Eco style in clothes is taking care of yourself and nature. Clothing made from environmentally friendly materials - nature's care for your health Ecological safety in the production of children's clothing

Eco fashion or as it is commonly called "eco fashion" is becoming more and more popular. Again, the beloved and well-known expression comes to mind that everything new is well forgotten old. Why this particular expression? Since the eco-movement cannot be called something new, like eco-fashion. Back in the distant 60s of the last century, the hipster movement was popular all over the world. The participants of the movement aspired to everything natural and ecological.

Today, it seems that humanity is gradually realizing the importance and role of nature, feels responsible and is trying to take the first serious, but still small steps aimed at protecting and saving the world around us.

What exactly is ecological fashion

As mentioned above, the first eco-fashion boom occurred in the 60s of the last century, when a considerable number of clothing manufacturers began to place orders for production in Asian countries.

A large number of fashion houses and clothing manufacturers have taken into account that their production should not only be beautiful, but also safe for the world and people in the first place.

Manufacturers themselves do not hide the fact that the production of environmentally friendly clothing requires more effort and cost, since natural materials are more expensive than artificial and synthetic ones, which affects the final result, but the safety of humans and the environment is not unimportant, which is not harmed by environmentally friendly production.

Today, a considerable number of world-famous clothing manufacturers have decided to switch to environmentally friendly production, periodically presenting collections made from environmentally friendly materials.

It is undeniable that companies that are moving towards environmentally friendly production are a great example for others. In addition, the transition only increases the popularity of these companies and brands, which affects sales.

Companies offering organic clothing

Below are the well-known brands that have managed to switch to environmentally friendly production.

Known and loved all over the world, H&M presented its first eco-friendly spring-summer 2020 collection this year. It should be noted that the first collection turned out to be quite elegant. It is noteworthy that not only clothing materials are made from environmentally friendly materials, but also decorative elements. Thanks to clean and safe materials, the brand's clothes turned out to be elegant, comfortable and light.

No less well-known manufacturer of fashionable clothes - the company Zara in 2008 switched to environmentally friendly materials that the brand uses in the production of the entire range. However, the company decided not to stop there, and plans to create a technology by 2015 that will reduce the use of electricity and water in the production cycle by half.

The legendary brand Levi's presented the first ecological collection back in 2006. Like Zara, they also think that the transition to sustainable clothing is just the first step. It is also important to do everything possible to reduce the consumption of natural resources.

GAP has been known for many years for its clothing made from natural materials and affordable prices.

The brand has not yet completely switched to environmentally friendly products, but pleases fans with the second collection of clothing that meets the standards of safety and environmental friendliness. It should be noted that when creating a new collection of environmentally friendly and safe clothing, the brand's specialists used materials such as soy, silk, cotton and even bamboo.

Not everyone knows that back in 1993, the well-known and popular Nike launched a special shoe recycling program. This program made it possible to create special granules for flooring in sports fields from sports shoes.

The name of the relatively young Greek clothing company Mumu Organic speaks for itself. The founder of the organic brand is a woman who has clearly and strictly adhered to the principles of an ecological lifestyle for many years. Clothes of the Greek brand are sewn only from materials that are organic and safe for humans and the environment.

One of the smaller companies that cares about children's health is CharLe. The main principle of the German manufacturer of children's clothing is the originality of safety, combined with comfort. The unique technology that the company uses in the production of children's clothing allows you to use a unique cut for growth, which saves money.

When creating their collections, the German company uses materials such as linen, tencel, cotton, silk and even soy.

In addition to the companies and brands listed above, there are many other brands that tend to believe that ecological fashion will become predominant in the near future, and therefore they are paying great attention to it now.

Finally, humanity begins to realize that it is important to think about the health of the planet and the world around us, because it is the source of our life and the life of each person individually. It is good when this is promoted among high society, as evidenced by the annual holding of ecological fashion weeks in the capital of France. Like all such events, this Week is also important for our planet and the world around us.

Most of us are aware of the negative impact of cars, garbage and unwise use of resources on the environment, but few think about the impact of the clothes we buy and wear.

Let's start with materials.

Manufacturers nylon and polyester during processing, a huge amount of nitrous oxide is released into the atmosphere, which, like carbon dioxide, is one of the causes of the greenhouse effect, but with only one difference - it is 300 times more dangerous.

Viscose often made from wood pulp that has been treated with hazardous chemicals.

Cotton has a bad reputation for using more pesticides than other crops. In addition, it requires huge areas for landing, which causes great harm to the environment. The dyeing and bleaching of fabrics increases the impact on nature, as the production process uses a lot of water and chemicals, which often end up in rivers and soil.

In addition to global harm, we harm ourselves first of all. Somewhere it is less destructive, but somewhere it clearly affects the state of health.
But there is a reasonable alternative. Eco clothing. Modern technologies make it possible to make it not only harmless, but also stylish, which is important.

Due to global warming, the demand for green textiles continues to grow, and many manufacturers are switching to sustainable production technologies and fabrics in order to reduce the negative impact on the environment and create a positive “green” image for themselves.

The quality of organic clothing

The quality of organic clothes is generally better than the quality of mass-produced clothes. Organically grown cotton, hemp and linen are used in textile production more and more often. Fabric plants are grown without the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides, and therefore reduce the risk of groundwater pollution. Such fabrics will also decompose naturally after they are thrown away. To increase the strength and durability of organic fabrics, the fibers are often blended with other fibers.

Organic cotton clothing is more durable than conventional cotton clothing as it is not treated with harsh chemicals such as bleaching. Chemically treated fabric becomes much less durable. The bond between the fabric fibers is weakened and the service life of the garment is greatly reduced. In addition, organic cotton fabric is softer to the touch and gives a feeling of comfort to our body. To get the "organic" label, the product must be at least 95% certified organic. To meet the standard, growers have to ditch solvents, toxic heavy metals, genetically modified seeds, or chemicals like formaldehyde. All waste must be treated, production must be recycled, and the bleach used must be oxygen-based.

Man made natural fibers

Human-made fibers such as soy, bamboo, corn or wood pulp can also be used to make clothing.

Bamboo clothes are not much different from cotton both in appearance and in touch. But unlike cotton, which can only be grown in certain regions, bamboo grows anywhere. In fact, bamboo is both a herbaceous plant and one of the fastest growing trees on the planet, which is what makes it so widely used. And growing bamboo improves the quality of the soil and can even restore it after erosion. In addition, bamboo has several very useful qualities: it has a thermal insulation, that is, it easily retains heat in cold weather, but at the same time provides good ventilation, helping the body stay cool in hot weather. Obviously, bamboo clothes are a great choice for sports, and besides, such clothes, cozy and stylish, are just perfect for active people.

It remains to choose: wear clothes or "live" in clothes?

We welcome you to our project!

Our project started with a dream. Dreams that one day the production of environmentally friendly natural fabrics from hemp, wool, nettle, cotton will be revived in our country...

As the saying goes, demand creates supply. But how is this possible if modern buyers do not know anything about EcoFabrics? In our online store, we decided to introduce people to eco-friendly fabrics, talk about their features and benefits. And to give everyone the opportunity, right now, to make a choice in favor of safe consumption. It is for this that we - Ekaterina Tarasova, Irina Omelyanchuk and Galina Sokolovskaya - decided to create a company and an EcoFabric store.

First of all, the EcoFabric online store is a socially and environmentally responsible business. Our mission is to promote a responsible attitude towards the environment and people, including through environmentally friendly natural fabrics.

Today we represent certified environmentally friendly natural materials in Russia - the same “bio” and “organic” that have been so popular in Europe for several years now. We believe that the sale of our natural fabrics in the online store may be of interest to many buyers: not only those who are fond of ecology, but also fashion designers, young mothers, people of the new generation with an active lifestyle.

And we believe: one day, environmentally friendly fabric will be produced in Russia. And in order to buy fabrics wholesale and retail from a warehouse in Moscow, it will not be necessary to carry them thousands of kilometers away. Natural fabrics that will create thousands of well-paid jobs in our country. This is our main goal - cultural, social, environmental. After all, natural fabrics produced using environmentally friendly technologies are the safest for nature.

We are pleased to invite everyone who is interested in the production of eco-fabrics from local, Russian raw materials, according to high eco-standards, to cooperation. We are ready to provide our expert opinion in this matter. After all, once traditional Russian fabrics - hemp, linen, nettle, woolen - were widely famous for their quality and durability.

In the meantime, the production of Russian eco-fabrics is still at the idea stage, why not get acquainted with certified organic fabrics from Europe? We invite you to our world of online fabric store "EkoTkani"!

Sincerely, the store team.

The wave of popularity of ecological fashion has swept the whole world.
Natural clothing is gaining popularity. The “eco” mark indicates that the products are made exclusively from natural materials. However, you need to work hard to find clothes in stores that fully meet environmental requirements. Therefore, many craftsmen boldly take on the promotion of the idea of ​​promoting environmental clothing. We decided to follow their example and created vests, stoles, dresses using the felting technique, combining with wool: linen, cotton gauze, natural silk, wool.
Felting natural wool, making fur using a felting method in which not a single animal was harmed, dyeing fabric with natural dyes (eucalyptus, oak, birch leaves, onion peel) - such a rich combination of techniques gives our products uniqueness and originality. The creation of ecological fur gives a special charm to felted things, while not a single animal was harmed: the fur is made by felting wool sheared from sheep.

The highlight of our creations is the dyeing of products with vegetable dyes using the "ecoprint" technique, when live leaves are printed on a woolen fabric or a finished product, without the use of any dyes. She herself participates in the process of dyeing fabrics, leaving her prints. Therefore, the eco-print fabric is unique, the exact repetition of the pattern is impossible, because we will not find even two identical leaves in nature, just as people do not have the same fingerprints.

From ancient times, our people knew the methods of natural dyeing of fabrics. Using local plant material, the craftsmen achieved the richest palette of colors.
We decided to revive the forgotten traditions of vegetable dyeing of fabric.

We lay out the pre-soaked leaves on the prepared fabric (wool and gauze knitted together), or on a product completely knitted from wool, tightly wind the roll, cook in onion peel broth. After 3 - 4 hours, we get clearly printed leaves on the product.
The coloring of the fabric with plant material made it possible to obtain a unique pattern of printed leaves - an eco-print, the richness of the shades of which depends on the type of plant and on the use of rusty iron mordant.

In the manufacture of felt products, we did not use artificial materials, did not harm nature by using chemicals, and did not produce harmful waste during the production process. Handmade woolen things are alive, they bring freshness and warmth, convey every note of the aroma of the Earth, its fruits, flowers and juices ...
The materials we use have medicinal properties. Wool, silk, linen and cotton have favorable energy, they are ideal temperature regulators, wool and silk contain amino acids that neutralize toxic substances and carbon dioxide, fibers of natural origin soothe the nervous system and acute pain, help to cope with colds and viral diseases.

Felted on silk stoles combine the positive properties of raw wool and the unique properties of noble silk. Delicate, soft merino wool is hygroscopic and creates a pleasant warmth, silk is smooth and pleasantly soft on the skin.

Stole made of wool on silk is light and warm at the same time, it is durable and wears for a long time. Wool and silk allow the skin to breathe, even out body temperature, adapting to the ambient temperature, and prevent negative external influences. Felted wool stole, based on silk fabric, will improve your well-being, increase efficiency and strengthen.

Wool and silk do not accumulate static electricity, so they not only make us feel good, but also get less dirty.
Using natural materials for work - wool, silk, living leaves of plants, we get a charge of positive energy, which helps to reveal all the beauty of the nature around us, helps to give expressiveness, originality, originality to creativity.

There are quite a few places in Moscow where you can buy clothes from recycled materials, from organic and environmentally friendly materials, or at least things from brands that care about the environment. In addition, online stores always come to the rescue. LookBio has collected in one review several brands that produce sustainable clothing and where to find them.

Since 1985, the company has donated 1% of its turnover to environmental organizations around the world - the amount of donations already exceeds $46 million. Patagonia is a truly unique and sustainable company. Judge for yourself: in 1996, the company switched completely to "organic" cotton in its products. This means that any cotton you find in the brand's clothing is organic.

Patagonia specializes in clothing for climbing, trekking and outdoor activities in general: storm and insulated clothing, thermal underwear, etc. The brand also has more versatile items - summer shorts and dresses, tight shirts and trousers, skirts, swimwear, underwear. By the way, the company does not use forced down in its jackets.

The most interesting thing about this company is not the things themselves (which, by the way, are very cool, high-quality and long-lasting), but its marketing policy, which fully meets the environmental principles of its founder. The company consistently supports eco-activists, runs amazing campaigns to optimize human interaction with the environment (here trailer documentary about the campaign to break old dams that do more harm than good - with the participation of Patagonia), and on sale days, the company encourages consumers to buy less new clothes, not drown in the wave of shopping and repair their old clothes to minimize environmental impact. Wednesday. They even made a movie about it.


Firstly, in all H&M stores (except stores in Surgut, Irkutsk and Tomsk) there is a Garment Collecting promotion - you can bring worn, torn or out of fashion items, and for each bag of clothes and home textiles you will receive a 15% coupon in return discount. “Tons of textiles end up in landfill every year, 95% of which can be reused. That is why we started collecting old clothes and textiles for the home,” the brand writes on its website. Stores accept clothes and textiles of any brands, of any quality and in any condition, because they all go to recycling.

But secondly, the brand has a collection of H & M Conscious, made from organic cotton and silk, recycled polyamide and tencel (a fiber from a renewable resource - plants - and produced with minimal environmental impact) and other more or less environmentally friendly materials. One thing: in Moscow stores, unfortunately, there is not everything that is on the Internet - we checked. There are no stunning dresses, trousers and tops declared in the collection in Russian stores, but, as a rule, there are simple basic things: alcoholic T-shirts, multi-colored T-shirts with short and long sleeves. In addition, the series in stores is not “concentrated” in space in any way, but is scattered over the area of ​​​​the store, and consultants are not always aware of where it hangs. Of course, if you have time, you can just look for green tags yourself, but there is always a risk that you will miss something. And the online store is not functioning in Russia now, but there you can at least get acquainted with the collection.

You can find the store closest to you throughout Russia, and you can read about H&M's environmental policy in English.


Lindex is a Swedish clothing brand that produces a range of eco-friendly clothing made from organic cotton and tencel. Not so long ago, our editor-in-chief Tatiana Lebedeva wrote about Lindex: “In Moscow's Lindex, women's and children's clothes are sold. Children traditionally have a lot of products made from soft organic cotton. At the same time, prices for products made from organic cotton either do not differ at all, or practically do not differ from similar products made from conventional cotton. Another big plus of Lindex for kids is a modern design that can appeal to kids, hipsters, and hipster kids.

Lindex Mega Khimki found wonderful V-neck T-shirts in several colors and almost all sizes for the price of 399 rubles. The XS was only found in fresh asphalt, while white, red, and-sorry-can't-remember-what colors are available in a variety of sizes. T-shirts are made of the finest, almost satin cotton to the touch. You usually don’t want to get out of such clothes, because the body gets used to them. You can identify organic cotton clothing, of which there are many, at Lindex with paper green circles with the words “Sustainable Choice” and craft green labels with the Organic Textile logo.”

Addresses of Lindex stores in Moscow (there are only two of them) can be found.


C&A was named the world's largest organic cotton retailer in 2012. The company has also launched a Green Chemicals Action Plan and aims to achieve Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals in its supply chain by 2020. Since 2011, C&A has reduced its carbon footprint by more than 5% across its European operations.

C&A, as follows from the above, has a collection of organic cotton clothes - for example, you can see what you can buy in France (as well as other European countries). As for Russia, there are no guarantees here - you need to go to the store and look for eco-shirts and eco-trunks on the spot.

You can find the nearest C&A store to you.

The Asos online store does not have physical stores, but there is a special section Green Room, which contains eco-friendly collections of different brands from the UK, USA, Sri Lanka, Africa.

In the “Green Room” you can find dresses, shirts, crop tops, shorts, all kinds of swingy, or, as they say now, oversized things, as well as a lot of jewelry and accessories. Well, if you're looking for a summer sundress, a cute faux-leather backpack, or another pendant or bracelet made from base metals, why not opt ​​for a sustainable option?

Stella McCartney is an animal rights activist - she does not use fur and leather in her collections, however, she does not refuse silk and wool. In cases where there are wooden parts in the product (for example, the heels of some shoes), the designer chooses FSC-certified wood (sustainable forest management label).

Shoes by Stella McCartney. The top is Alter Nappa material, the top layer of the platform is FSC certified wood.

The brand has also developed an innovative Eco Alter Nappa material, which has a coating of 50% vegetable oil, which reduces the need for the use of petroleum products. You can read about the environmental responsibility of the Stella company and its position in general in English here.

The collections can be viewed and bought at the Flagship Store in Moscow (at the Vremena Goda shopping center on Kutuzovsky Prospekt).

Instead of an afterword

Of course, these are not all brands that take care of the environment in their activities. And that's great. It is also great that there are so many people who come up with amazing projects, showing not only their eco-oriented views, but also their imagination. Here are a couple of interesting foreign projects for inspiration:

From Somewhere is a British brand that sews clothes from the remnants of the textile industry, that is, scraps of other people's production.

The EcoChic Design Awards is a sustainable fashion competition in which young designers try to create mainstream clothing while producing minimal textile waste.

Pure Waste is a brand from Finland that creates sweatshirts, t-shirts and hoodies that are made from 100% recycled textile waste.

Christopher Rayborn is a British designer who makes clothes from unusual recycled materials - decommissioned army rafts, military parachutes, etc.
