We learn to transmit thoughts over great distances. Reading thoughts from a distance is very easy.

The wide spread of interests in the field of the unknown in our time cannot but ignore such a phenomenon as mind reading. Surely there is hardly a person among people who periodically does not want to become the owner of this ability. Indeed, a person who reads people's minds is always insured against deceivers at home and at work, from various kinds of scammers, is always able to give correct answers to questions, win the lottery, and so on. But, unfortunately, most people are deprived of this ability. At the same time, there are those who argue that such a useful skill as mind reading can be developed with the help of various exercises and techniques. So people?


Thought transfer is not just an Eastern fairy tale, it is a phenomenon studied by scientific and parascientific organizations, parapsychologists, physiologists, physicists and other enthusiasts. There have been experiments and studies initiated even by the state authorities and carried out in the most modern laboratories. Accordingly, there is a special, specially developed terminology for this phenomenon. The very phenomenon of the transmission of mental images, according to it, is called telepathy, and a person who reads thoughts is called a telepath. This is a narrow concept. In a broader sense, a telepath is someone who can not only read someone's thoughts from a distance, but also put their own thoughts into someone else's head. Therefore, it is necessary to learn two more terms - inductor and percipient. An inductor is a person who is the source of thought. He can actively inspire others with it or just scroll through his head - it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that the inductor is the one whose mental images are perceived. A person who reads people's thoughts is called, respectively, a percipient - a perceiver.

For this article, these three terms will be enough.

Existence of telepathy

Many people doubt the existence of such a phenomenon as telepathy and similar phenomena. Moreover, they deny the possibility of learning to read the minds of other people. A person has the right to choose what to believe. This article does not aim to convince the skeptic of the reality of the phenomenon, and therefore various arguments regarding the question of whether it is possible to read people's minds will not be presented here. A priori, we assume that it is possible, and we will devote further research to finding an answer to the question of how. This is the most productive approach to solving a problem: try it and you will find out.

The nature of telepathy

First, one must deeply assimilate the simple truth that today this has been practically proven by experiments. Therefore, we will not go far from the truth if we imagine a mental image as a series of waves emanating from a person’s head, as from a radio transmitter. Of course, the statement that thoughts literally hover in space is technically somewhat simplified, but, in fact, it is quite true.

Secondly, if not from natural gullibility, then at least for the good of the case, the existence of a common information field should be stated. Some scientists, such as Nikola Tesla, assigned this role to the ether, which supposedly fills the entire universe invisibly to humans. Others have proposed even more fantastic hypotheses. Most preferred to remain silent. One way or another, the general information field stores and displays, as in a mirror, the entire amount of information that is present in the world. Among other things, the thoughts of each person also fall into this great universal archive. Interesting, isn't it? Go ahead.

From here, theories are born of how it is possible to read people's thoughts - whether by connecting to this universal information field or by learning to directly fix and process the stream of thought images coming from the inductor's head, or in some other way. There are arguments and supporting facts for each of these versions. But let psychics, parapsychologists, esotericists and others argue about this. Most likely, the truth is closest to the statement that there are several ways to make telepathic contact in parallel, as is the case with any other communication option.

Unintentional telepathy

Most of us have had to inadvertently enter into telepathic contact more than once. Most likely, we simply did not notice most of this kind of episodes in our lives, because we did not have the opportunity to recognize the phenomenon. Recall times when you and your friend or spouse, or maybe someone else with whom you are on good terms, suddenly said the same words and even entire phrases at the same time. Or how exactly the same answers came to your mind to the question posed. Or suddenly a thought appeared in your head out of nowhere, and after a moment it was voiced by a person nearby. All this refers to cases of unintentional telepathy, when the consciousnesses of two people are connected, vibrations and subtle mental rhythms are attuned to each other and a process of partial synchronization of two people, two minds takes place.

Attentive attention to such manifestations of the psyche and a detailed, scrupulous study of them is the key to success if you have a burning desire to learn how to learn to read people's minds consciously, intentionally and at the right time.

Preparing for telepathy

It should be said right away that there is no magic wand or pill that would allow you to turn from an ordinary person into a telepath overnight. Those who wish to acquire the skills of reading thoughts will have to seriously work on themselves - on the body, on the mind, on speech. At this stage, it is important to grasp the fact that all mental processes in a person (as well as all life processes in general) are provided by subtle energy, called, in accordance with Eastern terminology, prana, and in the environment of domestic psychics, it is called bioenergy. A person who reads people's minds is no exception. And the more prana accumulates in the body, the easier and faster the process of mastering paranormal abilities, such as telepathy, will go. And vice versa, the less prana, the slower this process will go, if it moves at all from the dead center. Therefore, the first thing to do is to learn how to spend as little prana as possible and collect it in the surrounding space as much as possible.

Rules for the accumulation of vital energy

What does it mean to accumulate prana? Everything is simple. This means doing less of what consumes it, and more of what contributes to its accumulation. To be more specific, this means that you need to lead a healthy lifestyle, avoid excessive sexual impressions and contacts, eat right (preferably on a vegetarian menu, as meat poisons and weighs down a person, taking a huge amount of vitality), go to nature more often, not succumb to negative emotions, breathe deeply, talk less, refrain from emotional outbursts, exercise, etc., observing the principle of moderation in everything.

Order in the head

The next step is to organize your thoughts. Since the process of thinking also takes away prana, the senseless mumbling of the inner voice and the dialogue with it must be learned to turn off. Regular practice of meditation and relaxation will help us with this, as well as exercises to develop concentration and concentration, for example, looking at one point or at a candle flame for a long time.

Affirmations and self confidence

Belief in yourself, in your own strength is a necessary condition that helps to achieve success. If you do not sincerely convince yourself that you are a mind-reader from a distance, then your brain simply cannot remove the block and allow yourself to consciously perceive information from someone else's head. Therefore, every day, as often as possible, imagine that you have already achieved success, that you already know how to perceive and inspire mental images. Imagine this figuratively, as clearly as possible, and be sure to say some kind of formula, like this: “I am a telepath. I read people's minds." You can choose the words yourself. The main thing is that the phrase should sound in the first person, in the present tense and without negative prefixes, that is, without any “not”, since the subconscious does not catch them.

Telepathy exercise

Here is an exercise to learn how to read other people's minds. Choose a partner who will take the matter seriously. Choose a room where no one and nothing will disturb you. It is better if it is dark there (so that attention is not scattered). Next, take a comfortable position, straightening your back, and relax. Inhale and exhale deeply several times. All this should be done by your partner. Then clear your mind of thoughts, stop the internal dialogue. Focus only on your partner, give your brain a set to perceive his thoughts. And let the assistant, in turn, think hard about something. And then just wait. Over time, subject to regular persistent training, you will learn to exchange biofields with your partner and perceive his thoughts. No need to guess them - a clear vision will come by itself when you are ready for it.


There are other methods to learn how to read people's minds. They were developed in antiquity and continue to work on this issue now. There is no need to jump from one method to another if the first attempts did not bring visible success. The regularity of classes, impenetrable will and confidence in the result will ultimately ensure victory. Therefore, once you have found your method, be persistent and persistent in its practice. Who knows, maybe in the near future you will realize that you are also a person who reads people's minds.

Telepathy is an interesting and mysterious phenomenon. Reading minds causes a lot of controversy from both fans and skeptics of this idea. No matter how people feel about telepathy, it does not leave anyone indifferent, and many even want to master this skill.


Telepathy is a specific feature of the human brain to transmit or receive thoughts, images and feelings at a distance. It does not use any additional funds. At the moment, there is no experimental evidence for the existence of this phenomenon, and therefore all statements are built at the level of hypotheses. Most scientists consider this phenomenon impossible, since there are no prerequisites for it in the human body.

For the first time that telepathy exists, they started talking in 1882. The term was coined by Frederick Myers, who is best known as the founder of the British Society for Psychical Research. He, along with his like-minded people, conducted numerous experiments on the transmission of thoughts at a distance. Later, similar studies were carried out in the USA, the USSR and some European countries. Of course, some positive results were obtained, but experiments under more stringent conditions were not successful.

Types of telepathy

Telepathy is a rather complex concept that has not yet been fully explored. Parapsychologists tend to divide this phenomenon into conscious and unconscious. In the first case, we are talking about the transfer of thoughts, and in the second - about telepathy in its purest form. This separation allowed to eliminate disputes between spiritualists, as well as researchers of the paranormal. Speaking about the transmission of thoughts at a distance, it is worth noting that it may well be the object of scientific research and experiments. But with subjective telepathy, the object may not suspect that some kind of mental message is being sent in his direction, and therefore does not prepare himself to receive thoughts.

The mechanism of the emergence of telepathic communication

To learn the secrets of telepathy, it is worth understanding how its mechanism works. To begin with, it should be noted that there are 5 astral senses that correspond to the physical organs of perception. In this case, the impression reaches the brain along its own path, which resembles the mechanism of action of nerve impulses. But the sixth (telepathic) sense has both a physical organ and its own unique channel that leads to the human brain.

Several thousand years ago, yoga practitioners came to the conclusion that in the human body there is a special organ glandula pienalis. It is he who is responsible for receiving signals and perceiving wave impulses that are formed as a result of brain activity. In this case, the signal can be perceived both purposefully and unconsciously (on an intuitive level).

Examples of the manifestation of telepathy

Telepathy is a mysterious and inexplicable phenomenon for many. But could it be worthy of attention if it existed only in words? Repeatedly there were reports of real manifestations of telepathy. Here are the most famous cases:

  • In one of the protocols of hostilities, there is a testimony of a certain Major General R., who, being wounded, asked his colleagues to hand over the wedding ring to his wife, who was a hundred miles from the battlefield. The woman, in turn, stated that at the same time, being half asleep, she saw her husband wounded.
  • The clairvoyant William Stead claimed to have the power of automatic writing. So, one day he was thinking about one of his acquaintances and suddenly involuntarily began to write a text on a piece of paper, which contained details of an incident that happened to a woman in a train car. It turned out that the situation described by Stead corresponded exactly to reality.
  • Rider Haggard argued that not only people, but also animals have the ability to telepathy. One day, his wife heard her husband making sounds in a dream that resembled the groan of a wounded beast. The man himself, waking up, claimed that he felt a strange feeling of constriction. It seemed to him that he had fallen into the body of his dog. The four-legged friend of the family was indeed found dead - he was hit by a train.
  • Perhaps the most direct evidence for the existence of telepathy is the invisible bond between mother and child. There are numerous cases where an inexplicable force made women feel that their children were in danger. However, they could be thousands of kilometers apart.

How is telepathy explained?

Inexplicable but the fact! This is what many say about the phenomenon of telepathy. The problem is that there is no hard data to support the existence of such a possibility. But it cannot be categorically denied either. Nevertheless, there are several theories that are designed to explain the essence of telepathy. Of course, the degree of their scientific character differs significantly.

The most popular at the moment is the "wave theory". Its authors and supporters suggest that there are some waves (like ethereal waves) that have an extremely small amplitude and an impressive frequency. They are able to penetrate the human brain, causing the same images in the minds of two or more people. The "wave theory" has a lot of opponents who are hard to blame for being wrong. The fact is that the ethereal channels described above are significantly weakened with increasing distance between objects. And telepathic communication, as many argue, is present even at considerable distances.

Telepathy and technological progress

It is generally accepted that telepathy is the transmission of thoughts, feelings, desires at a distance. This phenomenon can be treated differently, but it cannot but inspire. So, many skeptics agree that in the future, the transfer of thoughts through high technologies will become a reality. Scientists predict that telepathy may become the leading form of communication through special chips that will be implanted in the human brain. This opportunity will open up new facets in international politics and economic relations.

The first experiments of this kind date back to 2013. Researchers at Durham University have proven that thought transmission at a distance is a reality. Of course, the experiments were not carried out on humans, but on rats that were at a considerable distance from each other (in different cities). Through the Internet, electrical voltage was transmitted from one device to another. As a result, it was possible to ensure that both rats performed the same actions. This excludes the possibility that the animals suspected external influences. The experiment was carried out many times. It is inexplicable, but true, that in 70% of cases the second rat correctly received and produced the impulses that the first one transmitted. Thus, it is possible to completely exclude the possibility of a random coincidence.

Telepathy: how to develop?

Do not think that only the elite have the ability to telepathy. The famous medium Wolf Messing believed that every person has such inclinations. Of course, for some they appear on their own. But if you want to become a telepath, special exercises will help you with this.

To get started, find like-minded people who want to cultivate in themselves such an ability as telepathy. How to develop? You will need two more participants for the exercise. Then everything happens according to the following algorithm:

  • On a blank sheet of paper, draw 3 simple shapes (for example, a circle, a triangle, a square). As the task becomes more complex, their number can be increased.
  • One of the participants should carefully consider the drawn figures and remember them.
  • Now his task will be to try to imagine one of the figures with open or closed eyes. As soon as the participant clearly sees one of the images, this will mean that the signal has hit the air. He must notify the others about this in any way (for example, with the word "I see!").
  • At this point, each of the participants must name a figure. This must be done immediately, without hesitation, otherwise it will already be logic, not telepathy.
  • To avoid cheating and rigging, the first participant must secretly mark the figure to display it at the end of the experiment.
  • Then the participants change places.
  • When the percentage of correct answers is 90 or more, you can move on to more difficult tasks.
  • For example, while one of the participants is in another room, the rest come up with a task for him and make a mental message.

The main signs of telepathy

In order to understand whether a person has certain abilities, you can conduct a test for telepathy. By watching him, you can understand whether the training will be effective. So, the main signs that indicate a person’s tendency to read thoughts can be considered:

  • Well developed intuition. A person easily predicts the course of events, predicts the ending of a film or a work of art. It is possible that this is a consequence of deep logical thinking, but telepathic abilities should not be ruled out either.
  • The ability to understand others. A person is well versed in people, clearly defining their desires and intentions. He also manages to know the feelings of others, which allows him to build effective relationships.
  • Rapid perception of new information. A person quickly understands and remembers any data coming from outside. This is especially visible at school and student age, when you have to memorize large amounts of material. If we talk about adults, they easily remember a lot of phone numbers or birthdays.

Daily Workouts

Thought transmission at a distance is not just an interesting phenomenon. This is a useful skill that many dream of mastering. If you do not have like-minded people with whom you could conduct joint classes, it is quite possible to practice telepathy on your own.

Every day you visit some public places or ride in transport. Be observant. Look at people, trying to understand what they are thinking. It will also be useful to guess who, for example, will get off the bus first, in which direction he will go after that, and so on. At the same time, you should be as relaxed as possible. Tension is a sign of intense mental work, and mind reading requires a relaxed and peaceful state.


If you want to develop telepathic abilities in yourself, you need to understand that you will have to constantly make certain efforts. So, there is a need to regularly perform a certain list of exercises:

  • The first exercise involves directing energy impulses to a person who is out of your line of sight. The first step is to take a comfortable position. Now choose a well-known person and try to remember pleasant moments together. After receiving a charge of positive energy, mentally imagine something good that you can do for this person. This should be done until chills are felt in the back area. This is one of the main exercises that should be done regularly.
  • For the next exercise, formulate a question from a field of knowledge with which you have not previously dealt. Hold the object in your mind, trying to remember the smallest details that you know about it. When you feel very tired, relax completely and try to sleep.
  • For the next exercise, you will need a partner. Give him a deck of cards or a picture book, for example. Looking at the image, he should concentrate on it, trying to mentally convey information to you. When picking up energy signals, try to draw on a piece of paper or verbally describe what you understand. Well, if your partner also wants to master telepathy. Then you can switch roles.

A rather useful life skill is telepathy. Training can be done on your own. For it to be effective, you should follow these basic rules:

  • Set yourself up to the fact that telepathy can only be used for good. If at least the slightest thought creeps into your mind about how to find out other people's thoughts for the purpose of making them public or any other malicious intent, give up this idea.
  • Telepathy requires a large expenditure of vital energy. Thus, you must learn to accumulate and store it in the body. It is not only about the physical side of the issue (for example, water and food). You need to be able to accumulate resources, getting positive emotions from communication, contemplation, sensations.
  • Take care of your physical and mental health. If you feel pain, discomfort, or emotional distress, it will interfere with your concentration. In addition, you will be deprived of the opportunity to adequately perceive and process incoming signals.

  • Make it a rule to be in a good mood and find the positive in everything. If you encounter something bad and unpleasant, convince yourself that such situations are fleeting and will not happen to you again. This will help you perceive the world around you more calmly, which contributes to full concentration on reading minds.
  • Know how to manage yourself. In a stressful situation, do not lose control. Only by learning to control yourself and regulate your behavior can you become an effective manipulator of others.
  • Being able to relax is no less important than being able to fully concentrate. Your body needs a good rest, during which you will release all the accumulated energy, as a result of which you will have the resources to receive new impulses and knowledge.

The Meaning and Ethics of Telepathy

Mind reading is not just a fashionable hobby. If you take a thorough approach to the study of telepathy and teaching a wide range of people this skill, you can bring a lot of benefits to society. For example, such an ability would be invaluable in police work. So, it would be possible to bring criminals to clean water. Telepathy would help to avoid many armed conflicts on political and religious grounds (they could have been prevented).

The power of telepathy opens up wide opportunities for the development of science. Even the most experienced scientist always works within certain limits. Any hypothesis is subject to doubt. But it is worth understanding that telepathy is not just an interaction between the consciousness of different people. This is access to the information resource of the Universe. Research and experiments will simply lose their meaning, because the answer to any question will appear instantly.

Nevertheless, the phenomenon of telepathy carries not only opportunities, but also a huge responsibility. Of course, if a person uses his ability for the benefit of society, this is worthy of all approval. However, not everyone is guided only by good intentions. Publicizing another person's private thoughts or divulging state secrets are just a few examples of possible unscrupulous behavior by telepaths. This suggests that vocational training for this activity should be strictly limited and preceded by a careful selection of candidates.

Hypnosis and telepathy

Unlike telepathy, hypnosis is a completely scientific concept that is actively used not only in psychotherapy, but also in investigative practice. Nevertheless, many researchers believe that these concepts are related. Hypnosis is called conceivable telepathy. Thanks to it, certain images, sound or tactile sensations can be recreated in the human nervous system.


People may have different attitudes towards such a phenomenon as telepathy, but history knows a huge number of cases that prove its existence. Wolf Messing, for example, was sure that this is a natural ability of any person. Thus, even if you do not have obvious inclinations to read other people's thoughts, you can develop them in yourself. The main thing is a strong desire, full concentration and good intentions. Telepathy can only be used for good purposes, and not to harm others.


From the point of view of physics, every thought creates a fluctuation of energy in space. Empirically, it was found that every thought has its own frequency, and the human brain, being the most powerful "biological computer", can capture it. This problem has been very little studied. Many mechanisms of this process remain incomprehensible, but one thing is clear - this process is possible under certain conditions.

If you want to learn at a distance, then be prepared for hard and painstaking work on your own consciousness. First, you must learn how to bring your mind into a state of absolute peace through relaxation techniques. You can also engage in various types of meditation.

When you learn to dive into a state of rest, you will find that, despite the complete relaxation of the whole body, the brain continues to actively work. The flow of a wide variety of thoughts does not stop for a second. To hear your thoughts, you must learn to control yours.

To do this, perform an exercise that can be described as "complete silence" in the mind. You must stop thinking altogether. Block out all thoughts. At first, you can free your mind for just a couple of minutes, but over time you will improve your results several times over.

The third stage of preparation includes the exercise itself. Ask, with whom you have quite a lot of joint experiences, to focus and think about one of these events. Make sure that your partner is comfortably seated in an easy chair, save him from extraneous noise and other distractions. Settle yourself nearby.

Use the progressive relaxation technique. But do not delay this process, because yours is not prepared for this kind of event and can simply fall asleep if you take too long to prepare.

Then free your thoughts and try to catch what your partner in the experiment is thinking. After you see fragments of some event, you definitely realize that this is not a figment of your imagination, but some kind of signal from the outside, you can end the session. After the experiment, check your assumptions with the thoughts of another person.

At the initial stages, the planned event should be familiar to you - this is very important. It won't matter in the future. As you improve, you will be able to move further and further away from the person whose mind you are reading.

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  • can you learn to read minds

Reading on distance is telepathy. It is owned by parapsychologists and mediums. Telepathic abilities can be developed by anyone. This requires regular training, perseverance and self-confidence. There are a number of exercises that help you learn to recognize thoughts on distance. You should do them daily.


Exercise .
Ask completely different people for any notes. Retire. Relax. Try to stop the course of your thoughts and not think about anything. Apply each to the forehead in turn. During this process, mental images of these people will begin to appear in your head. The essence of the task is that you must accurately present which note. This exercise helps to develop telepathic abilities.

Subject exercise.
Take an object that belongs to the person whose thoughts you wish to know. Hold it in your hands. After a while, you should have images of that person. Over time, mental images of the person you are interested in will begin to come into your head. You will learn thoughts.

Exercise with .
It is aimed at training clairaudience, i.e. you will be able to know thoughts on distance by developing unusual hearing. Take the watch. Retire to a quiet place. Gradually move the watch away from your ear until the ticking sound is barely audible. Listen for a while, but no more than 10 minutes. By doing this activity regularly, you will increase the range of your auditory perception. Each time you have to move the clock farther away from you.
Gradually, you will learn to pick up sounds that no one else hears. Will you listen thoughts.

Develop everywhere. You can train wherever you want. After all, classes are completely harmless to others and even invisible. If you're on public transport, try to "read" who's getting off. Or, walking along, mentally ask the person walking in front to turn around. You must do everything with the power of one thoughts without any physical action.

Sending a letter.
This is a rather difficult exercise that requires concentration and energy costs. It must be done in a calm environment. Do not be distracted by foreign objects. Relax. Imagine an image of a person in front of you. Compose an inner message for him, i.e. you must clearly formulate the text of the letter. Now focus on the message and imagine that it is received by the addressee. The main thing is to concentrate all the time on writing and the image of a person. Remember that only constant hard work will bring success.

Who wouldn't want to learn to read thoughts interlocutor? Such a skill, if feasible, would open up endless possibilities for effective communication. You can read a person like a book if you know the secrets of sign language.


Body movements and gestures almost always silently accompany human behavior. To a greater extent, gestures are characteristic of the situation of communication. As a rule, each of us is not able to fully realize and fully control our non-verbal, non-verbal behavior. That is why body language becomes a powerful tool that allows, to a certain extent, "" other people's thoughts.

Of course, we are not talking about a literal reading of the thoughts of the interlocutor. However, studies show that the feelings that a person is experiencing at the moment, internal impulses, secret desires very often break through in the form of unconscious movements, postures, and even in the timbre of the voice.

The ability to read a person's mind would be very useful in the business sphere - to know what a business partner or boss at work is thinking about. It is believed that reading thoughts at a distance is a section of extrasensory perception, an ability from the realm of the supernatural. But there is also an opinion according to which telepathy is an information exchange of energy, therefore, with a certain training, this ability can be developed in oneself.

1. Energy storage

To learn telepathy, you must first feel the internal forces of your body, accumulating energy. To do this, perform the following breathing exercises:

  • Relax completely in a comfortable position.
  • Fold your hands on your stomach to feel the place of the pulse.
  • Take a deep breath for 4 heart beats, hold your breath for 2 beats, exhale for the next 4 beats, then pause for 2 beats.
  • At the same time, you need to concentrate and imagine the flow of energy. Try to mentally see how a stream of sunlight rushes from space and is absorbed by your body, and then spreads over it.
  • If you do the exercise correctly, you will soon feel warmth or a slight tremor spreading from the abdomen and lower back throughout the body.

2. Mental breathing training

This concentration technique is aimed at sharpening perception and developing sensitivity.

  • Take a deep breath and mentally imagine how oxygen penetrates into the smallest pores of the skin, dragging the hairs on the body with it and forcing them to cling to the skin.
  • As you exhale, imagine how the air in the reverse movement slightly lifts the hair.

By training your perception, you will notice how you learn to see the world around you in a new way and react to the slightest changes in the mood and thoughts of the interlocutor, as well as tune in to the flows of information coming from people.

3. Switching consciousness

The next step is to practice managing your own emotions. For the development of telepathic abilities, complete internal self-control is necessary, otherwise the acquired energy can break out of control under the influence of emotions and will have a destructive force.

  • Concentrate your thoughts on a neutral object or phenomenon that does not cause any emotions - the weather outside the window, a flower in a vase, philosophical reflections.
  • Then switch your thoughts to something that pushes you to violent emotional reactions - problems at work, a quarrel with a loved one, losing your favorite team, a noisy neighbor.
  • After a few minutes, try to suppress your emotions and think again about the neutral subject.

By doing this exercise, you will learn complete control over your emotions, which is useful in any life situation.

4. First Mind Reading Experience

  • Choose from your environment the person closest to you spiritually.
  • Imagine that you want to help him and mentally ask him what he needs now.
  • Visualize in your mind the image of your friend as accurately as possible, imagine as if you are calling him, and he is listening. Once you feel an established connection, you can reach out to your interlocutors and get answers.

5. Develop yourself

The possibilities of the human brain are limitless. Information can be received not only from other people, but also from the accumulated energy-information field of the earth. Develop meditation techniques and different ways of concentration. By freeing the stream of consciousness, you will have access to information from the outside world.

Can a person read other people's thoughts from a distance? Yes! It can even be someone who does not have a developed gift of clairvoyance! Learn about this technology!

Everyone has innate superpowers!

Everything in our Universe is a wave, and any wave has something material in its basis. For example, radio stations pick up waves of certain frequencies, convert them, and people can listen to music and news on the radio.

Every thought is also a wave.

People think, generate thoughts and at the same time emit different waves. And if a person knows how to radiate, then he must be able to receive them. So it is also true that every person has an innate ability to telepathy¹!

How can an ordinary person learn to read other people's thoughts at a distance? Especially if he does not have a developed gift of clairvoyance² or other superpowers?

Technique for reading thoughts from a distance

The proposed technique is very simple; the only thing needed is . Its principle is similar to downloading a file to a computer from the "cloud" (information storage on the Internet).

1. The practitioner mentally asks a question that interests him. For example: “What does A. (name of target person) think of me?”

2. Then the practitioner chooses a place around him on which to concentrate. For example, a dot on the wall. The only condition: the distance to the object must be at least 1 meter.

3. Concentrating on the chosen point (this is the "cloud"), the practitioner begins to feel it as something material.

You need to continue to look at the point and bring the concentration to the point to feel the “density” of this point, as if it were a material object.

4. Having concentrated and felt it, the practitioner mentally “stretches” the sensations from the point to himself.

This resembles a "thread" that stretches from a point on the wall to the practitioner's head.

This is how a “wave” is built, a channel through which information flows from a point of concentration into a person’s mind!


At this moment, the head should be absolutely empty - no thoughts, no analysis.

5. The practitioner consciously keeps this sensual channel from the point (“cloud”) in the mind. After a certain time, the necessary information will begin to flow to the practitioner: the answer to the question that he asked at the very beginning.

This is how thoughts are read from a distance. Thoughts can concern any people and a variety of issues.

Cholpon Egemberdieva

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Telepathy - the ability of the brain to transmit thoughts, images, feelings and an unconscious state to another brain or organism at a distance, or to receive them from it, without using any known means of communication or manipulation (
