at least some storytelling skills. If your eloquence is not very good, then try to provoke the girl to tell you something, and become her grateful listener. Women are mostly "talkers" and will not miss the free and willing to listen to their ears.

    If you know how, then you already have some idea of ​​​​what qualities your girlfriend likes in men. Use this knowledge to your advantage.

    So, let's summarize and schematically draw a plan for your "offensive" on an impregnable lady on New Year's Eve. It will be ideal if you appear in her field of vision neatly dressed and well-groomed, with a proud bearing and full of determination, as well as a store of mind-blowing compliments and stories. Having used all this arsenal, finish her off by showing, as if by the way, tickets to her favorite club, and say that you have two of them, but you still haven’t decided who to invite with you.

    I think she will jump on your neck. Well, finally, hold the last “blow” for the chiming clock - a surprise gift, also from the “her beloved” series. All this will only have to be “filled” with a couple of compliments from the “most-most” type. Bottom line: you will sit in the heart of your chosen one for a long time, well, at least until you meet the next one as smart as you.

    P.S. All of the above is the subjective opinion of the author, if you think that the article "How to win your girlfriend" is fundamentally wrong, let me know 😉 We'll try to correct or add more interesting tips. Good luck to you gentlemen!

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